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Cross Curriculum Priorities:

The design brief for year sixes ‘Designing Sustainable Houses’ explores the nature of
sustainability, throughout economic and environmental factors. Children are exposed to the reality
of sustainable living throughout a sensory and creative task. The opportunity to design and create
something opens the door to discovery of sustainable materials, resources and knowledge. During
the lesson, a recap of sustainability is reassurance for students to understand the content and
expectations of their design brief. An opportunity to brainstorm enables the capability of critical and
creative thinking, as well as other general capabilities. This design brief allows students to explore
trends and use their own ideas to create a product. In relation to the year six syllabus ‘Students are
provided with opportunities to produce products and develop an understanding that designs for
services and environments, in which meet community needs’ (School Curriculum and Standard
Authority, Government of Western Australia, 2014). Focusing on this design brief, students are
able to take into consideration needs and wants of others, in our case society. It is important that
the students understand social, environmental and economic factors whilst creating their product.
Over all this lesson incorporates the topic of sustainability within a relatable world for children. This
is explored throughout a creative and well researched task, increasing knowledge and
understanding to create active citizens who are aware of the environment and world in which we


1) Design and Technologies (2014). Retrieved from


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