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Question Answer

means social control. 8 s d suffering dat

s inflicted by d state for d transgression penalty
of a law

charctrized by silence & complete

segregation of d inmates.

8 advocated d practice of having d

convicts confined n der cells for both day
& nyt wyl observing complete silence. d
explain d pynnsylvania prison system
european countries made ds system a
model for d dvlpmnt & establishmnt of
der prison systems.

integrity, intelignce & good judgement

as to command respect & public personality

attention shifts 2 d genitalia & dey

phallic stage
become d source of sensual satisfaction

minnesota residential programs 4

ofendrs hu aderwise wud hav been
port project
incarcerated. a step between probation
& prison, or a halfway in house

d crmnology of lombroso & ferri,

emphasizing d condtion of d individual positive criminology
ofender rather dan d type of crime

includes d word "discipline" n u, 8 s not

positive discipline
basically punitive

referred to as d Italian School of

positive school

to assist d court n determining weder or

wat s d purpose of PSIR? not d end of justice wil b served by
granting probation to d petitioner.

der s a strong motivating force n sensing

one s appreciatd. d supervisor must
extend hs praise 2 a wide area of virtues
& values

8 s a brief sumary of d inmates case

including hs ase hstory & d silent points
pre-board summary
wc r considred necessary wedr or not
parole s 2 b granted.

d prisoner to room outside d prison for a

minimum period per day to make work pre-release leave
out arrangement for his release

any prison prgram designed to prepare

an inmate for release. may include
halfway house replacement, home pre-release program
furlough, or merely special housing &
discussion sessions n prison

study by probation ofcers concrning an

ofendrs condtion, past crimes, life
hstory, & ader information deemed
relevant to sentencing.

form of advice, reprimand & warning 2

prevntve discpline
avoid misbehavior n d future.

1 of d basic patterning influences of

social behavior. typically recognized r
primary institutions

penalties expressly imposed by d courts

principal penalties
n d judgement of conviction.

previous crmnal record, f any or any

prior records
violations of d law.

a prson confined n jail or prison to serve

a sentence after a conviction by a prisoner
competent court or authority. Also
refered 2 as convict.

custodial officers hu r deemed

instrumental n d reformation of
prison guards
prisoners due to der most frequent
contact w d inmates.

8 s a desposition undr wc d defendant

aftr conviction & sentnce s released
explain probation subject 2 d conditions imposed by d
court & d supervision of a probation

one hu investgates for courts a referal

for probation or supervise a probationer probation oficer
or both

refers 2 a prson placed undr probation probationer

district attys, assistants, federal

prosecutors or ader oficrs of d court
who r consedered prosecutors ?
responsible for chrging & proving d guilt
of d accused.

2 convert or induce another 2 change his

religious belief, sect or d like to anadr

ds emerged aftr d establishment of

prison systems. 8 has been regrded as a
social defense wer/n d society would protection
gain protection by putting criminals
behind bars

examines d convict & prepare an

abstract of d emotional & mental psychiatrist
constitution of d indvidual

treatment of mind, soul, or immaterial

aspect of d human.

prison labor utilized n d construction of

public roads, bridges, buildings, dams & public work system
ader similar structure.

a newly convctd prisoner s housed for

atleast a minimum periof of 5 days for d
conduct of medical examination, quarintine unit
vaccinations, x-ray 2 prevent physical

witness protection program act ra6981

defines certain ryts of d accused undr

custodial invstgation

act re-imposing d Death Penalty ra7659

8 s contended dat d state liberally

creates deviant categories as part of its radical criminology
control mechanism.

william glassers program of behavior

change based on a therapist attempt 2
reality therapy
get a client to own hs behavior & to take
responsiblty for 8s consequences.

unit n prison or specialized facility w d

function of orientation, testing,
classification, & distribution of ofenders
n prison programs.

d prisoners appears b4 d classification

committee periodically after his initial
classification to keep current his
treatment & training program.

s a legal device deply embedd n English

law orgnatd as a measures of prevntve
justce & as such it consist obliging
prsons. 8 s a mechanism werby a prson
explain recognizance
accused of a crime may b released on hs
own strength pendng trial of hs case or
on d assurnce of a reputable prson n d
comunty dat wil apear f called during d
trial 2 testfy.

an integral part of der adjustment b

given guided recreational activities,
aderwise, dey will frequent pool rooms, recreation
bars & ader unwholesome recreational

latest jstfcation of pubshmnt. 8 s an act

of restoring 2 a good repute or accept
responsblty; restore 2 formal standing,
rank, ryt or privileges.

d progressive development of d prison

systems wc came @ d middle of d 19th reformatory movement

provides 4 a bi-annual meetings of

correspondents n appropriate
consultative groups n d composition of regional consultative groups
wc ethnic legislative & customary
affinities r to b taken into account.

refrs 2 d process dat entails a

simplification of behavior wc may
contribute to harm inflicted upon 1self or
rendr 1 vulnerable to aders.

rfrs 2 treatmnt by means of theraphy,

vocational training, education &
counseling 2 help criminals 2 adjust 2 rehabilitation
society & to avoid deviant social

an act or statement dat leads 2 d

increased or sustained performance or a reinforcement
learned stimulus - response connections.

d process of convict reentry into d

community from a correctional reintegration

a means of corrections dat encourages

ofendrs 2 confront der wrongful acts &
misdeeds, experience dishonor as a reintegrative shaming
result of d harm dey caused & later re-
included n society.

wen a parolee or hs family s n desire

need of d basic necessities of lyf d
parole ofice refrs d parolee 2 a social
welfare agency wc can extend dem relief

temporary stay n d execution of d court

ordered by d president verdict 2 enable
review of d merits of d case. the
execution s set backwards 2 enable d
explain relieve
president 2 review d merits of d case &
determine proper punishment for d
convct. 8 s exercised only by d president
only aftr convction

fclty wc has been described as standing

between d captivity of prisons & d residential center
relative freedom of probation & parole.

describes behavior characteristics of d

depressed & lonely types described by resignation

ablty to fulfill one needs & to do so n a

way dat does not deprive aders of d responsibility
ability 2 fulfill der needs.

payment by ofendr 2 vctim for damages

caused by an offense. sometyms,
particularly w juveniles servce s
rendered n lieu of cash payment

humanistic & non punitive means 2

restore social harmony & correct rongful restorative jstce
describes many violent crimes n wc
offenders hav replaced normal ideas of
success w demonstration of indvidual
toughness or powers.

ds s a premitive form of inflictng

punshmnt by way of prsonal vengeance.
in 8s imposition, d punishment wud retribution
depend on d degree of satisfaction d
aggrieved of ofendd prty wud obtain.

8 was seen as d cause of unending

vendetta btween d ofender & d vctim. 2
regulate prsonal vengeance d relatiation
was limtd 2 d degree of injury inflicted,
hence d philosophy of "an eye for an
eye" evolved.

d cancellation of probation or parole

because of a new crime, or for breaking revocation
probation rules

wat law paved d way for d construction

proc # 72
of s sablayan penal colony?

what s d land area of sablayan penal 16,000 hectare lot locatd n Sablayan,
farm? Occidental Mindoro

8 s an open institution wc has rice 4 8s

principal product & grows vegetable
crops 4 der consumption & dat of d
convict of ader institutions. self reliant n
explain Sablayan Penal Colon
terms of agricultural product neds &
consdered as d fastest growing &
youngest institution n d PH corectional
administration system.

temporary custody of a prson or d

detention of d person for hs own
protection or care 2 ensure from liablty,
harm, injury or danger

an indvdual score for inmates n d federal

Bureau of Prisons used by d federal
salient factor score
parole comision 2 estimate d chance of
parole failure

involves d exploration of one's entire

script analysis
human life drama.

established d legl status of d crime w wc

d ofendr wil b charged although der s no se defendendo
explicit reference 2 d individual victim.

a prison system by separating group by

institution 2 prevent moral or physical
contamination of 1 group by anader & to
prevent unnecessary custodial risks.

d strategy of enhancing prison sentences

for dangerous chronic criminals & selective incapacitation

a prson hu s convcted guilty by d court

sentenced prisoner
for d comision of an ofense

d stage of d crimnal process wen

punishment of convcted defendants s sentencing

a prctice n restorative justce n wc

communty mmbrs meet w d accused & d
victim to suggest ways d offender may sentencing circle
provide ways of restitution 2 d

an ndvidual convcted of similar acts may

sentencing disparity
b gven a diferent punishment

process of collecting information 2

increase access 2 available human
service brokering
service agencies, referring clients &
providing advocacy 4 clients. may
include specialty services.

social work prctice of asigning cases 2

indvdual workers hu r asked 2 diagnose, social casework
lend assistance, & supervise clients

ultimate objctve of psychoanalysis. 8 s d

process by wc subgroups & persons r
social control
influenced 2 conduct themselves n
conformity w group expectations.

a corruption of darwin's theory of

evolution applied 2 social relations, used
2 explain dat d most evolutionarily social darwinism
advanced humans wer those hu gained
social advantage.

imitative learning; having a client copy d

behavior or subject hu s behaving social modelling

prison's probation & parole agencies

conveniently avail of d services of social
service agencies by referring 2 dem social service exchange
problems of inmates or parollee's

s d general term for d combined art &

science wc has as its objective d social work
remediation of social problems.

study of d persons or interview w d

family, friends & relatives of d convict

8 s a method of punishment resorted to

in extreme cases wen lighter penalties r solitary confinement

a crime control guiding principle

suggesting dat punishment be made
severe enough to convince criminal specific deterence
offenders never 2 relicate der criminal

mandated dat offenders as punishment

wud hav serve a portion of their
split sentence law
sentence n institutions & derby released
2 undergo probation

refered 2 as case conference or guidance

conference werin d tentatve formulation
staff conference
of rehabilitation program s conducted w
d inmate concerned.

transition from 1 social status to

another, as from defndant to convict or status passage
inmate to parolee.

generally refers 2 labeling, mark or


daly release during school hours so

offenders can attend skul. modeled on d study release
work release program.

a variety of social theories emphasizing

d differentiation of cultural pockets dat
differ from d parent culture & wc lead 2 sub-cultural theory
perception of deviance on d part of
subculture members

2 make d punishment fit d crime sublime

prson prone 2 taking hs own life suicide risk

designatd place of confinemnt for

hardened crmnals & those super security facility
troublemakers & escapees

8 s d idealized self. super-ego

d team has a trapped feeling wen 8

senses 8self n a communication vacuum. supervisory communication
comunication up & down, shud b
chanelled thru d supervisor.

d supervisor s d representative of d men

supervisory liaison
& management alike.

systematic counter-conditioning often to

relieve anxiety; 4 example, removing
systematic desensitization
fear of airplane travel by associating
plane flight w some enjoyed stimulus

d act of pricking & making patterns on d

skin w indelible pigments

breaking of either parole or probation

regulations regarding suprvision. may
technical violation
result n revocation of parole wo
comision of a new crime

d design of corrections as guided by d

rehabilitatve ideal dat d offenders
condtion shud b improved or behavior therapeutic model
changed n d course of criminal

a document provided 2 ofenders n both

maconochie's & crofton's system dat
legitimizes d ofenders absence from d ticket of leave
prison system. analogous to parole

a behavior theraphy program n wc a

client earns tokens & reinforcemnt or token economy
rewrd for desired behavior

s an individualy sustained injury 4 wc

one can attempt 2 secure damages from tort
d offending party.

rfrs 2 rather lrge group of drugs

introduced since d early 1950, used 2
counteract tension & anxiety producing tranquilizers
sleep or signficantly lessens mental &
physical function.

communication initiatd by d first n an

transactional stimulus
encounter sends.

rapport dat s established by d patient w

d therapist.

a term generalized from d term culture

shock 2 connote d jarring experience of
a prson undrgoing any rapid or unexpctd transition shock
social change, such as loss of spouse by
divorce or death

method of disposing ader colonies w

cheap labor.

covers d difernt arts & attitudes wc r

used n attempts 2 help patients, d
treated, 2 arrive @ mor realistic solution treatment
2 their basic problems of accepting
demselves & relating 2 aders.

formulation for d tentative rehabilitation

treatment planning
prgram of d convict.

part of d admsion comite hu interviews

& tests d convct 2 detrmine hs general & vocational counselor
special interests & skills.

a term used 2 denote parole oficrs hu

hav a high emphasis on asistnce 2 welfare worker
parolees & a low emphasis on control.

also known as jail farm or camps, such

fclity operates small-scale cultivation of
crops by minimum security prisonrs. ths workhouse jail
wud b ideal for municipalities w a large
# of inmates.

a desire 4 security, esteem & self-

work motivation
realization n d group predominates.
work plays a part n life wc makes 8
inseparable from living 8self.

program n wc incarceratd ofender s

released during working hours 2 find &
work release
maintain a job, & hu returns 2 prison or
jail after work.

a child, minor inclding those emancipatd

by law, hu s over 9 but undr 18 yrs of youth ofender
age @ d tym of comision of d offense.

wat law created d BuCor? eo292

wat law changes d name penal colony to

penal farm?

s d study of punishment for crime o

crmnal ofendr. 8 includs d study of
control & prvntion of crym thru
punishment of crmnal ofenders

wat s d latin word for pain or sufferings? poena

penology s also called? penal science

a division of criminology dat deals w

prison management & d treatment of
ofenders, & concerned 8self w d penology
philosophy & practce of society n 8s
effort 2 repress crimnal actvities.

8 s d manner of practice of managing or

controling places of confinemnt as n jails penal management
& prisons

s a branch of crmnal justce system

concrned w d custody supervision & correction
rehabilitation of d criminal ofendrs.

8 s d study & practice of a systematic

managemnt n jails & ader institutions
correction administration
concerned w d custody, treatment &
rehabilitation of crmnal ofendrs

credited as d oldest code & prescribing

babylonian & sumerian codes "code of
savage punishment, but n fact, sumerian
wer nearly 100 yrs older.

representd d earliest codification of

roman lawincorporatd n d justinian code.
8 s d foundation of ol public & private
12 tables "XII tabulae"
law until d tym of justinian. 8 s also a
colection of legal principles engraved n
metal tablets & set upon on d forum.

wen does 12tables started 451-450BC

emperor justinian of rome wrote his

codes of law. this was an effort 2 match
justinian code "roman & greek codes"
a desirable punishment for ol possible

wen does d justinian code created? 6th AD

n GREECE, a harsh code dat provides d

same punishment for ol citizens & d
slaves as 8 incorporate primitive concept
greek code of draco
d first 2 allow any citizen 2 prosecute d
ofender n d name of d injured party

wen does Burgundian code created? 500AD

a code wc specified punishment accdg to

social class of ofenders, dividing dem
CLASS & specifying d value of lyf of each
prsonaccdg to social status.

d only early roman place of confinement

mamertine prison
wc was built undr d main sewer of rome.

mamertine prison was built on? 64BC

d most popular workhouse n london wc
was built 4 employmnt & housing of bridewell workhouse
ENGLISH prisoners

s originally constructed as a dtention jail

n PHILADELPHIA wc was convrtd nto a
national prison & became d first
American Penitentiary

s d redress dat d state d ofending

membr of d society & usualy involves
pain & sufering. 8 s also d penalty
imposed for a crime or wrong doing.

afectd by burning, beheading, handing,

breaking @ d wheels, pillory & ader death penalty
forms of inflicting pains

afectd by maiming, mutilation, whiping

& ader inhumane or ader forms of physical torture
inflcting pains

puting d ofender nto shame or

social degradation

1. hard labor
2. deprivation
3. monotony
4. uniformity
wat r d early forms of of prison discipline
5. mass movement
6. degradation
7. corporal punishment
8. isolaton or solitary confinement

mass leaving n cell blocks, mass eating,

mass movement
mass recreation, mass bathing.

uttering words or languages on d part of

d prison staff 2 d prisonrs to degrade or degradation
break d confidnce of prisoners

non-communication, limited news "lone


1. imprisonment
2. parole
wat r d contemporary forms of
3. probation
4. fine
5. destierro

d ofendr punished w destierro wil not b

allowed 2 enter a -- km radius

1. retribution
2. expiation or atonement
wat r d justfcation of punishment? 3. deterence
4. incapacitation & protection
5. reformation & rehabilitation

he fought 4 religious freedom & indvdual

ryts. he s d first leader 2 prescribe
imprisonment as correctional treatment
william penn "1614-1718"
4 major ofenders. he s also responsible
for d abolition of death penalty & torture
as form of punishment.

was a french historian & philosopher hu

analyzed law as an expression of justce.
he believe dat harsh punshmnt wud
Charles Montesiquieu "1689-1755"
undermine moralty & dat appealing to
moral sentiments as a beter means of
preventing crime.

he was d more versatile of ol

philosopher during this period. he
believes dat fear of shame s a deterent Voltaire "1694-1778"
to crime. he fought d legally-sanctioned
practice of torture

he wrote an essay entitled "on crimes &

punishment" d most exiting essay on law
Cesare Beccaria ""1738-1794"
during this century. he presntd d
humanstic goal of law
he s d greatest leader n d reform of
english criminal law. he believed dat
watevr punshmnt designd 2 negate
watevr pleasure or gain d crmnal derives Jeremy Bentham "1748-1832"
from crime, d crym rate wud go down.
bentham was d one hu devised d
ultimate PANOPTICAN prison

a prison dat consts of large circular

buildings containing multicells around d Panoptican Prison

he was a sheriff n bedsfordshire n 1773

hu devoted hs life & fortune 2 prison
reform. aftr hs findings on english
prison, he recomnded d following; single
cells for sleeping, segregation of women, John Howard "1726-1790"
segregation of youth, provision of
sanitation facilities, abolition of fee
system by wc jailers obtained money
from prsonrs

he s d superintndnt of penal colony @

northfolk island n australia "1840" hu
introdced d "mark systm". a systm n wc
a prisonr s requird 2 earn a numbr of
alexander mocanochie
marks based on propr deprtmnt, labor &
study n ordr t entitle him 4 a ticket of
leave or cndtional release wc s smlar 2

d direc2r of prison n VALENCIA SPAIN

"1835" hu dvded d # of prisonr n2
companies & apointd crtain prisonrs as
manuel montesimos
petty ofcrs n chrge, wc alowed good
behavior 2 prepare d convict for gradual

established an agricultural colony 4

delinquent boys n 1839 provding DOMETS OF FRANCE
housefathers as n chrge for these boys

d director of english prison hu opened d

Borstal institution for young ofendrs.

s considred as d best reform institution

Borstal Institution
for young offenders today

He s d direc2r of d irish prison n 1854 hu

introduced d irish system dat was
modified from d Mocanochie's mark

d direc2r of Elmira reformtory n new

york "1876" hu introduced crtain
innovational programs lyk d ff: training
skul type, compulsory edction of prsnrs,
case work method, extnsve use of
parole, indtermnate sntnce.

s considred as d fore runner of modrn

penology because 8 had ol d elements of Elmira Reformatory
a modern system

also called as congegate system auburn system

d prisoners r confined n der own cells @

nyt & congregate work n shop during d auburn system
day. complete silce was enforced

also called as solitary system pennsylvania system

prisonrs r confined n single cells day &

nyt wer day lived, dey slept, & dey ate &
receive religious instructions. complete pennsylvania system
silnce was enforced. dey r required 2
read d bible

a sufering inflicted by s state against an

ofending membr of 4 d transgresion of penalty

punishment must be? 1. productve of suffering

2. commensurate of d offense
3. personal
4. legal
5. equal
6. certain
7. correctional

no one must escape d efect of penalty certain

an institution for d imprisonment of

prsons cnvcted of major crimes

a prson who by reason of hs crmnal

sentnce or by decision issued by a court prisoner
may b deprived of hs freedom or liberty

prsons hu r comited n d jail or prison n

ordr 2 serve der sentnce aftr final
convction of a competent court. they r sentenced prisoner
prisoners undr d suprvision of a penal

includes non-crmnal hu r detained n

order 2 protect d comunty against der prisonrs hu r on safekeeping
harmful behavior

those confined n mncpal jails 2 srve an

imprisonment of 1 day to 6 months. municipal prisonrs
those whose cases r pending @ d MTC

those sntnced 2 suffer an imprisonmnt

of 1 day to 3 years or a fine not mor dan
1,000 pesos or both. those cases dat r
City prisoners
cognizable by RTC & undr prelmnary
nvestgation. those detained derin whose
cases r filed w d MTC.

those prsons sntnced 2 serve from

6months & 1 day to 3 years or a fine not
mor dan 1,000 pesos. or those waiting provincial prisoner
for prelimnary investgation cognizable
by RTC.

those sentnced 2 suffer an imprisonment

insular or national prisoner
of mor dan 3 years

a spcial group of prsnrs compsed of

incorrigble, intrctble, & highly dangerous
prsons hu r d source of constant
super maximum security prisoners
dsturbances even n maximum scrty
prison. they wear ORANGE COLOR

8 s a group of prisners whose escape

cud b dangerous 2 d publc o d securty of
d state. 8 consist of cnstnt trouble
makers but not as dangerous as d super
maximum secrty prisonrs. der
maximum scrty prsnrs
movments r restrctd & dey r not allowed
2 work outsyd d institution but rather
asigned 2 industrial shops w/n d prison
compound. dey wear ORANGE color

1. prsnrs incldes those sentnced 2 srve a

sntnce of 20 yrs or more.
2. those whose cases r undr review by d
who r those considred as maximum
supreme court
scrty prisonrs?
3. those hu r crmnaly insane
4. those hving sevre prsonlty or
emotional disorder.

those hu canot b trusted n open

condtions & pose lesser danger dan
maximum secrty prsoner n case dey
escape. 8 consists of groups of prisonrs
medium secrty prsoner
hu may b allowed 2 work outside d fence
or walls of d penal institution undr
guards or w escorts. they wear BLUE
color unform.

hu r those cnsdred as medium securty 1. those whose mnimum sntnce s less

prsnrs? dan 20yrs
2. those life-sntnced prsnrs hu srved at
least 10 yrs inside a maximum-secrty

8 s a group of prsonrs hu can b

reasonbly trustd 2 srve sntnce undr
"open cndtion". ds group includes
prisonrs hu can b trustd 2 report 2 der minimum securty prsonrs
work asignments wo d presnce of
guards. dey wear BROWN color

8 s a place 4 locking-up of prsons hu r

cnvctd of minor ofnse or felonies hu r 2
serve a short sntnces inposed upon dem
by a comptent court, or for confinemnt
of prsons hu r waiting trial or invstgation
of der cases

s a scurty fclty, common to police

stations used for tmprary confnemnt of lock-up jails
an indvdual held 4 invstgation.

s a type of jail comonly usd 2 detain a

cnvcted crmnal ofnder 2 srve sntnce less ordinary jails
dan 3 years

a fclty dat houses mnmum cus2dy

ofndrs hu r srvng shrt sntnces or those
hu r undrgoing constructve work
workhouses, jail farm or camp
progrms. 8 provides ful employmnt of
prsners, remedial srvces & constrctve
leisure tym actvties.

1. lock-up jails
wat r d types of jails?
2. workhouses, jail farm or camp

wat s d land area of NBP? 552 hectares located @ muntinlupa city

d RDC, medium secrty & youthful ofndrs

of d NBP s located n dis satelite unit

wen bilibid s constructed? 1847

wen does san ramon prison & penal farm


wen does Iwahig penal clny constructed? 1905

wen does davao prison & penal farm


wen does CIW constructed? 1931

wen does Sablayan prison & penal farm


wen does Leyte prison constructed? 1983

1. bilibid prison
2. san ramon prison & penal farm
3. iwahig penal colony
wat r d 7 national prison? 4. davao penal colony
5. sablayan penal colony & penal farm
6. leyte prison
7. ilo-ilo penal farm "ilo-ilo provnce"

srppf has a land area of ___ 1,546 hectares.

copra, also raises rice, corn, cattle &

wat s d biggest product of srppf?

intentional infliction of an appopriate

amount of suffering on a competent retaliatory retribution
indvdual hu has breached some code

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