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Mahayogi Shri Aurobindo Ghosh has opined: Doubtlessly mankind, by unfolding the
designing of stars/galaxies right up to unveiling various mysteries of science has achieved a
great deal. Yet ere we possessed a machine via which we could understand man’s soul, it
appears that in comparison to this important invention all attainments of modern material
science are ordinary.

Amongst the manifest and non manifest powers of humans one is a very important energy
and that is his speech. Via speech man gathers information, the same information is got by
others and various worldly tasks are carried out. It shall send shivers down our spine merely
on imagining a world society’s sordid state if no speech communication existed in it. The
mundane importance of speech is beyond all doubt. The amount of work that speech carries
out for creating enthusiasm and ire while making friends and foes, no other basis of the entire
world can do this.

The spiritual basis of speech is all the more important. Mantra worship is a mysterious
variety of this type on the basis of which man attains multifaceted progress and a foundation
of helping others is created. We all are well versed with the benefits and effects of Mantra
Energy. Lest this spiritual practice is done properly, that energy can be created in untold
amounts that can bestow astounding success in man’s material and spiritual arena. The chief
substratum of miracles in Mantra Energy is word/sound. To sound energy manifestation is
conjoined the foundation of the bodily, mental and sentimental state of a Mantra devotee. It
is the combination of all these that an effect appears which can be called the miracle of
Mantra Power.

Total compact sound emerges while uttering something only when all the parts of the mouth
like tongue, lips, teeth, palate, throat etc work in tandem. If merely the tongue is used man
too akin to birds and beast would be capable of uttering only limited words and speech.
Mantras have been interwoven keeping in mind hidden mysteries of Sound Science. While
chanting Mantra words not only do mouth parts move but that its movements influence
mysterious centers of our subtle body. The very important centers of the subtle body include
6 Chakras (subtle plexus), 3 endocrine complex ‘knots’, 3 subtle nerves, 10 Prana Forces, 53
subtle glands etc. The flow of alphabets of a Mantra plays an important role in rendering
them active and awakened.'s_scientific_foundation

The moment you start pressing various keys of a type writer imprints of various alphabets
can be seen on paper kept a bit afar. The moment you place your fingers on keys of a piano
wooden sticks open up and musical notes are heard. The same process can be seen in Mantra
chanting. Movements taking place in the mouth after attacking various energy centers of the
subtle body induces special upheavals in them. Accordingly in the deep recesses of the psyche
of the devotee such awakening and manifestation is seen with the help of which miraculous
divine powers awaken and thus the devotee’s inner personality gets filled up with so many
divine glories which are not found in lay people.

On a gross basis the purpose of sound is looked upon merely as to send certain information
to the brain via the medium of our ears yet this is not the only aim. The more one deeply
cogitates over Sound Energy its importance and extraordinary shall get more clarification.
Due to sound of thunder many tall buildings are razed to the ground. So much noise pollution
is emerging due to today’s technological civilization that due to its dire results man shall have
to endure unending losses. The entire world is worried regarding this. So much noise is
emitted by Supersonic Jets flying in the sky that everyone knows its harmful repercussions.
Hence efforts have been made to render these fast moving jets sound free. Machines too emit
sounds beyond the ken of our ears that create stupendous amazing reactions.

The special nature of a Mantra is dependent on the choice of weaving of its words in a
particular manner. They have been molded on the basis of special laws of Sound Science
which on uttering ceaselessly in one flow emits energy of a special stature. It’s definitely a
fantastic application to ceaselessly utter words in one flow. If we rub our palms continuously
they emit warmth. If certain words are uttered in one manner, with same speed, in one tone
then its reaction not only excites that devotee’s body and psyche but that nearby regions too
are influenced similarly. An onrush is the total measure reaction of Mantra manifesting in
the devotee. It is experienced in the mind and body as special zest, enthusiasm and deep faith.
Some devotees also get the vision of the Mantra deity and blessings of success are heard
subtly. All this is heard and seen not by our gross ears and eyes but via our subtle senses. It
is the subtle sense organs that experience all this yet many a times its intensity is so great that
at that moment the spiritual vision or sound appears gross like. It is not necessary that every
successful Mantra practice bestows this sort of vision and celestial voice yet definitely one
experiences that our faith and steadfastness mature along with enthusiasm and will power
becoming stronger. Very clearly we can witness happiness on a devotee’s face connoting
success (Sidhi) in Mantra chanting and the victory of attaining something is seen as brilliant
light in the eyes. These experiences that point at success in Mantra chanting is called Sphota.

The Mantra’s sentimental role creates magnetism and Sphota renders the same widespread
and potent infinitely. The preliminary explosion of an atom is ordinary. It is the surrounding
atmosphere by manifesting multiplied energy renders it fearfully terrific. This same process
is seen in Mantras. Mantra is activated by sentiments in them, faith conjoined to worship
rites and many mysterious specialties of Mantra devotion like the terrific flow of Sound
Energy emitted by spiritual practices. This in turn renders steadfastly devoted Mantra
practicing aspirants to peaks of Mantra mastery.'s_scientific_foundation
Over here one more point needs to be noticed is that a divine existence needs to be invoked
in every apparatus, material and parts used in Mantra practices and instead of rendering
them ordinary materials they have to be reinstated as divine weapons. Mantra chanting done
so as to help manifest pilgrim spots and the soul in water used by us for bathing is nothing
but invocation of Varun deity along with other demigods in this water. In this way by bathing
in water imbued with deep faith induces steadfast devotion in a devotee. There is a tradition
of Mantra chanting and imbibing of certain techniques in applications of seat, rosary, 5
vessels of worship, flame lamp, sandalwood, flowers and other apparatus which must never
be looked upon as useless or meaningless. By doing all this methodically apparatus that seems
ordinary becomes of the stature of that divine cosmic consciousness that is required for
Mantra applications. Prana Pratishtha or invoking Prana Energy in the image of the deity
and Phodashopchar worship rites are done from that standpoint that by superimposing
profound faith and rendering a material image a representative of that powerful authority
(God) fulfills the goal of bestowing us with terrific inspiration.

A Mantra devotee via Nyas Mantras must establish various divine powers in all their bodily
parts. The aim of sanctification, Achman, Pranayam and Nyas is purification of gross, subtle
and causal bodies. The view of Spiritual Practice Sciences is that one must worship divinity
only after becoming divine. In order to purify the body and mind before commencing Mantra
Japa many types of worship rites/Karmakand have to be followed. Amongst these many are
meant to establish an attitude of divinity in ourselves. This application on being used in
spiritual practices becomes capable of becoming helpers in success of worship materials.

Energy from sound has been endorsed by modern science. Ere audible sound is emitted
ceaselessly then in a short while heat emerges that can even boil water.

Sensitive sentiments and thinking process get conjoined to Mantras and by establishing a
particular thought flow in the brain that thought latches on to our thinking methods and it
takes the form of an unending flow. This path from the viewpoint of intellectual training and
transformation is very useful. With its help the mind is trained to immerse itself in some
special role. Distortions can be corrected and a transformation can be brought into our
desires and inner nature. By giving due weight age to thinking of meaning it becomes an
ordinary benefit of Mantra chanting.

The Sphota or manifestation of Sound Energy is a mysterious process of Mantra Power. We

all have enough information regarding the fearful energy emitted by an atomic explosion. Its
vibrations too are made from the combination of old units. The explosion of these sound
vibrating units too can be akin to atomic explosions. Behind techniques of Mantra Yoga
practices a very similar process is seen. The interweaving of word designing in Mantras has
been done by spiritual seers and divine seer thinkers in such a manner that with the help of
spiritual endeavors like Japa, Homa (fire sacrifice), other mediums of austerities and rituals
desirable explosions can be induced. In today’s parlance the word Visphota or explosion is
used in a manner which is similar to the word Sphota in Sanskrit language. In reality Mantra
worship is explosion of Sound Energy.
Sound explosion emits such sound waves that cannot be heard by our gross ears. Sound is an
object of space. Hence the work arena of a Mantra devotee is space element. A Yogi is a
devotee of wind. He/she gathers Prana Energy via the medium of wind or air. From this
standpoint a Mantra devotee can be called even more senior in stature to a Yogi. A true
Mantra devotee not only is any less than a Yogi but that he/she is that tad bit more powerful.

In Mantra practice there is an explosive emission of sound Energy. Explosions possess

multiplicative energy. In Mantras preliminarily a focused steadfastness of reinstating
divinity is created. This sentiment is magnetic. It is the 1st leg of appearance of the power of
faith. Energy helps multiply this preliminary attainment and thus a small miniscule seed gets
converted into a gigantic tree. The magnetic nature of thought is well known. One eulogizes,
worships and remembers one’s icon or Energy of Mantra’s deity along with its specialties
and in one’s faith one harbor deep feelings of them being all powerful and full of grace. Via
an appointed Karmakand or mode of worship and also via austerities full of endurance of
all kinds of hardships renders a very crystal clear faith in the deep cave of the psyche of a
devotee after a very long span of spiritual practices commences ripening that the Mantra’s
hidden energy is now his/her for keeps. All these types of faith combine to render complete
the sentimental process of Mantras full of magnetic pull.

Via mantra chanting 2 circles are formed viz. sentimental circle and sound circle. Ceaseless
mobility ultimately starts moving in a circle. Stars, galaxies etc move within their elliptical
paths based on this fact that speedy mobility ultimately takes on a rounded circular path. If
a person commences walking in a straight forward direction shall ultimately come back to
his original starting point. This happens because our earth is round in shape. The shape and
movement of units in the cosmos is round because of their continuous mobility. Big rocks
enter rivers after breaking away from mountains and after flowing in these waters for long
they become round in shape. Later they get converted into small sand particles.

Within Mantra chanting well defined words have to be repeated without pausing in a
stepwise fashion. This verily is Japa. This mobile flow has 2 foundations. One is sensitive
sentiments and the 2nd is word and its sound. A well defined flow of sentiments embedded in
the deep recesses of a Mantra takes the form of sentimental circle. It is so terrific that by
catching tightly a devotee’s inner personality molds it according to its own nature. Sound
circle emitted due to chanting too is so terrific that its explosion by forming a dense cover
embraces the Mantra devotee in it. Thus the sentiment circle covers our inner nature and
sound circle embraces our external activities in such a way that man’s 2 fold consciousness
can be molded into a desirable stature. In Mantra Science in order to positive transform the
stature of our personality successful applications can be executed. So many taints and
undesirable traits can be uprooted. We can benefit from the augmenting of good
characteristics, sacred activities and a good will based nature. Mantra science can be used
very successfully to get liberation from bodily and mental diseases.'s_scientific_foundation
Both the wisdom circle and sound circle amass a lot of powers in their own way. They are
also such that can totally transform uncultured people and tainted situations. The Sudershan
Chakra in the hands of Lord Vishnu points at the terrific capability of soul energy. Mantras’
circular nature can miraculously succeed in transforming the nature of others’ psyche and
atmosphere too that is the cause of creation of varied circumstances we face in life.

The infinite ocean of consciousness drips with waves of circles, frequency and repetition. In
its jigsaw puzzle via creation of desires, actions and results of actions pull and drag us here
and there in life. By cutting asunder this circular mesh we attain Jivan Mukti or liberation
while yet alive. The other terminology used for this state is Self Realization, Soul Wisdom
and Divine Knowledge. This then is the supreme goal of all lives. Those who tread in this
direction have to rent asunder all types of bondages coming one’s way. This goal can be
fulfilled via Mantra Sciences. The dense aura of Mantra Energy cuts up all mental
vices/taints akin to the fast moving wheels of a tractor or bulldozer.

Generally in Mantra worship programs or Anushthans Agnihotra or fire sacrifice is said to

be a most required step. It is one thing to offer fragrant materials to fire and render the
atmosphere sweetly fragrant and but the story is different as far as Yajna worship is
concerned. Materials used in Yajna rites like wood, food grains etc cannot be just procured
from anywhere as per one’s whims and fancies. In fact they have to be rendered Mantra
manifest, imbued with Sankalpa or resolve and nourished sacredly. The condition and
sacredness of that branch of a tree used as Samidha (fuel for Yajna fire) has to be tested
appropriately. At an auspicious hour, with purity it is cut with a hatchet that has been
energized via Mantra chanting (Abhimantrit). This wood is then washed with pure clean
water and dried in shade. It is the Yajna performer who cuts wood with specific length and
thickness and before offering it to Yajna fire, they again reinstate Prana Energy in it and
only then can we call this wood as Samidha. If we insist on cutting wood from anywhere in
any wayward manner it can only be called fuel to light ordinary fire. This sort of fire can
never give you miraculous results.'s_scientific_foundation

The same holds true for Havya or Yajna materials used to offer in Agnihotra fire rites. With
proper methods they have to be rendered pure and sacred. For this very goal by lighting fire
stepwise it must be reinstated in the Yajna pyre. If Yajna fire is lit with match sticks made
of potash emerging from bones and those chemicals that let off a foul odor, then the aim of
reinstating sacred fire in Yajna pyre is not fulfilled. Vessels used in Yajnas are made of
certain specific wood and of certain shapes and sizes. All this hassle is not undertaken
without purpose. The Hotra or one performing the Yajna must wear clean clothes after first
bathing properly and while observing certain disciplines must methodically offer Havi or
materials to Yajna fire. A definite Yajna technique and proper mantra chanting has to be
executed. In all this we must give up our nature of whims and fancies. This is because Yajna/
Mantra techniques are very scientific in nature. By ignoring its correct methodology not only
are we wasting our efforts but that many a times undesirable consequences too have to be
faced by the Yajna performer.
Over here we have discussed Agnihotra for this reason that it too comes in the realm of
Mantra worship. It is a special application of Mantra Science. Within various aspects of
Yajna rites the manner in which purity and alertness is observed and divine reinstate of
sacred sentiments is executed, the same must be done in every leg of Mantra worship. It is
erroneous merely to keep chanting Mantras and ignoring certain do’s and don’ts conjoined
to it by saying they are meaningless and superfluous.

AUTHOR: Shriram Sharma Acharya founder of the International Gayatri Family was a great Yogi seer
and incarnation of God who wrote volumes of scientific literature mainly on spiritual subjects for world
welfare and peace. For more scientific e-books visit: and DESCRIPTION: Free e-books on Future Scientific Religion, Gayatri Science &
Kundalini Yoga correlated to Neurosciences-ESP, Endocrinology, Anatomy, Psychology & Sociology for
1) material & spiritual prosperity & 2) uniting the world peacefully as a family. Ours is a strictly non-
commercial website which aims at realizing the age old dream of great leaders and thinkers of the
world: A beautiful borderless world. KEYWORDS: Kundalini Yoga Gayatri e-books biography Guru world
peace mind psyche god nerve subtle consciousness soul divine trance endocrine glands ESP Chakras
plexus meditation concentration intellect prophecy thought thinking Cheiro Nostradamus Aurobindo
bliss brain Vedas solar sun energy sacred pure sense organs Prana Avatar Upanishad light cell
hypothalamus pituitary transformation futurist prediction serpent power life human ethics integrity
character vagus Tantra Mooladhar atom neutron proton

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