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The Founding of the American Government ‖ The Constitutional Convention

Goals & Objectives

 Students will be able to compare and contrast the differing viewpoints of the
Founding Fathers and will analyze the different areas of policy in which each
Founding Father had the most influence.
 Students will review the compromises made at the Constitutional Convention.
 Students will read and discuss short pieces about some of the key Founding Fathers
and will analyze their political viewpoints by using a graphic organizer to compare
their viewpoints.

California State Content Standards

Standard 12.1.3 Students explain the fundamental principles and moral values of
American democracy as expressed in the U.S. Constitution and other essential
documents of American democracy. Explain how the U.S. Constitution reflects a balance
between the classical republican concern with promotion of the public good and the
classical liberal concern with protecting individual rights; and discuss how the basic
premises of liberal constitutionalism and democracy are joined in the Declaration of
Independence as “selfevident truths.”

Common Core Literacy Standards

1. Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources,
connecting insights gained from specific details to an understanding of the text as a whole.
2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an
accurate summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.

Driving Historical Question

What were the dominant opposing viewpoints of the Founding Fathers and how did they
contribute to the formation of the government?

Lesson Introduction (Anticipatory Set/Hook/Accessing Prior Knowledge) ‖ Time: 10 min

Students will complete the first two columns of a "KWL" chart, explaining what they
already know, and writing guiding questions about what they want to learn about the
Constitutional Convention and the Founding Fathers. They will have five minutes to fill out
the first two columns before sharing their ideas with a partner. Finally, there will be a class
discussion so that all students have the opportunity to share their guiding questions.
During this time the teacher should be monitoring class discussion.
Vocabulary (Content Language Development) ‖ Time: Throughout lesson
The Constitutional Convention, Federalists, Jeffersonians, The Great Compromise,
The 3/5 Compromise, The Founding Fathers

Content Delivery (Method of Instruction) ‖ Time: 35 minutes

Students will read short biographies about the Founding Fathers and compare and contrast
their viewpoints using a Venn Diagram. This will be done is small groups of no more than
four students. Students will utilize the graphic organizer reading strategy.

The readings can be found in the “Founding Fathers Biographies” in the resources section
of the website.

Student Engagement (Critical Thinking & Student Activities) ‖ Time: Throughout lesson
Throughout the lesson, students will be adding information to a Venn Diagram comparing
and contrasting the two main political parties that emerged at the time, including adding
the names of the Founding Fathers that fit each side, and some of their key viewpoints.

A sample Venn Diagram can be found on the website.

Lesson Closure ‖ Time: 5 minutes

To conclude, students will write a summarizing paragraph in the third column of their KWL
chart. They will have three minutes to write, then a few volunteers will share their
paragraphs with the class.

Assessments (Formative & Summative)

Class Discussions (F), KWL (F & S), Venn Diagram (F)

Accommodations for English Learners, Striving Readers and Students with Special Needs
For English Learners, Striving Readers, and Students with Special Needs, a sample Venn
Diagram will be provided. Extended time and preferential seating will also be offered.

Resources (Books, Websites, Handouts, Materials)

Founding Fathers Biographies, Handouts, Graphic Organizers

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