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The Goshorns Step by Step

October 2018
I talked last month about the Christian concert
at the women's prison. We are excited to tell you that
many of the women at the concert are attending The
Jennifer’s weekly Bible study. Pray that these women
stay focused on the Lord and for continued safety and
guidance for Jennifer.

Zumilinda and Luzmilda have adjusted very

well. They’ve made new friends and are active in their
new school. We try to arrange and pay for their
mother Marguerite to visit whenever she has an said was “We’re serving the Lord”. He was correct,
opportunity to come. She was able to spend a couple but I knew this was not the time and I felt very
weeks with us last month and the girls loved it. The calm. They seemed very angry when they saw I
mom noticed that the girls looked healthier and was a gringo and asked what we were doing. I told
happy. We hope to have her back again this month. them we were heading home from Andamarca and
he just stared at me and asked if I was the gringo
Salvador and I traveled to Andamarca in the helping the people in that area. I said I guess I am
high jungle for a discipleship group. They are excited and they told us to pass. Along the way we were
to start up this group, but are very unreliable at able to hand out Bibles and we were invited into a
showing up. This needs a lot of prayer. When we were house to pray for a sick man. God is always in
heading home we found that the road back had charge.
collapsed down the mountainside. We knew there was
an alternate route but it is much longer and through Many of you know about the family in our
an area with terrorist activity. We were stopped at a program who’s mom was murdered. Now the
check point and the soldiers said that 3 soldiers and 3 father has left. The kids say he’s coming back but
civilians were killed a few days earlier. I told him we'd it’s been over 3 months since he’s left. The kids
be OK and they let us through. Salvador had said the range from 3 to 18 years old. We take them food
day before that when he dies he hopes that it will be periodically. Please keep them in your prayers.
while serving the Lord. We were several hours past the
Please read about Salvador on the next page.
military when I rounded a bend and there was a group
of armed men blocking the road and more in a pickup We need to raise our support some. Please
truck coming up behind us. The first thing Salvador consider joining us.

We humbly thank you for your continued prayers and

financial support. If you haven’t yet, we ask that you would
prayerfully consider financially supporting this ministry in
Peru. Without more financial partners this ministry can not
continue to grow. We love you all and thank you for being
part of God’s work in Peru.
An Inspiration
Many of you have heard me speak of and some of you know our friend Salvador. I want to tell you a
little about this man who has become an inspiration to me.
I met Salvador the first week we arrived in Peru. He walked up to our gate and asked me if I was a Chris-
tian, I said yes and he said he was also. He’s been working with me ever since:) When Salvador was 17 years old
he accepted Christ and then he led his parents to Christ. Back then the terrorist group, the shining path, had
a strong presence in Peru. At this time, when males finished high school they had to serve 2 years in the mili-
tary. Salvador was stationed in a terrorist infested area and they never had much to eat. One day, when they
went out try to find food, they came across a large group of terrorists. They were grossly outnumbered but Sal-
vador had an idea. So, they quickly took cloths off of people lines and changed out of their uniforms. They were
able to surprise the terrorists and drive them out of that area. They had killed 2 of the terrorist leaders who
were from Colombia. After that incident, the men looked up to Salvador more than their captain. Salvador
knew then that he needed to be serving the Lord more. Many of the men would have sex with local villagers
and get drunk. He told them how this was wrong and they started listening. Many gave their life to Christ and
they decided they couldn’t kill anymore. As a result, some were given alternate responsibilities. When Salva-
dor finished his 2 years he became involved in a local church in the terrorist area. The military finally captured
the leader of the shining path and in Lima the attacks stopped. In the mountains though, it continued because
there were many police officials involved with the terrorist. Many men in the area that Salvador lived were still
involved with the terrorist and they were not happy with the Christians because they were not afraid. One day
during a church service a group of terrorist decided they were going to kill the pastor in front of the congre-
gation. The people in the church found out and instead of leaving they all got on their knees and started pray-
ing. Salvador said when they arrived everyone in the church was praying. The terrorists demanded to know
where the pastor was. No one said anything they just kept praying. They used their gun butts on some de-
manding to know. Salvador said the pastor was in front of them and they would look straight at him, but they
never saw him. Finally the terrorists left. Salvador wanted to start an Christian event in the area and a captain
told him it wasn’t safe. He did it anyway and the army sent 6 soldiers to serve as bodyguards to Salvador.
Salvador started farming with his family and lived in this area for several years. One night, his wife, 2
year old daughter, dad, sister and brother were heading home in a van. It was 2am on some very remote and
dangerous mountain roads. The van went over the edge. His dad was killed when a branch from a tree went
through his head. Two other non family members were also killed. His daughter was found in a tree with vari-
ous branches and sticks in her body. His wife, who was 8 1/2 months pregnant, had a branch go through her
stomach which killed their baby girl. Thankfully, a vehicle was driving by, and the driver put the injured in is car
and drove them many hours to Huancayo. At 5am someone came to the house of Salvador and told him
about the accident. Salvador got on a horse and road 2 hours till he found the scene. He moved his dad’s body
to a grassy area and had to leave him so he could head to Huancayo
to find his family. His wife spent four months in the hospital and his 2
year old daughter was there 15 days. He had no money and had to
sell all his cows and chickens to pay the medical bills. He found a little
adobe house in Huancayo and started looking for work. He said he
couldn’t believe how the Lord continued to bless him. He would walk
hours to work in the potato fields for 9 hours a day only to earn
$10.00. He said he was sooo blessed. I am thankful the Lord put this
little humble man in my life.
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P raye r R e q u e s t s a n d P ra i s e s
 Prayers for continued physical,  Prayers for the Bible study/ feeding
emotional and spiritual protection. programs in Cullpa and Pallian
 Prayers for additional financial and  Prayers for Angle and Hilda
prayer support. attending college Galatians 6:9
 Prayers for travel mercies in Peru.  Prayers for the prison ministry and
home visit ministry. Let us not become weary in doing
 Prayers for Jennifer’s mom Joan as
 Praises for our Peruvian team and good, for at the proper time we
she battles cancer.
the opportunity to serve in Peru. will reap a harvest if we do not
 Prayers for parenting from a
 We are thankful for the support of
distance. And safety for our children
give up.
the body of Christ.
in the U.S.  We are thankful for our health.
 Prayers for Daniel & Audrey, that  Pray for Gianfranco & that he will
they have a safe child birth and someday hear.
everyone is healthy.
 Prayers for Zumilinda, Luzmilda and
their family.

God has been very clear that we cannot do anything alone. First we
need Him, second we need the Body of Christ. We will never be
effective ministers of God’s word without your prayers and financial
support. Please consider partnering with us to further God’s Kingdom
in Peru.
All tax deductible donations may be made to:
TMS Global
PO Box 922637
Norcross Georgia 30010-2637 USA
Designate gifts to: “Goshorn Support 5/540”
Or online at: and go to “give to a missionary” and use our
Or visit our website at:
Skype: tim.jen.goshorn
US Phone (works wherever we have internet): 859-474-2494

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