Unit 2 Binder Check

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First and Last Name: ____________________________ Period# ________

Binder Self-Evaluation
Unit 2 – Factors & Multiples
Directions: With your parent or guardian, review your binder work. Using the rubric below,
determine what grade you earned for each paper. At the end, add up all the points and divide
by 60, then multiply by 100. Round your answer to the nearest whole number (the ones place).
This will be the percentage you earned for your binder check. Have your parent/guardian sign
this sheet. You sign too!

Thank you,
Mrs. Math Dragon

0 = Missing and/or blank
1 = Present and Incomplete/Unsatisfactory level (several errors, no attempt at error
2 = Present and Completed at a Satisfactory level (few errors, or errors not completed correctly)
3 = Present and Completed at an Exceptional level (little to no errors, or errors were corrected)


1 Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes (Carnegie Learning, page M1-7)

2 Activity 1.1 – Connecting Area Models and the Distributive Property

(Carnegie Learning, pages M1-9 to M1-11)

3 Activity 1.2 Interpreting a Real-World Situation Using the Distributive

Property (Carnegie Learning, page M1-12)

4 Problem 1 Installing Carpet

5 Assignment Carnegie Learning (M1-13)

6 Factors Guided Lesson

7 Greatest Common Factor Guided Lesson

8 Lesson 2.3 Skills Practice

9 Problem 3 Exploring Multiples

First and Last Name: ____________________________ Period# ________

10 Problem 1 The Game

11 Problem 2 Factor Trees

12 Problem 1 Times Tables

13 Lesson 2.2 Skills Practice “Together Again”

14 Lesson 2.2 Skills Practice (page 3 and page 4)

15 GCF and Relatively Prime

16 Mini-Quiz: Distributive Property, Factor Pairs, and Distinct Factors

17 Mini-Quiz: Least Common Multiple (LCM) 3

18 Mini-Quiz: Prime Factorization and GCF with Distributive Property and 3

Relatively Prime

19 Unit 2: Factors and Multiples Take-Home Test 3

20 Binder Self-Evaluation for Unit 2 – Factors & Multiples 3

Add to determine Total Points

Divide total by 60

Multiply total by 100

Round answer to the nearest whole number

Final percentage grade

I verify that this grading is fair and accurate.

Parent/Guardian Signature


Student Signature

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