The Next Generation of Wireless:: 5G Leadership in The U.S

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The Next

of Wireless:
5G Leadership
in the U.S.

Thomas K. Sawanobori
SVP and Chief Technology Officer, CTIA
February 9, 2016
Source: Volvo Cars

Entire industries, from

agriculture to transportation,
will be transformed to be
more capable, efficient, and
intelligent. That’s the promise of
the next-generation of wireless
technology, known as 5G.
Wireless connectivity touches every aspect of our daily lives today, but we are just
scratching the surface of its consumer benefits. Imagine a future where nearly
everything is connected to ubiquitous, very high-speed wireless networks. Imagine
enjoying enriched entertainment while riding to work in a self-driving car, doctors that
monitor patients’ vital signs remotely in real-time, and communities that are smarter and
more connected.

Entire industries, from agriculture to the wireless ecosystem evolves from

transportation, will be transformed 4G LTE to 5G. U.S. carriers including Responsiveness
to be more capable, efficient, and AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint, US
intelligent. That’s the promise of Cellular, and suppliers, including
the next-generation of wireless Ericsson, Nokia, Intel, QUALCOMM, Three Key
technology, known as 5G. Samsung, Cisco, Microsoft, Motorola, Consumer
CommScope, HP, and others are Benefits Speed
United States leadership in this next-
generation of wireless is critical. We partnering to drive foundational 5G of 5G
are a global leader in 4G LTE. 99.6% activities on technology and global
of Americans now have access to a 4G standards-setting fronts. One U.S.
operator has announced trials of 5G Connect
LTE network,1 thanks to nearly $150 Everything
billion invested since 20102 by wireless networks; others are working hard on
operators large and small. technical requirements and standards.

That means nearly every American can The advanced US trials, the standards Specifically, this paper explores
access mobile broadband at speeds process commitment, and the science three key aspects – speed,
up to tens of Mbs a second. and engineering are critical to 5G connection ubiquity, and immediacy
efforts. The technical development – of 5G networks that will transform
This 4G LTE leadership has paid of 5G is evidenced by the significant consumers’ wireless experience and
dividends throughout the U.S. amount of literature and papers enable a fully-connected mobile
economy and our mobile ecosystem. produced by Next Generation Mobile life. We also provide clear steps
Licensed wireless service generates Networks,3 4G Americas,4 Ericsson,5 policymakers can take to help maintain
over $400 billion in annual economic Nokia,6 Samsung, QUALCOMM, Intel, U.S. wireless leadership and support
activity and every wireless industry job and others. Leading operators have future 5G investment.
results in another 6.5 people finding been very active in 4G Americas
employment. American entrepreneurs In particular, current spectrum planning
defining requirements for 5G including
capture 91% of the world’s mobile app by the Federal government needs to
AT&T, T-Mobile, and Sprint.7 Next
downloads, and U.S. companies run account for the increased demand
Generation Mobile Networks has
the operating systems on 9 out of 10 that is projected for mobile broadband
key representatives from around
smartphones worldwide. services; working with stakeholders,
the globe including AT&T, Sprint,
the Administration and the FCC must
Other countries have seen our 4G T-Mobile, Verizon, and US Cellular.8
not only keep on track with respect
LTE success and want to seize the Signals Ahead has published a paper
to current efforts, but must also
mantle of 5G leadership. South “Understanding the Ins and Outs of
identify new bands capable of being
Korean carriers have announced the 5G Use Cases” examining 72 use
auctioned and develop a timetable
trials at the Winter Olympics in cases possible with 5G. CTIA’s focus is
for those auctions. Along with smart
2018, and Japanese operators plan on what 5G will mean for consumers,
infrastructure and siting policies,
to demonstrate 5G in 2020 at the the benefits consumers will experience
as well as wise R&D investments,
Summer Olympics in Tokyo. The EU with 5G networks, and how public
more focused spectrum re-allocation
has committed 700M Euro to 5G R&D. policy can advance these consumer
planning will be vital to robust
The U.S. wireless industry is committed development and deployment of 5G in
to maintaining our global leadership as the U.S.
5G “5G is about more than faster mobile services – it will enable new use cases related to the
Internet of Things.” • Rima Qureshi, SVP and Chief Strategy Officer, Ericsson

The Evolution Of Wireless Networks

Wireless has evolved significantly over the last thirty years. With every
generation of technology new consumer benefits are unleashed and we
become one step closer to our connected life future.
In 1981, the first generation of wireless (1G) gave us analog wireless voice,
connecting Americans on the go for the first time. 2G enabled digital voice,
increased capacity, and introduced text messaging in the 1990s.
3G brought us the first true wireless data in the 2000s, giving consumers
access to the Internet everywhere they go. And 4G LTE, first deployed in
2010, has delivered the ubiquitous high-speed wireless broadband we enjoy
today, unlocking the potential of mobile video and so much more innovation.
Today’s 4G LTE networks offer consumer speeds of 10-20 Mb/s on average,9
with network latency – the time it takes between a consumer’s request for
data and when that data arrives back at their device – is approximately 50
milliseconds end-to-end (including 10 millisecond air link). 4G LTE networks
offer a device density of approximately 2000 active devices per square kilo-
meter, which has helped support the introduction of the Internet of Things.
Thanks to these advances, and the mobile innovation that rides on those
networks, consumers have embraced 4G LTE wireless service. Mobile data
use keeps growing, and the trend lines are daunting, with a six-fold growth
in traffic expected by the end of the decade.
While we are focused here on longer-term developments, the 4G LTE plat-
form will continue to evolve and carriers will continue to innovate at break-
neck speed with network capabilities like carrier aggregation to provide
more capacity and increased download speeds, voice over LTE (VoLTE) for
a higher quality voice experience, and Rich Communications Services (RCS)
for video chatting and enriched messaging. Operators throughout the U.S.
including AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, US Cellular and others are aggres-
sively working to implement new capabilities. Carriers in the US are laying
the strong foundation for 5G today with 4G LTE. Leading U.S. operators
have been deploying wide band carriers and two carrier aggregation for the
last couple of years. Beyond that operators are doing more. For example,
T-Mobile is employing new spectrum, 3 carrier aggregation, and new service
North American capabilities to make 4G LTE a great platform for serving usage and meeting
Mobile Network Life Cycles
In Years
Incline Arrow 1G 2G 3G 4G 5G
Years to Peak

Decline Arrow


Peak to End





of Life 9

1981 1991 1998 2010 2017 [Estimated]

consumer needs.10 Sprint is upgrading its network to LTE Plus with 3 carrier
aggregation and believes 4G LTE will be the ‘foundational layer’ for what
5G becomes.11 Wireless carriers are also leveraging new capabilities in low
power, less expensive 4G LTE chipsets to foster greater growth in the IoT.
Thanks to these advances in 4G LTE technology, consumers’ wireless expe- Consumer Benefits of 5G

rience will continue to improve significantly even before the rollout of next By the Numbers
generation technology and services.
Yet we stand on the cusp of a significant new development in the wireless

industry: 5G. Standards will be developed by 2018, and the U.S. wireless
industry expects to rollout 5G services the following few years. Some have

suggested commercial rollout will start before 2020 with early versions of
the standards.
More Devices
5G is not just another evolution in wireless technology, 5G will be a
game-changer for consumers. Here’s why.

Key Consumer Benefits
5G will benefit wireless consumers in three key ways:
• 5G will be very fast, even in densely populated areas. More Responsive
• 5G will connect everything, supporting the Internet of Things.
• 5G will be real-time, minimizing delays in network response and enabling
entirely new services and applications.

384 Kbps [2000]
100 Mbps [2010]
>1 Gbps [2020+]

5G: Very Fast

Each generation of wireless technologies leapfrogs the capabilities of the
prior generation, and the most tangible change is a significant increase in
network speed. 5G will be no exception.
Our 4G LTE networks are fast, with speeds that can approach ~100 Mb/s
peak rates. But thanks to innovations like millimeter (mm) wave technology,
5G networks will be extremely fast – generating a throughput more than 10
times faster, potentially over 1 Gb/s – particularly in dense urban locations
and initially likely in localized “hot spots.” Indeed, technology leaders
such as Samsung,12 Ericsson,13 Nokia,14 Intel,15 QUALCOMM,16 and others are
demonstrating and testing 5G speeds in excess of 1 Gb/s in initial testing
and collaboration with industry players.
5G “5G will really change the game, and I think it will be another spike of growth in the
wireless industry.” • Lowell McAdam, Chairman and CEO, Verizon

The 5G revolution in data speeds Very high speed broadband to businesses, train stations, airports,
campuses, public venues, stadiums, shopping malls, or other
will unleash a host of consumer
benefits, including:
It is envisioned that 5G will be best suited to handle traffic where there is
considerable demand and a high concentration of users.
All consumers have experienced the challenge of posting a photo or
making a phone call from a crowded stadium or event. 5G will not
only provide faster peak speeds, it is designed to handle highly dense
environments and will provide a consistent very fast speed consumer
Specifically with the capacity gains from 5G, consumers will be able to
experience 5G without a diminution in speed or quality.17 For businesses
in particular, this high speed connectivity can improve connectedness with
employees who work remotely or travel frequently and reduce operating
Beyond these venues, 5G is suitable for fixed wireless connectivity. It
can provide businesses and residences with very high speed wireless
broadband. 5G can provide these capabilities indoors and outdoors.

Movies, video, and other media New video applications

The average consumer usage patterns have 5G will enable fast access to ultra HD elements. 22
changed dramatically with 4G LTE. Internet content including 4K and 8K video. The For example, attending a football
browsing, social media, and video drive the benefits of Ultra HD will be especially game in the future could be enriched
majority of consumer usage on smartphones.19 compelling on tablets, laptops, and by having access to ultra HD content
Consumers now spend an average of 2.8 hours other larger screen devices. from a variety of perspectives –
per day with mobile content thanks to LTE High speed wireless connections quarterback, defensive player, or
speeds and functionalities.20 will also revolutionize gaming and coach, among others. These could
Downloading a movie or large file can still take entertainment, providing an immersive be provided to enhance the stadium
minutes if not longer. experience that allows users to experience for viewers with equipped
actively interact with simulated devices.
Very high speed hotspots can enable rapid
downloads of movies and video, or streaming
to a smart device, tablet, or laptop, faster than
ever before. Nokia, for example, promises
speeds fast enough to download a 3-D movie in
seconds, compared to several minutes over 4G
LTE, or more than an hour on 3G.21
5G: Connecting Everything
5G will be much more than faster speeds. 5G promises consumers a more
connected wireless network with much higher device density, enabling the connectivity
of virtually all of our physical world. 5G will provide the scale for wireless networks to
support billions of sensors, wearables, and devices that will unlock new innovations and
While 4G LTE provides a solid foundation for IoT where advancements are
being made to 4G LTE with lower cost, lower power chipsets to support IoT,
the wireless network of today ultimately has a connection density limitation
that needs to be addressed to support the massive number of active
sensors, wearables, and connected devices.
Specifically, the massive number of new wireless Internet of Things (IoT)
devices – nearly 28 billion in total and roughly 1.5B M2M and consumer
connected wireless (cellular) devices by 2021, will ultimately need a
technology upgrade.23 The limitations in today’s technology could impact
the responsiveness a consumer perceives in accessing the network. 5G
will be able to support massive connection density, possibly on the order of
100 times greater than 4G LTE.
Consumers can expect an array of connected devices with 5G networks,

Smart Cities
• Infrastructure – remote monitoring of roads,
Cities are looking to use wireless technology and the IoT to create impactful bridges, buildings, parks, and venues
solutions for their citizens.
 itizen convenience – real-time traffic
Many consumers today rely on applications like Waze that provide real-time information including consideration of traffic lights
information. Imagine sensors that provide automatic real-time information and smart parking, in which you can find a spot
on parking, traffic, and every other facet of your daily life. Intelligent and reserve one
systems can help route you optimally to your destination and direct you to
• P ublic transportation – digital signage to let
the most convenient parking location.
commuters know when the next bus or train will
To make smart cities a reality for consumers, operators are forming arrive
alliances with technology companies, industry leaders, and universities to
• P ublic safety – manage traffic patterns of
create a framework for smart cities and more connected communities.
pedestrians at stadiums, parks, and busy
For example, AT&T is partnering with Cisco, Deloitte, Ericsson, GE, IBM, intersections. Alerts of incidents such as a
Intel, and Qualcomm in cities such as Atlanta. In addition to enabling shooting could enable better response and
wireless connectivity to things like utility meters, street lights, and water improved safety.24
systems. The new framework will enable new categories such as:
While sensor networks are already starting to
AT&T is also developing a new digital dashboard—the Smart City Network
enable smart cities, 5G will also greatly expand the
Operation Center—which will provide a comprehensive overview of public
number of sensor devices, optimizing traffic and
infrastructure and conditions. This will offer cities a dashboard view of how
parking. As just one example, 5G will make flexible
assets are performing in near-real time. City officials also will be able to
bus management possible, allowing bus stops and
keep tabs on power outages, water leaks, traffic issues, and more – all from
people to tell buses when people are waiting, and
one location.
bus drivers to skip empty stops or send more buses
5G’s higher throughput and lower latency is expected to enable such when demand is high.25
solutions. Capabilities like these can enable cleaner, more efficient cities

5G Using 5G to Improve
Case Study with better use of city resources. Global smart city economic benefits are
estimated to range from $644B-1.2T by 2025. 26

Urban Transportation Wearables and Tag Devices

With 5G, wearables and tag devices devices that not only record
are expected to become more exercise performance and make
prevalent. Wearables remain in recommendations, but also can send
their infancy – just 21% of adults real-time vital heath statistics (like
have a fitness device today27 – but brain function, heartbeat, and blood
the opportunities are vast. The pressure) to healthcare experts to
projected annual value of wearables prevent emergencies before they
is $600B globally by 2025.28 happen.29
Unlike today’s devices, however, Tag devices (which allow individuals
future 5G wearables will be fully to stay in constant connection
connected devices – in other words, with valuable items or loved ones)
devices that do not need to be tied present a host of potential consumer
to a smartphone to connect to the uses: tracking and monitoring
Internet. bicycles, motorcycles, pets,
Samsung, for example, is developing briefcases, handbags, keys, and
connected healthcare and fitness even children.
Ericsson’s Connected Mobility Arena project,
designs prototype 5G-enabled solutions
addressing mass transportation impacts. Automotive
Initial use cases will focus on improving the
The auto industry has already alert the driver that engine cleaning
transport of people and goods through Driver
leveraged 4G LTE for entertainment, is recommended and allow the driver
Assistance (providing real-time recommenda-
information, and safety in vehicles to schedule an appointment. More
tions for drivers to improve travel efficiency)
across the country. But even as serious concerns such as low tire
and Semi- and Fully Automated vehicles.
in-car 4G LTE use continues, 5G pressure could direct the driver to the
promises real-time vehicle solutions nearest service station.
With Driver Assistance, bus drivers will be with richer information and safety Vehicle broadband access could
instructed in real time how long to wait to options. also include video streaming,
pick up passengers, and passengers can be For instance, vehicle broadband video downloads, music and audio,
instructed which bus to take and when. The access can enable maintenance- broadband Internet access, and
resulting efficiencies will lower costs for con- type notifications for vehicle new emerging applications such as
sumers and reduce environmental impacts. servicing needs. Instead of a simple virtual or augmented reality.
Likewise, Semi- and Fully Automated vehicles ‘check engine’ light, a sensor could
will be able to use “vehicle platooning” to
have vehicles coordinate braking and accel-
eration, which will increase road capacity Smart Homes
and reduce traffic congestion.
With 5G, our homes will continue to grow smarter through enhanced home
security (remote video security monitoring and controls; wireless-controlled
While these 5G solutions will evolve from door locks), and smart appliances (refrigerators that notify you when low
existing technologies, they will include on certain products). New technology will enable much higher throughputs
Quality of Service requirements that specify which can enable multiple high resolution cameras and other sensors to be
the maximum network delay and/or minimum connected and remotely monitored.
guaranteed throughput.
5G “[W]e see 5G as a big step forward … You can call it a revolution, it’s definitely not
incremental change.” • Matt Grob, CTO, Qualcomm

M-Health and Telemedicine

The next generation of wireless remote monitoring. For instance,
technology will unlock the potential of researchers at the University of
mHealth and telemedicine. Already Virginia are working to transform type
today, remote diagnostic vital signs 1 diabetes management by introducing
are being trialed and utilized, but with an “artificial pancreas” solution, which
a wireless network that can connect will automatically monitor patients’
consumers’ body sensors with health blood-sugar levels and deliver insulin
care facilities, consumers will see as needed. The system will use a
improvements in health care outcomes body sensor to report insulin levels
and efficiency gains. to a smartphone app, which will then
For instance, sensors for health analyze the data and wirelessly control
monitoring are going to be more a wearable insulin pump. 30 In the future,
prevalent, with automated reporting to a high resolution images and video can hospitals for diagnosis and treatment
doctor’s office or nurses’ station. These be used by doctors to rapidly and en route. The potential global benefits
advances will improve safety, health, cost-effectively diagnose problems are considerable, including longer lives
and efficiency. and affect quicker medical outcomes. and the improved quality of those lives, 31
Emergency medical teams may transmit estimated to reach somewhere between
In the area of health monitoring, there high resolution images to doctors in $700B and $1.2 T globally by 2025. 32
are many opportunities for improved,

Smart Grid Smart grid technology provides

The energy area will expand from meter reading and collecting to the three main consumer benefits:
smart grid opportunity. Projections indicate that smart grid modernization
investments could total $1.3T over the next 15 years. Wireless connections ➊ keeps the lights on by enabling overhaul of the
will enable monitoring of the grid, particularly in the distribution network. grid system; ensuring the grid grows to meet
Substations will require wired connections, but sensors deployed expected increases; and limiting brownouts /
throughout the distribution network and on remote meters will enable blackouts / surges;
the utilities to better serve customers. Companies such as Sprint are ➋ lowers energy costs by giving consumers’ control
already deploying solutions for smart grid for companies such as Tollgrade over their usage and facilitating troubleshooting;
Communications, a global leader of Smart Grid Sensors with Predictive and
Grid® Analytics. 33
➌ helps secure energy independence by enabling
full scale vehicle charging, focusing on renewable

Industrial and Other IoT Examples

Agriculture is another area where produce and products that are will inform public safety personnel
IoT has great potential. Sensors with produced using more efficient farming of the status of threats and help
wireless connectivity for crop fields can methods. All told, economic benefits coordinate response tactics.
help optimize growing and minimize in agriculture are estimated in the Hardened wireless cameras may be
use of water and fertilizers through $53-341B range annually. 35 used to provide video of fire status
more targeted application. Livestock Public safety is a key area where around walls and inside buildings.
can be monitored remotely, as can IoT can deliver benefits in terms of 5G will help public safety save
tanks and other farm equipment, improved disaster and emergency lives through better responses to
making farming more efficient. services and improved crime detection emergencies, and economic benefits
Consumers will benefit from fresher and monitoring. Wireless connections range from $38-72B annually. 36
Source: Volvo Cars

Reduced latency has significant real-world implications.

For instance, it would take about 4.6 feet for a 4G car to apply its
brakes. Just an inch for a 5G car to do so, helping avoid collisions
and accidents.

1 Inch


4.6 Feet
5G: Real-Time
5G also promises a marked improvement in wireless network lag time –
enabling faster communications.
4G LTE latency rates – the technical term for the delay between your
request for data and when your mobile device receives it – are low, roughly
10 milliseconds over-the-air; 50 milliseconds end-to-end. This enables
consumers to have good quality voice over IP (VoIP) calls and video calls
with little delay or jitter. 5G latency rates will be even lower – targeted to
be five to ten times lower. 37
This reduction in latency may seem inconsequential, but a near real-
time consumer wireless experience will enable a host of benefits and
applications not possible today.
The real-time abilities of 5G will unlock:

Vehicle Safety and Collision Avoidance

Automobiles will increasingly use There are some unique
sensors and collision avoidance applications of Vehicle-to-
capabilities to alert the drivers to Vehicle (V2V) communications,
stay in lanes, avoid collisions, and to including: intersection movement
contact emergency services in the assistance, left hand turn assist,
event of an accident. and emergency electronic brake
Sensing with vehicles at speed lights (for poor visibility). In addition,
requires very low latency and V2V communications can enhance
the real-time nature of 5G should forward collision warnings, blind spot
provide such capabilities. With the and collision warnings, and do-not-
reduced latency of a fully optimized pass warnings. While there are some Source: Volvo Cars

ideal 5G network, a self-driving car Direct Short Range Communications

travelling at roughly 60 mph will (DSRC) technologies being
move just over one inch from the evaluated, 5G may play a role in the
time it identifies an obstacle to the future.
time when the braking command V2V safety applications have the
is executed. This performance is potential to prevent or reduce the
comparable to a standard anti-lock severity of up to 80% of non-alcohol-
braking system. related crashes. 39 5G, with its device
By contrast, with the latency on a 4G density and real-time capabilities,
LTE network, the car would move 4.6 has the potential to advance V2V
feet under the same conditions. 38 features.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

5G has the potential to dramatically change consumer uses and
experiences with respect to enriched medical training, education,
entertainment, and retail by enabling real-time interactions that take place
wirelessly, without visual delay. Virtual reality is becoming available to
consumers today with the launch of products such as Samsung’s Gear VR,40
Microsoft HoloLens,41 Oculus Rift, Sony Playstation VR, and HTC Vive Pre.42

5G Verizon VGo Robotic

Case Study These virtual and augmented reality applications will be enabled by the
real-time communications made possible with the extremely low latency
rates possible with 5G.
Telepresence For instance, virtual reality is being used to provide medical training, job
training astronauts, medics, police officers and for skilled trades such as
Several companies have established welders, as well as in automotive product development and in a wide range
innovation centers to enable wireless of advertising applications – from promoting movies to tourism in British
companies to develop and test innovative Columbia.43
wireless technology solutions. One of 5G’s low latency will play a pivotal role in the evolution of virtual reality
the early examples is the VGo Robotic applications like these, affording users life-like experiences on the move.44
Telepresence, a wireless, robotic
telepresence unit. The unit is mobile and In the health sector, medical facilities are using the wireless Oculus
can be used to provide video conference Rift, which provides a 360 degree immersive experience on the go, as a
capabilities for education, health, and other training tool that allows medical students to experience a procedure from a
situations where a robot is useful. It can be surgeon’s perspective.45
used to allow a sick child to attend class Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, for example,
real-time or for a home-bound person to is using the Oculus Rift at its first-of-its-kind virtual reality learning center,
communicate live with a medical practitioner. which allows students from every program—dentistry, osteopathic
medicine, veterinary medicine, physical therapy, and nursing—to learn
through virtual reality technologies.46
In education, Google is piloting a field a trip simulation system called
Expeditions, providing students a 3D-rich experience that simulates going
on a field trip to far-off places. Imagine schools with limited resources
being able to bring the Colosseum in Rome or the Parthenon in Greece to
Virtual reality and augmented reality can also provide absorbing
educational opportunities such as visiting virtual museums that assemble
lost artworks or provide the context for an artist like Van Gogh’s life’s
work.48 This can deliver benefits in the form of sustainability, by eliminating
costly travel, as well as environmental preservation in touring sensitive
Virtual reality will dramatically change the world of entertainment including
movies, concerts, and other immersive experiences. Imagine being able
to experience your favorite band or artist in a virtual concert in 3D in the
Verizon recently established a 5G
comfort of your own home.50 Virtual reality can even be used for retail.
Technology Forum with key leaders/
Tommy Hilfiger just announced the use of Virtual Reality in their stores
partners in the industry: Alcatel Lucent,
where consumers can experience a fashion show in 3D.51 Virtual reality
Cisco, Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, and
holds out the promise of more customized experiences, which can be
Qualcomm as well as several East and West
updated and enabled wirelessly, and the prospect of cost savings and
Coast venture capitalists. The collective
increased demand for actual as well as virtual goods.52
companies represent billions of dollars
in R&D investment and are the innovative
leaders collaborating to develop the 5G
standards. This will help bring the reality Real-time Video Conferencing
of 5G in the U.S., enabling a vision of a more With enhanced real-time capabilities from 5G networks, video conferencing
fully connected world. will become more pervasive, which enables telecommuting, richer meetings,
and energy savings.
“5G represents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our homes, our cities,
and our society. But that means working together on the right framework for wireless
innovation and investment.” • Meredith Attwell Baker, President and CEO, CTIA

What We Need From Policymakers

Policymakers play an important role in advancing 5G technology with a
focus on three key issues: more spectrum, streamlined infrastructure deployment, and
support for research and development. If consumers are to benefit from 5G services
by 2020, we need a committed effort to provide operators with the tools they need to
invest in another generation of networks.

Beyond a light-touch, investment friendly regulatory approach, we need to:

Find more spectrum

America’s global leadership in technology to support much higher
mobile depends on spectrum. device density throughout wide
Countries around the world are coverage areas.54
looking to 5G not merely as a The FCC should act on the Spectrum
wireless technology, but as a key Frontiers High Band docket this
input for economic growth. We year in order to make spectrum
must do the same or risk innovation available for 5G in a timely manner.
and investment being exported It is important that spectrum be
overseas. Because wireless available to allow operators to
fosters innovation across nearly deploy as early as they choose for
every industry sector, the potential business and technical reasons.
consequences of falling behind are
Furthermore, Congress and the Urban small cells
Administration should act to identify
The cornerstone for wireless growth additional spectrum to be auctioned
and innovation will be clearing as soon as practicable. This will
additional spectrum for 5G. Very provide the low and mid band
large swaths of high band spectrum spectrum to keep up with growth
are required to support localized and to enable deployment of the
5G “hotspots.” Additional low and latest technology.
mid band spectrum will enable 5G

Streamline infrastructure deployment

Sound infrastructure policy is a key to creating these ultra-dense
necessary complement to sound networks. Moreover, because the
spectrum policy. When and how we propagation of higher frequencies
introduce 5G depends, in part, upon is limited in range and building
removing barriers to the deployment penetration, wireless deployments
of cell sites and antennas. will be needed for both indoor and
Ultra-dense network configurations, outdoor environments. Towers Source: Nokia

particularly in metro areas also will have to be constructed to

heavy with users, will be a major provide 5G coverage across the
component of 5G. Small cells are nation.
To enable these deployments, policymakers should continue to adopt
reasonable, predictable siting processes. Such steps include imposing
a deadline on federal agencies to act on wireless siting applications and
further streamlining by the FCC of small cell and DAS environmental
In addition, cities and municipalities should look for ways to facilitate new
deployments using existing and new facilities.

Increase support for 5G R&D

The U.S. needs a robust ecosystem
of research and development and demonstrate 5G technology
(R&D) in wireless technologies, capabilities.57
infrastructure, chipsets, devices,
and applications. Focused R&D Furthermore, the government should
is needed to realize the full continue to make direct investments
innovation potential of spectrum in 5G, such as through the National
made available for 5G services. Science Foundation (NSF).58 NSF is
Policymakers should continue efforts funding several research programs
to increase support for R&D; last using their various research
year’s decision to make permanent programs, testbed infrastructure
the R&D tax credit is a good first programs, and testbeds. Partnering
step.56 with other government agencies
including the White House Office
Many technology companies of Science and Technology (OSTP),
including QUALCOMM, Samsung, NTIA, DARPA, and others, the NSF
Intel, Cisco, Ericsson, Motorola, and can be an important tool to advance
others are investing in R&D and 5G research and strengthen the
funding research internally and with partnership between industry and
universities. Nokia, which recently universities.
acquired Alcatel-Lucent (Bell Labs),
has been investing in 5G R&D and Together, with appropriate new
has funded NYU Poly, one of the spectrum, streamlined infrastructure
leading U.S. universities in millimeter deployment, and favorable R&D, the
wave technology, to develop ecosystem will help ensure the U.S.
is a leader in 5G.

Smart Cities
Operators and technology companies are partnering with cities
to provide sensors, connectivity, platforms and solutions to enable
consumer benefits, efficiency and energy savings.
1. FCC, Annual Report and Analysis of 18. See Rob Chamberlin, What will 5G mean sidered include heart disease; respiratory 46. John Gaudiosi, How this med school
Competitive Market Conditions with Respect for consumers, businesses, and the Internet disease; diabetes; HIV/AIDS; cancer; other is using virtual reality to teach students,
to Mobile Wireless, Eighteenth Report, DA of Things, Geektime (Jan. 3, 2016), at http:// chronic diseases; non-chronic diseases; neu- FORTUNE (Oct. 16, 2015), at http://fortune.
15-1487, at Chart III.A.3 (Dec. 23, 2015). ropsychiatric conditions; and sensory organ com/2015/10/16/western-university-is-us-
2. Id. at ¶ 106. 5g-mean-for-consumers-businesses-and- diseases; $30-117B counterfeit drug reduc- ing-virtual-reality-to-teach.
the-internet-of-things/. tions; $2-14B improved medical devices. 47. Natasha Singer, Google Virtual-Reality
3. NGMN Alliance, NGMN 5G White Paper
(Feb. 17, 2015), at 19. Ericsson Mobility Report 2015 (Nov. 32. McKinsey, Healthcare, pp. 38-43 includ- System Aims to Enliven Education, The
2015), at ing cost savings of $110-470B for treatment New York Times (Sept. 28, 2015), at http://
docs/2015/mobility-report/emr-nov-2015-re- of chronic diseases; $35B in reduced costs
gional-report-north-america.pdf of clinical trials; and $520B in improvements google-virtual-reality-system-aims-to-enliv-
4. 4G Americas Recommendations on of lifespan and quality of life. Diseases con- en-education.html and Google, Introducing
20. Mary Meeker, Internet Trends 2015 (May
5G Requirements and Solutions (Oct. sidered include heart disease; respiratory the Expeditions Pioneer Program, at https://
27, 2015), at http://kpcbweb2.s3.amazonaws.
2014), at disease; diabetes; HIV/AIDS; cancer; other
files/2714/1471/2645/4G_Americas_Recom- chronic diseases; non-chronic diseases; neu-
pdf?1432738078 48. Kyle Vanhemert, See the World’s Great-
mendations_on_5G_Requirements_and_ ropsychiatric conditions; and sensory organ
21. David Goldman, 5G will cost you a est Stolen Artworks in this Virtual-Reality
Solutions_10_14_2014-FINALx.pdf and 4G diseases; $30-117B counterfeit drug reduc-
bundle, CNN MONEY (May 19, 2015), at Museum, Wired (Jan. 16, 2015), at http://
Americas, 5G Spectrum Recommendations tions; $2-14B improved medical devices.
(Aug. 2015), at
gy/5g-cost-wireless-data. 33. Sprint Release, Sprint Introduces World- est-stolen-artworks-virtual-reality-mu- wide Control over All Connected Devices seum/. See also Alex Radsky, Where
files/7814/4606/7589/4G_Americas_5G_ 22. See SAMSUNG, 5G VISION 2-4 (Jun.
Through a Simple Self Service Portal (Apr. History Comes Alive: Augmented Reality in
Spectrum_Recommendations_White_Pa- 2015) (“SAMSUNG 5G VISION”), at http://
23, 2015), at Museums, The Synapse (May 6, 2015), at
5. Ericsson, 5G Use Cases (Jul. 8, 2015), at worldwide-control-over-all-connected-de- ry-comes-alive-augmented-reality-in-muse-
Neal Ungerleider, 5G Wireless Is Coming vices-through-a-simple-self-service-portal. ums-64a81825b799#.e7uzmrszp
… But What Is It Anyway, FAST COMPANY
user-cases_244069645_c htm 49. Daniel A. Guttentag, Virtual reality:
(Oct. 26, 2015), at http://www.fastcompany.
6. Nokia, 5G Use Cases and Requirements, com/3051626/elasticity/5g-wireless-is-com- 34. SmartGrid Consumer Collaborative, Applications and implications for tourism,
at ingbut-what-is-it-anyway. SmartGrid 101 Consumer Benefits, at http:// Tourism Management (Oct. 2010), at http://
23. Ericsson Mobility Report 2015, at http://
per.pdf consumer-benefits S0261517709001332
7. 4G Americas, 5G Technology Evolution ty-report/ericsson-mobility-report-nov-2015. 35. McKinsey, Agriculture, p. 69 including 50. 9 Industries Using Virtual Reality, Tech
Recommendations (Oct. 2015), at http://ww- pdf $1-3B livestock monitoring; $52-338B agri- Republic, cultural yield improvement. article/9-industries-using-virtual-reality/
24. AT&T Newsroom, ATT launches smart
Americas_5G_Technology_Evolution_Rec- 36. McKinsey, Public Safety, p. 89 including 51. Rachel Arthur, Hands-On With Tommy
cities framework with New Strategic Allianc-
ommendations_-_10.5.15_2.pdf $24-41B disaster and emergency services; Hilfiger’s In-Store Virtual Reality Catwalk
es, Spotlight Cities, and Integrated Vertical
8. NGMN 5G White Paper, at https://www. Solutions (Jan. 5, 2016), at $14-31B crime detection and monitoring. Experience, Forbes (Oct. 25, 2015), at 37. 4G AMERICAS, IGNITING MOBILE
White_Paper_V1_0.pdf BROADBAND 20 (“4G AMERICAS, LTE AND thur/2015/10/25/hands-on-with-tommy-hil-
9. This varies considerably depending on 5G INNOVATION”), http://www.4gamericas. figers-in-store-virtual-reality-catwalk-ex-
25. Mary-Ann Russon, What will 5G be used perience/
many factors – device type, application (vid- org/files/9214/3991/2167/4G_Americas_
for? Self-driving cars, connected home ap-
eo, browsing, e-mail), technology capability, Rysavy_Research_LTE_and_5G_Innova- 52. Brian Shuster, Utherverse Digital, Could
pliances and incredibly smart cities, INTER-
radio environment, mobility, and other uses tion_white_paper.pdf. Virtual Reality Revitalize the Economy?
on the network. 38. Huawei, 5G Vision: 100 Billion connec- Wired (Oct. 2014), at
10. Neville Ray, Taking America’s Fastest tions, 1 ms Latency, and 10 Gbps Through- insights/2014/10/virtual-reality-economy/.
4G LTE Network Even Further, T-Mobile USA put, at See also Matthew Yeomans, Oculus Rift isn’t
CTO blog (Dec. 23, 2015), at en/defining-5g.html. just a game; it could have powerful effect on
26. McKinsey Global Institute, The Internet sustainability, The Guardian (Mar. 26, 2014), of Things: Mapping the Value Beyond the 39. National Highway Traffic Safety Adminis-
insights-blog/2015-end-of-year-network- Hype (June 2015), (hereafter McKinsey), tration, V2V Communications Fact Sheet, at
recap.htm at
11. Jeff Hawn, In-Depth: State of 5G for business_technology/the_internet_of_ v2v/V2V_Fact_Sheet_101414_v2a.pdf.
53. See Meredith Attwell Baker, President
the Big Four Carriers, RCRWIreless (Nov. things_the_value_of_digitizing_the_phys- 40. Nicole Lee, Samsung Gear VR review
& CEO, CTIA – The Wireless Association®,
29, 2015), at http://www.rcrwireless. ical_world, Smart Cities, p. 89 including (2015): A no-brainer if you own a Samsung
ISART 2015 Remarks (May 14, 2015), at
com/20151129/carriers/5g-efforts-for-the- $403-693B air and water monitoring; $223- phone, Engadget (Nov. 25, 2015), at http://
big-four-carriers-tag15 504B adaptive traffic management; $5-9B
12. James Geddes, Samsung Testing 5G smart solid waste pickup; $13-16B public gear-vr-review-2015/
Network With Lightning Speed Standards transit schedule management. 41. Max Slater-Robins, Here’s everything we
54. See Comments of CTIA – The Wireless
Of 20 GB Per Second, TechTimes (Jul. 14 27. Aditi Pai, Forrester: 35 percent of mil- know about Microsoft’s augmented reality
Association®, GN Dkt. No. 14-177 (Jan. 15,
2015), at lennials will buy a fitness wearable in the headset HoloLens, Business Insider (Oct. 17,
2015), at
cles/68237/20150714/samsung-testing-5g- next year, MOBILE HEALTH NEWS (Sept. 30, 2015), at
network-with-lightning-speed-standards-of- 2015), at microsoft-hololens-augmented-reality-head-
20-gb-per-second.htm forrester-35-percent-of-millennials-will-buy- set-roundup-2015-10?r=UK&IR=T
a-fitness-wearable-in-the-next-year. 55. See Testimony of Scott Bergmann, Vice
13. Joe Lorrio, Volvo and Ericsson Partner 42. Paul Lamkin, The best VR headsets: Ocu-
President, Regulatory Affairs, CTIA – The
on the Real Killer App for Autonomous Cars: 28. McKinsey, Wearables, p. 45. lus Rift, Playstation VR, Gear VR, HTC Vive...
Wireless Ass’n, Breaking Down Barriers
Streaming HD Video, Car and Driver (Jan 4, 29. SAMSUNG, 5G VISION 2 (June 2015), virtual reality is back, baby!, Wareable
to Broadband Infrastructure Deployment:
2016), at at (Jan.7, 2016), at
Hearing Before the House Energy & Com-
and-ericsson-partner-on-the-real-killer-app- ness-images/insights/2015/Samsung-5G-Vi- headgear/the-best-ar-and-vr-headsets
merce Subcomm. on Commc’ns & Tech. (Oct.
for-autonomous-cars-streaming-hd-video/ sion-1.pdf. 43. Eric Carson, 9 industries using virtual 28, 2015), at
14. Nokia Press Release, Nokia Networks 30. Beth Mole, Smartphone-based system reality, TechRepublic (Mar. 10, 2015), at ings/IF/IF16/20151028/104121/HHRG-114-
showcases 5G speed of 10Gbps with NI at does job of a pancreas, treats type 1dia- IF16-Wstate-BergmannS-20151028.pdf.
the Brooklyn 5G Summit (Apr. 8, 2015), at betes, ARS TECHNICA (Jan. 9, 2016), at dustries-using-virtual-reality/. See also 56. See Alisa Chang, 8 Things Congress Ac- Sarah Evans, Using virtual reality welding to tually Did This Year, NPR (Dec. 30, 2015), at
press-room/press-releases/nokia-networks- smartphone-based-system-does-job-of- evaluate and train welders, The Fabricators
showcases-5g-speed-of-10gbps-with-ni-at- pancreas-treats-type-1-diabetes. See also (Mar. 18, 2014), at http://www.thefabricator. things-congress-actually-did-this-year.
the-brooklyn-5g-summit Press Release, Medtronic and Samsung com/article/arcwelding/using-virtual-reali- See also TechNet: Preserve Research and
15. Deb Miller Landau, How 5G Will Power Partner to Enhance Diabetes Management ty-welding-to-evaluate-and-train-welders, Development Inside U.S.; 21 organizations
the Future Internet of Things, at and Empower Overall Patient Health (June and Destination British Columbia, The urging renewal of the critical R&D tax credit 5, 2015) (discussing the development of Making of the Wild Within VR Experience, at (Apr. 4, 2014), at
net-of-things/ additional mobile diabetes solutions, technet-preserve-research-and-develop-
including remotely viewing diabetes data, dRvPbv4&t=144 ment-inside-u-s/.
16. QUALCOMM, Qualcomm’s 5G Vision
(Nov. 20150), at remote alerts for loved ones, and integrating 44. See Quinten Plummer, Oculus VR Promis- 57. Nokia Press Release, Nokia Networks
media/documents/files/qualcomm-5g-vi- mobile and wearable devices into diabetes es a Rift for All in 2016, TECH NEWS WORLD showcases 5G speed of 10Gbps with NI at
sion-presentation.pdf management systems), at http://www. (May 6, 2015), at http://www.technewsworld. the Brooklyn 5G Summit(Apr. 8, 2015), at com/story/82018.html; SAMSUNG 5G
17. See Jo Best, The Race to 5G: Inside the medtronic-and-samsung-partner-en- VISION at 4.
Fight for the Future of Mobile As We Know It, press-room/press-releases/nokia-networks-
hance-diabetes-management-and-empow- 45. Brian Crecente, Watch the first showcases-5g-speed-of-10gbps-with-ni-at-
TECH REPUBLIC, at http://www.techrepublic. er-overa.
com/article/does-the-world-really-need-5g/; Oculus Rift operation meat to change the-brooklyn-5g-summit
Jonathan Farfield, What is 5G, when will it 31. McKinsey, Healthcare, pp. 38-43 includ- the way surgeons are taught, POLYGON 58. National Science Foundation, 5G
launch and what will it mean for you?, THAI- ing cost savings of $110-470B for treatment (Aug. 14, 2014), at http://www.polygon. Wireless Network Research at NSF, at http://
TECH (Jan. 21, 2015), at http://tech.thaivisa. of chronic diseases; $35B in reduced costs com/2014/8/14/6001841/oculus-rift-sur-
com/5g-will-launch-will-mean/3053/. of clinical trials; and $520B in improvements gery-video-first-person.
of lifespan and quality of life. Diseases con-

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