Machine Shop Training - Third Edition - Small

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S.F.Krar J.E.St. Amand Training Third Edition S.F.Krar J.E.St. Amand f THIS TEXT CONFORMS TO THE SI SYSTEM OF MEASUREMENT McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited i Francisco, Auckland, Bogota, Diisseldorf, Panama, Paris, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Toronto, Montréal, New York, St. Louis, 5 Johannesburg, London, Madricl, Mexico, New Delhi Sydney, Tokyo MACHINE SHOP TRAINING, Third Edition Copyright © McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, 197 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Company of Canada Limited, 1967. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, oF transmitted, in any form, or by any means, mechanical, electronic, hotocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior Rae ition of MeGrav- Hill Ryerwon Limited ISBN 0-07-077680-6 34567890 D 5432109 Printed and bound in Canada Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Da Krar, S.F., 1924 Machine shop tra ISBN 0-07-07680-6 1. Machine-shop practice. I. St. Amand, J.E., l9l4- IL. Title. TJ1160.K676 1977 621.7°5 -—C77-001151-9 Preface The third edition of Machine Shop Training in- corporates many important features. First, the authors added caverage of new tools and machining techniques in order to bring this popular text up-to-date and make it applic- able to today’s students and instructors. An- other important new development is the use of SI, the international system of measure- ment, in line with the pressing demands of educators and changing industrial practice. By 1970 most countries in the world ex- cept Canada and the United States had adopted a metric system of measurement. In the past few years, these two countries have suffered an increasing foreign trade deficit with metric countries. The ease of the metric system and the complexity of the inch-pound system has been one cause of this deficit The metric system offers the following advantages over inch-pound systems: 1. Only seven basic measuring units are used. in the metric system compared to fifty- three in the inch-pound system. . ‘The value of the basic unit can be changed by the use of a prefix. Example: 1 metre = 100 centimetres or 1000 millimetres. 3. To convert from a smaller toa larger unit or vice versa, it is only necessary to divide or multiply by units of 10 (e.g. 10, 100, 1000 etc.). 4. The simplicity of the system makes caleu- lations easier, thereby also simplifying the teaching of mathematics. 5. It overcomes any language barrier relat- ing to measurement, i.c., quantities and measurements can be readily understood by anyone in the world. On January 16, 1970, the Canadian Gov- ernment adopted SI and hoped to implement it throughout Canada by 1980. On December 8, 1975, the United States Senate passed Met- ric Bill $100 which will make SI the pre- dominant system in the United States. Although both Canada and the United States are committed to the metric system, it will be many years before all measuring and machine tools can be converted or declared obsolete. Current estimates run from ten to twenty years for complete metric conver- sion in the machine shop trade. Several reasons, including the high cost of a sudden changeover and the need to develop a con- sumer demand for meiric-sized products, contribute (o this long lead time. During the long transition period, inch- pound and metric parts will be manufac- tured. Students pursuing a machine techno- logy trade may well be required to work with both metric and inch-pound tools, These same students, however, must live in a predo- minantly metric world. This book covers, wherever possible, both metric and inch-pound tools and opera- tions. Teachers and stiitients together must decide whether or nét they will learn only metric tools and operations or both metric and inch, based on the latest industrial and educational practice, All measurements and quantities not specifically related to either tools or operations are given in SI units only, and dual dimensioning is consequently avoided A further feature of this book is that the material is organized so the instructor may readily select those topics most suitable for class projects, or to suit the individual dif. ferences in students. Many new photographs appear in the third edition to clarify the text and make learning easy and exciting. Colour has been used throughout to emphasize ir portant points and make illustrations more meaningful. Each operation is explained in a step-by-step procedure which students can readily follow. The questions at the end of each chapter can be used for review pur- poses, or for homework assignments in order Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their sincere ap- preciation to Alice H. Krar for the countless hours she devoted to typing, proofreading, and checking the manuscript for this third edition. Her assistance has contributed greatly to the book’s clarity and complete- ness. We owe a special debt of gratitude to the following: E. R. Slade, G. J. Stanson, and J. Demaline for their suggestions and contribu- tions to previous editions. A note of thanks is also due to the many teachers, students, and industrial personnel, who were kind enough to offer constructive criticism and suggestions for improving this popular text. As many suggestions as possible were incorporated in this third edition in order to make this a more useful reference for the student and the in- structor. We are also grateful to the following firms who were kind enough to supply tech- nical information and illustrations for this text: American Iron and Steel Institute; Atlas to provide the student with the background for subsequent operations. In order to be successful in the machine shop wade, a person should be neat, develop sound work habits and have a good knowl- edge of practical mathematics and blueprint reading as it relates to machine shop work Due to the ever-changing technology, a per- son should keep abreast of new developments by reading specialized texts, trade literature, and articles related to this exciting line of work. Press Company; Brown & Sharpe Manufac- turing Company; Butterfield Division, Union Twist Drill Co.; Carborundum Co.; Cincin- nati Milacron Inc; Cincinnati Shaper Co.; Cincinnati Tool Co.; Clausing Corp.; Cleve- land Twist Drill (Canada) Ltd.; Colchester Lathe Co.; Cushman Industries Inc.; Delmar Publishers; Delta File Works; DoAll Com- pany; Elliott Machine Tools; Excello Corp.5 Firth'Brown Tools (Canada) Ltd.; Jacobs Manufacturing Co.; Kostel Enterprises Ltd.; R. K. LeBlond Machine Tool Co.; Lufkin Rule Co. of Canada, Ltd.; Morse Twist Drill and thine Co.; Nicholson File Co. of Can- ada, Ltd.; Norton Co. of Canada, Ltd.; Pratt & Whitney Go. Inc.; Shell Oil Co. of Canada Ltd.; South Bend Lathe, Inc.; Standard-Mod- ern Tool Co. Ltd.; Stanley Tools Division of the Stanley Works; L. 8. Starrett Co.; Steel Company of Canada, Lid.; Taft-Peirce Man- ufacturing Co.; United States Steel Corpora- tion; Walker-Turner Division, Rockwell Man- ufacturing Co.; Wells Manufacturing Corp.; J. H. Williams & Co. CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgements Chapter,l The Machine Age Chapter 2 Common Machine Tools Chapter 3 Safety Chapter 4 Measurement Systems and Measuring Tools Chapter 5 Layout Tools ' Chapter 6 Metallurgy Chapter(7 Hand Tools Chapter 8 Power Saws Chapter 9 Drill Presses Chapter 10. The Engine Lathe Chapter 11 The Shaper Chapter 12 Milling Machines Chapter13, Grinders Chapter 14 Heat Treating ‘Tables Glossary Index 229 1 THE MACHINE AGE Four thousand years ago, the chieftains of northern Europe were just beginning to dis- card their stone spears and axes in favour of bronze weapons brought up the Danube and across the Bay of Biscay by men from the Mediterranean. Five hundred years later, in the mountains near the Caspian Sea, iron was being mined and wrought into ornaments for kings. It did not replace bronze in tools and weapons until about three thousand years ago, when the smiths learned how to harden and temper it. Once this happened, the age BRONZE ‘n AGE z 6 z AGE / of iron and steel ‘began. The iron-rimmed wheels of Assyrian chariots were followed by the keen-bladed swords hammered out by the craftsmen of Damascus and the armour and chain-mail and steel-tipped arrows and spears that can be seen in a picture of the fourteenth-century Bate of Crécy. About three hundred years ago, the Iron Age became the Machine Age. In the seven- teenth century, people began to learn how to uuse sources of power other than their own and their animals’ strength. With quickening THE MACHINE AGE 1 speed, machines of all kinds were invented, improved, and used far and wide. Efficient pumps replaced the medizeval ones on the banks of the Dutch polders, removing sea water to create aces of new land in the Netherlands. Mills, powered by wind, water= falls, and later coal, were continuously im- proved for the purpose of grinding grain into flour and operating looms to make cloth or saws to cut timber. Allover the world, people of mechanical bent began to use their heads to save their backs and those of their fellow human beings. Today might be called the Pushbutton Age, for in the last quarter century the Ma- chine Age has developed far beyond such simple applications of power as in the steam locomotive or the engine-powered winch, which were the wonders of the 19th century. Electronic devices, calculators, nuclear power plants, mechanical servants, and develop- ments resulting from space exploration, have made an entirely new kind of life for us. Now everyone, regardless of status or calling in life, is dependent either directly or indirectly upon machines. Processed foods, automobiles, clothing, and practically everything else used by hu- manity is produced by machinery. Many prominent men have started their careers by learning, understanding, and operating ma- chines. Henry Ford, John Fritz, Dr. A. Bra hear, and George Westinghouse depended upon the machine age for the development of their ideas. Without their basic technologi- cal knowledge, their inventions would never have been anything more than ideas. To operate today’s machines, skilled technicians are indispensable. Such people are not just machine operators. They must be trained to approach and solve new problems 2 THE MACHINE AGE as they arise. They must be capable of carry- ing out ideas and plans that call for the pro- duction of extremely intricate parts, and in addition to skill, they must possess many other characteristics to be successful. Care of self, orderliness, accuracy, judgement, confi- dence, and safe work habits are some of the essentials required to become skilled at a craft, ‘A machinist must have had enough expe- rience, acquired enough information, and developed enough judgement to be able to set up and operate any standard machine tool and perform any bench operation. In addi- tion, he or she should be capable of making, hardening, tempering, and grinding machine shop cutting tools. ‘A toolmaker qualifies substantially asa first class general machinist. Generally speak- ing, toolmaking involves more precise work- manship, more mathematical calculations, and more advanced use of machine tools and their attachments. An expert toolmaker must possess all the qualities of a machinist, plus expertise in planning, in making precise mea- surements, and in advanced machine produc- tion. Webster says, “Work is a physical or in- tellectual effort directed to some end.” Ma- chine shop work is a lively occupation. Gears revolving at terrific speeds, cams snapping back and forth, levers and arms guiding pre- cise automatic instruments faster than the eye can see, and cutters chewing off yards of cut- tings per minute that can only be seen by the use of a television camera—all these things offer excitement for the machinist. With study and application, a machinist can advance to become a toolmaker, a de- signer, an engineer, a teacher, or a successful manufacturing businessman. ‘The progress of humanity through the cet turies has been governed by the types of tools which it developed. People, throughout the ages, have had a never-ending desire to pe form more work with less effort. Primitive human beings were limited to very crude tools and the movements their hands and arms were capable of making. As better tools were developed, the creative desire to further improve the basic tools and create new ones grew. Each new tool helped to produce more goods and raise the standard of living as peo- ple progressed from the primitive tools of the Stone Age to the highly developed machine tools of today. 2 COMMON MACHINE TOOLS Ba The machine tool industry is divided into several different categories such as the gen- eral machine shop, the toolroom, and the production shop. The machine tools found in the metal trade fall into three broad cate- gori 1. Chip producing machines which form metal to size and shape by cutting away the un- wanted sections. These machine tools gen- erally alter the shape of steel products produced by casting, forging, or rolling in a steel mill. 2. Non-chip producing machines which form metal to size and shape by pressing, draw- ing, or shearing. These machine tools gen- COMMON MACHINE TOOLS 3 erally alter the shape of sheet steel or other metal products and granular or powdered materials. 3. New generation machines which were devel- oped to perform operations which would be very difficult, if not impossible, to per- form on chip or non-chip producing ma- chines. Electro-discharge and electro- chemical machines, for example, use either electrical or chemical energy to form metal to size and shape. Since this book is designed for the per son beginning in the machine shop trade, the emphasis will be placed on basic operations and chip-producing machine tools. A general machine shop contains a number of standard machine tools that are basic to the production of a variety of metal components. Operations such as turning, boring, threading, drilling, reaming, sawing, milling, filing, and grinding are most com- monly performed in a machine shop. Ma- chines such as the drill press, engine lathe, power saw, shaper, milling machine, and grinder are usually considered the basic ma- chine tools in a machine shop. DRILL PRESS. The drill press or drilling machine, probably the first mechanical device developed by prehistoric man, is used pri- marily to produce round holes. Drill presses range from the simple hobby type to the more complex automatic and numerically controlled machines used for production purposes, The function of a drill press is to rip and revolve the cutting tool (generally a twist drill) so that a hole may be produced in a piece of metal or other material. Operations such as drilling, reaming, spot facing, coun- tersinking, counterboring, and tapping are commonly performed on a drill press. ENGINE LATHE. The engine lathe is used to produce round work. The workpiece, held by a work-holding device mounted on the lathe spindle, is revolved against a cutting tool which produces a cylindrical form. Straight turning, tapering, facing, drilling, boring, reaming, and thread cutting are some 4 COMMON MACHINE TOOLS of the common operations performed on a lathe. METAL SAW. The meétal-cutting saws are used to cut metal to the proper length and shape. There are two main types of metal- cutting saws: the bandsaw (horizontal and vertical), and the reciprocating cut-off saw. (On the vertical bandsaw the workpiece is held on the table and brought into contact with the continuous-cutting saw blade. It can be used to cut work to length and shape. The hori- zontal bandsaw and the reciprocating saw are used to cut work to length only. The material is held in a vise and the saw blade is brought into contact with the work. SHAPER. The shaper (not illustrated) is gen- erally used for producing flat, curved, or an- gular surfaces on metal workpieces. The cut- ting tool moves back and forth in a horizontal plane across the face of the work which may be held in a vise or fastened to the table. The work is moved across for successive cuts ei- ther by hand or automatic feed. Shapers are manufactured either of the crank type or with the hydraulic driving mechanism, MILLING MACHINE. The horizontal mill- ing machine and the vertical milling machine are two of the most usefull and versatile ma- chine tools. Both machines use one or more rotating milling cutters having single or mul- tiple cutting edges. The workpiece, which may be held in a vise, fixture, or accessory, or fastened to the table, is fed into the revolving cutter, Equipped with proper accessories, milling machines are capable of performing a wide variety of operations such as drilling, reaming, boring, counterboring, spot facing, and producing flat and contour surfaces, grooves, gear teeth, and helical forms. GRINDER. Grinders use an abrasive cutting tool to bring a workpiece to an accurate size and produce a high surface finish. In the grinding process, the surface of the work is brought into contact with the revolving grinding wheel. The most common types of grinders are the surface, cylindrical, cutter and tool, and the bench or pedestal grinder.

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