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incel lingo

probably the worst dictionary ever.

To Dr. K. W. Blesken and the folks of r/IncelTears

Table of Contents
Introduction 7
An Overview over the Incel Culture 8
Involuntary Celibacy 10
Chad 11
Descriptive prefixes 12
Ethnic prefixes 12
Suffixes 13
Vocabulary 14
Sources 25

I want to use this part of the book to introduce myself and ex-
plain the background behind the creation of this very dictionary.
I am u/SalamiKitten, who was previously active on
Reddit on another account since July of 2016. I myself have a
long history of struggle with not only relationships, love and sex,
but with social adeptitude as a whole. The latter is something I
have achieved in the past years, the love and sex part still
bothered me for a long time. In am 20 years old as of writing
this, and I spent most of my teen years as a kind of outcast: I
lived in a tiny village in the midst of Germany, stuck with people
who exhibited xenophobia to a degree that they even hated
people from other nearby villages with a passion, sometimes
even the residents of the own village. I moved there when I was
4, was new and hence subject to severe bullying which I still
kind of view as a major setback and one of the main courses
for my psychological condition.
Back to the story: in late 2016 I discovered r/niceguys, which
led to me taking a 180-degree turn in my mind set, because I
saw many of the ridiculous things uttered by these “nice guys”
in myself and realized that I need to take a step back from those
thoughts if I ever want to get with a girl. Later, in my inherent
curiosity, I discover the whole topic of Inceldom, the subreddit
r/Incels, and its first watchdog sub, r/Incelwatch, which both
are defunct now. I was horrified and fascinated at the same
time at these incels, and they constantly acted as a reminder
for me to work on being the best version of myself, so that I will
never go down this rabbit hole. There I also learned a lot of new
words, and that Incels developed kind of their own language,
which can be hard for outsiders to understand. Their language
makes them even more exclusive and sealed off from the
outside. It embarks a feeling of solidarity for people who tend
to be very lonely, and hence can be very easy to get dragged
into. This dictionary is for the folks at r/IncelTears and
everyone wishing to understand Incels at least so far that one
knows what they’re speaking of.

An Overview over the Incel Culture
At first, I want to make something clear, just in case:

I do not affiliate with the Incel mindset in any way.

What they say is often illogical, disgusting, sexist, racist
and should be dismissed as, I cannot find any other word,
bullshit. To anyone who feels lonely, outcast or depressed,
I advise to stay as far away from Incel communities as
possible. They are a dead end.
Researching Incels is dangerous. Their toxic views will turn
on you if your mind is weakened. You may partly see the
world like they do, and the only different is that you try to
fight these thoughts instead of embracing them.

So, calling Inceldom a culture somehow grinds my gears,

because they’re some of the most uncultural persons I ever
encountered. The only part fitting is the cult part. They are a
cult, with no central, alive, leader. However, certain saints are
present, namely the 2014 mass shooter Elliot Rodger, Alek
Minassian, who ran over 26 people, mostly women, in 2018,
and a dorky looking guy simply referred to as St. Blackops2cel.
Incels see them as role models and live their lives according to
how they think what their saints would judge as right.
The whole Incel cult also has its own bible: the Black Pill.
It is their deep belief that we live in a dystopian society where
sex is a commodity held back and handed out by women, and
where men are competing against each other to acquire said
commodity. An incel’s life revolves around that he has certain,
predetermined traits which make him completely unable to
compete and he should just give up; and ranting about how
this issue is completely unfair. This is the trigger for an ungodly
amount of rage and hatred, mainly directed towards their arch
nemesis: women.
Most of the topics discussed on their forums revolves
around their hatred to women, attractive men, … essentially
everyone who is not their kind. As well as the occasional meme
you will find various conspiracy theories as well as depictions

of their perceived hatred and oppression directed towards
them by women. Women, in their mind, are inherently evil,
deceitful, are a hive mind, many go as far as saying they are
not even human, only human-like. Which coined their way to
say woman: femoid.
Those who are familiar with the Alt-Right and Men’s Right
Activists will notice that Incels are essentially the extreme end
of the whole scape known as the Manosphere: an anti-feminist
movement that wants to end the perceived rule of women one
and for all and wants to return to the old-fashioned standards
found in the early 1900s, or today in extremist Muslim groups.
The penultimate state of their world view is known as the Beta
Uprising: The not-so-attractive men will overthrow the reign of
women and attractive men, and will force women to give them
a chance on a relationship or sex as well, even if it is by the
means of threat, enslavement or rape.
My opinion to that is: the Beta Uprising will never
happen, because deeply inside these guys are just too much
of a coward. They lack the self confidence to easily change
society so greatly, and, I must say, in a very negative way.
Incel forums often contain such fantasies, albeit often
on a smaller scale. Praised from their own kind, they are
(rightfully) viewed as outrageous, disgusting, even as a threat
to society and triggering an underlying fear that rampages like
the 2014 Isla Vista shootings or the 2018 Toronto van attack
will not only happen again, but more frequently in the future.
The Black Pill gives all of these negative characteristics a home,
an apparently easy solution to such a complex problem: just
wallow in self-pity, because everything you do doesn’t matter;
you won’t get anywhere anyway.
To me, especially when I was in depressive stages, this
seems like the most dangerous outlook on the world anyone
can give you. Black Pill narratives confirm your warped world
view and act as a positive feedback loop. It is extremely hard
to get out of this, especially because it will remove any need
for discipline as any improvement that doesn’t lead to
immediate success is deemed worthless.

The Incel
The outcast who threw himself out

Incel stands for involuntary celibate. Someone who, despite

trying, fails to interact sexually or romantically with another
The term itself embarks the reactive character of most incels,
contrary to the proactive traits you find in most successful
persons. Rather than improving oneself, an incel will envy those
who do and determine that factors out of their control will
contribute to individual success, without any effort, and that
they’re simply dealt a shitty hand by life. This leads to a point
of view where everything is predetermined against you. Like,
life just doesn’t want you to be happy for some reason. Now
you only need a scapegoat for your unhappiness: with incels,
there are multiple scapegoats at once: society, women, other
men, especially attractive men, feminists, liberalists, et cetera.
So, now an incel will think everyone hates him. Truth is,
nobody hates incels more than themselves. The biggest part of
the world does – it may sound bitter – not care about you, or
even know that you exist (something referred to as Optimistic
Really, the single biggest enemy an incel has is other incels.
They will drag each other down, like crabs in a bucket,
preventing each other from improving their lives.

The Incels’ other arch nemesis

When you encounter incels, you will encounter Chad. And first
of all, scratch your head and ask yourself who the hell Chad is.
The answer:
every single conventionally attractive man out there.
It is fascinating how much incels fantasize about him, his
perfect looks, his buff body, his high social status and most
importantly, his active and very diverse sex life. All of which he
of course got handed by the universe without any effort. How
much incels are looking up to the Chad archetype is
encapsuled in how – contrary to most other types of people –
they do not use prefixes and suffixes to form their description
of traits and ethnicity, but rather separate names:

Chad is simply a sexually successful, white man. Below is a list

of the different names Chad has, depending on his ethnicity:

African, Adro-American Tyrone

East Asian Chang
South Asian Chadreet, Chadpreet
Middle Eastern Chaddam

Similarly, men who are not quite as attractive as a true Chad

have different names, such as Chadlite, Brad and Chadlet.

Chad also has a female counterpart: the Stacy: a highly

attractive, promiscuous women, which again has a slightly
less attractive counterpart, Becky.

It’s a prime example on how confusing this slang can be, and
what you are about to witness upon further reading.

Descriptive prefixes
Descriptive prefixes are used to quickly summarize a certain
trait exhibited by another person, or a factor others make
decisions or judges about you. There are many of them, most
are, as usual and fitting with the Incel world view, related to the
body or looks. Mostly sizes of body parts.

dick- the size, or lack thereof, of the penis

ethnic- being non-white
eye- the appearance of one’s eyes
fake- lying, usually only used with the suffix -cel

frame- the overall structure of the body, where your (pre-

determined) bones build up a “frame” for the rest of
your body to form around
hair- the appearance or lack of hair or hair style
height- body size
life- the perceived quality of life
mental- the existence of psychological conditions in yourself,
or lack thereof in others
wrist- the size, e.g. diameter, of one’s wrist

Ethnic prefixes
These are used to describe the ethnicity of a person; usually
used with incels themselves or women (with the suffix -whore).
One exception is Chad, who is sort of irregular and has different
names according to his ethnicity. In some of them, especially
the prefixes for Asian origins, the ethnicity is reduced to the
most popular foods, exhibiting the inherent racism in the Incel

arab- Middle Eastern

black- African, or Afro-american
curry- South Asian, usually Indian
noodle- East Asian (if the suffix is male)
rice- East Asian (if the suffix is male)
white- Western

These “suffixes” are words which are used together with the
aforementioned prefixes to capture longer descriptions in one
simple word.


-cel specific traits of an incel, the prefix acts as a √ √
reason to why the described person is
involuntarily celibate. Multiple of these can be
chained together to form a complete list of
reasons why it is over for you
-mog used to describe the act of another man √
“dominating” an incel by exceeding in the quality
mentioned by the prefix.
Stems from the abbreviation “amog” – “Alpha of
Male Group”, a term used in Pickup Artistry to
refer to the man who is best in one specific
-whore general suffix for women. Ethnic prefixes √ √
describe the woman’s country of origin or
ethnicity, while descriptive prefixes are used to
refer to the reason a woman has rejected an
incel, e.g. “heightwhore” because she rejected
him due to not fulfilling her height standards.

The following is a list of commonly used, and some more
obscure words and terms used within the Incel communities. If
I was able to properly research it, I have added the etymology
in the rightmost column, alongside other notes.

n. noun v. verb a. adjective

p. phrase name self-explanatory

Incel English Notes

Alek Minassian, <person> One of their “saints”, the
name. culprit behind the van
attack in Toronto, Canada
in early 2018, killing ten
people and injuring 16
more, most of them
A Facebook post
submitted by him hours
before the incident
proves that his attack was
motivated by Incel
beliefs, it read:
Private (Recruit)
Minassian Infantry 00010,
wishing to speak to Sgt
4chan please.
C23249161. The Incel
Rebellion has already
begun! We will overthrow
all the Chads and Stacys!
All hail the Supreme
Gentleman Elliot Rodger!
alpha, n. a high-status male. a.k.a. alpha male, also
see Chad

Stems from terms used to

describe the social
behaviours of certain
animals, e.g. wolves,
where the “alpha wolf” is
the highest-ranked
individual all others are
obliged to follow.

AMOG, abbr. Alpha Man of the Group. Is mostly used in its verb
form “to mog”, chained
together with a prefix to
describe another person
exceeding you in some
trait, thus further reducing
your chances with
women nearby. See –
mog in the Suffixes
AWALT, abbr. All Women Are Like That. Commonly used to
generalize women in a
negative way, often by a
single incident. Originates
from the abbreviation
NAWALT, Not all women
are like that, commonly
used in feminist circles.
beta uprising, n. the outbreak of rage
trapped within less
attractive men, which will
ultimately lead to women
being less hypergamous
and giving the less
attractive a chance.
beta, n. a somewhat lower-status also see Normie
male, who still gets sex,
but less frequent and/or Same etymology as
with less attractive alpha
black pill, n. the entirety of the The Black pill is an
nihilistic incel mindset. expansion of the red pill
and blue pill dichotomy
featured in the 1999 film
The Matrix, where taking
the blue pill fills you with
nihilistic bliss, and the red
pill with the unpleasant
blue pill, n. the belief that society The red pill and blue pill
isn’t discriminating men. di-chotomy was featured
in the 1999 film The
Matrix, where taking the
blue pill fills you with
nihilistic bliss, and the red
pill with the unpleasant

Chad, n. an extraordinarily attrac- originally Chad Thunder-
tive, handsome man. cock, a derogatory term
for a sexually very
successful man, probably
originated on 4chan.

The term Chad is further

explained in his
respective section.
cock carousel, the period of life in which
n. women engage with
many, often changing,
sexual partners, usually
alphas. Typically ages 15
to 30, until they hit the
cope, n., also v. to subsist inceldom Coping is the act of
ignoring incelom and that
it’s over by focusing on
other things, such as
gymcelling. Commonly
frowned upon by
cuck, n. someone who agrees originated from cuckold,
with more liberal points the act of letting another
of view. man engaging sexually
with your partner while
watching. Probably
gained popularity in the
incel communities due to
it being per-ceived as a
prime example of hyper-
cunt woman. referring to any woman
who has rejected an incel.
also see femoid, hole,
slut, whore
degeneracy, n., being sexually active. Sexuality is something
also degenerate, incels view as a primal,
n., a. basic instinct, and the
perceived emphasis of
mass media on sex in the
recent years is something
they view as a backwards
development, a de-

Elliot Rodger, <person> One of their “saints”, the
name guy behind the 2014 Isla
Vista shootings.
He planned to kill and
enslave every single
woman on earth, starting
with a sorority from his
college, but ultimately
failed and killed six
people unrelated to his
original plan and himself.
ER, abbr. Elliot Rodger.

fakecel, n. someone who pretends Adaptation of incel, made

to be involuntarily with the prefix fake-.
celibate but isn’t Usually used to refer to
men who view
themselves as unable to
get with women anymore,
but are not virgin, or are
rated as more attractive
than they see themselves.
femcel, n. female incel The existence of female
incels is a highly contro-
versial topic among incels
and usually denied by the
vast majority of them.
femoid, n. woman short for female
humanoid, used as a
derogatory term to
encapsule the incels’
standpoint that women
are not- or sub-human.
Foid, abbr. Abbreviation for femoid.
friendzone, n. the act of being friends Commonly viewed as a
with a women without sort of death trap, making
any sexuality involved, you incapable of ever
where one party (usually “achieving” sex or a
the man) wants to relationship with the de-
engage sexually sired woman (see crush,

Originated from the 90s

series Friends.

fuel, n. a medium: picture, The term fuel perfectly
animation, movie or text, encapsulates incels’
triggering a specific, inherent deeply reactive
mostly easy to trigger character traits that go
emotion alongside depression.
Common “fuels” are rage
fuel, suicide fuel and life
gaycel, n. a homosexual incel.

gymcel, n. to do sports in a gym. Gymcelling is a common

form of coping, often
motivated by the belief
that a better build and
fitness will increase your
chances with women.
heightism, n. discrimination because also see lookism
of (inferior) height.
hole, n., also set woman. also see cunt, femoid,
of holes slut, whore
hypergamy, n. women “marrying up”, Deeply intertwined with
aka. only engaging with the 80/20 theory, a mind-
men who are perceived bending adaptation of the
way more attractive than Pareto principle
them. commonly found in
nature and mathematics.
incel, n. or a. involuntary celibate. not being able to engage
in sexual interactions
des-pite wishing to to so.
The term was coined in
1993 by a female (yes,
female!) college student.
A further description and
history of incel is included
in the Inceldom section.
inceldom, n. the act of being
involuntarily celibate.
IT, abbr. the subreddit r/IncelTears focuses on
r/IncelTears. exposing the stuff uttered
by various incel websites,
ranging from weird to
cringe-inducing to
straight up horrifying and

it’s over, p. <phrase> Incentivising to give up on
dating women, because
there will be no success.
Often used after the
reasons on why it’s over.
Also see black pill

JBW, abbr. Just Be White. Commonly used by

ethnic incels to clarify
their view that being white
would fix their problems
with women.
The JBW theory, a.k.a.
race pill, is an elaborate
“study” on why women of
all ethnicities seem to
prefer white men. This
one further shows how
racism is deeply inter-
woven within Incel
JFL, abbr. Just Fucking Lol.
LDAR, abbr. Lay Down and Rot. The act of giving up on life
and only fulfil the most
basic human needs such
as hunger, thirst and
sleep, and rejecting all
other needs, especially
social ones, isolating
yourself from the outside
world. LDAR is a often a
symptom of severe de-
life fuel, n. a medium that triggers Mostly depicts acts of
happiness. women being hurt or
injured, sometimes even
raped or killed.
lookism, n. discrimination because
of (inferior) looks.

manlet, n. a man of low height. typically below 6 feet
(about 180 cm)
meat curtain, n. protruding labia minora. see roast beef

meek, n. a man who, because of Following a conviction in

his looks, is successful 2014, the mugshot of
with women despite his former Crips member
morally questionable or Jeremy Meeks went viral
criminal history. for being commonly
perceived as hot, often
titled as “world’s hottest
felon”. The mugshot and
the term meek did not get
popular in the Incel
community until the mid
of 2017, though. It was
used as the staple
example for the theory
that an attractive felon is
perceived “better” than a
not so attractive “nicer”
MGTOW, abbr. Men Going Their Own A group of men who claim
Way. to not want any further
relationship with any
woman, yet they can’t
seem to stop talking
about anything else.
omega, n. a bottom-status male also see incel
who is unable to receive
any sex or affection. Same etymology as

orbiter, n. a man who continues to also see friendzone
like his female friend
despite encountering A common incel belief is
rejection multiple times that women, especially
Stacys, “keep” them-
selves many orbiters so
that they come up for the
woman’s expenses.
prime, n. or a. age at which women are Incels often dispute over
most fertile. the age range of a
woman’s prime. Mostly
believed to be from ages
14 to 20, when in reality, it
is around 20 to 42.
Women past their
perceived “prime” are
often undesirable to
incels, see wall

rage fuel, n. a medium that triggers Mostly depicts women

rage acting degenerate, en-
gaging in mutual sex or
kissing attractive men.
Often synonymous with
suicide fuel.
red pill, n. the assumption that The red pill and blue pill
society is primarily di-chotomy was featured
discriminating men in the 1999 film The
(contrary to feminist Matrix, where taking the
viewpoints) and that blue pill fills you with
people who believe nihilistic bliss, and the red
otherwise live in denial. pill with the unpleasant

roast beef, n. or protruding, dark- A common (mis)-
a., also roast coloured labia minora. conception among incels
beef flaps is that all vaginas start out
tight and with non-
protruding or almost
invisible labia minora
(“innie”) and that
protruding labia minora
are formed by sexual
engagement with many
and rapidly changing
partners, which causes
the labia as well as the
vagina to “wear out”. Of
course this is a biological
impossibility, but this
belief holds strong, not
only among incels.
Also see used up, wall
sexual market attractiveness. refers to one’s desirability
value, n. in the viewpoint that
sexual interactions are
like an economy, and sex
is a commodity traded by
women to men.
An incel’s self-worth is
primarily determind by his
perceived (inferior) sexual
market value.

sexual the entire dating land- stems from the assump-

marketplace, n. scape. tion that sexual inter-
actions are comparable
to an economy
slut, n. woman. referring to any woman
who has engaged in sex.
also see cunt, hole,
SMV, abbr. Sexual Market Value.

soy boy, n. a man who agrees with Incels commonly believe
feminist view points. that (A) men only become
feminist to increase their
chances with women and
(B) that soy and soy
products make you less
female, for some reason.
This theory was
popularized by the alt-
right. Also see beta, cuck
St. <person> One of their “saints”. A
Blackops2cel, picture of a rather nerdy
name looking, smiling guy with
messy hair, wearing a T-
Shirt with artwork from
the 2012 game Call of
Duty: Black Ops II. The
picture is believed to have
originated on 4chan,
where the guy depicted
wanted to show off his
shirt he received as an
award. He himself has
never stated to be
affiliated with the Incel
community, and is
believed to be deeply
ashamed of or even
commited suicide
because of the use and
abuse of his picture within
Incel communities.
Stacy, n., also a highly attractive, hyper- female counterpart to
Stacey gamous woman with a Chad
very active sex life.
sui, abbr. suicide. used in sui fuel
suicide fuel, n. a medium that triggers Mostly depicts woman
sadness, and/or de- engaging in romantic
pression. situations, ranging from
romantic scenes in mo-
vies to Instagram posts to
teehee, p. a woman’s chuckle. commonly used with the
perceived blissful igno-
rance rampant in women.

to ascend, v. to have sex or a Ascending is the act of
relationship, or to removing yourself from
commit suicide. inceldom, by either
successfully engaging in
consensual sex or ending
it all (see to rope)
to blackpill, v. to convert someone into see black pill
adapting the incel mind-
to go ER, v. to commit a mass shoo- referring to the 2014 Isla
ting. Vista Shootings and the
culprit, Elliot Rodger.
Also see beta uprising
to provide, v., the act of a man paying
also beta many, if not all, of his
provider, n. partner’s expenses in
order to stay in the
to rope, v. to commit suicide. Hanging oneself with a
tied rope is a common
way of suicide.
to settle, v. the act of a woman
marrying a less attractive
beta man, in order to still
have sex and make a
living because the beta
male provides for her.
truecel, n. true incel. Someone who is utterly
socially inept to the point
where he has rarely
interacted with women at
used up, a. the vulva and vagina see cock carousel, roast
being “worn out” by beef, wall
excessive sexual activity
vagina, n. vulva. Incels, among many
people, confuse these
two terms on the regular.
volcel, n. voluntary celibate Adaptation of incel, also
see fakecel
wall, n., also to the age, usually 25 to 30,
hit the wall, v. in which women sudden-
ly become unattractive
and see a steep drop in
sexual market value,
after which they attempt
to settle for a beta pro-

whore, n. woman. referring to any woman
who has engaged in sex.
also see cunt, hole, slut



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