Vanguard Long Short

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Removing the Long-Only Constraint:

The Appeal and Challenges of Implementing

130/30 and Other Long-Short Strategies

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

Executive summary. Since the 1990s, the investment management industry has Authors
witnessed unprecedented change in the portfolio management process. Technological Christopher B. Philips, CFA
and computing advancements, increases in the number and quality of competitors, Francis M. Kinniry Jr., CFA
lower leverage costs, innovations in financial engineering, and changes in regulatory
structures have led portfolio managers to implement new processes for trading, security
and strategy analysis, and implementation. As a result, quantitative investment strategies
have taken off, fueled by the ability to screen, manage, sort, and evaluate thousands
of securities at previously unavailable frequencies.

The combination of widely available technology and seemingly limitless investment

strategies has not only given rise to quantitative investing, but has also naturally
led to an expansion of the traditional long-only portfolio to include shorting, leverage,
derivatives, and alpha porting. For many investors, these new strategies are most
often recognized as one of a range of new products including, but not limited to,
market-neutral, 130/30 (or 120/20, 150/50, etc.), and long-short funds.

In this paper, we explore the rationale behind moving from a traditional long-only active
quantitative portfolio to a similar strategy that permits short selling1 and leverage. We
also explore the challenges associated with such a strategy, including the risks, costs,
and implementation hurdles. We conclude that:
• Removing the long-only constraint theoretically permits managers to apply information
more symmetrically and efficiently.
• The decision to remove the long-only constraint is grounded in the expectation that a
given manager will consistently produce excess returns, net of cost.
• Because of the higher costs and implementation risks associated with short selling
and leverage, diligent risk control is necessary, and even then long-only managers
may still outperform unconstrained managers.

1 Short selling involves the sale of a security that the seller does not own, or a sale that is completed by the delivery of a security
borrowed by the seller. Short sellers are bearish on a stock and assume that they will be able to buy the stock at a lower amount
than the price at which they sold it short.

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The rationale for expanding an untangle from luck and exposure to size and style
investment strategy factors. For example, a manager with modest skill
The objective for investors in actively managed and the ability to apply that skill across a broad
portfolios is to outperform a given benchmark after set of securities may still fail if the costs to execute
costs. However, historically, such cost-adjusted that strategy are too steep. Similarly, a manager
excess returns have proved difficult to deliver may fail if the opportunity set is too constrained.
consistently (Philips and Ambrosio, 2007). As a
result, the investment industry strives to uncover With the rise of technology and increased access
and deliver new processes and to refine existing to information, managers have been able to refine
processes to increase the chances of achieving the three tenets of investment success. The time
excess returns more consistently. and cost involved in developing valuation models
have been cut, models are now efficiently applied
These processes can be boiled down to three across broader opportunity sets, and execution
fundamental tenets—often referred to as the has been improved. This has resulted in generally
fundamental law of active management (Grinold, higher information ratios, as the fundamental law
1989). The fundamental law of active management of active management would suggest.2
says that the primary drivers of consistent outper-
formance (as measured by a manager’s higher But while quantitative techniques may be used
information ratio) are forecast accuracy (skill), to improve the breadth and execution of active
breadth of forecast (the opportunity to apply skill), management, most managers continue to be
and efficiency of execution (cost). Intuitively, the constrained in the application of their investment
law suggests that to obtain the highest information strategies. Traditionally, the implementation of a
ratio, a manager must have the ability to efficiently given asset allocation strategy has included only
implement a skill-based strategy across as large long investments—portfolios consisting of securities
a sample as possible. Failure in any one of these with weights greater than or equal to 0%. This
areas can lead to underperformance. means that while a strategy may have delivered
a certain amount of excess returns, that strategy
Traditionally, investors have focused only on finding a has been limited in its implementation because
manager with skill, as skill is the most apparent factor unfavorable views on stocks cannot be exploited to
in potential success or failure. Indeed, a long-only the same degree as favorable views. This raises an
manager with exceptional skill would likely be difficult important question: If a manager has demonstrated
to beat, even by managers employing long and short skill at beating a benchmark, why not relax the
strategies. For those managers with less obvious long-only constraint to enable a more effective
talents, however, breadth and execution are just as application of his information content?
important—particularly since skill can be difficult to

2 See, for example, Nelson Wicas (2006).

2 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

Figure 1 demonstrates the primary implication of the For example, in Figure 1, 16 stocks in the Standard
long-only constraint. Most benchmarks are weighted and Poor’s 500 Index have weights greater than or
according to market capitalization, where the current equal to 1%. If a manager has an unfavorable view of
weight is a function of the security price multiplied one of these stocks, she may underweight the stock
by the number of shares outstanding. In practice, by the benchmark weight, resulting in a relatively
particularly for large-cap benchmarks, this has meant significant impact to the portfolio. A manager may
that relatively few securities have significant weights underweight ExxonMobil, for example, by its
while a vast majority of securities have relatively benchmark weight of 3.3%.4 Most stocks, though,
minor weights. An active manager can therefore take possess relatively insignificant weights. In fact, the
significant negative positions in only a small fraction remaining 484 stocks have weights of less than 1%,
of securities.3 meaning that any individual underweighting has much
less influence on the performance of the portfolio.

When short selling is permitted,

Figure 1. Market-cap-weighted indexes constrain underweights the 92% of securities with weights
of less than 50 basis points may
Distribution of security weights in the S&P 500 Index receive significantly larger under-
weights relative to the benchmark.
Greater than 3.50% 0
Of course, other benchmarks
Between 3.25% and 3.50% 1 have different distributions than
Between 3.00% and 3.25% 0 the S&P 500 Index. For example,
0.6% of stocks have weights of
Between 2.75% and 3.00% 1 greater than 200 basis points in the S&P 600, the largest 50
Between 2.50% and 2.75% 0 stocks account for 21% of the total
Between 2.25% and 2.50% 0
market capitalization, while the next
Weight in S&P 500

50 largest stocks account for 15%.

Between 2.00% and 2.25% 1
Certain international indexes, on
Between 1.75% and 2.00% 2
the other hand, may have an even
Between 1.50% and 1.75% 2 greater concentration of benchmark
Between 1.25% and 1.50% 6 weight in the largest stocks.
Between 1.00% and 1.25% 3
Between 0.75% and 1.00% 9

Between 0.50% and 0.75% 16 92% of stocks have weights of

less than 50 basis points
Between 0.25% and 0.50% 47

Between 0% and 0.25% 412

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450

Number of securities

Source: Authors’ calculations using data from Thompson Datastream.

Holdings represent the weights of the stocks in the Standard & Poor’s
500 Index as of March 31, 2007.

3 A similar example is used by Bruce Jacobs and Kenneth Levy (2006).

4 As of March 31, 2007.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 3

Removing the long-only constraint within 10% to each decile). In the top panel on page 5 we
a quantitative investment framework show potential overweights to the decile 1 stocks
Quantitative equity managers rank stocks based on based on the manager’s information in blue. In this
the likelihood that they will produce excess returns example we applied an overweighting of 50 basis
compared with the benchmark, using algorithms points equally across all 50 stocks, representing a
based on finance, mathematics, statistics, and 25% total overweight to decile 1. As demonstrated
economics. Because managers attempt to match by the top panel, every stock may be overweighted
the benchmark’s primary risk factors (size, style to the maximum extent of the information content
and sector), they tend to use many, if not all, of provided by the manager’s valuation models. As a
the benchmark securities, resulting in many small result, the total weight of the decile 1 stocks now
overweights and underweights. stands at 37% of the portfolio.

We attempt to simulate this approach to demonstrate The impact is quite different for the decile 10 stocks,
the asymmetry of information application and the shown in Figure 2 by the lower panel. In this graph,
potential value of removing the long-only constraint. we underweighted each stock by 50 basis points, or
For simplicity, in Figure 2 on page 5 we grouped to the maximum extent permitted by the benchmark.
the stocks in the S&P 500 into deciles, with decile While seven stocks were underweighted by 50 basis
1 representing the basket of stocks with the best points, 43 stocks were underweighted by less, some
prospects for outperformance and decile 10 significantly less, because their starting benchmark
representing the basket of stocks with the worst weight was less than 50 basis points. The end result
prospects. Rather than sort by a quantitative forward is that while each of these stocks is viewed in an
return signal, to simulate a hypothetical investment equally unfavorable light, the manager is constrained
approach we ranked the stocks alphabetically to form in the degree to which he can act on that information.
our deciles. Decile 1, representing our hypothetical
50 best-ranked stocks, includes 3M Co. through For example, stock number 452 has a benchmark
Autodesk, Inc. Decile 10 represents the hypothetical weight of just 4.1 basis points while stock number
50 worst-ranked stocks, from Tyco International Ltd. 457 has a benchmark weight of 55 basis points.
through Zions Bancorp. Although the manager views the stocks as equally
unfavorable investments, stock number 452 can be
While each individual quantitative manager may underweighted by only 4.1 basis points, while stock
apply overweights and underweights differently, our number 457 can be underweighted by the entire 50
example illustrates the challenges associated with basis points suggested by the information content.
a constraint on short investments. In this example, However, if the decile 10 stocks were instead decile
we ranked the S&P 500 stocks by name and graphed 1 stocks, the manager could apply equal overweights
the benchmark weights of the first and last 50 with to stocks 452 and 457. The asymmetry is clear—the
the brown bars. The total benchmark weights of decile 1 stocks were overweighted by a total of 25%,
the stocks in deciles 1 and 10 are 12% and 12.4%, while the decile 10 stocks were underweighted by
respectively (a truly even distribution would allocate only 10.3%.5

5 It’s important to note that managers of concentrated funds are not as restricted in their overweights and underweights. For example, a portfolio of 50 stocks
would hold only those stocks identified as “buys” and would not hold in any capacity any other stocks. So the benchmark weights are not as constricting for
the manager of a concentrated fund as for the manager of a broadly diversified quantitative fund.

4 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

Figure 2. The asymmetry in applying information

Benchmark weights and portfolio overweights of hypothetical decile 1 stocks within the S&P 500

Benchmark/investment percentage





1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49

Benchmark weight Additional decile 1 investment

Benchmark weights and portfolio underweights of hypothetical decile 10 stocks within the S&P 500


Benchmark/investment percentage



451 454 457 460 463 466 469 472 475 478 481 484 487 490 493 496 499

Benchmark weight Decile 10 underweight

Source: Authors’ calculations using data from Thompson Datastream. Holdings represent the weights of the stocks in the S&P 500 Index as of March 31, 2007.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 5

In a long-only investment framework, managers are
constrained in applying their strategies. Modifying Figure 3. Hypothetical comparison of constrained and
or eliminating the constraints contained in a fund’s unconstrained portfolios
prospectus as it relates to short selling, overweight
limits, and leverage allows managers to take full Lifting prospectus-defined constraints increases the breadth to
apply alpha strategies
advantage of any information they may possess. In
Figure 3, we demonstrate this in a purely theoretical 40%
example, using an equal-weighted benchmark, where
the blue bars signify 10% weights to each benchmark 30

Weight relative to benchmark

decile. The brown bars represent the traditional long-
only portfolio, which is constrained to 0% weights
in the worst-ranked deciles. The gray bars represent
the theoretical 1x0/x0 framework, where the manager
not only underweights the least attractive securities
in deciles 8, 9 and 10, but is able to further increase
the bets against those securities by selling them –10
short. The manager is then able to use the capital
received from the short sales to place additional bets –20
on the most attractive securities in deciles 1, 2, and Decile Decile Decile Decile Decile Decile Decile Decile Decile Decile
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3. We will provide a more explicit example of this
Decile ranking of relative attractiveness
process later.
Equal-weighted benchmark Portfolio permitting
In practice, this means that the worst-ranked stocks short selling
Constrained long-only portfolio
may be sold short to “free up” additional investment
Source: Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research.
in the top-rated stocks. The manager is now able to
exploit negative information on decile 10 stocks to the
same extent she is able to exploit positive information
on decile 1 stocks.
benchmark weight. For example, because stock 452
Figure 4 on page 7 uses this theoretical framework had a benchmark weight of 4.1 basis points, we first
and applies it to our S&P 500 example. In Figure 4 reduced the benchmark weight to 0% and then sold
we modify the bottom graph in Figure 2 to include short an additional 45.9 basis points worth of the
short selling. We apply a similar methodology in that stock to bring the total adjustment from the starting
we underweighted each position by 50 basis points benchmark weight to –50 basis points. Because stock
as a result of our information signal. However, 457 started with a benchmark weight of 55 basis
because we have eliminated the restriction on points, no short sales were required as –50 basis
shorting stocks, we are able to underweight each points of information could be applied with 5 basis
stock by 50 basis points regardless of its starting points to spare.

6 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

Figure 4. Permitting short sales expands the opportunity to apply information

Benchmark weights, portfolio overweights, and additional short sales of hypothetical decile 10 stocks within the S&P 500

Benchmark/investment percentage





451 454 457 460 463 466 469 472 475 478 481 484 487 490 493 496 499

Benchmark weight Decile 10 underweight Decile 10 short sales

Source: Authors’ calculations using data from Thompson Datastream. Holdings represent the weights of the stocks in the S&P 500 Index as of
March 31, 2007.

As a result of these short sales, the decile 10 optimal manner on the best-rated stocks, adding
stocks now have a net portfolio weight of –12.6%, additional amplification to the investment signals
a change of 25 percentage points from the 12.4% implemented in the portfolio. Finally, when short
weighting in the benchmark. This extra information sales of the worst-ranked stocks are permitted,
applied to the worst-ranked stocks increases the the manager can diversify the idiosyncratic risk
manager’s opportunities to use information more inherent to heterogeneous benchmark weights.
efficiently. In addition, the manager now has an In our example, the application of information is
extra 12.6% of weight to allocate among the best- concentrated in those stocks where we are able
ranked stocks, further increasing the information to underweight by the full 50 basis points. Shorting
opportunity (demonstrated in Table 1 on page 12). permits even application of information, diversifying
So as the hypothetical example in Figure 3 illustrates, this concentration risk.
the manager is able to apply information in the

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 7

Applying the theoretical framework
Figure 5. Hypothetical comparison of strategies with
More and more, managers are taking advantage of
long and short positions
the opportunity to modify or eliminate the long-only
constraint. According to data from Evestment, the
number of quantitative funds employing long and ???
short positions had jumped from 17 in 1990 to 231

Portfolio exposures: percent of dollars

as of 2006. In addition, the number of hedge fund 100 100% 100% 100%
strategies employing short selling grew from
approximately 90 in 1990 to approximately 2,900 in
0% 0% 0%
2006.6 These numbers are further corroborated by the 0
increase in the dollar value of short positions over the
years. According to research by Empirical Research
Partners, the value of short interest has nearly tripled –100 –100%

since 2003, and increased from less than $50 billion

in 1993 to almost $500 billion as of January 2007
(Goldstein, 2007).7 But while the managers, strategies, Long-only 130/30 Market-neutral Long-short
and dollars focused on the short side have all
increased, what distinguishes one set of strategies
Potential dollars long Average net exposure
from the next? (and range)
Potential dollars short
Source: Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research.
The primary differences among the various strategies
that use both long and short positions have to do with
the degree of shorting and leverage used and the final
net exposure of the portfolio. Figure 5 demonstrates
these basic differences. Moving beyond the long-only plus 30% short, plus another 30% long), but as
portfolio, at one end are the 1x0/x0 strategies, here with traditional long-only portfolios, it maintains a
represented by a 130/30 portfolio.8 With 130/30 funds, net exposure, or investment, of 100% long dollars.
managers fully invest 100% of the available dollars
according to their investment processes, and then Of course, in practice, creating a 130/30 strategy
use a prime broker to sell short unfavorable stocks is not nearly so simplistic. For example, in order to
up to an amount equal to 30% of the portfolio. The actually sell securities short, a prime broker requires
proceeds received from the short sales are then collateral to fund the positions. The 130/30 manager
reinvested in stocks with a favorable outlook. As will therefore coordinate with a prime broker to
a result, the 130 represents the long positions calculate the collateral needed to fully support the
accounting for 130% of the invested dollars, and 30/30 portion of the portfolio. Under Federal Reserve
the 30 represents the short positions accounting Board Regulation T, the broker requires collateral equal
for –30% of the invested dollars. The final portfolio to 150% of the current market value of the shorted
therefore has 160% worth of positions (100% long, securities. And section 18(f) of the Investment

6 We include only market-neutral and long-short equity funds in this comparison. Data were provided by Hedge Fund Research and Tremont.
7 There is ongoing debate in the industry as to the causes and implications of the increase in short interest.
8 While 130% long and 30% short is the most common framework and serves as a compromise among the increased opportunity for excess return,
additional tracking error, and additional costs to incur the additional excess returns, funds vary widely in the percentage of dollars shorted (Alford, 2006,
and Patel, et al., 2007).

8 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

The fund invests the cash proceeds
Figure 6. Operational procedure of a 130/30 strategy under Regulation T of the short sale in additional liquid
portfolio equities (5). As a result, the
Fund custody arrangement will include
$45 held at the fund’s custodian
bank subject to a tri-party agreement
2. Short $30 2. Deliver 1. Invest $100
and $85 held at the custodian bank
not subject to the tri-party
5. Reinvest short proceeds agreement (6).
3. Establish
tri-party custody
Through the short sales, the
4. Set aside collateral reinvestment of the short proceeds,
Prime broker Custodian bank 150% of short and the original investment process,
6. Maintain unencumbered sale market value the fund hopes to earn a positive
long portfolio return on the original $100, plus a
$85 Custody $45 Collateral
positive spread between the basket
Source: Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research. of short stocks and the additional
long positions. It’s this spread that
results in the extra alpha attributed
to the information content of the
Company Act of 1940 may require 300% of the fund manager. Finally, if over time the value of the
shorted assets to be covered if those proceeds are securities sold short increases, the fund will have to
subsequently reinvested. Funds are also subject to a deliver additional collateral while the short position
Securities and Exchange Commission requirement to remains open to remain in compliance.
set aside in a segregated account liquid assets equal
to the current market value of the short positions.9 Market-neutral strategies are different in structure
from 130/30 funds. Market-neutral strategies
In Figure 6 we diagram the process a fund must eliminate the short constraint entirely, allowing
undertake to implement a 130/30 strategy. First, managers to short up to 100% of the portfolio
the fund holds a portfolio of liquid equity securities, value (adjusted, of course, for any cash reserve
in this example worth $100 (1). The fund then sells or margin requirements). In this case, where the
short a basket of equity securities worth $30 (2). short proceeds are held as cash and not reinvested,
The fund enters a tri-party agreement among the additional collateral is typically not required. However,
prime broker and custodian bank for short sale to facilitate redemptions and portfolio transactions,
collateral (3). Because the fund is reinvesting the the strategy may be closer to 95% short. The
proceeds from the short sale, the collateral will be collateral earns a cash yield—typically the federal
150% of the $30 short sale, or $45. This collateral funds rate—which is returned to the market-neutral
will be held pursuant to the tri-party agreement at manager less a servicing fee that is retained by
the fund’s custodian bank (4). the broker.

9 These assets may not be used to cover other obligations and may not be sold or disposed of unless other qualifying assets (e.g., cash or liquid securities)
are substituted. The segregation stipulation is intended to place a practical limit on the amount of leverage a fund may undertake (and so to limit potential
increases in the speculative nature of the fund’s outstanding securities) and to ensure that adequate funds are available to meet the obligations arising
from the instrument or practice that created the leverage.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 9

Managers typically offset long positions with short Is there an optimal framework for long
positions in similar securities, hoping to capture a and short positions?
spread between the two (expectations for positive While a 1x0/x0 approach expands both the short
excess returns assume that valuation information on and long capabilities of a portfolio, the magnitude of
one or both securities is correct). In this way, market- overweights and underweights remains constrained.
neutral managers hope to achieve stable net exposure Indeed, if managers have demonstrated skill, should
and stable beta. But instead of targeting a beta of 1, they not be free to apply that skill to the greatest
market-neutral managers target a beta to the market extent possible? This is the primary attraction of
of 0, relying instead on the information content of market-neutral portfolios within a portable alpha
the investment model to exceed the return on the framework. In such a framework, market-neutral
benchmark Treasury bill. managers are free to apply the information process
to the fullest extent possible on both the long and
The basic idea is that if an investment process works short sides. The market-neutral return is then applied
on the long side as well as the short side, limiting a by way of financial engineering to the beta return
portfolio to a 30% short position, limiting leverage, of a given index. The final result is the index return
and restricting overweights simply adds constraints plus or minus the alpha return of the market-
back in, but at a higher threshold. The market-neutral neutral manager.
manager is freed from these constraints and applies
the investment strategy across all available opportu- However, in theory a fully unconstrained portfolio
nities. The idea of eliminating these constraints is may also be employed within the 1x0/x0 framework,
not unique to market-neutral managers, however. as demonstrated in Figure 7 on page 11. Here we
As we will discuss, repositioning a 130/30 portfolio illustrate the range of potential short limits as well
to a 200/100 portfolio theoretically would permit the as the subsequent additional potential long positions.
manager to operate free of restrictions on short selling, Below the bars we also show the total dollars
leverage, and position overweights, in a process similar invested. Looking at the right two bars, we see that
to that used by the market-neutral manager. the 200/100 and market-neutral portfolios are similar
except that the 200/100 portfolio maintains full market
Traditional long-short hedge funds differ from both exposure (while taking active positions), while the
market-neutral and 1x0/x0 portfolios in that they may market-neutral portfolio eliminates exposure to the
fall anywhere with respect to the dollar value of short market. In fact, as we have discussed, the 200/100
positions as well as the final net exposure of the fund represents an information-based investment
portfolio. Long-short funds may make significant process applied to 200% of long positions and 100%
active bets on the long side and short side, and as of short positions, resulting in expected excess
a result often look quite different from a long-only returns across 300% of the portfolio. The portable
benchmark. The primary implication is that investors alpha framework results in an information process
lose control over their investment policy with respect applied to 200% of positions, instead applying that
to reporting, transparency, and asset allocation. information process to a low-cost beta investment.

10 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

In addition, while theoretically appealing, a 200/100
Figure 7. Comparing 1x0/x0 portfolios to portfolio would be difficult to construct.
market-neutral portfolios
First, because short positions may require collateral
equivalent to 300% of the short proceeds (if the
Portfolio exposures: percentage of dollars

150 proceeds are to be reinvested), the maximum a fund

could achieve without borrowing additional capital
100 would be 150/50. For example, $50 in short positions
would require $150 of collateral, which would be
the entire long portfolio plus the $50 in reinvested
0 short proceeds.

Second, most funds will concentrate the short and
–100 Total investment dollars additional long positions in the security baskets where
100% 120% 160% 200% 240% 300% 200% the most information is available. In our examples,
–150 this would be baskets 1 and 2 on the long end and
Long-only 110/10 130/30 150/50 170/70 200/100 Market-
neutral 9 and 10 on the short end. To move from 130/30 to
150/50 to 200/100 would require increasingly large
Dollars long Potential dollars short bets on (against) these baskets of securities.
Potential leveraged Average net exposure Operationally, the more leveraged the portfolio, the
long dollars
less risk control is possible. As a result, depending
Source: Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research. on how much information, turnover, or leverage the
130/30 manager wishes to employ, the final portfolio
may actually look quite different from 160% of
invested positions. Finally, maintaining a 130/30
As a result, for investors confident in the information portfolio requires significantly more turnover than
process of a given manager, a 200/100 strategy may maintaining a 100/0 portfolio.
be preferable to a portable alpha strategy that makes
use of a market-neutral fund because the 200/100 Moving from a 130/30 to a 150/50 or a 200/100
strategy is implemented with one fund, uses one portfolio may be theoretically optimal, but in practice,
investment process, and applies information across the costs associated with the significant turnover
more positions (Jacobs and Levy, 2006). would likely eat away any additional benefits gained
from additional leveraging of the manager’s
Of course, since market-neutral managers maintain information.
a portfolio of cash obtained from selling short the
worst-ranked stocks while 200/100 managers use
those proceeds to make additional investments in
the best-ranked securities, market-neutral managers
inherently have less active risk (and by extension less
expected active return) than 200/100 managers.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 11

Table 1. Comparing the portfolio allocations

Deciles Totals
Deciles Deciles Deciles Deciles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1–10 1–3 4–7 8–10
Benchmark weights 12.00% 8.40% 10.90% 9.90% 13.30% 7.30% 10.20% 9.10% 6.50% 12.40% 100% 31.30% 40.70% 28%
Long-only portfolio 24.50 13.40 13.20 9.90 13.30 7.30 10.20 5.40 0.70 2.10 100 51.10 40.70 8.20
130/30 portfolio 42.00 23.40 16.70 9.90 13.30 7.30 10.20 3.40 –8.50 –17.60 100 82.10 40.70 –22.70
portfolio 54.50 26.10 15.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 –10.40 –36.00 –50.10 0 96.50 0 –96.50
Portable alpha
strategy 66.50 34.50 26.80 9.90 13.30 7.30 10.20 –1.30 –29.50 –37.70 100 127.80 40.70 –68.50
200/100 portfolio 74.50 50.90 30.40 9.90 13.30 7.30 10.20 –10.40 –36.00 –50.10 100 155.80 40.70 –96.50

Source: Authors’ calculations using data from Thompson Datastream. Holdings represent the weights of the stocks in the S&P 500 index as of March 31, 2007.
Notes: For each portfolio where shorting is permitted, we applied the information content equally across each security in a given decile. In addition, we constrained
the total short positions to be no more than the stated objective—30% for the 130/30 portfolio, for example. The portable alpha strategy represents the sum of the
market-neutral portfolio and the benchmark weights. Percentages may not add up exactly because of rounding.

Table 1 expands on Figure 7 by detailing the Row 3 in Table 1 demonstrates the potential
portfolio weights across the various deciles for information leverage of a 130/30 strategy. Since short
several strategies. In this table, we use the same sales of up to 30% of the portfolio are permitted,
methodology employed in Figures 2 and 4, where deciles 8, 9, and 10 are allowed considerably larger
we sort the S&P 500 stocks alphabetically and split underweights to the benchmark, while deciles 1, 2,
them into 10 portfolios with 50 stocks in each. The and 3 are permitted additional overweights.10 As a
first row of the table lists the benchmark weights result of modifying the long-only constraint to 30%
for each decile. The second row shows our short, the manager can increase the overweights
hypothetical overweights to deciles 1, 2, and 3 and underweights to ±50.8% from ±19.8%. Again,
and underweights to deciles 8, 9, and 10 for a long- because we have no information on the middle
only manager. Because we have no information deciles, we maintained the benchmark weight for
on deciles 4 through 7, we maintain the benchmark risk control.
weighting for risk control. As a result of the long-
only constraint, the manager may overweight the Rows 4 through 6 show the differences among the
top and bottom deciles by a maximum of ±19.8%, market-neutral product, portable alpha product, and
respectively (As discussed with Figure 2, we could theoretical 200/100 product. The most significant
not take deciles 8, 9, and 10 to 0% and still apply difference is that the market-neutral manager
information symmetrically across each decile.) eliminates allocations to the middle deciles and
instead uses that capital to overweight securities
in the top decile. The market-neutral manager also
shorts the bottom-decile securities up to 100% of the
value of the portfolio, and uses that additional capital
to add to the weights of the top-ranked securities.

10 In application, managers must ensure that the total short positions do not exceed 30% of the total portfolio weight. This often means implementing an
optimization process throughout portfolio construction.

12 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

This methodology results in a much more Implementation risks for eliminating the
concentrated portfolio, with the potential for less long-only constraint
risk control. Of course, any manager may incorporate
The difficulty of selecting winning managers
more risk control by increasing the weighting to
The primary risk for investors in portfolios that
stocks in deciles 4–7; however, adding weights in
include short selling and leverage is the risk of active
these deciles reduces the potential application of
management—the chance that the manager may not
information in the best and worst deciles, a direct
consistently pick winners on both the long and short
implication of the tradeoff between risk control
sides. It’s well-documented that the returns provided
and active share.
by active managers form a distribution around the
market benchmark, with some outperforming over
Finally, within this market-neutral framework, the
a given period and others underperforming (Philips
benchmark weights of deciles 1, 2, and 3 necessarily
and Ambrosio, 2007). This holds true for quantitative
account for a percentage of the long portfolio. There-
managers as well as those employing a fundamental
fore, the manager can apply only 65% of information
valuation process.
beyond the benchmark allocations. For example, if the
manager allocates 2% to stock 1, and stock 1 has
In Figure 8 on page 14 we show the 12-month
a benchmark weight of 1%, half of the allocation
gross excess returns for first-quartile, median,
represents the benchmark weight and not an
and third-quartile quantitative managers relative
information-based overweight.
to the S&P 500 Index. For this figure we used
only quantitative managers within a large-cap
The 200/100 and portable alpha managers, in
core investment universe. We used gross returns
contrast, are able to apply 100% of information (in
to remove any negative impact of management
theory) on top of the decile 1, 2, and 3 benchmark
fees and expenses. At the narrowest point, the
weights. However, while the portable alpha strategy
12-month spread between the 25th percentile
applies the alpha strategy to any information-less
and 75th percentile was 6.3%, while at the widest
benchmark, the 200/100 manager continues to apply
point the spread exceeded 22.4%. The median
information to the original 100% of the portfolio. This
spread was 10.9%, indicating substantial variation
represents a fundamental but significant difference
among very similar managers.
between the two strategies.11

A second point worth noting is that the median

manager did not consistently post positive gross
excess returns. Only the top-quartile managers
consistently post positive gross excess returns.
Therefore, the obvious risk for investors in
quantitative funds is that they might select a lower-
quartile manager or that a top-quartile manager
might subsequently produce returns in the lower
quartiles going forward.

11 The ability to port a market-neutral strategy onto any benchmark can be an important portfolio feature for investors looking for a beta different from that of the
equity market. For example, the strategy may be ported onto a fixed income benchmark.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 13

Figure 8. Quantitative investors remain subject to the distribution of manager returns

Distribution of gross excess returns for quantitative managers of large-cap core funds


Annualized gross excess return



1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Years ended December . . .

1st quartile Median 3rd quartile

Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Source: Authors’ calculations based on data from Evestment.

Because most short extension strategies replicate the associated with achieving those expected excess
long process on the short side, excess returns would returns would also increase. The net distribution
be expected to be magnified both to the upside as in Figure 9 would therefore be likely to also shift
well as the downside. Therefore, the average spread to the left, perhaps significantly.
in Figure 8 would likely be much wider than the 10.9%
reported. This amplification concept is illustrated in
Figure 9, where we show the hypothetical change
in the return distribution for quantitative managers Figure 9. Hypothetical distribution for constrained and
if 100% of the managers in this universe moved to unconstrained managers
a 200/100 portfolio instead of a long-only portfolio.
Unconstrained quantitative manager:
While the distributions in Figure 9 are symmetrical, quantitative manager: Gross return distribution
Gross return distribution
most quantitative funds engender significant trading
frictions (such as bid/ask spreads, commissions,
opportunity costs, and cash drag) in part because
of the high turnover associated with applying the Leverage increases Leverage increases
negative gross positive gross
information content across the portfolio. As a result, excess returns excess returns
while removing portfolio constraints would increase
the range of gross expected excess returns for the Source: Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research.
aggregate universe of managers, the cost drag

14 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

The risk of factor biases remained strong, these quant managers shifted to
While quantitatively based short extension strategies a distinctly smaller-cap bias. The obvious implication
remain subject to the signals and information of is that in markets dominated by large-cap growth
the manager or the manager’s model, quantitative companies, quantitative strategies focused primarily
funds may also have risks that are not reflected in on value and small-cap factors would be expected
net dollar exposure or average beta to the market. to underperform. This is true for long-only structured
For example, Figure 10 demonstrates the average equity products as well as for 1x0/x0 or market-
5-year factor exposures for the universe of large-cap neutral products built on quantitative models. And
core quantitative funds from the five years ended funds with additional leveraged positions would
December 1991 through the five years ended have greater absolute exposure to any inherent
December 2006. factor biases.

There are two clear points of interest in this figure. But while Figure 10 identifies the factor weightings
First, even large-cap core quantitative funds have of the large-cap core quant universe, it is important
historically been focused on value. Second, from 2000 to remember that this is for the entire group of
through 2006, these quantitative funds shifted from quantitative funds. The performance of individual
a large-cap bias to a neutral bias. In fact, performing managers should be evaluated carefully across
the same regression for the 3-year period from 2004 various market cycles to identify manager-specific
through 2006 shows that while the value bias skill relative to potential factor loadings.

Figure 10. Quantitative funds tend to focus on value risk factors

Full sample: 1987–2006
Factor exposure (beta to risk factor)




Strong focus on large-cap value

Full 1987– 1988– 1989– 1990– 1991– 1992– 1993– 1994– 1995– 1996– 1997– 1998– 1999– 2000– 2001– 2002–
sample 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

Style factor: Positive = value tilt Size factor: Positive = small-cap tilt

Source: Authors’ calculations using data from Evestment and Eugene Fama and Kenneth French. Quantitative funds represent mutual funds and separate
accounts benchmarked to a large-capitalization core benchmark. We excluded funds benchmarked to small-cap, mid-cap, growth, or value benchmarks,
as well as quantitative long-short portfolios.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 15

The difficulty of succeeding while short As Table 2 on page 17 demonstrates, stock returns
Selling stocks short also comes with another set are asymmetrically distributed above and below
of concerns. For one, the process is not as simple as 0%. Intuitively, the results presented in this table
the process for purchasing stocks long. For example, suggest that it is much easier to lose money on
to create short positions, a manager must work short positions (by earning positive returns) than
with a prime broker to borrow the stocks, to manage to lose money on long positions (with negative
the margin requirements, and to actually sell the returns).12 For example, looking at the weekly
borrowed stocks as well as distribute any dividends. frequency column, we see that there were 189
Because the manager must work with a prime broker, instances in which stocks lost more than 30% in
the manager is subject to the broker’s inventory of one week. On the flip side there were 328 instances
shortable stocks. As a result, the liquidity and breadth in which stocks gained more than 30% in one week.
of stocks available to short may be limited relative Similar results are observed across the time periods
to long investments. Also, the costs for shorting are analyzed. Finally, it’s important to note that Table 2
higher because of the more complicated process. uses the stocks in the S&P 500, typically considered
And, importantly, the costs involved in shorting may a large-cap benchmark. Even within the large-cap
change substantially if a given security becomes space, there is significant volatility among securities.
more, or less, available to borrow. Of course, one would expect even greater volatility
and dispersion of returns within a small-cap
Second, investors should be aware of the additional benchmark such as the S&P 600, Russell 2000,
risks involved with a portfolio that includes short or MSCI 1750.13
positions. For instance, while a traditional long
investment is limited to a 100% loss, the short While the 1x0/x0 portfolio remains net 100% long
positions theoretically have unlimited loss potential. and thus benefits from upward-trending markets,
Obviously a well-diversified short portfolio would there is a dedicated short component to the portfolio
be less exposed to large losses from individual that must be managed with care. For example, even
securities, but investors must be aware of the the worst-ranked decile 10 securities may realize
heightened risk control requirements for a positive returns. They may simply return much less
short portfolio. than the decile 1 securities. Finally, it should not be
assumed that a process that is successful on the long
side will be similarly successful on the short side. As
a result of the unique risks involved in shorting, the
managers of 1x0/x0 or market-neutral portfolios must
include risk control as a major component of the
portfolio management process.

12 A similar analysis using valuation multiples was performed by Peter Xu (2007).

13 By comparison, we performed a similar analysis using the first 500 names ranked alphabetically in the Russell 2000 (we used the first 500 names for a like
comparison to the S&P 500). For these smaller stocks, there were 1,544 weekly observations where stocks gained more than 30% in a week, and 585
observations where stocks lost more than 30%. We see similar higher volatility in smaller stocks for daily returns: 329 observations of daily returns of less than
–30% and 750 observations of daily returns of greater than 30%. (Fifteen of those 750 observations involved returns of greater than 100% in a single day.)

16 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

Table 2. Short-term stock returns are positively skewed

Daily Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly

Between –10% and –20% 3,259 6,020 12,135 4,852
Between –20% and –30% 281 689 1,842 1,057
Between –30% and –40% 63 138 373 299
Between –40% and –50% 18 42 109 96
Between –50% and –60% 4 7 25 28
Between –60% and –70% 2 0 8 13
Between –70% and –80% 0 1 1 1
Between –80% and –90% 0 1 2 0
Less than –90% 0 0 0 0
Total negative observations 645,551 129,771 124,826 27,382

Between 10% and 20% 5,175 8,503 17,037 7,371

Between 20% and 30% 367 1,053 2,857 1,778
Between 30% and 40% 53 225 691 531
Between 40% and 50% 16 68 254 196
Between 50% and 60% 4 17 86 104
Between 60% and 70% 2 12 46 41
Between 70% and 80% 2 2 22 19
Between 80% and 90% 1 1 11 16
Between 90% and 100% 0 0 6 8
Greater than 100% 0 3 10 21
Total positive observations 660,216 145,902 151,692 36,557
Source: Authors’ calculations using data from Thomson Datastream.
Notes: Returns represent S&P 500 constituents as of April 30, 2007. All return series start on January 1, 1996, and end on April 30, 2006.

Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research > 17

Conclusion References
The investing process has fundamentally changed Alford, Andrew, 2006. Demystifying the Newest
over the last two decades, coinciding with the Equity Long-Short Strategies: Making the
exponential growth in computing power and Unconventional Conventional. Goldman Sachs
access to information. Using this computing power, Asset Management. Perspectives: Insights
investment managers are able to implement their on Today’s Investment Issues (October).
processes across previously unattainable data. A
natural outcome of this shift toward quantitative Goldstein, Michael L., and Laura Dix, 2007.
investing is a move to reduce or eliminate portfolio Short Sellers’ Problem: Overcapacity. Empirical
constraints involving leverage, short selling, and Research Partners. Stock Selection: Research
investment limits. While these new mandates are and Results (February).
theoretically promising, investors must be aware
of the risks, including risk factor exposure, the Grinold, Richard C, 1989. The Fundamental Law
difficulty in achieving sustainable alpha, the risk of of Active Management. Journal of Portfolio
active management, and the unique characteristics Management, Spring, 30–37.
of the short market.
Jacobs, Bruce I., and Kenneth N. Levy, 2006.
In the end, if one believes in an active manager’s Enhanced Active Equity Strategies: Relaxing the
ability to apply skill efficiently and to realize Long-Only Constraint in the Pursuit of Active Return.
excess returns net of costs, removing the long- Journal of Portfolio Management, Spring, 45–55.
only constraint makes sense. However, because
there are many ways to relax the long-only constraint Jacobs, Bruce I., and Kenneth N. Levy, 2007. 20
within a portfolio, the end product should match the Myths about Enhanced Active 120-20 Strategies.
desired combination of alpha and beta. For example, Financial Analysts Journal, 63(4): 9–26.
a market-neutral fund may be thought of as alpha
plus cash, a portable alpha fund as alpha plus a Patel, Pankaj, Heath Barefoot, Souheang Yao, and
range of betas, and a 130/30 fund as alpha plus Ryan Carlson, 2007. Achieving Higher Alpha. Credit
a long active strategy. Suisse. Quantitative Research, February 21.

Going forward, the success of a manager without Philips, Christopher B., and Frank J. Ambrosio,
the long-only constraint depends on the security 2007. The Case for Indexing. Valley Forge, Pa.:
selection process, the quality of information, and Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research,
the costs of execution. Consistently succeeding The Vanguard Group.
across market cycles has been, and will continue
to be, difficult; however, increasing the opportunity Sorensen, Eric H., Ronald Hua, and Edward Qian,
set for managers to apply information permits them 2007. Aspects of Constrained Long-Short Equity
to operate with the best chance of capitalizing on Portfolios: Taking off the Handcuffs. Journal of
their information content. Portfolio Management, Winter, 12–20.

Wicas, Nelson, 2006. The Case for Structured

Equity: An Active Quantitative Investment Strategy.
Valley Forge, Pa.: Vanguard Investment Counseling
& Research, The Vanguard Group.

Xu, Peter, 2007. Does Relaxing the Long-Only

Constraint Increase Downside Risk of Portfolio
Alphas? Journal of Investing, Spring, 43–50.

18 > Vanguard Investment Counseling & Research

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