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Essential Histories Campaigns of the Norman Conquest OSPREY Matthew Bennett BUBLISHIN First publshed in Great itan in 2001 by Osprey Pbihing, ims Court. Chapel Way Botley. Oxford OX2 SL? Emaitnfo@ospreypublstingcom © 2001 Osprey Pubisting Limited All ights reserved, Apart fom ary far deaing fo the purpose ‘of private study researc, crtcism or review. as permitted under the Copyright. Desgn anc Patents Act, 1988 no part of ts publication may be reproduced stored na retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by ary means electone electrical chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or ‘otherwise, without the prior wetten permision of tre copyright ‘owner Enquiries should be made to the Publishers Every attempt has heen made by the Publisher to secure the appropriate persons for material reproduced nth book. If ‘there has been any oversight we willbe hapay to rectify the situation and wtten submission should be made to the Publishers, ISBN | 641762288 Editor: Rebecea Culen Design: Ken Vall Graphic Design. Cambridge, UK Cartography by The Map Studio Index by Michael Forder Pture research by image Select Intemational Origination by Grasmere Digital maging Leeds, UK Panted and bound in China by L Rex Printing Company Lie O12 03 OF OS 10987654321 For a complet list of tiles avaiable from Osprey Publishing please contact: Osprey Direct UK, PO Box 140, \WWelingborough, Northants, NNB 42, UK Ema nfo@ospreydirectcouk Osprey Direct USA. de Motortooks interationa PO Box | (Osceola. vl 54020-0001, USA. Email nfe@ospreydvecusacom “ Contents Introduction Chronology Background to war Danes, Normans and the English royal succession Warring sides Harold and William: the war lords Outbreak Preparations and motivations The fighting Two invasions, one conquest Portrait of a soldier Viking legend, English ‘patriot’, and two Norman earls The world around war Politics, strategy, the Church and administration Portrait of a civilian Three bishops: saint, architect and ‘warrior’; and a queen How the war ended The Conqueror's reign Conclusion and consequences The English experience: law, culture and society Glossary Further reading Index 24 35 6l 64 7 78 8! 91 93 94

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