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 Caution

A formal warning given to a person suspected or accused of an offence that his words will be
taken down and may be used in evidence.

A warning to a person by the police, or in Scotland by the Procurator Fiscal, that while it is
considered that there is enough evidence for a prosecution, no such prosecution will take place
but that the matter will be kept on file.

A notice entered on the register of title to land that prevents a proprietor from disposing of land
without a notice to the person who entered the caution.

 Charge

In a criminal case, the specific statement of what crime the party is accused (charged with)
contained in the indictment or criminal complaint.

In jury trials, the oral instructions by the judge to the jurors just before the jury begin
deliberations. This charge is based on jury instructions submitted by attorneys on both sides and
agreed upon by the trial judge.

A fee for services.

 Cheat

Act dishonestly

 Child abuse

Physical, sexual, or emotional mistreatment or neglect of a child.

 Citation

A paper commonly used in various courts—such as a probate, matrimonial, or traffic court—that is

served upon an individual to notify him or her that he or she is required to appear at a specific
time and place.

 Civil court

A popular designation of a legal proceeding between two parties in the courts, instituted by one
party to compel another to do himself or herself justice, regardless of whether the action is based
upon law or Equity.

 Claim
To demand or assert as a right. Facts that combine to give rise to a legally enforceable right or
judicial action. Demand for relief.

 Coercion

The intimidation of a victim to compel the individual to do some act against his or her will by the
use of psychological pressure, physical force, or threats.

 Compensation

A pecuniary remedy that is awarded to an individual who has sustained an injury in order to
replace the loss caused by said injury, such as Workers' Compensation. Wages paid to an
employee or, generally, fees, salaries, or allowances. The payment a landowner is given to make
up for the injury suffered as a result of the seizure when his or her land is taken by the
government through Eminent Domain.

 Concealment

Fraudulent failure to reveal information which someone knows and is aware that in good faith
he/she should communicate to another.

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