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Text-to-Speech vs Human Narration for eLearning : eLearning

2. 10 Ways To Learn In 2010
3. 10 Social Media Tools For Learning
4. 2009 Technology Trends That Impact Online Learning
a. Cloud Computing
b. Open Source Software

c. Social Media

d. Immersive and Gaming Environments

e. Mobile Technologies

f. eBook Readers

g. Netbooks

h. mashups

5. latest research on learning and pedagogy

6. Trends in education and trends in e-learning

7. History of e-learning

8. How e-learning use around the world

9. Expected trends

a. eLearning Trend #1 – ELearning 2.0

b. · eLearning Trend #2 - Virtual Environments

c. · eLearning Trend #3 - Open Source and Free Tools

d. · eLearning Trend #4 - Do-It-Yourself Learning

e. · eLearning Trend #5 - Course and Courseware Fading

f. · eLearning Trend #6 - Emergent Systems

g. · eLearning Trend #7 - Composition, Add-ins, Mash-ups

h. · eLearning Trend #8 - Move towards easier, faster tools

i. · eLearning Trend #9 - Shift in LMS - Other eLearning Trends

Some of these trends are very easy to understand but some trends are more technology
oriented. So adopting new eLearning strategy will need to understand requirement
and then formulate eLearning structure for organization.
These trends will help to make it more collaborative and more interactive. With Virtual
environment everyone have already started using it on big scale, Universities allover are
making it as a useful tool for their students and learners. Even big organizations across the
world are making it sure to have a presence in this world and make a good impact.
For other trends its coming up ……

online program was launched? Actually it was 1960: the PLATO (Programmed Logic for
Automatic Teaching Operations) system. This system allowed students to study assigned
lessons and commu
Digital Pens for Health Workers in Tanzania

Technical hospital advisor

testing a digital pen in
Arusha, Tanzania

In Africa, as in most other regions throughout the world, it is still standard practice for doctors
and nurses to keep handwritten patient files. However, these files can easily become lost and, if
patient data has to be transferred from one medical institution to another, the files can take a long
time to arrive.

eLearning Africa  presented solutions to this problem. In Tanzania, for example, health workers
are using “digital pens”. The pens automatically convert doctors’ or nurses’ handwritten notes
into digital files, which are easier to share and archive. They also take up less space.

According to Pauline Kimollo from the Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC), applying
these technologies helps to reduce the time spent at dispensaries or health centres while also
preventing the theft of receipts and medicines.

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