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The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a

non-ambulatory patient with Duchenne muscular


Kaitiana Martins da Silva1, Douglas Martins Braga2, Ricardo Cristian Hengles3, Allan Rogers Venditi
Beas4, Fernanda Moraes Rocco5

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive disease. The inability to walk is common
in early adolescence, and with the restriction to a wheelchair at this stage of the disease, the
wheelchair becomes the patient’s only form of locomotion. Their agility in the wheelchair is a key
factor for the functional independence of these individuals. Objective: The objective of this study
was to verify the impact of aquatic therapy on non-ambulatory children with DMD. Method: This
study has a prospective, interventional, clinical character. The patient underwent ten sessions of
aquatic therapy as an intervention, using the following assessment tools: EgenKlassifikation scale,
zigzag agility test, oxygen saturation (SatO2), respiratory rate (RR), forced vital capacity (FVC), tidal
volume (TV), minute volume (MV), peak cough flow (PCF), and maximal inspiratory (PImax) and
maximal expiratory (PEmax) pressures. The intervention protocol of aquatic therapy was defined
focusing on the agility in maneuvering the wheelchair. Results: Improvement in agility was ob-
served in moving wheelchair, maintenance of the EK scale score, and a decrease in TV, MV, and
PCF. Conclusion: The results showed that for this patient, aquatic therapy may intervene positively
in his mobile agility in the wheelchair.

Keywords: child, hydrotherapy, muscular dystrophy duchenne

Physical therapist, Acadêmica da Especialização
Intervenção em Neuropediatria - UFSCar (Academy
for Specialization in Neuropediatrics Intervention -
Physical therapist, Aquatic Physical Therapy Sector
at the Associação de Assistência à Criança Deficiente
(Association for Assisting Children with Disabilities).
Physical therapist, Aquatic Physical Therapy
Sector at the Association for Assisting Children with
Physical therapist, Aquatic Physical Therapy
Sector at the Association for Assisting Children with
Physiatrist, Coordinator at the Neuromuscular
Disease Clinic of the Association for Assisting
Children with Disabilities.

Mailing address:
Kaitiana Martins da Silva

Received on May 5, 2012.

Accepted on June 1, 2012.

DOI: 10.5935/0104-7795.20120009


9 - RC - The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchennemuscular dystrophy.indd 42 28/02/2013 17:27:14
Acta Fisiatr. 2012;19(1):42-5 Silva KM, Braga DM, Hengles RC, Beas ARV, Rocco FM
The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

INTRODUCTION The sample was composed of a 12-year- each session, totaling 10 sessions of aquat-
old male patient, diagnosed with DMD cor- ic physiotherapy.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is roborated by data collected from his clinical The intervention consisted of a protocol
a genetic disease, connected to the X chro- history. The subject had not been able to of exercises focusing on agility in the wheel-
mosome, recessive, and characterized by the walk for 2 years, was cooperative during the chair. At the beginning of the therapy, pas-
absence of the dystrophin protein. The in- application of the evaluation instruments, sive mobilization and exercises were prac-
cidence of DMD is approximately 1 in every was not participating in any rehabilitation ticed to improve the flexibility of the upper
3,500 boys, making it the most common dys- program, and had no associated diseases. and lower limbs and trunk. Later, active ex-
trophy in infancy.1-2 Before the beginning of the study, the ercises for the upper and lower limbs were
The first symptoms of the disease appear volunteer and the person responsible for him practiced using only the water resistance,
in infancy at around the age of three. The loss were duly informed about the procedures to followed by respiratory exercises. Finally,
of deambulation occurs on average between be done. After they agreed to participate in there was training of the function placing a
9 and 13 years of age, the incapacity to walk the study, the person responsible signed a wheelchair inside the pool, where the pa-
occurs at the beginning of adolescence, being Free and Informed Consent form. tient touched the chair with immersion level
attributed to a set of situations such as loss of The subject was submitted to evalua- at the xiphoid process.
muscular strength, respiratory complications, tions before and after the aquatic physio- For the data analysis, the Microsoft Excel
and weight gain.3 therapy intervention protocol; during the program was used, with the best reading ob-
During the non-ambulatory phase, the evaluations and tests the subject was posi- tained during the evaluations and percentage
children are restricted to wheelchairs, for it is tioned in his wheelchair, which had no mod- to verify the pre and post-procedure data. It
frequently the only way of locomotion. Agility ification and/or adaptation for the applica- was confirmed that he maintained the EK
in the wheelchair is a fundamental factor for tion of the evaluation. scale scores, indicating that the subject did
functional independence, and it is described For an evaluation instrument, we used not show any modification in his degree of
as the capacity to change the direction of the the Egen Classification Scale (EK), made of functional affliction for daily life activities, for
body or its parts quickly. It is a neuromotor 10 questions and developed to quantify the he kept his same 12-point score in the pre-
variable, characterized by quick to-and-fro and degree of functional limitation of patients and post intervention.
direction changes and shifting of the center of with DMD in the advanced phase. The score Observing the data (Table 1) obtained at
gravity of the whole body or part of it, such as varies from 0 to 30, with 30 indicating greater the beginning and end of the proposed treat-
movements that include changes in direction.4 disability.7 ment, there was a significant decrease in the
Agility in a wheelchair provides mobility, The evaluation of agility was made by RF, MV, FV, and PCF variables. As for the SaO2
comfort, and freedom, favoring the inde- the zigzag agility test, which is a course in a and Ipmax, there was an increase compared
pendence of the individual enhancing the rectangle measuring 6 m by 9 m, where the to the pre-intervention period. The Epmax
functional capacity for the execution of daily child travels the distance in his wheelchair, and FCV did not change. In relation to agility
activities.5 making the direction changes (zigzags) at his (Figure 1) we noticed that after the interven-
Many times, these individuals cannot top speed.8 tion there was an increase in the speed of
perform certain activities on the ground, At the beginning and end of the treat- movement with the wheelchair.
so the aquatic environment is a place favo- ment, the Minute Volume (MV), the Flow
red for the physical properties of water, so Volume (FV), and the Forced Vital Capacity DISCUSSION
through it we can facilitate the movements, (FVC) were analyzed after being obtained
and depending on the objective pursued, through a Ferraris Respirometer, Wright The results found for MV, FV, and PCF
these patients experience an ease of functio- MK ventilometer. The peak cough flow probably relate to the natural evolution of
nal movements, in addition to experiencing (PCF) was measured with the Wright® ex- the pathology. Due to the inherent charac-
different postures.6 piratory flow gauge, the oxygen saturation teristics of DMD, we can consider that the
The present study aimed to verify the ef- (SaO2) was verified by the portable finger classification adopted for improvement or
fect of aquatic physiotherapy on the agility of pulse and oximeter type Nonin Onix 9500®. maintenance of the data obtained indicates
a child with a clinical diagnosis of non-ambu- The Maximum Inspiratory Pressure (Ip- positive responses, since any worsening does
latory DMD. max) and the Maximum Expiratory Pres- not necessarily mean a negative effect, if this
sure (Epmax) were measured through a is slower than the one described in the natu-
Presentation of the clinical case GeRar® manovacuometer. The Respiratory ral evolution of the disease.9 According to the
This is an interventional, prospective, Frequency (RF) was obtained by the quan- literature, a progressive decline in pulmonary
clinical case study with blind evaluator, de- tification of the number of breaths made function almost always begins after the res-
veloped in the aquatic physiotherapy sector during 1 minute. triction to a wheelchair, with the association
of the Association for Assisting Children with Three measurements of each one of of increasing respiratory insufficiency and the
Disabilities (AACD - Ibirapuera) that follows the variables mentioned above were made, inefficiency of the cough.10
the ethical principles for human research, in with the interval of one minute between Studies on aquatic physiotherapy for
accordance with resolution 196/96 of the Na- them, with the highest reading being con- this group of patients are scarce. Some au-
tional Health Council. It was analyzed and ap- sidered. The procedure was performed thors observed significant alterations in the
proved by the Ethics and Research Commit- in a covered swimming pool heated to inspiratory and expiratory maximum pres-
tee from AACD, with Opinion No. 10/2011. the temperature of 32°C, for 60 minutes sures, and slight alterations in the readings


9 - RC - The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchennemuscular dystrophy.indd 43 28/02/2013 17:27:14
Acta Fisiatr. 2012;19(1):42-5 Silva KM, Braga DM, Hengles RC, Beas ARV, Rocco FM
The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Table 1. Respiratory Parameters obtained in the study is a relevant factor

Variables Pre-Intervention Post-Intervention % during the functionality of these individuals.
SaO2 93 96 3%
In addition to the direct effects of mus-
cular dystrophy, increasing with the effort re-
RF 35 25 -29%
quired to perform activities, the fear of falling
IPmax -40.00 -45 11%
off the wheelchair, and the use of personal
EPmax 35 35 0% devices indirectly damage the body functions
MV 12.50 10.55 -16% resulting in disuse. Low intensity physical
FV 0.567 0.519 -8% training could oppose this secondary phy-
FVC 2.950 2.950 0% sical deterioration.2 Aquatic physiotherapy
PCF 190 150 -21%
offers the advantages of the water’s physical
properties, which many times facilitates ac-
It shows the pre and post-intervention readings for the respiratory parameters
tive movement. Being considered as a low
to moderate intensity therapy, it does not
create any physical overload to children with
DMD, and provides improvement of their
functional capacity.

This study shows that for this patient,
aquatic physiotherapy can positively influen-
ce his agility in operating the wheelchair.
We observed that specific tests are fun-
damental to analyzing the treatment and
through this work we sought to stimulate
new studies, so we suggest an increase in the
sample size. However, the data obtained in
this study may be a reference for new studies
on this non-ambulatory group.
Figure 1. Zigzag agility test. It shows the time in seconds during the zigzag agility test at the pre and post intervention moments

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9 - RC - The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchennemuscular dystrophy.indd 44 28/02/2013 17:27:14
Acta Fisiatr. 2012;19(1):42-5 Silva KM, Braga DM, Hengles RC, Beas ARV, Rocco FM
The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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9 - RC - The impact of aquatic therapy on the agility of a non-ambulatory patient with Duchennemuscular dystrophy.indd 45 28/02/2013 17:27:14

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