Narrative Report: Name: Position / Department

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NAME: Reden N. Tenorio Finance Manager/Kung-Hihan 2018

For me the events management subject give us a lot of learning about handling the events,
controlling the events and managing the events. Once a week we have lecture about events management
every Saturday. And our Prof for this subject is Chef Abram Emmanuel R. Peralta. This year we have 3
events that we need to manage. . In our first class in the said subject the whole class voted for the top
management. Marichu Penuliar got the position for Events Director, Jerem Catubay got the position for
Events Management in Foundation, Judel Saludo got the position for Events Management, Archie Rosaros
got the position for the Events Management Kung-Gihan, Gabriella Dimaano got the position for HR, AJ
Favis got the position for Logistic Manager, Chad Fonacier got the position for Marketing Manager, me got
the position for Finance Manager and the top managers appointed Adrian Beliganio as the Events
Secretary, Jenna Malabanan as the Events Auditor and Joshua Eric Lis as the Documentation Head. We
chose our subordinates. As a finance manager,my job is to hold the fund and I’m the one who’s in charge
releasing the money for their requests. I appointed Glydel Dela Pena as my assistant ,Jake Bryan Rodrigues
and Jessa Castillo as my subordinate.

I like how we handle and manage everything as a student. This year the KUNG – GIHAN
Event are hosted by the CLOCA 4-1 and CLOCA 4-2. This is the third event that we had this year. It is
really hard for us because we have two days to prepare for this events, there is a short period amount of
time to prepare this kind of event and sometimes we have no class in events class management subject, this
is one of the reason why it is hard for us. The preparation that we had is not that easy, first task that we
need to do and I think one of the hardest is merging with the other section for this subject. We have
different ideas that’s why it is hard for us to chose the best idea. Good thing we have our top managers to
plan what is the best for the event. For planning and management we work together as a team.

We had a meeting for the distribution of task. Each and everyone has their own task in
different days to avoid the miscarriage of job. There are a lot of things to accomplish , place the right stuff
in the right venue, good thing that the distribution of task is nicely done but sometimes we find it hard
when there’s a sudden changes of plans like in layout editing, looking for the right venue for the fun run
and in planning the activities. We really need the cooperation of everyone to finish this event.

First thing we dealt with is the month long preparation for the event, even though we have a month
to prepare it is still hard for us because we cannot control the time of our awardees so we the committee are
one who need to adjust. We need to maximize our time together with the other subjects that we have. Last
minute preparation is never an easy thing, we need to finalize everything in one week from the layouts,
certificates, trophy, designs everything in one week plus the sudden changes of plans. The day before the
event, everyone was busy and some of the designs for the venues are still not done so some of us
voluntarily sleep over at the school to finish everything. It was a tough experience but it was fun though.
The hardest part for me in the last day preparation is when we set up the event venue in one day.
You know what the best part of the last day preparation, it is when the students appreciate our
work and seeing their face in awe of everything that we did.

So the event day has come until we had our first problem for the event of the day which is
because of our first awardee from GMA Network. They arrived at the venue earlier than their call time
and didn’t even prepared ourselves to welcome them. Then the event started, everything is in smooth
sailing until our laptop for the technical logged and start ruining the night. Good thing that we have a
reserve pc as our contingency plan. This event really thought me a lot, from the preparation up to the day
of the event this really hone me to a good and flexible event organizer. I really like handling events
because I know that I can use this in my future endeavors. Like now for example, we are having our
NCII in Events Management and since we are skilled in this kind of activity I know that we can perform
well. Being a finance or a manager is really a good thing for me, good thing also that I get to manage
everything. We learned how to multi task and handle more than one situation at the same time. Another
one is team work, is the best word that I think can be described to us. If it is not really teamwork I don’t
think this event will going to be successful and it will not flow smoothly. Even though there were lots of
idea coming from everybody, it is really important that everybody is ready to accept everything and
every idea coming from different people. We really learned how to manage our time and how to
maximize everything.

So the last event had gone by and it was indeed a struggle for every one of us the organizers. Of
course there are always a lesson behind all the hardships and struggle and those lessons taught us a lot of
things. Time management, we really learned how to manage our time and how to maximize everything.
We learned how to multi task and handle more than one situation at the same time. Another one is team
work, is the best word that I think can be described to us. If it is not really teamwork I don’t think this
event will going to be successful and it will not flow smoothly. Events Management is such a good
experience that we really can apply on the near future. It is not just the event itself, or the preparation
that we need to learn, it is really how to deal with people especially when you have different ideas and
beliefs on a certain thing. Even though there were lots of idea coming from everybody, it is really
important that everybody is ready to accept everything and every idea coming from different people. I
really learned a lot from this event and I am thankful for handling Kung-Gihan Awards 2018.

This events help us to deal with people especially when you have different ideas and beliefs on a
certain thing. I’m thankful having this subject because for me I can say I learned a lot, I gave my very
best to finished this events now I can work under pressure.

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