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Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management

Stephen R. Broderick, MD

 Hemothorax  Thoracic  Trauma  Video-assisted thoracic surgery

 Initial management of traumatic hemothorax should focus on identification and treatment of life-
threatening injuries, control of bleeding, and resuscitation.
 Retained hemothorax is an important entity in the management of the injured patient, as it predis-
poses to the development of empyema and fibrothorax.
 Early video-assisted thoracic surgery is an effective strategy for the management of retained hemo-
thorax after diagnosis.
 There are multiple causes of spontaneous hemothorax with which the thoracic surgeon should be

TRAUMATIC HEMOTHORAX or 2 rib fractures and 81.4% of patients with

greater than 2 rib fractures. Tube thoracostomy
Thoracic trauma continues to be a substantial was required by 17.4% of patients.
cause of morbidity and mortality. Chest injuries
occur in approximately 60% of multitrauma Initial Evaluation
patients and are responsible for 20% to 25% of
trauma-related mortalities. Most thoracic injuries Hemothorax should be suspected in any patient
can be managed expectantly with or without arriving at the emergency department following
tube thoracostomy. An outstanding overview of blunt or penetrating thoracic or thoracoabdominal
thoracic trauma in the United States was pub- trauma. A high index of suspicion and careful
lished in this journal in 2007.1 A 2004 study of physical examination may prompt appropriate
1359 consecutive patients with chest trauma at intervention before obtaining imaging studies.
a United States level I trauma center demonstrated Patients with hemodynamic instability or respira-
that only 18% of patients required tube thoracos- tory insufficiency and absent or decreased breath
tomy and 2.6% required thoracotomy. In this sounds, tracheal deviation, or serious penetrating
study, the majority of injuries resulted from a blunt injuries should have a tube thoracostomy placed
mechanism and the overall mortality was 9.4%.2 as part of initial trauma management.
Liman and Colleagues3 demonstrated a correlation
between the number of rib fractures and patient
outcomes in a study of 1490 patients following Upright chest radiography is a standard part of
blunt thoracic injury: 6.7% of patients without rib trauma evaluation, especially in patients with
fractures developed hemothorax or pneumo- thoracic trauma. Some clinical situations preclude
thorax, compared with 24.9% of patients with 1 an upright radiograph, in which case supine films

No funding support was used in the preparation of this article.

The author has nothing to disclose.
Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus
Box 8234, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St Louis, MO 63110, USA
E-mail address:

Thorac Surg Clin 23 (2013) 89–96
1547-4127/13/$ – see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
90 Broderick

are acceptable. Blunting of the costophrenic angle in patients who are not stable enough for trans-
or partial or complete opacification of the hemi- port. A prospective study of the utility of ultraso-
thorax is suggestive of hemothorax. Presence of nography in diagnosing hemothorax in 61 trauma
a small hemothorax may be subtle, as several patients demonstrated sensitivity of 92% and
hundred milliliters of blood can be obscured by specificity of 100%. In most cases the ultrasonog-
the diaphragm and abdominal viscera on upright raphy result was available to the trauma team
films. Similarly, in supine patients blood will layer before the CT results.4
in the pleural space and may appear as little
more than haziness in one hemithorax relative to
the contralateral side. Fig. 1 demonstrates hazi-
ness of the left lung field on a portable supine Tube thoracostomy is the first-line treatment of
chest radiograph obtained during initial trauma most hemothoraces. Appropriate placement of
evaluation; the patient had a large-volume hemo- the tube is critical for effective drainage of the
thorax necessitating exploration and repair of the pleural space. Placement should be directed pos-
subclavian artery. A large hemothorax may opacify teriorly to allow for dependent drainage in the
an entire hemithorax or cause mediastinal shift supine patient. A thoracostomy tube can be safely
and tension physiology. These findings require placed in the sixth or seventh intercostal space at
immediate intervention. the mid-axillary line in most patients by an experi-
Computed tomography (CT) has become enced operator. Historically, larger-diameter chest
commonplace in the evaluation of the injured tubes have been used for suspected hemothorax
patient, and allows for detection of much smaller to prevent clotted blood from obstructing
amounts of fluid than chest radiography. Fluid in drainage. The Advanced Trauma Life Support
the pleural space is assumed to be blood until protocol calls for use of a 36F chest tube in educa-
proved otherwise. If the nature of fluid in the tional materials.5 However, a recent prospective
pleural space is in question (ie, in the case of analysis of size 28F to 32F tubes compared with
chronic pleural effusion), measurement of Houns- 36F to 40F tubes in 293 patients at a level I trauma
field units may prove useful. An arterial blush iden- center demonstrated no difference in outcomes
tified on CT indicates ongoing bleeding and is an based on size of chest tube placed.6 Most
indication for urgent intervention (Fig. 2). Persis- surgeons place 32F or 36F tubes for suspected
tent abnormalities on chest radiographs should hemothorax. When feasible, patients should
be further evaluated by CT, especially in patients receive antimicrobial prophylaxis with cefazolin
who are failing to progress (Fig. 3). before tube thoracostomy. This recommendation
In the past decade the use of ultrasonography is an advisory of a working group of the Eastern
has become a mainstay in emergency department Association for Surgery for Trauma.7
and trauma evaluation. Ultrasonography is often Traditional indications for surgical intervention in
more readily attainable than CT and can be used acute traumatic hemothorax include initial
drainage of more than 1500 mL following tube
thoracostomy or drainage of more than 200 mL
per hour for 4 hours. However, the physiologic
parameters and overall condition of the patient
must be the primary driver for surgical intervention,
rather than absolute volume of initial or ongoing
chest-tube output.
The surgical approach to acute thoracic trau-
matic injury is tailored to the suspected injury
and clinical situation. The standard initial approach
to traumatic hemothorax is the anterior thora-
cotomy. Performed through the fourth interspace,
this approach allows for rapid assessment of intra-
thoracic injuries and temporary hemostasis as
necessary. A right anterior thoracotomy allows
for access to the right atrium, superior vena
Fig. 1. Supine portable chest radiograph of a patient
cava, right lung, right pulmonary hilum, and
obtained during initial trauma evaluation. A large ascending aorta. Left anterior thoracotomy
volume of blood in the pleural space may appear as provides access to the left and right ventricles,
haziness as blood layers posteriorly. The CT scan of pulmonary artery, and left pulmonary hilum. This
this same patient is presented in Fig. 2. approach also provides access for release of
Hemothorax 91

Fig. 2. Contrast CT scan of the patient in Fig. 1. Note the large-volume left hemothorax and contrast blush, indi-
cating need for immediate intervention. This patient had an injury to the left subclavian artery and vein.

pericardial tamponade and clamping of the sternotomy. Posterolateral thoracotomy provides

descending aorta for temporary control of intra- excellent access to the ipsilateral lung, hilum,
abdominal hemorrhage. The anterior thoracotomy and pleural space as well as the posterior medias-
can be extended in a variety of ways to provide tinum. It is the preferred approach for most esoph-
additional access. Extension across the sternum ageal injuries, airway injuries, or pulmonary
creates a “clamshell” incision and provides excel- resections when necessary. Posterolateral thora-
lent access to mediastinal structures. Addition of cotomy should, however, be reserved for stable
median sternotomy allows for better access to patients because patient positioning limits access
the heart and structures in the superior medias- to the contralateral pleural space or abdomen. The
tinum. Cervical or supraclavicular incisions are lateral decubitus position also predisposes
useful adjuncts to provide access to arch vessels patients to contamination of the opposite lung
or injuries to cervical or subclavian vessels. The with airway secretions or blood. The use of
anterior thoracotomy can also be extended to video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) in the
a thoracoabdominal approach for combined acute trauma setting is controversial. VATS may
thoracic and abdominal injuries.8 be useful to explore the pleural space, control
Median sternotomy is the preferred approach to minor bleeding, or evacuate hemothorax. Its use,
isolated injuries to the heart, great vessels, or however, should be reserved for experienced
aortic arch. Sternotomy may take longer to operators and limited indications.
perform for surgeons not facile with the technique
or if proper equipment is not immediately avail- RETAINED HEMOTHORAX
able. Postoperative morbidity associated with
sternal nonunion or osteomyelitis may be higher Whereas initial tube thoracostomy may effectively
in the trauma setting in comparison with elective drain liquid blood from the pleural space, clotted

Fig. 3. Persistent abnormalities on chest radiographs should be evaluated by CT to assess for retained hemothorax.
In this patient hemothorax developed gradually following blunt chest injury.
92 Broderick

or loculated collections of blood may not be evac- of controls, and difficulty in quantifying resolution
uated by single or even multiple chest tubes. of hemothorax.16 A retrospective comparison of
Retained blood in the pleural space is a risk factor patients treated with intrapleural streptokinase or
for the development of further complications thoracoscopy for the management of retained he-
including empyema9–11 and fibrothorax. The diag- mothorax showed a shorter hospital stay and less
nosis and management of retained hemothorax frequent need for thoracotomy in the thoraco-
after thoracic trauma remains controversial and scopy group.20 Although a prospective compar-
has been the subject of several recent investiga- ison with thoracoscopy is lacking, fibrinolytic
tions in the trauma literature, including a prospec- therapy may serve as a useful adjunct to initial
tive multicenter analysis undertaken by the chest-tube drainage or as an alternative to surgical
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma intervention in patients deemed unfit for more
(AAST).12 invasive procedures.
The presence of retained hemothorax may not Several studies over the past decade have
be readily apparent on routine radiographs. demonstrated the effectiveness of VATS for
Suspicion of inadequate drainage should prompt the management of retained traumatic hemoth-
evaluation by CT imaging. Observation is an orax.15,21,22 The visualization afforded by VATS
acceptable strategy for small collections.13 The allows for thorough inspection and evacuation of
AAST prospective study found that 30.8% of the pleural space, and accurate placement of
patients with retained hemothorax after initial drains to allow for ongoing drainage as necessary.
trauma intervention were managed by observa- VATS was the most common initial management
tion alone. Of these patients, 82.2% required no approach after diagnosis of retained hemothorax
further interventions. On multivariate analysis, in the 2012 AAST study, and patients managed
clinical predictors of successful observation by VATS required no further therapy in 70% of
were initial chest-tube indication of pneumothorax cases.12 The timing of VATS in patients with re-
and CT estimated volume of hemothorax of less tained hemothorax is a matter of debate. However,
than 300 mL.12 it appears that early intervention is generally more
Insertion of a second thoracostomy tube or, successful and less frequently requires conversion
more recently, the use of image-guided drainage to thoracotomy.22–24
is another approach to draining retained hemo- Despite its associated morbidity, thoracotomy
thoraces. These approaches are unlikely to be remains the approach with which the effectiveness
successful in adequately draining loculated or of other interventions must be compared. Thora-
clotted collections. A randomized prospective trial cotomy proved the most effective means by which
by Meyer and colleagues14 compared the use of to treat retained hemothorax in the 2012 AAST
additional chest-tube placement with thoraco- prospective study, with 79% of patients requiring
scopy for evacuation of retained hemothorax after no further intervention. Factors that predicted
initial chest-tube placement. The thoracoscopy eventual need for thoracotomy included associ-
group demonstrated a shorter duration of chest- ated diaphragmatic injury and failure to administer
tube drainage (2.53 vs 4.50 days, P<.02), shorter antibiotics at the time of initial chest-tube
hospital stay (5.40 vs 8.13 days, P<.02), and placement.12
reduced total hospital costs. Furthermore, in the Retained hemothorax puts patients at risk for
2012 AAST prospective trial 64% of patients in development of empyema. A recent study of
whom an additional chest tube was placed 328 trauma patients with retained hemothorax
required subsequent intervention for retained from 20 centers demonstrated an overall inci-
hemothorax; 41% of patients undergoing dence of empyema of 26.8%. Risk factors for
image-guided drainage required subsequent the development of empyema included rib frac-
interventions.12 tures, injury severity score (ISS) greater than
The use of fibrinolytic therapy administered 25, or the need for additional procedures to
through an indwelling chest tube has been exten- address retained hemothorax. Of patients devel-
sively studied for empyema and parapneumonic oping empyema after retained hemothorax,
effusion, for which it has been shown to decrease 94.3% required additional interventions, with
the frequency of surgical intervention.15 The utility many requiring 2 or more interventions beyond
of this modality for retained hemothorax in trauma initial chest-tube insertion. After adjusting for
patients is less evident. Multiple studies in trauma the baseline characteristics, patients who devel-
patients have demonstrated that fibrinolytic oped empyema after retained hemothorax had
therapy can result in effective drainage of the significantly prolonged stays in the intensive
pleural space.16–19 However, analysis of these care unit and hospital in comparison with those
results are plagued by small sample sizes, lack who did not.11
Hemothorax 93

SPONTANEOUS HEMOTHORAX tearing of vascularized adhesions between the

parietal and visceral pleura. The presence of
It is important to distinguish between hemorrhagic a pneumothorax prevents tamponade from the
effusion and hemothorax. The hematocrit of any lung and allows blood under systemic pressure
bloody effusion should be measured to rule out he- to accumulate in the pleural space.
mothorax. Pleural fluid will appear similar to blood Management of spontaneous hemopneumo-
with a hematocrit as low as 5%. Hemothorax is thorax consists of tube thoracostomy to allow for
defined as pleural fluid with a hematocrit greater drainage of the hemothorax and reexpansion of
than 50% of the patient’s blood hematocrit, the lung. Subsequent management is not stan-
although hematocrit may be somewhat lower in dardized. In a review of 71 patients with sponta-
patients with long-standing hemothoraces. Most neous hemopneumothorax by Kakaris and
cases of hemothorax result from thoracic trauma Colleagues,26 conservative treatment was effec-
or invasive thoracic procedures such as thora- tive in 22.5% of cases; 39% of patients were in
centesis or placement of a vascular catheter. shock at presentation and were taken for imme-
However, there is a variety of clinical entities other diate surgery; and the remaining patients had
than trauma that can result in the accumulation of surgery on an elective basis for hemostasis, hemo-
blood in the pleural space (Box 1). The data thorax evacuation, and resection of bullae. In the
regarding spontaneous hemothorax is limited to author’s opinion, early VATS is the preferred
case reports and series. The major entities with strategy for patients with spontaneous hemopneu-
which the thoracic surgeon should be familiar are mothorax, as it allows for thorough inspection of
reviewed here. the pleural space, control of any ongoing bleeding,
and evacuation of the hemothorax. VATS also
Spontaneous Hemopneumothorax allows the surgeon to properly address the etiology
Approximately 5% of patients who present with of the pneumothorax. However, in a patient with
spontaneous pneumothorax will have concomitant a small hemothorax (<300 mL), stable hemody-
hemothorax. The amount of blood in the pleural namics and fully inflated lung after chest-tube
space can vary from several hundred milliliters to insertion observation is not unreasonable.
more than 1.5 L, and presentation may range
from asymptomatic to hemorrhagic shock.25 The Vascular Etiology
source of bleeding in spontaneous hemopneumo-
thorax is variable, but most commonly results from Aortic dissection or rupture of thoracic aortic
aneurysms is a major vascular cause of hemo-
thorax. These entities generally present with chest
Box 1 pain, and the aortic abnormality is evident on
Common causes of spontaneous hemothorax contrast CT scan of the chest. Detailed discussion
of the management of these entities is beyond the
Spontaneous hemopneumothorax
scope of this review.
Vascular Type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome occurs when
Aortic dissection/aneurysm a defect in the production of type III collagen
Arteriovenous malformations results in thin-walled, ectatic vessels susceptible
to aneurysmal dilation and rupture. Hemothorax
Aneurysmal disease (Ehlers-Danlos) has resulted in this disease from spontaneous
Coagulopathy rupture of the internal mammary artery, pulmonary
Drug-induced arterial bleeding, or ruptured bullae.27–29
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
Congenital are a rare entity usually associated with hereditary
Neoplastic hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT; also known as
Neurofibromatosis Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome). These lesions
consist of abnormal communication between the
Metastatic disease pulmonary arterial and venous circulations, and
Germ cell tumor are usually congenital.30 HHT is transmitted in
Thymoma an autosomal dominant fashion and results in
AVMs of the skin, mucous membranes, and
visceral organs. Pulmonary AVMs vary from
Exostoses microscopic to several centimeters in size, and
Endometriosis can be found in the pulmonary parenchyma as
well as on the pleural surface. Patients with
94 Broderick

multiple or large AVMs are often symptomatic, Neoplasia

presenting with shortness of breath or hypoxemia.
Several neoplastic processes may result in the
Rupture of subpleural AVMs can result in hemo-
accumulation of blood in the pleural space.
thorax, whereas parenchymal AVMs may produce
Advanced lung cancer frequently results in devel-
hemoptysis. In a series of 143 patients with
opment of malignant effusions, but is rarely the
pulmonary AVM, 5 developed hemothorax.31
cause of hemothorax. Neurofibromatosis (von
There are reports of more than 30 cases in the
Recklinghausen disease) has frequently resulted
literature whereby rupture of pulmonary AVMs
in hemothorax either by invasion of vascular struc-
caused hemothorax. Over one-third of these
tures by neurofibroma or as a result of arterial
cases occurred in the later stages of pregnancy
dysplasia.29,38–40 Metastatic spread of sarcomas
as blood volume and cardiac output increase
to the lung, particularly angiosarcoma, is a frequent
substantially.31–33 Treatment of hemothorax
cause of hemothorax associated with malig-
related to pulmonary AVMs consists initially of
nancy.41 This entity portends a poor prognosis,
drainage of the pleural space. In stable patients
with an 8-month mortality rate of greater than
with a slow rate of bleeding, embolization of the
80%.29 Hepatocellular carcinoma is another malig-
AVM may be pursued. However, additional
nancy associated with metastatic spread to the
AVMs, recanalization, and development of collat-
lungs and subsequent hemothorax.42 Finally,
eral vessels may occur in the future. Patients with
primary mediastinal tumors such as thymoma or
hemodynamic instability or rapid rate of bleeding
germ cell tumors have been reported to rupture
should be managed with immediate surgery, pref-
into the pleural space, resulting in hemothorax.43,44
erably by a VATS approach.
Costal Exostoses
Hemothorax may occur with the administration of
Costal exostoses represent a rare cause of anticoagulant therapy for multiple indications.
spontaneous hemothorax or hemopneumothor- Blood may accumulate either spontaneously or
ax. These bony outgrowths from the ribs may as a result of minimal trauma in patients with
be solitary or multiple, as in the hereditary abnormal coagulation parameters. Many cases
multiple exostoses syndrome. There are many of anticoagulation-associated hemothorax have
cases reported in the literature in which exos- been documented in the literature, most
toses result in hemothorax. The exact mecha- commonly in the setting of treatment of pulmonary
nism of bleeding is unclear, but is thought to be embolic disease. Bleeding may also occur with
due to injury to the visceral pleura and underlying the administration of systemic or intrapleural
pulmonary parenchyma from direct contact with thrombolytics or in the setting of inherited
relatively sharp exostoses. Alternatively, coagulation disorders such as hemophilia.45,46
bleeding may result from rupture of dilated Regardless of the underlying condition, the main-
vessels associated with repetitive irritation of stay of therapy is correction of the coagulopathy
the visceral pleura.29,34,35 Management consists followed by evacuation of the hemothorax.
of control of bleeding, evacuation of the hemo- Bleeding is usually self-limited once coagulopathy
thorax, and resection of exostoses to prevent is corrected.
future episodes.
This article reviews the major causes and manage-
Spontaneous hemothorax or hemopneumothorax ment of hemothorax. Most hemothoraces are the
may result from endometrial implants on the result of blunt or penetrating thoracic trauma.
pleural surface and their response to cyclical Initial management is focused on identification
hormonal changes in menstruating women. Endo- and treatment of life-threatening injuries, control
metrial implantation occurs as a result of migration of bleeding, and resuscitation. In many cases
of endometrial tissue across fenestrations in the acute hemothorax can be addressed with tube
diaphragm. Known as catamenial hemothorax, thoracostomy alone. Retained hemothorax is an
this entity is usually managed by hormonal therapy important entity in the management of the injured
designed to limit estrogen secretion or produce patient, as it predisposes to the development of
amenorrhea. In the event of failure of hormonal empyema and fibrothorax. Though less common,
therapy or recurrent episodes, exploration of the spontaneous hemothorax does occur with some
pleural space and resection of endometrial regularity, and the thoracic surgeon should be
implants may be necessary.36,37 familiar with its multiple causes and management.
Hemothorax 95

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