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CHAPTER 43: Beta – Lactam & Other Cell Wall- & Membrane-Active Antibiotics

Beta Lactam Compounds - Susceptible to hydrolysis by beta-

Penicillins lactamases
- share features of chemistry, MOA,
pharmacology, and immunologic B. Penicillin Units and Formulations
characteristics with Cephalosphorins, - Pen G – activity is defined in units
Monobactams, carbapenems, and - Crystalline sodium pen G = approx. 1600
Beta-lactamase inhibitors units/mg (1 unit=0.6mcg; 1 million
- All are B-lactam cpds, because of their units/penicillin = 0.6)
four-membered lactam ring - Semisynthetic penicillin is measured by
 Chemistry - Minimum inhibitory concentration
- Thiazolidine ring attached to a beta (MIC) – is in mcg/mL
lactam ring which carries a secondary - Most penicillin is formulated as sodium
amino group ( where other substituents and potassium salt of the free acid
attached) - Potassium Pen G – 1.7 mEq of K/million
- 6-aminopenicillanic acid nucleus: units of penicillin (2.8 mEq/g)
essential for biologic activity - Nafcillin- Na, 2.8 mEq/g
- Penicilloic acid: hydrolysis form, - Procaine salts and benzathine salts of
inactive, lacks of antibacterial activity Pen G (for repository forms for IM
due to beta-lactamases injections)
- Dry crystalline form, penicillin salts are
A. Classification stable for years for 4c
- 6-aminopenicillanic acid applies - Solutions lose their activity rapidly
antibacterial effect within 24hrs at 20c (must be prepared
- Stable to gastric acid and for oral use: fresh for administration)
Penicillin V, dicloxacillin, amoxicillin,
etc.  Mechanism of Action
- Inhibit bacterial growth by interfering
1. Penicillins (ex. Penicillin G) with the transpeptidase reaction of
- Greater activity against gram (+) bacterial cell wall synthesis
organismns, gram (-) cocci and non- Function of cell wall
Beta-lactamase producing anaerobes  Maintains cell integrity,
- Little activity against gram (-) rods prevents lysis from high
- Susceptible to hydrolysis by B- osmotic pressure
lactamases  Composed of complex, cross-
2. Antistaphylococcal penicillins (ex. linked polymer of
Nafcillin) polysaccharide and peptides
- Resistant to staphyloccal beta known as peptidoglycan
lactamases  Polysaccharide – alternating
- Active against staphylococci and amino sugars, N-
streptococci acetylglucosamine and N-
- Not against enterococci. Anaerobic acetylmuramic acid
bacteria, gram (-) cocci and rods  acetylmuramic acid –
3. Extended-spectrum penicillins (amino presence of linked of five-
penicillins and antipseudomonal amino-acid peptide; this peptde
penicillins) terminates in D-alanyl-D
- Activity against gram (-) rods alanine

CHAPTER 43: Beta – Lactam & Other Cell Wall- & Membrane-Active Antibiotics
components, transport drugs acroos
Penicillin-binding protein (PBP) the cell wall outer membrane
 an enzyme; which removes the
terminal alanine in the process Carbapenems – resistance to
of forming a cross-link with penicillinase and cephalosporinase but
nearby peptide susceptible by metallo-Beta- lactamases
 beta-lactam antibiotics,
structured analogs of the  Pharmacokinetics
natural D-ala-D-ala substrate, - Absorption of orally administered drug
covalently bind to the active differs greatly for individual penicillins;
site of PBPs depends on acid stability and protein
 the binding inhibit binding
transpeptidation reaction and Nafcillin – GIT absorption is erratic; not oral
stop peptidoglycan synthesis administration, higly protein bound; achieve
- beta lactam antibiotics kill bacterial cells lower free-drug concentration in serum
only when they are actively growing and Dicloxacillin, Ampicillin, and amoxicillin
synthesizing cell wall - Acid stable, relatively well absorbed
- Absorption of most oral penicillin is
 Resistance impaired by food except for Amoxcillin
General Mechanisms: - Drugs must be administered atleast 1-2
1. Inactivation of antibiotic by Beta- hrs before or after a meal
lactamase – most common, produced Pen G – Intravenous administration, IM can cause
by Staphylococcus aureus, local irritation and local pain
Haemophilus influenza, E. coli. Others, Pen G and Ampicillin – less protein bound,
AmpC by P. auruginosa and increase serum levels
Enterobacter sp. and extended - Penicillins are polar molecules so
spectrum B-lactamases (ESBLs) intracellular concentrations are below
Enterobacteriacea for both penicillin than those found in extracellular fluids
and cephalosporins Benzathine and Procaine penicillins
2. Modification of target PBP’s - Delay absorption, prolong blood and
– basis of methicillin resistance in tissue concentration
staphylococci and penicillin resistance - Singe IM injection of 1.2 million units
in pneumococci and most resistant Penicillin concentrations in most tissues are equal
enterococci to those in serum
–Produce PBPs that have low affinity  Excretion
for binding B-lactam antibiotics - Sputum, breastmilk (3-15%) of those in
the serum
3. Impaired penetration of drug to target - Poor penetration in the eye, prostate and
– occurs on gram negative only due to - 1-5mcg/mL of penicillin for bacterial
impermeable outer membrane of their meningitis, kill also pneumococci and
cell wall meningocci
– beta lactam antibiotics enters the - Rapidly excreted in kidneys
cell through porins (outer-membrane Tubular secretion – 90% of renal excretion and
protein channels) remaining is glomerular excretion
4. Antibiotic efflux – gram (-) produce T1/2 of Pen G = 30 mins, but on present of renal
efflux pump w/c consist of failure 10hrs
cytoplasmic and periplasmic protein Ampicillin & Extended-spectrum penicillins

CHAPTER 43: Beta – Lactam & Other Cell Wall- & Membrane-Active Antibiotics
- Excreted more slowly than Pen G and - IM for tx of syphilis
T1/2 = 1 hr Procaine Pen
Nafcillin – primarily cleared by biliary excretion - Pneumococcal pneumonia and
Oxacillin, dicloxacillin, and cloxacillin gonorrhea
- Eliminated by both kidney and biliary B. Penicillin Resistant to Staphylococcal Beta-
excretion Lactamase (Methicillin, Nafcillin, and
- No dosage adjustments is required in pt Isoxazolyl Penecillin)
with renal failures - Semisynthetic penicillin
Clearance of penicillin is less efficient in the - For infection cause by B-lactamase-
newborn, dose adjustment for weight alone result producing staphylococci
in higher conc. for longer periods than in adult. - Penicillin susceptible streptococci and
 Clinical Uses - Listeria monocytogenes, enterococci,
- Should be given 1-2 hrs before or after a methicillin-resistant strains of
meal for oral administration except for staphylococci are resistant
amoxicillin - Drug of choice for Methicillin-
- Should not be given with food to susceptible and penicillin-resistant
minimize binding to food proteins and strains staphylococci
acid inactivation Isoxazolyl Penecillin & Dicloxacillin
- Blood levels of penicillins can be raised - Tx for mild and moderate localized
by administration of probenecid; staphylococcal infections
impairs renal tubular secretion of weak - Relatively acid-stable
acids Methicillin – 1st antistaphylococcal penicillin
- Never use to viral infections developed but no longer used due to its high
A. Penicillin Adverse drug effects
Penicillin G Oxacillin and Nafcillin
– drug of choice for infections caused by - Intermittent IV infusion,
streptococci, meningococci, some enterococci, - Drug of choice for serious
penicillin-susceptible pneumococci, staphylococcal infections such as
staphylococci non beta lactamases producing endocarditis
– syphilis; Treponema pallidum and other C. Extended-Spectrum Penicillins
spirochetes (Aminopenicillins, Carboxypenicillins, and
– Clostiridium species, Actinomyces, gram (+) Ureidopenicillin)
rods, non beta lactamases producing gram (-) - Greater activity that penicillin against
anaerobic organisms gram (-) bacteria
– high dose, given as continuous IV infusion - Enhanced ability to penetrate the gram-
negative outer membrane
Penicillin V - Inactivated by beta-lactamases
– oral form, for minor infections Amoxicillin
– poor bioavailability - better absorbed orally
– need for dosing four times daily - bacterial sinusitis,otitis, lower
– narrow antibacterial spectrum respiratory tract infections
Benzathine penicillin and Procaine Pen G Ampicillin & Amoxicillin
- Intramuscular injection yield low but - most active oral B-lactam antibiotics
prolonged drug levels against pneumococci
- Effective for beta-hemolytic Ampicillin
streptococcal pharyngitis - shigellosis, IV for anaerobes enterococci,
Benzathine penicillin G (2.4 million) L. monocytogenes and B-lactamase-

CHAPTER 43: Beta – Lactam & Other Cell Wall- & Membrane-Active Antibiotics
negative strains of gram (-) cocci and - Broader spectrum of activity
bacilli (E.coli, Salmonella sp. and H. - E. coli and Klebsiella sp can hydrolyze it
influenzae) - Not active against L. monocytogenes
Carboxypenicillins (Ticarcillin) - Ceftaroline (only drug which has an
- carbenicillin activity against enterococci)
- broad spectrum for gram negative
pathogens incl. P. aeruginosa  Chemistry
- co-formulation of beta lactamase - 7-aminocephalosporanic acid -
inhibitor Tazobactam Nucleus, similar to the 6-
Ureidopenicillin ( Piperacillin) aminopenicillanic acid
- gram negative bacilli such as Kleibsiella - Intrinsic antimicrobial activity of
pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa cephalosporin is low
Due to resistance of P. aeruginosa,
antipseudomonal B-lactam is sometimes used in FIRST GENERATION CEPHALOSPORINS
combination with and aminoglycoside or - Cefazolin, cefadroxil, cephalexin,
fluoroquinolones in UTI cephalothin, cephapirin, cephradine
- Very active against gram positive cocci
Clavulanic acid, sulbactam or tazabactam such as streptococci and staphylococci
- B-lactamase inhibitor - Not active against MRSA
- Combined with ampicillin, amoxicillin, - E.coli, K. pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis
piperacillin are sensitive
- Extends for B-lactamase producing  Pharmacokinetics & Dosage
strains of S. aureus and gram negative A. Oral
producing beta-lactamases Cephalexin
-1st oral, excretion is mainly by glomerular
 Adverse Reactions filtration and tubular secretion into the
-well tolerated urine
-hypersensitivity, potential anaphylaxis - probenecid can increase serum
- serum sickness type; urticaria, fever, joint concentration, dosage is adjust in the
swelling, angioedema, pruritus, and presence of renal failure
respiratory compromise, rashes B. Parenteral
- oral lesions, nephritis, eosinophilia, Cefazolin
hemolytic anemia, vasculitis - Only first gen parenteral , both IV and IM
- seizures in renal railure - Excretion via kidney and adjustments
o Nafcillin – neutropenia, interstitial must be done for impaired renal
nephritis function
o Oxacillin – hepatitis  Clinica Use
Methicilin – interstitial nephritis Oral – UTI, Staphylococcal or streptococcal
Large doses- nausea, vomiting and diarrhea infection, inc. cellulitis/ soft tissue abscess
o Ampicillin – pseudomembranous Cefazolin
colitis, vaginal candidiasis - penetrates well in the tissue
Piperacillin-tazobactam when combined with - drug of choice for surgical prophylaxis
vancomycin has been associated with greater and for many streptococcal and
incidence of acute kidney injury compared to staphylococcal infections
alternate B-lactam agents. - E.coli and K. pneumoniae
- Does not penetrate CNS
Cephalosporins & Cephamycins - For serious staphylococcal infections ex.
- More stable than penicillins Bacteremia

CHAPTER 43: Beta – Lactam & Other Cell Wall- & Membrane-Active Antibiotics
- Used in pt with mild penicillin allergy

- Cefaclor, cefamandole, cefonicid,
cefuroxime, cefprozil, loracarbef,
ceforanide, cefoxitin and cefotetan
- Same with first gen but have extended
gram-negative coverage


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