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© This 18 session touch season outlines the key © The season has a spare session at the end. This is a developments in the season. sood strategy to ensure the important end-ofseason event is not lost, © This season has two tournaments within the season. © Touch proved to be one of the most popular sports for teachers using SEPEP forthe fst time. SESSION 1 Introduce SEPEP Skill practice Modified games 1v1 SESSION 2 Skill practice Elect Sports Board Modified game (Sports Board grade students for team selection) SESSION 3 ‘Teams announced by Sports Board Skill practice ~ whole class and in teams Modified games 3-aside SESSION 4 Skill practice, whole class, in teams Teams elect coach, captain and manager (4th member is on Sports Board) Modified games ~ Pre-season SESSION 5 Stal practice taken by team coaches Modified games — Pre-season Tournament format posted SESSIONS 6-9 Round Robin Tournament 1 Seven rounds ~ seven teams ~ 4 weeks. 2 rounds each week. ‘One team on duty each round, SESSION 10 ‘Minor end-of season event for first round of competition SESSION 11 ‘Working on review of the round one competition: feed analysis into plans for round 2 ‘Teacher and Sports Board develop strategies for competition round two SESSION 12 ‘Midseason coaching ‘clinic’ Sports Development Officer and local profil players invited to school SESSIONS 13-16 Round Robin Tournament 2. Rounds 1 ~ 4 Format as for Tournament 1 (with changes if necessary) Skill practice in teams ‘Modified games in teams Work on game strategy. Introduce more complex developments of game play SESSION 17 Grand end-of season event Festival and guest into school to present awards SESSION 18 Spare week. Friendly games or catch up Resource adapted rom material proved by Ki Reha Narogin Sentr High, WA. © Thisis possbly the most unusual SEPEP season we are. @ This SEPEP trial was an option for a coed year 11 aware of. It shows that there is no limit to the recreation class. {Innovation and imagination of teachers and students @ Teachers have successfully integrated SEPEP into ‘when designing and implementing a SEPEP season, year 11 and 12 PE. General organisation and concept of SEPEP explained WEEK 1 Warmups General practice of types of activities available during the season Duty team and Sports Board orientation Location and condition of equipment noted WEEK 2 Practice on all equipment by all students ‘Warm-ups and practices explained by teacher Class elects Sports Board Sports Board announces teams, events and rules 4 teams with one Sports Board Member in each plus one surf club member in team (if posible} WEEK 3 Team practice ~2 evens per team Wave ski, board paddle and swim Beach volleyball practice WEEK 4 ‘Teams practise 2 other events WEEK 5 ‘Teams practise inal 2 events Competition starts WEEKS 6 & 7 Round 1 organised by Team A i] Wave ski relay ii} Beach volleyball Round 2 organised by Team B WEEKS 8 & 9 1) Run, board paddle and swim li) Beach cricket Round 3 organised by Team C WEEKS 10 & 11 i) Wave ski, board paddle and swim fi) Beach volleyball Round 4 organised by Team D WEEKS 12 & 13 4) Chariot races 1) Tug of war End-of season event organised by Sports Board WEEK 14 Fag ace ‘Award Ceremony ‘Resource adapted fom mera provided by Try Doi, Bunbury Senior High Scho, WA, © Thisexample showsan 18session © A teacher using SEPEP for the © Thisprogramis lexible enough to soecer program. first ime may use a format such be used across many year levels as this and was also used witha student teacher group at University. SESSION 1 Introduction to SEPEP (© characteristics ofthe program © how it ts into PE © outline of roles and responsibiiies © smallsided games SESSION 2 ‘Skill practice ‘© fitness and stretching specific to selected sport {teacher led) © skill practice (teacher led) ‘@ election of Sports Board and Publicity Team SESSION 3 Skil practice © fitness and stretching specific to selected sport (teacher led) © game trials © selection of teams SESSION 4 Team practice © skill practice in teams (teacher led) © teams elect: captain, coach, manager, fist aider © discussion of roles and responsibilities, uniforms et. (teacher led) SESSION 5 ‘Team practice (© warm-ups and sill practices ed by teams coaches © modified rules for competition, explained by Sports Board © team practice with modified rules © fixtures, rules, duty teams etc. al posted and discussed SESSION 6 Pre-season games © discuss competition format SESSION 7 Team practice (as for session 5) SESSIONS 8-12 Round Robin Competition (5 teams) © Ten rounds; two rounds each session; one team on duty in each round SESSION 13 Review of Competition 1 © review and suggestions for new scoring system for Competition 2 SESSIONS 14-18 Round Robin Competition 2 © include certificate presentation on last day social event organised for group after school ~ invite soccer celebrities. sass FED roomne

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