Pathology Slides

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Cerebral cysticercosis (19)

-Brain Tissue w 3 Membranes (corrugated cuticular layer w hairlike protrusions in
contact w host tissue, middle thin cellular layer, thick inner layer containing packed
network of small canaliculi)
-Find: Parasite & little bit edematous tissue

Hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage (101)

- surrounding tissue ringed w multiole smaller perivasc hemorrhages
- lesion has central core of clotted blood surrounded by rim of brain tissue showing
anoxic neuronal& glial changes
- edema
- macrophages, evtl filled w hemosiderin
- microglia: golden brown hemosiderin granules in cytoplasem

Cerebral infarct (102)

- white infarction
- infarcted tissue much more white than normal brain tissue (pink)
- edema in surrounded brain tissue
- macrophages

Purulent leptomeningitis (103)

- main pathology on brain surface: mainly neutrophils on brain surface
- acute inflam limited to leptomeninges and subarachnoid space
- exudate located over cerebral convexities near longitudinal sinus

Tuberculous leptomeningitis (104)

- thick exudate on base of brain
- acute and chronic inflam cells
- granulomas w and without caseation necrosis and infrequent giant cells (Langhans

Viral encephalitis (105)

- Gross:congested and edematous w small hemorrhages
- gray matter mononuclear cells from perivasc cuffs around blood vessels
- changes in Neurons: cytoplasmic swelling, chromatolysis, nuclear dissappearance ->
surrounded by microglia
- edema: white spots betw neurons

Meningioma (106)
- NO Brain tissue seen
- Only Tumor: has expensive growth ONLY on Brain NO ingrowth —> BUT malignant
- GROSS: irregular-to-round lobulated white-gray masses,well circumscribed
- MICRO: Whorls of tumor cells enclose psammoma bodies= concentrically laminated
structures formed by calcium slat depoosits in degenerated tumor cells

Glioblastoma multiforme (107)

- GROSS: well circumscribed,ALWAYS infiltrates
- anaplastic, hypercellular and cellular pleomorphism, atypical mitoses
- hyperplasia of blood vessels
- necrosis
- most malignant tumor of Brain w invasive Growth
- hypercellularity feature of tumor—-> darker site of slide



Fatty ingrowth of the myocardium (6)

-white adipocytes betw cardiomyocytes—> caused by hypoxia, prolonged ischemia,

Fibrosis of myocardium (30)

- number of cardiomyocytes reduced
- cardiomyocytes interspersed w fibrous tissue w small amount of cells (pale pink)
- if a lot of fatty tissue-> fatty infiltration of myocard

Viral myocarditis (31)

- many small blue dots betw cardiomyocytes
- find: lymphocytes betw cardiomyocytes
- spaces betw cardiomyocytes: edema

Myocardial infarct (34)

- absence of nuclei in infarcted part + neutrophil infiltration + necrosis



Hyalinosis of the blood vessel (5)

- extracell hyalinosis
- around blood vessels w hyaline (amorphous, pink, thickend) —> white pulp w

Organization of venous thrombosis (11)

- ven lumen occluded
- thrombus attached to ven wall
- thrombus contains: fibrin, granulocytes, RBC
- fibrous tissue outside of thrombus + angiogenesis through thrombus

Atherosclerosis of the aorta (33)

- ON SLIDE JUST WALL OF AORTA ( thin tissue specimen on slide seen wout microscope!)
- down on slide atherosclerotic plaque
- holes/ lipid cores & around
- damage of media
- lipid core has fibrous cap—> stabilizes core

Malignant cells in cytological smear (24)

- sth pink wout form- we can see almost nothing on slide, scatterd cells, giant cells
- cells different size,shape—> Pleiomorphism—> Malignant


Brown atrophy of the liver (2)

- first find portal space-> heptocytes shrink& have lipofuscin granules around central
vein inside hepatocytes

Fatty change of the liver (7)

- hepatocytes become adipocytes
- betw adipocytes many pinkish tissue

Central hemorrhagic necrosis of the liver (9)

- can be caused by right heart failure
- brown-pink tissue
- brown pigment cells around centrail vein -> immediate hepatocyte necrosis (red
area) + rupture of capillaries in sinusoids

Liver abscess (15)

- recognize: centrail vein, portal space
- collection of lymphocytes in portal space
- formation of capsule
- hole in tissue (Necrotic space)
- capsule formation starts on 3D
- granulation tissue has small blood vessels
- firbous tissue: NO capillaries, less cells

Cholestasis (50)
- liver w green-yellow pigmentation
- yellow-green granules seen win hepatocytes

Metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma of the liver (51)

- live has normally cuboidal epithelium-> irregular, gland-like structures lined by
neoplastic COLUMNAR epithelium w oval hyperchromatic nuclei and visible nucleoli

Acute viral hepatitis (52)
- islands of cells
- lytic ares around glisson trias + necrosis

Hepatic cirrhosis (53)

- in liver parenchyme: adipocytes
- fibrous bands around liver tissue -> a lot of fibrous tissue

Hepatocellular carcinoma of the liver (54)

- areas of necrosis
- no hepatic regular structures betw necrotic islands
- dark violet islands-> necrosis
- in OTHER SLIDE: lytic lesions w fibrous bands



Chronic passive congestion(Pulmonary Hemosiderosis) (8)

- pulm capillaries: distended
- rbc in lumen of alveoli
- hemosiderin pigment win alveolar macrophages (heart failure cells)

Hemorrhagic infarct of the lung (13)

- structure of lung can NOT be clearly seen-> No intraalveolar space
- rbc w necrotic tissue in alveolar space
- granulocytes on margins of necrotic tissue

Fibrinous purulent pleuritis (14)

- recognize alveoli
- thickened pleural wall
- fibrous tissue
- inflam cells (granulocytes)
- fibrinous exudate: pink, eosinophilic extracelll material

Pulmonary adenocarcinoma (27)

- cartilage & raound circular formations around cartilage = glands
- round structures but filled w pink stuff, glandular formation close to cartilage ->

Lobar pneumonia-gray hepatization (36)

- lung can NOT be recognized
- image is homogenous-> all alveoli filled w cells & eosinophilic material on same level
- lung looks like liver
- pneumonia stages: 1 ( Acute Hyperemia,Congestion) 2( Red Heptaization) 3( RBC
numer decr, neutrophil numer incr, grey stage) 4(healing/death)

Fibrinous purulent bronchopneumonia (37)

- connected to acute bronchitis
- lung can be recognized on slide
- is heterogenous image: alveoli filled w neutrophils at different stages

Tuberculous caseous bronchopneumonia (38)

- massive caseous necrosis (basophilic, amorphous, fine-granular appearance), w
langerhans gaint cells (small amount,rare), epithelioid histiocytes (rare)

Millary tuberculosis of the lung (39)

- caused by hematogenous spread
- chronic granulomatous inflammation-> caseous necrosis
- have epithelioid histiocytes + giant cells
- caseous necrosis JUST around blood vessels

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (40)

- alveolar spaces coverd and around hyaline
- inside alveolar spaces desquamative cells

Pulmonary emphysema (41)
- widened alveolar spaces + less alveolar membrans
- destruction of alveolar speta

Small cell carcinoma (42)

- is neuroendocrine origin, more frequent in male
- aggressive tumor
- lung NOT recognizable-> find cartilage
- tumor centrally located and can be found around cartilage
- tumor cells 2-3x greater than lymphocytes
- tumor cells betw stroma cells ( small blue dots)



Renal amyloidosis (3)

- Amyloidosis + pyelonephritis —> chronic renal failure
- find normal glomeruli
- amyloid glomeruli have less nuclei
- bigger intertubular space
- tubules filled w pinkish material
- amyloid acellular

White anemic infarct of the kidney (12)

- find glomeruli
- no nuclei in infarct tissue & neutrophils around infarct zone

Benign nephrosclerosis (32)

- thickening/hyalinization of blood vessel wall —> pink thickening
- betw sclerotic glomeruli -> tubular atrophy inbetw fibrosis
- almost normal kidney w thickened blood vessels

Purulent pyelonephritis (63)
- darker areas on slide fully infiltrated w neutrophils -> side of inflammation
== patchy suppurative inflam
- tubular necrosis

Acute poststreptococcal proliferative glomerulonephritis (64)

- slide looks almost like normal kidney
- NO patholog glomeruli can be seen
- darker,w more dots filled glomeruli—> pathology
- prolif of mesangial cells
- inflitration of leukocytes

Chronic membrano proliferative glomerulonephritis- Diabetic nephropathy (65)

- main change: hyalinization of glomerulus = pink Material/ nodules in it
(seen on highest magnification)
- Glomeruli are pinkish

Papillary transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder (66)

- fingerlike growth -> papillary appearance
- organ can NOT be recognized at first
- wall thickness > 7 cells
- NO normal tissue
- variability in cell size, shape, chromasia present, mitoses numerous

Renal cell carcinoma - hypernephroma/ clear cell carcinoma (67)

- pale tissue is tumor -> rest is normal
- cells have pale cytoplasm
- tumor has NO glomeruli
- there is normal kidney tissue on slide

Wilms tumor (68)
- usually infiltrates whole kidney -> possible NO normal kidney tissue on slide
- blue component= blastema component —> all undifferentiated cells
- no glomeruli in tumor
- may contain various heterologous elements like cartilage, straited/smooth
muscle,fat tissue
- areas of necrosis & haemorrhage common



Amyloidosis of the spleen (4)

- white pulp has many blue dots around blood vessels (blue circles)
- around this circles -> red pulp
- entire follicle may be replaced by acellular amyloid
- amyloid surrounds spleen cells

Chronic passive congestion of the spleen

- find white &red pulp and capsule
- sinusoids filled w blood + dilation + thickened wall
- hemosiderin-deposition
- common in right heart failure
- atrophy of cells of sinusoids + high amount of fibrotic tissue
- atrophy of white pulp
- hypertrophy of red pulp



Goiter (55)
- enlargement of thyroid gland
- variation in size of follicles interspersed w fibrous tissue 

Hashimoto thyreoiditis (56)
- follicles of thyroid gland interspersed w islets of lymphocytes (lymphoid
follicles w germinal centers) 

Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland (57)

- normal thyroid tissue & fibrous capsule
- something NOT thyroid gland w fingerlike structures
- on highest magnification: Nuclei of tumor cells: oval & pale center —>
Orphan Annie Eyes

Follicular carcinoma of the thyroid gland (58)

- small thyroid follicles rimed w columnar epithelium filled w colloid on high



Pheochromocytoma (59)
- Tumor has alveolar Type of Growth
- IF Recognize adrenal Cortex (GFR)—-> 59



Papilloma of the oral mucosa (21)

- often caused by Virus eg HPV
- looks like someone spit on slide
- stratified epithelia wout form/shape inside this loose connective tissue w
blood vessels

Tubular adenoma of the colon (23)
- goblet cells characteristic for colon-> normally pale cause of mucin
- pathologic goblet cells darker, less mucin
- pathologic site much darker around circles

Phlegmone appendicitis (17)

- git-epithelium: simple, columnar epithelium
- in Mucosa & submucosa: inflammatory cells in all layers of appendix
- submucosa: more fibrous tissue and inflam cells

Mixed tumor of the salivary gland (43)

- ONLY Tumor is inked on periphery
- one side looks like cartilage is mesenchymal element of tumor
- epithelial part of tumor looks with many cells

Chronic gastritis (44)

- intest goblet cells can be seen—> intest metaplasia cause of chronic stress
to mucosa
- brunner glands in submucosa and lymphocyte infiltration

Gastric adenocarcinoma (45)

- malignant tumor made of glandular structures -> back-to-back formation
- blood in glandular formation of tumor glands
- lymphocytic infiltration in submucosa
- glands have irregluar size and shape
- goblet cells present 

Gastric peptic ulcer (46)

- four zones encountered: 1( superficial thin layer of necrotic tissue w
neutrophils) 2(zone of coagulative (red) necrosis) 3(granulation tissue
infiltrated w neutrophils, lymphocytes, plasma cells) 4(zone of fibrous
tissue, underneath granulation tissue)

Chronic ulcerative colitis (47)
- has active&chronic stages
- lymphocytes win gland =abscess
- small parts of colonic mucosa = pseudopolyps
- hemorrhage betw crypts & in Mucosa
- lymphocyte infiltration

Adenocarcinoma of the colon (48)

- tumor glands: darker, less goblet cells
- mucosa full w goblet cells, colonic mucosa
- in tumor: pseudoglandular formation,lymphocytic infiltration, NO Brunner

Carcinoma of the pancreas (49)

- pancreatic ductal invasive carcinoma most frequent pancreasCa
- origin: epithelial pancreatic duct cells
- pink tissue: tumor
- violet tissue:normal pancreatic tissue, closely packed cells



Metastatic carcinoma of the lymph node (29)

- round bean shaped structure w capsule
- tumor tissue much darker w bigger dark blue dots in circle form
- dark cellular circles in betwenn dark dots with atypical cell shape

Tuberculous lymphadenitis (18)

- identify: perinodal adipose tissue, capsule of lymphnode. perilymphoid tissue
- expect: granulomas, giant cells, caseous necrosis
- amorphic, acellular fields are granulomas
- giant cells(langhans): pink&peripheral nuclei

Follicular hyperplasia (79)
- violet slide w clearly seen many cell-filled follicles in different size (large)
- how to know that lymph node: capsule and adipose tissue
- „stars“ in germinal centers-> macrophages
- germinal centers have enlarged mantle zone

Hodgkin lymphoma (80)

- on slide: nodular sclerosis of lymph node
- nodules separated by fibrous septae
- infalmmatory infiltrated lymphnode
- recognize: lymphnode capsule and adipose tissue

Small lymphocyte lymphoma (81)

- lymph node: capsule + adipose tissue
- everywhere lymphocytes
- pale,pink centers = proliferative center

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (82)

- Tonsille:expect: squamous epithelium
- b-cells are enlarged
- is non hodgkin lymphoma
- subtypes: centro-, ana-, megablastic

Burkitt lymphoma (83)

- starry-sky pattern
- dark-violet cells interspersed w whiteish cell balls
- here intestine???

Malignant cells in cytological smear (24)

- sth pink wout form- we can see almost nothing on slide, scatterd cells, giant cells
- cells different size,shape—> Pleiomorphism—> Malignant


Testicular atrophy with sclerosis (1)

- have to recognize: normal& atrophied tubules &blood vessels
- when tubules atrophy- they lose lumen& cells have less nuclei& are more swollen
- more connective tissue seen

Subacute purulent epididymitis (69)

- tubules have thickened walls
- squamous metaplasia replaces columnar epithelium

Seminoma of the testicles (70)

- derives from germ cells
- female equivalent: dysgerminoma
- uniform, large nuclei
- cell cytoplasem is clear-usually filled w glycogen/lipids
- tumor is darker tissue,NO tubules seen
- darker tissue interspersed w fibrous tissue

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (71)

- glands& fibrous tissue is hyperplastic
- glands lined by basal& cuboidal cell layer—> in prostate: NORMAL NO BASAL LAYER
- glands are enlarged& widened



Cervial polyp (22)

- polypoid structure = fingerlike, elongated tongue-structure
- see some circular dots (=glands),
- columnar epithelium w pale cytoplasm w nuclei on bottom of epithelium
- glands are paler than rest
- glands alined w same columnar epithelium

Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix (26)
- atypia
- pink color
- squamous eggs
- ill cervix w squamous circles under it

Cervical HSIL (25)

- stratified squamous epithelia & cervical glands
- HSIL= darker than normal stratified epithelium cause of cell atypia
- BUT Tumor cells did NOT break basal membrane

Fibrocystic change of breast (60)

- a lot of fibrous tissue
- a lot of adipose tissue & acini w cysts (enlarged ducts)

Fibroadenoma of the breast (61)

- benign, encapsulated tumor
- small elongated ducts & on the end „butts“ of branched ducts w lots of fibrous

Ductal invasive carcinoma of the breast(62)

- fibrous tissue, acini, ducts
- tumor: anaplastic duct linig cells disposed in glands, tubes, cords, solid cell nests &
- tumor cells: small, hyperchromatic regular nuclei

Ectopic pregnancy in the fallopian tube (72)

- ON SLIDE WOUT MICROSCOPE: round structure w a whole
- whole presents amniotic cavity win it is embryo
- around it are loose chorionic villi wout blood vessels
- on periphery: massive hemorrhage seen

Simple endometrial hyperplasia without atypia (73)
- swiss cheese
- very basophilic slide
- wholes on slide are endometrial glands: wider than usual, lined w one cell layer NO

Adenocarcinoma endometri (74)

- looks like cauli-flower = tumor
- ALL Glands seen are malignant
- Bleeding may be present
- Some Slides: only normal myometrium can be seen, NO NORMAL Endometrium

Serous ovarian cystadenoma (75)

- cysts lined by dark violet single layer
- cysts can be multiple on one slide
- invaginations are also borders of cyst

Hydratifrom mole (76)

- Villi: No blood vessels, edematous, look light violet diffused betw red tissue =
- villi are lined by dark violet cells

Choriocarcinoma (77)
- a lot of tissue is red —> Necrosis and bleeding
- tumor: violet color, light

Teratoma (78)
- find different tissues in ovary on ONE single slide
- on some slides follicles seen
- NO Normal ovary seen-just many different tissues —> DIAGNOSIS

Leiomyoma (98)
- normal cells but abnormal growth
- nuclei elongated w sharp ends -> if cells uniform -> pathology
- LOCATION: Uterus

Leiomyosarcoma (100)
- more clustered, irregular formations of muscle cells
- muscle cells have cigar-shaped elongated nuclei w nuclear pleomorphism



Seborrheic keratosis (85)

- benign
- epidermal projections grow outwards, above plane of adjacent epidermis
- have irregular surface w keratin tunnels extending deeply from surface inwards

Squamous cell carcinoma (89)

- squamous cells in dermis
- INTRAcellular Keratinization: red cell plasm

Basal cell carcinoma (90)

- irregular lower epidermal border
- origin: basal cells
- basal cells form tumor nest in dermins
- tumor cell are basal cell like
- small round blue cells in nests
- shrinking of tissue -> tumor tissue NOT that adhesive to collagen of dermis -> white
spaces betw nests & rests of dermis

Common melanocytic nevus (84)
- benign -> have regular border
- 3 Types of melanocytic cells: type A/B/C
- Type A: Melanin big cells, organized in nests, NO atypia
- Type B: smaller look like lymphocytes
- Type C: look like Schwann Cells cause neuroderm Origin

Malignant melanoma (88)

- origin: melanocytes
- On Slide: irregular lower epiderm border aome cells filled w melanin
- some single cells in lower epidermis

Dermatofibroma (86)
- benign
- usually localized an lower extremity
- usually pale
- lesion where epidermis has irregular,lower border
- lesion: brown cause hyperpigmentation in basal layer
- found fibroblasts in story-form pattern, may contain giant cells-> NOT malignant
- foamy macrophages may be present

Haemangioma cutis (87)

- benign
- pyogenic granuloma = hemangioma cutis= lobular capillary hemangioma

Phlegmone of the skin (16)

- diffuse purulent inflammation
- in dermis: mostly granulocytes -> diffuse irregular distribution mainly around blood

Forgein body type granuloma (20)

- diffuse inflammatory cells& giant cells -> diffuse scattered nuclei
- grauloma has collar of lymphocytes


Chronic synovitis(91)
- ON SLIDE: vilous protrusions on side of joint cavity w disrupted epithelium on it +
lymphocyte infiltration
- some brown spots betw lymphocytes: hemosiderin

Chronic osteomyelitis (92)

- dark pink = Bone Osteocytes
- large Amount of fibrous tissue in medullary spaces
- disrupted bony/ ischemic field structure

Chondroma (93)
- lobulated bening tumor
- mature cartilage+ dark blue calcifications + clustered Chondrocytes in lamellar

Ewing’s sarcoma (94)

- sheets of uniform, small cells resembling lymphocytes
- small amount of stroma
- much of tumor may be necrotic
- best preserved areas rim blood vessels

Giant cell tumor (95)

- 2 populations of cells: mononuclear & spindle shaped
- recognize giant multinuc uniform cells -> see them as circles interspersed in tissue
- evtl: foci of hemorrhage, necrosis, hemosiderin deposition, osteoid formation

Osteosarcoma (96)
- multinuclear cells
- mitotic figures: quadripolar or tripolar
- normal bone+ pale pink amorphic bone structures

Metastatic carcinoma of bone marrow (28)
- tissue betw bone tubercles w cellular atypia
- swollen bigger cells
- NORMAL BM-Cells: small and darker blue

Lipoma (97)
- just normal polygonal adipocytes (-> usually round shaped)
- enlarged adipocytes, NO Atypia



Rhabdomyosarcoma (99)
- small round places -> alveolar morphology + fibrous tissue splitting tumor cells of
different stages of striated skeletal muscle

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