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Quantum Tarot 2.

0. The Fool - The Big Bang

The Quantum Fool represents something new that has emerged, the butterfly struggling forth from
its chrysalis. The Fool has no fear because he has no life experience. He is ignorant of danger but
also completely open; he has no prejudices or hidden agendas. He sees things as they are, even if he
does not have the wisdom (yet) to understand them. The Fool embarks on his journey with the
complete trust of a newborn child, ready to soak up any experience that he encounters.
Fool-ish Questions: What’s new? What area of your life requires a leap of faith? What has exploded
into your consciousness? Are you ready to take a chance?
Fool-ish Things to Do: Buy flowers. Enrol in a class. Bungee jump (if you really want to be
literal!). Go for a walk with no destination in mind. Start a blog!

I The Magician - The Electromagnetic Force


The Magician manipulates and formulates energy, making the invisible visible. He has the ability to
make something out of nothing – to act creatively – which can seem magical from the outside. He
brings consciousness and illumination to mystery, acting as a bridge between the inchoate sea of the
unconscious, and material reality. Whenever we create anything we invoke the Magician archetype.
Magician Questions: What is forming in your life? What are you making a reality? What reality are
you making?
Magician Things to Do: Keep a diary. Cook a meal. Close the curtains, lock the doors and dance to
your favourite music. Give someone a gift that you

II The High Priestess - The Weak Force


The High Priestess embodies this sense of unknowable mystery. She represents all that is secret or
invisible in our lives. Like the weak force, which is an invisible process of change, the wisdom of
the High Priestess operates behind the scenes, often unconsciously. She requires that we gain
knowledge and wisdom from self-examination that goes beyond rational thought and objective
High Priestess Questions: What am I hiding? What are my deepest secrets? What do I need to
examine more deeply?
High Priestess Things to Do: Get a therapist! Keep a dream diary. Read the tarot. Meditate.
III The Empress - Gravity


On a symbolic level the Empress is the female creative principle, the power of attraction that draws
humans together in both the literal and figurative act of creation. The force of sexual attraction is
the fundamental human drive towards reproduction. The Empress is often shown as a pregnant
woman, carrying the new life that has been created. This may signify anything in our lives that
needs to be nurtured towards maturity.
Empress Questions: Who or what needs mothering? Can you accept care and nurturing from
another? Who or what are you attracted to?
Empress Things To Do: Cultivate your garden. Treat yourself to something luxurious. Indulge in a
sexual fantasy.

IV The Emperor - The Strong Force


The Emperor, like the strong force, holds things together into an ordered, functioning whole. He
represents leadership and authority, and often symbolises the figures that play this roles in our lives.
Anyone from daddy to the boss. Within the psyche, the Emperor represents conscious will – what
Freudians call the superego. Our relationship to our inner “boss” is often (painfully!) mirrored in
encounters with external authority figures.
Emperor Questions: Who’s in charge in your life? How do you deal with authority? What do you
need to keep together?
Emperor Things to Do: Organise a social gathering. Take charge of your finances. Do something
you’ve been putting off forever.

V The Hierophant - Newton's Laws of Motion


The Hierophant represents spiritual tradition and in older decks is portrayed as the Pope. Isaac
Newton plays this role in the Quantum Tarot, for his theories represent the bedrock of tradition upon
which all the 20th and 21st century physicists have built.
The Hierophant is about acknowledging and respecting tradition. His authority may be less earthly
than that of the Emperor but is no less powerful. He has behind him many generations of
accumulated wisdom. He offers us a firm foundation for our endeavours – we just have to be careful
that this firmness and solidity does not become too rigid and intransigent.
Hierophant Questions: Who are your ancestors? What is your tradition? Are you building upon firm
foundations? What old habits have you got stuck in?
Hierophant Things to Do: Research your family tree. Think about all the influences of your
formative years; books, pop songs, TV, films, friends, social groups and activities etc – what do they
have in common with your life now? Attend a spiritual or religious ritual, even if you’re not a

VI The Lovers - Newton's Theory of Gravity


Like a planet and its satellite, or two stars in a binary system, the relationship of two lovers is an
ongoing dance of emotional, physical and spiritual attraction. The Lovers card is a sign of being
drawn to something, or someone, very powerfully.
Lovers Questions: What is exerting a gravitational pull on you? What choice are you being faced
with? What is the power balance in your primary relationship?
Lovers Things to Do: Buy flowers for your loved one (duh!). Watch a romantic movie and cry. Tell
the people you love that you love them. Often.

VII The Chariot - Special Relativity


The Chariot traditionally shows a man struggling to control the two horses driving his chariot. It's
about the exercise of personal will, often a struggle to master our contradictory natures. When the
Chariot shows up in a reading it indicates that we have achieved a certain level of hard-won
Chariot Questions: What inner conflicts do you need to control? In what area of your life do you
need to exercise more willpower? Do you still have some growing up to do? Where have you
displayed increasing maturity?
Chariot Things to Do: Create a positive habit (e.g. exercise) and stick to it! Don't lash out verbally
until you've counted to 10. When someone presses your buttons wait 24 hours before responding.
Drive carefully!

VIII Strength - General Relativity


The bending of space-time around massive objects can be compared to the subtle power of the
Strength card. Often shown as a woman gently subduing a lion, this card does not signify a display
of brute strength but rather the quiet, persistent, loving application of personal power. The secret of
Strength is compassion; the woman bends to the lion's nature but does not allow it to overpower her.
The lion, in it's turn, responds to her gentle but unflinching loving-kindness by allowing itself to be
approached and subdued.
Strength Questions: Are you displaying loving compassion to others right now? To yourself? What
bestial behaviour have you forgiven? Can you transform destructive emotions into thankfulness and
Strength Things to Do: Try to understand someone you are angry with. Forgive yourself for
something bad that you've done. If you get angry, accept the positive nature of that emotion rather
than feeling guilty. Stroke a cat.

IX The Hermit - Subatomic Particles


The Quantum Hermit represents this idea of a hidden world just waiting for discovery. He shines his
light into mysterious dark corners and leads us far away from the crowds into reflection and
contemplation. He may signal a physical withdrawal from the world or a more subtle realigning of
attention away from the everyday into the deeper mysteries of the inner universe.
Hermit Questions: Where do you need to refocus your attention? Are you attending to your inner
light? Are you happy to be alone? What mysterious territory are you drawn to explore?
Hermit Things to Do: Go on a retreat. Stay in bed. Meditate. Research or discover a subject by
yourself. Go for a walk alone.

X The Wheel of Fortune - Quantum Mechanics


They say that successful people create their own luck. Even if we feel cursed by bad circumstances,
we still have choices. Why not step off the wheel altogether, stop being a victim of chance, spun
round by external circumstances? It is up to us to determine whether to approach life as a victim of
chance, spun round by the wheel like a sock in a washing machine, or to take a big leap of
awareness and get off the merry-go-round.
Wheel Questions: Where are you up? And where are you down? Do you fear that any success will
be followed by failure? Or do you always believe that “the sun’ll come out tomorrow”? Can you
take a big step back and look at how you are being churned around?
Wheel Things to Do: Visit a funfair. Play the stock market (no, actually, don’t!). Play a computer
game. Look at where you’ve been lucky in your life and count your blessings.

XI Justice - Planck's constant

Planck’s constant helped to make sense of something that otherwise seem paradoxical. Similarly,
the Justice card brings truth and clarity to the contradictory or confusing. It shines the cool light of
objective truth, a truth that may not always be palatable. In a reading, the Justice card asks us to
take a big step back and look at ourselves honestly and dispassionately.
Justice Questions: Can you open your eyes and see what’s really going on? What is the truth of your
situation? What needs re-balancing? Where do you need an objective opinion?
Justice Things to Do: Hire a lawyer. Write a will. Get a second opinion. Don’t ask your friends, get
someone you don’t know. Be honest with yourself. Forgive yourself. Forgive others.

XII The Hanged Man - The Uncertainty Principle


The uncertainty principle, like the Hanged Man, turns everything upside-down. Physicists in the
early 20th century, trained to think in terms of precision and exactitude, were understandably
resistant to the idea that the stuff of our universe is, at a fundamental level, imprecise and inexact.
The Hanged Man card represents a state of existential confusion, where our old ways of thinking
and being don’t work anymore. The image of a man dangling (apparently willingly) from his ankle
is a resonant and complex one; the essential message is that something must be willingly
relinquished in order to gain something greater. It symbolises the difficult moment when the old has
been sacrificed but the new has yet to be born.
Hanged Man Questions: What has been turned upside-down? What strategy has stopped working?
What habit or way of thinking do you need to let go of? What are you uncertain of? What are you
getting hung up on?
Hanged Man Things to Do: Absolutely nothing. Meditate. Get a tarot reading. Give something

XIII Death - Matter and Antimatter


As human beings we are constantly changing and adapting to our environments, but paradoxically
we also resist change because we find it fearful. Even if the change is clearly for the better it often
comes with a certain amount of resistance. Perhaps because change is essentially a form of death
and it reminds us of our own mortality. The Death card requires us to let go and allow the change to
happen. It may be something real and tangible, or it may simply be an outworn idea of ourselves.
The fear, once faced, releases us to the process of change and we can transform like the particles
that compose our bodies into pure energy, into something completely new.

Death Questions: What do you need to let go of? What is changing? What is dying? What are you
resisting? What are you most afraid of?
Death Things to Do: Mourn. Clear our some stuff. Do something that scares you. Sit in the dark.

XIV Temperance - Supersymmetry

Supersymmetry was first developed as a way of blending two incompatible theories; Einstein’s
relativistic description of gravity and quantum mechanics. The Temperance card represents this
symbolically as the idea of blending different, often contradictory, elements. Traditional
Temperance cards depict an angel pouring liquid from one cup to another, representing the refining
process crucial to our growth. We continually mix, blend, separate and re-blend the different parts
of ourselves, and when Temperance appears, it reminds us that we are in a particularly fluid stage of
our personal evolution.
Temperance Questions: Are you happy with the balance of your life? What is the quality of your
current “blend”? What new element needs to be included? What needs to be drained away?
Temperance Things to Do: Make bread. Make a cocktail. Read a self-help book. Reassess your

XV The Devil - Black Hole


The Devil represents this kind of powerful, irresistible force that sucks us in. We may be seduced by
the power of an individual or an idea, such as fame or wealth. Once trapped, we realise we have
paid for our gains with our freedom – but then of course it is too late. The Devil symbolises
relationships of all kinds that involve subjugation. The key to this card is imbalance of power;
wherever we believe we are in someone else’s power, the Devil is present. Underneath the
imbalance, the Devil indicates an immense reservoir of energy that has got stuck. Our challenge is
to set it free.
Devil Questions: Who or what are you in thrall to? What is sucking away your energy? Where are
you not free? Where do you feel powerless?
Devil Things to Do: Examine your addictions (however trivial they seem). Consider what you
irrationally desire. Look at the things (or people) that repeatedly drain your energy.

XVI The Tower - Quantum foam


The Tower is a challenging card, but it is not negative and not to be feared. After the shock of being
thrown out of our comfort zone we often realise how our old ways of thinking and being are
restricting us, and we wake up to the positive side of the Tower’s message – freedom. The lightning
strike is also the flash of illumination or inspiration, where we are filled with a sudden and
unexpected understanding, an experience of total insight or even enlightenment.
Tower Questions: What comfort zone do you need to escape from? What shock have you suffered?
What illumination have you gained? What “eureka moment” have you experienced?
Tower Things to Do: Brainstorm. Break a habit. Challenge your thinking (or get someone to do it
for you!). Do something you’ve never done before, even (in fact especially) if you think you’ll hate
XVII The Star - String Theory


The Star card represents hope and possibility. Traditionally, the Star card depicts a naked woman
pouring water from a jug, surrounded by stars. This is a card of spiritual awakening, of expanded
consciousness, of vision. We become aware of the boundless energy of the universe; how it flows
through everything, including us. The Star takes us to a place of no limits, where anything and
everything is possible. This is a time to allow every possibility to flow through us without
censorship or judgement.
Star Questions: What new possibilities are on the horizon? Are you allowing yourself to feel hope?
Do you need to let go of limited thinking? What would you do if anything was possible?
Star Things to Do: Create a Mindmap. Daydream. Do something you’ve never done before. Make a
list of all the impossible things you’d like to do.

XVIII The Moon - Extra Dimensions


The Moon represents this idea that there is much more to the world than we are usually aware of.
These inaccessible extra dimensions are like the extra dimensions of our lives; hints, hunches,
movements out of the corners of our eye. The Moon represents a fearful mystery to those who like
everything to be explained. To the more intuitively or psychically-minded, this sense of something
extra, something more than we can detect with our everyday, physical senses, is no surprise. The
Moon shows up when the indefinable starts demanding attention in our consciousness – and to the
conscious mind this can seem like a threat.
Moon Questions: What are you struggling to explain? What makes you irrationally afraid? What
intuition is rising into your conscious mind? What strange thing are you desperately trying to
Moon Things to Do: Get a tarot reading. Make a note of your dreams. Take notice of your
“hunches.” Go with your gut, even if it seems completely illogical.

XIX The Sun - M-Theory


the Sun card’s function in unifying the different aspects of our personalities. When the Sun appears
in a reading it shows that we have reached a level of awareness when all of our different inner
voices are singing in harmony. We are one step closer to expressing our true selves, and our inner
light is beginning to shine. People are drawn to us because we radiate a quiet warmth and power, a
strength that is drawn from our increased connection to our inner wisdom.
Sun Questions: What are you becoming conscious of? What areas of your life are coming together?
How is your awareness expanding? Who is being drawn to your inner radiance?
Sun Things to Do: Express your ideas to others. Sing. Look at yourself naked in the mirror (you can
sing at the same time too!). Be true to yourself.

XX Judgement - The Multiverse


The Judgement card throws down this same kind of mind-expanding challenge. It represents a time
when we must grow in awareness, awaken to a new level of reality. Sometimes this may feel like a
rude and difficult awakening, as the light of understanding may be blinding. We may be pushed way
outside our comfort zone, but Judgement represents a great opportunity, a time of potential where
we can awaken to the beauty and wholeness of our true selves.
Judgement Questions: What lost part of you has been reborn What wake-up call have you received?
How are you being challenged to grow?
Judgement Things to Do: Start believing again in your lost dreams. Take a step outside your
comfort zone. Become aware of what you have previously resisted or ignored. Do something you
believe you cannot do.

XXI The World - A Theory of Everything


The World dancer demonstrates the ability to live happily in material reality while still being aware
of the unseen and unbounded levels of being. The World brings us back full circle to the innocence
of the Fool, but now the innocence is consciously chosen and embraced.
World Questions: In what area of life have you come full circle? What have you completed? Are
you ready to dance?
World Things to Do: Celebrate the completion of a project. Share your wisdom. Start a new cycle.

Ace of Wands
The Ace of Wands expresses the fiery energy of their suit through an upsurge of physical, spiritual
or sexual force. This is Ace-ness in its most basic form - an explosion of sheer energy and life.

2 of Wands - Planet formation

Planets form out of disks of dust and gas, whirling into form under the pressure of gravity. The 2 of
Wands represents a vision, an idea or a project in its early, protean form. The inspiration of the ace
has begun to coalesce, but the details are not yet clear. The epiphany, the eureka moment, has
occurred, now the process of formation and cohesion must take place to convert it into a fully-
developed plan.

3 of Wands - Galaxy Cluster

It may be obvious that stars cluster together in galaxies, but galaxies themselves also form large
groups or clusters. In fact some of them are mind-bogglingly huge, containing a thousand or more
galaxies each with billions of stars. This is the universe on its grandest scale. The 3 of Wands is
about vision. It takes an effort of thought to even imagine the size of a galaxy cluster, and similarly
this card demands that we let go of our self-imposed limitations and think big. Let your wildest
dreams be your guide and think outside of the box.

4 of Wands - Electroweak unified force

Electroweak theory unifies two different forces in the universe – the weak nuclear force and the
electromagnetic force. Often showing a wedding, the 4 of Wands represents a similar kind of
unification on a human scale. It represents success on the level of joint human endeavour. Many
aspects of our selves or our situation have been brought together and are working in harmony. The
stabilising energy of the four is at its best in Wands, grounding the fiery, forward-looking energy of
the suit to create something real and lasting.

5 of Wands - Particle annihilations

When matter and antimatter particles collide, both are destroyed, but all is not lost. The energy
released is transformed into new and different particles. This process is an elegant metaphor for the
battling but playful energy of the 5 of Wands. In creative clashes, a great amount of energy is
released and this is fertile ground for new ideas or breakthroughs. Though the conflict may be high-
voltage, it always retains a certain lightness. This is a card of rising to the challenges of life, riding
the waves like a surfer. It encourages us to use our abilities to the utmost to keep moving forward.

6 of Wands - Star
Stars evolve from clouds of dust and gas that condense until nuclear fusion ignites them at the core.
Once the fusion process is stable, the star will continue to shine for billions of years. The birth of a
star is a long process that leads to an apparently sudden success – the star begins to shine. The 6 of
Wands symbolises this moment of standing out, but it also reminds us of the long period of work
and dedication that has gone into our success. The 6 of Wands reminds us to enjoy our victories.
Although the moment of glory may pass, the success is lasting as it leaves in its wake increased
confidence and self-belief.

7 of Wands - Galaxy Collision

A collision of galaxies is like a car crash in slow motion. Over hundreds of millions of years two
galaxies draw out long streams of stars and cosmic dust from each other, causing many new stars to
be born. The collision is productive but both galaxies are irredeemably altered by the process.
Likewise, the 7 of Wands indicates that you have crashed into someone or something, and its
stopping you from getting where you want to go. This is a serious fight, unlike the playful conflict
of the 5 of Wands. The energy of the sevens demands you stretch yourself to the utmost to embrace
change, and in Wands this takes its most direct form. You have a battle on your hands, but this is a
challenge which you must meet with everything you’ve got.

8 of Wands - Supernova
When a very large star reaches the end of its life, it becomes a supernova. The star swells up while
its core shrinks, heats up exponentially and explodes, flinging layers of material far out into space.
The combustible energy of the supernova is mirrored in the fiery intensity of the 8 of Wands. This
card is the apotheosis of Wands energy; you are filled to bursting with fire and ready to launch. The
eights’ lesson of mastery lies in channelling and focussing this surge of energy into creative,
productive endeavours. Enjoy it while it lasts!

9 of Wands - Pulsar
A pulsar is a type of neutron star that emits radio waves at a very precise rate (Neutron stars are
small, dense remnants of very large stars). Pulsars are regular and predictable, and this sense of an
endless routine reflects one aspect of the 9 of Wands – burnout. If you do the same thing over and
over for long enough, the structure of routine becomes oppressive and burdensome. Here, the
intensity of wands, turned up to full beam by the energy of the nine, is just too much of a good
thing. The 9 of Wands is the card of the old soldier who has been battling for so long he has
forgotten how to stop. The 9 of Wands shows us that we have the staying power to keep going and
endure, but also reminds us that it may be time to call a halt and lay down our arms.

10 of Wands - Neutron Star

When a very big star dies it explodes as a supernova and its core collapses into a small, bright and
extremely dense remnant known as a neutron star. Neutron stars are so compacted that they are the
heaviest form of matter known to exist. This sense of heaviness is aptly reflected in the 10 of
Wands, where all this weight and density has become a burden. The completion implied by the ten
becomes overkill in wands; the load has become just too much to carry. This is the card of the
control freak at breaking point, unwilling or unable to share or delegate. The fiery energy of wands
has become consuming rather than inspiring.

Page of Wands - Orion

Orion is one of the most recognisable constellations for those of us in the northern hemisphere, with
its characteristic broken-X shape. Orion is one of Greek myth’s many action men. His
impulsiveness (some might say uncontrolled aggression) is typical of the Page of Wands. Pages
represent children and childlike energy, and in Wands this youthful enthusiasm is most directly and
physically expressed. This Page turns up to augur new ideas, projects, passions – anything that’s got
you all worked up and ready for action.

Knight of Wands - Mars

Mars may once have been very like Earth but has been much altered by asteroid impacts, volcanic
eruptions and massive dust storms. Mythologically, Mars is the Roman god of war and,
paradoxically, of agriculture. It’s the warlike side of Mars that is represented by the Knight of
Wands. The fiery, enthusiastic qualities of Wands are channelled into purposeful activity by the
Knight; he may be a fighter, but his aggression is focussed by skill and purpose. He enjoys the
energy of combat – his whole reason for being is battle. On the negative side, he may pick a fight
just to be able to express this energy. But the knight is brave, skilled and unflagging and you will
need his energy to keep going in the face of opposition or difficulty.

Queen of Wands - Venus

The mythological goddess rules the passionate emotions that love engenders. These find an apt
metaphor in the superheated, seething atmosphere of the planet. The Queen of Wands, like the
Greek goddess, has gained a certain level of comfort with powerful emotions. She is the
independent, forceful woman who has the courage to be authentic, not cowed by stereotypical
notions of femininity. This Queen contains the fiery energy of Wands by being true to her own
nature and to the boldness of her grand plan.

King of Wands - Jupiter

In mythology, Jupiter, the equivalent of the Greek Zeus, was the king of the Roman gods. His
powerful aura and formidable leadership skills are reflected in the King of Wands, who has
mastered the unpredictable, fiery energy of the suit. This King may be less spontaneous and eager
than the Page or Knight, but he knows how to channel the creative spark of Wands into productive
endeavour. If he turns up in a reading, it’s time for you to take charge and get your act on the road.

Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups symbolises the birth of a new emotion, an opening of the heart. Its flowing, watery
imagery shows the boundless nature of pure compassion.

2 of Cups - Binary system

A binary system is a pair of stars that have been caught by each other’s gravity into perpetual,
mutual orbit. Here, duality takes on its most complementary shape in the formation of a
relationship. Cups is the realm of emotion and the two can often indicate falling in love. Not
exclusively, however. It symbolises any meeting of two minds and hearts that may go onto form a
third entity – a relationship. This might just as likely be a friendship or business partnership as a
love relationship.

3 of Cups - Star Cluster

On a smaller scale than galaxies, stars form dense and beautiful clusters. Their mutual gravity pulls
them together so that the fate of one star affects the rest. The best-known star cluster is the Pleiades,
visible to the naked eye in the constellation Orion. The effect of one star upon another in the cluster
is mirrored in the group synergy of the 3 of Cups. This is the card of like-minded friends and
collaborators, the people who – outside of our love partners – we actually chose to be with. This
group energy can express in anything from holding a party to a collective brainstorming session to
embarking on a collaborative project to playing a team sport.

4 of Cups - Extra particles

All particles in an atomic nucleus are made up of quarks and leptons. There are six varieties of
quark and six types of lepton, but atoms contain only three out of these twelve particles – two kinds
of quark and one variety of lepton. The other quarks and leptons are unstable and decay rapidly into
these three essential particles. What is the point of all those other extra particles? No-one knows. A
similar sense of puzzlement, pointlessness and frustration is characteristic of the 4 of Cups. It’s
possible to have too much of a good thing; in Cups the heavy energy of the four slows the flow of
energy necessary to get the best out of this emotional suit. The result is boredom and stagnation.
The 4 of Cups alerts us that we have become too passive and have forgotten to appreciate the many
ways in which we are blessed.

5 of Cups - Particle decay

Particles do not actually decay in the sense of physically falling apart. They are simply changed into
other, lighter particles through the effects of the weak force. This process is irrevocable – the
particle can never return to its original form. In the suit of Cups, the combative energy of the fives
is experienced as a distressing sense of loss. In any conflict there tends to be a winner and a loser
and the 5 of Cups focuses is on what is lost. There is a tendency to forget about what has been
gained – or transformed. When a particle decays, it has gone forever. This 5 is about recognising
and acknowledging the finality of loss, but it also gently reminds us what has been gained.

6 of Cups - Gravitational lens/Distant galaxies

Galaxies that are very far away – millions of light years – can appear closer through a phenomena
known as gravitational lensing. Large clusters of galaxies create huge gravitational fields which
deflect the light from even more distant galaxies around them, rather like a glass lens. This has the
effect of magnifying these very distant galaxies that would otherwise be too far away to see. The 6
of Cups is the card of nostalgia, of looking back with affection and longing. This is often a positive
and happy process, but like a gravitational lens our view of the past can be distorted, making it seem
better than it actually was. This card shows the way to make peace with the past by getting in touch
with the happy child in ourselves. This is beneficial and therapeutic as long as we don’t become lost
in romanticised dreams of our youth, or fall prey to escapism as a way of avoiding the present.

7 of Cups - Red Giant

A red giant looks very colourful and impressive but actually it’s a dying star. The dramatic clouds of
red dust hide a collapsing core that has run out of fuel. Its size is an illusion, and illusion is at the
heart of the 7 of Cups. Here the battle is to distinguish between what is and isn’t real; this is the card
of dreams and imagination. Our creative minds can conjure many visions and possibilities. Some of
these visions are beautiful and inspiring, some are born of fear. The challenge of the 7 of Cups is to
tell which of our visions is true, and which false.

8 of Cups - Nuclear (radioactive) decay

Although most atomic nuclei are stable, heavier atoms can have a tendency to decay. The strong
force binds the atomic nucleus together, but the particles within it are in a constant state of agitation.
There is a small chance that a group of two protons and neutrons (known as an alpha particle) could
break away. The 8 of Cups reflects this agitation towards breaking free through the emotional filter
of cups. The synthesis of the eights manifests in a new level of emotional maturity, and this may
mean the need to move away from unhealthy situations or relationships. The pile of 8 cups signifies
the old emotional baggage that we are ready to leave behind.

9 of Cups - Star Birth

Stars are born out of condensing clouds of dust and gas called nebulae. Gradually, the cloud
accumulates mass and density, clumping together in a cascading process which leads to nuclear
fusion and the ignition of the star. Nebulae, the rich, colourful clouds of star-fuel, are places of
abundant star-birth activity and the 9 of Cups represents this sense of blissful abundance. This is
traditionally the card of good luck – suddenly it seems possible for us to have it all. Here the
beneficent side of cups reaches its apotheosis; great happiness and good fortune. The only drawback
is that sometimes this contentment may stray into smugness and self-satisfaction.

10 of Cups - Spiral Galaxy

Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is a spiral galaxy and this is probably how we imagine them all to
be – a ball-like core with long, swirling arms containing billions of stars. These spiral arms are
bursting with activity, full of stars being born and dying. The glorious abundance of star birth
shown in the 9 of Cups is taken one step further to create this swirling cycle of life. Galaxies go on
for a long time, and this long-term abundance and happiness is symbolised in the 10 of Cups. This
is the enduring contentment of a happy marriage rather than the heady thrill of a quick affair. The 10
of Cups is one of the most beneficent cards in the tarot, presaging emotional satisfaction lasting a

Page of Cups - Ophiuchus

The constellation Ophiuchus is entwined with another constellation, Serpens, and the mythological
Ophiuchus’ name in Greek means “serpent bearer.” The Page of Cups represents this receptivity and
healing ability – at least in potential. Because he is a Page, his skills have not yet been tried, but his
open-heartedness and playful delight in learning make him a sponge for soaking up information on
an intuitive level.

Knight of Cups - Perseus

Perseus is a large constellation that is known for its binary star system Algol as well as the Perseids,
a famously dramatic meteor shower. In mythology Perseus was the son of the god Zeus and a mortal
woman. He had an adventurous life, famously severing the head of the gorgon Medusa and rescuing
the princess Andromeda from a sea monster. In a way he’s the archetypal romantic hero. The Knight
of Cups symbolises this idealised active male, taking the qualities of skill and action into the realm
of dreams and emotions. He is like a Grail Knight on a perpetual quest, seeking visions and ideals
rather than material gain. His inspired, idealistic energy spurs us on to something greater than

Queen of Cups - Andromeda

The mythological Andromeda is famous for being rescued from the sea-monster Cetus by the heroic
Perseus. Through no fault of her own she’d been chained to a rock as a sacrifice to Poseidon.
Although as modern women we may not respond to this old-fashioned victim kind of archetype, it’s
important to remember that sometimes enforced passivity is the only thing that makes us stop what
we are doing and reflect. We live in a culture predicated on action and assertion and the Queen of
Cups embodies qualities we tend to discount – the ability to be still, meditate, and introspect. This
Queen contains the emotional qualities of Cups in a compassionate and tender way, allowing us to
slow down and understand our feelings about ourselves and the world.

King of Cups - Neptune

Neptune in Roman mythology was the equivalent of Poseidon, Greek god of the sea. Neptune was
known for his unpredictable temperament, notorious for flying into rages that manifested as storms
at sea. The King of Cups is a little more in control of his moods. He rides the churning seas of
emotion rather than being shipwrecked by them. He symbolises someone who has their emotions in
check, but through awareness and self-control rather than repression. This King has not necessarily
conquered powerful feelings, he just knows how to manage them.

Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords represents the eureka moment when an idea emerges into consciousness. Its
cutting edge expresses the sharpness and focus of a new level of awareness.

2 of Swords - Dark matter

Dark matter is so called because of its mysterious nature. It does not react with the other, ordinary
matter in the universe and its existence is only known because of its gravitational effects. When the
duality of the twos meets the realm of the mind, you get an energy that works against itself. The
swords are crossed, indicating a psyche in conflict. The blindfold shows how we may keep
ourselves “in the dark” by self-defeating habits of thought or denial. We are, quite literally,

3 of Swords - Red Dwarf

A red dwarf is the runt of the litter where stars are concerned. About half the size of our sun and
neither big nor powerful enough to shine brightly, it’s easily outdone by brighter companions in the
night sky. Here, the synthesis of the threes is expressed as pain and the hurt, though internalised,
usually has an external source. Someone, sometime, has plunged a knife into your heart. The 3 of
Swords shows us that it is time to become conscious of where we are hurting, and to allow the pain
to work itself out so that we can heal.

4 of Swords - Neutrinos
Neutrinos are particles with little mass and no electrical charge that rarely interact with other
particles. In fact, they pass through the Earth all the time without doing anything! The un-reactive,
laid-back neutrino characterises the restful quality of the 4 of Swords. Here, the stable energy of the
four has a quieting effect upon the mental energy of Swords. This is a time for reflection and
recuperation. Time alone spent in quiet contemplation and meditation will be beneficial, but this is
not a recommendation to slump down in front of daytime TV!

5 of Swords - White Dwarf

A star dies when it has used up its supply of hydrogen fuel. In the case of medium-sized stars like
our sun, the outer layers are thrown off and the core collapses into a tiny, bright, planet-sized object
known as a white dwarf. Compared to a full-sized star, a white dwarf seems puny and insignificant.
The 5 of Swords expresses the fives’ energy of combat through this kind of comparison. There is
always a winner and a loser with the 5 of Swords, for this is victory at someone else’s expense. This
is the card of the bully and his (or her) victim. The fives’ energy of battle takes its most negative
form, with the emphasis on winner-takes-all overriding any sense of fairness or morality.

6 of Swords - Fermions and bosons

Fermions and bosons are two groups of particles that have different types of spin. Spin is a concept
in quantum mechanics that describes a particular kind of momentum – the particles are not
physically spinning. The particles that make up an atom are all fermions, while force carrier
particles like the photon are bosons. No two fermions can exist in the same state in the same place
at the same time – but two bosons can. The 6 of Swords describes a parallel situation in life where
we really cannot exist in the same place at the same time as someone – or something – else. This is
the card of moving on to pastures new, leaving something behind for the sake of our own inner
peace. Here the sixes’ sense of harmony comes from forward movement. Unlike the 6 of Cups,
which is backward-looking, this six finds peace in moving towards the future.
7 of Swords - Radioactivity
Radiation is invisible and pernicious. We cannot detect it without proper measuring equipment. In
the same way, the 7 of Swords describes a situation where unknown, indirect or underhand forces
are at work. This seven uses a subtle approach to battle, in contrast to the straightforward charging-
in of Wands. The 7 of Swords is at best the clever strategist, at worst the sneak, con-man or
deceiver. This seven can often have a negative connotation, but it reminds us that an open, direct
approach does not always serve us best. Sometimes we need to calculate, to play our cards close to
our chest and take a less obvious approach to getting what we want.

8 of Swords - Quark confinement/colour charge

Quarks (fundamental particles within an atomic nucleus) have both an electrical charge and a colour
charge. The 8 of Swords represents the sense of being bound or confined by something
overpowering. As this is the airy realm of Swords, what overcomes us is usually thoughts or ideas
rather than actual physical restriction. With this eight, there is a experience of oppression and
imprisonment, but also a dawning understanding that if it is merely our own thoughts that restrain
us, then we also have the key to our own freedom. The mastery implied by the 8 of Swords is the
ability to open our eyes and see how our own restricted perceptions are holding us back.

9 of Swords - Matter/antimatter annihilations

Each type of matter particle has a corresponding antimatter particle. For example, each variety of
quark has an anti-quark, the electron has the positron, and the neutrinos all have anti-neutrinos.
When matter and anti-matter particles meet, they cannot co-exist but annihilate each other in a flash
of energy. This mutual cancelling-out finds its ultimate expression in the 9 of Swords, which
represents a sort of negative space incarnate. In the mental space of swords, the nine’s movement
towards perfection becomes a self-defeating cycle of doubt, anxiety and fear. Often our 9-of-Swords
fears are nebulous and unrealised, because is the monsters of the mind that terrorise us.

10 of Swords - Star Death

Very large stars die in dramatic explosions known as supernovae. The explosion throws off layers of
material that go on to form sculpted clouds of dust and gas. The effects of gravity pull these clouds
into beautiful formations and patterns known as planetary nebulae. The 10 of Swords shows a
situation where the worst has just happened – the “explosion” in your life has come and gone and
you are left with its remnants. This ten is not much liked or anticipated in a tarot reading, but there
is a positive aspect to it. If you have experienced an all-time low in your life, an utter defeat or
terrible blow, the 10 of Swords indicates that the worst is over and a new (and perhaps beautiful)
dawn is about to break.

Page of Swords - Mercury

Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun and the second smallest after Pluto. Mercury was the
messenger of Roman mythology (the equivalent of the Greek Hermes). He ruled all forms of
communication, from speech to writing (and today he’d happily preside over radio, TV and the net).
The Page of Swords is the ultimate student of communication. He only stops talking long enough to
check his email or send a text or IM. His boundless desire for information can become gossipy or
shallow, for this Page does not discriminate in terms of quality. He represents the curious child in us
who is forever asking “why?”
Knight of Swords - Hercules
The constellation Hercules is not particularly distinctive but does contain the well-known Hercules
Cluster, one of the most beautiful globular star clusters in the night sky. The mythological Hercules
is synonymous with physical strength. He was the son of Zeus and a mortal mother, and loved by all
the gods except Zeus’s wife Hera. His famous labours were a result of Hera’s campaign of
persecution against him. Like Hercules, the Knight of Swords never backs off from conflict, though
he is more often armed with words than weapons. This Knight fights intellectual rather than
physical battles and he’s at his best in defence of a just cause. He needs a purpose, or he might start
an argument just for the sake of it.

Queen of Swords - Cassiopeia

The mythological Cassiopeia was a bit of a troublemaker. She claimed that her beauty rivalled
Poseidon’s sea nymphs, which enraged the unpredictable sea god. As a punishment Cassiopeia’s
daughter Andromeda was chained to a rock at sea as a sacrifice to the monster Cetus. When she was
rescued by Perseus, Cassiopeia plotted to do him in at their wedding. That’s gratitude for you! The
Assyrians give Cassiopeia a rather better press, depicting her as a beneficent grain goddess. The
Greek Cassiopeia gives a rather negative impression of the Queen of Swords – more like a
permanently reversed version of the card. In most instances this Queen represents a woman who has
gained wisdom through experience, and often suffering. She has honed the sword of her mind and
gained the maturity to deploy it wisely. She can hold the mental energy of swords in abeyance,
knowing when to speak what she knows and when to stay silent.

King of Swords - Uranus

In mythology, Uranus was a Greek sky god, husband to Gaia. Uranus’s airy realm is familiar
territory to the King of Swords, who represents mastery of the intellect. This King has the ability to
be objective, clear-thinking and detached. His judgement is not clouded by emotion, bias, or wishful
thinking. Mirroring Uranus’s unusual rotational axis, he has the ability to turn things on their head
and look at the world from unexpected angles.

Ace of Pentacles
The Ace of Pentacles indicates the beginning of a new project in the physical, material world. The
single Pentacle is the first building block, the first step along the road to manifesting something in

2 of Pentacles - Spin
Spin is a quality of subatomic particles and forms part of quantum theory. The particles do not
literally spin round, but they do have a measurable angular momentum. The strange behaviour of
subatomic particles in quantum theory is reflected in the up-and-down quality of the 2 of Pentacles.
Here, the energy of the twos expresses in a kind of will-they-won’t-they sense of indecision. Things
could go either way. In the physical world of pentacles, the duality is acted out literally – we are
faced with a concrete choice, or we are “juggling” options. There is a sense that everything is still
up in the air and the outcome is far from certain.
3 of Pentacles - Atomic structure
An atom is not a undifferentiated lump of matter but a grouping together of different subatomic
particles; a nucleus of protons and neutrons (which are themselves made up of quarks), orbited by
one or more electrons. The simple, elegant, fundamental structure of the atom can teach us much
about building a solid and suitable foundation for our creative endeavours. The 3 of Pentacles takes
the exciting vision of the 3 of Wands, makes a concrete plan, and sets about putting that plan to

4 of Pentacles - Elliptical Galaxy

Elliptical galaxies are very old galaxies that contain a lot of dying stars. No new stars are being
created as most of the fuel needed for star birth has been used up. Things are slowly grinding to a
halt. The 4 of Pentacles inflects this winding-down of energy as a stubborn holding-on to the status
quo. The fixed energy of the four becomes a little too fixed in the earthy suit of Pentacles. A refusal
to move forward and embrace change is characteristic of this card, with the resulting fear of scarcity
and sense of stagnation.

5 of Pentacles - Leptons
There are six varieties of lepton. The commonest is the electron, one of the fundamental particles
within an atom. Another two varieties of lepton, the muon and tau, are unstable and quickly decay
into other particles. The remaining three, all varieties of neutrino, are very stable but almost
massless (see the 4 of Swords). Neutrinos float freely around the universe, but electrons tend to be
bound into atomic nuclei. This contrast between freedom and limitation expresses the fives’ energy
of conflict in Pentacles. Here the battle is against physical reality itself. This is often experienced as
a sense of lack or scarcity – traditional decks often show beggars in the snow. We may be able to
imagine infinity and abundance, but material reality has limits. This card symbolises the struggles
we endure when our infinite spirits collide with the very finite nature of the physical body and the
everyday world.

6 of Pentacles - Hadrons, baryons and mesons

Hadrons, baryons and mesons are different combinations of quarks. Hadrons are the composite
particles that make up atomic nuclei. Baryons are the two varieties of hadron found in the nucleus
of an atom – protons and neutrons. Mesons are a combination of quark and antimatter quark and are
very unstable. Composite particles of quarks are the foundation of all the matter in the universe.
Like quarks, we do not exist singly but in different groups and formations known as families,
societies, cultures. We depend on others and others depend on us. In the 6 of Pentacles, the six’s
energy of harmony is manifested in the material world as giving and receiving. This is the card of
the philanthropist, but also of the person in need. Balance is maintained by those who have more
than enough being willing to pass on the wealth, and by those who need more being open to receive.
Inner harmony comes from being able to balance our giving and receiving - for we all do both in
one way or another.

7 of Pentacles - Quarks
Quarks are the building blocks of our world. Without them there would be no atoms and therefore
no matter and no universe! The 7 of Pentacles symbolises a situation where we have gathered all
that we need to build our future. Often showing a gathered harvest, it reminds us that we have an
abundance of resources and options, more than we’ll ever need. The battling energy of the sevens is
grounded in the 7 of Pentacles. We have already won – or the means for doing so is at our fingertips
– and this card encourages us to count our blessings.

8 of Pentacles - Galaxy formation

Galaxies formed very early in the history of the universe in a process that is still very little-
understood. Galaxy formation is a long business which takes its own sweet time. The 8 of Pentacles
focuses on the importance of this idea of process, reminding us that things cannot be rushed.
Traditionally it shows the apprentice in his workshop, signifying the learning and perfecting of
skills. Here, mastery is gradually developed in the material domain as we bring together all our
knowledge and abilities and apply them to the challenge of actually making something with our

9 of Pentacles - Quasar
Quasars are mysterious, very bright objects that live at the centre of galaxies. They emit an
enormous amount of energy in the form of radio waves and are thought to be powered by black
holes. The 9 of Pentacles symbolises someone who, like a quasar, has amassed an awful lot of
energy with no apparent means of support. Traditionally showing a lone woman in a garden
enjoying her riches, it’s the card of independent means and financial security. The full-on energy of
the nine is grounded in pentacles and becomes material riches and comfort. But this card is not just
about money, it represents self-determination and independence on all levels.

10 of Pentacles - Solar System

The solar system comprises the sun, the nine known planets and a belt of asteroids. All the planets
probably evolved from stellar dust left over from the birth of the sun, so in a way they are all
“related.” The solar system is like the harmonious family symbolised in the traditional 10 of
Pentacles. All the planets orbit in the same direction and on the same plane (with the exception of
Pluto, the black sheep of the family!). Like a diverse, multi-generational family sharing the
commonality of blood, the planets share the sun’s sustenance but have little else in common. This
ten does not have quite the same sense of harmonious contentment as the 10 of Cups. Instead it has
a sense of a disparate group united by common cause. There are tensions and imperfections, but
happiness is achieved through mutual tolerance and creative compromise.

Page of Pentacles - Bootes, the Herdsman

The constellation of Bootes contains one of the sky’s brightest stars – Arcturus. In Greek mythology
Bootes is better known as Arcturus, which means “guardian of the bear.” In one version of the
legend, Bootes earned his place in the stars by inventing the plough. This association with earthy
practicality is appropriate for the Page of Pentacles, who represents the qualities of the careful and
diligent student. Here the flighty enthusiasm of the Pages is grounded, indicating someone who is
inexperienced but also dedicated and tenacious. This Page represents the application of a new idea
to everyday reality; the creating of real, practical strategies to put our ideas into action.

Knight of Pentacles - Centaurus

Centaurus is a very large southern-hemisphere constellation full to the brim with phenomena. It
contains the tiny Proxima Centauri (the nearest star to our sun), the binary system Alpha Centauri
and the galaxy Centaurus A, which may contain a black hole. The constellation depicts Chiron the
Centaur, the archetypal teacher of Greek mythology. Centaurs have a dubious reputation in
mythology but Chiron was different. He was famous for training and educating heroes like Jason
and Hercules as well as being a skilled healer. Accidentally wounded by Hercules, Chiron gained
much of his wisdom from his unsuccessful attempts to cure himself. The Knight of Pentacles has
many of Chiron’s qualities of patience and fortitude. He is a bit of a plodder compared with the
other Knights but has the stickability to see a project through to the end. He represents small,
patient steps rather than giant leaps.

Queen of Pentacles - Earth

In many mythologies, the Earth takes the form of a mother-figure, such as the Greek Gaia. The
Queen of Pentacles is a similarly nurturing, maternal figure, symbolising the endless fertility of the
natural world. She represents a physical container for the earthy energy of Pentacles and acts as
midwife and generous mother to all our ideas, plans and relationships.

King of Pentacles - Saturn

The Roman god Saturn (Greek equivalent; Cronus) was the father of Jupiter, King of the gods and
had a rather bad reputation as devourer of his own children. The King of Pentacles is an equally
powerful ruler but is usually a bit more beneficent in his approach to kingship. However, the
devouring habit finds a parallel in the negative associations of Pentacles with greed and desire for
material domination. But the King of Pentacles tends to exhibit mastery over the material world in a
more positive way. He is canny and knowledgeable in deploying his physical and financial
resources and we can call on his hard-headed business sense to keep us on track. This King can roll
up his sleeves and get his hands dirty to make sure our visions are not thwarted or shunted off track.

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