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This standard deals with the concept of operation of technology devices (Williamson, J and

Redish, T., 2009). The view since technology was introduced in the school environment has

evolved in the last decade. The general thought in technology instruction began with education

of how it worked. Today the focus is more on curriculum and how technology integration can

assist to enhance the learning process. At one point educators trouble was figuring out how

these technologies worked. Now the process is a bit easier being that teachers pick up the

basics within the work place and out of the workplace (Williamson, J and Redish, T., 2009).

The application of this standard in my case resulted in two manners. The first one was the

original intention meant to assist other colleagues with ³technical´ assistance. I see this every

day especially since I seem to be the only teacher in the grade level to fit into the ³Digital Native´

role. Most of this teachers were not computer savvy, they adapted into the changing of a more

technology based setting in the school (Prensky, 2001).However, that is not the only reason. It

is the fact that I work more closely with technology than my colleagues. As far as integration

with curriculum, I worked in the same capacity with the Campus Technology Contact to display

the available hardware and examples of how they could be used to integrate curriculum. An

example involves how to use of an Interwrite PAD to help students work on D.O.L. in small

groups, or how you could scan certain documents through a PDF sender and bring up the

images instead of using an overhead projector. The experiences helped me recall the evolution

of this standard. It was interesting to see that the end result was how teachers took the initiative

to connect their equipment and give it a try in their classroom.

The life learning skills gained are not limited to just teaching my colleagues how to use

technology. The idea in general is to help them use the technology to enhance the learning of

their students, and their own performance. This in turn can evolve into creating a collaborative
to further plan how we can use ISTE¶s STANDARD I to assist our educators to become

acquainted with software/hardware essential to curriculum integration.


*) Williamson, J. & Readish, T. (2009). ISTE¶s technology and facilitation and leadership
standards: What every K-12 leader should know and be able to do. Eugene, OR: International
Society for Technology in Education pp 17-32

[) Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants: Part 1. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6.

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