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1 hu,I i.,.111111 .

,1111llsh1111: uucturc-

< haptcr 6
. . .•
�leclr11111n " r •v
• 11�1 1 on 11 '111
\11111 ,,,, , 1
s.11 ""'" ., • . •
1 .11111 t ,, uu, ,1111 ,. 1 (
1118 I)
Structural response � ""' �

fJ i.;
\ .111 N1"tr,111d Rc111huld. "1'\ l '\A F. . . 111 Smoott: and Si111d Ur111�h,·11,·,I
• '' 't (1976) /11 linr 11111/ t ransverse orci1 '
S .irp�.,.' · · Ii ¡ R ->" 7hlk,2,
Id� V11•11/>en Rcport No NPc-'·9SI
C 1'lr111/,·n "' < >1ctllt1111n A1111 ut I ,g ' '?"º .
1 .,f J�J"'"w lvv,. v ,voov>1. tu
s4 "L,
.1 , " 1 ool Montcrc) Cahforma. .,
Naval 1'11\tl.lrauua1c Sen • _ '
11 · 1 phi•Yics Academic Pre", N'\ ,
1 11
q ...
Summcr 1 11: 1.1u. A ( 19-19) • Partia! differe11//ll 1•q11a om · · •

l 'SA W · ( 1963) · Soluuon of the mco111prc,,1hlc bound.u

) s +vv(,¡i-v�t s: ks·e.S av.J .s k.s. /i 'ú.J e u ;.)
) .r-J r vJvlM ( .t httj i� "',,._ J f<J, tJ V( 1 ivd .
t A . M . O . and Cíuner
S 111111. .
, D.
. ' f Aero11tmticl i111d A rtro11a1111cl Ioumu ¡ . 1 • •
'IK ,
luycr cqua11011,. Allll'rtCC/11 [11111111tt o
Water WCl\lff lntCl",CICJICC. 1,,y •
· .. USA
wrndv ovcr thc occans. A111er1rn11 ,,,. ,.-,1
Sioker. J J · (1957) · . · • f •
I hom. 11 C S. ( 1973). D1�1nhu11on o extreme
of C11•rl E11,:1111•1•rs, WWI. 99, Fcb., 1-1; ( 1929) The /111¡111ct º" SeC1plC111r F/oa11 Dunn ,l 1/ ,t I
von Karman. 1 L ami Wa11cndorf. B · ·
I his chaptcr de scribe the final stages of the design proccss for un \
Li111t/111,:. NAC� TN-��I • E V Surfocc wavcs, llt111db11cl1 der Php1k, cd S
wchauscn. J. V. und L,11tonc, . . . (1960), '•L 7711 ( l-178) otíshorc structure where static and c.lynamic environrnental forces calcu-
Fluggc, s pnnger- e·rlag
V Bcrhn Volumc IX. PP .,.,,... 1 lutcd from the rnethods outlincd in earlier chapters are convertcd to
• • · L S (l97-I) Wwc force, on cyhndcn. ncar pl,111
Yamamoto, 1 . Nath. J 11. ami Slotta.11,;,hmin D11:mo:1 100. (WW4). 345- 359
11 1
¡ structural strcsscs and stress load cycles. The e are then uscd to cnsurc \
boundury. Iourual of WC1trrw111'·1 "' D ·W (
19711) I'he íinite elemcnt mcthod "' t.ufficicn1 structurul strcngth and to estimate fatigue lives. St.aili:_an� ___......
L1cnl..1cwicz. O C · Be11es. P and Kclly,
.,· "" on ngrd ,1 ructurcs - 1 w 0 and
·,luce damen\1onal íorrnulatuu» dynamic s.tructural analy-.cs of offshore structurcs are cornplicatcd by
dctermimng ut d 1 oau,."' · . , ( ed O e .
Zicnl..iewic1. P. Lcw1, ,1111 1 (, non-linear eft�cts duc predorninantly to soil structll_íc in¡eraction in thc
In N11mmC't1I Methntls III Off\lwre t.ugllll.'l'flll� e " 183 úormer case and non-lincaritics arising from grnvit>: wa\c mechan1cs anc.l
K G Siagg). John Wilcy. Ch1chc,1cr. England. pp. 1-11
\ drag force loac.ling_ in the laiwr. Thcse '}1Cí of anal�sis7 ánc.l the \
l:'j'fccts o! non-ltncar behaviour 6re considerec.l in detail Ín this scction.

6.1 Quasistatic loading and response

6.1.1 Methods of analysis
'/ ,,
Stccl fnn�d jackcts in shallow watc can QC analysed for structural
,trcssci'wiTh acceptablc+accuracy by using a1lquasi'itatic cnvirof11n.�ntal
loading coupled with a� tlasiic-structu� analysis modif1� \efor )non-
linear bchaviour in thc soil (oundation.�q�his approal: 1 "wind and
nirrent <{re assu!)Jed to appty' sta.J.ic loads wi ''wavc actior 'applying a
dynamic loadinf' which is tra"ñsleftcd into c.l namic structural slrc<;scs
lhrough a quasistatic sircss analysis. The �chniquc assume:-. that rc-
,onant frequcncics of structural vibratiQns are sufficicntly separatcd
lrom wave frcquencies so that dynamic magnification has a ncgligiblc
dlcct on calculated stresses.

In thc carly days (before thc 1960 ). struclu�al analysis of jackcts was
rnrricd out by hand calculations using simple 'fr�me tfícory. l lowcver
lhc advent of compu�rs and thc dcvclopmcnl orlinitc clcmcnt �tnÍc1i7; �
!fil añalysjs lmcthodsvhas revolutipnizcd <;t2'ctural calculations in thc
offshorc indust ry.
- '.Finitc clement analysis program pack2�cs such as <:..
NA�TRAN and STRUDL are used in con1uncl1on w1thl}rnvc loading
J und�undation analysis programs to carry out complcx cd'mputer aided
design calculat1ons for thrce-dimensional steel framcd structures as wcll
u�or · monolithic concrete structures. \
I z_ �e basic theory underlyin) one such finitc elemenL_analysis, called
I e' dircct stiffness method. is describednére. The structure to be
an.rlyscd iv d ....ctctizcd 11110 .1 numbci oí small ckn11:nh wrth u 11.1m n--------- --��----
jacket structure reprcserucd by an a ssernbly of � clcmcnt�. whcreus
a concrete gravity structure could also be described by bearn clcmeuts
or, alternatively, by cylindrical shell elements. The d1,plncement, 111
ru>dal points on� th� elemenl are taken a· unknowns and the )i111tl'
clement mcthod is implemented using the following steps:
lnitially1!\Ysical configuration�embcr
l. data for the structure prop
i\�rtie and'j.,upport con traints arei:\dentificd. The, :,t mctun�__i-. thcn
ó ,..Iiscretizcd into Qnitc clements and)heQW,known nodal di<,placcmcnt
are identified and nu!_1\bered using a sy,tematic indexing procedurc
2. This is followed by�valuation of mcmber stiffness matriccsir11n1•
local mcmber axes. The rncmber stiffnes1i\ matrices are then trans
formed to the global structure axes and'..ássemblcd into thc gloh.d
stiff!less matrix,
Thé']load'> aciing onje rnembcrs and node�are also asscrnblcd into
a global load vector. his requrres tnat force, acting nn each mcmhc 1
other than ªc!:"\Lhc no es are transforrncd into equivalen: J0111t load,
before being)Uded on to the known loads at the nodcs such that rhc
c.f. structurc is con .idercd as being loaded only at the nodcs,
4. ll is thcn ncccssary to rearrangc the equation rclating the nod.r] ....E
z2.3 displaccment vector and stiffncss mutrix to the load vector in order 111 ,-..
substructurc out degrces of freedom which are constrained (that ,..,
thcir nodal displacernentv are ,J;<n9Jvf. or are zcro) in order that ,1 Conductor lubes
rnatrix cquation for the (Lnknown�flccments only can be formed.
r. · 5. The pcnultirnatc step in the procedurc¿ 19 J.119 thc stiffness rnatuv

and load vector to arrivc al a soluti�H fót tné' �!acemcnts a thc

6 In the final step, these odal dis lace • t"sare uscd in ccrnbinauon
with the cquivalent joint loa s to compute' mcmbcr forces and \
resultan! interna! stresses. \
The mathcmutical lorrnulation of the abovc steps is descnbed bclow
for a threc-dimensional (spacc trame) bcarn clernent idcalization of .1
� 1, 1 �ypical jacket structure shown in Figure 6.1. 1 he jacket structurc con
/ a,'-ists of up to 600 beam clcmenis to represen! cach of the tubular making up thc framc. A global axes systcm Oxvz ,., firvt
defincd with respcct to the wholc structure and all the structural nodc
f are numbered in a sysicrnatic manncr around the structure. A typical 11¡:urc 6.1. 1 yp1cal 1tlcal11a1mn of a jnckc1 ,1r11c1urc
numbering system could, as shown in Figure 6.1, start from a horizontal
leve! ar the origin with incrcasing nodc numbering in a consisten!
direction around the nodes at that levcl, followed by a sihiilar procedun lor example) will be constrained or ív • , . .
.1ccount for lhe cffect of the foundatíJn. en a prescnbed d1splacement to
at thc nRxl leve! down; a{\d so on. Once this nodc definition 1s
complete. structural data 'Ón ',hoúal coord1q tes relativo to global axev,
�) mernber

lcngths�/areas of eros -scction and jccond rnorncnts of arca can
fhe ncxt tep in the analy ·5 ·
, mcmber in the frame wo,rk ·�·
o ,,
/�¡:º d ·
b �termine t�e stiffnessc<; of each
· �ing _done in tcrms of· .....prindpal
.--...�..,::.:;:.:::::.. · m·• m y m z m a d e r·lllC d in Figure 6 2 Th
mcmber'Yaxcs' '
be systernatically identified in terms of the nade numbcring. This 1, dement in this díag;am h·is 12 d f · · e sing;¡¡__,
e beam-
followed by definition of six dcgrccs of freedom far each nade - three 111
translation and threc in rotation - parallcl to and about the global 3\l''

,ind three rotations along \.1nd ab���ees bfreed_o�, t_hrec_ translations
rnd of the mcmbcrs. Thesc are shown �cm. er axe d!rect1ons at cach
e \dircction Ox, Oy and Oz. Thus. the total number of degrees ol tlcgrees of freedom denotcd b doubl� F,g_ure 6.2 w1th thc ro_tational
lfrcedom will be six times thc m¡mber of nodes. although a small tlirection that the ríght-hand scrc� r I • . e. headed ar�ows show1ng the
proportion of these freedoms (at the base of the jacket of Figure ó. t rntatíon. The. e dcgrees of frced u e ax, would �01111 to genera te the
om are systemat1cally numbcred by
indices 1 11 with ím l.'\,1111pll 111de, \ de11ot11l!' m pm cm nt nr m,-----
mcmhcr ,ll cnd J parallcl to thc O,n· 111 ª""
und 1ndc, 6 de1111t111
clockwise rotaucn at end J about thc posiuvc 0111.'" axis. 12E/1

/ (3

m Xm

m Z f 2 lb)

/2 9,
Ym /,,

:: �����3
� _1 . . -:ª;.;:.
k Xm

Figure 6.2. Three-dimensional hcam elerncnt


Now a stiffncss rnarnx Srn, for the ith frame mcmber can be dchn d � u�
to be t,f lv / 4Ely
4Ell t

Zm / 2
F m, Srn,Dm, ( CI, 11 1' l 6El t. f 6Elz 2Elz

;:�m J/
whcre D011 is thc vector of 12 displacerncnts (1-12 in Figure 6.2). F1111 1ij J /:m 2Elv L --l

a 12 x I vector of force, along thcse indcx directions and Srn, (corres l �/-6EJ
o._) ponding to the 12 pos ible membcr end displaccme�s) a;,c obtaincd h O
dcfining thc actions (or forces) requircd to obtain unit translauon 111
I I m 1 Xm �

rotation for each dcgrcc of Ireedorn with all othcr degrcc�rcéd11111

V� !e] o O 1
J \ (fl L
I INure 6.3. Force\ and rnomc111� rcquircd f . . .
1, llll'lll l
• , • rea o r cross-scc11on
rcstraincd to zcro displaccment or rorauon. Thrs is illustratcd piag1a111 bcarn lc:ng1h A ·1 or unu d1\placcmcn1 rnd1ccs I lo 6 on hcarn
matically in Figure 6.3. Figure 6.3(a) dcmc�stratcs how a un.iiJ!bmlau ,., , ,ccuon aboul I o o-d O ·
¡ ¡ ¡
•· 1•
• .,
�cconu morncnl\ ol arca of
\oung\ modulu� of hc;·rnmrnnt�-�i:I an mZm axe� lhrough ccn1ro1d of cro,,-�ccuon, E
mcm, a long dcgrcc Rf lrecdom 1 rcquires a force of EA J L a long 1 anti
will also result in a 'force"" of - EA,! L along degree of frccdom 7 wlu l l.
E, A, and L are thc rnembcr Y,\ung's rnodulus. arca of ero s-secuou t 111,.,·section and that a rotation of an I O 1 .
and lcngth rcspcctively, Similarly. 11nit"''rotation about the 0111y111 il\l 'Je,, e, axis) may necµ 19 he applied �; ( e �ckw, e abou� thc positivo
only (indcx 5) lcads to''forccs -6!:./ J L' anü+ ?,t.1 JU along indices
,1\:l'S to principal�
}} . e XC
SO mXmYmZm, Figure 1
, rans orm gcneraJtzecf mcmm
6.4 also iílustrate 7hhvf' - I" (I ,� 0
' '" 'mY mZ m �an be transformed so that they are pa 11 1 �¡�·��l. JI es

11---' ---
and 9 as well as'momcnts 4EIJL and 2UJL along indice 5 and 11
hv two rotauons - through angle </> to m· k . ra e t axe Oxyz
rcspcctivcly,, as 0,;hown in Figure 6.3(e). Similar diagrarns can h, o,y plane and then through angl 1/J \ e axis Ornxm parallel to the
obtained for !!!llt dis_Qlaccments in the dcgrees of freedom corresponduui Now the rotation of ea h . e to ma e O'"� m parallcl to Ox . I
to indices 7-12 in Figure 6.2. ,, 1 • d r ·d . e axis through a prescnbed angle can rcadil
e ,_ne usmg vector algebra. Thus th . . • ,y
e. .
Thesc effects can be surnrnarized into the 12 x 12 mcmber stiffru , 'l

matrix SJ!,1 given in Table 6.1. The matrix rows •and columns a11 ---�=.;.-.: :�·
i•l·ncrali.ted mcmber axes to , ., e rotat�on O to tran form
_nnc,pa 1 c..ª� can be wrnten as
numbercd 'lo enable a particular stiffncs term to be ideruificd ,., 1111 [I O O \,\,i ) v'
re pect to the mdex numbering of di placements and forces. The rnatu
is symmctrical and can be partitioned as shown to separare the cffectx , ,t
R11 = O
cos 8
cos (}
J (6.2)
cach et of ix displacernents on thcrn elves and on each othcr.
\:.J In arder to combine thc tiffncs matrices of ali frame rnernbers 101 ., md the transformations required to h
thc global Oxy plane and thcn pa�º�f tf t eh O mX m axe fir � parallcl
/ global structural analysis, the stiffness matrix for each member necds 111
be tran formed from member to global axes. The transformation I
hown to be e to ª
t e global Ox axis can be
illustrated by Figure 6.4, with �neralized m�mber_axes Or,xoyc...-:c, 1111 e,
:. . l
rnernber I with end node j and k and global axes Ox)•z. lt is poxsrhl.
that the 00xc,yc;zc; axe may not be principñl axes of the rncrnlu r
ºJo ""� (6.3)

u1= S-=- f � E:. c.� n::I :§) F==..\:,8 ,��t!. F� E1.6..
� A // 6o�S 4w l L L
'.:..! 0
� .J
..:¡•• o o e i5\..J \1 : :
�·¡:i e o

¡ 1

o o o �\..J o '1 o o
1 i
olo o 1
o o o


\ o o
o o o ""

�H �\:i

ee º g\:, º º º o o

\ \ H1ture 6.4. Mcmbcr nnd global axes

,. .�\..J º = e º º \ �I..J = = º º º
1 -------------------
º ci\:.:i
-o o l.J
-1... J
o o o l.&J. ;.·1..J 1¡
'° 1 º º º .-, c. o C:
� Cu C.,

�\:.:i Ry, (6.4)

o o o �\..J o
o o
() o
e, e,

: ()
1 e; Cn
. .,. º º º i\.. J º º \ º º º ',J º º rcspcctivel y, where

o �\:jo
. Xk - X1 Yt - Y, Z4 z,
1l �\...¡ C, = L ' el = L ' e, = L
o o o
""o j 1 C.. \/( e� + C')



: l.&J
�\- -·1..,. .¡
"\ o�·:'.¡
oo�:.:i:o � o o - l. = \/[(xk - x,)2 + (YA - y,)2 + (ZA - z,)2]
'° 1
: 1 I he ihrcc successivc rotations rcquircd for general transformation of
lllll'' can then be written as

1:"( e o
o o o o :1.&.1
o o
::: R = R11R,t,R�,
c. e.
1 1
e.e, cos cr-e, sin a -e C, cosa +C, sin a

ex: e; cosa Cx:


c. el sin a -el cos O' C C, sin a +C, cosa


ex: e;

� L
lllll applied to the four sets of three degrees of freedom for cach
mcmber (sce Figure 6.2) by the total rotation rnatrix
i i i 1J \ fVT I
,[ f- CJU,1\1\111111 h1.11hn, ,lflú rnp,inw �1
rhc '!1cmhc1 (hct\H.'l'll 11, cnd...f ,ind 1 . • • . • I �
R' (h.71 f\.f;11nx mcthods ol '>lructunl . · f • mees ,..,c.:t11}g at thc cnds or nodes,
lh� mcmbcrs he converted r·' una �.,,., require that the forces acune
- irst to 1orccs · , ·
JUlllt 1Qads 'actiQi. on rh" .,,, ..... h.,� cnd · . or cgu�valPnt
The member stiffness matrix Sm, for member i can be transforrncd 111 s
l11�1!c elep:icnt analy_>is � "t'vh1ch are uscd a �s'�n the
thc ,tiffncss for global structurc axis Sm, by the rnatrix equation
J hcse fixcd end forces or e uival . . ti
= R tsm,R I, (6 �, mcmber axesbefore being t • nt omt loads are first calculatcd in
I ormat1ons . C
described abovc rans ormed to s rrC{ urc axes . l'Y thc trans-
lt is usual during or jusi after this transformation to asscmble thc lull A . . ( "'

typical beam element can be bi
global stiffness matrix from íts constituent member matrices �hich .111 wcll as uniformly or non-uniforml su. Je�ted to concentrated loads a
now in relation to global axes. This assembly process can be illustrutcrl
using the matrix equation
I hesc ca� _readily be translated in( � 1stnbulcd loads alo�g its length.

r '�
u,mg equ1hbrium consideration T ob orces at the bcarn flxed ends by
¡, ,- - - - ,
r ---,
«ction for typical loadings Th. 6.2 prcs�nts fixed cnd forces or
!1 1 ,-1-J - - -¡ 1
d1stributcd force w(.r). give� in l�e ·�� cnd acuons due �o a linearly
--- - ' r�--,
rn _1acke_1 structural analysis. . t row of Table 6.2, is often used
¡, L--r-1 1 d,
( (1 lJ)
Ihe fixed cnd actions in membcr . C •
1 1
J 111 a matrix Ami of order 12 Xm �xes ,,?rh thc 11� mcmber are_ wrilten
¡,,, 1
d,,, \Cctor of 12 forces and momems . w ,e the tth �olumn grvcs the
hcing lhe total number of de r.•ªt the cnds of the ,th mcmber - m.
where f, and d, are the vectors of forces and displacernents along the 111 dcments of t · A g ces of freedom of the structure Th
degrcc of freedom of the total structure with [1,1 5 to¡,., coruaining tlll' nx mL are transformed to th · · e
,cctor A1.; b irst lransformin . A . e equ1valen1 joint load
forces and momcnts al the jth nodc and d1:o, � to d1:o, containing th1 rotational tran rmation . g nit rnto global axes through thc
resultant displaccments and rotations. The stiffness rnatrix of c,11 h
member is then as embled within the appropriate row and column Hlllfl Ani" = R1,A1111,
corrcsponding to its dcgrees of frecdom with overlapping terms sum1111 d ,md then incorporating lhc negative of J (6.12)

to yicld thc assembled joint stiffness matrix. In a spacc frarne unalys: 111 the equivalcnt joint load vector A t 1e .vector_Ani". into an assembly
the upper and lower 6 x 6 partition of each 12 x 12 mernber suffru thc fixed end actions and equivale t :·. Th� nega11ve s1gn arises becausc
matrix will overlap and be added to the matrices of other adjaccnt '" equilibrium so that the equivale�, J?•�t oads at the_ mcmber cnds are
members connected to the frame at that node. the n�gative of thc fixcd end actions. 10101 loads can s1mply be taken as
In the direct stiffncss met�d. tw9 fundamental equations govern th1

T�rs �ssembly operation is similar to th 1
structure rcaction forces and member' interna! and a()J)licd forces. Th1 ,1
equations can be obtained by considering thc response of the structuu
matnx 111 Equation (6 9) ºth h
· w1 t e squarc mcmb
shown for the stiffncss
ll'P 1 aced by column vectors of . e: s t"ff
, ncs., matrices
to variau�ns 111 the support and free joint dsplacements. The colu11111 ,mem b cr forces. F1nally, thc column
vector of'support rcaction forces AR can be writtcn as
,cctor AJ. of forces appl,.ed d'
. lrCCl y
11 ith Ar to obtain the total comb·
e·1ch of lh' . . .
e J01111s is thcn summed
me d J oa'd vector
AR= -A Re + SRrDr (6 111) A( = A1 + AJ
whcre A Re i the column vector of actual or equivalent joint load fhe stiffness matrix (6.13)
applied drrcctly to thc supports and s';F--¡;- the global stiffness matu matrix equation Sm and load vector Ac are now known in thc
rclating the forces at restrained degrces of freedom to �isplacement., 1>1
at the free degrees of freedom. 1I SMDM = Ac
The column vector of internal forces for member i , A m, can also hl P11or to olution of this equ·1t1ºon ho (6.14)
writtcn as . ' ,
p11n d rng to the free and restrai d 1
wcvcr . rhe m a t nx ·
· cquat1on
Am, = Amu + Sm,Dm, 4 - (6 111 ,1·parated out. lf the free and. rest�:- �egrces of frecdom necds to be
h, suffixes F and R rcspectively E rne. degrce of freedom are dcnoted
with all terms applying to membcr axe for each member i. Here A 1111 l'I . -.. · quat1on (6.14) bccomes
Rr : SRR] [ºrJ
the column vector of fixed end actions, Sm, and Dm, are row i ot lhl Aff----i--�IBJ DR = [Ar]
stiffne s matrix and the column of member end displacements respcr AR
3. lt now becomes necessary to define loads acting on the structurc 111 SrrDr + SrnDR =
ordcr to define an ag_Qlied force vector which is made up of !9.!:_cc, 1111
r? � SRFDr + SRRDR = AR (6.16)
---�----- ......... "'•"'""5 "'"' • I'""
lll·1r onh, thc lll'l' J<>1111 d1,plilll'lll1.·n1, U, and thc -uppon reaction
.uc 1111!.nown,;� whcrca-, lhl' 1c,1r.1111l'd ,upport d1splaccmcnts w,11 A1{
l..1111w11 01 wil] he /l.'10 be

In cornputer ha,cú 1mplt.:mcnrat1on of this lcchnique, equations for
lhl· free joint displacl!mcni, are separa1ed out frorn those for
1n1raincd cJisplacemen1s by rearranging the rows and columns of the
,11tlnl!,s matrices and the order of elements in the displacement and
:::: l11,1d colurnn vcctors in a consisten! manner such that Equations
,111d (6. J 7) can be separatcd out. Equation (6.16) can then be solved
1>1 using matrix inversión for
",.., Dr = S111 (Ar - SrRDR)
+ (6.18)
..J I he unknown su_QJ).Qrt rcactions can also be calculated by
1>1 mio the equation resubstituting

� ��
I" 1lg �
"hcrc A Re is thc column vector of actual and �CU!i_valenl joinl loads
,,,,•;.,"j ,1pplicd directly lo the supports, andtherestrainccJ displacemcnts
" ..J
� � ,lll' known and usually zero. DR
Ir rnal member forces (or member end actions) Am are thcn
«vovered by using I e combined vector Dm in thc equation
... ¡ A,n, = Ami, + m,R 11Dm,

� lor cach mcmber i. The end forces and bcnding morncnts in
�, Arn, are

:;::¡ then readily convertcd to a distribu1ion of strcsses within the member.
:;s Ir rs useful at this stage to give an indication o I e way in w ich the
,,,,<CI 8e + o
,..,$-"' ohovl! equations are used to permit easier programming of thc dircct
i �,

� ..J
,11llness method for solution by a digital computer. Consider a
1 ::r Ir ame rnade up of 11, joirus with cach joint being
..J analysed for six
,lq.!rees of freedom - three translations and threc rotations. lf
dc�rccs of freecJom of the structure are restrained, the number of freer
dq.!rces of freedom bccornes
11 = 6111 - 11 r

J ,..,s:
+ o
I or the jth joint, the dcgrees of Ireedom corresponding to translation
1l11ng the x, y and z direetions can be systematically numbcrcd as
"' (1¡ 5, 6j - 4 and 6j - 3, respectively, with rotations about the x, and
,txis numbcred as 6j - 2, 6j - 1 and 6j respcctivcly. y
rhus a member i with joint numbers j and k al its cnds will have end
,lt,placements ji to j6 and kl 10 k6, as shown in Figure 6.5 and incJexed
" lollow :
JI= 6j - 5 kl = 6k - 5
Jl = 6j - 4
k2 = 6k - 4
¡J = 6j - 3
k3 = 6k - 3
¡4 = 6j - 2
k4 = 6k - 2 (6.22)
/5 = 6j - 1
k5 = 6k - l
== 6j
k6 = 6k
()11.,"�1.1t1l' lu,tthng .11111 response ll1
21h \11m1u1,1I rc,poll'>C
allhough more dctuilcd local analysis anti mclusion ot ccccntric
. . . •<l with arrays within computcr pin�· connecuon detall is worthwhrle al joints betwcen large diarneter
The abov� in�cxmg systern is us:trix manipulation that is rcquircd to
rams to s1mphfy the extens1ve _m I stiffcncd mernbers.
arn le is given by the munner in ., The load, expcriencetl by the jac� t structure are then defined.
sol ve for d!splacements. A tYP!�t ex mafrix of member i in global axe,
which the f1rst colurnn of lh� �ti º�·sr� es rnatrix This contribution 1, These consist of thc vario� usuall crtical eguipment loads from
contributes to the gl�bal [omt s I n · the platforrn top sides and lateral w1ronmeo1.ill loads from wind,
describcd by the equauons current and waves. Adva ced versions of finite elernent analysis
packages for offshore applications are capable of calling subprograms
(SJ)i,J1 = ¿Sm\

(SJ)k,J1 = (S,,,•.• )
+ (Sm\• .)i
} (6.2'.\)
which compute the loading due to currcnt and wavcs on individual
cylindrical membcrs - with the lauer usually done using Stokc's
fifth-orc.ler wave theory. Wind force valucs are norm��ly input
directly. The a�\ysis program can autornatically comput� mcmbcr
for 11 = l , 2. 3, 4, S and 6 self-weights anti )he buoyancy forces due to ílooded or non-nooded
members. Currenl forces are calculated by surnming wavc and
current vclocuics vcctorially beforc applying the Morison cquation
force formulation dcfined by Equations (5.28) or (5.29).

- ---
l The soil structure intcruction has a strong effect on the structural
response of a piled jacket. This interaction is rnodcllcd within the
k1 k4 finite elernent analysis by rcplacing each pile or closcly spaccd pile
k group by a substructurc anti using an iterativo proccdurc couplcd
z with p-y data (sce Section 6.1.2) to quantify the sorl rcaction. Thc
iteration is carried out by calculating jacket and sÜbstructurc forces,
calculating pile displacements and hence so1l reactions from the p-y
data and using the correctetl ¿ foundation forces to rcpeat the
procedurc until the itcration converges. A numbcr of differenl
iteration schemcs can be uscd to calculatc the combined structurc
and foundauon loading. Scction 6.1.2 gives more dctails of thc pile

añél,,so1l inteniction analysis11
4. The finite elemenL ¡rnalysis 1s then carricd out by stepp111g the design
wavc through thc structure with small increments of wavc phasc (or
j1 j4 time). Calculation, are carrictl out for severa! wavc pcriods anti for
simuhancous wind anti current in the wavc dircction. as wcll as for
different combinations of top sities loads an<l foundation soil prop-
X crties. For each loading conc.lition, the analysis will yicld maximum
O I • •n1·111nn of ihe drrcct ,11ffnc,, mc1h11d lD shear force anti ovcrturning moment al the base of lhe structure,
Fi�ure 6.5. lndcx notuuon Ior cnmpu1cr imp eme • togcther with maximum.,fnd forc7s, momcnts, JOint tli,splacement.§.
denote- mcmhcr nurnher I anti rotations for cach member? Sorne programs will al<,o givc
. . \\finite elemen?anal sis described abovc 1\ externa! support reactions and carry out force and momenl equilib-
The quas1-st3:t1c stru � ��
ll al rium chccks at each joint. In <;orne cac;cs, only the wave headings
ollowing steps for a stccl íranu d giving the highest base 'ihear and overturning momcnt are analysed
implcmented in � des1gn throug e \
jacket structure: 1', 11) \{, ' ,;i � to reduce analysis cost.
vi first defined with respect to ll The member forces are then used to compute mcmber axial, bend-
J. The gcometry of the � -ructur � ·ss
system with thc beam clcmcnt • ing, combined axial and bending, tension and shear stresses. lt is ( \ (' \l r. �
three-di�ens1onal co-or �nr�i/��cements numbered in a consislUII common practice to use the analysis program to carr} out an .,:> lT vv\
and their º??es and no a e:ber diameter and wall ihickncss .uc automatic check of these stress levels against allowablc values recom-
manner. lnitial values of � om a preliminary design s111il mcnded by a spccified certifying authority.
d e , u sually from expenence or f r . . 11 1
. f diff cnt structural conf1gurat1ons. 1 u
to examine the properues o f ; :tructural member vary significantl The design procedure outlined above is then run repeatedly to
cross-secuonal properues o . . delled by using more than ''"' uptimize the jacket design for the number of piles and detailed member
betwcen its two ends .. t�en ·�
beam element. Local joint rern ore
? m;ments are normally disregardcd wnfiguration. Final values for member wall thicknesses are only defined
1 1 . J ·t ulcd ,uc,, culculauunv,
in thc l,1lc1 ,1,1�•c, o l 1c e.' . ·I I uc to gravuy struciurcs <.lllll:o, 111 ,1 lon:cs ,cpa,atcly ,111d 10 lkli11l thcm a, a c.Ji,111hu1,on of
Applicuuon ot the ubovc k�ll� 4. 1 . cqu1vakn1
noc.Jat loudv tor input lo ihc ,in.11\,,... \111t.:c thc structural dcllcctmm, ot
t Thc structura ana )SIS can be cui ned out through ,1• thcse rclativcly rigid '>l1 ucturcs are very ,mall comparcd 10 water
nurnbcr o ways. . del usin a typical idcalization o f l 1H! t\pc
simple bearn clernent mo . g I more represenuuive cylmdncul particle displ.iccmcnt-... thc non-linear drng force: in thc Morison
shown in Figure 6.6 or, altcrnat1�e?{he caisson siructure and veruc.rl tion (Equation (5.28) or (5.29)) can be cxplicitly cornputed and does equa-
prcscnt analysís problem not
hcll elernents can be_ u�ed to .mo eto include sorne ideulizarion of thc
walls. In both cases. ,1 is neccssar� lent as in Figure 6.6 or h\
foundation elasticity, either br eql�iva_ . prings 6.1.2 Foundation effects
. . h fi
conunuing l e irutc e
· lernent idea
izauon in to the foundation
' using \olid
clement as described bv Penzicn an d T seng ( 1978) .
I-or piled jackets. the structural calculations dcscribed above have to be
,upplernented by a lateral pile loading analysis which quantific the
coupled response of an crnbeddcd pile and non-linear material be-
haviour of the surrounding soil. Whcn a single pile is loadcd
horizontal force due to cnvironmcnlal loading of the jacket struclurc by a
which il is a part , the pile will deflect against thc surrounding soil and
take up a typical deflection and bending mornent profilc shown in
l-igure 6. 7. Thc magnitudc of dcílcction, rotal ion and

_.,x bending rnomcnt
,11 the end of the pile will depcnd on H balance of forces bctwccn thc
pile and surrounc.Jing soil. Determination of this bchaviour requires data
Direcllon oí wave un the lateral soil reaction on the pile as a function of dcpth,
propagation together
with a rneans of structural analysis of the pile it elf due to a
varying soil
loading. Taking the forrncr first, the soil reaction is a function of soil
type , pile propertics, its loading, deílcction and thc soil dcpth and
Shaft hc cxpressed as may
P = -E(x, y)l•
Element 10 13 11
Pile dofloctlon (cm)
15 Bend1ng momom (106 Nm)
O 2.5 5
o 2 _, O 11

Mudline 10



ravu structurc Numhcrs on the diagrum 11

figure 6.6. Typ1cal. ,,�ple adi�l'.zªJ':c��;r nu�bcr� (Irom Bcll et al • 1976) 2S
fi nue clcrnent rdculizauon no e an

alculated using diffraction theory 11111 Oepth (m)

Furtherrnore, wave forc_esf ar� e Oop1h (m)
or a cornbined Morison-dif racuon appr oach . lt is usual to calculare lh1 H11ure 6.7. Deflccuon anti momcm of an cmhcddcd pile
where ¡, ,, the drstuhutcd ,mi reucuon torce, )' " ihe latur al pile
deflcction and E is ihe rnodulus of elasucuy of thc soil which w1II v a1} At the pile bottum,
mornent to y1cld a üec prh: trp !!Ívc, zcro shcar torce and bcnd1n!!
with soil dcflcction y, and depth x . From basic bcarn bcnding rhcoi y,
the structural behaviour of the pile can be written as d'y
= O or
Ep/p --
=p (6.2�)
/•p/p -
dr ' Vn 1 + 2y,, 2y,,+i +y,,+,= o j
4dx (6.31)
E f diy -
where Erl is the elastic modulus of the pile and p is the distributcd
lateral load on the pile. Combining Equations (6.24) and (6.25) yield :
p p dx2 - o or Yn - 2Yn+I + Yn+2 = o
the basic differential equation far a laterally loaded pile: h¡uilibriurn of horizontal shear far d b .
d4y grve two additional equations to b :es
11 + 5. Solution of these e
I ª�
ending moments on thc pile
Er/P -- + E(x, y)y = O (6.2<1) uations �mg e total nurnber C?f equations to
4dx Oauss-Siedel or Jacobi � it ration � � � co�m<:>nly carried out using a
se º
One of the greatest difficulties in solving ihis equation arises from thl
fact that thc soil modulus E varies both with pile deílection y and wuh
r1l.c lateral deflection y _ of whi h tho
" f- 3 are only used to ensure c
re e va ues at -2 -1
. . .
1n yiclds (11 + 5) valúes of
• . '. 11
+ 2 an d
depth x. Far man y soil types, E increases with depth and can hl formulation and do not have o�tmur�y _of the denvat1ves in the
and their derivative togethe/ � �� srgntcance. These deflections
!· t al
modelled by the equation
provide the necessary' information 'on pilee rseos,u l_tatnl va!ues of F and M •
E= kx (6 271

- 111 eracuon,

where k is a constant. A simple but very approximate method frn -2

calculating pile behaviour is obtained by assuming that the pile 1• -1
completely fixed against rotation at sorne point bclow the mud luu
(such as A in Figure 6.7). The position of this point is selccted Irom
o ------==._=-
= Sea bed
experience and the forces exerted on the pile by the soil are neglcctcd
above this point. Despite the desirable sirnplicity of this method, it do,
not rctlect the physical behaviour of thc pile and soil and is 1101 3
recommcnded far use.
i- 2 Soil
An alternative method for computing pilc-soil interaction is to solv.
Equation (6.26) by a finite difference numerical scherne, although ,111 L �-1 l

analytical solution can be obtained far the special case of constan! E. In 1 --

a finite difference numerical schemc, Equation (6.26) is written as �+1·-T:

(y, 2 - 4y, 1 + 6y, - 4y, .. , + Y,+2) I+
+ E,y, = O (6.28)

where the pile length shown in Figure 6.8 is discretized into II elcmcntv
n Pile tip
cach of lcngth <>. Equation (6.28) is rewritten as
4 )
fn + 1
( E,L fn+ 2
Y,-2 - 4Y1-1 + 6 + 4 y, + 4Y,+I + Y,+2 = o (6 211)
E pi r" •·111ure 6.8. Finite diffcrence analym of pile
using c5 = Lln from the discrctization of Figure 6.8. The recurrenu
relation of Equation (6.29) represents i - 1 equations when applicd .11
However, the analysis can onl b , . .
thc discretc points 2 to n along the pile length. clasticity function E(x y) is k Y e grned out if thc soil modulus of
Boundary conditions at the pile top and bottorn ends will yield lu111 used is ' nown. ne form of E that is commonly
additional equations. The shear force F and bending rnornent M at th,
top of the pile yield the equations
d� FL3 (6.32)
F = E I -- or -y 2 + 2y 1 - 2y2 + y3 = --- where El is the value of the m d 1 •
P P dx 3 E pi P" 3
empirica] index equal to or grea�eru t� at the pile bottom and N is an
and (6.111) constant modulus whereas N = l iv an �ero. N "." � corresponds to a
(6.27). In general N is taken b gt es a �near varrauon as in Equation
equals l far granular soils A e �een . and 0.15 for clay soils and
available far N = o. ·
nalytic solutrons far Equation (6.26) are
lor leal 'º"'· hoWC\.CI. tlH.: rcl.ruonslup hct\\CCII ,011 rcucuon .uul dc111cn1 mndl'l ni (he prk to qu 111111 1 J
dcflcction as non-hncar, wuh thc rcacuon rcachmg a lunumg valuc whcn Pouk», und Dm,, ( 1980) •,v·c I v /".e< l:1!1..'t:111111, .unl 'º" bcha, m111
the dcflccuon is ulficiently large. Figure 6.9 prescnis typical soal racket platform<, olren ncctf tu .u�t.1c1 dc,1.111, J\11,rly"1, ol piles lo,
rcaction against deflcction curves for a consolidutcd clay soil and . . ,lt:<:ount or pile group<, . ti h
mtcractior¡ with cach other md thc . 1 · an t car
dernonstrates the flauening out of thc reaction/deflection curves al largc O'N�ill et al. ( 1977) tlcscrib� extcnc' ii��'s �f ¡..t��h �, ahntl. Kock � 1973) and
deílcctions. These curves are conventionally referred to as p-y curves. for pile groups. · ce ruques given abo, e

Real structure
150 750
í StructuraJ modal
� 100

.s 150

... 50
(/) Moment spring L.
p-y curves for indicated
Max1mum soil reactions L
depth x (cm)
2.5 5.0 7.5 _rf'\ l �
Lateral spring
Pile deflection y (cm)
Axial sprlng

Figure 6.9. ryp1cal p y curves for a consohdatcd clay P- y input

t zinput
Thc non-linear soil reaction curves are accomodatcd in analysis by Hgure 6.10. Spnng model rcprc,c111111g pile
rewriting Equation (6.26) as
d2M d2v
- + S(x) -, ·+ E(x, y)y = O (6.33)
dx dx- 6.2 Dynamic response
where M is the pile moment at depth x und the additional cffect oí ,1
variation of axial force S with dcpth ..t i!> uccounted for (see Rccsc, 1977 6.2. 1 Governing equations
for further details). This cquation can be sol ved by a finitc dilfcrcncc Dynarnic an,1fy," of fixcd off.,horc.· ,1 , , •. . .
technique similar to that described above. The solution requires input, ncc�.ssan . as thcir installcd water;u���;��sc':c�ll:11�c;h 1ncrcasanglr
of p-y curves ar various depths (sce Figure 6. 9), although thc mcthod configurauon bccomes more slcnder du • l he . , e s�ructura
implicitly assumcs that the soil behaviour at a particular depth as water dcpth anti economic revsun; en e e . o l e con� biined ctfects of
indepcndent of that in adjaccnt layers. Equation (6.33) and the p I a�lc.•10 <¡uan11f} thc d}na,fi,c magnifica����· �ri:�ª;¡\�'r:�ti� ,"' ••1lso
curves are solvcd using an iterative finite difference technique. Thl n.1,ncc,l ami to prov ide more accurate load cyclc tia ta rourr.ifatr�so-
resultan! shear forces anti bending moments al the pile urface an· l'a cu ons. ,, rgue
derived as functaons of pile top displacemcnt and rotation, rcspectiveh �
rc,��f !��te element static. analysis �escribed in Section
and combincd with a jacket finitc element analysis, as in Figure 6. IO. 111 6. 1. 1 can be
��l�:�j;� �fn��;�Q.�n�!ys�a�Jx u;
complete the definition of the pile anti structure intcraction. ( dcriv! an ��� \agrange's �quation to
The p-y data necessary for the analysis can be obtaincd in thrc� lrccdom dynamic sy tcm. Lagrange's cquation is w��te� :ult1-degree of
different way - full size or modcl scale lateral loading te ts 011
a ar av "�
a, [ªT]
instrumented piles are one of the most reliable methods, althou¡!h t
aq, - aq, + aq, = w,'o t IOV\
z � Vlv\.1 (6.34)
practica( considerations often restrict p-y data sources to labont101\ Q, o-;
tests or empirical correlations based on oil survey data. c. '\ . . . . 8 38 3
where T, V anti Q, rcpresent kinetic ·
Other pile and foundation analy es al o use an elastic continuma• J.!Cneralized force · . cncrgy · potenual cnergy and
. re. pecuvc 1 y, actang on a sy tern h . .
mathematical model of the surrounding soil. together with a finite be,1111 described in tcrms of generalizcd co-o di w os� mot1.on is
r mates Q, - Appendix E grvcs a
dct 1\ ,111011 uf thc\l' cquauonv
Now .1 <.ltsc1ct11e<l multi dcgrcc oí Irccdom hneur systcm can hnvc 11 lll hoU11d.11 \ lo11d111111is HI ihc llll'lllhL•r l'IHI,
kinetic and potenual energics wnucn as I he potl'llll,ll CtlClfV tcun 1 • 111 l ,
s11,11n encrgy wluch Ior ·1 hl"1111 el, .,1u,11,,t1>11 (6 18) denote, thc flexura!
J ' • • e mcnt o cngt h l. can be wnucn as
1 ,
2 I, I mr,4rtJ,
n "
T =

( (1,
l"' = _ ( E:.l(x) 11( r, r)}' .
¡ l r I
2 Ju a..\, d_i (6.43)
I n "iubMituting Equation (6.42) into (6.43) gives
= 2 ¿, ¿, kr,CJrq,

V' (Cl \11) \f' - J � �

1 1 r I - 2 Ie:l 1e:1 kr,q,q,
where II is the numbcr of degrees of frecdom of the systern anti thc d111 (6.44)
\\ hcre
represents differentiation with respect to time. Thesc cnergies can .il,11
be written in matrix form as
kr, = Ll El(x) aiq,,(x)
. aiq,,(x)
ax1 dx
2 (6.45)
T = - q I M<t (6 \7¡

2 I or a beam element of a pace Ira . .
and l1L·cdo111. as shown in Figure 6 2 th �e ;tructure .w11h 12 degrccs of
therr first and second dcrivatiVC!,. a'rc e f�nct1ons V'1 lo V'11 and
1 -hapc functions of Table 6 3 · · E �r�scntc 111 Table 6.3. Use of thc
V= - q fKq (6 \R¡
2 s11ffncss matrix as given by. T-:�lc ¿uta� �6.45) Ieads lo the idcntical
method for c.Jeriving it. < • an rs an ulternative 'consistcnt'
Substituting (6.37) and (6.38) into Equation (6.34) leads lo the mal 11
M<í + Kq =Q (6 \11) 1 .thle 6.3 Shape functlon, for a thrce-dlmen•lonal b
e11111 e I ement
sin ce the diffcreruial a T/aq r is zero for systcms with small <lis

ments, M and K are matrices of arder (11 x 11) ).Vith q and q bc1111r
colurnn vectors of ordcr (11 x 1). Thc\:gcncralizcd iorcc Q contams .rll a.,"'
non-conservativc forces and externa! forces and with v•,11 m) - (.1 .,// )

tq. 3
Q = F -
\ 1
(6 111) �·:(.I) =, J(�·r + 2(�·r (11 m

I t -+-
6 121 ..

. �'..
thc �encral Cquations of motion bcfme
·l '8 1 J(�my 2(�mr L.
[.! 1

, ,Sr
M<f+ <¡q + itq � depct\P.Cllt
f ""7 e· · '• e (6 � 11
y•,(.1) = t 6, tn
-+-" '
-� + 121 ...
whcre C is a velocity

(11 x 11) damping cocfficicnt rnatrix .111d �·1(1m) (1"'/L) l/1.
I i l' f.! I 1

F is an (11 x 1) vector of cxtérnal forces.
Now ali thc clcrncnts of un offshore tructure to be modellcd h
I¡•,(.,) -,m(I .:!!!.)1
-1+ 4.1 ... � .¡

Equation (6.41) have continuous mass and stiffncss properties that ha,,
l. u l. l.,
to be rcprcsentcd by discretizcd matrices. A continuous infinitc dcgt u �·�(I) 1 m( 1 - ':
1 - 41m 31�
_ _'.!_ + 61m
of frcedom systcm can be reduccd to a finitc number of co-ordinatcs h, I I ' t. l
Y•1(1)=(1 �·)
u ing the concept of dirnensionless shape functions which providc I

• 11 (
mathematical relationship between a continuously varying function ami I
finite set of co-ordinates describing the function's behaviour.
Consider a bearn elcment of an offshore structure that ha, ,111
1¡r3(.I) -
y_ 2( �m 61m 61 .. 6 l2rm
f.l l 1
T"--,- ,
arbitrary, but continuous lateral deflcction given by the function 11(\, 1) v•�(,) = )1 {�"')' Ó.lm
whcre x is distance along the member and r is time; 11(.\, r) can h, l.: 6 �
L1 l.' ¡ 1
rcpresentcd in terrns of finite coordinares q1(r). q1(t), ... , q,(t). = (1 - �)
q,,(t) through the equation - 1/l ()

u(x, t) = q 1(1)1/Ji(x) + (J1(f)lj11(x) + ... + q,(1)1/1,(x) + . . . t 11111(.1)

= ( � )(, - �) 2.,... .. J.1
q,,(r)1JJ11(x) (6 4 'I L L'
( ·�� )(
where 1J1,(x) are dimensionless shape functions which satisfy thc geornc t Y 12(.r) =
1 �m
- 1) 21.. 3.,i
--+- ·
L Ll
1111plrl1r.1111rn, .u c 111.1d1.: a frl'tflll'llt:\ dom,1111 ,0111111111 ollcr-. re.uhly
. (' a2,¡,,(\) a2,¡,,(.\) O\ ( Cl "I 11 m.,hk trunvícr tuncuons ol ,t, ucture chvplaccmcms, imcrnal torces und
c,,=Ju<.J(\) a.xi a.,\1 Mtl''i',l!:,, wluch can be upphcd to dcnving stutisucal response rcsults.
. . with l:.quation (ES) lcads to I he írcqucncy domam solution can be obtaincd in two ways. A direct
Companng E quauon (6 . 52) suhvurution of the form of soluuon

Q, = f, - L e.e, q QoC 11 1
" (6.60)
r I
111 l:quation (6.4 J) will yield the unknown displaccments through matrix
which can be written in matrix form as mvl!r,ion of the term in square brackcts in the equation
(6 '\h)
Q = F - Cq [k - w2M - iwC]q0 = Fo (6.61)
and lcads to the full equation of mot:o;a�pi��- matrix e is very dilhcul' \\ here
The pr�cise fo_rm of the strucf ur�e a function of velocities in ll il
to quantify as tl may not �;} a roach is to represen! the structuiul F - Fue ,«11 (6.62)
structures. A commonly a�op . Pf the rnass and -;tiffncss rnau ,re-; u
1, thc linearizcd form of the wavc cxciting force. Solution of Equation
damping as a linear combinat1on o . '
(h 61) require the inversion of a large matrix with complex number
that (('57) rll'ments. This is a numerically cumbersomc opcration and has promp-
C = µ1M + µzK . ll'd the development of computationally more efficient solution techni-
. . certain srnall pcrccntagcs of critica! 'I lleS.
with /t1, {t2 obtained from assumtn� .
, · th Iirst 1 tWO modes Of víbrauon. · Onc such method uses modal superposition. This tcchniquc relics on
damptng in e ' E . . n (6 41) i obtaincd by Iirst calculatin 1he fact that despite the large number of degrees of freedom of a typical
The force vector F of quauo f
ember clcment of thc írumc.I 1111-;hore structure, its dynamic response is limited to only a few modes
the wave force on a small segmcnt o a �
force df can be wnucn as 111 vibration. The modal superposition technique uses this featurc to
structure. This �cgmcnt
, tl·duce the solution computation time. The method initially requires
df = p<IV CM<l11 + 2I pCo dAjqn - x,, j( q , - x n ) (6 '\K I 1ktermination of thc undamped natural frequencies and vibration modcs
111 the structure. The cquation for free undamped motion is
. re the volume and frontal arca of thc scgrnent ,,, ,11
where d V and cJA a al to the mcmbcr axis and q n. <ln .111 Mq + Kq =O (6.63)
the velocity of the segment norr1:1 m oncnts normal to the rncmhct Assuming a solution of the form
wave fluid velocity and dadccdle �rallt�n ac�d �rag coefficients which rnav he
· C M and C o are a e mer ta G . 11 11
axis; d d I es presented in Appen diix q = Qoe-•"" (6.64)
obtained from recommen e . va\¡ en as a distributed force ancl 1111,; ,111d sub tituting into (6.63) yiclds
wave force on the scgment is wn �valen! ioint loads are calculaicd
resultant fix�d �ncl acti_ons :mid :�'e uatio�s in the ,;st row of 1 ahh (K - Mw2)qo =o (6.65)
using numencal integrauon bas q axes ami
. 1 t J. oint loacls are trans·form ed into global 1\part from the trivial olution of Qu = O, Equation (6.65) has solution
6.2. The e9u1va en F u sing the tcchniques given in Sect11111 by
assemblecl mto a force vector , ¡.!IVCn

6. IEquation (6.58) can be .linearized by writing o» r as thc rooi me .111

Dct [K - Mw2] = O (6.66)
which leads to a polynomial of dcgree II where n is the number of
square of the relativo vclocity l<tn - Xnl so that Jcgrecs of freedom in the governing Equation (6.41 ). Solution of the
clf = p cJV CM<ln + � p Co dAY(81rr) · avr(<tn - x,,) (6 "''' ilcterminant yields II values of w which are thc natural frequcncics of
lhc systcm. Each natural frcquency <v, has a corrcsponding set of valucs
see Malhotra ancl Penzien ( 1970). 111 q0, given by

(K - Mw;)q0, = O (6.67)

6.2.2 Solution technique .,lthough the elements of vector q0, are only defined rclative to each
. . 11ther rather than in absolute terms.
f ( ) for dynamic response can lt,
The matrix equation o mouon 6 . 41 . domain For solution in th, For systems with many degrees of freedom. the determination of the
solved in either. th� �requency or t�•::e linear �ave theory to oht,1111 l'tgenvalues w, and the eignvectors q0, requires considerable computa-
frequency do�atn, ,d t , ne,�essa�ye ihe drag force term. Once thl 11onal effort, although modern computer based algorithms make the task
wave properues an to meanz
be uth1.:1w1w - ,1.:1.: Buthc ami Wit,011 ( ll17J) 'I he <cene ,., 110\\ ,l'I f111 1111 ther dcvclopmcut ul tite mod.rl ,upt.:l(H>\I·
,1mplc1 th.111 u wuuld
1111 ,,
111111 tcchmque 1 he 1.:1�enve,1111, or mode vh.ipcs cun be \i11tl tu he the
,urH:�. ol �'tlla�,l.t.: :,����t��t�l the eigcnvcctors ro, uny two v1brat11111 luukhng block, of the dynunuc response ot u general N dcgrcc of
m��e�<l��ti�; \�thgonalily condition. Considcr vihration modes 1 ,111d trcedom systcrn to the cxtcnt that ll .., sufficicni to describe thc response
in tcrrns of these rnode shapes. Thus thc solution q of an N degrcc of
s. Using subscripts r and sin Equation (6.67) these can be wnucn '"' lrecdom dynamic system dcscribed by thc rnatrix cquation
( Cl.hX l
Kqo, = Mw;qu, Mq+Cq+Kq=F(t) c.{. 'l....;, (6.80)
and can be writtcn in terms of eigenvectors (or mode shapes) through the
Kq,,. = Mw;qu, matrix equation
Taking the transpose of Equation (6.68) gives q = 4>Y (6.81)
(Kq0,)1 = w;(Mqu, )T where 4> is the N x N matrix of normalized eigenvectors and Y is the
(6.711) (N x 1) column vector of modal am litudcs. Thus Equation (6.81)
or transforrns from geometric vana es q to modal co-ordinates Y which
_ W,Qu,
2 TM describe the amplitudes of excited modes during dynamic response.
q11, K
- .
· d K - K I and M = MI If Equauon lhese modal amplitudes are sornetirnes called normal co-ordinates.
since K and M are symmetnc an - · 9) is p re-rnulti p lied h · Equation (6.80) can be wriuen in terms of the modal co-ordinates Y
(6.70) is post-multiplied by QOJ and Equauon (6.6 hy substitution of (6.81) and pre-multiplying by the transpose of the
q1\,. then cigcnvector rnatrix 4> 1, to give
r _ 2 Tuq (6.71)
q11,K Q0; - w,qu,, .. 111 4>1M4>Y + 4>1C4>Y + (l)íK4>Y = 4>1F(t) (6.82)
and now, as a consequence of the orthogonality condition, ali components
2 ., (6.7J)
Qu,KQo, = w,Qu,MQo, cxcept for the ith coturno vector term vanish in the mass and stiffness
terrns, The orthogonality does not apply to the darnping term but the
Sublraction of (6.72) from (6. 71) yields modal superposition tcchnique assumes that terrns other than those in
(6 7'1
(w; - w�)qJ,MQor =O the ith mode also vanish in the terms of Equation (6.82) that are
condition for the modes ot derived from the damping matrix. 1l10s thc ith mode Is eruirely
so that for el), el= wj, the orlhogonalily

decoupled and satisfies the equation
vibration are obtained as
(6.74) 1 m,,y, + c,,y, + k,,y, = F,(t) e, b- lfl, t . BD
(6.7"> m,, = 4',1M4',
qJ,Kqu, = O .
k,, = 4>�K4>, (6.83)
The eigenvector are often normalized using Equation_ �6.74) with r
so that for the rth normalized eigenvector q,, the condiuon e,, = 4>¡Cct>,
q,;Mq,, = 1 and
holds. This can be achieved by calculating the scale factor F,(t) = 4>,'F(t)
S, = qJ,Mqu, whcrc 111,,. e,, and k,, are the ith diagonal terms in the rnass. dumping
and stiffness matrices M, • ami K respcctively.
and geuing the normalized eigenvector as Equation (6.83) can be solved for all the modal co-ordinates y, and
Qo, (6 7X) the geometric co-ordinates q can be recove red from Equation (6.81 ).
</>, =
v(S,) lhe major advantage of the modal superposition technique is that the
· ctors A, ill\' structure dynarnic response is usually made up of the superposition of
With this normalization procedure, if ali t h e e1���ve ..,,
only a few of all thc rnodes that are likely to be excited. The number of
collected in an m x m quare matrix <1), then the con ,1100 times Equaiion (6.83) needs to be evaluated can, therefore, be reduced
4> rM 4> = 1 fur computational efficiency by evaluating thc eigenfrequencies, eigen-
vectors and Equation (6.83) for significant modes only. Reduction in the
where I is an m x m matrix with unit diagonal terms and ze111
number of eigenfrequencies and vectors to be evaluated contributes to
el ewhcre.
1110,1 o] thc i cducuon 111 cornpurauon ume
lt can he vhown that a dumping mutrrx ot rhc lorm ol l qu.iunn (ll ,11 11.1c111 al time i f I ftom di�¡>lnu·111l'llf'' ·,11 1 imcx I :llll 1 I - f. ·¡ he
will sati,I) the orthogonality conduion. sincc the muss ami ,ttllm·ss l crcnce mcthod rcquircs thc condlrion
matrices abo will each satisíy this condiuon. Thus, ti ihe damptn • tlt
matrix is approxrmated by Equation (6.57). the modal superpovruun T0 -e- O.JIH (6.88)
technique will uncouple the darnping terrn without resorting to thc
approxrnation of neglecting off diagonal terrns in Equarion (6.82) lo be saJisfied for numcrical stability where 7 is the · d of the
hrghes¡ vabration. rnodc of the systcrn. " e peno
Note that the uncouplcd cquations of rnotion in modal co-ordinutcs
s:cond time step integrat1on method considercd here is thc
given by Equation (6.83) can be solved by any rncthod in thc frcqucnc N The
or time dornain. cwmar ·-f3 technique. which assumes that displacemcnts and 1 .•.
Solution of the equation of motion by frequency domain and nH>d,11 '.'' áhe en1d of_ a lime interval can be related to the displacement v:����:�;
,111 acce erat.Jon at lhe beginning of the time interval by the eq�ation
superposition techniques, as dcscribed above , is only applicable to hnc.u
systerns with harrnonic cxcitation , whereas the cquations of motion 101 J
drag dorninated structurcs can have a substantial non-linear characicr as
Xt+I = X, +2 (flt) (1l ¡ + 1l ,+I)
illustruicd by Equation (6.58) for wave forces. This non-linear nuuuc and

G- P)
can be prcservcd by solving thc equations oí motion through a tune (6.89)
stcpping proccdure. This also pcrmits the wavc kincmatics to be 11101 l
accuratcly rcprescntcd by Stoke ·., Iifth-order theory for regular wavcs .11
XH 1 = x, + (tlt) x, + (tlt)21l I + /3(tlt)21l ,ti
lcast. Thc disadvantagc of this approach is its complexity and the fall The variable f3 <loes have physical sagnificance, in that p = 1 in E
that output rcsults are available only as time histories. Time dorruun (6h89) corrcsponds lo a constant acceleration variation fro;,, ¡ toq uation
solutions are also computationally cxpcnsive. :Cc����!ti:n� ! converts the equation Lo apply for 1
Two mcthods for time stcp intcgration are describcd hcrc. The íuvr, lincarly
callcd thc central úiffercnce method, is an explicit algorithrn which ,.,
based on a Taylor serie'> expansión of siructural displaccmcnts, vclociucs
Writing Equation (6.84) for time pcriods ¡ - J. ¡ and ¡ + ¡ givcs
and accclerations. Thc cquations of rnotion in matrix Iorrn are M1l, 1 + Cx, 1 + Kx, 1 = F,_1 (6.90)

M1l + Cx + Kx - F (68,11 M1l, + Cx1 + Kx, = F,

in the usual notution: x, and x ,+ 1 are takcn to be ihe valúes of vector , M1l,+1 + Cx,+1 + Kx,+1 = F,+i
al times i and , + 1 with tlt = t,+1 - t1• Expanding x,+1 and x , ,,.., .1 Multiplying Equation., (6.90) anú (6.92) by /3(tlt)' Lquation
Taylor senes gives ( 1 - 2{'J)(tlt)2 and adding gives ' (6.91) by

X,+I = X, + (fll) X, -t i (flt)21l 1 + ...

(tlt)�M{[/J�" /J)1l
1 + (i
[,jj{ ,] -

1 + G - /j)1{ I

and (6 85) [i1l,

X, 1 = X¡ - (flf) X¡ + i (fl/)2 j{ ¡ - • • •
+ + iK, ,]} + (tl1)2c{(ix,)-1- Gx, 1)

By substracting and adding Equations (6.85) and neglecting terrns ol

power 3 and highcr we get
+ [!i(x,., - x,)] + [G - fi)(x, - x, 1)]}

X, = (X,+1 - X, 1)/(2flt) } + (tlt)�K[/Jxtt1 + (1 - 2/J)x, + /Jx, i)

and (6.S<,J
�t:,.? from Equation (6.89), -.implifying and rearranging givcs(6.9J)
. =
I/JF111 + ( 1 - 2/J)F, + /W, i)
1l, = {x,+1 - 2x, + X; .Jl(tlt)2 Sufbstllut:ng
Dircct substitution in Equation (6.84) with x = x , givcs /J(tlt)2K]xli 1
M + 2 (tlt)C +
c]x,+1 [2M (tlt)"K]x,
+ � (tlt) = (6t)1F, + -
= (tlt)1 !/JF,+1 + (1 - 2/J)F, + /JF, .¡
+ [i (tlt) e - M ]x,_, (6.87) + [2M - (tlt)2( 1 - 2/:l}K Jx,
Equation (6.87) is used for successive time steps to derive the displace -
- i (tlt)C +
I hu, thc dl'plal·c1111:nts al 111111.: 1 + 1 can be obuiincd 1111111 the d1,pl,11:c·
mcnt .u umc« , und , 1 1)1,placcmi.:nl , 1 al t11111: "11 can be obt,11111.:d
case ol Lquauon (6.94) obtamcd trom Lquauou- ((1
by a ,pernil
(6.92) and (6.89) as

lM + � (f11)C + (:3(M) K ]x 2 I

l(� - {3)1 + (¡ -

{j)f11CM ]Fo
(f11)2 {JF, + (f11)2 (6.9�)

with xo = io = O at 1 = O.
and (6.94) shows that the central
Companson of Equations (6.87)
difference and Newrnark-f methods are equivalenl for f3 = O. lt can lu
shown from stability analysis that the Newmark-/3 method is uncon
ditionally stablc for (3 > ! . For fJ < ! , the stability conditions are givcn
by the equations
\0.318 Ior fJ = O
(6 %)
- = 0.450 Ior /3 = -81
0.551 for /-J
Once the condition for stability i, rnet for either rncthod, thc accural v
of the solution rnust he invc,tigated to cnsurc that a sufficicnüy srnall
value oí f1r is uscd Ior accuracy hui which i'> not too srnull that
computation time is prohibitive . O (and improved profile on braco side)
.. elippa and Park ( 1978) prcscnt more informauon on these and 01hc1 Log,oS- 2.571 - 0.242 (log,oN- 41
time stcp integration icchnlques whcrcas Godeuu et al. ( 1977) prescnt-
sorne results for non-linear behaviour oí a fixed offshorc structurc 111
irregular wavcs. <olution of structural dynurnics otfcred h, .,
Despite the more cxact
time stcp integration. rcscarch has continued to examine ways in which
can be extended to prcdict the cffects oí tht
frequency dornain <,olutions 10
drag force non-linearity by using an itcrative proccdurc bascd on
minimization of mean squarc error (scc Penzicn and Tscng, 1978. a111I
Taudin. 1978). 1:.atock-Taylor and Rajgopalan ( 1982) prcscnt a pe•
rurbation technique to examine thc higher harrnonics gencrated duc 111 Log10S = 1.338- 0.233 (log10N- 4)
thc drag force non-linearity.
1042 \ 4 6 105 � 4 6 106 2 4 6 107 2 4 6 108

. fo l�vt t: fl \Cycles fo f,;4.,}lv/(. ( N))

6.3 Structural failure and fatigue life calculations •.iKtJre 6 .. 11. Typ1ca_l S-N lincs for wclded tubular J o1 nts, Thc O hne is uscd for general
luugue life calculations wuh thcStan K d T r1
��rd� 10 ��f;�,����gl�;�f for an appropriutc 'punching
The safe structural design oí a jacket <;tructure ultirnately depcnds 011 shcar' mcthod (from rhc Briush
thc dctailed design of individual tubular joints. The analy<,es of Sccuou:
6.1 and 6.2 rcadily ensure that membcn, betwcen joints do not Iail a, .,
result of buckling or over stressing in tension or bending. Therc are
Th� Pal�gren-Miner cumulativc fatigue dama e rul. .
4uan11fy fatigue damage caused by a large number o1 c �si used to

howcver. several failure mcchanisms that have to be designed against 111
the definition of a tubular joint. A tubular joint bruce loading thc m.un ranref �T rules give the
vt tt: - N+ ::. nv�i.\ x:rtv
v\- .,. .,�

.r d
t L ,',\Jt' f '\\1"i'.�.wh t\"' ,1 1 o co. ,, t� J :J( v , 4 v v"..\ � o. \'V\"'º � e t:v .\- h ¡1_-\- "'-- s1,ec\ 'vv\.(\¡\ sv&-1u i ¡' r--1¡ 1 t 't b
� \., C!.-\" IX. o IW r'w""f'/1 C!. VV\1J�YiQ\ • 1s svb J +o e� e; 1 VI�. 1 o o J __

� +-\ f J V\ ..t ; J , t \) e.e. \J 're • efO e, -/b. \ \J Y'-L o 1 v\_
/) '\' u, ln,111u1c..: ( 19�7) .111d tlw Briri,h s I
• 1.1111 f :rrt, l11,111u111,11 ( llJ82) ••in· .,orne
-.J ( "· 97) ru1d,llll'l.' 011 lflC',C lllilltl.'1'1. e
1 1
wherc N denotes thc total nurnbcr of stress range intervals be1ni•
considered. 11, is the number of cycles expericnccd by the structuic Annuallsed scattcr d1agram

within the ith tress range and N, is the numbcr of cycles to furlur e
given by the S-N curve for this ith stress rango. Failure will occur whcn
paramctcr O rcachcs unity. 1 f the numbcr of stress rangc cycles uscd 111
thc calculation corrcspond to one ycar' operation , thcn the fatigue lite
of thc structure in years can be given by the rcciprocal of the curnulauve
damagc. '------T,
In design practice , the fatigue life is calculated using a detcrrnimstu
approach illustratcd by the left-hand column of thc ílow diagram ot T8
H/m) I
Figure 6.12. The siarting point for such an analysis is a significant wavc 15
height agamst average zero crossing period scatter diagram (see Figure
4.16 for an examplc), typically avcraged for one ycar's weather condi 5
tions. The number of occurrences (cxpresscd in parts per thousand) 111 2 10 102103 104 105 N
each row of the scaucr diagram are converted to the number of wavc-,
in one year by using the appropriatc average zero eros ing pcriod ami
adding up to obiain a variation of máximum wavc height (convcrtcd s
frorn the significant hcight in thc scatter diagram) against the numbcr ol
waves that exceeded this height, as in box numbcr 2 of Figure 6.11
Each wave hcight range in this diagram has an associatcd pcriod ranpc
,,�. 8

that is also prcsentcd in thc diagram. The wavc height and pcriod
ranges are used through the wavc loading and response analyscs 10102 103 104 ,os N
dcscribcd earlier to yicld an cquÍvalcnt curve of strcssrangc againxt
numbcr of loading cycles that will be applied at this rango in box 3. 1t 1,
usual practicc in the calculation to select a wavc pcriod for any wuv c..• '------ Stress contenira11on ractors
hcight that will produce the largcst stress although the choice of a11
average betwcen the tange of wave periods will yicld a less conscrvauvc
result. A curve such as that in box 3 in Figure 6.12 is ohtaincd for euch
of the fatigue prone iones on thc structurc. A stress conccntruuon damoge
factor is then applicd to the data of box 3 and combincd with thl (a) 4
Palmgren-Miner darnage rule and a material S-N curve to yield tlu
annual cumulative damage O and fatigue life of 1/ D years. Oand 1/0
A probabilistic approach can also be applied to estirnation of the
stress rangc cxcecdcncc of box 8 by using él pararncicrized spcct 1.d •·igure 6.12. Fu11guc lifc calculu11on proccdurcs: (a) t.lcicrmml\llc: (h) ,iocha,i,c
density to represen! cach significant wave height - zero crossing pcriml
range in the scatter diagrarn of box 1. A linear structural response
, Mu�h. rccent has becn madc on q ,ntifying fatigue crack
¡.!r?wt .111 tubular J�líltS by the application or�he thcory of fracture
analysis is then carried out to yicld the stress spcctrum (as in box 6) .11 ·
ali points of interest. A Raylcigh probability distribution of stress pcu] :nc:hanics, coupled w1th more accurate �rvice rack detection techni-1 �
(box 7) is then assurncd to estímate the probability of occurrcncc t t] 1ucs - sec, fo� example, the work of Dover and Connolly ( 1986) and
each stress range from which the figure in box 8 can be derivcd and thc D�ver and .wtl�on ( 1986). Their combined u<,c is tcadin to more
fatigue analysis completed. lt should be noted that the average 1c..111 lr_t1:·l:abfle monitonng and rectification of fatigue crack growth gduring the /
crossing pcriod of the stress spectrum in box 6 will be different Irom I e o an offshore structure.
that of the wave spectrum of box 5 and will necd to be calculaicd 111
order to determine the numbcrs of stress cycles applied in a ycar.
Thc effect of sea water corrosion and the value of stress concentraunn 6.4 Design and certification requirements
factors to be used are two of thc most irnportant sources of unccruunuv
in fatigue analysis of an offshore structure. The American Petroku111 1t is importan! to appreciate that the design procedures for jacket
I l tlu cc chaptcrs .uc u111\ ,1 ,mall p.111 ni tlu
xuucturc-, uuihncd . . . lll tite order to I ,11 u, 1 1,utc"' tfll\ pouu • l-iuurc
111 il\ e- '1, I, ( \·1 til\ i11,1.: ,1111h1111111:, pl,t\ ., "l'\ 111k 111 lht: dnl!'.11 e•!!..l'l'lhlll' 'º'
total de,1�·n proccw. .· the l •..,ign proccdurcs that nccd to he 1111,horc ,1111u111l· 1 hl· 111.1101 n·rtrlyrn� ¡1u1ho1111l·, in rhe Unucd
prcscnis a fluw chart '>htmrn_g e t\h u ih to Kr11gdont Norw,t) and tite Unitcd �tare, huve hurlt up cxtcnsivc codc-,
cornrncncmg opcruiiou
followc� lrom thc •,ni ial .src�if��l�(��ck:, h�... to huve sulficicnt ,11e11 •th
1 0
uf p1 acucc whrch rl·llcu rcve.rrch work , in-,crvicc cxpcncncc and t
be he
of a. typical
. offshorc
bl d duringstructure.
thc fa nea.J tion 'and loadcd out ul thc
H·,1111, ol Iarlure invcs11g._i1ron, ove, many years of opcration.
1111horit1c, abo provide un (nili:rcndcn1 check, of rnany of thcCcrtif.>ing
1 · ,
as 11 IS assern C , h naval architcctural anti siructurul rct¡t1111• calcula-
yard. ll also has to mect t. e and installation, as well as surviv 1111• 11 111111' and dcl'isions that necd to he madc during a

typ1cal dcsign. Thcre
ments of to� out, up-en�mg le ntary design tasks not covcrcd 111 tcnd, }1, he close l�chnrcal collaboratron betwccn .fcsearch establish-
11 20-40
year hfe. �orne of t e sup� Jr_hc res onsc
this text b k mclu�e. determ1��s,on rote�ion an�n-servicc su ucru
the structurc 111 llll'lltsf'designcrs and)i,c operators of offshorc structurcs.

carthqu�ke�he prov1s1�n of ��cedure far large jackets invanably con keíerences

ral monitonng. The des1fn p ... 1 operations such as up-ending dur 1111
üiiñs a rnodel test phase or 7nt1caf th material structural and wcldm. menean Pctrokum ln,111u1c ( 1987). lfrrn111111t•11d1•cl Prucuc« [or l'la1111111,:,
installation. ?ocume_ntat!on o tT�ation fab,ri�ation and service hl, , 011,1mu111,: f111•d Ojj1hor1• l'/111/orm.1. Dalla,. Icxav, USA Repon No /)1•11,:11111,: and
details of theThe
design dunng lis cer I t , (tnl\cd annually) API-RP-2A
pose an engineering rnanagernent problern. ll,1lhl· K J and Wil,on. 1:.. L. ( 1973). Soluuon mcthoth lor c1gcn-valuc
prohlc1m m
,·ngmccnng. /1111•mu1to1111I Jmmwl for V11111a1rn/ Metlwc/1 111 F:.11,:1111•1•r111g. 6. 21 J 216.
lh•II, K. llun,tccn. O. !:: • l.arscn. P K and Smith, E. K (1976).
Analy," ol a
11a1c-,1rucrurc-'°il ,y,1c111 ca,c ,tud} ol a gra111:,. platlorrn,
l'rc>u1•d111�1 o/ 1h1•
e ,,,,j,•re11n• 011 Relwwm11 oj Off1lwrt• Strttt'/11rt•1. Volume 1. BOSS 1976.
Cllent 1pec,f,co1ion pp 846 863
ll111"1t Standard, ln,11111111111. ( 1982). (ot/1• o/ l'rawc·r for 1-m•,I OJJ.1hort•
BS62J5. BSI, 2 Pi!rl.. S1rcc1. 1.ondon, WIA 2BS S1r11r111ri•1,
Topskle layout Prelim1nary 1n1lyal1
l>u�n. W. D. and C'onnolly. M P ( 191!6), fi111g11e l-r11c111r1• Met11w11n 1111•111111•111
andwelght I 11h11/11r W1·ld1•1/ Y 11111/ K 1011111. Papcr No. C'l4 l ,86. ln\111u1111n 111 oj
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Figure 6.13. Dcsign procedure for jacket structure

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