Konno Decision Feb 28 1997 (13 MB)

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February 28, 1997 EIN, LEVINSON, NAKAYAMA, OPINION OF THE COURT BY RAMIL, J. The central issue addressed in nese cal es’ is the privatization of public services. The United Public Workers and its officers (collectively the UPW) challenge the validity of a contract entered into by the County of Hawai“ (the County! ill at Pucuanahulu on the privatize the operation of a land! island of Hawai"i. In No, 19703, the UPW argues that the violated civil service laws and merit principles by privatizing the landfill worker positions in question. In No. 18236, the UPH argues that the County violated collective barga. privatizing without participating in mandatory ne the UPW. For the reasons discussed below, we hold that the County violated civil service laws and merit principles but did net violate collective bargaining laws. The contract between + County and Waste Management of Hawai“i, Inc. (WMI) is void violation of public policy to the extent that it provides for th \ ey order dated September 1, 1994, Nos. 18236, 2avet, and 16204 were consolidated for briefing and disposition under No, 18236. Although Now. 10203 and 12236 were not consolidated on appeal and were independent ly briefed, we address them together in this opinion because they ariee same underlying factual events and because our dispesition in No. 18203 dixectly affecte No. 10226. See Rixmingham v. Fodor's Travel Publications. Enc., 72 Haw. 259, 365 0.2, 833 P.2d 70,.74 9.2 (1992). om the o3d private operation of the Pu’uanahulu landfill. We vacate the gment in favor of the County circuit court's award of summary in No, 18203 and remand for entry of summary judgment in tavor of the UPW. We instruct the circuit court to grant the UPW a per Order filed 5/13/97. fm declaratory judgment Ath] AO) Lib AAALLBA/ DALLE NG/ BLLMARL/. DbRRALA DEY OF / OME /LADAL ADL) anal Eos Mererming/ wpe ner AAdeAenal/ cELLeL/ AE 46bt6pe1deé. we affirm the circuit court’s judgment in per Order filed $/13/97. J * We further instruct the circuit court to fashion injunctive relief requiring the landfill to be tranaferred trom private operation to County operation as rapidly as poseible but consistent with practical and public interest concerns. The circuit court shall also monitor the transition and may impose sanctions for non-compliance. Finally, the circuit court is to determine whether the additional relief requested by the UPW is appropriate. traditionally recruited and employed through the merit system pursuant te civil service laws. The UPW ie a labor union and has jong been the exclusive representative of landfill workers in the state of Hawai In 1991, Mayor Lorraine Inouye began to consider the possibility of having a private contractor construct and operate anew landfill at Pu"uanahulu. The new landfill would be a 239 che Kealakehe landfill, wha replacement f hhad reached nother concern capacity and was plagued by subterranean fires PA) had issued new was that the Environmental Protection Agency federal regulations on solid waste management that contained strict standards for landfill construction. Mayor Inouye met with UPW cfficials to di cuss the privatization ¢ UPW did not oppose the private conatruction ef th but did strenuously object to the private operation of the landfill. In the summer of 1992, Mayor Inouye agreed not to privatize the opera cf the landfill Subsequent to her decision not to privatize the landfill, Mayor Inouye won the endorsement of the UPW in the 1992 primary election. This was an extremely close race, and Mayor Inouye lost to Stephen Yamashire by a thin margin. Shor assuming office in December 1992, Mayor Yamashiro announced the County would be privatizing not only the construction of the “uanahulu landfill, but ite operation as well. In March 1993, bids were received from WMI and Browning Ferris Industries. on March 25, 1993, County officials informed WMI that the County intended to award’ WMI the contrat County officials did not seek any form of certification from the county personnel director or the civil service commission that the landfiil worker positions were unique cr that any

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