Example of European Skills Council - Textile Clothing Leather & Footwear European Sector Skills Council

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The European Skills Council - Textile, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (ESC TCLF)
delivers concrete results:

the creation, for the first time, of a Europe-wide Sector Skills Council, with its
established network involving several partners at different levels: European,
through national, to local; paving the way for other Sector Skills Council, such as the
one dedicated to Commerce.
the creation Osservatorio Nazionale Concia, Italy's National Tanning Observatory,
which acts as the national ISP for this country, and is already participating in the
joint effort at European level.
the provision of consistent, structured and reliable sectoral intelligence, increasing
the knowledge on the sector specificities (labour market, employment structure
and needs,...), best practices, skills education programmes and policy
recommendations, through the publication of annual reports.
the stimulation of joint initiatives among national observatories.
the communication and active work through the web portal, designed to support
and simplify the networking among partners, sector's stakeholders and to provide
updated information and news.
the dissemination through regular publication of a newsletter to a network of 500
specific partners in the business world, trade union movement, research institutes,
universities and schools, press, etc.
the enhancement of the sector's attractiveness through the production and
diffusion of promotional videos.
the organisation of EU-wide and national events on targeted topics.

Past Activities
The ESC TCL – now TCLF – has been active since 2011. Its activities have focussed on
different aspects:

Development of Sectoral Knowledge

One of the key priorities for the ESC TCL has been the development and
dissemination of sectoral knowledge, monitoring the constant changes of labour
market and training needs. A series of surveys and analysis on education- and
training-related themes has been therefore carried out, resulting in three analytical

1. The evolution of Employment and Skills Needs

2. The evolution of good practises and the consequent reduction of skills mismatch
3. innovative tools in employment and training policies in TCL industry

A fourth report, based on the above analysis, details seven recommendations directed
at institutional, social and industry stakeholders at both European and national levels.
Reports are available for download in the Reports section.

Involvement and Awareness

Since the setting up of the TCL Skill Council, members have invested in strengthening
joint activities, widening the existing network and deepening the involvement of new
stakeholders. Tool deployed to pursue these objectives have been:

the creation of this Web Portal, acting as a base for dissemination on activities and
achievements of the Council, gathering communication material and including
services available within the Council organisation (Wiki knowledge base, online
training facilities, skills matchmaking).
Regular production and distribution of sector-specific Newsletter
Promotional videos, to increase awareness of the sector and its attractiveness.

The material can be found in the Media section (media.aspx)


Other joint awareness-raising activities target directly the wider public: for instance, in
2014, the ESC TCLF has supported the translation from Dutch to French of the
Belgian Edugame aimed at youth and dedicated to textile, which is now available

in the original Dutch at www.textielexpert.be (http://www.textielexpert.be)

in the French version at www.experttextile.be (http://www.experttextile.be)

Annual Conferences

At the end of each year of activity, an Annual Conference has been organised,
gathering European Commission representatives, the Social Partners, the Industry
Skills Partnerships, sectoral stakeholders and the press.

The 2011 Conference marked the official launch of the European Skills Council for
Textile, Clothing and Leather.
The 2012 Conference (2012_conference.aspx) showcased the outcome of the first
year of operations, with the presentation of the analytical reports and the release of
the first set of recommendations.

Serious Playtime
9 1 2015 - The Edugame dedicated to textile has been traslated into French from its original Dutch, and is
9 1 2015 - The Edugame dedicated to textile has been traslated into French from its original Dutch, and is
now available online! (/en/20151916335.aspx) [+] (/en/20151916335.aspx)

Knowledge-sharing initiative for Leather

12 11 2014 - Leather chemicals manufacturer Stahl has launched a new knowledge and training initiative
aiming at developing expertise throughout the leather production chain in order to improve overall
sustainability. (/en/20141114163422.aspx) [+] (/en/20141114163422.aspx)

Final Conference - ESSC TCLF
28 11 2014  Brussels, Belgium (BE)
Social Partners, Skills Council Partners, European Commission representatives and stakeholders of the
Commerce sector gather in Brussels for the presentation of the ESSC Commerce 2014 Report.
(/en/20141125175530.aspx) [+] (/en/20141125175530.aspx)

European Skills Council - TCL Meeting

18 3 2014  Brussels, Belgium (BE)
The Social Partners and the Industry Skills Partnerships for the Textile, Clothing and Leather Sector meet
and evaluate the work done so far, discuss possible expansion and monitor progress on research towards
the new reports. (/en/2014111712387.aspx) [+] (/en/2014111712387.aspx)


Mission (mission.aspx)

Composition & Structure (structure.aspx)

Council Membership (membership.aspx)

Participating ISPs (ISPs.aspx)

Activities & Resources

Reports (reports.aspx)

Current Activities (current.aspx)

Media Library (media.aspx)
European Skills Council (http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=784)

Skills Alliances (http://ec.europa.eu/education/policy/vocational­policy/sector­

ESCO (http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1042&langId=en)

External Links

Euratex (http://www.euratex.org)

industriAll (http://www.industriall­europe.eu)

Cotance (http://www.euroleather.com)

CEC (http://www.cec­footwearindustry.eu/)

Spin360 (http://www.spin360.biz)

Synesis (http://www.synesis­consortium.eu)


Secretariat (contact.aspx)

Web Portal Administrator (mailto:staff@europeanskillscouncil.t­c­l.eu)

Quick Links

Press (press.aspx)

Newsletter (newsletter.aspx)
Members Area (login.aspx)

© European Skills Council - Textile, Clothing, Leather & Footwear, 2014

  This website has been funded with support from the European Commission. It reflects the views only of the
author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.

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