MCQs Chemistry Class 6 To 10

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MCQs Chemistry Classes 6 to 10

1. Identify the property of copper .

a) Conducts heat b) Floats on water c) Elastic d) Absorbs water

2. A solid substance “X” was placed in the sun for 2 hours. It melted and become liquid .
What could be “X” be?
a) A plastic bucket b) A metal spoon c) A bar of chocolate d) A rubber band

3. Which gas in air supports burning of substances?

a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen c) CO2 d) sulphur dioxide

4. Which among the following options , the chemical is used for artificial rain?
a) Silver Iodide b) Potassium Iodide c)Bromine Iodide d) None of these

5. On adding alum powder to a beaker of muddy water, the unwanted particles settles
down at the bottom of the beaker. Name the process involved.
a) Evaporation b) Coagulation c) Sublimation d) Condensation

6. Baking of dough into bread is a kind of change

(a) that can be reversed (b) that cannot be reversed (c) that can be reversed at very
hot temperature (d) can't say

7. Which of the following is a reversible change?

(a) Curdling of milk (b) Ripening of fruits (c) Melting of ice (d) Burning of wood

8. Which of the following is an example of periodic change?

(a) Eruption of volcano (b) Heartbeat (c) A car accident (d) Landslide

9. Which of the following can be considered as fast change?

(a) Growth of child (b) Germination of seed (c) Bursting of crackers (d) Cooking of food

10. Transferring the clear liquid into another container using a glass rod is called

(a) sedimentation (b) decantation (c) filtration (d) condensation

11. In sedimentation process, the clear liquid above the settled heavier component is
called ________.

(a) solvent (b) solution (c) supernatant liquid (d) sediment

12. Which of the following is used in match industry.

(a) Sodium chloride (b) Sodium bicarbonate (c) Sodium carbonate (d) Potassium

13. Which of the following is a strong acid?

(a) acetic acid (b) nitric acid (c) lactic acid (d) citric acid

14. Which of the following colours is given by phenolphthalein in a basic salt solution.

(a) yellow (b) pink (c) orange red (d) colourless

15. Acetic acid is found in (a) Curd (b) Spinach (c) Vinegar (d) Citrus fruits

16. Sodium hydroxide is found in (a) Lemon (b) Soap (c) Oil of Vitriol (d) Table Salt

17. Chemical name of Oil of Vitriol is __________

(a) Nitric acid (b) Acetic acid (c) Sulphuric acid (d) Sodium Hyroxide

18 : Which of the following is NOT a physical property of a substance?

(a) shape (b) color (c) density (d) flammability

19. : Which of the following is a chemical property of Aluminium?

(a) It corrodes with air (b) It is soft and malleable (c) It melts at 660°C (d) Its density is 2.70

20. When matter gets warmer, the atoms and molecules in that matter

(a) stand still (b) move faster (c) move slower (d) can't say

21. A solution reacts with crushed egg shells to give a gas that turns lime-water milky . the
solution contains

(a) NaCl (b) HCl (c) LiCl (d) KCl

22. : In Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at (a) 0° F (b) 32° F (c) 40° F (d) 212° F

23. A Thermos flask prevents loss or gain of heat by

(a) conduction only (b) convection only (c) radiation only (d) all the above

24. : A polished silvery surface is

(a) good absorber of heat (b) good reflector of heat (c) poor reflector of heat (d) None of

25. Rayon is different from synthetic fibres as it is made up of

a) It has silk like appearance b) It is obtained from wood pulp c) its fibres can be
woven like those of others fibres

26. Whose reactivity is highest among the following metals?

(a) Copper (b) Potassium (c) Iron (d) Zinc

27. The metal stored in kerosene due to its high reactivity with air and water is ...

(a) Magnesium (b) Zinc (c) Sodium (d) Calcium

28 Materials having the properties of both metals and non metals are called _____.

(a) Metalloids (b) Noble metals (c) Alloys (d) Mixtures

29 : A metal which is found in liquid state at room temperature is ...

(a) Sodium (b) Mercury (c) Potassium (d) Aluminium

30. Iron can displace _______ from its salt solution.

(a) Zinc (b) Sodium (c) Potassium (d) Copper

31. The decomposition of liquid compound on passing an electric current through it is

known as ______

(a) electroplating (b) electrolysis (c) magnetic effect (d) electroresistivity

32. : In a LED, the longer lead/leg is connected to ____________

(a) positive terminal of the battery (b) negative terminal of the battery

(c) either positive of negative terminal of the battery (d) none of these

33. : Most liquids that conduct electricity are solutions of ____________

(a) acids (b) bases (c) salts (d) all of these

34. Pure water is a good conductor of electricity. The statement is

(a) always true. (b) false (c) sometimes true. (d) none of these

35. The whole apparatus of electrodes, electrolytes and vessel containing them is called

(a) thermometer (b) electrometer (c) voltameter (d) ammeter

36. Name the chemist who showed bubbles of oxygen and hydrogen are produced when
electric current passes through water.

(a) William Nicholson (b) William Harvey (c) Luigi Galvani (d) Alessandro Volta

37. Vaseline is made from?

(a) Paraffin wax (b) Diesel (c) Kerosene (d) Petrol

38 Petroleum is also known as?

(a) Liquid Treasure (b) Liquid Platinum (c) Black Gold (d) Black Magi

39. What is used for surfacing of roads?

(a) Paraffin wax (b) Coke (c) Lubricants (d) Bitumen

40. : What is the full form of PCRA?

(a) Petroleum Conservation Research Association

(b) Petroleum Consumption Research Association

(c) Petroleum Conservation Resource Association

(d) Petrochemical Consumption Research Association

41. Which of the following place has a network of pipelines which supply CNG?

(a) Kanpur (b) Jhansi (c) Vadodara (d) Bhopal

42. : Hydrogen gas is obtained from ...

(a) Petroleum (b) Coal (c) Coke (d) Natural Gas

43. : Which of the following is NOT a property of particles of a matter?

(a) The particles of matter are extremely small

(b) The particles of matter have spaces between them.

(c) The particles of matter are in stationery state.

(d) The particles of matter attract each other.

44. : During summer, water kept in an earthen pot becomes cool because of the
phenomenon of

(a) diffusion (b) transpiration (c) osmosis (d) evaporation

45. : Rate of diffusion is the fastest in

(a) Solids (b) Liquids (c) Gases (d) None of these

46. : Thermal conduction takes places in

(a) solids only (b) liquids only (c) gases only (d) solids, liquids and gases.

47. A change of state directly from solid to gas without changing into liquid state (or vice
versa) is called

(a) Evaopartion (b) Sublimation (c) Diffusion (d) Condensation

48. The rate of evaporation decreases with

(a) increase in humidity (b) increase of temperature (c) increase in wind speed (d)
increase of surface area

49. : A mixture of water and silver chloride can be separated by

(a) Centrifugation (b) Sedimentation (c) Filtration (d) Sublimation

50. : Which one of the following is TRUE for compounds?

(a) It shows properties of its constituents.

(b) It may be homogeneous or heterogeneous.

(c) It can be separated by physical methods.

(d) It has fixed melting and boiling point.

51. The particles of a suspension will be of size ________

(a) less than 1nm (nm = nano metre)

(b) between 1nm to 100 nm

(c) greater than 100nm (d) less than 0.1 nm

52. Solution which has uniform composition throughout is called ___________.

(a) homogeneous solution (b) heterogeneous solution (c) Colloidal solution (d) none of

53. Who laid the foundation of laws of Chemical Combination:

(a) Democritus (b) Lavoisier (c) Dalton (d) Proust

54. : Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(a) Calcium Ca (b) Silver Ag (c) Gold Au (d) Copper Co

55. Formula for Aluminium Oxide is:

(a) AlO (b) AlO2 (c) Al3O2 (d) Al2O3

56. 1 u or 1 amu means

(a) 1/12th mass of C12 atoms (b) Mass of C12 atom

(c) Mass of O16 atom (d) Mass of Hydrogen molecule

57. Who introduced the term 'mole' in chemistry?

(a) John Dalton (b) Amedeo Avagadro (c) A Lavosier (d) Wilhelm Ostwald

58. Proton was discovered by:

(a) Rutherford (b) Goldstein (c) Chadwick (d) J.J. Thomson

59. α particles are ___________

(a) negative charged particles (b) positive charged particles (c) beam of neutrons (d)
gamma radiation

60. Two elements X and Y have the same atomic mass but their atomic numbers are 20 and
21 respectively.

X and Y are:

(a) isobars (b) isotones (c) isomers (d) isotopes

61. In an atom, the mass number of an atom is equal to the number of


(a) nucleons (b) protons (c) electrons (d) neutrons

62 Number of neutrons present in Hydrogen atom is _______.

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

63. The electronic configuration of an atom is 2,8,3. The number of valence electrons in the
atom is

(a) 13 (b) 10 (c) 3 (d) 8

64. The number of electrons in the outermost shell in the atom of an inert element is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 8

65. Which one of the following will have the maximum charge/mass ratio?

(a) electron (b) proton (c) neutron (d) αparticle

66. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in M shell is:

(a) 2 (b) 8 (c) 18 (d) 32

67. If Z represents the atomic number and A represents mass number, then the number of
electrons in

an atom can be computed as

(a) A + Z (b) A – Z (c) Z – A (d) Z

68. The number of moles for 52g of He is: (Atomic Mass of He: 4u)

(a) 6.022 × 10 23 (b) 13 (c) 52 (d) 1

69. The percentage of Hydrogen in H2O molecule is

(a) 5.55 (b) 11.11 (c) 44.45 (d) 88.89

70. : Proton was discovered by:

(a) Rutherford (b) Goldstein (c) Chadwick (d) J.J. Thomson

71 Which of the following is not an oxidising agent?

(a) Oxygen (b) Conc. Sulphuric acid (c) Chlorine (d) Hydrogen

72. : A slow combustion in which glucose present in the body cells combine with oxygen to
provide energy is

(a) digestion (b) excretion (c) respiration (d) none of the above

73. Which of the following reaction will not take place?

(a) Zn + FeSO4 → ZnSO4 + Fe

(b) 2KI + Cl2 → 2KCl + I2 (c) Zn + MgSO4 → ZnSO4 + Mg (d) Mg + CuSO4 →

MgSO4 + Cu

74. What is the chemical name of quick lime ?

(a) Calcium oxide (b) Calcium carbonate (c) Calcium hydroxide (d) Carbon dioxide

75. An element, which never has a positive oxidation state in any of its compounds, is

(a) Boron (b) Oxygen (c) Chlorine (d) Fluorine

76. Amino acid is formed by decomposition of which component of our diet?

(a) Carbohydrate (b) Starch (c) Protein (d) Fat

77. Which of the following is an odd compound?

(a) Ethene (b) Ethane (c) Propene (d) Acetylene

78. Which one of the following is an unsaturated hydrocarbon?

(a) Acetylene (b) Butane (c) Propane (d) Decane

79 Two neighbours of homologous series differ by

(a) CH (b) CH2 (c) CH3 (d) CH4

80. The gas used in welding and cutting metals is

(a) ethyne (b) ethene (c) ethane (d) propene

81. Major constituent of LPG is _________.

(a) ethene (b) butane (c) propane (d) pentane

82. Buckminsterfullerene is an example of _______ of carbon.

(a) an isomer (b) an isotope (c) an allotrope (d) a functional group

83. Which of the following is not an aliphatic hydrocarbon?

(a) ethene (b) ethane (c) propyne (d) benzene

84. : Which of the following is a Döbereiner's triad?

(a) Ne, Ca, Na (b) H2, N2, O2 (c) Li, Na, K (d) Na, Br, Ar

85. Name the scientist who gave the Law of octaves?

(a) Mendeleev (b) Newlands (c) Dalton (d) Döbereiner

86. : Which of the following is not an inert gas?

(a) Helium (He) (b) Argon (Ar) (c) Bromine (Br) (d) Radon (Rn)

87. Which element still has dicey position in modern periodic table?

(a) Carbon (b) Nitrogen (c) Oxygen (d) Hydrogen

88. Which of the following elements is a semi metal ?

(a) Aluminium (b) Chlorine (c) Sodium (d) Silicon

89. Which group of elements in modern periodic table is referred 'alkali metals'

(a) Group 1 (b) Group 2 (c) Group 17 (d) Group 18

90. Group 17 elements are also called as

(a) Alkali Metals (b) Alkaline Earth Metals (c) Halogens (d) Noble Gases

91. Group 18 elements are also called as

(a) Alkali Metals (b) Alkaline Earth Metals (c) Halogens (d) Noble Gases

92. As we move from left to right in a period in modern periodic table, Atomic sizes of the
elements generally

(a) increase (b) decrease (c) remain same (d) approach zero

93. Mendeleev’s periodic table is based on the

(a) Atomic weight (b) Atomic number (c) Atomic radius (d) Atomic volume.

94. Which non metallic element is in liquid form ?

(a) Carbon (b) Hydrogen (c) Bromine (d) Phosphorus

95. Which of the following non metal is good conductor of electricity?

(a) Graphite (b) Phosphorus (c) Hydrogen (d) Bromine

96. Which of the following is not a half metal?

(a) silicon, (b) boron, (c) arsenic (d) chlorine

97. HCl reacts with NaOH to form salt and water, this reaction is called

(a) Precipitation reaction (b) Neutralization (c) Redox reaction (d) Combination reaction

98 Which of the following solutions is the most basic?

(a) pH = 8.2 (b) pH = 9.3 (c) pH = 11.2 (d) pH = 10.5

99. Which gas is released when a metal reacts with an acid?

(a) Cl2 (b) O2 (c) H2 (d) SO2

100 The strength of acid depends upon

(a) density of the acid (b) oxygen atoms present

(c) number of hydrogen atoms present in the molecule (d) concentration of H+ ions
furnished by the acid


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