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Conexión a sql server 2008

Standard Security
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User
Use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to connect to a specific SQL Server instance.

Are you using SQL Server 2008 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax
Servername\SQLEXPRESS where you substitute Servername with the name of the computer
where the SQL Server Express installation resides.
Standard Security alternative syntax
This connection string produce the same result as the previous one. The reason to include it is to
point out that some connection string keywords have many equivalents.
Trusted Connection
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Trusted Connection alternative syntax
This connection string produce the same result as the previous one. The reason to include it is to
point out that some connection string keywords have many equivalents.
Connecting to an SQL Server instance
The syntax of specifying the server instance in the value of the server key is the same for all
connection strings for SQL Server.
Trusted Connection from a CE device
Often a Windows CE device is not authenticated and logged in to a domain. To use SSPI or
trusted connection / authentication from a CE device, use this connection string.
Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;User
Note that this will only work on a CE device.
Read more about connecting to SQL Server from CE devices here


Connect via an IP address

Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial
Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP. This is how to use TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes. At the end of the
Data Source is the port to use. 1433 is the default port for SQL Server.
How to define which network protocol to use
Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets)
Use ADO.NET for MARS functionality. MARS is not supported in ADO.NET 1.0 nor
ADO.NET 1.1.
Streamline your Data Connections by Moving to MARS, by Laurence Moroney,
Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance
Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached, SQL
Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the connection.
Attach a database file, located in the data directory, on connect to a local SQL Server Express
Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached, SQL
Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the connection.
Using an User Instance on a local SQL Server Express instance
The User Instance functionality creates a new SQL Server instance on the fly during connect.
This works only on a local SQL Server instance and only when connecting using windows
authentication over local named pipes. The purpose is to be able to create a full rights SQL
Server instance to a user with limited administrative rights on the computer.
Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=true; AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;User Instance=true;

To use the User Instance functionality you need to enable it on the SQL Server. This is done by
executing the following command: sp_configure 'user instances enabled', '1'. To disable the
functionality execute sp_configure 'user instances enabled', '0'.
Database mirroring
If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL Native Client to a database that is being mirrored,
your application can take advantage of the drivers ability to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover occurs. You must specify the initial principal server and
database in the connection string and the failover partner server.
Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;Initial
Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;
There is ofcourse many other ways to write the connection string using database mirroring, this
is just one example pointing out the failover functionality. You can combine this with the other
connection strings options available.
Asynchronous processing
A connection to SQL Server that allows for the issuing of async requests through ADO.NET
Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;Asynchronous

SQL Server Native Client 10.0 OLE DB Provider

Type:    OLE DB Provider
Usage:  Provider=SQLNCLI10
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this provider »
Customize string
example values »
Standard security
Are you using SQL Server 2008 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax
Servername\SQLEXPRESS where you substitute Servername with the name of the computer
where the SQL Server 2008 Express installation resides.
Trusted connection
Equivalent key-value pair: "Integrated Security=SSPI" equals "Trusted_Connection=yes"
Connecting to an SQL Server instance
The syntax of specifying the server instance in the value of the server key is the same for all
connection strings for SQL Server.
Prompt for username and password


This one is a bit tricky. First you need to set the connection object's Prompt property to
adPromptAlways. Then use the connection string to connect to the database.
oConn.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlways

oConn.Open "Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=myServerAddress;DataBase=myDataBase;
Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets)
Trusted_Connection=yes;MARS Connection=True;
Use ADO.NET for MARS functionality. MARS is not supported in ADO.NET 1.0 nor
ADO.NET 1.1.
Using MARS with SQL Native Client, by Chris Lee
Encrypt data sent over network
Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance
Database=dbname; Trusted_Connection=Yes;
Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached, SQL
Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the connection.
Attach a database file, located in the data directory, on connect to a local SQL Server Express
Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached, SQL
Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the connection.
Database mirroring
If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL Native Client to a database that is being mirrored,
your application can take advantage of the drivers ability to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover occurs. You must specify the initial principal server and
database in the connection string and the failover partner server.
Provider=SQLNCLI10;Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover
Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;
There is ofcourse many other ways to write the connection string using database mirroring, this
is just one example pointing out the failover functionality. You can combine this with the other
connection strings options available.

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class Library

Usage:  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this wrapper class library »
Customize string
example values »

Bridging to SQL Native Client OLE DB

This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OleDbConnection class that calls the
underlying OLEDB provider. See respective OLE DB provider for more connection strings to
use with this class.

SQL Server Native Client 10.0 ODBC Driver

Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0}
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this driver »
Customize string
example values »
Standard security
Driver={SQL Server Native Client
Are you using SQL Server 2008 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax
Servername\SQLEXPRESS where you substitute Servername with the name of the computer
where the SQL Server 2008 Express installation resides.
Trusted Connection
Driver={SQL Server Native Client
Equivalent key-value pair: "Integrated Security=SSPI" equals "Trusted_Connection=yes"
Connecting to an SQL Server instance
The syntax of specifying the server instance in the value of the server key is the same for all
connection strings for SQL Server.
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=myServerName\theInstanceName;
Prompt for username and password
This one is a bit tricky. First you need to set the connection object's Prompt property to
adPromptAlways. Then use the connection string to connect to the database.
oConn.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlways

Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;

Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets)
Driver={SQL Server Native Client
Use ADO.NET for MARS functionality. MARS is not supported in ADO.NET 1.0 nor
ADO.NET 1.1.
Using MARS with SQL Native Client, by Chris Lee

Encrypt data sent over network

Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;
Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=.\SQLExpress;
AttachDbFilename=c:\asd\qwe\mydbfile.mdf; Database=dbname;Trusted_Connection=Yes;
Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached, SQL
Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the connection.
Attach a database file, located in the data directory, on connect to a local SQL Server Express
Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=.\SQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|mydbfile.mdf; Database=dbname;Trusted_Connection=Yes;
Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached, SQL
Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the connection.
Database mirroring
If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL Native Client to a database that is being mirrored,
your application can take advantage of the drivers ability to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover occurs. You must specify the initial principal server and
database in the connection string and the failover partner server.
Driver={SQL Server Native Client
ase; Trusted_Connection=yes;
There is ofcourse many other ways to write the connection string using database mirroring, this
is just one example pointing out the failover functionality. You can combine this with the other
connection strings options available.

Please note if you are using TCP/IP (using the network library parameter) and database
mirroring, including port number in the address (formed as servername,portnumber) for booth
the main server and the failover partner can solve some reported issues.

Conexion SQl server 2005

Standard Security

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User


Use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to connect to a specific SQL Server instance.

Are you using SQL Server 2005 Express? Don't miss the server name syntax
Servername\SQLEXPRESS where you substitute Servername with the name of the computer
where the SQL Server 2005 Express installation resides.


Standard Security alternative syntax

This connection string produce the same result as the previous one. The reason to include it is
to point out that some connection string keywords have many equivalents.


Trusted Connection

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;

Trusted Connection alternative syntax

This connection string produce the same result as the previous one. The reason to include it is
to point out that some connection string keywords have many equivalents.


Connecting to an SQL Server instance

The syntax of specifying the server instance in the value of the server key is the same for all
connection strings for SQL Server.


Trusted Connection from a CE device

Often a Windows CE device is not authenticated and logged in to a domain. To use SSPI or
trusted connection / authentication from a CE device, use this connection string.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;User



Note that this will only work on a CE device.

Read more about connecting to SQL Server from CE devices here

Connect via an IP address

Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial

Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP. This is how to use TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes. At the end of the Data
Source is the port to use. 1433 is the default port for SQL Server.

How to define which network protocol to use

Enabling MARS (multiple active result sets)


Use ADO.NET 2.0 for MARS functionality. MARS is not supported in ADO.NET 1.0 nor ADO.NET

Streamline your Data Connections by Moving to MARS, by Laurence Moroney,

Attach a database file on connect to a local SQL Server Express instance


Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached,
SQL Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the

Attach a database file, located in the data directory, on connect to a local SQL Server Express



Why is the Database parameter needed? If the named database have already been attached,
SQL Server does not reattach it. It uses the attached database as the default for the

Using an User Instance on a local SQL Server Express instance

The User Instance functionality creates a new SQL Server instance on the fly during connect.
This works only on a local SQL Server 2005 instance and only when connecting using windows
authentication over local named pipes. The purpose is to be able to create a full rights SQL
Server instance to a user with limited administrative rights on the computer.

Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Integrated Security=true; AttachDbFilename=|

DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;User Instance=true;

To use the User Instance functionality you need to enable it on the SQL Server. This is done by
executing the following command: sp_configure 'user instances enabled', '1'. To disable the
functionality execute sp_configure 'user instances enabled', '0'.

Database mirroring

If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL Native Client to a database that is being mirrored,
your application can take advantage of the drivers ability to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover occurs. You must specify the initial principal server and
database in the connection string and the failover partner server.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;Initial

Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;

There is ofcourse many other ways to write the connection string using database mirroring,
this is just one example pointing out the failover functionality. You can combine this with the
other connection strings options available.

Read more about database mirroring in this Microsoft TechNet article "Database Mirroring in
SQL Server 2005"

Asynchronous processing

A connection to SQL Server 2005 that allows for the issuing of async requests through
ADO.NET objects.

Server=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;Asynchronous

Conexion SQL server 2000

Standard Security

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User


Standard Security alternative syntax

This connection string produces the same result as the previous one. The reason to include it is
to point out that some connection string keywords have many equivalents.


Trusted Connection

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;

Trusted Connection alternative syntax

This connection string produce the same result as the previous one. The reason to include it is
to point out that some connection string keywords have many equivalents.



Use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use a specific SQL Server instance. Please
note that the multiple SQL Server instances feature is available only from SQL Server version
2000 and not in any previous versions.

Connecting to an SQL Server instance

The syntax of specifying the server instance in the value of the server key is the same for all
connection strings for SQL Server.


Trusted Connection from a CE device

Often a Windows CE device is not authenticated and logged in to a domain. To use SSPI or
trusted connection / authentication from a CE device, use this connection string.

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;User


Note that this will only work on a CE device.

Read more about connecting to SQL Server from CE devices here

Connect via an IP address

Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial

Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP. This is how to use TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes. At the end of the Data
Source is the port to use. 1433 is the default port for SQL Server.

How to define which network protocol to use

Specifying packet size

ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Trusted_Connection=False;Packet Size=4096;


By default, the Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for SQL Server sets the network
packet size to 8192 bytes. This might however not be optimal, try to set this value to 4096

The default value of 8192 might cause errors as well ("Failed to reserve contiguous memory"),
check this out

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

Type:    OLE DB Provider
Usage:  Provider=sqloledb

Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this provider »

Customize string
example values »

Standard Security

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User


Trusted connection

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated


Use serverName\instanceName as Data Source to use a specific SQL Server instance. Please
note that the multiple SQL Server instances feature is available only from SQL Server version
2000 and not in any previous versions.

Connecting to an SQL Server instance

The syntax of specifying the server instance in the value of the server key is the same for all
connection strings for SQL Server.

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerName\theInstanceName;Initial
Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=SSPI;


Prompt for username and password

This one is a bit tricky. First set the connection object's Provider property to "sqloledb".
Thereafter set the connection object's Prompt property to adPromptAlways. Then use the
connection string to connect to the database.

oConn.Provider = "sqloledb"
oConn.Properties("Prompt") = adPromptAlways

Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;

Connect via an IP address

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial

Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

DBMSSOCN=TCP/IP. This is how to use TCP/IP instead of Named Pipes. At the end of the Data
Source is the port to use. 1433 is the default port for SQL Server.

How to define which network protocol to use

Disable connection pooling

This one is usefull when receving errors "sp_setapprole was not invoked correctly." (7.0) or
"General network error. Check your network documentation" (2000) when connecting using
an application role enabled connection. Application pooling (or OLE DB resource pooling) is on
by default. Disabling it can help on this error.

Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User

ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;OLE DB Services=-2;

Conexion con Oracle

Using TNS
Data Source=TORCL;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Using integrated security
Data Source=TORCL;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Using ODP.NET without tnsnames.ora
(SERVICE_NAME=MyOracleSID)));User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Using the Easy Connect Naming Method (aka EZ Connect)
The easy connect naming method enables clients to connect to a database without any
Data Source=username/password@//myserver:1521/;
Port 1521 is used if no port number is specified in the connection string.

Make sure that EZCONNECT is enabled in the sqlnet.ora file.


'//' in data source is optional and is there to enable URL style hostname values
Easy Connect Naming Method to connect to an Instance
This one does not specify a service or a port.
Data Source=username/password@myserver//instancename;
Easy Connect Naming Method to connect to a dedicated server instance
This one does not specify a service or a port.
Data Source=username/password@myserver/myservice:dedicated/instancename;
Other server options: SHARED, POOLED (to use instead of DEDICATED). Dedicated
is the default.
Specifying Pooling parameters
By default, connection pooling is enabled. This one controls the pooling mechanisms.
The connection pooling service creates connection pools by using the ConnectionString
property to uniquely identify a pool.
Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Min Pool
Size=10;Connection Lifetime=120;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool
The first connection opened creates the connection pool. The service initially creates the
number of connections defined by the Min Pool Size parameter.

The Incr Pool Size attribute defines the number of new connections to be created by the
connection pooling service when more connections are needed.


When a connection is closed, the connection pooling service determines whether the
connection lifetime has exceeded the value of the Connection Lifetime attribute. If so,
the connection is closed; otherwise, the connection goes back to the connection pool.

The connection pooling service closes unused connections every 3 minutes. The Decr
Pool Size attribute specifies the maximum number of connections that can be closed
every 3 minutes.
Restricting Pool size
Use this one if you want to restrict the size of the pool.
Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Max Pool
Size=40;Connection Timeout=60;
The Max Pool Size attribute sets the maximum number of connections for the
connection pool. If a new connection is requested, but no connections are available and
the limit for Max Pool Size has been reached the connection pooling service waits for
the time defined by the Connection Timeout attribute. If the Connection Timeout time
has been reached, and there are still no connections available in the pool, the connection
pooling service raises an exception indicating that the request has timed-out.
Disable Pooling
Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Pooling=False;
Using Windows user authentication
Oracle can open a connection using Windows user login credentials to authenticate
database users.
Data Source=myOracle;User Id=/;
If the Password attribute is provided, it is ignored.

Operating System Authentication is not supported in a .NET stored procedure.

Privileged Connections
Oracle allows database administrators to connect to Oracle Database with either
SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges.
Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;DBA
SYSOPER is also valid for the DBA Privilege attribute.
Runtime Connection Load Balancing
Optimizes connection pooling for RAC database by balancing work requests across
RAC instances.
Data Source=myOracle;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Load
This feature can only be used against a RAC database and only if pooling is enabled


.NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle

Type:    .NET Framework Class Library
Usage:  System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this class library »
Customize string
example values »
Data Source=MyOracleDB;Integrated Security=yes;
This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later
Specifying username and password
Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Integrated
This one works only with Oracle 8i release 3 or later
Missing the System.Data.OracleClient namespace? Download .NET Managed Provider
for Oracle
Article: "Oracle Data Provider for .NET" by Rama Mohan
Omiting tnsnames.ora
This is another type of Oracle connection string that doesn't rely on you to have a DSN
for the connection. You create a connection string based on the format used in the
tnsnames.ora file without the need to actually have one of these files on the client pc.
Some reported problems with the one above and Visual Studio. Use the next one if
you've encountered problems.
Using Connection Pooling
The connection pooling service will create a new pool if it can't find any existing pool
that exactly match the new connections connection string properties. If there is a
matching pool a connection will be recycled from that pool.
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Min Pool
Size=10;Connection Lifetime=120;Connection Timeout=60;Incr Pool Size=5;Decr Pool
The first connection opened creates the connection pool. The service initially creates the
number of connections defined by the Min Pool Size parameter.


The Incr Pool Size attribute defines the number of new connections to be created by the
connection pooling service when more connections are needed.

When a connection is closed, the connection pooling service determines whether the
connection lifetime has exceeded the value of the Connection Lifetime attribute. If so,
the connection is closed; otherwise, the connection goes back to the connection pool.

The connection pooling service closes unused connections every 3 minutes. The Decr
Pool Size attribute specifies the maximum number of connections that can be closed
every 3 minutes.
Windows Authentication
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=/;
Privileged Connection
With SYSDBA privileges
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=SYS;Password=SYS;DBA Privilege=SYSDBA;
Privileged Connection
With SYSOPER privileges
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=SYS;Password=SYS;DBA Privilege=SYSOPER;
Utilizing the Password Expiration functionality
First open a connection with a connection string. When the connection is opened, an
error is raised because the password have expired. Catch the error and execute the
OpenWithNewPassword command supplying the new password.
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;

Proxy Authentication
Data Source=myOracleDB;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Proxy User
Id=pUserId;Proxy Password=pPassword;

dotConnect for Oracle

Type:    .NET Framework Class Library
Usage:  Devart.Data.Oracle.OracleConnection
Manufacturer:  Devart
More info about this class library »


Customize string
example values »
User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Host=ora;Pooling=true;Min Pool
Size=0;Max Pool Size=100;Connection Lifetime=0;

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle

Type:    OLE DB Provider
Usage:  Provider=msdaora
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this provider »
Customize string
example values »
Standard security
This connection string uses a provider from Microsoft.
Provider=msdaora;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Trusted connection
Provider=msdaora;Data Source=MyOracleDB;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated

Oracle Provider for OLE DB

Type:    OLE DB Provider
Usage:  Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle
Manufacturer:  Oracle
More info about this provider »
Customize string
example values »
Standard Security
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Trusted Connection
This one specifies OS authentication to be used when connecting to an Oracle database.
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;OSAuthent=1;

Oracle XE, VB6 ADO

Oracle XE, C++ ADO
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=localhost:1521/XE;Initial
Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
TNS-less connection string
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(CID=GTU_APP)
(SERVER=DEDICATED)));User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Controling rowset cache mechanism
Specifies the type of caching used by the provider to store rowset data. OraOLEDB
provides two caching mechanisms; File and Memory.
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Memory is the default value. All the rowset data is stored in-memory which provides
better performance at the expense of higher memory utilization.

File = All the rowset data is stored on disk. This caching mechanism limits the memory
consumption at the expense of performance.
Controling the fetchsize
This one specifies the number of rows the provider will fetch at a time (fetch array).
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
The FetchSize value must be set appropriately depending on the data size and the
response time of the network. If the value is set too high, this could result in more wait
time during the execution of the query. If the value is set too low, this could result in
many more round trips to the database. Valid values are 1 to 429,496,296. The default is
Controling the chunksize
This one specifies the size, in bytes, of the data in LONG and LONG RAW columns
fetched and stored in the provider cache.
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Providing a high value for this attribute improves performance, but requires more
memory to store the data in the rowset. Valid values are 1 to 65535. The default is 100.
Using with Microsofts OLE DB .NET Data Provider

The Microsoft OLE DB .NET Data Provider can utilize OraOLEDB as the OLE DB
Provider for accessing Oracle. However this must be enabled in the connection string.
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
The OLEDB.NET connection string attribute must not be used in ADO applications.
Using OraOLEDB Custom Properties with Microsofts OLE DB .NET Data Provider
The SPPrmsLOB and NDatatype properties can only be set as connection string
attributes when OraOLEDB is used by OLE DB .NET Data Provider.
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Using ADO, these properties would have been set as a property on the command. This
is not possible if using the Microsofts OLE DB .NET Data Provider. So the properties
are specified in the connection string instead.

PLSQLRSet: If the stored procedure, provided by the consumer, returns a rowset,

PLSQLRSet must be set to TRUE (enabled).

NDatatype: This property allows the consumers to specify whether any of the
parameters bound to the command are of Oracle's N datatypes (NCHAR, NVARCHAR
or NCLOB). This information is required by OraOLEDB to detect and bind the
parameters appropriately. This property should not be set for commands executing
SELECT statements. However, this property must be set for all other SQLs such as

SPPrmsLOB: This property allows the consumer to specify whether one or more of the
parameters bound to the stored procedures are of Oracle's LOB datatype (CLOB,
BLOB, or NCLOB). OraOLEDB requires this property to be set to TRUE, in order to
fetch the parameter list of the stored procedure prior to execution. The use of this
property limits the processing overhead to stored procedures having one or more LOB
datatype parameters.
Using distributed transactions
This one specifies sessions to enlist in distributed transactions. This is the default
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Valid values are 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class Library
Usage:  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this wrapper class library »

Customize string
example values »
Bridging to Oracle Provider for OLE DB
This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OleDbConnection class that
calls the underlying OLEDB provider. See respective OLE DB provider for more
connection strings to use with this class.
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User
Note! The keyword "OLEDB.NET" must be set to "True" for the OraOLEDB.Oracle
provider to function with the .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB.

Oracle in OraHome92
Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={Oracle in OraHome92}
Manufacturer:  Oracle
Customize string
example values »
Driver={Oracle in

Microsoft ODBC for Oracle

Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this driver »
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example values »
New version
Driver={Microsoft ODBC for
Connect directly
No TSN nor DSN required.
ODBC;Driver={Microsoft ODBC for

Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle

Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle}
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this driver »
Customize string
example values »
Old version
Driver={Microsoft ODBC Driver for

Oracle in XEClient
Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver=(Oracle in XEClient)
Manufacturer:  Oracle
Customize string
example values »
Oracle XE (or "Oracle Database 10g Express Edition") is a simple version that's free to
Driver=(Oracle in

.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class Library
Usage:  System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this wrapper class library »
Customize string
example values »
Bridging to Oracle in OraHome92 ODBC Driver
This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OdbcConnection class that
calls the underlying ODBC Driver. See respective ODBC driver for more connection
strings to use with this class.
Driver={Oracle in

Type:    Data Shaping COM component
Usage:  Provider=MSDataShape;Data Provider=providername
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this wrapper COM component »
Customize string
example values »
Provider=MSDataShape;Persist Security Info=False;Data Provider=MSDAORA;Data
Source=orac;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Want to learn data shaping? Check out 4GuyfFromRolla's (old but great) article about
Data Shaping

Conexion MySQL

Default port is 3306.
Specifying port
Download the driver at MySQL Developer Zone
Named pipes
It is the port value of -1 that tells the driver to use named pipes network protocol. This is
available on Windows only. The value is ignored if Unix socket is used.
Multiple servers
Use this to connect to a server in a replicated server configuration without concern on
which server to use.
Server=serverAddress1 & serverAddress2 &

Using encryption
This one activates SSL encryption for all data sent between the client and server. The
server needs to have a certificate installed.
This option is available from Connector/NET version 5.0.3. In earlier versions, this
option has no effect.
Using encryption, alternative
Some reported problems with the above one. Try replacing the key "Encryption" with
"Encrypt" instead.
Specifying default command timeout
Use this one to specify a default command timeout for the connection. Please note that
the property in the connection string does not supercede the individual command
timeout property on an individual command object.
;default command timeout=20;
This option is available from Connector/NET version 5.1.4.
Specifying connection attempt timeout
Use this one to specify the length in seconds to wait for a server connection before
terminating the attempt and receive an error.
;Connection Timeout=5;
Inactivating prepared statements
Use this one to instruct the provider to ignore any command prepare statements and
prevent corruption issues with server side prepared statements.
;Ignore Prepare=true;
The option was added in Connector/NET version 5.0.3 and Connector/NET version
Specifying port
Use this one to specify what port to use for the connection.
The port 3306 is the default MySql port.

The value is ignored if Unix socket is used.

Specifying network protocol

Use this one to specify which network protocol to use for the connection.
; Protocol=socket;
"socket" is the default value used if the key isn't specified. Value "tcp" is an equivalent
for "socket".

Use "pipe" to use a named pipes connection, "unix" for a Unix socket connection and
"memory" to use MySQL shared memory.
Specifying character set
Use this one to specify which character set to use to encode queries sent to the server.
; CharSet=UTF8;
Note that resultsets still are returned in the character set of the data returned.
Specifying shared memory name
Use this one to specify the shared memory object name used for the communication.
;Shared Memory Name=MYSQL;
This one is applicable only when the connection protocol value is set to "memory".

Type:    .NET Framework Class Library
Usage:  eInfoDesigns.dbProvider.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
Manufacturer:  eInfoDesigns
More info about this class library »
Customize string
example values »
Data Source=myServerAddress;Database=myDataBase;User
ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Command Logging=false;

SevenObjects MySqlClient
Type:    .NET Framework Class Library
Manufacturer:  SevenObjects
More info about this class library »
Customize string
example values »



dotConnect for MySQL (former MyDirect.NET and

Core Labs MySQLDirect.NET)
Type:    .NET Framework Class Library
Usage:  Devart.Data.MySql.MySqlConnection
Manufacturer:  Devart
More info about this class library »
Customize string
example values »
Direct=true;Protocol=TCP;Compress=false;Pooling=true;Min Pool Size=0;Max Pool
Size=100;Connection Lifetime=0;
Read more at Devart (former Core Lab)

Type:    .NET Framework Class Library
Usage:  MySQLDriverCS.MySQLConnection
Manufacturer:  MySQLDriverCS project team
More info about this class library »
Customize string
example values »
Location=myServerAddress;Data Source=myDataBase;User
ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Port=3306;Extended Properties="""";
This is a free simple .NET compliant MySQL driver.
Project space at SourceForge

Type:    OLE DB Provider
Usage:  Provider=MySQLProv
Manufacturer:  MySQL
More info about this provider »
Customize string
example values »

Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=mydb;User

.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class Library
Usage:  System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this wrapper class library »
Customize string
example values »
Bridging to MySQL OLEDB
This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OleDbConnection class that
calls the underlying OLEDB provider. See respective OLE DB provider for more
connection strings to use with this class.
Provider=MySQLProv;Data Source=mydb;User

MyODBC 2.50
Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={mySQL}
Manufacturer:  MySQL
More info about this driver »
Customize string
example values »
Local database
Remote database
Base; User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Specifying TCP/IP port
Database=myDataBase; User=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
The driver defaults to port value 3306, if not specified in the connection string, as 3306
is the default port for MySQL.

MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51

Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}
Manufacturer:  MySQL
More info about this driver »
Customize string
example values »
Local database
Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=myDataBase;
Remote database
Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51
Specifying TCP/IP port
Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51
me; Password=myPassword;Option=3;
The driver defaults to port value 3306, if not specified in the connection string, as 3306
is the default port for MySQL.
Specifying character set
Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51
name; Password=myPassword;Option=3;
Note that the charset option works from version 3.51.17 of the driver.
Specifying socket
This one specifies the Unix socket file or Windows named pipe to connect to. Used only
for local client connections.
Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51
On Windows, the socket variable is the name of the named pipe that is used for local
client connections. The default value is MySQL.

On Unix platforms, the socket variable is the name of the socket file that is used for
local client connections. The default is /tmp/mysql.sock.
Using SSL
Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51

SSLCA specifies the path to a file with a list of trust SSL CAs

SSLCERT specifies the name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure

SSLKEY specifies the name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure

MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.1

Type:    ODBC Driver
Usage:  Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}
Manufacturer:  MySQL
More info about this driver »
Customize string
example values »
Local database
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=myDataBase;
Remote database
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1
Specifying TCP/IP port
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1
me; Password=myPassword;Option=3;
The driver defaults to port value 3306, if not specified in the connection string, as 3306
is the default port for MySQL.
Specifying character set
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1
name; Password=myPassword;Option=3;
Specifying socket
This one specifies the Unix socket file or Windows named pipe to connect to. Used only
for local client connections.


Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1

On Windows, the socket variable is the name of the named pipe that is used for local
client connections. The default value is MySQL.

On Unix platforms, the socket variable is the name of the socket file that is used for
local client connections. The default is /tmp/mysql.sock.
Using SSL
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1
SSLCA specifies the path to a file with a list of trust SSL CAs

SSLCERT specifies the name of the SSL certificate file to use for establishing a secure

SSLKEY specifies the name of the SSL key file to use for establishing a secure

.NET Framework Data Provider for ODBC

Type:    .NET Framework Wrapper Class Library
Usage:  System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection
Manufacturer:  Microsoft
More info about this wrapper class library »
Customize string
example values »
Bridging to MySQL Connector/ODBC 5.1
This is just one connection string sample for the wrapping OdbcConnection class that
calls the underlying ODBC Driver. See respective ODBC driver for more connection
strings to use with this class.
Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=myDataBase;


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