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1.Define Computer?

Computer - an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary
form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program.

2.Who are the developer/founder of computer?

In 1833 when Charles Babbage development Analytical machine. 1835 Lady Ada
Augusta Lovelace innovation binary code she also develop world first computer program. so i
think Lady Ada Augusta was first computer developer.

3.Who are the first users of computer?

A user is a person who utilizes a computer or network service. Users of computer systems
and software products generally lack the technical expertise required to fully understand how
they work.

4. What are the capabilities and limitations of computer?

Three Basic Capabilities of a Computer, computers can be defined as devices which

accept information in the form of instructions , called a program , and characters , called data ,
perform mathematical and / or logical operations on the information , and then supply results of
these operations .

Physical limitations of a computer are the amount of RAM and storage it can access, the
type and speed of the CPU and other low level system devices. No computer possesses
intelligence.1)Lack of intelligence- computers are programmed to do various processes based on
human input ,it cannot do anything on its own.

5. What are the uses of the computer?

Computers are used to control large and small machines which in the past were controlled
by humans. They are also in homes, where they are used for things such as listening to music,
reading the news and writing. Modern computers are electronic computer hardware.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of computer?

Disadvantages of computer
 Unemployment. Different tasks are performed automatically by using computers. ...
 Wastage of time and energy. Many people use computers without positive purpose. ...
 Data Security. The data stored on a computer can be accessed by unauthorized persons through
networks. ...
 Computer Crimes. ...
 Privacy violation. ...

Buno, Patrick James S./ BSIT-IA

 Impact on Environment.

Advantages of Computer
 It enhances communication and availability of information. ...
 It allows for more convenient resource sharing. ...
 It makes file sharing easier. ...
 It is highly flexible. ...
 It is an inexpensive system. ...
 It increases cost efficiency

7. As an IT student, what can you contribute to protect the environment when it comes to
the usage of computers?

As an IT student, I can help in minimizing the effects of computers to the environment by

saving electricity. I will be responsible in using my computer, I will only use it for necessary
things and make sure It was turn off after I use it.

8. Enumerate the different programming languages:

10 most popular programming languages:

 Java. Java decreased in popularity by about 6,000 job postings in 2018 compared to 2017,
but is still extremely well-established. ...
 Python. Python grew in popularity by about 5,000 job postings over 2017. ...
 JavaScript. ...
 C++ ...
 C# ...
 PHP. ...
 Perl.
 Ruby
 Objective-C

Buno, Patrick James S./ BSIT-IA

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