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“Would rather” is used for expressing preference.

1-)A)When you talk about what you want to do,the structure is would rather + base form of the verb
a)I would rather go to movie tonight than study grammar.
In(a) notice that simple form of the verb follows would rather and than
b)I would rather study history than (study) biology.
In(b) If the verb is the same,it does not have to be repeated after than.
Incorrect:I would rather visit a big city than to live there.
Incorrect:I would rather visit a big city than living there.

B)Constraction of would rather:I would rather = I’d rather

I’d rather stay at hom tonight than go to cinema

C)Negative form of would rather:Would rather + not

How much do you weigh?
I’d rather not tell you

D)Question form of would rather:Would + S + rather + base form of verb +.......

a)Would you rather have a cup of tea or coffee
In (a) In a polite question,would rather can be followed or to offer someone a choise

E)Past form:would rather have + past participle

The movie was okay,but I’d rather have gone to the concer last night.

F)Progessive form:would rather + be + V-ing

I’d rather be lying on a beach in Florida than (be) sitting in class now.

2-)When you talk about what you want someone else to do,use would rather + simple past
I’d rather you saved the money than spent it all at once.
I’d rather she went to college.
I’d rather he stayed with us.
Negative form “I would rather you didn’t ........”
I’d rather you didn’t tell anyone what I said.
I’d rather you didn’t open that window.I’m cold.
I’d rather Jhon didn’t borrow my car.
In (2) In all of the examples we use past eg you saved,she went, he stayed,you didn’t,Jhon didn’t but
the meaning is present or future not past.

Rewrite the following sentences,using ‘d rather
1. I want to get up.I don’t want to stay in bed.I’d rather get up than stay in bed.
2. I don’t want to waste the doctor’s time.I’d rather not waste th doctor’s time.
3. I want to go out.I don’t want to be stuck in bed.
4. I don’t want to give you any extra work.
5. I want to watch TV.I don’t want to listen to records.
6. I don’t want to put you any trouble.
7. I dont want to have any drugs or anti-biotics.
8. I want to let it heal by itself.
9. I don’t want to any more tea,thank you.
10. I want to see football match tomorrow.I don’t want to stay at home.
Complete the sentences using would rather and the verbs in the box.Use each verb only once.
Listen do not play go have stay

1. What would you like to drink?Would you rather have wine or beer?
2. ‘Will we go out this evening?’ I think I home.
3. It’s a beautiful day.Will we go to beach or .........................(you)to the country?
4. ‘Would you you like to watch TV?’ ‘I some music.
5. We could wait or the next bus or walk home.What ........................(you)?
6. The weather is too hot or me.I this afternoon.

Write sentences using I’d rather ……….+ one of the following
Eat at home get a taxi go alone go far a swim listen to music
Stand think about for a while wait a few minutes wait till later

1. Will we walk home? I’d rather get a taxi.

2. Do you want to eat now?………………….……………
3. Will we watch TV?…………………………………….
4. What about a game of tennis?…………………………..
5. Will we leave now?……………………………………..
6. Do you want to go to a restaurant?………………………
7. I think we should decide now?………………………….
8. Would you like to sit down?……………………………..
9. Do you want me to come with you?……………………..

Answer these questions and give a reasons.
1. Would you rather have a cat or dog?
2. Would you rather live in a apartment building or in a house?
3. When you enterain frinds,would you rather invite them over for dinner or take them out to
4. On your day off,would you rather stay at home or go out?

Write questions with would rather
1. Take a science class/an art class
Would you rather take a scince class or an art class?
2. Study part-time/full-time
3. Have a boring job that pays well/an exciting job that pays less
4. Take a long vocation once a year/ several short vocations each year
You are speaking to a friend.Complete the sentences using I’d rather you and the past form of the
verbs in the box.Use only once.
Come not open stay phone not turn on


1. You could go now if you want to,but I’d rather you stayed a bit longer.
2. …………………………………..………………..the window .I’m cold.
3. I could phone the restaurant if you like,but ………………………..them.
4. ……………………..the TV if you don’t mind.I’ve a terrible headache.
5. ‘Will I come and see you tomorrow morning?’…………………… the afternoon.I’ll be
quite busy in the morning.

Complete the sentences using would you rather I
1. Are you going to cook the dinner or would rather I cooked it?
2. Are you going to tell Ann what happened or would you rather ...……………….……………?
3. Are you going to do shopping or ……………………………………………………………...?
4. Are you going to answer the phone or ………………………………………………………...?

Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.
1. ‘Will I tell Ann the news?’’No,I’d rather she didn’t know.’
2. Do you want me to go now or would you rather I……………here?
3. Do you want to go out this evening or would you rather …….…at home?
4. This is a private letter adressd to me.I’d rather you…………….read it.
5. It’s quite a nice house but I’d rather it……………………….a bit bigger.
6. ‘Do you mind if I turn on the radio?’I’d rather you…………’m trying to study.

Exercises 8
1. Didn’t
2. Stayed
3. Stay
4. Didn’t
5. Was
6. Didn’t

Exercses 7
1. Would rather I cooked
2. I told her
3. Would you rather I did it
4. Would you rather I answered it.

Execises 6
1. Stayed
2. I’d rather you didn’t open
3. I ‘d rather you phoned
4. I’d rather you didn’t turn on
5. I’ rather you came
Exercises 5
1. Would you rather take a science class or an art class?
2. Would you rather study part-time or full-time?
3. Would you rather have boring job that pays well or exciting job pays less?
4. Would you rather take a long vocation once a year or several short vocations each year?

Exercises 3
1. I’d rather get a taxi
2. I’d rather wait till later
3. I’d rather listen to music
4. I’d rather go or a swim
5. I’d rather wait a few minutes
6. I’d rather eat at home
7. I’d rather think about it or a while
8. I’d rather stand
9. I’d rather go alone

Exercises 2
1. Have
2. I would rather stay
3. Would you rather go
4. I would rather listen
5. Would you rather do?
6. I would rather not play

Exercises 1
1. ……………
2. …………….
3. I would rather go out than be stuck in bed.
4. I would rather not give you any extra work.
5. I would rather watch TV than listen to records.
6. I would rather not put you to any trouble.
7. I would rather not have any drugs or anti-biotics.
8. ………………
9. ……………….
10. ……………….

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