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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)

ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887

Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

Solution of Higher Order Partial Differential

Equation by using Homotopy Analysis Method
Vimal P. Gohil
Assistant professor, Department of Mathematics, Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar

Abstract: In this paper, various types of higher order non linear partial differential equations are discussed. Also shown that
homotopy analysis method applied successfully for solving higher order non linear partial differential equations including
homogeneous and non-homogeneous.
Keywords: Homotopy analysis method, partial differential equation, homogeneous, nonlinear.

Homotopy analysis method (HAM) has been successfully employed to solve many types of non linear, homogeneous or non
homogeneous, equations and systems of equations as well as problems in science and engineering . Very recently, Ahmad Bataineh
et al. ([2]) presented two modifications of HAM to solve linear and non linear ODEs. The HAM contains a certain auxiliary
parameter h which provides us with a simple way to adjust and control the convergence region and rate of convergence of the
series solution. Moreover, by means of the so-called h -curve, it is easy to determine the valid regions of h to gain a convergent
series solution. Thus, through HAM, explicit analytic solutions of non linear problems are possible.
Systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) arise in many scientific models such as the propagation of shallow water waves and
the Brusselator model of the chemical reaction-diffusion model. Very recently, Batiha et al. [2] improved Wazwazs [9] results on
the application of the variational iteration method (VIM) to solve some linear and non linear systems of PDEs. In [8], Saha Ray
implemented the modified Adomian decomposition method (ADM) for solving the coupled sine-Gordon equation.


We consider the following differential equations,
N i  Si  x, t    0, i  1, 2, , n
Where Ni are nonlinear operators that the represents the whole equations, x and t are independent variables and Si ( x, t ) are
unknown functions respectively.
By means of generalizing the traditional homotopy method, Liao constructed the so-called zero-order deformation equations
1  q  L i  x, t ,; q   Si ,0  x, t   qhi N i i  x, t ,; q  (1)

Where q  [0,1] is an embedding operators, hi are nonzero auxiliary functions, L is an auxiliary linear operator, Si ,0 ( x, t ) are
initial guesses of Si ( x, t ) and  i  x, t ,; q  are unknown functions.
It is important to note that, one has great freedom to choose auxiliary objects such as hi and L in HAM.
When q  0 and q  1 we get by (1),
 i  x, t ,; 0   Si ,0  x, t  and  i  x, t ,;1  Si  x, t 
Thus q increase from 0 to 1, the solutions  i  x, t ,; q  varies from initial guesses Si ,0 ( x, t ) to Si ( x, t ) .

Expanding  i  x, t ,; q  in Taylor series with respect to,

 i  x, t ,; q   Si ,0  x, t   Si , m  x, t  .q m (2)
m 1

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 1230

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

 1  m  i  x, t ,; q  
Si , m  x, t    .  (3)
 m ! q m  q 0
If the auxiliary linear operator, initial guesses, the auxiliary parameter and auxiliary functions are properly chosen than the series
equation (2) converges at q 1.

i  x, t ,;1  Si ,0  x, t   Si , m  x, t  . (4)
m 1
This must be one of solutions of the original nonlinear equations.
According to (3), the governing equations can be deduced from the zero-order deformation equations (1).
Define the vectors
 Si , n  {Si ,0  x, t  , Si ,1  x, t  , Si ,2  x, t  , ., Si ,n  x, t }
Differentiating (1) m times with respect to the embedding parameter and the setting q  0 and finally dividing them by m !
We have the so-called m order deformation equations
L  Si , m  x, t    m Si , m1  x, t    hi Ri ,m ( Si ,m 1) (5)
 1  m 1 N i [i  x, t ,; q  
Ri , m  Si ,m 1)    .  (6)
  m  1 ! q m1  q 0
0, m  1
m  
1, m  1

Consider homogeneous linear differential equation

u u  2 u
  2u  0 (7)
t x x 2
Subject to the initial condition
u ( x, 0)  e x (8)
To solve this system (7) to (8) by HAM, first we choose initial approximation
u0 ( x , t )  e x
And the linear operator
1  x, t ; q 
L 1  x, t ; q   
With the property L  C   0 where C is integral constant.
We define system of non-linear operator as
1  x, t ; q  1  x, t ; q   21  x, t ; q 
N 1  x, t ; q      21  x, t ; q  (9)
t x x 2
Using the above definition, we construct the zeroth-order deformation equations
1  q  1  x, t ; q   u  x, t    qhN 1  x, t ; q   (10)

Obviously, when q  0 and q  1 we get

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 1231

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

1  x, t ;0   u0  x, t  and 1  x, t ;1  u  x, t  (11)

As q increase 0 to1 , 1 varies from u0  x, t  to u  x, t  Expanding 1  x, t ; q  in Taylor series with respect to q ,

1  x, t ; q   u0  x, t    um  x, t   q m (22)
m 1
 1  m1  x, t ; q  
um  x, t     (23)
 m ! q m  q  0
If the auxiliary linear operator, initial guesses, the auxiliary parameter h and auxiliary functions are properly chosen than the series
equation (23) converges at q  1 .

1  x, t ;1  u0  x, t    um  x, t 
m 1

i.e. u  x, t   u0  x, t    u  x, t 
m 1
This must be one of solutions of the original non linear equations as proved by Liao Define the vectors
u n   u 0  x, t  , u1  x, t  , u2  x, t  ,....., u n 1  x, t   (24)
We have the so-called m order deformation equations
L um  x, t    m um 1  x, t    hRm um1   (25)
  1  m 11  x, t ; q  
 
R1, m um1  
  m  1 ! q m 1

 q  0

 um 1 um 1  2 um 1

i.e. R1, m u1, m 1  t

x x 2
 2um 1 (27)

t 
 
um  x, t    m um 1  x, t   h  Rm um 1 dt  c (28)

Now we will calculate

t 
u1  x, t    m u0  x, t   h  R1 u0 dt   (29)

 
R1 u0  2e x  2e2 x
u1  x, t   2ht e x  e 2 x 
Now, the N order approximation can be expressed by
N 1
S N  x, t   u0  x, t    um  x, t  (30)
m 1

As N   we get S N  x, t   u  x, t  with some appropriate assumption of h

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 1232

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at


Consider non homogeneous non linear differential equation

 2 u u  2 u
  2u  3  0 (45)
t 2 x x 2
Subject to the initial condition
u ( x, 0)  e x (46)
To solve this system (45) to (46) by HAM, first we choose initial approximation
u0 ( x , t )  e x
And the linear operator
 21  x, t ; q 
L 1  x, t ; q   
t 2
With the property L  C   0 where C is integral constant.
We define system of non-linear operator as
 1  x, t ; q  1  x, t ; q   21  x, t ; q 
N 1  x, t ; q      21  x, t ; q   3 (47)
t 2 x x 2
Using the above definition, we construct the zeroth-order deformation equations
1  q  1  x, t ; q   u  x, t    qhN 1  x, t ; q   (48)

Obviously, when q  0 and q  1 we get

1  x, t ; q   u0  x, t  and 1  x, t ;1  u  x, t  (49)

As q increase 0 to1 , 1 varies from u0  x, t  to u  x, t  Expanding 1  x, t ; q  in Taylor series with respect to q ,

1  x, t ; q   u0  x, t    um  x, t   q m (50)
m 1
 1  m1  x, t ; q  
um  x, t     (51)
 m ! q m  q 0
If the auxiliary linear operator, initial guesses, the auxiliary parameter h and auxiliary functions are properly chosen than the series
equation (51) converges at q  1 .

1  x, t ;1  u0  x, t    um  x, t 
m 1

i.e. u  x, t   u0  x, t    u  x, t 
m 1
This must be one of solutions of the original non linear equations as proved by Liao Define the vectors
u n   u 0  x, t  , u1  x, t  , u 2  x, t  , .....u n  x, t   (52)
We have the so-called m order deformation equations
L um  x, t    m um  x, t    hRm um 1   (53)

©IJRASET (UGC Approved Journal): All Rights are Reserved 1233

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor:6.887
Volume 5 Issue VIII, August 2017- Available at

  1  m 11  x, t ; q  
Rm  
um1  
q m 1
 (54)
  m  1 !  q  0
  2 um 1 um1  2 um1

i.e. Rm u m 1  
t 2

x x 2
 2um 1  3 (55)

t t 

um  x, t    m um 1  x, t   h   Rm um1 dt  c  (56)
0 0

Now we will calculate

t t
u1  x, t    m u0  x, t   h   R1 u0 dt  c   (57)
0 0

 
R1 u0  e2 x  2e x  3
ht 2 2 x
u1  x, t  
 e  2e x  3 
Now the N order approximation can be expressed by
N 1
S N  x, t   u0  x, t    um  x, t  (58)
m 1

As N   we get S N  x, t   u  x, t  with some appropriate assumption of h

Various types of homogeneous and non homogeneous non linear partial differential equation can be solved by using homotopy
analysis method. Using freedom of choosing parameter h , numerical result can be derived.

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