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Human Resource Management in Project-Based Organizations


In the current situation of the organizations, different changes affect the technological

and systematic innovation. The competencies include in the globalization and the international

market also took part in the exploration of the organizations in improving the different areas in

where they think the organization is losing the competency. One common and popular

department is the human resources in which the training and development might be an effective

solution in fighting the challenges and changes in the global market. 

Problem Statement

Human resource and the management is truly one of the functional and credible areas in

the organization that plays an integral part in the project management. Because of the availability

of different opportunities, there is an assurance that the challenges are tailing in the end of the

detected opportunities. As considered the part of the dynamic part within an organization, human

resource management has challenges that they must learn to recognize and learn to work out.

However, what are the most significant challenges and changes in the function of human

resource management present in the practice of the project-based organizations?

Aims of the Project

The proposal is seeking the appropriate answer in the different challenges that the human

resource management will meet soon. Moreover, learning the capability of the study regarding

the operation of the business also matters. Through the application of the various strategic tools
of the HRM, the proposal also extends it concern on the applicable practices that can help the

department manage the challenges.

Objectives of the Project

The first objective of the study is to determine the challenges that can affect the

performance of the HR in the project-based organizations. Second is to discover the existing

practices that can be applied to manage both the challenges and handling the workforce.

Terms of References

Human resource, HR managers, challenges, changes, project-based organizations. HR

practices, tools and approach.

Research Problems

The study is entirely focused on the practice and functions of the human resource and its

management therefore, the following questions are prepared to understand the different


1.      How mature or readiness of the HRM to accept the challenges and changes in the product-

based organizations?

2.      What are the estimations of the HR manager such as the application of the scheduling and

monitoring intended for the workforce?

3.      To what extent that the HR can support the innovative practices of the organization and be

focus for managing the various HR challenges?

4.      What can be appropriate HR tools or approach that is suitable for the organization?

Proposed Methodology

The study is openly suggesting the use of the surveys and questionnaires. The main

reason on this application is the need for the empirical and situational studies regarding to the

issue of emerging challenges and changes. The broad issues of the human resource within the

organization may help the researcher/s understands the various impact of challenges and changes

not only in the department but also in the professionalism of the people. Part of the

questionnaires stipulates the involvement of the best practice of the HR manager in the managing

the people with even in the presence of the challenges and changes in the organization.

Costs Involved

The surveys and questionnaires need to be prepared both in printed and electronic format.

And the surveys need to be conducted on HR departments, executives and managers of a lot of

project-based organizations. The travel cost, Paper and stationery cost, internet usage costs are

the major costs involved. Other costs maybe the stationery involved in collecting and recording

data and costs involved in conducting real interviews and surveys.

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