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Online Labour Hiring GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Chandkheda, Ahmedabad Affiliated Silver 1%
Oak College of Engineering & Technology A Report On- Online Labour Hiring Under subject of DESIGN
ENGINEERING � 2A B.E, Semester-V (C.E. Branch) Computer Engineering Submitted by: Group: Sr. Name
of student Enrolment No. 1. Prit Patel 160770107152 2. Sagar Prajapati 160770107180 3. Vilas Prajapati

160770107182 4. Harshkumar Sabhaya 160770107191 Ms. Garg Ati Head of the Department (Faculty Guide) 1%

(Computer Engineering) Academic Year (2018-2019) Silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology 2%
Computer Engineering 2018-2019 CERTIFICATE Date: Online Labour Hiring Prit Patel (160770107152
( (160770107182 )� and �HarshKumarSya (160770107191 )� under my guidance in fulfillment of the
Design Engineering � 2A (2150001), 5th Semester, Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer
Engineering of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2018-2019. Ms. <1%

Garg Ati Head of Department (Computer Engineering) (Computer Engineering) CANDID�S ARATI We have
finished our project report entitled � Online Labour Hiring � submted to our respective guide. We are in 5th
semester and we have tried to give our best. We have done our work honestly and in a good way. : Prit Patel

Branch : CE Enrollment No. : 160770107152 Signature : : Sagar Prajapati Branch : CE Enrollment No. : <1%

160770107180 Signature : : Vilas Prajapati Branch : CE Enrollment No. : 160770107182 Signature : Fourth : 1%
Harshkumar Sabhaya Branch : CE Enrollment No.

: 160770107191 Signature : Submitted to: Silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology, Ahmedabad.

Affiliated to: Gujarat Technological University. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We have taken efforts in this project. 1%

However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many peoples. we would like to 1%

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extend our sincere thanks to all of them. We would like to extend our heartily thanks with a deep sense of

gratitude and respect to all those who has provided us immense help and guidance during our project. <1%

We are highly indebted to Ms. Garg Ati for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project. We are grateful
for the guidance, encouragement, understanding and insightful support given in the development process. We

would like to extend my gratitude to Head of Computer Engineering Department, Silver Oak college of <1%

Engineering and Technology, Ahmedabad, for his continuous encouragement and motivation. <1%

We would like to express our special gratitude and thanks to everybody who has been associated with our
project for giving us such attention and time. Yours Sincerely, Prit Patel (160770107152) Sagar Prajapati

(160770107180) Vilas Prajapati (160770107182) Harshkumar Sabhaya (160770107191) ABSTRACT Online <1%

Labour Hiring is project about labourers who can get regularly work. There are many labourers who do not get <1%
enough work and wasting their time. So our project aim is to give those labourers regular work so they can

earn money.

We are planning to make an application where many labourers are registered with us and people find

labourers online through our application and give them work. For that we h reron of labourne. Labou don�t
knoww to use internet & register so we will create centers where we will register labourer & his work details

like which work he can do etc. Whenever constructor or other people want labourers they can easily find them

in our application Our Project aim is to give labourers regular work so they can earn money. Reduction in

Unemployment & Skill Development also we want to provide customers very good service. Table of contents

Sr. Topic Page no. 1 Chapter 1.

Introduction 1 1.1 Design thinking and its importance 2 1.2 Project Summary 3 1.3 Scope 3 2 Chapter 2.

Secondary Research 4 2.1 Problems in Existing System 5 2.2 Technology and tools 6 3 Chapter 3. Design

Consideration 7 3.1 Design for performance, safety and reliability 8 3.2 Design for ergonomics and aesthetics

9 3.3 Design for cost 9 4 Chapter 4. System Requirements 10 4.1 Functional Requirements 11 4.2 Non-

Functional Requirements 11 4.3 Hardware Requirements 12 4.4 Software Requirements 12 5 Chapter 5. Data

Modelling 13 5.1 E-R Diagram 14 5.2 Use Case Diagram 17 5.3 Sequence Diagram 18 5.4 State Diagram 19

6 Chapter 6.

Data Dictionary 20 7 Chapter 7. Prototype 24 7.1 UI design 25 8 Conclusion 28 8.1 Conclusion 29 8.2 Future

Work 29 List of Figures Sr. Topic Page no. 1 Figure 5-1 � ER Diagram 12 2 Figure 5-2 � Use Case Diagram

13 3 Figure 5-3 � Sequence Diagram 14 4 Figure 5-4 � State Diagram 15 6 Figure 7-1 � UI Design 18 List

of Tables Sr. Topic Page no. 1 Table 1 � Database 16 2 Table 2 � User Information 16 3 Table 3 �

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University Information 17 4 Table 4 � Course Information 17 GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET
(CE) 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 2 1.1 Design

Thinking Design thinking is a process for problem-solving.

It is solution based thinking. Design thinking is a method for practical, creative resolution of problems. It is a

form of solution-based thinking with the intent of producing a constructive future result. Unlike analytical

thinking, design thinking includes "building up" ideas, with few, or no, limits on breadth during a

"brainstorming" phase. Design thinking is also an approach that can be used to consider issues, with a means

to help resolve these issues, more broadly than within professional design practice and has been applied in

business as well as social issues.

Design thinking in business uses the designer's sensibility and methods to match people's needs with what is

technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market

opportunity Design Engineering is the best example of critical thinking and solving problem by developing a

product therefore to solve it. Design Thinking has seven stages ? Define ? Research ? Ideate ? Prototype ?

Choose ? Implement ? Learn Design Thinking introduces a new way of thinking about the problems and

questions we face in our world.

It steps outside of the traditional boxes with visual thinking, creativity and innovation in order to find newions to

the same old isss. Mae itout problems;yb itabout plfinding bettwaDesiThinkiques tions our assumptions and

what we already think we know. It upsets the complacency that keeps things rutted, inefficient or not as good

as they could be. Focuses on End User Leverages Collective Expertise Employs Empathy Test And Tests

And Tests Creates Value While Solving Problem GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 3 1.2

Project Summary There are many labourers who do not get enough work and wasting their time.

So our project aim is to give those labourers regular work so they can earn money. We are planning to make

an application where many labourers are registered with us and people find labourers online through our

application and give them work. For tatwe avtdoregtratio f abrersonle. ou n ohw use internet & register so we

will create centers where we will register labourer & his work details like which work he can do etc.

Whenever constructor or other people want labourers they can easily find them in our application. 1.3 Scope

In this project we will provide functionality like: ? Reduction in Unemployment ? Skill Development GROUP

32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 4 CHAPTER 2 Secondary Research GROUP 32645 Online Labour

Hiring SOCET(CE) 5 2.1 Problems in Existing System ? Unemployment ? Traffic ? Soorers Get GROUP

32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 6 2.2

Technology & Tools Technologies: ? Java ? C ? C++ ? HTML 5 ? jQuery 1.11.1 ? JavaScript Tools: ? Android

Studio ? Eclipse GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 7 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN

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CONSIDERATIONS GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 8 3.1 Design For Performance, Safety

and Reliability Performance: The performance of the Applications is very efficient. Network traffic is reduced

by web caching so it contains less time to response the request. ? Physical Memory Required: Less Than

100MB ? Response Time: 1-2.5

Seconds to Load App Safety: ? SQL Injection Protected ? XSS Protected Reliability: This System is Fast &

Secure. This system is also mobile friendly GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 9 3.2 Design For

Ergonomics This System is Mobile Friendly. We Have Used Bootstrap & CSS To make this system mobile

friendly. Design For Aesthetics Check Chapter 7 Prototype Snapshots 3.3 Design For Cost To make this

system cost effective we have used open source technologies like Android Studio.


GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 11 4.1 Functional Requirements ? Login database fire

watch or similar kind of service is needed for login ? Fetch the data from database. ? Convert media elements

into compatible format. ? SMPT Google Client for sending mail. 4.2 Non-Functional Requirements

Performance: Geny Stm�serfoce suldt isny dependent on response time and processing time.

80% of searches in our app will return results in 5 seconds. Availability: Our system or application is available

for the users all the time. They can use it anytime. GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 12

Security: The web server and database server should be secured. So for that our system also provides

privacy settings which prevent hackers from accessing other accounts. Portability: The application will be

developed using standard software like PHP (frontend), MySQL (backend). This software will work on


Hence portability problem will not arise. 4.3 Hardware Requirements: There is not any special hardware

requirement for this application, it could run on any physical/virtual system with needed software requirements.

4.4 Software Requirements: ? Android Operating System ? Minimum RAM � 256MB ? Minimum Storage �
100MB GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 13 CHAPTER 5 DATA MODELING GROUP 32645

Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 14 5.1

E-R Diagram GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 16 ER-Diagram: GROUP 32645 Online

Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 17 5.2 Use Case Diagram Use case diagram is primarily made to identify users

and their requirements. These can easily be done by creating Use Case diagram. Use Case diagram also

helps to identify factors that might influence or change the system. GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring

SOCET(CE) 18 5.3 Sequence Diagrams: GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 19 5.4

State Diagram: GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 20 CHAPTER 6 DATA DICTIONARY

GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 21 Data Dictionary Application Database 1. User

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Information 2. Labour Information 3. Work Information Application Database is quite small and up to the mark

database is created to authenticate users and important information. Labour information is used to send mails,

information can be used to send or retrieve mails also, to authenticate and Work information is used to

organize files and folders. GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 22 User Information is viable for

sending mails and receiving requests of lecture notes.

Student information includes name, branch, and user ID, phone and mail id. Attributes Description Data Type

And Size Required? Accept Null Values Name Identifier of a user VARCHAR(18) Yes No Work Which Work

user VARCHAR(18) Yes No Belongs to User ID. User ID provided by VARCHAR(18) Yes No (primary key)

admin Phone Phone number of VARCHAR(18) Yes No user Mail ID Email ID of user VARCHAR(18) Yes No

University information is another thing that is needed to be organized using database as many universities are

offering same course and we cannot leave anything behind or unorganized.

Attributes Description Data Type And Size Required? Accept Null Values Name Identifier of a VARCHAR(18)

Yes No Labour WorkerID Unique ID provided NUMBER(18) Yes No (primary key) by Admin WorkID Work

provide by VARCHAR(18) Yes No Labour Mail � ID Mail ID of university NUMBER(18) Yes No GROUP
32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 23 Course information is another thing that is needed to be

organized using database as there are many differenent course in different field and many universities are

offering same course and we cannot leave anything behind or unorganized.

Attributes Description Data Type And Size Required? Accept Null Values Name Identifier of a VARCHAR(18)

Yes No Work Work Which Work VARCHAR(18) Yes No Belongs to WorkID ID given to course NUMBER(18)

Yes No by Admin LabourID ID givem to VARCHAR(18) Yes No (foreign key) Labour by Admin Work Duration

Work duration NUMBER(18) Yes No time in months Table 4 - course Information Table GROUP 32645 Online

Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 24 CHAPTER 7 PROTOTYPE GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE)

25 7.1

UI Design HOME PAGE Description: The home page contains information about our project that how it will

work, what we can do with this website , the contact details , link to login or signup for website. GROUP 32645

Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 26 Registration Page Description: This is registration page of the web

application which includes register form. GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 27 Login page

Description: This is login page of the web application which includes login, forget password options there.

GROUP 32645 Online Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 28 CHAPTER 8 CONCLUSION GROUP 32645 Online

Labour Hiring SOCET(CE) 29 8.1 CONCLUSION ? Any work may not be perfect. There may be some mistake

or error of defect in the work. We have taken enough care to make project user friendly and more interactive.

We hope the �Online r Hirind bople & labour . ? Lastly once more we are very thankful to all our professors
who helped us directly or indirectly to make this project work complete during the project work. 8.2

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FUTURE WORK ? We will Create Application & Website For Online Labour Hiring. ? Finding Labourers &

Register Them. ? There is many work to be done in future Like Help Centers, Payment Issues etc. ? These

Project is very hard to implement in real life but we will try our best.

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