Daily Bhaskar - 11 Oct 2010 - Disabled Reminds Minister of Promise

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10/11/2010 Disabled reminds minister of promise - …

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Last updated: Monday , 11 October, 2010 06:31 A M

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Disabled reminds minister of promise Most Read Just Added

Source: DNA | Last Updated 06:36(1 1/10/10) Com m ent | Share
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The representative called up the minister while
attending a jan sunwai (public hearing) at the ongoing Mazdoor Haq Satyagrah (a sit-in Nation
agitation) held at Statue Circle.
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Earlier, Joshi assured of separate job cards to the disabled, reservation in permanent and Rs 20-25 crore was paid to dissident MLAs:
contact jobs related to MNREGA, relaxation in eligibility conditions, relaxation of allowing
works as per their capability and allowing personal works for the disabled, all carried out
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Responding to the call, the minister reportedly said that he failed to recollect the promises Infiltration up in last two months: Army Chief
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for suitable action.
Moreover, noted activist from Delhi, Annie Raja of the National Federation of Indian Women World
(NFIW), who was attending the public hearing as a panelist, regretted the minister's failed India likely to get UNSC seat
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