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Jamie Ranse and Kathryn Zeitz

T HE TERM TRIAGE ORIGINATES from the French word trier, meaning to

sort. Historically, triage was developed by Baron Dominique Jean
Larrey in the 1800s to prioritize the assessment and surgical
management of casualties resulting from battlefield injuries.1
Triage in any setting relies on the rapid sorting of casualties and the assigning of
treatment priorities, based on established criteria, to facilitate access to appropri-
ate care and optimize the utilization of available health care resources.
Triage is performed in hospital emergency departments (EDs) on a daily
basis. In the hospital setting, patient treatment is not based on a “first come, first
served” basis, but, rather, on prioritization based on the patient’s acuity level in
order to ensure that critical patients are cared for in a timely manner. 2–4 The
most critically ill or injured patients are cared for first, even if their proba-bility
of survival is low.


➣Understand the various disaster and emergency triage categories, processes, and systems; ➣Describe the
differences in triage for the prehospital and in-hospital environment; and

Describe the three phases of the triage process.

Disaster triage occurs in a disaster setting in which the number of patients

exceeds, at least temporarily, the resources available to treat and/or transport
casualties within a short timeframe.5 Triage involving multiple casualties, as in a
disaster, is “a process designed to prioritize casualty care to ensure care is avail-
able to those who need it most urgently and that the greatest number of casual-
ties survive.”6 In disaster triage, both human and physical resources may need to
be rationed to ensure the most effective response and make the greatest differ-
ence in outcome. This paradigm shift often is referred to as reverse triage, as it
addresses the needs of a population rather than those of the individual.


During a disaster, triage is performed in two distinct contexts: in the pre-

hospital setting at the site of the incident, and in the receiving hospital or
healthcare facility.
The key to triage is the allocation into a category that not only separates the
casualties according to their level of acuity, but also prioritizes their access to
care. The prehospital triage process usually commences prior to the arrival of
first-responders at the scene of the mass-casualty situation, and often is
completed following the final disposition of the casualty.
In addition to categories or classifications, triage systems provide a frame-
work and an order with which to undertake triage decision-making. Triage
systems facilitate decision-making regarding who must wait for treatment. In a
disaster situation, responders give first priority to those who are most like-ly to
benefit from the available skills and resources and have a good chance of
survival and recovery.7 Priority for treatment is not given to casualties with
minor injuries, whose outcome will not change as a consequence of waiting for
assessment and management.
Triage is both a challenging and complex process, particularly in the set-ting
of a disaster. This chapter is intended to provide an overview of triage categories,
systems, and processes, as they relate to triage in both the prehos-pital and in-
hospital settings during a disaster situation.

There is a diverse array of triage categories, titles of categories, and labels.1,8 In
the prehospital setting, and, at times, in the hospital, these categories generally
are themed as: (1) emergency or emergent; (2) urgent; (3) non-urgent; and (4)
dying or deceased. For emphasis and rapid identification purposes, categories
usually are defined visually by a color; red usually indicates the most emergent
category. The four, broad, common categories used for triage in the pre-hospital
setting, along with their associated color and a brief descriptor, are in Figure 5.1.

Severely injured, but recoverable, requiring immediate
assessment, simple resuscitation techniques, and
transportation to a referral institution

URGENT Significantly injured, requiring a time-critical intervention at a

(YELLOW) referral institution

NON-URGENT An ambulant casualty in which hospital admission is

(GREEN) unlikely; also titled “walking wounded”

DECEASED Deceased or non-recoverable injuries


Figure 5.1: Priorities and descriptors for common triage categories


Emergency or Emergent (Red)

The emergency or emergent (Red) triage category is the highest priority level
assignable to patients and includes those casualties that are severely injured but are
considered to be recoverable from their injuries, if treated immediately. These
casualties require immediate assessment, simple resuscitation techniques (airway
management and hemorrhage control) with minimal resource utilization prior to
immediate transportation to a healthcare facility for acute care. Generally, these
patients are experiencing threats to their airway, breathing, or circulation. Examples
that may be categorized as emergent include patients with extensive hemorrhage or
respiratory complications, and patients who are choking.

Urgent (Yellow)
Casualties categorized as urgent are those who have sustained significant injuries
and will require transportation to a referral institution for a time-critical
intervention, such as surgery, but only after the transport of emergency (Red)
victims. Examples of casualties that may be categorized as urgent include
those with internal injuries or major fractures.

Non-urgent (Green)
Casualties in the non-urgent (Green) category traditionally are referred to as the
“walking wounded”; they have sustained minor injuries, but are stable and not
likely to require hospital admission. Their injuries are easily treated by first-aid
providers at the scene of the incident or at an established on-site med-ical
facility.7–10 Alternatively, these casualties can wait for further assessment and/or
management at a healthcare facility. It is unlikely that, if not treated in a timely
manner, these casualties’ injuries/illnesses will result in disability or per-manent
damage. Examples of casualties that may be categorized as non-urgent include
casualties with soft-tissue injuries, stable fractures, or minor bleeding.

Deceased (Black)
Casualties in the deceased (Black) category are deceased or have such substan-
tial injuries that the expenditure of a great amount of human and physical
resources would not affect their likely poor outcome. In essence, these casual-ties
will not receive any treatment other than palliative care, if resources are
available. Casualties who are severely injured and not expected to survive are the
most difficult to assign, as doing so runs counter to the usual healthcare phi-
losophy of providing care to all. It is important to recognize that casualties placed
in this category are so severely injured that a large amount of medical resources
is required to resuscitate them; committing this amount of resources to these
patients who have a limited chance of survival removes such resources from
those patients with potentially survivable injuries, thus reducing the latter


group’s chance of a good outcome. These casualties often become the responsi-
bility of the police authority and/or coroner.
Throughout the world, there is no consistent category system or language that
groups casualties in a consistent manner in disaster triage. Both the number and
type of categories in a triage system may differ between jurisdictions, organi-
zations, and medical response teams. This inconsistency in triage categories,
systems, and triage tag design can result in confusion during a multiple-casualty
incident, particularly when multiple agencies from multiple jurisdictions are
involved. In a survey of all of the eight Australian state and territory ambu-lance
services, Nocera and Garner identified the use of six different triage
taxonomies and five different triage methodologies and triage tag designs used
within one country. These findings highlight the need for the develop-ment of a
consistent dataset, as well as a consistent triage tag format and design. In
Australia, work has commenced in the development of a national standard to
address such issues.12
Triage Process
The triage process includes all assessment activities undertaken by healthcare
workers to determine the appropriate triage category for a casualty.6 The time to
perform the assessment varies from two–five minutes, depending on the number
and type of measurements performed. The triage process is complex and
influenced by a number of factors, such as the experience and training of the
clinician performing the triage, the perceived resources required, the ap-plication
of traditional triage processes, such as whether or not to use triage tags/cards, and
the age of the casualty.
The provision of resources to casualties requires not only excellent clini-cal
judgment, but also ethical consideration.5,13 The distribution of resources is
undertaken to achieve one of the main concepts of triage — to do the great-est
good for the greatest number. Doing the greatest good for the greatest number is
a concept that implies that both human and physical resources must be shared by
all casualties to ensure that the largest number of casualties possible survive the
event with optimal outcomes.14
The age of the casualty may influence triage decision-making, either con-
sciously or subconsciously. This was demonstrated in a study of ambulance
paramedics regarding the care of casualties in various multiple-casualty situ-
ations. The participants’ responses indicated that ambulance paramedics assess
and manage younger casualties first, when compared to older casualties with the
same presenting condition.
The triage process occurs multiple times throughout the disaster situa-tion,
commonly beginning prior to contact with any casualties, progressing to


the on-site assessment and management of the casualty, and repeated at vari-ous
points during the casualty’s journey through the healthcare system (Figure

Pre-casualty Contact
In a multiple-casualty incident, the triage process begins prior to contact with any
casualty. This is highlighted by Robertson-Steel who describes the first stage of
triage as the assessment of the situation and required resources. Com-monly, this
phase is undertaken from a distance and is based on the healthcare professionals’
experience of similar situations. Arbon et al 6 support this notion and suggest
that the triage process commences with the pre-event stage, prior to any contact
with a casualty. It is in this stage that clinicians delineate their roles and consider
both the required and available resources.



Pre-casualty At the Scene Hospital
contact Triage

Figure 5.2: Casualty journey/triage points

Currently the literature supports the concept of triage beginning prior to

casualty contact as a pre-hospital principle; however, the concept also is applica-
ble to the in-hospital setting and is demonstrated by the actions and tasks under-
taken by clinicians in the gathering of necessary resources, in defining team
members’ roles, and in preparing the ED and hospital for a surge of casualties.

At the Scene
The on-site casualty sorting process involves classifying casualties using pre-
determined criteria scales to assess their healthcare urgency. The urgency of
each casualty’s condition is rated and classified into one of the categories dis-
cussed earlier.
Triage is an ongoing process: casualties will be re-evaluated and re-triaged
frequently.8,15 It is reasonable to expect that a casualty’s condition will improve


or deteriorate, depending on the management of their injury/insult. This results in

the re-classification of the patient into a different triage category.
Much of the disaster response literature discusses the establishment of casu-
alty clearing areas. The use of casualty clearing areas emerged from wartime
situations in which casualties were moved from the battlefield to more secure
areas for triage and management. The type and location of the event, as well as
available resources will determine the need for the establishment of casualty
clearing areas away from the “hot zone” of the causative incident. After the ini-
tial triage, the emergency [Red] and urgent [Yellow] casualties are transferred to
the established Casualty Clearing Area where they are re-triaged, management
decisions are made based on the available resources, and transport priority is
allocated. In essence, these areas become transportation hubs, and reduce con-
gestion at the site of the incident. For some incidents, victims may be triaged and
transported directly from the site of the event rather than from a clearing area.
Initially, the Casualty Clearing Area is simply a geographical area away from
the hot zone in which equipment and human resources can be pooled and
allocated. Casualty Clearing Areas also serve as a base for retrieval teams to
become established. Over time, this area can become formalized as dedicated
resuscitation areas, and designated points of access and egress for ambulances.
Re-evaluation and re-triaging is important as the casualties’ condition may
change quickly in Casualty Clearing Areas. If triage is not undertaken at regular
intervals, a casualty may be misclassified into the wrong triage category, result-
ing in them receiving either too many resources [over-triaged] or not enough
resources [under-triaged]. A clinician with experience in triage commonly
undertakes this process, rather then the most senior or best-qualified clinician.
Compared to the most senior or best-qualified clinicians, such as an ED medical
consultants, triage nurses often are more efficient and accurate in the allocation
of a triage category, as they regularly perform the triage process during non-dis-
aster situations.
Once a casualty has been assigned to a particular triage category, all casualties
assigned to that same category are placed and managed in a designated common area.
For example, all casualties who require emergency treatment are grouped together in
the safe zone, separated from other groups, such as the non-urgent casualties. This
separation is not necessarily demarcated by a physical barrier or even separated by
long distances. Sorting casualties into the various categories and separating them
into different treatment areas allow the clinician to allocate human and physical
resources appropriately; more human and physical resources are likely to be
designated to the area with emergency casualties requiring imme-diate attention than
to the area with non-urgent casualties. This process is similar to that which occurs
during the in-hospital triage process. However, the group-ing of casualties of the
same category within one area is not always possible. For


example, multiple casualties involved in a vehicular accident may be some dis-

tance apart and, therefore, a designated triage area may not exist.
Immediately prior to the transportation of casualties to a hospital, the triage
process is repeated to determine transportation priorities. This process ensures
that the most appropriate casualty is transported by the most appropriate means to
the most appropriate referral destination or hospital.6,7,17,18 In anticipa-ting the
transportation requirements for casualties involved in a mass-casualty incident,
careful consideration must be given to the appropriate means of trans-port (via
road or air) as well as the most appropriate receiving hospital (gener-al or
tertiary) for each casualty. In some circumstances, this may mean that the most
critically injured casualties may not be evacuated from the scene first, but, rather,
may remain until the most appropriate means of transportation is avail-able. Such
careful considerations can reduce the likelihood of under- or over-triage
occurrences. When casualties with major trauma or critical illness are transported
to a hospital that is not adequately prepared or equipped to care for the casualty,
it is termed under-triaging.19,20 This may result in the need for the casualty to
be transferred to another hospital that does have the appropriate facilities and/or
equipment. The impact of this is the additional resources required to transfer the
under-triaged casualty, and the possibility of removing the healthcare
professional from his/her current role in the facility to assist with the casualty
transfer. In addition, there is the impact that the transfer has on the casualty’s
outcome by increasing the time to the access of definitive care.
Over-triaging occurs when a casualty with non-critical injuries is incor-rectly
prioritized into a higher level than his/her injuries warrant with access to
definitive care in an inappropriate place or time. This impacts directly on


In response to the Bali bombing in 2002, and the subsequent transportation of some of the
bombing casualties to Australia via domestic airlines, clinicians used airplane-seating
arrangements in preference to the use of triage tags. Twenty casualties who were identified
as requiring ongoing assessment and management were seated together. These
casualties initially were categorized as non-urgent (no critically injured or severely ill
casualties were transported by this means). The clinicians modified their traditional triage
practices to represent the prioritization of medical attention; the standard, non-urgent
category (Green) was subdivided into Red for those within that category who required most
attention and Yellow for those who required less attention than those in the Red category,
but more attention than those in the Green category.


the care of other casualties that do require high-level care and may delay the time
to definitive care, such as surgery, for these casualties.19,20

Disaster triage systems are designed for use in large, multi-casualty events where the
human and/or physical resources required to care for everyone at a normal level of
response is impossible. Several triage systems have been developed to assist in the
application of triage principles. These systems use various criteria to aid decision-
making regarding the most appropriate triage category for the patient, and her/his
priority for treatment. It is important to note that there are no published
data on the validity and accuracy of the various existing and modified triage
systems. Two examples of triage systems include the Sieve and Sort system and
the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) system.

Triage Sieve and Sort

Triage Sieve and Sort refers to a two-phased triage system that is used at two
different stages of a MCI. Triage Sieve is performed in the field as soon as pos-
sible by the first responder, and is designed for the rapid identification of seri-
ously injured casualties (Figure 5.3).
Triage Sieve uses physiological parameters to assess the condition of the
casualty and to determine their priority for treatment.

Priority 3
Walking? Yes (Delayed)


Airway? No Dead


<10/minute Priority 1
Respiratory Rate or
>29/minute (Immediate)

>2 seconds

Priority 2
Capillary Refill Time <2 seconds

Figure 5.3: Triage Sieve algorithm


In the Triage Sieve process:

1. All walking casualties are immediately assigned to the delayed, non-
urgent category (Priority 3). Then, the remaining casualties are
sorted following an assessment of airway, breathing and circulation;
2. The patency of the airway is assessed; if not patent, it is opened
using a simple airway maneuver. Those casualties who remain not
breathing after this simple maneuver are categorized as dead. If the
casualty resumes breathing, but the respiratory rate is low (<9
breaths/minute) or high (>30 breaths/minute), the casualty is triaged
to the Immediate or Emergency category (Priority 1);
3. If the casualty’s respiratory rate is between 9 and 30 breaths/minute,
their circulation is assessed using capillary refill time. If the capillary
refill time is <2 seconds, the casualty is assigned to the Urgent category
(Priority 2); if the capillary refill time is >2 seconds, the casualty is
assigned to the Immediate category (Priority 1); and
4. When it is difficult or impossible to assess capillary refill time, the
pulse rate can be assessed: a heart rate >120 beats/minute results in
an Immediate categorization (Priority 1); a pulse rate <120
beats/minute prompts an Urgent categorization (Priority 2).10
The Triage Sort method is more comprehensive than the Triage Sieve meth-
od and is performed as a secondary triage at the casualty clearing area. Tra-
ditionally, the Triage Sort method was based on the Triage Revised Trauma
Score, a scoring system based on the casualty’s Glasgow Coma Scale Score, sys-
tolic blood pressure, and respiratory rate (Table 5.1).


4 13–15 4 >89 4 10–29

3 9–12 3 76–89 3 >29

2 6–8 2 50–75 2 6–9

1 4–5 1 1–49 1 1–5

0 3 0 0 0 0
Table 5.1: Revised Trauma Score (RTS). Total score = the sum of the scores from the Glasgow
Coma Scale Score, systolic blood pressure, and respiratory rate (range 0–12)24

A low Revised Trauma Score (RTS) is associated with high morbidity and
mortality.23 Using the calculated RTS, casualties are allocated to one of three
priorities for assessment and management (Figure 5.4).25


Recently, the various pre- and in-hospital triage categories discussed in this
chapter have been implemented throughout the sort aspect of the Triage Sieve
and Sort triage system instead of using the RTS.

RTS 12–14 (Management after Treating Priorities
1 and 2)

RTS 10–11 (Management after Treating Priorities
1 and 2)

Priority 1
RTS 1–9 (Immediate Treatment)


Figure 5.4: Triage categories based on Revised Trauma Scores (RTs)25

START Triage
The Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment/or Transport (START) Triage system emerged
in California in the 1990s with a specific focus on field and multiple-casualty triage.
START Triage differs from Triage Sieve and Sort in that it focuses on the evaluation of
the casualty’s respiratory, circulatory, and neurological status, rather than on the
casualty’s airway, respiratory, and circulatory status (Figure 5.5).
The three goals of START triage are: (1) to sort injured persons based on
probable needs for immediate care; (2) to give brief, essential, life-saving
interventions; and (3) to recognize futility.
START triage is not only about casualty assessment, but about undertaking
minimal life-saving procedures, such as simple airway maneuvers, hemorrhage
control, and appropriate positioning of the casualty based on their illness or
injury (e.g., positioning the casualty with breathing difficulties in the Fowler’s
position, or placing the casualty with signs of hypovolemic shock in a supine
position with their legs elevated). The advantage of the START triage system is
that it can be used by all levels of responders and, in particular, can be simpli-
fied for use by civilians.

Modified Triage Systems

Many triage systems have been modified and evolved following implementa-tion
and evaluation of existing triage systems. Examples of such modified triage
systems include:


Can Patient Walk? Delayed Care

Is Patient Breathing?


Open Patient’s Airway.

Count Respirations
Is Patient Breathing?

No Yes >30/min <30/min

Unsalvageable Immediate Care Immediate Care Is Radial

Pulse Present?

No Yes

Immediate Care
Assess Mental
Can Patient
Follow Commands?

No Yes

Immediate Care Delayed Care

Figure 5.5: START Triage algorithm

➣Careflight Triage system;9

➣Medical Disaster Response system and Secondary Assessment of

Victim Endpoint;15
➣Pediatric Triage Tape;26 and
Most modified triage systems include slight changes in the emphasis of
particular physiological signs used in classifying and sorting casualties. For
example, the Careflight Triage system differs from other triage systems in that it
requires that the casualty’s level of consciousness be assessed first and it omits
the respiratory rate assessment.
The Medical Disaster Response system is a triage system that is vastly dif-
ferent from other modified systems. Although modified from the START sys-
tem, the Medical Disaster Response system is extended to include the assessment


Alert and Moving All Limbs

(No) (Yes) DELAYED
(Yes) (No) Open Airway Breathing?
(Yes) (No)

Respiratory Rate: IMMEDIATE

20–50/min <20 or >50/min (PRIORITY 1)

Capillary Refill Time <2 sec? Heart Rate:

(Yes) (No) 90–180 bpm <90 or >180 bpm


Figure 5.6A: Algorithm for Pediatric Triage Tape measurement 50–80 cm

Alert and Moving All Limbs

(No) (Yes) DELAYED
(Yes) (No) Open Airway Breathing?
(Yes) (No)

Respiratory Rate: IMMEDIATE

15–40/min <15 or >40/min (PRIORITY 1)

Capillary Refill Time <2 sec? Heart Rate:

(Yes) (No) 80–160 bpm <80 or >160 bpm


Figure 5.6B: Algorithm for Pediatric Triage Tape measurement 80–100 cm

Alert and Moving All Limbs

(No) (Yes) DELAYED
(Yes) (No) Open Airway Breathing?
(Yes) (No)

Respiratory Rate: IMMEDIATE

10–30/min <10 or >30/min (PRIORITY 1)

Capillary Refill Time <2 sec? Heart Rate:

(Yes) (No) 70–140 bpm <70 or >140 bpm


Figure 5.6C: Algorithm for Pediatric Triage Tape measurement 100–140 cm

Figure 5.6: Triage algorithms based on Pediatric Triage Tape measurements of a child’s length from
head to heel. (A=50–80 centimeters; B=80 – 100 centimeters; C=100 – 140 centimeters; min =
minute; sec = second; bpm = beats per minute)

and triaging of casualties over many hours or days.15 The system includes a sec-
ondary triage system termed Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint. In the
anticipation that during a disaster, triage may occur over many days, and that the
transportation of casualties to an appropriate medical facility may be delayed, the
Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint uses various sources of informa-tion
— such as trauma statistics/scores, age, and pre-existing morbidities — to assist
in the determination of which casualties would benefit most from the lim-ited
available resources. It is this aspect of the triage system that extends beyond the
application of the previously described START triage system.15
Emotional responses, as well as inexperience in assessing injured infants and
children, can interfere with the effective triage of children in a mass-casualty
event. Triage systems based on adult physiological parameters are inappropri-ate
for use in assessing injury severity and prioritizing the care and treatment of
pediatric casualties. For this reason, the Triage Sieve and the START triage sys-
tems have been modified for use in the pediatric population in an
emergency/mass casualty situation.
The Pediatric Triage Tape is an adjunct to the Triage Sieve system.26 The
Pe-diatric Triage Tape applies a principle similar to that of the Broselow
Pediatric Emergency Tape, which uses an infant’s or child’s length to calculate
drug dosage and equipment size for pediatric resuscitation.28 Based on
normative values that relate a child’s height (length) to its weight and age, the
Pediatric Triage Tape correlates a child’s measured length to normal values of
the physi-ological parameters assessed with Triage Sieve. The tape is a vinyl,
waterproof, measurement tool that is placed alongside a supine, pediatric
casualty, from head to heel, to determine his/her length. The tape is divided into
four seg-ments: (1) 50–80 centimeters; (2) 80–100 centimeters; (3) 100–140
centimeters; and (4) >140 centimeters. Each segment or block contains an
appropriate Triage Sieve physiological algorithm. Children >140 centimeters in
length or >10 years of age are triaged as adults. If the child is walking about (the
first assessment in the Triage Sieve system), use of the tape is not needed unless
warranted by a change in the child’s condition. Assessing mobility in
infants/children not walking is performed by determining the child’s alertness
and movement of limbs. The respiratory rate is counted for 15 seconds and
multiplied by four, and the capillary refill time is measured by applying thumb
pressure for three to seven seconds to the forehead or mid-sternum of the infant
or child. Figure 5.6 illustrates the Pediatric Triage Tape algorithms based on
the child’s meas-ured length.
JumpSTART is a modified version of the START triage system developed in
1995 to triage pediatric casualties between 1 and 8 years of age.27 In addition to
the inclusion of pediatric vital signs references for the clinician, JumpSTART
also directs responders to give rescue breaths to pediatric casual-


Able to Walk?
Open Airway
(Yes) (No) Position Upper Breathing?
Airway (Yes) (No)
Palpable Pulse?
(Yes) (No) DEAD
5 Rescue Breaths
Breathing Apneic

Respiratory Rate:
15–45/min <15 or >45/min IMMEDIATE
Palpable Pulse?
Alert, Verbal, Appropriate
Response to Pain?


Figure 5.7: JumpSTART triage algorithm (min = minute)27

ties who are apneic but who have evidence of peripheral circulation. The
JumpSTART triage algorithm is depicted in Figure 5.7.

Triage Tags
Triage tags or triage cards are visual tools that are used to support triage systems and
assist in the identification by other clinicians of a casualty’s allocated triage catego-
ry. Triage tags provide responders with a visual cue to determine the next step
in prioritizing casualties for assessment and management. Additionally, triage tags
pro-vide responders — such as nurses, paramedics, medical officers, and first-aid
respon-ders — a place to document their assessment and any interventions provided.
Various triage tag designs exist; however, all include basic data, such as the
casu-alty’s vital signs, location of injury or illness, critical interventions, and ongoing
treatments, such as medications and intravenous fluids. (Figures 5.8A and 5.8B).
Commonly, triage tags are numbered and are secured directly to a casualty, and not
to his/her clothing. The triage tag number is recorded and given to the Incident
Commander to assist in record-keeping and in determining resource requirements.

Triage Practice Implications: Using Triage Tags

Although triage tags are recommended for all triage situations, Arbon et al 30
demonstrated that they are unlikely to be used by ambulance personnel in deal-


Figure 5.8A: Triage tag example (front) Figure 5.8B: Triage tag example (back)

ing with multiple-casualty triage at the scene of motor vehicular accidents. This
study revealed that it was common for triage tags not to be used based on the
concerns that: (1) they hindered fast and effective assessment and management of
casualties, particularly when re-triaging casualties; and (2) it takes consider-able
time to access the tag, write on it, fold it, and replace it before moving on to the
next casualty. The alternative method involves memorizing the casualty’s
injury/illness and response to management. However, participants stated that
when “more than a handful” of casualties existed, or when there were too many
casualties to permit memorization, they would use triage tags.

Once casualties arrive at the receiving healthcare facility, they undergo an
extensive triage re-assessment.1 This process commonly is undertaken by an ED
nurse and is similar to that of triaging in the prehospital setting, with an aim to
determine healthcare priorities based on the casualty’s current condi-tion and
available resources.
Enormous pressures are placed on the hospital to manage large numbers of
casualties effectively. In these circumstances, the in-hospital triage categories may be
applied in a reverse order. This is termed reverse triage and originally was used
during wartime when soldiers with minimal injuries were treated before those with
severe injuries in order to return them to the battlefield more quickly. Although
this is not the aim of reverse triage in the civilian hospital environment,


the principle of treating less injured victims first has some applicability. 31 For
example, casualties with a low acuity level are likely to be discharged and
advised to seek medical aid at a later point in time, while casualties categorized
as high acuity would be treated promptly. The simple, but fast and effective
management of casualties in these categories may prevent increased morbidity or
mortality. Casualties who, under normal circumstances, would be categorized as
a Priority or Category 1, would be triaged reversely and, thus, treated last, as it
could be perceived that they would require extensive amounts of human and
physical resources to appropriately manage their injury and/or illness. In essence,
reverse triage serves to provide the greatest good for the greatest number.
Similar to prehospital triage categories and systems, in-hospital triage categories
and systems can differ between hospitals and jurisdictions. Institutions generally use
a three-, four-, or five-level triage classification system. Studies suggest that the five-
level triage classification is associated with a high degree of accuracy and inter-rater
reliability. All five-level triage classification systems use the number “1” to
represent patients with the highest acuity, i.e., those patients requiring a time-criti-cal
intervention, and the number “5” to represent those with the lowest level of acu-ity,
i.e., those not requiring a time-critical intervention. Examples of five-level, in-
hospital, triage classification systems include the Australasian Triage Scale (ATS)
used in Australia and New Zealand; the Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS)
used in Canada; the Manchester Triage System used in the United Kingdom; and the
Emergency Severity Index (ESI) used in the United States.

Australasian Triage Scale

The Australasian Triage Scale (ATS) is a triage classification scale based on the
clinical urgency of the presenting casualty. Commonly, the triage scale is deter-
mined through an initial assessment by a triage nurse.2 During this assessment,
the nurse allocates a triage category determined by completing the sentence “This
patient should wait for medical assessment and/or management no longer than
_x_ minutes.” The five categories of the ATS are listed in Table 5.2 along


1 Immediate

2 10 minutes

3 30 minutes

4 60 minutes

5 120 minutes

Table 5.2: Australasian Triage Scale34


with the recommended maximum time frame in which it would be reasonable

and acceptable for a casualty to wait for treatment.

Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale

The Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS) is based on the ATS. This triage
scale has been used within Canadian Emergency Departments since 1999. The
scale is regularly reviewed by a national working group that makes changes to the
scale based on information generated from the national Canadian Emergency
Department Information System, research, and feedback from clinicians.


1 Resuscitation Immediate

2 Emergent 15 minutes

3 Urgent 30 minutes
Less urgent
4 60 minutes
5 Non-urgent 120 minutes

Table 5.3: Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale36

Similar to the ATS, triage is performed by a triage nurse who determines that
“This patient should wait for medical assessment and/or management no longer
than _x_ minutes”. Additionally, this triage scale uses modifiers to assist the
triage nurse in discriminating a person’s presentation among the triage lev-els.
First-order modifiers include vital signs, mechanism of injury, and pain severity,
whereas second-order modifiers are complaint specific. Furthermore, the CTAS
allows for a person’s allocated triage category to be escalated if the person’s wait
time has extended beyond his/her assigned triage level maximum waiting time.
For example, if a person has been allocated a triage level 5, after 120 minutes of
wait time, his/her triage level may be escalated to a 4.
A pediatric version of the CTAS was implemented in 2001 with specific ref-
erence to newborns, infants, children, and adolescents.35 Similar to the adult
version of the CTAS, there are two sets of modifiers to this triage scale. First-
order modifiers include physiological observations; secondary modifiers include
pain, mechanism of injury, glucose level, and temperature. Both the CTAS and
the Pediatric Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale utilize the same descriptors and
maximum waiting time as described in Table 5.3.

Manchester Triage System

The Manchester Triage System was developed by the Manchester, England,


Triage Work Group and is used widely throughout the United Kingdom. With
this system, a triage category is assigned based on the casualty’s signs and
symptoms rather than on a real or potential diagnosis. The signs and symptoms
that are assessed with this system include: life threat, pain, hemor-rhage, level of
consciousness, temperature, and acuity.4

or Yes 1


High-risk Situation?
Confused/Lethargic/Disoriented? Yes
Severe Pain, Distress?

No 2
How Many Different Resources
are Needed?
None One Many

Danger Zone VItals?

5 4 <3m >180 >50
3m–2y >160 >40
2–8y >140 >30
8y >100 >20 %
0 2
R R a



Figure 5.9: Version 2 Emergency Severity Index33 (m = months; y = years; HR =
heart rate; RR = respiratory rate; SaO2 = arterial oxygen saturation)


Emergency Severity Index

The Emergency Severity Index (ESI) is a triage system based on a conceptu-al
model that not only prioritizes victims in order of who should be seen first and
who can wait, but for those who can wait, what resources are required for this
person to be admitted or discharged. This triage system was evaluated at two
university hospitals in the United States.4 Following this trial, some minor
changes, such as the introduction of pediatric values for triage assess-ment, were
made. The revised triage system was termed Version 2 of the ESI, and consists of
five potential triage categories, as outlined in Figure 5.9.33 Like the Manchester
Triage System, the ESI is designed for use in hospital EDs rather than at the site
of a mass-casualty incident or disaster.
The development and use of in-hospital triage is based on many factors, such
as jurisdictional needs and the skills and knowledge of the healthcare profession-
als. One example of the evolution of in-hospital triage is the South African Cape
Triage Score.1 Prior to 2006, no consistent in-hospital triage process existed in
South Africa and triage primarily was based on an individual nurse’s perception
of the needs of the casualty.37 The Cape Triage Group, a multidisciplinary
healthcare team, convened to develop a triage process to be used consistently
throughout South Africa. The end-product was a process that required minimal
intervention to determine a triage category, utilizing a unique tool developed to
suit the South African healthcare system. This tool encompasses a number of
factors, such as mechanism of injury, presentation, pain, and an early warning
score to determine priorities of assessment and management.37


In January 2003, bushfires devastated Canberra, the national capital of Australia. Five
hundred and one homes were destroyed and four people lost their lives. The Canberra
Hospital ED found that the experienced triage nurse performed the triage process more
accurately than did the ED medical officers.

In addition to the load on the ED resources in mass-casualty incidents, other

departments, such as operating theaters or intensive care units, may experience a
demand for their services. Therefore, it is necessary for these departments and
units to undertake their own triage process. Of particular note is the recent
development of various protocols and scoring systems for triaging casualties to
the intensive care unit during an epidemic.39,40 Christian et al 39 established
selection criteria for critical casualties who would benefit from intensive care
therapy, excluding those who are manageable within a gen-


eral medical/surgical ward and those who have a chronic illness with a poor
prognosis. The selection criterion initially is based on the casualty’s respira-
tory or hemodynamic parameters and, secondly, on their sequential organ fail-ure
assessment (SOFA) score. The calculated SOFA score is determined by the
degree of dysfunction of the respiratory, neurological, cardiovascular, hepatic,
renal, and hematological systems. Although, theoretically, this protocol has been
validated, it has had minimal testing in real-life situations. In an analysis of
intensive care unit admissions in one tertiary teaching hospital during 2007, the
retrospective application of these criteria would have resulted in only nine
admissions to the general intensive care unit compared to the 219 casualty
admissions that actually occurred during the period studied. The benefit of
using such defined criteria for admission to the unit is that many intensive care
unit beds would be available for management of the long-term surge capacity
associated with an epidemic.

Triage education and training underpins the triage decisions of healthcare
professionals. To date, triage research has focused on the physiological basis of
triage scales or the comparisons of the performances of healthcare profes-
sionals using triage scales. There is limited evidence regarding the applica-tion
of current theoretical models in real-world triage practice and outcomes.
Anecdotally, it is believed that illustrative triage protocols, guidelines, and
algorithms are useful for the beginning practitioner; however, advanced prac-
titioners report that they tend not to use such tools, but, rather, rely on a
combination of experience, insight, and education. This experience is in-
formed not only by their exposure to disasters, but a variety of challenging
situations, including managing complex clinical casualties, their involvement in
multi-casualty situations, and working in stressful environments. There is a need
for research of the relationship between triage practice, training and education,
triage theories, and outcomes.6 The training and education of triage techniques
are not standardized. This was demonstrated in a study that highlighted
substantial variability in the training and education preparedness of nurses prior
to undertaking the roles and responsibilities of triage.42
No two disasters are the same and no two triage decisions will be the same.
Due to the diversity of situations, casualties, and responders, the deci-sions and
actions undertaken in response to disasters will differ; therefore, triage response
must be flexible. In reflecting on decisions made or actions taken, it is easy to be
critical of an individual’s response; debriefing of those involved in the situation
is extremely important. However, debriefing ses-sions must be in the context of
lessons learned from individual responses rather than in the form of criticisms.


Triage is a challenging and complex process. Disaster triage relies on sorting casu-
alties and setting priorities to facilitate access to appropriate care and maximize
available healthcare resources. Central to the triage process is the classification of
casualties based on the severity of their injuries, thereby ensuring the most effec-tive
response. Triage in the disaster setting occurs in three phases: (1) pre-casualty
contact; (2) at the scene of the incident; and (3) upon arrival at the receiving hos-
pital. Although there are a number of triage systems to support clinician deci-sion-
making, there is a dearth of rigorous research regarding “best practice” triage
systems, particularly in the disaster or mass-casualty setting.

In July 2005, during the morning rush hour, three bombs exploded simultaneously in the
London underground system. This was followed shortly thereafter by a bomb explosion
on a London bus. Using the Triage Sieve and Sort method, over 700 victims were
triaged, treated at the scene, and subsequently transported to hospital emergency
departments within four hours of the explosions.

The London Ambulance Service personnel assessed injured persons at the scene for priority
of treatment and for transportation to emergency departments. Using Triage Sieve and Sort
tags, the injured were transported to five different facilities.

Jason Killen
The London Ambulance Service used triage sieve and sort cards (SMART Triage tags). These cards allow clinicians to base triage decisions on clinical findings and observations rather than the physical appearance
of any patient. The ambulances of the London Ambulance Service carry a number of triage cards, thereby permitting responders in the first ambulance at the scene to commence the triage process. During the July
2005 bombings, insufficient triage cards were available on the first ambulances at each scene, due to the high number of people involved. While additional cards were mobilized to the multiple scenes, Ambulance
paramedics and emergency medical technicians continued the triage process without the additional triage sort element.

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