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Document Based

Question Day 1
Warm Up

Log in using the socrative code on the board to take the complete the warm up.

1) Who was the famous ruler of the Babylonian empire and what did he
create that he is well remembered for?
2) What was one strength and one weakness of the Babylonian Empire?
3) How did the invention of writing (cuneiform) in Mesopotamia affect the
Document Based Question Overview

● Objective: I can determine if Hammurabi’s Code is just by analyzing

primary and secondary sources.
● Essential Question: Was Hammurabi’s Code just?
● Standards: 6.H.1.2 & 6.H.1.3
Hook Activity- What is justice?

● Leaders throughout history have had to grapple with the task of creating
just, or fair, laws.
○ One such leader was Hammurabi, whose laws are the subject of this
○ Hammurabi’s concern was creating just laws for the people of
Babylonia 4,000 years ago.
● Task 1: With your table partner, talk through the next two cases and
discuss the questions that follow.
Hook continued
Case A: Eddie is caught shoplifting a cell phone at Best Buy. Eddie is 15 years old. It is
a first offense. The police call his parents, and Eddie returns the phone. There will be
no criminal record.

In judging whether this is a fair handling of the case, ask:

● Is it fair to Eddie?
● Is it fair to Best Buy?
● Is it fair to society?
● Is it in the best interest of society?
Hook continued
Case B: J.D. is caught shoplifting a cell phone at Best Buy. J.D. is 19 years old. This will
be his third felony conviction, all for shoplifting. Because of the Three Strikes law, his
state requires that he serve a minimum of ten years in prison with no chance of

In judging whether this is a fair handling of the case, ask:

● Is it fair to J.D.?
● Is it fair to Best Buy?
● Is it fair to society? Is it in the best interest of society?
Hook continued

Task 2: Pick one rule in your school. Then decide if it is just. Explain.

● Is it fair to the rule breaker?

● Is it fair to those who are harmed?
● Is it fair to the greater school community?
Background Essay

● We are going to listen to the Background Essay together as a class first

using the read-aloud option
● Then, you will use your own versions of the essay on your chromebooks
to read and answer the background essay questions on your screens
Document A
● What do you notice
about the stele?
● What do you think the
picture at the top

1. Is there any evidence in

this document that can
be used to argue that
Hammurabi’s Code was
2. Is there any evidence in
this document that can
be used to argue that
Hammurabi’s Code was
not just?
Document A Analysis
1. What kind of writing was used to inscribe the code on the stele?

2. The code is divided into what three parts?

3. From where or whom does Hammurabi get the laws?

4. Is there any evidence in this document that can be used to argue

that Hammurabi’s Code was just?

5. Is there any evidence in this document that can be used to argue

that Hammurabi’s Code was not just?
Document B
Source: Excerpts from the Epilogue of Hammurabi’s Code, circa 1754 BCE.

… Hammurabi, the protecting king am I.…That the strong might not injure the weak, in order to protect the widows and orphans, … I set
up these my precious words, written upon my memorial stone, before the image of me, as king of righteousness.

… By the command of Shamash, the great god and judge of heaven and earth, let

righteousness go forth in the land…. Let no destruction befall my monument;… let my name be ever repeated; let the oppressed, who has
a case at law, come and stand before this my image as king of righteousness; let him read the inscription, and understand my precious

… In future time, through all coming generations, let the king, who may be in the land, observe the words of righteousness which I have
written on my monument; let him not alter the law of the land which I have given.…

… If this ruler does not esteem my words, … if he destroys the law which I have given,

… may the great gods of heaven and earth … inflict a curse … upon his family, his

land, his warriors, his subjects, and his troops.

Document B Analysis
1. According to Hammurabi, what was his purpose for having written these laws?

2. Who commanded Hammurabi to create this monument?

3. What does Hammurabi threaten will happen to any future Babylonian king who
does not
follow these laws?

4. How can you use this document to argue that Hammurabi’s Code was just?

5. How can you use this document to argue that Hammurabi’s Code was not just?
Exit Ticket- Socrative

1. What is Hammurabi’s Code?

2. Why was it important that Hammurabi wrote his laws down on a
stele for all to see?
3. Based on the background information you received today and
Documents A and B, do you think that Hammurabi’s Code was just?
Why or why not? (Remember, you will be viewing several more
documents over the next two days that might change your mind!)

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