Este Lesson-Plan-Template

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Appendix 1


Year Level: 5 Time: 10.00-11.00am Students’ Prior Knowledge:

Date: 19/10/18 Year 3:
Learning Area: Physical sciences: Heat can be produced in many
Science ways and can move from one object to
Physical Sciences: Light from a source forms shadows and another (ACSSU049)
can be absorbed, reflected and refracted (ACSSU080)
Year 4:
Communicating Science
Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using Earth and Space Sciences: Earth’s surface changes
scientific representations in a variety of ways, including over time as a result of natural processes and human
multi-modal texts (ACSIS093) activity (ACSSU075)

Communicating: Represent and communicate

Design & Technologies observations, ideas and findings using formal and
Collaborating and Managing: Work independently, or informal representations (ACSIS071)
collaboratively when required, to plan, safely develop and
Design & Technology
communicate ideas and information for solutions
Collaborating and Managing: Work independently,
or collaboratively when required, to plan, safely create
Materials and Technologies specialisation:
and communicate ideas and information for solutions
Characteristics and properties of a range (WATPPS26)
of materials and components, and the suitability and safe
practice of their use (ACTDEK023) Materials and Technologies specialisation:
Suitability and safe practice when using materials,
systems and components for a range of purposes

Year 5:
Earth and Space Sciences: The Earth is part of
a system of planets orbiting around a star (the
sun) (ACSSU078)

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
Students use competence creative behaviour Social understandin
oral and Students thinking competence g


written engage with Imagine Students use

literacy. They their ICT possibilities their social
must also read competence and connect abilities to
and decode in when using ideas: cooperate and
their research the ipad’s to Combination work
research the of ideas in a effectively
web and use variety of with their
the app Padlet. ways and peers.
from a range
of sources to They also
create new have personal
possibilities. skills when
they are to
reflect for
themselves on
the lesson
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s engagement Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures with Asia Understanding the importance of
using recycled materials, rather than
buying new items. Solar ovens are
also engaging with the concept of
solar energy and using renewable
sources to be more sustainable for
future generations.
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)

As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Recognise the difference between Absorption, Reflection, Refraction and Transmission (ARRT) through
communicating in class discussion, direct questioning and visual representations.
 Identify three scientific properties of at least one material involved in the making of solar ovens through
effective researching of selected websites and completion of “What material are you?” template.
 Work collaboratively in mixed ability groups (based on behaviour management) to communicate ideas
effectively and share learning equally among all members.

Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for students at educational risk:

 Appendix 2: print and cut 7 copies with each copy Extending Prompt:
in a different zip lock bag  Students who finish the activity early can use
 Ensure interactive white board is on and working the ipad’s in their group to read and look at the
(have a couple of pages already set) website
 Draw up the four identical diagrams homemade-solar-oven-projects-for-kids/. Here
 Appendix 3: print out 6 templates and label each they can view 6 different ways solar ovens can
one a different material be constructed.
 Ensure ipad’s are signed in and fully charged  After this they can start drafting some ideas in
 Print out QR codes for the weblinks their design brief book.
 Set up class Padlet and QR code for each group to
link them to padlet. Enabling Prompt-
 Visual prompts will assist enabling students to
understand content in a variety of ways.
Teacher can assist enabling students in activity


with reminding them of good researching tips

and allowing them to learn from their peers.

Students with Dyslexia-

 Oral questioning assists students with Dyslexia
to engage in learning and allows them to be
 Groups are encouraged to discuss their
research before writing down on the template.
This helps children with Dyslexia to
understand content.

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:
Recognise the difference between Absorption, Reflection, Refraction and Transmission (ARRT) through
communicating in class discussion, direct questioning and visual representations:
 How well did students remember the acroymn and provide a definition of each letter?
 Where there some letters more understood than others?

Identify three scientific properties of at least one material involved in the making of solar ovens through effective
researching of selected websites and completion of “What material are you?” template:
 Was the number 3 achievable for all groups?
 Do I need to extend students better next time?
 Was the activity scaffolded enough or were students struggling with researching and decoding?

Work collaboratively in mixed ability groups (based on behaviour management) to communicate ideas effectively
and share learning equally among all members:
 How effective did each group work together? What would you change for next time?
 Did the mixed ability groups work or did it impede on student learning?
 What students were left out in this activity?

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

 How well did my motivation connect to the content of the lesson?
 How well did students understand the acronym ARRT and applying that to the properties of materials?
 Are students ready to move to the next lesson? Why/why not?

 What was the positives/negatives of teaching skills or strategies within the lesson?
 Did my behaviour management technique work effectively? If not, how can I alter them or change them to
gain a better learning environment?

 Did the content of the activity share a parallel relationship with the student’s developmental level?
 Would this activity work at a better time in the day or the term?

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:


LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as

Time Mission two: Research scientific properties of reflective materials and how
light can be absorbed as heat
Motivation and Introduction:
Whole class Instruction:
1. Teacher directs students to form groups of 4 on the mat (7 groups of
4), where students are given 6 steps and the definitions mixed up. Interactive
Students are to relate to the content of the video and the knowledge Smart/White Board
from previous lessons to match the appropriate step to the definition
in chronological order from step 1- 6. Information of the steps are
sourced from the Department of Environment and Energy (2018):
 Step 1: Solar radiation reaches the Earth's atmosphere -
some of this is reflected back into space. White board markers
5 min  Step 2: The rest of the sun's energy is absorbed by the
land and the oceans, heating the Earth.
 Step 3: Heat radiates from Earth towards space. Appendix 2
 Step 4: Some of this heat is trapped by greenhouse (7 bags)
gases in the atmosphere, keeping the Earth warm
enough to sustain life.
 Step 5: Human activities such as burning fossil fuels, Personal and Social
agriculture and land clearing are increasing the amount competence
of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.
 Step 6: This is trapping extra heat, and causing the
Earth's temperature to rise.
2. Teacher directs students to put their hands on their heads once they
2 min believe they have completed the correct order. The first group to
finish are required to read out what they believe is the correct
answers. Teacher asks rest of the class if they agree with the group. If
group is incorrect teacher allows time for them to reconsider their
options and express what and why they changed their minds. The
teacher writes key words on the board to aid visual learners.
1 min 3. Teacher asks students to return to desks and leads class into lesson of
the day about how light from the sun can be either reflected,
absorbed, transmitted or refracted.

10.08am Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):
Students seated in desks- semi-circle to aid with inclusivity
2 min
4. Teacher introduces class to the acronym of ARRT for them to
remember how light can be transported from one medium to another.
Teacher asks students to repeat after them:
 “A is for Absorbed, R is for Reflected, R is for Refracted
and T is for Transmitted”


5. Teacher directs students to form a group of three with the people

2 min
sitting next to them and write on a piece of paper (from the paper
tray) as many things they think they know about light and ARRT.
5 min Students are given two minutes for this activity.
6. After two minutes, teacher chooses students to report back on the list Literacy
and teacher writes these on the board in a brainstorm. Paper in the paper tray
2 min 7. Teachers asks students questions about the semantic knowledge of
the words and writes suggestions on the board next to the acronym
written out vertically:
5 min  “What do you think these words might mean?” White board/markers
8. Teachers asks students to get their dictionary and find the definition
for each of the terms in ARRT and put their hands on their heads Critical and creative
once done. Teacher chooses students to read what the dictionary says thinking
and writes the definition in a different colour underneath the
 A- Absorbed: Take in or soak up by chemical or physical
 R- Reflected: Throw back without absorbing it Literacy
 R- Refracted: make light change direction when it enters
5 min an angle
 T- Transmitted: Pass something from one thing to
9. Teacher has drawn four identical diagrams without labels on the
board in a black marker. In a different colour for each, they draw an
arrow either reflecting, absorbing or transmitting. Teacher leaves
5 min labels off the board and asks students to come up and label which
transport of light is demonstrated:

5 min

10. Teacher explains that in reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to

the angle of reflection causing light to bounce off effectively.
11. Teacher now reverts attention to the final R: Refracted:
 “Now you can see how light can be absorbed, reflected
or transmitted, does anyone want to have a go a drawing
12. Teacher applauds students and corrects drawing if need be,
explaining that as light is transmitted into one medium into another
whilst changing speed, the light will bend. This is how the colour
spectrum can be viewed.


13. Teacher applies knowledge to real world context, relating to design

brief: Literacy
 “Knowing the ARRT acronym, if we want to convert
light into heat what letter will explain the science behind
 Absorbed: when the light is absorbed it is
converted to another form of energy usually heat
 “To ensure our solar ovens can absorb enough heat to
cook the marshmallows what kinds of materials do you
think we need?”
 Dark/black paper
 Painting the box black
 “How do we ensure that heat is trapped and cannot
 Insulation: using newspaper or wool
 Using cling foil over top of box to trap heat
 Using glass to refract light
 “How can using reflective materials such as metals help
assist in the effectiveness of the solar ovens?”
 Light from the sun can bounce off the surface of
the metal at a certain angle into the box at the same Literacy
 “Remembering that in the design brief, materials should
be sourced by recycling and should embody elements of Appendix 3
sustainability, why is that crucial?” (6 templates)
 Protecting the environment
 Resource depletion because of the invasion of the 12 ipad’s (2 per group-
aliens 1 between 2/3)
 Learning to recycle, refuse, reusing and reduce.
ICT competence
10.39am 14. Teacher introduces activity of the day where students research a
material that either reflects, absorbs or refracts light and/or heat. Critical and creative
Knowledge of these materials help scaffold the students into realising thinking
their designs in a following lesson. It caters for struggling students
and provides them with some ideas of what to use in their decision-
making processes. Students will be working in mixed groups based Personal and Social
on behaviour management techniques of what students work competence
effective with each other, without being distracted. Students use
ipad’s where they look up allocated website and fill in the template
15 min attached. Teacher drifts around the room, assisting where needed.
There are 6 groups of 5: Critical and creative
 Aluminium foil- thinking
 Glass- ICT competence
 Iron- Padlet: ICT resources

 Steel
 Wool-

1 min
 Paper-
(Groups who have finished early, can start drafting designs of their solar
Appendix 4
ovens by looking at this website
homemade-solar-oven-projects-for-kids/ which shows 6 different types of
15. After students have done this, teacher directs each group to take a
picture of their template and upload it onto the class Padlet. Padlet is
a great online tool for students to access when they need inspiration
for designs in future lessons.

10. 55am
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
16. Teacher asks one member in the group to put the template on the
5 min teacher’s desk and pack away quietly.
17. Teacher instructs students that their ticket out the door for recess is to
complete short quiz on ARRT, and give to the teacher once finished.
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
18. Students are to have a think (access padlet if need be) of some
possible materials and designs for their solar oven, so that when they
begin drafting designs they are prepared.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
 Recognise the difference between Absorption, Reflection, Refraction
and Transmission (ARRT) through class discussion, direct
questioning and visual representations:
o Students complete Appendix 4- Review
o See rubric (Appendix 1)
 Identify three scientific properties of at least one material involved
in the making of solar ovens through effective researching of
selected websites and completion of “What material are you?”
o Students complete Appendix 3- Template
o See rubric (Appendix 1)
 Work collaboratively in mixed ability groups (based on behaviour
management) to communicate ideas effectively and share learning
equally among all members.
o Observations and anecdotal notes- rubric (Appendix 1)

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