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ASSIGNMENT 2 - Global marketing of UNIQLO

Student Name: xxx

Student ID: 0000

Date:31July, 2015
Table of content

Executive Summary...........................................................................................................3
UNIQLO............................................................................................................................ 4
1. The Company...........................................................................................................4
2. SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................5
a. Strengths............................................................................................................... 5
b. Weaknesses:..........................................................................................................6
c. Opportunities:.......................................................................................................7
d. Threats:................................................................................................................. 8
Market Environment..........................................................................................................9
1. Macro Environment...............................................................................................10
2. Micro Environment................................................................................................11
3. UNIQLO’s competitors..........................................................................................11
Entry Mode......................................................................................................................12
Marketing Objectives.......................................................................................................14
Marketing Strategies to reach Marketing Objectives........................................................15
1. Product strategies...................................................................................................15
2. Pricing strategies....................................................................................................16
3. Promotion strategies...............................................................................................17
4. Distribution strategies............................................................................................19
Final Recommendations...................................................................................................20
1. Business modelling concept and recommendation.................................................20
2. Digital marketing...................................................................................................21
Conclusion....................................................................................................................... 22
References:....................................................................................................................... 23

Executive Summary
UNIQLO is a division of Fast Retailing Co., Ltd and one of the top Japan unisex casual wear
designer, manufacturer and retail chain. UNIQLO has over 1400 stores in 16 markets around the
world and is ranked as the top 100 Most Valuable Global Ranking (Hollis, 2015). UNIQLO’s
business objective is to become the number one apparel brand in the world by 2020. Being
successful in the Asia, UK, the USA and Australia regions, UNIQLO has been making enter
steps to the South American region, specifically is Mexico. The reason for this selection is due to
the favourable government regulations for the foreign investments.

UNIQLO has many advantages compared to its competitors (such as H&M and American
Apparel) and the selection of entering Mexican fashion industry is a potential project that can
bring many of new customers. The report analyses Mexican market environment to determine all
factors that can affect to UNIQLO’s products and business. Moreover, the report analysis states
that licensing is the best entry mode methodology that will reduce the risks of entering a new
market for UNIQLO.

Mexico is a new and unfamiliar market for UNIQLO therefore, it is significantly important for
UNIQLO to have detailed marketing plans and strategies (including product, pricing, promotion
and distribution strategies) in order to achieve its objective of being the number apparel
company. There are several recommendations for UNIQLO to consider when they enter Mexican
market. Firstly, UNIQLO’s products are unique and different from other competitors therefore,
UNIQLO shall implement the same marketing and advertisement materials, which are use in
other regions, to reduce the cost of attracting new customers in Mexico.

Secondly, UNIQLO shall create interesting campaigns on social media to attract more traffic to
its brand and/or use famous celebrities or events to represent its product images. Moreover,
UNIQLO can become partner with the local organisations in Mexico so that they can learn
quickly about the market and customer attitude and demand. This will also reduce the costs of
investigating the market, and costs of production and management.

1. The Company
UNIQLO is one of the first Specialty store retailer of Private label Apparel (SPA) in Japan and
this SPA business model has supported UNQILO to manage all stages of the business, from
design and production to final sales (figure 1). As a result, UNIQLO is able to make dynamic
changes to its products based on the external environment and make the brand stand out in the
market by providing diversified and unique products with high quality and low price (Mothilal,

Figure 1: SPA business model (Fast Retailing, 2015)

Figure 2: Sales of Major Global SPA firms (Fast Retailing, 2013)

Figure 2 shows that the sales of UNIQLO increases at quite the same rate compared to other
global fashion clothing competitors, such as ZARA and H&M (Fast Retailing, 2013). Therefore,
UNIQLO has been adapting effectiveness of the Foreign Market Entry Strategy methodologies to
enter to new international markets.

2. SWOT Analysis
a. Strengths
UNIQLO is holding a strong position in the market due to its unique and different fabrics, high-
quality products and reasonable and affordable prices. The reason why UNIQLO can offer their
high-quality product at low prices is that UNIQLO negotiates with global material manufacturers
directly and mostly in large quantity. This significantly reduces the costs of manufacturing
products because UNIQLO does not have their own factories. For example, UNIQLO created
HEATTECH materials with synthetic finer manufacturer and Toray Industries (Williamson,
2013). This is a secure for UNIQLO to maintain a unique functionality at affordable prices.

In addition, UNIQLO’s product is very diversified (figure 3) and they target to all kinds of
customers. They believe that all customers can wear their casual designed clothes at any time
(Yanai, 2001).

Figure 3: UNIQLO product diversification (UNIQLO, 2013)

b. Weaknesses:
UNIQLO is Japan clothing brand so there is a lack of experience in Western markets and they are
limited in brand presence. Although UNIQLO’s products are very popular locally, they may not
be as well known when they first enter to Mexican markets. This matter will limit UNIQLO’s
ability in open more shops and increase the risks of not having enough customers. In addition,
when UNIQLO starts its business in a new market, such as Mexico, they will have to face
problems in training staff in order to make them qualify enough to satisfy customers.
Furthermore, at the first stage of entering a new market, there are so many matters that UNIQLO
needs to take care of and a result of this may be a lack of focus on marketing for customers in

c. Opportunities:
UNIQLO does not stop developing their business at the local market in Japan, but keeps
expanding the business internationally to the United Kingdom, the USA and the South American.
It is very expensive to have stores overseas and it contains much management in controlling the
business overseas. This is an issue for UNIQLO when it wants to expand to another country,
such as Mexico. Therefore, UNIQLO sees an opportunity of establishing an online store before
investing in building shops in Mexico. The result turns out for this online sales opportunity is
very positive as figure 4 states that up to 31st August, 2015, UNIQLO’s net sales for online sales
is about 89% of total sales.

Figure 4: UNIQLO’s sales report 2015 (UNIQLO, 2015)

In addition, there are more and more customers around the world demanding for high-quality and
low-priced fashion products. With the unique features, this is such a great opportunity for
UNIQLO to globally expand their products to more countries.

d. Threats:
There are several threats that UNIQLO is facing when entering to Mexican markets. First is the
current demand for domestically manufactured clothing brands. There are more fast-fashion
retailing competitors entering to the market, such as Forever 21 and H&M, and these competitors
hold a strong position in the western markets. In addition, the lack of distribution centers is
another threat for UNIQLO because UNIQLO is not well known in the Mexican market that
customers are willing to spend their time waiting for the products to be delivered when they
purchase online.

Market Environment
According to Hollensen (2004), when a company decides to go for internationalisation, it can
lead to a selection of the international market. This selection process (figure 5) involves
assessing macro- (including political, technology and economic) and micro-environment factors
(including market potential, sizes and competition) that related to the product and the

Figure 5: International Market Selection Process (Hollensen, 2004)

1. Macro Environment

Figure 6: Clothing & Footwear Opportunities (Passport, 2010)

According to the Clothing and Footwear Opportunities (Passport, 2010), Latin America is one of
the top four potential international clothing markets for UNIQLO. Moreover, the Bank’s Ease of
Doing Business (2012) ranks Mexico as the sixth easiest countries to do business due to its
investment laws towards foreign investment. The political factor in Mexican government allows
organisation to invest a high rate of innovation in their businesses. Therefore, Mexico is a
potential market for UNIQLO to introduce its clothing brands.

In addition, globalization has created positive impact on the performance of many organisations
in the fashion industry. It has helped companies save time, money and effort in bringing their
products to the global market. Technology plays an important role in improving business

3. Micro Environment
Selling high-quality products at low prices may be considered as a threat for UNIQLO’s survival
because low cost strengthens the bargaining power of buyers (Stevenson & Lundstrom, 2001). In
order to avoid this issue, UNIQLO should improve its product innovation and creativity that will
attract customers. Furthermore, the intensity of rivalry is very high in Mexico due to the
government’s investment policy in favour to foreign investments, and consequently this is a
threat for UNIQLO.

4. UNIQLO’s competitors

UNIQLO’s direct competitor in the apparel market is Giordano. Giordano is also a fast-fashion
organisation that sells clothes at reasonable prices. There are other indirect competitors, such as
Zara, H&M and GAP. UNIQLO’s products are different from its indirect competitors because its
products are not designed based on short-term fashion trends and UNIQLO’s design team
concentrates more on developing new high-quality fabrics before they study new fashion trends.

Entry Mode
There are many different kinds of entry modes for business to choose when they decide to entry
the market. Different entry modes can be adopted based on the organisation’s position in the
market and different businesses may choose to have different entry modes (Hollensen, 2004).
Figure 2 below shows the position of UNIQLO in the international market.

Figure 7: UNIQLO’s entry mode (source: Hultman, 2008)

Lumpkin and Dess (1996) once said, “The essential act of entrepreneurship is new entry. New
entry can be accomplished by entering new or established markets with new or existing goods or
services. New entry is the act of launching a new venture, either by a start-up firm, through an
existing firm, or via internal corporate venturing”.

There are three key entry modes that UNIQLO can use to expand its product to Mexico, which
are direct exporting, franchising and foreign direct investing. There are advantages and
disadvantages for each entry mode however; licensing may be the least risky entry mode for
UNIQLO in Mexican market. The first reason why this mode is the best choice for UNIQLO is
that Mexico is still an unfamiliar market for an Asian clothing brand. Therefore, licensing its
brand will allow UNIQLO to increase its sales capacity rapidly in the Mexican market (Mothilal,
2013). In addition, this entry mode will allow UNIQLO to establish business relationships with
many potential organisations in Mexico. UNIQLO also will not have to worry about securing

government contracts because this will be done by the local companies. Consequently, this will
help UNIQLO to get closer to the market and attract more customers.

In the contrast, there are several disadvantages that UNIQLO needs to consider when choosing
this entry mode. Firstly, many big organisations, which have a large number of customers, will
be expensive for UNIQLO to negotiate any business proposals. Second of all, it may be difficult
for UNIQLO to control and manage its sales operations and quality control in Mexico.
Furthermore, UNIQLO’s former business partners in Mexico might see UNIQLO as a competitor
after the agreements expire. This will generate more costs and risks for UNIQLO.

Marketing Objectives
UNIQLO’s short-term marketing strategies when entering Mexican market are to introduce its
high-quality and low priced products and make them become popular in the market. They want
to make full use of all social media to attract customers and then open more shops in Mexico.

Mexico is a new and unfamiliar market for UNIQLO hence, it has made several market-
misjudges. Therefore, UNIQLO does not quite have a clear and strong marketing objective and
strategy to introduce its product in the Mexican market. First of all, there is a lack of consultant
services at operating levels and UNIQLO’s staffs is not able to deal with multi-disciplinary tasks.
Therefore, UNIQUE only can attract a small number of customers who are on the rich site of the
city rather than the whole market.

In addition, the issue of lacking consultant services has made UNIQUE’s customers not be able
to completely understand UNIQLO’s clothing brands. Consequently, the image of a high quality
and low priced product may not be the best marketing strategy in the Mexican market. If
UNIQLO expands its product too quickly without making detailed market investigation in
Mexico, it can lead to wrong decision making in choosing shop locations. Therefore, it is
important that UNIQLO spends enough time to understand Mexican market and generate
“actionable” marketing objectives.

Many UNIQLO’s researchers have conducted quantity and quality analysis and concluded that
no matter what UNIQLO’s marketing objectives is, UNIQLO’s new entry markets must meet the
demographic and psychographic criteria of its target customers (Assad et. all, 2013). UNIQLO’s
target customers are separated into the primary target group (customers in the ages of 18 and 24),
and secondary target group (customers in the ages of 25 and 35 years old).

Marketing Strategies to reach Marketing Objectives
1. Product strategies
UNIQLO was a retailer of low-priced clothing until the Global Quality Declaration was
introduced in September 2004, when UNIQLO started to change it brand image and became a
high-quality clothing brand that is made from functional materials and superior fabrics
(UNIQLO, 2011). Since then, UNIQLO is ranked as Japan number one casual wear brand and it
has been internationally extended to several countries beyond Asia. Compare to its competitors,
UNIQLO has several key advantages that help the brand stands out in the market. The first
advantage is that UNIQLO’s strategy is to focus on long-term unique fabrics. This is different
from its competitors, who work on short-term fashion trends. For example, H&M focuses on
adapting its products to the latest fashion trends. This is an innovation for UNIQLO and the point
that makes UNIQLO’s product different from its competitors. In order to create a long-term
unique fabric to differentiate its brand, UNIQLO spends a lot of time to plan its production and
relies heavily on technology (Hollis, 2015).

In addition, the design of UNIQLO is a combination of aesthetics and high-quality craftsmanship

(Assad et. all, 2013). UNIQLO’s apparel components are designed with casual appearance and
available in every store for customers to complete their style looks. Moreover, UNIQLO offers
its customers special engineered clothing materials, such as the “popular HEATTECH co-
developed with Toray Industries Inc.” (Williamson, 2013). This combined design makes
UNIQLO product become thin, lightweight, soft, quick dry, heat retention, stretchable and many
other features that customers want their clothes to have. The result of the investment in
innovation is that UNIQLO becomes different from other fashion brands not only in Japan but
also in other countries in the world (Hollis, 2015).

5. Pricing strategies
In the early 90s, Japan’s apparel market focused on the very expensive high-end clothing and the
poor quality of low-end casual clothing; and UNIQLO was established for the low-end pricing
clothing. However, UNIQLO realises that the low-end clothing trend will not be able to bring its
brand internationally. Therefore, the management team decides to introduce a better quality
product at a very reasonable price. This is why UNIQLO’s brand becomes very popular in the
international markets. Customers expect to pay few hundreds of dollar for a cashmere turtleneck
sweater however; UNIQLO offers that product at a price under $100 (UNIQLO, 2011). Figure 5
shows a comparison in prices between the top three clothing brands, which are American
Apparel, H&M and UNIQLO. Clearly, UNIQLO offers its customers the lowest price compared
to its competitors.

Figure 8: Price comparison (Smith, 2014)

In addition, UNIQLO has introduced several types of discounts to its customers in order to attract
new customers and keep its existing customers. UNIQLO aims to promote its offerings and
discounts every week on social medias in order to attract more and more customers to share
UNIQLO’s products on their Facebook, Twitter and etc. One strategy, which is implemented by
UNIQLO, is to combine the price of a specific product with the suitable accessories. This gives
customers an imagination of the whole look they may want to have and more importantly, this
combined look is set at a reasonably low price.

6. Promotion strategies
7. There are many methods that UNIQLO can use to promote its products in a new market
and the two most popular promotion methods are one-way communication and two-way
communication (Hollensen, 2004). The one-way communication method can involve sponsoring
world famous up coming sport event and athletes to represent the brand image. The two-way
communication method is more suitable for UNIQLO brands because it requires UNIQLO to less
consider about cultural matters. This method allows UNIQLO to have access to Internet
marketing where is potential to create a virtual store for many customers (Mothilal, 2013). In
addition, UNIQLO can promote its brand by using word of mouth and social networking site

Compare to its competitors, such as H&M and Zara, UNIQLO has creatively utilised its official
website for product promotions worldwide. One of the most popular virtual promotions is called
“Lucky Line” (RyanKoo, 2012). This campaign is design to get customers use their Facebook or
Twitter accounts to login to UNIQLO’s official website to represent themselves as virtual
characters by wearing UNIQLO’s designed clothes. All users on UNIQLO’s website will rank
individuals and teams. At the end, those customers with the most views on UNIQLO’s official
website will get to win the set of clothing that they use. This campaign attracted thousands of
customers when it first launched in Japan in 2010 and generated revenue of $35 million
(RyanKoo, 2012). This innovative promotion activity can be obviously implemented in Mexico
to create the first attraction for customers.

Internet promotion is clearly an efficiently important for business however; a popular fashion
brand like UNIQLO cannot miss the personal selling methodology in its promotion strategies.
Personal selling is a face-to-face communication between a seller and a buyer. Personal selling

can be a very effective promotion method for UNIQLO when it enters the Mexican market due to
its high-quality products. However, it requires all sales persons to understand the product very
well and detailed due to customer shopping attitudes, i.e. many customers expect high prices for
high-quality products. This seems not to be an issue in the Asian markets however, for a new and
unfamiliar market in Mexico, it is better to have a team of sales persons who can approach
customers and explain to the new customers about the unique features of UNIQLO’s products.

In addition, the most important features about promotion strategies that make UNIQLO be the
winner in most international markets are consistent and continue performance on social media
(Ghedin, 2013). The table below is an example of how active UNIQLO performance on social
media, Weibo. Every month UNIQLO increases their post by approximately by 119%.

Figure 9: Brand & user activity on Weibo (Ghedin, 2013)

8. Distribution strategies
Distribution is an important factor that can determine the level of consumer accessibility of
products. For many fashion brands, including UNIQLO, they tend to adapt different distribution
methods, from traditional to emerging methods, to reach customers (Mothilal, 2013). UNIQLO’s
distribution process is detailed planned so that there is nothing can go wrong. In addition,
UNIQLO has committed to compliance with environmental laws and regulations to continuously
reduce the production impact on the environment (Fast Retailing, 2008). This compliance has
made a big change on UNIQLO’s packaging and distribution processes. For packaging, UNIQLO
is working to reduce the use of polyethylene shipping packages for individual items of one
certain product. From 2006, it has been packing multiple items for specific products and this has
reduced the cost for packaging by $2 billion (Fast Retailing, 2008).

UNIQLO aims to have a few shops placed in Mexico because this will fasten delivery process. In
Japan, UNIQLO aims to offer the delivery services in the same day, as when the products are
order hence, they shall implement the same process in Mexico.

Final Recommendations
1. Business modelling concept and recommendation
The global market of many different industry witness the change of purchase habit from the
population of “bottom of pyramid”, which boost the revenue of many different company
targeting to those customer and by that many innovative marketing strategy and convenience
way of purchase product have been born (Alina Sorescu, 2011). While many other retailer still
keeping the concept from over the last few decade “retail is detail”, for today generation, that
quote can lead to the misconception of how successful retailer operate. The basic foundation of
the above is still there, yet a really good product sometimes cannot get enough attention from
their target customer but to get as much attention of the target customer, the product need to be at
least decent quality.

The role of the business model is providing the logistic analysis in operation, which link between
organization asset resource, revenue resource and stakeholder proposition. It supports the firm in
logical thinking and decision making before and during the practical issues in operation (Zott and
Amit, 2010). The business modelling not only about those aspects above but also how those
pieces “fit together” and generate a business with a positive profit (Magretta, 2002). In this case,
UNIQLO has been so successful in many different markets from all over the world, and one of
their priority objections for a next few year is expanding their market share in the Latin
American market, especially Mexico.

The target market of UNIQLO for any country will be the bottom or the lower middle income of
the pyramid, which would be mostly young active people and a few but not least basic income
people in middle age. At many countries, the branded fashion normally is the high class and
luxurious brand, which price range from hundreds to thousands of US dollars and come with
many celebrity advertisements. However, UNIQLO go with different strategic way, it is branded
but come with very reasonable price no matter in which part of the world the customer come
from and their product come with the Japanese quality guarantee. By that, it attracts the customer
in the very wide market that generate the low profit per product but in massive volumes.

As mentioned above, UNIQLO is a ranked brand that famous all over the world and their target
customer may hear and known the brand even before it entry to that market. It would enhance

their development branding in that specific market. It could also reuse the same marketing or
advertisement material for reducing the cost in the similar market. With the huge capacity from
the UNIQLO global, their finance ability is capable of open a whole building store with young
and hyper design to attract young customer and building the brand image at the same time.

9. Digital marketing
Accordingly to a recent study, the number of active Facebook user in Mexico have reached 50
million in 2015, and consider the population of Mexico is about 122.3 million (Statista, 2015), it
almost half of the Mexican. And similar to other countries, most of the Facebook user is young
people, which also a target audience of UNIQLO, that make an attractive marketing campaign
through Facebook will reach most of the people it needed. The normal advertise image today do
not get much attention as it used to be, and in the common advertisement, celebrity normally
appear and it will increase a cost for marketing. The recommendation for UNIQLO to entry and
get attention from their target audience is create an interesting campaign that will spread the
news by itself through social media network. Instead of spending huge amount of money for
those celebrities, it can reuse some image from other countries or from those who international
famous that already has been partner with.

As UNIQLO can learn from Coca Cola campaign last year, that it have been so famous globally,
customize name or any words on the bottle or can. UNIQLO can do the similar thing by give
customize free name printing on their products, customize unique colour on shirt or pant that will
attract not only customer who willing to buy the product itself but also those customer who just
like the customization provide customer the freedom to make a Unique UNIQLO product. That
will fulfilled the customer need and spread the news by the customers themselves, the unique
product that designed with their name or nickname on it will become an leverage to make them
share it with their friends through social network. And by that it will trigger people curiosity in
the positive way to find out about the campaign and in the same time, get to know about
UNIQLO products and brand.

By doing that, the firm also indirectly create the positive image in their customer, giving people
the free of charge customization may cost less than the actual marketing plan with celebrity

involve. In addition, it also make customer feel that the firm actual care about their customer
need and create a relationship between a brand and their customer in the unique and minimize

UNIQLO is the low price – decent quality fashion, the essential of this marketing strategy that it
need to spread the brand image through the channel that can approach as much people as it can.
With the wide category of product the firm provide, customer can find all their need for clothing
and accessories in just one place, and by that enhance the total amount of goods purchased per
customer per visit, which means that the firm not only focus on the “bottom of the pyramid” but
also to those people with higher income in the long term campaign for a huge potential profit.
However, like any other start-up company or new entry firm to the market, it should mainly
focus on the building positive branding image and generate a decent relationship between
customers, potential customers for a stable and strong development. Like any other company,
there always a risk for new market entrance but with the reputation of UNIQLO in many
countries and the Japanese quality branded, it will be more likely to encounter the least
challenging issues to do business in Mexico.

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