Zapin Dance

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Zapin is one of the traditional Malay dances that have been practicing up till now, generations by
generations. It is believed that, the zapin dance was introduced by Muslim Arabians from the
Middle East in the fourteenth century. Back then, only Malay men were allowed to perform the
dance while Malay women are advised to not to in order to maintain the social boundaries.
However, today, zapin has been practicing both genders, men and women. Zapin is most famous
and viral in the state of Johor, Pahang and Selangor in Malaysia.

Zapin dance used to be performed primarily for religious ceremonies but as time past by it has
become a form of traditional entertainment. As the dancer dance, traditional percusions or
instruments are used to play the background music such as gambus, accordion, rebab, marwas or
known as bongo , traditional drum rebana and dok.


It is believed to have been introduced by Arab, Muslim missionaries from the Middle East in the
fourteenth century. In the old days, only males were allowed to perform; nowadays, female
dancers are included. ... There are numerous types of zapin, and each type varies by the
movement and style of dance: Zapin Api (Riau)


1. Improves Physical Health

Zapin dance is a great form of exercise, and a love of dance from an early age can help motivate
kids to stay active as they grow into adults. Zapin dance increase child’s flexibility, range of
motion, physical strength and stamina. As well as promoting overall health, enhanced
development in these areas can help kids with sports and other activities at school and beyond.

2. Enhances Emotional Development

When a children experience a joy of Zapin dance, he or she learns about expressing themselves
in a way that’s beneficial to their physical and mental health. This expression provides a
structured outlet for a healthy physical and emotional release that helps develop emotional
maturity. By giving children the freedom to channel their emotions and energies in a safe
environment, their self-esteem and confidence will increase significantly.

3. Encourages Socialization

Zapin dance is a highly social activity. The dance includes working as part of a team which helps
to develop a greater sense of trust and cooperation, and make new friends. In the dance, children
interact with other dancers and often develop lifelong friendship with those dancers. Dance
friends are forever friends!

4. Encourages Creativity

Zapin dance encourage children to be more creative and to express themselves in many ways.
By encouraging creativity and imagination, children learn to build trust, effective relationships,
and how to think critically. Early childhood is the best period for the development of creativity,
and creative problem solving will serve your child for life.

5. Enhances Cognitive Development

Zapin dance allows children to learn self-discipline and time management. As they get older,
dancer must learn how to balance school, dance, extracurricular activities, and their social life.
The dedication, discipline and focus children learn and practice in dance classes are important
life skills that will transfer over to school, work and other aspects of their lives.


In zapin, the steps are followed by the music and count 1, 2, 3 and 4. On the count of 4, the
dancer’s leg are spread out depends on the last count side. It can be done at one place or back
and forth or even diamond steps. When doing the count steps, the upper body must be in straight
position. The act of dancers are like interacting among themselves, teasing or enjoying the music
and dance within their own partners.
Zapin Dance

Faris A.I (2015). Zapin Dance as from Malaysia. Arts of Body Motion. Retrieved from: on 4th
October, 2018.

Ways Children Benefit From Dance Classes. 17:36, October 4, 2018, from https://dan celondon

Wikipedia contributors. (2017, November 15). Zapin. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Retrieved 17:36, October 4, 2018, from

Zapin Dance. Retrieved from:

/zapin/zapin.htm on 4th October, 2018.

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