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Abdiel Lopez

Padilla, 6th pd.

Eclipse, Extended Chapter

28. Breaking Events

My eyes narrowed as we approached my house, driving right into the space next

to my dad’s police car. At first, my mind had not come up with any ideas on how to break

the news to Charlie, but here I stood, with my fiancée, exuberantly holding my hand,

ready to face the wrath that Charlie was to bestow upon us.

“Are you sure you want to do this now?” Edward asked his voice calmly as ever.

“Now’s better than ever,” I trailed of deeply to myself, thinking on how to grasp

what I was about to say, “Besides, it’s my choice. He’ll just have to cope with it.”

I jumped out of the truck, slamming the door, while Edward shut the loud motor

off. I walked nervously towards the door, looking far too awkward compared to my new,

beautifully pale fiancées grace.

Before I reached for the door, Edward spun me around and brushed the side of my

face, like he always did. My body shivered in response to his cold finger, and then he

leaned in for a kiss. His intoxicating scent made my head spin. I closed my eyes and felt

his lips press against mine, gently kissing and pulling me closer. My hands fell, and my

whole body went limp. Then he moved back, and my body had to tell itself to breathe

again. He chuckled and whispered, "It'll be alright Bella, he’s in a pretty relaxed state of


"Yeah, that is until I tell him the fantastic news," I said, trying not to sound to
modest. "Let's just get this over with." I said as I twisted the knob to the barrier that stood

between me and a furious storm I was about to be in.

“Dad, I’m home,” I shouted, as I swiftly opened the door, “I have to tell you

something.” I quickly met his gaze as he stood uninterrupted in the kitchen.

“Sure, what is it Bells?” He asked, but paused, since he needed no more detail. I

saw his eyes stare blankly at the shimmering rock that was placed beautifully on my left


“Daddy,” I haven’t called him that since I was little, almost a pleading mercy

word if anything, “Er- me and Edward are getting married.” I choked out the last part,

hesitantly looking at the twisted expression on Charlie’s face.

Edward stepped one step forward, and spoke with a peaceful tone. “We know

were young, but I can tell this is real. I love Isabella. We want to spend the rest of our

lives with each other. So if it’s okay with you, I've proposed to her, and she said yes.”

Charlie’s eyes went from shock to a sudden calm, "Do what you please, she’s not

a baby anymore. But I will warn you, if she is ever hurt again like the last time, I will find

you, and handle you myself."

Edwards’s body stiffened and a small growl echoed in his throat. I saw him

glimpse out the kitchen window and look back at Charlie. "Um, I won’t, I promise. Bella,

we have to be on our way," he said with immediate urgency in his voice. "I'm sorry

Charlie, but I suddenly feel a bit of anxiety."

"Could be that you just got hit with the knowledge that you proposed to the

daughter of a sheriff," Charlie’s humor was almost a sting in a sense. "You know what

they say, when you marry the girl, you also marry her father." A quick laughed slipped
out of his mouth.

"Dad, please stop," I pleaded, "What’s wrong Edward?"

He maneuvered down to my ear and whispered, "Jaspers outside, waiting with

some bad news, however I can't really pick it up, he’s trying to block out his thoughts by

thinking of Alice."

My back shot up, and a shiver ran down my spine. "Talk about perfect timing," I

got to say as I bit my bottom lip, "No wonder were all so calm.

"Dad, we have to go." I got up, and hugged him tightly, "I'll be back later."

He raised one arm, and shook it back and forth, "Sure sure, bye honey. Bye


"Goodbye Charlie," Edward said with casualty, pulling me by my arm until we

were out the door.

Just like had Edward said, there stood the elegantly, chalky white figure, with his

arms crossed, waiting for us with a look of worry on his face. As we approached him,

Edward spoke, "Okay, what happened?" No hint of distress or anger in his pleasant voice.

"Our problems are not over. It seems as though someone forgot to burn

one newborn in the forest, and it reassembled itself." Disgust ran across his face, and it

was at that time, I felt trembling in my bones.

"Alice saw him coming here, so I had to come to see if anyone was around to

protect Charlie. We think he is still going after Bella's scent." With that said, I felt

numbness in my whole body, and everything went blank.


At first, the sound awakened my undesired slumber. A sound so familiar- so

soothing. Then I recognized it. It was Edwards lullaby, playing romantically on a piano.

The tune made me just want to stay in the darkness longer, until I heard more. Voices and

laughter, all so chipper and comforting. Then my sight came, blurry at first, but then

clearing up little by little. All the faces so flawless, circled around me. It was all of my

future family, the Cullen’s, staring at me with amusement. Alice, Jasper, Esme, Carlisle,

Rosalie, and Emmett. The background was white and neat, I had to be in the Cullen’s

living room.

"Welcome back," they all greeted sarcastically. "How was your nap?" Alice

teased, holding back a smile and reaching out her perfectly smooth arm. I looked around

and saw Edward sitting by the piano, with a huge grin on his face. I shot him a pleading

face and his lips pursed in reaction.

"What happened," I asking, trying to think of the last thing I can remember.

"Well Jasper went to your house and told you and Edward about the newborn, and

then you passed out," Alice said humorously. "I'm appalled that you think one little

vampire is the end of the world for you, and all of us."

Suddenly all my thoughts came, I remembered the newborn was after me. "Oh

God, that newborn is after me. It'll go straight to my house, oh no, Charlie!" I screamed


"Calm down," Edward chuckled from across the room, "it’s been taking care of."

"That’s right, I took him out." Emmett said with triumph.

"What? When?" I questioned, my nerves slowly settling down.

"When Jasper left, I was bored, so I went to go entertain myself. He got me a little

tired, but I was still able to catch him and teach him some manners, if you know what I
mean." Emmett's voice was full of confidence. "Sorry you missed out."

"That’s alright, I don’t think my stomach would be able to handle the sight of

that." I said as I pictured the last time I saw a vampire dismembered in front of me. I can

still see her feline features perfectly. Her hair a bright burning flame, her eyes big with

agony and pain as Edward sunk his teeth in her throat. My body shuttered at the crunch

that was made when her head was separated from her agile body. "Thank you Emmett."

"Anytime Bella, whenever you have some fun coming for you, just let me know."

"Er, sure thing." I paused, then faced Edward, "So, what now?"

Edward got up, and smiled, "Why don't you ask Alice that?"

Alice jumped up and down, "Wedding update!" she fluttered. "Everything is set,

the invitations have all been sent out, the catering is done with, and everything in

between. Congratulations, tomorrow is the big day."

My eyes widened, and I gave a glace at Edward. A huge smile was plastered on

his face, along with everyone else in the room. Clearly they were more excited than the

bride for the wedding. My heart started racing and I felt heat come up to my cheeks.

"That was um, pretty fast. I don’t know if I’m..." But I doubled back, knowing that soon

after, I was getting what I most wanted in return. First, to be with Edward for eternity.

And second, finally expressing the last act of love with him. "Hm, forget it, I’m ready.

I'm excited," and I really was, because nothing seemed more right then to be with him.

"Darn, don't tell me you think it’s too soon," Alice's smile now turned to a half

frown. "I should have gave you time to adjust, its just, I got to carried away, and I just

couldn’t control myself." She seemed less enthusiastic now.

"No that’s fine, I’m glad. That’s one more step closer to becoming immortal." I
giggled, and tried to imitate the crooked smile Edward always gave me, even though i'm

sure I didn’t give off the flattery his usually gave.

"Perfect!" she danced towards me and placed one chilly arm around my neck and

pushed me forward. "No need to leave the bride restless, she's going to need all the

beauty sleep she can get."

"Sleep? What time is it?"

"It’s almost about to be eleven, but don’t worry, I talked to Charlie, and he agreed

to let you sleep over with me," Alice threw me a quick wink. Charlie always had a

weakness for Alice. It could be that she was always polite and well mannered, or maybe

it was because she was unrealistically beautiful. "He knows you'll be getting ready for the

wedding here." Her voice was so surreal.

"That’s great," Edward called out from behind me, "But if you'll excuse us, Bella

and I have to talk in my room in private, so goodnight."

"Goodnight." they all spoke in excellent sync.

When we got into the room, he laid me down in the bed he had got specially for

me, and nestled right at the edge. I rested my head on his icy chest and took a deep breath

of his sweet aroma. The smell just triggered a sense of happiness in my body, like a drug.

I guess, no I was positive that Edward was my own personal brand of heroine, like he

told me the day of his confession in our little meadow. I raised my head, and examined

his gorgeous features, thinking if I would be as flawless as him in my transformation.

Then it hit me, I was going to be marrying him tomorrow. My heart started to

race, and I got a knot in my throat. I felt my blood race to my face. "Edward, its finally

going to happen."
He leaned down, and kissed my softly on my cheek. "I know, i’m so excited. The

whole family is anticipating the wedding, especially Alice." He chuckled, "She's just

pacing up and down in her room, trying to speed up time."

"I wish I can speed up time too, to finally get my end of the bargen." I curled

myself closer to him, tracing his features lightly with my finger tip.

"Don’t be ridiculous Bella," he spoke with an intrigued edge in his voice. "First

we have to get through the marriage, once that’s done, we can move on to the perks."

I laughed, and closed my eyes, "It wont be long."

He wrapped his arms around me, "You just don’t give up without a fight do you?"

He snickered, "But its getting late, you need to rest. I want your all tomorrow. Goodnight

my love, and have endless happy dreams. I promise to never let you go. You are mine


He kissed my forehead, and began to hum his tune. I blankly fell into a deep

dream. I took a last conscious breath of his skin, and my last thought was of an elegant

white wedding awaiting the following morning. I was his fiancée, forever.

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