Personalized Yearly Prediction Report 2017: Team Cyber Astro

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Personalized Yearly Prediction Report 2017

Report Prepared By;

Team Cyber Astro

Dear XYZ,

“It is with great pleasure that we present you your personal astrological signatures in a complete
new look with added features from our proprietary 'Karma Index' report.”

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to analyse your birth chart.

It is not Vedic Astrology’s purpose to replace an individual’s responsibility to decide for

themselves or to present a fait accompli forecast for the future. We believe that you control and
shape your own destiny by your Karma and your efforts. However, this report tells you, how much
and when the planets will be supportive for you or they will be challenging and can create
obstacles and difficulties on your path.

We believe that stars will influence only 75%, and rest 25% is controlled by your own actions.
However, sometimes that 75% may become critical over which you may not have any control.

With Warm Regards

Mr. B.B. Sorcer
Team Cyber Astro

Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Details. Page No’s.

1. Your Personal Birth Detail. 5

2. Highlights of your Vedic Birth Chart; 6 to 7

 Your Vedic Birth Chart. 6
 Brief Description of your Birth Chart. 6
 Natal status of planet at a Glance. 7

3. Compare the overview of upcoming year 2017 and previous year 2016. 8

4. Month wise status of the upcoming year 2017 as per Karma Index; 9 to 10
 2017 Month wise Karma Index Table, 9
 Astrological analysis of Karma Index, 10

5. Your New Year Number for 2017 and its impact on your life. 11

6. Overview on Health, Profession, Finance and Relationship in year 2017; 12

 Your Health in 2017.
 Your Profession in 2017.
 Your Finance in 2017.
 Your Relationship in 2017.

7. Analysis of transiting planets in year 2017 (slow moving planets); 13

 Transit Signature of Saturn.
 Transit Signature of Jupiter.
 Transit Signature of Rahu.
 Transit Signature of Ketu.

8. Analysis of Main Dasha Period in year 2017 (Vimshottari Dasha System); 14

 Principles of Dasha System. 14
 Your Dasha Table. 15
 Vimshottari Dasha overview for 2017. 16

9. Dasha signature for Year 2017 in detail (Based on Sub / Sub-Sub periods) 17 to 18

10. Special comment on your important concerns related to year 2017. 19

11. Recommendations of astrological remedies required for 2017. 20

Your Personal Birth Detail

Name XYZ

Date Of Birth MM/DD/YYYY

Time Of Birth HH:MM:SS

Place of Birth City, Country

Highlights of your Vedic Birth Chart

Your Vedic Birth Chart

Brief Description of your Birth Chart

Ascendant (Lagna) Taurus
Ascendant Lord: Venus.
Sun Sign (Rashi): Aries
Moon Sign (Rashi): Capricorn
Birth Star (Nakshatra): Shravana-3rd Phase
Exalted Planet(s): Sun & Venus
Debilitated Planet(s): None
Own House Planet(s): None
Mooltrikon Planet(s): None
Combust Planet(s): None.
Retrograde (s): Saturn

Natal status of planet at a Glance

We have listed above the natal promise of all the 9 Vedic planets in the chart based on their status
in the chart. There are likely to be lot of contradictions about their significance in different aspects
of life. The same planet may be beneficial for a particular aspect in one’s life by it’s house
location but it can be inauspicious for the same aspects in life because of the lordship of houses in
the chart. One planet can be beneficial for a particular aspect in life and can promise great success
and at the same time another planet can be most inauspicious and promise complete failure for the
same aspects in life.

Usually different astrological effects do not cancel or neutralize each other. Both the positive as
well as the negative effects can affect a person’s life.

How much positive and how much negative will depend on the planet’s strength, it’s functionality
whether auspicious or inauspicious, and it’s dignity in the chart, and also it’s strength in the chart.
These calculations are complex and are not only made for the natal chart but is also made on the
different divisional charts which are derived from the natal chart. An astrologer has to examine all
these quantitative and qualitative aspects of each planet in the chart, before he can make a final
judgment about each planet on how much positive and how much negative effects the planet will
be responsible for different aspects of life in a person. His experience will also play a key role to
arrive at a final judgment.
We give below in a table the strength of each planet in the chart and what will be the overall role of
the planet in a person’s life as per the astrologer’s judgment.

Planet Natal Strengths

Dignity Functional Final
(Based on Status House Ashtakavarga Judgement
Planet Lordship
Sign Auspicious / Location Sadbal Vimsopakabal Natal by
location) Inauspicious Strength Astrologer

Sun Neutral III Inauspicious XII 1.16 9 3 Very Good

Moon Enemy II Neutral VIII 1.29 14 3 Good
Mars Exalted VI & XI VIII 1.57 13 2 Outstanding
Mercury Friend I & IV Auspicious XI 1.16 15 7 Excellent
Jupiter Grt. Friend VII & X Inauspicious VI 1.07 13 5 Good
Venus Friend V & XII Auspicious XI 1.39 16 4 Excellent
Saturn Grt. Friend VIII & IX Neutral XII 0.81 17 2 Mixed
Rahu Neutral - Neutral VIII - 9 - Challenging
Ketu Neutral - Neutral II - 9 - Mixed

Compare the overview of upcoming year 2017 & previous year 2016

We will use Karma index table to show you how the overall Karma index value and each of the
specific index value got accumulated for you during year 2016 and it will be accumulated for you
during year 2017. You can actually compare the yearly accumulated index values for 2016 and
2017 and then make an informed guess about year 2017 and what you can expect in 2017 and in
which areas of life.

Yearly Accumulated Index Value

From Wealt Happines Creativit Desti Desi Detac Kar

To Date Soul Efforts Disease Spouse Windfall Vocation
Date h s y ny re hment ma

1- Jan- 39
Dec- 521 -409 -526 875 898 -700 -382 -346 -367 -523 299 -294
2016 0
1-Jan- 66
Dec- 471 201 -502 871 1254 -477 253 -366 -154 110 638 -41
2017 8

Mixed < 1000 And >= Average < 300 And Worst <
Best >= 1000 300 >= 50 50

Month wise status of the upcoming year 2017 as per Karma Index

 2017 Month wise Karma Index Table

From To Weal Effor Happine Creativi Spous Windfa Desti Vocati Detachmen Kar
Soul Disease Desire
Date Date th ts ss ty e ll ny on t ma

1- 31-
Jan- Jan- 0 -130 -65 75 53 -122 -124 -28 -72 -159 -17 -66 -35
17 17
1- 28-
Feb- Feb- 28 -138 -127 84 66 -137 -112 -97 -65 -130 -81 -45 -33
17 17
1- 31-
Mar- Mar- 80 -161 -90 58 2 -103 -124 -109 -72 -97 -121 -39 -27
17 17
1- 30-
Apr- Apr- 76 -131 30 99 99 -35 -120 -14 -69 -82 31 29 66
17 17
1- 31-
May- May- -11 -51 24 79 80 -95 -91 59 -86 -133 99 -81 17
17 17
1- 30-
Jun- Jun- 36 84 -9 74 103 -41 62 23 -16 21 137 -59 72
17 17
1- 31-
Jul- Jul- 61 84 -80 113 195 -45 115 -68 9 88 117 6 102
17 17
1- 31-
Aug- Aug- 13 132 -93 28 102 -25 160 -80 32 139 37 4 43
17 17
1- 30-
Sep- Sep- 113 132 124 129 207 67 72 92 -8 99 263 59 235
17 17
1- 31-
Oct- Oct- 26 179 -4 40 119 65 177 13 79 153 148 46 108
17 17
1- 30-
Nov- Nov- 31 73 -168 38 82 -27 117 -130 68 96 -51 33 19
17 17
1- 31-
Dec- Dec- 17 129 -44 54 147 22 120 -29 46 116 76 74 101
17 17

Best >= 100 Mixed < 100 And >= 30 Average < 30 And >= 5 Worst < 5

 Astrological analysis of Karma Index

Karma Index is the combined and cumulative effect of 7 transiting planets - Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and their effects on the 12 different houses during next one
year, computed on the basis of your natal horoscope. Your Karma Index captures the bullish
and bearish periods of your life and clearly identifies all the different turning points.

According to the above said Karma Index Table during the year 2017, the month of January
February and March 2017 could be a challenging period for you. Hence, you should not go
with any major decisions of life during these months, which could not produce fruitful results
for you. You should maintain a compromising and cooperative approach in your personal life
whereas you should also not take any risky decisions in your professional life. You should try
to be focused on your responsibility and do not god with job change or with new partnership
etc. You should also not make any major financial investment during these three months and
do not lend money to other because recovery of same would be tough task for you.

However, the month of July, September, October and December 2017 can be said best months
of year 2017, which could bring financial prosperity, new opportunity in professional life and
happiness in personal life. So, you should take advantage of these months and try to cover
maximum mileage of year 2017 during the above said months. You can look for better
opportunity on professional front or can take decision of investment of money. The month of
July to December 2017 could be a happy period with respect to enjoyment of romance life and
to get better support from romance partner.

However, remaining months of year 2017 i.e. May, June, August and November 2017 can
produce mixed results for you as per cumulative impact of transiting planets. Hence, you
should try to maintain a cautious approach in every aspects of life. Especially, month of May
and November 2017 could bring challenges on professional and financial front so, you should
be more careful of these aspects of life. However, as per disease Index table the whole year
2017 can be said a cautious period on health front so, you should keep a watch on your routine
diet and exercise.

Your New Year Number for 2017 & its impact on your life

Your Year Number is 8

The ruling planet of this year is Saturn, a year of mixed results, both good and bad.

For you this is a good year for:

 Success in worldly matters.
 Using energy to be more creative.
 Gaining upper hand over adversaries and in law suits.
 Becoming independent and relying on own judgment and resources.
 Social work and community development.

This year brings good luck and success to you only when you use your energy in a focused manner
at the right direction. However this year is bad for your health.

In this year you should:

Take care of your health.

Avoid anxiety, excitement and stress.
Take more juices, herbs and healing spices.

Overview on Health, Profession, Finance & Relationship in year 2017

 Your Health in 2017:

According to the planetary movement during the year 2017 with respect to your birth chart, the
upcoming one year can be said mediocre level favorable period regarding your health. Though, the
transit of Jupiter and Saturn can be said favorable to enjoy good health except certain ups and
downs with health issues so, you could be able to perform your routine responsibilities in better
way. However, the influence of the main period and sub period of Saturn could give some issues
related to joint pain or backache so, you should keep watch on routine diet and exercise etc.

 Your Profession in 2017:

The planetary movement in year 2017 with respect to your birth chart indicates mediocre level
progress and success on professional front so, you can hope for getting of some good opportunity
in your career. Though, the transit of Jupiter cannot be said very supportive till May 2017 but
during the 2nd half of year 2017 it could give you some better work opportunity to show your
capabilities with your job. However, you can hope for getting of some foreign assignment or to
work on foreign assignments during the first half of the year. In short, year 2017 could bring some
positive change on your career front.

 Your Finance in 2017:

According to the planetary movement in year 2017, you cannot hope for any great success on
financial front but your routine income will be on good level to make some savings. The first half
of the year indicates your expenses on higher side but as year would progress you would be able to
take control on expenses and by end of the year you would be in a comfortable position. Especially
the second half of the year indicates getting some good financial gain with your previous
investments or getting some good increment with your job.

 Your Relationship in 2017:

On relationship front too, year 2017 can be said a mediocre level favorable period for you so, you
could find it hard to spend much time with the family. Even then there would be good cooperation
and support from romance partner and you could be able to enjoy better romantic pleasure.
Especially, the second half of the year indicates better progress and success for your wife too if she
is following any career etc and this period would be also supportive for conception.

Analysis of transiting planets in year 2017 (slow moving planets)
Transit of planets in Vedic astrology is known as ‘Gochara’. It is seen that often the events happen
during and due to the movements of planets during transit. However it is also seen that though a
transit is beneficial there is no major improvement in life. Below is your potential for the transit of
the present slow moving planets, which will give you an idea of their possibilities.

 Transit Signature of Saturn:

During the year 2017, the transit of Saturn in to Scorpio will be in the 10th house from Moon sign
and 5th house from ascendant. Therefore, Saturn would be supportive to get some opportunity in
your career as well as to enhance your performance with current job. However, it may give some
concern related to children, which could be related to their health or education etc. You should be
very cautious during this year in case your wife is carrying any pregnancy because transit of Saturn
in 5th house may create some complications.

 Transit Signature of Jupiter:

The transit of Jupiter is going to play a mixed and mediocre level favourable role with you during
the year 2017. As it could not play a very supportive role during the first half of the year till May
2017 where you may get some financial worries and it may also create the situation of ego clash
etc. However, during the second half of year 2017 it would give very good rise in your income or
extra source of income so, you can expect good increment with your job or getting good return of
your previous investments. It would be also supportive with respect to enjoyment of family life.

 Transit Signature of Rahu:

Planet Rahu is also going to play a mixed role with you during the upcoming year where it
indicates getting of some changes on career front during the first half of year 2017 due to its transit
in the 10th house from Moon sign. However, during the second half of the year you may face
certain false allegation or back biting on professional front so, you should not have a blind faith on
any one and try to evaluate the situation by own.

 Transit Signature of Ketu:

The transit of Ketu also could give you mixed results on domestic front during this year so, you
should maintain a cautious approach. There could be certain misunderstandings with close
relatives/friends so, instead of being judgmental on any one you should try to act reasonable on
those issues with close once.

Analysis of Main Dasha Period in Year 2017
(Vimshottari Dasha System)
 Principles of Dasha System;

The Dasha Vichar or planetary periods of Vedic Astrology provide a unique and comprehensive
system for judging the effects of planets throughout the development of our lives. They are the
most accurate system for showing how the planets distribute their effects through time and the
different stages of our lives.

The most common of these systems of planetary periods is the Vimshottari Dasha or the "120-year
cycle". This follows a predetermined sequence, the starting point of which is determined by the
longitude of Moon at the time of birth. In it, each of the seven major planets plus the two Lunar
Nodes are given specific periods. This entire life span is divided into different main periods of
planets and within this main period, there are sub-periods of all the planets and then each sub-
period can be divided into sub-sub-periods of planets. The effects of the planets become most
operative during the Main Dasha or the sub-Dasha. The transit effects and the relation between the
Main planet and the sub-planet also determine whether the good effects will be more predominant
or the bad ones.

We give your Dasha Table below;

 Your Dasha Table;

 Vimshottari Dasha overview for 2017;

According to Vimshottari Dasha system, during the whole year of 2017 you would be under the
main period and sub period of planet Saturn, which is the lord of 8th house and 9th house and
placed in the 12th house. Therefore, during this year planet Saturn could make you active in social
life and would also enhance your social status. However, it could not play a very supportive role
with respect to financial prosperity because it could make your expenditure on higher side. This is
also not a very good year to go for any kind of big financial investment etc which could not give
very fruitful results in long term. Placement of Saturn in 12th house may bring some opportunity to
go abroad or to work on foreign assignment but it would also give stability in personal life. In
short, there could be slow progress in life but you would find a comfortable and stable situation in

Dasha signature for Year 2017 in detail
Based on Sub / Sub-Sub periods)

We will give the detailed forecast for the year 2017 based on the sub periods or sub sub-periods of
planets in your life, which you will encounter during this one year period. These forecasts are
based on the nature, strength and roles of planets in your life as per the planet table. Astrologically,
I will divide the period under consideration for you into five distinct phases based on the sub-sub
periods that you will encounter during the year 2017.

 Phase I: Saturn-Saturn-Venus: 25th October 2016 to 26th April 2017

The above said period can be said a favourable period with respect to income as well as enjoyment
of personal life. Though, the 12th house lord Venus indicates that you may face certain
unavoidable expenses but it would also give a good level of income due to its placement in house
of income. This period can be said favourable for your children so, you could be able to fulfil your
certain responsibility related to children and this period would be also supportive with respect to
conception. You may also get chance to spend good and quality tile with your family and there
would be enhancement in comforts of life too.

 Phase II: Saturn-Saturn-Sun: 26th April 2017 to 20th June 2017

The above said period could give you worries related to the health of your parents especially for
your father and you may also face expenses related to their health issues. However, this period can
be said supportive for any foreign visit OR you may get work on foreign assignments etc. You may
also face some eye related issues so, if you face such issues then o not ignore the same.

 Phase III: Saturn-Saturn-Moon: 20th June 2017 to 20th September 2017

This period is going to play a mixed role with you because at one hand you would get better
enjoyment of romance life and overall progress of your family. However, on other hand there could
be possibility to face any big financial loss so, you should make every possible effort to not go for
any kind of investment related decision during this period. There is possibility to face urine related
infection etc so you should be also cautious on this front. Despite of above you are going to enjoy
very good romantic pleasure during this period.

 Phase IV: Saturn-Saturn-Mars: 20th September 2017 to 23rd November 2017
This period can be said one of the best phases of upcoming one year period, which is going to
increase your income and also to make you financial comfortable in coming future. The house of
income lord Mars would be supportive for the rise in income so if you would be due for increment
etc then you can hope good results on the same. You may also hope for getting good results on
previous investments especially, property related investment may give you good income or
appreciation of value during this period. You would find upper hand over your competitors at work

 Phase V: Saturn-Saturn-Rahu: 23rd November 2017 to 7th May 2018

Though, the above said period could create certain situation of uncertainty and instability at work
front but you may also hope for getting of some change on career front. Since planet Saturn is
supportive to give you stability on career front as well as in personal life so you should make effort
during this period to get a good job which could give you stability in coming future and you could
be able to spend time with family. However, Rahu may give some problem related to accident or
injury so, you should drive vehicle etc carefully.

Special comment on your important concerns related to year 2017

 Your Concern: Please recommend two most suitable gemstone and Mantra for overall
wellness for life long.


I have already recommended you one best suitable gemstone Blue Sapphire to wear for next 19
years. The second one would be to wear a 5 carat Emerald for lifelong, which would be beneficial
to get better results in the every aspects of life.

I would suggest you one Mantra and one Stotram to chant daily, which would take care of you
and your family from every problem and it would protect you against all kind of negativity.

 Mantra: Om Gan Ganpataye Namah. (To remove all the obstacles in life).

 Stotram: Aditya Hriday Stotram (To boost your self confidence and for overall well-being
of family)

Recommendations of astrological remedies required for 2017

I have already recommended you most suitable and required astrological remedies for you while
addressing your concerns for year 2017. So, please follow the same and use as astrological
remedies for you.

In order to know more about the remedies given above, please click on the links below;


 Blue Sapphire;

May God Grant You Peace & Prosperity in your Life!

With Warm Regards,

Mr. B. B Sorcer


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