BALLB Law and Education Question Paper

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CON BALBA -— 1893 B.A.LL.B. (Semester - X) Examination, April 2018 LAW AND EDUCATION Duration : 3 Hours Total Marks : 75 Instructions : 1) Answer any eight questions from Q. No. 1 to 12. (8x8=64) 2) Q. No. 13 and Q. No. 14 are compulsory. 3) Students are advised to incorporate the exact question number in the answer scripts. . Whatis ‘school recognition’ under The Right of Children to Free for Compulsory Education Act (RTE 2009) ? Elaborate on the norms and standards to be followed by school for grant of recognition. . Discuss the role of Supreme Court in aiding birth of ‘Right to Education’ as Fundamental Right. . Discuss the objects of Goa University under 1984 Act. . Define Appropriate Government and elaborate on the rights and duties of Government and Local Authority under RTE 2009 Act. . Examine the Legal Action to be taken by Institution on Ragging cases and state the consequence of non compliance under Anti. Ragging Law. . Goa University Act, 1984 constitutes various Authorities. Discuss their legal powers and functions of Court, Executive and Academic Council. . University Grants Commissions has different powers under the 1956 Act. Elaborate. . “Indian Constitution protects citizen’s ‘Right to Education’ irrespective of the community to which he belongs”. Examine in context with Cultural and Educational Rights. . Define University and examine the definition under UGC Act, 1956. . ‘Education can be the basis of Reasonable Classification’. Examine the statement in context with Right to Equality under Indian Constitution. P.T.O. BALBA - 1893 11. 12. 13. A a State the object of Anti Ragging Law applicable to higher educational institutions and examine the definition of Ragging. ‘Government Grants or affiliation given to minority educational institutions are questions of great significance to such institutions’. Discuss in context with Cultural and Educational Rights. Answer any two of the following : (2x3=6) a) Education and Directive Principles of State Policy. b) Define School under RTE 2009 Act. ¢) Quality Education. . Answer any two of the following : (2x2.5=5) i) Transfer of education from State list to concurrent list. ii) Anti Ragging Committee. iii) Composition of University Grants Commission.

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