Advanced Database Systems 1. Differentiate Centralized From Distributed Databases. Discuss The Advantage and Disadvantages Support Your Answer With Examples

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Advanced Database Systems

1. Differentiate centralized from distributed databases. Discuss the advantage and

disadvantages; support your answer with examples
a. Centralized Database - is a database located, stored, and maintained in a single location.
i. Advantage:
1. Updates to any given set of data is immediately received by every end
2. All the information can be accessed at the same time from the same
3. Data kept from the same location is easier to be changed, re-organized,
mirrored or analyzed.
ii. Disadvantage:
1. Highly dependent on network connectivity
2. Bottlenecks can occur due to high traffic
3. Limited access by more than one person to the same set of data as there
is only one copy of it and its maintained in a single location.
iii. Example:

b. Distributed Database - is a database in which not all the storage devices are attached to
a common processor. It may be dispersed over a network of interconnected computers.
i. Advantage:
1. Easier Expansion
2. Increase reliability and availability
3. Reliable transactions due to the replication of the database
4. Continuous operation even if one of the nodes are offline
5. Distributed query processing can improve performance

ii. Disadvantage:
1. Increased complexity and infrastructure means more labor cost
2. Additional software is required
3. Operating system should support distributed environment
4. There are no methodologies or tools yet to convert Centralized DB into
5. Concurrency Control can pose a major issue though it can be solved by
timestamping and locking
ii. Example:
2. Discuss the following issues of Distributed Database Systems:
a. Query Optimization - the processing of query involves the transmission of data through
different sites. The query selector selects data from databases located at multiple sites in a network and
performs processing over multiple cpu’s to achieve a single result set.
b. Update Propagation - copies of data are stored in different sites along the network. The issue is
maintaining a mutual consistency of copies, ensuring that all copies of data have the same content and
c. Concurrency Control - is the activity of coordinating concurrent access to a database. The main
difficulty in attaining this goal is preventing the updates being done by one user from interfering with
database retrievals and updates performed by another user.
d. Catalog Management - file allocation problem (how the data is distributed across sites). Data
can be allocated by using the Centralized, Fully replicated and fragmented and distributed schemes.
Advanced Operating Systems and Networking

1. What is a race condition and give at least 3 solutions to minimize if not eliminate its

Race Condition - is a situation that occurs when a device or system attempts to perform
two or more operations at the same time.
 Semaphore - is a protected variable or abstract data type that constitutes a classic
method of controlling access by several processes to a common resource in a
parallel programming environment.
 Mutex - only one process (thread) may access shared resources at a time. All
others must wait
 Monitors - is an object or module intended to be used safely by more than one
thread. The defining characteristic of a monitor is that its methods are executed
with mutual exclusion.
2. When a computer is being developed, it is usually first simulated by a
program that runs one instruction at a time. Even multiprocessors are strictly
sequentially like this. Is it possible for a race condition to occur when there are no
simultaneous events like this? Why and why not.

Yes. A simulated computer could be multi programmed. For example, process A is

running reads out some shared variable, A simulated tick happens then process B runs, it
also reads the same variable. Then it adds 1 to the variable. When process A runs and
adds 1 to the the same variable. Race condition occurs.

Advanced Systems Analysis and Design

1. In the context of information systems analysis and design, briefly discuss the following:
a. Business Process Redesign - the application of system analysis methods to the goal of changing
and improving the fundamental business process of an organization, independent of information
b. Reverse Engineering - is a technology that reads a program code for an existing database,
application program, user interface and automatically generates the equivalent system model.
c. Process Management - is concerned with the phases, activities, deliverables and quality
standards are applied to all projects.
d. Project Management - is the process of scoping, planning, staffing and controlling a project to
develop an information system at a minimum cost, within a specified time frame and acceptable quality
e. Design Specification - physical system models and detailed specifications are produced as a
series of blueprints for construction.
f. Design Prototyping - incomplete but functioning applications or prototypes are constructed and
refined based on feedback from users and other designers.
2. What is SDLC on the context of software development? - a framework for describing phases
involved in developing information systems
a. Predictive Life Cycle - the scope of the project can be clearly articulated and the schedule and
cost can be accurately predicted.
b. Adaptive Life Cycle - assumes that software development follows an adaptive approach because
the requirement cannot be clearly expressed early in the life cycle.
2. What are two (2) most common software quality framework based on software engineering
a. CMM - set of key process areas specific to software development
b. ISO 9126 - an international standard for the evaluation of software. It is divided into 4 parts:
i. Quality model
ii. External metrics
iii. Internal metrics
iv. Quality use in metrics

4. Does the prototyping technique/mechanism ideally fits and realistic based on your
experience in developing systems? List down atleast 3 factors involved. What is the most critical,

Based on my experience in developing systems. Prototyping can be a very useful methodology in

developing systems because it can reduce time and costs. When using the prototyping
methodology costs can be significantly less because changes can be implemented earlier in the
development process and errors can be fixed early on, the earlier the software developer can meet
the revisions of the customer the faster and less expensive the software is. It can also improve
and increase user involvement this is the one factor that I think is the most critical because
customers want to feel like they’re involved with the development of the system. The customer
can give their feedback, request changes and alter model specifications and this helps with
avoiding miscommunications between the developer and the customer.

5. Create a use case (UML) diagram of student enrollment process

Methods of Research



Chapter 1
The research aims to explore and develop GIS implementations in weather forecasting. The proposed
research can help forecast in the instantaneous plotting of forecast weather data and lessen the errors
arising from manual plotting. QGIS is a free and open source, cross platform desktop geographic
information system that supports the processing of geospatial data. The Philippine Atmospheric
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) is the agency mandated to provide
protection against natural calamities and to ensure the safety and economic security of all people. The
Numerical Modeling Section of PAGASA undertakes researches on the application of numerical weather
prediction model. The use of GIS-based Mapping of Weather Research and Forecasting model -
Advanced Research WRF forecast parameters can help the NMS-PAGASA to visualize forecast such as
rainfall, wind, pressure using the data from WRF-ARW and using QGIS as the visualization tool

Statement of Objectives

The general objective is to be able to develop the GIS-based Mapping of Weather Research and
Forecasting model - advanced research wrf (wrf-arw) forecast parameters

This proposal aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

1. To develop a GIS-based Mapping of Weather Research and Forecasting model – Advanced Research

WRF (WRF-ARW) Forecast Parameters

1. To develop the automation of plotting maps that can visualize weather parameters such as

rainfall, temperature, pressure and wind by using the data from WRF-ARW.

2. To develop an interface integrated into the portal of the Numerical Modeling Section

where researchers and forecasters can view the created maps.

2. To validate the proposed system by:

1. Users/ Forecasters and Researchers

1. Functionality

1. Visual Interpretability

2. Graphical User Interface

1. Design and Layout

2. IT Experts

1. Graphical User Interface

1. Design and Layout

2. Buttons
Significance of the Study

The proponent intends to develop a GIS-based mapping of weather research and forecasting

model - advanced research wrf forecast parameters for the forecasters and researchers of the Philippine

Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration.

To the researchers of Dost-Pagasa, who are not well versed in programming this proposed study

can help them just focus on the scientific side of forecasting and not worry about the visualization of


To the researchers, the documentation of the study shall supply reliable information for them to

avoid pitfalls and provide a foundation and example for future relevant studies.

The study will be limited to the development of a GIS-based mapping of forecast parameters

generated by WRF-ARW and a web-based portal integrated into the numerical modeling section of

DOST-PAGASA where the forecasters and researchers can view the created maps.

The main function will be to automatically plot and visualize maps of weather parameters limited

to rainfall, temperature, pressure and wind by using the data from WRF-ARW.

The GIS-based mapping of WRF-ARW forecast parameters will be used by the forecasters and

researchers of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration.

The product of the study will also be evaluated with its features and capabilities in terms of its

functionality and the design of the web-based portal.

Chapter 2

Related Literature

1. (Singh, Chutia & Sudhakar, 2012) noted that web-based GIS has enhanced the

open use of GIS in three main directions: spatial data access and dissemination,

spatial data exploration and geo-visualization and spatial data processing,

analysis and modeling.

2. (G.C Schulze 2007) states that the Numerical Weather Prediction is defined as the

production of forecasts through the time-integration of a comprehensive set of

mathematical equations that describe processes in the atmosphere using numerical


3. Olga Wilhelmi and Jennifer Boehnert (2010) stated the significance of linking

GIS and meteorology but few challenges remain and the researchers also stated

that there is growing interests among practitioners in GIS-compatible atmospheric


4. Dyszlewskim & Filom (2010) discusses the implementation of gis technology in

meteorology. The study hopes to monitor the following meteorological quantities

such as precipitation, intensity, type of precipitation, wind speed and direction.

Related Studies

1. Foreign

a. Zerger & Smith (2002) proposed the application of GIS for cyclone disaster risk

management, focusing on observations from real-time emergency management disaster


b. Tarhule & Lamb (2009) proposed a stand-alone, prototype GIS that monitors West

Africa’s rainfall and tracks seasonal rainfall that are crucial for farmers.

c. Chapman & Thones (2003) proposed the study of the proliferation of ‘commercial off the

shelf’ geographical information systems in the scientific community. The proliferation resulted in

the widespread use of spatial climate data in a variety of applications.

2. Local
a. Jabines &Inventor (2007) proposed a study entitled “The Philippines: A Climate Hotspot”

used geographic information systems to map out provinces of the Philippines that experienced

tragedies such as flash floods and landslides triggered by extreme weather events.

b. Lansingan (2012) proposed a study that aims to generate accurate and timely crop

forecasts by using geographical information systems, geographic positioning system and remote


c. Labrador (2014) proposed a study entitled “GIS-based Spatial Decision Support Sytem

for Agricultural Environment Monitoring in Tarlac College of Agriculture” her study was

conducted to develop a GIS-based spatial decision support system.

Conceptual Framework

Chapter 3

Research Design

The approach utilized for the study is the design and development method. This approach was
chosen because of the need to design a web-based interface that will be integrated in to the portal
of the numerical modeling section where the researchers and forecasters can view the maps. And
develop a gis-based mapping of WRF-ARW forecast parameters using qgis. The proposed study
will be tested to determine the functionality and assess the web-based portal. Once it passed, the
study can be considered a tool for visualization of WRF-ARW forecast parameters. During the
development of the study, tests will be conducted to meet the objectives of the study. The
proponent together with the forecasters and researchers will conduct further testing such as
workplace testing and comparative testing to ensure the proposed system will reach the standards
of the users.

Development Phase
Analyze the Problem

In this stage, the proponent discovers the requirements and limitations for the proposed system of

the study. An observation and interview will be conducted among the forecasters and researchers

to gather the critical information.



In the develop cycle, everything that will be needed to implement the proposed system is sorted.

Extreme Programming will be used by the proponent for the development of the system because

it advocated frequent releases in short development cycles, which is intended to improve

productivity, software quality and responsiveness to changing user requirements.

In this phase, the proponent will evaluate the performance of the proposed study. The first step is

debugging the system.


In the deploy cycle if the tests are successful, the product will be deployed to the forecaster and

researchers. The proponent will present the product to Numerical modeling section of Dost-

Pagasa to conduct beta tests. If any changes are required or any bugs are encountered, it will be

reported to the proponent to improve the system once the bugs are fixed then the final

deployment will happen.

Validation Phase

In this phase, the system will be validated by IT Experts Forecasters and Researchers

IT Experts

Five (5) Information Technology Experts of renowned expertise in systems development will

evaluate the system. Their feedback and suggestions will consider as new requirements and new

limitations to improve the system

Forecasters and Researchers

Five (5) Forecasters and Researchers will be selected to evaluate the functionality and Graphic

User Interface of the proposed study.


The key variable of the research project is the mapping of WRF-ARW forecast parameters. The

proponent will use tally sheets for the data gathering process to qualitative and quantitative data

in the mapping of WRF-ARW forecast parameters. The data then will be analyzed for its validity

and reliability. The researcher also used questionnaires and evaluation forms and it will include
questions regarding the proposed study and evaluation form that will be rated by IT Experts,

researchers and forecasters that will be using the system.

Statistical Treatment

Weighted Arithmetic Mean is defined as the sum of all the given elements by total number of



X = F(x)/N


X = is the weighted mean

F = is the frequency

X = is the weighted of each item

N = is the number of cases

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