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Four Early River Valley Civilizations (~3000 BC)

Civilization Geographical Factors Accomplishments Miscellaneous

The Nile River provided Hieroglyphics Rigid class structure
predictable floods and a stable Wrote on sheets of dried with the pharaoh at the
food source papyrus plant top followed by priests,
The River flows northward and Used geometry to survey artisans, farmers. and
empties into the Mediterranean fields and build canals as slaves
Nile River but the winds blow south well as pyramids as tombs Polytheistic religion -
Valley This enabled river travelers to for the pharaoh believed in life after
(present-day move north or south along the Knew astronomy and death
Egypt) river, which promoted trade and produced a calendar of
unity in Ancient Egypt 365 days
Deserts and seas surround the
valley and offered some
protection from invasion

The floods provided fertile soil Developed a system of Practiced polytheism

and a stable food supply writing called Cuneiform, Had no conception of a
The floods of the Tigris- which were wedge-shaped heaven or salvation for
Euphrates rivers were characters pressed into a the deceased
unpredictable and as a result the clay tablet
Tigris- Sumerians believed that their Built ziggurats and arches
Euphrates gods were angry gods with sun-dried clay bricks
River Valley The valley was surrounded by Developed the wheel and
(present-day deserts & hills but they were algebra
relatively easy to cross and so Hammurabi's Code was
the peoples of this region were constructed by the
constantly conquered and re- Babylonians and was an
conquered early form of written
laws (an eye for an eye)

Flooding of the Yellow River Developed a 360-day Dynastic cycle and

provided fertile, yellow soil and a calendar based on the Mandate of Heaven
stable food supply moon (priests added days
The Chinese were surrounded by when needed)
Yellow River mountains and the Gobi desert Predicted eclipses and
Valley and as a result were very kept a written history
(present-day isolated from other civilizations Early written language
China) and cultures consisted of pictograms
As a result of this isolation the
Chinese developed an
ethnocentric mode of thinking
The Indus River and monsoons Developed a written Practiced animism
provided a food supply language of pictograms before Hinduism and
Monsoons were unpredictable Constructed a water Buddhism take hold
Indus River and led to famine or floods and system, public baths,
Valley destruction hospitals
(present-day Valley is bordered by the
India) Himalayas and the Hindu Kush to
the north, however the Khyber
pass allowed for entry into the
region and invasion

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