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Designing a simple implantor utilizing Simion

Anthony Liang


Design a simple implantor using Simion and achieved some

key functions and requirements within the specs of typical im-
plantors. The current model is presented and few prob-
lems and solutions we encountered and deviced are discussed.
1.5 Impant analysis at the wafer
We want to know the characteristics of our implantor. What’s the per-
centage of the ions making through. What is the energy dispersion of
those ions arriving at the wafer. What’s the beam divergence. In simula-
tion that means we need a counter or some sort to capture and analyze
the ions at the wafer location. In simion we investigated two methods.
2. Cause of ion energy spread 1. Use Simion recording function “REC” to record data that hit x=900
In the first version source, ions born in a region that has a big PE mm (where the implated wafer is at) to a ascii dat file. Then use
slope. This gives rise to an undesirable broad distribution of ion’s Python to analyze the energy spread, the mean and std. For exam-
KE. Only a small fraction will make it through the energy selection. ple with our 1st-version source, energy dispersion showed a mean
Throughput is low. Bernas source has flatter energy contour, giving of 2080.377200 eV and a std of 200.266358 eV. But with this method
rise to very uniform energy. See the PE contour below for compari- we have no constraint over y and z. It is an infinite planar counter.

Also because of this, the kinetic energies of the ions will in fact be 2. A and a counter.prg (simion user program language) to
slightly lower than we expect when they enter the ESA. So when us- count the ions arriving within a 1 cm x 1 cm x 10 cm volume. 20
ing the ESA’s formula to calculate the ion KE you need to add a bit out of 500 ions borned in the source will make to this region. That’s
more, otherwise ions will not make a perfect 90 degree turn. (nomi- abour 5 % ratio. But to get energies of these ions we have to add
nal 1107, actual 1147) to the counter.prg the code of getting KE, and here I haven’t suc-
3. previous Bernas source with only two extraction lenses ceeded.

1. Closeup

1.1 Source
Source is where the ions are born. In our case the source determines
the KE of the ion beam, thus determines the implant energy. For a start
this method we can look at the spacial distribution of dopant beam
we choose Boron as the implant element. Neutral Boron gas mixed
Although this source gives a beam that’s less divergent, making it within the region.
with an inert gas are injected into the source and then ionized by elec-
easier for the entrance einsel to focus, and entrance einsel voltage
tron bombardment (with a hot wire filament, not shown here). And the
is down to 8200 from previous 12000, voltage is still way too high.
acceleration potential is 2 KeV, so this will be the implant energy.

1.3 ESA
Electric static analyzer is our first candidate as the energy selector.
1.1.1 A modified Bernas source
Only the ions with correct KE will make through.
After few iterations the current source is a Bernas source with exit ein-
sel lenses to give a more paralell beam. Adding three more lenses to
the bernas source gives us a very convergnet beam.
Total numbers of ion by default is 500. To increase the number one
has to change memory allocation of simion. I shall try this later.
To analyzie the randomness of our beam, we can perform moment
analysis in this couter region. But we need more ions. Or I can run
multiple 500-ions simulation and combine the results. This shall be
done later. The thing is the beam will not be perfectly uniform espe-
cially after deflecting/scanning. It can have skewness.

1.6 Space charge effect

1.3.1 Unwanted focusing in ESA In Simion it is easy to turn on space charge effect, but to run it on 500
ions take some computer power and it takes time. The effect is not
Previously due to the highly divergent beam coming out of source, ions substantial.
A closeup of the new source. closer to the positive ESA electrode have to climb more and lose more
KE to PE than ions closer to the negative electrode. So ideally ions
should be right in the middle. The new source put the beam in the
center region before entering ESA.

2. Comparison to typical specs

commercial 1st version current simulation

Energy integraty(dispersion) <1% 10% 1.6%

Beam angle integraty <1% >10° 5.7° (dispersion angle)

Dopant Species B,BF2 , P, As, ... B B

Energy range 0.25 keV~3 MeV 2 keV 1~2 keV

1.2 A random ion generator Implant angle range 0 ∼ 60° ~5° 6°

Numbers quoted from “Handbook of Semiconductor Manufacturing

model is a thermalized (fol- Technology 2nd Edition Yoshio Nishi, Robert Doering CRC Press Pub-
lowing Maxwell distribution) lished July 9, 2007”
gas at 300 Kelvin ionized by
electron bombarbment. I as-
sumed the ionization process 3. Exploiting the textbook
It is paramount to have a does not alter the speed dis- 1.4 Deflector
source as real as possible, tribution. It could be wrong. It is common to deflect and scan the dopant ion beam to cover the entire Source/Drain regions typically require a dopant dosage density of 1019
so that the simulation is as Monte Carlo process is used silicon wafter, so an ion deflector is required. At first I used four-plate cm−3. From the implant theory, ion implantation gives rise to a roughly
close as the reality. That to select the random veloc- deflector, hoping to have control in both x-y directions within one unit. Guassian distribution, sometimes with tails. To get total number of ions
means random ions. To ran- ity. Note that the speed of a But turned out it has non-uniform defocusing effect. Then I switched to needed for implantation so that the interested area has the required
domize the ion’s parameters, gas at 300 K is nothing com- a two-plate deflector. dopant density, we sum over the whole Gaussian area. An easy esti-
Simion’s ion definition inter- pared to the KeV potential en-
mation is σ×height, σ half width at half maximum. So 1019cm−3 ×60nm ∼
face and user program (.prg) ergy ions later gain from any
6 × 1013cm−2. This is within the specs of a typical implantor. To get the
are tried. Both methods ran voltage plates. So maybe one
according beam current with such number of ions, we take into account
short in the long run. I found it can set all the speed to zero?
the ion implanting velocity from our simulation (4224 ms ). Total current
easier to use python to code a But there is space charge ef-
per cm2= q × v × total dosage = 1.6 × 10−19Coulomb × 4224 × 6 × 1013 =
physical model and then save fect that we will discuss in the
10−3(Amp per cm2). This also falls within specs. If we say it takes 10
the results to .ION file (simion end. See suplement material
minutes for our source to generate enough ions, then per second beam
ion definition file), then load for the python code of ram- Total number of ions 6×1013
flux will be = 10×60 = 1011cm−2s−1. This corresponds
it in Simion. Our physical domization. implant time
to the number of streamlines needed in Simion simulation, because in
simulation ions all born at the same time. Beam flux tells how focus the
beam is. On the other hand, density of the beam can also be useful.
Say 10 minutes to reach dosage level, then ion density we need at the
1.2.1 Previous problems and solutions Total number of ions 6×1013
implant point is implant time×velocity = 10×60×4224 = 2 × 105cm−3.
1. The first version of our source gave a huge divergent beam. This
caused the voltage on the einsel to be surreally high and the physi- 4. Conclusion and Outlook
cal size of the einsel to be large.
1. add slit and grid 3. depth issue ( please refer to supplement) dopant-coated filament is used? Other ways to fix this?
4. I assume the ionization process is done by electron bombardment • a folder containing all the pictures and the name labels of the avail-
2. Most frindge fields are considered, except ESA’s. with a electron generating filament. But maybe this problem is why able ion optics we created. so i don’t lose track.

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