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- -- .
- - _.. ----..-
= Staner~unIJ~--===--=
- - - --
Hello! 3 How much / How many ... ? 5
Present simple 4 Past simple 6
Present continuous 4 Can 7
There is / There are 5

Sport 8 Places 44
Language zone 10 Language zone 46
Skills zone 12 Skills zone 48
Situations 14 Situations 50
Study skills 14 Study skills 50
Culture Zone 15 Culture Zone 51

Transport 16 Shopping 52
Language zone 18 Language zone 54
Skills zone 20 Skills zone 56
Situations 22 Situations 58
Study skills 22 Study skills 58
Culture Zone 23 Culture Zone 59
Review 1 24 Review 3 60

~ Unlt ~ 3 ==
Directions 26 School trips 62
Language zone 28 Language zone 64
Skills zone 30 Skills zone 66
Situations 32 Situations 68
Study skills 32 Study skills 68
Culture Zone 33 Culture Zone 69

Family life 34 Special days 70

Language zone 36 Language zone 72
Skills zone 38 Skills zone 74
Situations 40 Situations 76
Study skills 40 Study skills 76
Culture Zone 41 Culture Zone 77
Review 2 42 Review 4 78
1 Dopasuj zdania do obrazk6w. 4 My best friends are Owen , Sophie
1 Hi! I'm Harry Kite. I live in Brighton , and Anna. We're in the same class.
in the south of E ngland .~ We're all 14 yea rs old.
2 I haven 't got any brothers or sisters, S My teacher is Mr Clark. He's OK,
but I've got a cat called Moggie. but he's very strict. He teaches
3 I go to Greenfields Comprehensive Science and History.
Schoo l. It's a good school and 6 After school, I play football or
I like most of my lessons - but computer games. Sometimes
I don't like Maths! I go to town with my friends.

2 Odpowiedz na pytania.
Where does Harry live? 3 Who are his best friends?
V I "
H-lIrrtl LLVes LI'\- -g,yLghtol'\-. lu- ; a.'" )QS- r d,
1 Has he got any brothers and sisters? 4 What does Mr Clark teach?
\(u.,.tQ. h.= ~Q' a.'l1~ b,.o;n~,·~ , rl?" : _(v.. ~ o~_ -_Q~r.
2 What lesson doesn't Harry like? S What does Harry do after school?
\ .
Present simple
3 Popraw zdania tak, aby byly
4 Anna and Sophie
I live in London.
I clo,,-'t L~ve ~"- Lo""clo"". I L~ve ~""
0.11l o.~ .i'11~te",:.s.

. . '. L'
~/ '
1 I go to school in France.
J do .. 1l;vll. ;"'sc.~oDl. j", '? . -- ,. .
, 0 • ••

2 School starts at 11 a.m.

e I 'I I 1~o
.JcJl coi. ~ta. ... 0.-:- a. . rrr'l~ @ UI6z pytania i odpowiedzi.

l:; .~ ~L-----'
3 After school I go to bed.
" 1" J • I

r J -e..::.;' 5 , 00.. .,; ~ c - - U

~ . H
4 I have chocolate for lunch. they I play basketball
J dO'11J~v(O_.n..~"-- :..~_ 1 C(
A AYe tflei::j "LC!i::j~""0 bClsK.etbClLL?
B No, tflei::j ClYe",,'t. lVlei::j'ye "LC!i::j~""0

Present continuous
4 Napisz zdania 0 tym , co robiq te osoby.

I-tCl YYl::J ~s wCltcfl~""0

~~7---':::=~~ teLev~s~o"" .

1 Mr ClarkY,c (\.:i ;'tl~
a.. 00 L. _ .
There ;s I There are
® U/6i: pytania z Is there a lub Are there any.
Nast~pnie napisz odpowiedzi.

Example 3 people / dining room

cat / bathroom
A Is tVle~e el Celt ~"" tVl e beltVl~DDV><.?
A AH I~Q ~ ~ ·)II. r ~op l. l'tl the J:m
4 ', 00

B No., tVle~e ~s",,'t . B ~a. ~a" e a. "e", 'L

1 fridge / kitchen ;~ ~ I ? 4 birds / garden

A j 5 ./j,."e 0. t,, : d:l~ Li c h Q ll l . A A"r~ he., . bi. . cJs P1l Ih ~ ~o ode'll?
v II .
B les -+h Q I\. Q IS o B Yes ~h r... Cl" e 0

2 television / bedroom 5 ch ildren / living room

A J, ~h~~. t lev;,:on
Q. A A,,< IL". d,:[J""", ;"
B ~s !h.". ;,. B

How much I How many ooo?

® U/6i: pytania z How much lub How many. Nast~pnie napisz odpowiedzi.
, Example

!-tDW V><.L<.CVl V><.~LK. ~s tVlere? 1 How "mh <holote ;, Jh.22 Hoc') ""'Cl m~ app lQs;5 fLrll
There ~s SDV>\.e V><.~LK.. The,,; :s SO'hl1l chol~Je. Ih". ~ ' Otm ll "Pit.s .

3 How 'l11uch b'1"eo.d;s e'l4? H

o", .''''''''' 'iI b o. .n o. l7J Cl. S 5 How lYna lll~ Otp: o..T O (!S

!h.,. I~ b·,eo.d.
SO'lTlQ ~ In.! H ? 1h<! I'V Q. o.ot.~ Q.!re. lhel).e '? Th!?'1- e Qr,. Q
50rme bo. ,'o..l1a.S I I
'fO 'll10 1 0 i ~ D
Past simple 10 Uzupelnij zdania , wstawiajqc
czasown iki z cwo 9. w formie czasu
8 Uzupelnij dialog, wstawiajqc was lub were. Past simple.
[ feci the hamster some bread
this morni ng.
1 It was raining , so [ to
stay indoors.
2 I didn't go on holiday. [ SiQ. ~

OWEN Hi Sophie. Where 'were at home.

, .
you last week? 3 [ ).IO«.0 my computer. Now it
SOPHI E [ 2 WQ.tH1" on holiday with doesn 't work.
Mum and Dad in France. 4 I b<.<: .:Ie d my bike all the way
OWEN Oh! 3 (;.)0..5 it good? home.
SOPHIE [t' w""'e.... great. Our hotel
11 Napisz zgodne z prawdq zdania a tym ,
5 c... (...). lovely and the
co wczoraj rob il-es/as i czego nie
peop[e ' wa..:. very robil-es/as .

friend ly. Example

watch television
OWEN That's good.
I welte"ecl teLevlslo"" !::JesteY'clel!::J. OR
SOPHI E Did you go on holiday this
I cllcl",,'t Welte" teLevls~o"" !::JesteY'clel!::J.
1 cook breakfast
No. Mum and Dad
J . _ '). _ v.. ... ('I..
at work, so we Q'l-JC- •
2 ride a bike
stayed at home a[[ summer.
And then [ . c...,<: ill.
3 do my homework
SOPHI E Oh dear! Are you better now?
OWEN Yes , now it's time for school,
J id'TI'+' do 0'1 So J c,.
4 visit my grandparents
I'm better!
SOPHIE Oh bad luck!
J J ~t vi.,J -'llJ~ f o-a.Jro. t
5 go to the ci nema
9 Rozwiqz krzyz6wkf(l, uzywajqC JJ (311't 'to" c j:112 (,.11lf''l1 0"
czasown ik6w z ram ki w formie czasu 6 walk to school
Past simple.

break, .feeEl- -Age-

~ '2. d -stay.. Elesie8
7 play football
) J 0 v 7 >-L- - " "

"l- I P C. "I 8 stay at home
b " ~ ..I. . . I '- J d" J.n.. t <..-~ OcT
et e c ~ et I e el l
12 Uzupelnij pytania do podanych 14 Popatrz na wyniki sondazu klasowego
odpowiedzi. przeprowadzonego z 20 uczniami
i odpowiedz na pytania.
Who c!~c! 11 0 1-<. Vl<.tet at the cafe?

B I met Owen. -
1 A When __ oJ _ J Sophie?
Vl 15
B I saw her two weeks ago. C
2 A What for lunch ?
:::J -
'0 10 -
B I had a sandwich. ~

3 A What on Sunday? E
B We went to the park. Z 5- f--
4 A Where l,ast night? - I---
B We went to the cinema . 0 ~
u ~
Vl aJC ~
5 A What programme c QJ ~
ro :::J .s:: 0
C) Vl
U .s:: 2c
last night? QJ >- ro
:5 ro QJ QJ
>- Ci. "0
B We watched The Simpsons. ro ·c
Ci. Vl

can 1 How many students can play

13 Odpowiedz na pytania. the guitar?

Example 2 How many students can ride
Can it swim?
a horse?
3 How many students can play
1 Can he play?
4 How many students can dive?
5 How many students can 't swim?
6 How many students can 't use the
2 Can it fly?

7 How many students ca n't ski?
8 How many students can't dance?
3 Can they run?

~ 4 Can she play tennis?

15 Opisz wyniki sondazu .

F~fteev.. stl-<.c!ev..ts Cc:lv.. c!c:lv..ce.
F~ve stl-<.c!ev..ts Cc:lv..'t c!c:lv..ce.

. .. .. 5 Can it walk?

.. .
1 Uzupel nij d ialog , wstawiajqc czasowni ki z ram ki w formie czasu Present continuous.
~ practise head play €le take )

HARRY What are you ' ~o."'0 ?

SOPHIE We're 2 for the football match next week.

ANNA I'm 3 the bal l.

SOPHIE And I'm' free kicks.

OWEN What! You 're 5 footba ll ?

SOPHIE That's right!
OWEN Football isn 't for girls. Watch this. Oh no, the w indow !
MR CLARK Owen! Come here now.

2 Przeczytaj dialog jeszcze raz. Czy 3 Znajdz j eszcze jedenascie nazw

zdania ponizej Sq prawdziwe (,I) czy zwi qzanych ze sportem .
fal szywe (X)?
[W i I I N l o l s ; u R : F I I IN G
1 There is a football match next week . 0 IR I L I S W I I 1M M I I N G B I
2 Harry and Owen are practising. 0 U B I T 1S I F I N 0 l Yj s l EI A j
3 Anna is heading the ball. D V , O L LE Y B A L D o l
4 Harry is taking free kicks. D G ° S N T P T IC IH M
5 Sophie is wearing shorts. 0 ° I T K A I O RJ E . B J I C I
6 Mr Clark is angry. 0 IG i S A S L ° P E ' G 1O I N
7 Harry is in trouble. D G I L T S IB E O j R A U T
E~ I G A S Y H N 1R
E MI N S , R A C K E T N
S ' A IG F !o l o T I B IA L
, L I
4 Uzupelnij tabelk~.

Sport Place Equipment

football footbCl LL p~tCVt


volleyball voLLet:J bCl LL court

skiing SK~ slope

swimmi ng SW~VI<.VI<.~"'0 pooL 6

basketball bClsKetbClLL court I 7

5 Uzupel nij zdania , uzywajqc wyraz6w 6 Uzupelnij zdania 0 kazdym obrazku.

z cwo 4.

1 Are you going to the "-_ _ _ _--'

He's going to the te""""~s court. He's got
a YClCKet

2 Wear you r
to go skiing.

1 She's going to the

· She 's got goggles and
3 I like to play -...~,,--,,....

on the beach.

4 I'm heading the

2 He's going to the

· He's got
and a
5 Katie's new
is blue and red.

3 She's going to the

· She's got some
1 Uzupetnij zdania , w stawiajqc podane 2 Zakresl prawidlowq form~ czasownika.
czasowniki w formie czasu Present
1 Be quiet! Your sister sleeps I is sleeping.
2 Dad plays I is playing tenn is on
Sunday morni ngs.
3 I visit I 'm visiting my grandma every
Satu rday.
4 I read I 'm reading a very good book at
the moment.
5 We often go I 're going to th e sports
Soph ie ~s ye£lc!~"0 (read) a book.
centre after school.
6 Look! Grandad wears I is wearing shorts.
7 I can't hear you. I listen I 'm listening to
my CD.

3 Uzupelnij tabelk~ .
1 Harry and Owen Present simple Present continuous I
(play) foo tba ll. stL<.c!~ es


, play

4 Uzupelnij zdania , wstawiajqc podane

2 Anna (skate).
czasowniki w formie czasu Present
simple lub Present continuous.
1 An na (play) tennis
every weekend.
2 Harry isn't here. He
(visit) his cousins.
3 Mr Clark (eat). 3 (go) swimming
after school every Thursday.
4 Owen is busy. He
(do) his homework.
5 Anna and Sophie
(live) in Brighton.
4 The ch ildren 6 We (watch) ca rtoons
(watch) television. on television every even ing .
5 Popatrz na plan lekcji Owena i uzupelnij zdania w czasie Present simple lub Present
continuous. Uzyj czasownik6w z tabelki w cwo 3.

9.00 10.15 I 1.30 12.30 1.30 2.45 3.45

Monday French Maths English LUNCH Science Geography HOME

Tuesday French Drama Science LUNCH I.T. Art Football

Wednesday I Music English History LUNCH Maths PE. (tennis) Music club

It's 10.15 on Monday. Owen ~s stL{c;lf1~vcg Maths.
1 Owen a French lesson at 9.00 a.m . every Monday and Tuesday.
2 It's 3.45 on Monday. Owen home.
3 Owen History at 11.30 on Wednesdays.
4 It's 12.45. Owen lunch.
5 It's 2.45 on Wednesday. Owen tennis.
6 Owen football at 3.45 p.m. on Tuesdays.
7 Owen to music club at 3.45 on Wednesdays.

6 Uzupelnij rozm owy te lefoniczne, wstawiajqc podane czasown iki w odpowiedniej formie.

HARRY Hi Anna. What ' ANNA Hi Mum.

you (do)? MUM Hello, Anna . Where are you?
ANNA I2 (wa lk) home ANNA I' (go) to computer
with Sophie. What about you? club .
HARRY I'm at computer club. We MUM OK. When does computer club finish?
(play) games. ANNA It 6 (finish) at 5
Do you wa nt to come? o'clock.
ANNA I'm not sure. I ' MUM OK. Don't forget your piano lesson .
(not like) computer games. It 7 (start) at
HARRY But this one is very good. Come on. 6 o'clock.
ANNA Oh , OK. See you in fi ve minutes. ANNA OK, Mum. Bye.
1 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania .
A sport with a difference
1 Where does Jennifer live?
Jennifer Watson is a
British marathon runner.
2 Where does she train? She lives in London, but
she never does the
London Marathon. She
3 How far does she run? trains by running up the
stairs of her house and
she never runs more
4 Where are vertical marathons popular? than 300 metres. Why?
Because Jennifer is a
vertical marathon runner
- she runs up the stairs
of tall buildings.
5 Which marathon is Jennifer trai ning for?
Vertical marathons are becoming popular in many
countries. People run up famous buildings in Japan,
Australia, China, Canada, the USA and Russia. The
6 How many steps are in the hotel?
fastest runners usually finish in seven minutes.
This year, Jennifer is tra ining for a vertical marathon
7 What do people get when they finish in Singapore. There are 1,336 steps in the hotel.
Jennifer wants to fini sh the race in ten minutes.
the race?
Everyone who does the marathon gets a T-shirt and
something to eat. There's a great prize for the winner
8 What does the winner get? - a trip to New York. But it isn't a hol iday. It's a trip to
do a vertical marathon in the Empire State Bu ilding!

2 Czy zdan ia pon izej Sq p rawdziwe (.1') czy falszywe (X)?

1 Jennifer comes from London. D 4 The fastest runners usually finish

2 She does the London Marathon in seven minutes. D

every year. D 5 Jennifer wants to finish the race

3 Vertical marathons are popular in ten minutes. D

in France. D 6 The prize is a holiday. D
3 Odpow iedz na pytania na podst aw ie
podanych inform acj i.
1 When is the vertical marathon in
2 What time does it start?
3 How many steps are there?
Vertical marathon Vertical marathon
4 How many steps are in the vertical Singapore Bangkok
marathon in Bangkok? When : November When: September
Start: 9 am Start: 8.00 am
5 What is the prize?
Building: Hotel Bui lding: Hotel
6 What type of building do the vertical Steps: 1,336 Steps: 1,093
marathons take place in? Prize: Trip to _New York Prize: Trip to Hong Kong
Emily j est na letnim obozie. PolqcZ p%wki zdari.
1 I'm havi ng a great time c a three hours each day.

2 The weather is fantastic and b really exciting .

we're c at surnrner camp.
3 I'm [earning to d have lots of fun in the evenings.

4 [[ove windsurfi ng. It's e after dinner. We have a

5 We practise for cornputer room , a disco and a

6 I've got lots of new friends small ci nema.

here and we f windsurf.

7 We have lots to do 9 [earning lots of new things.

5 Napisz list, uzywajqc zdari z cw. 4. 6 Wyobraz sob ie, ze jestes na letnim obozie
i uczysz si~ uprawiac nowq dyscyp[in~
___ , (Wpisz swoje imi~) sportOWq. Napisz list do Emily, w ktorym
odpowiesz na ponizsze pytania.
1'1'\0\. l1elV~"'0 el greelt t~1'\o\.t elt SlA.l'\o\.l'\o\.tr
Whe re are you? Do you like it there?
Cell'\o\.'!'. - - - - What sport are you [earning?
How many hours a day do you practise?
[s the weather good?
Have you got any new friends?
What do you do in the eve nings? 6mily,

see tl01A. SOOl'\,. Love from,

Love fr0l'\o\.,
1 Odpow iedz na pytan ia Harry'ego. 3 Przeczytaj dialog i wpisz podane
Exampl e pytania w odpowiednim miejscu .
How often do you go swimming? /
What time does it close?
lW~ce ~ weeK. / I ""ever- go 5W~""-""-~~. How much does it cost?
Where is it?
1 How often do you have Maths lessons
~ What time does the museum open? .J
at school?
MAN Helio. Brighton Museum. Ca n I help

2 How often do you have P.E.? you?

YOU Helio. '

3 How often do you get French

homework? MAN It opens at 9.30 a.m.

4 How often do you watch television? MAN It's £4.50 for adul ts and £2.50 for
2 Uzupe/nij dialogi. U/6Z pytania z Ho w
MAN It's in town, next to the post office.
often ... ? i napisz odpowiedzi.
A I go to tennis lessons. MAN 5.30 pm.
B How ofte n C;{O 110t.<. go?
YOU OK, thank you.
A oV\,Ce ~ weeK.

1 A I tra in with the school football team. Study skills

B How often
4 U/6z jeszcze pi~c pytari.
How / is the swimming pool?
2 A I visit my grandma.
Where J does it close?
What often do you go shopping?
When is the teacher?
3 A My family and I go skiing.
Who much is a child 's ticket?
How time does it open?
4 A My teacher gives me homework.
W~eye ~5 t~e 5W~""-""-~~ pooL?
5 A I play volleyball.
t ra
1 Z podanych liter utworz nazwy krajow,
w ktorych angielski jest g/ownym

1 arBitin
2 ewN aaZelnd
3 danaCa

2 Napisz nazwy jeszcze dwoch krajow, w

ktorych angielski jest g/ownym j~zykiem.

3 Znajdz osiem angielskich wyrazow, ktore Why do people wa nt to learn English? Here are
brzmi't tak samo w innych j~zykach. some of the reasons that people often give for
choosing to learn this language.

D I want to travel a lot when I'm older.

can understand English, so it's very
useful when you're a tourist.

2 D I'm learning English becallse every

student must learn
_ _ at my school.

3 D People speak a lot of _ _

in my country. Vve can

all use English to speak to each other.

4 Przeczytaj tekst i uzupelnij go
4 D English is the language of business. I
wyrazeniami z ramki.
need English to get _
have fun different languages
when I'm older.
a foreign language the subjects
5 D I need English for _ _
all over the world a good job ./
I'm interested in . For example,

5 Przeczytaj tekst jeszcze raz i zaznacz 80 per cent of the information in

(.I) powody, dla ktorych ty uczysz si~ computers is in English, and man y
j~zyka angielskiego. Nast~pnie napisz
scientists write in English.
kilka zdan 0 tym, dlaczego uczysz si~
tego j~zyka . 6 n English is the language of pop music,

films and computer games. You can

_ _ _ if YOll speak English.
1 Uzupelnij dialog, wstawiaj'lc 2 UI6z podane zdania w prawidlowej
czasowniki z ramki. kolejnosc i.
a He went home. 0
b He went to the wrong classroom. 0
c He didn't have his Science book. 0
d Harry came to school early. 0
e He missed the bus. 0
f He arrived one hour late for 0
the lesson.

3 Popatrz na fotografie i rozwi'lZ krzyZowkli.

\. _ slaFlea went didn't have /
,,-- ~ I-- -
HARRY Sorry I'm late, Mr Clark.
MR CLARK Harry, the lesson 1 I 1 I
an hour ago.
6 r-- U
What ' ? 1 -
HAR RY I3 to school
early, but I didn't have my I' 1 1 1

Science book. ~
MR CLARK SO what did you do? Across Down
5 1
HARRY I' home but
it wasn't there.
MR CLARK Carry on , Harry.
HARRY I missed the bus, so I
2 itt
back to
school, but I 6 7 3
my ti metable so I we nt to the
wrong room.
MR CLARK Well, Harry, this isn 't a good
start. Here's you r Science
book. You 7 it in 6
the classroom. And here's a
new ti metable!
-- liter utworz nazwy miejsc
:::JI~~ry,ch z transportem. Nastllpnie
=:;li5,z nazwy srodk6w transportu,
m ozna znalezc w tych miejscach.
Places Types of transport
2 But then it to rain.

rzeczytaj opisy i napisz nazwy

zwi ~z. ane
z transportem. Uzyj wyrazow 3 1 the bus.
z cwo 4.
Exa mple
You go here to catch a train. stCitLOV\,
1 This train travels below the ground.

2 You have to pay to use this car. 4 But it was the wrong bus! It
to the centre of town.
3 You go here to catch a bus.

4 People often use this to travel to other

5 This is where you go to catch a plane.
5 1 a taxi home.

7 Odpowiedz na pytania 0 swojej podrozy

6 Uzupelnij zdania, wstawiaj~c czasowniki autobusem, poci~giem lub tramwajem.
z ramki w formie czasu Past simple.
1 What type of transport do you take?
get on seeise take start )
( __ m_eet go_
2 Where do you get on?
It was a nice
day, so I o!ecLo!eo! 3 Wh ere do you get off?
to wa lk home.

4 How long does the trip take?

5 How often do you make the trip?

6 How much do you pay for your ticket?

1 I a friend in the park.
1 U16:i: podane wyra:i:enia w kolejnosci
chronologicznej .
!'two days ago last week yesterday "
~ast year last July leR FRiRUles a~

1 te"" .... l"" ..<.tes etg o


2 Napisz pytania, u:i:ywaj<tc podanych



(Last night)

27 X g +2 =

1 5
(watch ) (have
· ..
3 Odpowiedz na pytania z cwo2. 6 Uzupelnij zdania , wstawiaj'lc in lub at.
Exampl e 1 Where is Anna? She's
Did you play tennis yesterday?
Sophie's house.
No, I c;{.c;{,,,..'t. / Yes, I c;{.c;{.
2 Does Owen live Brighton?
3 Is Dad the kitchen?
4 I was born London.
5 Did you live 21 Victoria
6 There are lots of taxis

4 Wstaw podane okreslenia czasu do the taxi rank.

odpowiedn ich kolumn . 7 Can I meet you the
!February Wednesday seven o'clock\ station?
6th September noon 2005
"- .J 8 Harry is his grandma's

at on in house.

7 Napisz podane lata slowami.

1 1985
5 Popraw zdania tak, by byly zgodne
z prawd'l. 2 1962
I was born in 1983.
3 2007
I WilS boY"" ."" ~33 .
1 I went to bed at eight o'clock last night.
4 1845

2 My birthday is on 2nd March .

5 1970s

3 Next term starts in December.

6 2000s

4 I have a History lesson on Tuesdays.

7 1905

5 I went home at half past fi ve yesterday.

8 2005

9 1960s

10 1900s
1 Przeczytaj artykul. Nast~pnie popatrz na map~ i u16;i:
podane zdarzenia w odpowiedniej kolejnosci.
1 The start of Joshua Slocum 's journey 4 The end of Thomas Stevens's journey
2 The end of Joshua Slocum's journey 5 The start of Steve Fossett's journey
3 Th e start of Thomas Stevens's journey 6 The end of Steve Fossett's journey

.. ,- D Boston
San Francisco
o Newport

Queensland 0
Northam 0

Three ways around the world

Around the world by boat
In I 898.Joshua Slocum became the first person to travel around
the world by boat. He sailed from Boston, USA on April 24th, 1895.
Three years later, he returned to the USA. His journey finished in
Newport on june 27th, 1898. He travelled 74.000 ki lometres.

Around the world by bike

The firs t person to cycle around the world was Thomas Stevens. He left
San Francisco. USA on April nnd. 1884. He cycled to New York and then
took a steam boat to Uverpool in England. He cycled through Europe to
Asia. He took a boat from India to Hong Kong and then went to japan.
He finished his journey in Yokohama. In total. Stevens cycled 56.000
kilometres. H is journey took two and a half years.

Around the world by balloon

Steve Fossett was the first person to travel around the world by
balloon. He started hi s journey in Northam, Western Australia on
june 19th. 2002. He travelled 33,200 kilometres, but his journey took just
13 days and eight hours! He landed in Q ueensland. Australia on july 3rd.

2 Uzupetnij tabelk~ .

Name Transport Started in Finished in Journey time I Kilometres

Joshua Slocum 3 5

Thomas Stevens
• ,
Steve Fossett
" " " " "
3 Przeczytaj list Emily i odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What did Emily's schoo l do last week?
___ , (Wpisz sw oje i mi~)
2 When did they start?
t-tow ~ye tJOu? m~",KS fOY tJOUY Letter:

Ulst weeK. OUy schooL e;{~e;{ ~ s1'o",soYee;{

3 What was hard work?
b~K.e y~e;{e. we Lef\: schooL ~t g ~IM. ~",c;{
ctJcLee;{ to the ~t toW"'. It w~s e~stJ
bec~use the YO~e;{ w~s veYtJ ~t, but ~f\:ey 4 What did Emily have for lunch?
th~t, we ctJcLee;{ u1' ~ h~ll . It w~s veYtJ
h~yc;{ WOYK. ~",c;{ ~t tOOK. ~~YltJ ~'" houy!
we stlYJ>1'ee;{ fOY lu.wh ~'" ~ 1'~YK.. I h~e;{
cheese s~",c;{w~ches ~",c;{ fOUY b~~~s 5 Where did Emily cycle after lunch?
bec~use MulM. s~tJs th~t b~~~s ~ye
gooe;{ e~YgtJ fooe;{! 6 What happened when Emily went too
Aftey lu"-Ch, we ~tJclee;{ thyough the fast?
1'~yK. ~",c;{ c~1M.t to ~"-Othey YO~e;{. me
te~chey s~~e;{ ~t w~s qu~te e;{~"'0eyous, so
7 How far did the cyclists travel?
we ctJclee;{ ~'" ~ l~",e, veYtJ c~yefulltJ·

8 How much money did they raise for

cha rity?
Fortu~teltJ, we weye",,'t 0"" th~t yo~e;{
fOY veYtJ lo"'0 . we we""t o~o ~ 1'~th
b~cK. tow~ms school. me best th~"'0 w~s
tl1~t the 1'~th w~s e;{ow""h~ll, so I e;{~e;{""'t 4 Napisz list do Emily. Odpowiedz na
pytania zawarte w jej liscie.
h~ve to 1'ee;{~llM.i::j b~K.e - but I we""t too
f~st ~""e;{ I "'-t~Yli::j fell off!
Dear 6mily,
We got b~cK. to school ~t ~bout =<. Thanks fo r your letter.
o'cloCK.. mejouy"'-ti::j w~s =<'0 K.~loVl<.ttyes!
I w~s veYtJ t~yee;{, but I e"':i0i::jee;{ ~t ~""e;{
the schooL y~~see;{ £500 foy cl1~y~ti::j.

PLe~se wy~te to VI<.t soo"" ~.."c;( teLL VI<.t

~bout o"'-t of i::j0UY ~e;{ve""tuyes. wl1eye
e;{~e;{ i::jou go? wl10 w~tl1? t-tow Lo"'0 e;{~e;{ ~t

Lots of Love,

sponsored sponsorowany
charity organizacja charytatywna Love from,
1 Uzupeln ij dialog , wstawiajqc must lub 1
mustn 't.

MUM We're going out now, Anna. Thanks

for staying in to look after Millie. 3 Co mowi q te osoby? Uzupelnij zdania ,
uzywajqC must lub mustn't i swoich
ANNA That's OK. pomyslow.
MUM Now remember - she
1 I'm sorry. You
eat sweets or

MUM She' go to bed at

2 You
seven o'clock . She 3

stay up late and watch television

with you.
ANNA No problem. 3 You can 't go out. You
MUM And she ' clean her
teeth before she goes to bed. Can
you help her?
ANNA Of course - just go, Mum. 4 What are you doing?

MUM And if there are any problems, you You

ring me on my
mobile phone.
ANNA Don 't worry, Mum. Have a good time.
Study skills
2 Napisz, czego uczniom nie wolno robic
4 Aby lepiej zapami~tac te wyrazy,
w klasie.
mozesz zapisac je po polsku lub
Example narysowac, co oznaczajq.
Y0t<. ""'-L-<.St",,'t L-<.Se ship elephant
l:j0t<.y "",-ob~Le pVto~. train weathe r
adventure book world
t e
1 Przeczytaj 0 wakacjach Harry'ego i podpisz miejsca na mapie.

LAst year we
travelftd across c:anada on the

Here are some of the places

we visittd.


We W€.l'lt on 0.. boo..t tw.r of the wo..ter-/i?JLs 2 Przesledz na mapie podr6z Harry'ego i ul6z
- I got wet, but it wo..s w kolejnosci jego wpisy do pamililtnika.

D Prui::w"!j 3 Odpowiedz na pytania 0 wakacjach

We took 0.. rULe on the Ice Explorer Harry'ego.
AAci W€.l'lt to the ml<iclle. of the
Athbo..swr Glo..cier. Example
Where did Harry's trai n journey start?
D P~9H's Cove
To~ wo..s our ~. We went to
Pegg!:l 'S Cove, 0.. smolL fi,shing viLUtge 1 Where did it fi nish?
with 0.. fo..mous lLghthouse. It's ver!:l
reW..xing here - no sd100l or homework.
But we to go home tomorrow I 2 How fa r did Harry and his family travel?

o- Vo..ncwver
We flew from loncion to VAACOUver to 3 How long did the journey take?
sto..rt oor trip. VAAcouver i-s on the
west of CMo..cio... It's 0.. dt!J in
4 What did he do in Icelands Parkway?
the mounto..ins I

D Mcmb'eol
5 Where did he go on a boat ride? .
We o..rri-veci in MDntreo..l in ti-me for the
jo..zz fes two..l. Wh o..t AA o..m o..zing dt!J I
6 Where was the lighthouse?
D Lov.i,se
We vi-siieci loui-se to~. It's 0..
beo..uti-ful We in the ml<iclle. of the
moonto..ins. YQ(,( Go..rl go ski-ing or hiking 4 Napisz 0 swoich wakacjach.
here, but we j ust went for 0..
1 Odpowiedz na pytania. 3 Odpowiedz na pytania, uzywajqC
wyraz6w z cw. 2.
1 Where do you live?
Where do you go swimming?
2 Have you got any brothers or sisters?
To CI sW~VI<.VI<.~""0 "pooL.

1 What do you wear for swimming?

3 Where do your pa rents work?

2 What do you wear for skiing?

4 Where do you go to school?

3 Where do you play footba ll?

5 Who are you r best friends?

4 What do you wear for tennis?

2 Popatrz na obrazki i ul6z nazwy
zwiqzane z uprawianiem sportu.
5 Where do you go ski ing?

kis plose
sK.~ sl.o"pe 4 Co robi q te osoby?

1 volesg

2 hostrs

3 mimswing lopo

4 toobfall tipch An na ~ stClM~""0 ClM

Owen anl'l Sophie
5 winm imgs socmute
Two girls
5 Uzupelnij zdania, wstawiajqc podane Example
czasowniki w odpowiedniej formie. D~~ i:Jou pLt:!i:J te""",,~s i:Jestey~t:li:J ?
1 What you
(read)? Is it a story?
2 I always (watch) TV
after school.
3 (go) to tennis club on
Tuesdays. 8 Popatrz na zaproszenia i uzupe/nij
4 Anna , stop (talk) and
1 Molly's birthday is July.
listen to me!
2 The party starts 7.00 p.m.
S The weather was nice th is morning ,
3 It's Tuesday.
but it (rain) now.
4 Her party is 31 st July.
6 At our school , we a
S Danny's party is on
6 Hi s birthda y is in
6 Znajdz jeszcze jedenascie nazw 7 Hi s party starts
zwiqzanych z transportem. 8 He was born in
M T E G A M l u c H E V R
D 'E
R 0
• * ..
MoLLtj'S ibtVl Come to Dannv's I
X I T C T B R L \:)~rtVliilCi tj1'CI rttj binhdav panv /'
I am 14!
I 10
T I ,P
p L
Y * TlAesiilCi tj
------ 1
Friday 20th April I

A l E
R 0
TOO 1'.VVI.-. ...
7.30 p.m. I
E H M ' T I K V U K H I T ,
V 0 S A E T R A . I IN E I I 9 Uzupe/nij list.
D i A U Y D L M T F D Y 0
Dear grandma,
S I E S A I R P 0 R T I I N
7hanks for the birthday present I
11t:l~ (have) a great day. In the
7 U/6z jeszcze cztery pytania.
morning, I ' (go) to school

play friends yesterday? and 2 (see) all of my friends.
w.toh TV last night? I3 (get) lots of cards and
Did you go by train last week?
presents. After school, I '
(watch) my new DVD. Mum 5
visit on holiday two days ago?
(make) me a birthday cake. It was dtlidol.1d
travel tennis last year? Lots of love from Oanrlf
1 Przeczytaj d ialog i uzupel nij brakuj qce wyrazy.
ANNA Where's Owen ?
HA RRY I don 't know. He was at the ' t e
station. I didn't see him after that.
SOPH IE Great! Owen's lost and we're lost.
HARRY We aren't lost. The sports shop is in the
next street. We're 2 n _ _ ___ there.
SOPHIE Are you sure?
HARRY Yes , of course . Let me show you on
the 3 m __ . The sports shop is
, n_ _ _ C the museum.
ANNA There's the shop at last l
SOPHIE And there's Owen .
HARRY When did you get here?
OWEN Half an hour ago. The sports shop is 5
0 __ _ _ _ __ the tube station!

2 Z podanych liter ul 6z nazwy miejsc.

1 piceol santoit 5 arc kapr

2 fracift glihts ----t;:JtiJ:-;:::~g;;:

. .
6 opshallt

3 sub opts ------SJ~~~E't__ .:.=--;:;;,~:::-~~ __- 7 ohepn oxb

4 ruchch ~'if~H:l!f-+~--- 8 roltep ti nsato

3 Dopasuj obrazki do zdali. 4 Popatrz na mapli1 w cwo 2. i uzupe!nij
zdania , wstawiaja,c przyimki z ramki.
( right left opposite in front of "-
next to behind
"- /

1 The bus stop is the

phone box.
2 The car park is the
3 The petrol station is
the phone box.
4 The bus stop is the
5 The hospital is on the
The police station is on the

5 Narysuj mapli1 swojej miejscowosci.

Napisz, gdzie znajduja, sili1
poszczeg61ne miejsca.

1 The police station is next to the post

2 The church is opposite the petrol
3 The traffics lights are in front of the Example
hospital. The bL<.S stop LS L"" fl'o""t of ...
4 The phone box is behind the petrol
5. The bus stop is opposite the church.

6 The police station is on the right. The

car park is on the left.
1 Zakresl prawidlowy zaimek dzier.i:awczy.

A Whose CD is th is? 1 A Whose ball is this? 2 A Whose book is th is?

B It's ours I<[heir§> B It's his / hers. B It's mine / yours.

3 A Whose sandwich is this? 4 A Whose present is this? 5 A Whose dog is this?

B It's mine / hers. B It's yours / ou rs. B It's ours / theirs.

2 Przepisz podane zdania , uzywajqC 3 Uzupelnij dialogi odpowiednimi

zaimk6w dzier.i:awczych: mine, yours, za imkami dzier.i:awczymi.
his, hers, ours, theirs.
That's your footba ll.
lVlC!t's lj0lo<.Y$ .

1 Those are Dad 's books.

1 HARRY Can I borrow this CD, please,
2 I thi nk that's our money.
SOPHIE It isn't . It's An na's.
3 It isn't my pencil.

4 Is it their dictionary?

5 That's An na's jacket.

6 It isn't the children's computer. 2 OWEN Look , there's you r sister. Is

that her mobile phone?
7 Are these our ham bu rgers? ANNA No, don't tell Harry! It's
5 Dopasuj polecenia do obrazk6w.
Ge alsA§ the read.
Take the second road on the left.
Turn right. Cross the road .
Go straight on. Turn left.
3 DAD Whe re are ou r jackets? ~ Example
MUM Mine is here and is ~ Cio IALovcg tl1e rolAci.
on the chair!

Eill 1
[ID 2

There's Sophie. Is that her bike?
No, it isn't . It's Harry's. [][] 3
I ~~-~:lt 14


Whose magazines are
these? Are they yours?
Oh yes , they're

Dokqd idzie Sophie? Przesledz jej

Thanks, Mr Clark. drog~ i wskaz odpowiednie miejsce.

4 Uzupelnij informacje 0 znakach .

~ Example"
~ Don't tIALK. in the library.

1e "
Don 't
in the classrooms.

20 '0 " hool

'0 "m,,". Go along the road and turn right into

River Street. Go straig ht on. Take the

4~ tho ,00m,l,
second road on the right. Cross the road .
Sophie is going to
1 Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj tytuly do odpowiednich akapit6w.
When do people use emoticons? Graphic emoticons
How do I make emoticons? What's good about emoticons?
\!Vhat is an eAlotison?

, WVtelt ~s ell'\, e"""ot~col'\,?
An emoticon is a simple picture that we can make with the symbols on a
computer keyboard. The picture looks like a face and it shows how we are
feeling . For example, :) means 'I'm happy' and :( means 'I'm sad '. Why? Turn
the symbols to the right and you can see the little faces!

People often use emoticons in emails and Internet chatrooms. You can also use
them for instant messaging and on mobile phones when you text a message to
your friends .
Making emoticons is easy. The most popular symbols are : or ; for eyes, 0 for a
nose and ( or ) for a mouth. You can also use x for a kiss, zz for sleeping, and
zero 0 for bored. And you ca n use other symbols to invent your own emoticons.

Emoticons are a simple way to send a message to another person. They're

quicker than typing a sentence, and they mean the same in any language!

These are small pictures that people use in instant messages. They look like
cartoon faces ; You can choose the emoticon from a menu or sometimes they
appear automatically when you type the correct symbols on your keyboard .

- -
2 Przeczytaj zdania. Czy S'l prawdziwe (.I) 3 Dopasuj emotikony do ich
czy falszywe (X)? znaczeri .
1 People often use emoticons in emails. o xxx :) zzz :-0 ;(
2 Emoticons show how we are feeling. o 1 I'm happy.
3 You can only use emoticons on a computer. o 2 I'm sad .
4 Emoticons mean different things in different 3 I'm sending
languages. o you a kiss.
5 People draw graphic emoticons by hand. o 4 I'm sleeping.
6 Graphic emoticons sometimes appear 5 I'm bored.
automatically when you type the correct symbols. 0
4 Dopasuj instrukcje (1-7) do cz~sci maszyny (A-G).
1 Pull the handle. D
0 0 o

• 0
2 Switch on the machine. n

3 Push the se lection button. D

4 Lift the cover. D
5 Switch off the machine. D
6 Take your drink. D
7 Insert your money. D
00 00 000'

o 0 0

.e eG
. ,
-, , -

1 I•

5 Popraw zdania . Ui:yj wyraz6w z cwo 4.

Examp le

the button.
1 2 3 4
you r card . your mobile the machin e. the weights.

6 Napisz swoj't wlasn't i nstrukcj~ obslugi ponii:szej maszyny.

1 Popatrz na obrazki i uzupetnij dialogi. Example
A !-tow few ~s ~t to ti1e sw~""""""~vcg pool?
Bit's vcot few It's te"" """~""t.<.tes blj bt.<.S.

1 A ?

1 A Where are you?

B I'm at
2 A ?

3 A ?

2 A How far is it to ?
B It's not far.
Study skills
3 Przeczytaj dialog. Nast~pnie dopasuj
pogrubione wyrazy do ich defin icji.

HARRY I want to go swimming , please.

WOMAN Are you a member?

HARRY Yes, I joined last week.

3 A Excuse me, where is the
WOMAN OK. That's £2.20 , please.
HARRY Here's £5. Can I have some
B Take the first road on the right.
change for the locker, please?
It's opposite the hospital.
WOMAN Of course . Here you are.

2 Ut6i: dialogi , korzystajqC z informacji HARRY Thank you. Where are the
w tabelce. changing rooms?

Place Distance Transport WOMAN Over there. Take the second

= ff[; 10 minutes -.-

:iii ;
door on the left.
Thank you.

!a[ 15minutes
. -
-- -
1 rooms where people change their
clothes _ _ __

2 coins
5 minutes

3 a small cupboard where people can

put their clothes
10 minutes 4 someone who belongs to a cl ub
c r e
1 Przeczytaj 0 zwierz~tach zyjqcych w Australii i odpowiedz na pytania.

Australian animals
Australia has lots of unusual and interesting The possum looks a bit like a mouse, but it
an imals. The most famous Australian animal is can grow as big as a cat. It lives in the forest
the kangaroo. It's a marsupial. This means that and eats leaves. Possums have a long tail,
the female has a pouch at the front of its body which they use to move from tree to tree . Like
for carrying its baby. the kangaroo and the koala bear, the possum
Kangaroos are big animals. An adult is about two is a marsupial.
metres tall. They don't walk or run , they hop. A Another interesting Australian animal is the
kangaroo can travel nine metres in a single hop! emu. It's a bird , but it can't fiy. It's very tall.
The koala bear is' also a marsupial. It has a large , An adult grows to 1.8 metres and weighs about
round head and furry ears. It eats leaves from 60 kg . An emu egg is ten centimetres long!
eucalyptus trees. It's a very lazy animal. It often
stays in the same tree for days.

Which animal ! animals ...

2 Napisz, jak nazywajq si~ te zwierz~ta .
1 are marsupials

2 are very big

3 eat leaves

1 2
4 can travel a long way easily

5 stays in the same tree for days

6 looks like a mouse

3 4
7 has very large eggs

3 Opisz jakies zwierz~ zyjqce w Polsce.

A wombat is a marsupial with

very short legs.
1 Uzupelnij dialog , wstawi aj qc wyrazy MUM Yes. And you can cook the
z ramk i. dinner, do the washing-up, do
the ironing and then do the

OWEN It's OK, Mum. Maybe

homework isn't so bad!

2 Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What's Owen doing?

2 What's Mum doing now?

3 What must Mum do after dinner?

4 What's Dad doing?

shopping wash up cleaning
cooking ironing

OWEN Mum , you're good at Maths. 3 Popatrz na obrazki i rozwiqz krzyz6wk~.

Will you help me with my 1

l H

homework? 2 0
MUM I'm sorry Owen. I'm
the dinner.
I s I
4 E
OWEN What about after dinner? W
MUM I must ' after 5 0 I
dinner and then do the R
so that you've
6 [ K

got a shirt for school tomorrow.

OWEN Where's Dad?
MUM He's at the supermarket, doing
the '
OWEN Oh no! I'll be up late tonight!
MUM OK, Owen, I'll do your
homework for you.
OWEN Really, Mum? Wi ll you?

4 Kto wykonuje te prace domowe

w two im domu? Napisz zdania
o kazdej czynnosci z cwo 3. Uzyj
a/ways, sometimes, often i never.

DGlcl V<.StA.GlLLtJ cloe.s ti1e WGlsi1~vcg.

2 4 Sophie

5 Co robi", te osoby? Napisz zdania

w czasie Present continuous.

5 Owen


1 Owen

6 Anna and Millie

2 Anna 6 Co lubisz i czego nie lubisz robic?

Dokoncz zdania.

I Love clOLvcg ti1e Si10'JYPLvcg.

I love
I like
I don't mind
I don't like
3 Harry I hate
1 Uzupclnij zdania, wstawiajqc will 2 Przeczytaj zdania. Zakresl will lub won't.
i podany czasownik.
1 You don't need an umbrella.
1 Don't put your bag there. You
It will / won't rain .
(forget) it.
2 Remember to switch on your mobile.
2 Tomorrow the weather
I will / won 't call you at ten o'clock.
(be) warm in the morning.
3 Anna is ill, so she will / won't go to the
3 When I grow up, I think I
party tonight.
(be) an actor.
4 I will / won't be a teacher when I grow
4 We (see) Anna next week.
up. I don't like school!
5 I'm sorry you feel ill. You
5 Bring some magazines. We will / won't
(feel) better soon.
read them on the train.
6 I th ink Owen (marry)
6 Wea r your coat. It will / won 't be cold
an interesting woman.
7 They (get) a good
7 Tell me your secret. I will / won't tell
mark in their exam.

3 Uzupclnij przewidywania dotyczqce przyszlosci Sophie. Uzyj czasownik6w z· will lub won 't.

1 Sophie w~LL go 2 She 3 She

(go) to university. (be) a teacher. (live) in Poland.

4 Sophie 5 She 6 Sophie

(write) a book. (become) famous. (buy) a big house.
4 Uzupelnij zdania , wstawiajqc williub won't i czasownik z ramki.

( pass arrive go be have do )

1 The temperature is falli ng. I think it cold tomorrow.

2 They're taking the 9.25 train, so they early in the morning.
3 She likes big families. She a lot of ch ildren when she's older.
4 1 all my exams beca use I didn't study for some subjects.
5 to the USA when I'm older. I want to see New York.
6 He the ironing. He neve r does any housework.

5 Przeczytaj wiadomosc i odpowiedz na 6 Odpowiedz na pytania do ciebie.

pytania do Anny.
r I ;. ~ ;. ;. f <;. .. I ;.. f. .. r ( r I ;.;' I r r I ;. Will you watch television ton ight?
Dt£ty AlI\.\AA... yes I w~LL. / No, I wo",-'t .
('VI<. WOy.a1M3Ulte t"i.s eve,MIM3. p~~se c~"" i:j0L<. 1 Wi ll yo u be home before four o'clock
COOK. t"e ';'"""",,Y7 -mere's ~ 1" zz~ ''''' t"e fri.';ge.
Aftey ';'"""",,Y, 1'Le~se ';0 t"e W~S"'IM3-L<.1'.
ReVl<.e""ber to ';0 i:j0L<.Y c;eogY"1'''i:j "oV><.tWOYK.
~~ VI<"K.e soV><.t s~""';w'c"es fOY i:j0L<.Y LL<."'-C" 2 Will you do the cleaning this evening?
tOVl<OrYow. D~'; w,LL be "0V><.t ~t s,)( o'clocK..
I'lL 1'''0"'''' i:j0L<. Ultey.
3 Will you get up at six o'clock tomorrow
Will your Mum work late tonight?
4 Will you go to school tomorrow?
Yes, sl1e w~ LL.
Wil l you cook the lunch ?
5 Wi ll your grandparents visit you next
N o, I wo",-'t. I'LL COOK. tl1e cI.~",-~y.
weeke nd?
1 Will you have pizza?

6 Will you and you r friends play football

2 Will you do the washing-up?
on Sunday?

3 Will you do you r Maths homework?

7 Will your best friend go to England
next year?
4 Will you make sandwiches?

8 Will you get married wh en you 're 217

5 Will your Dad be home at five o'clock?

9 Wi ll you have lots of chi ldre n?

6 Wi ll you r Mum phone you ton ight?
1 Przeczytaj, co troje nastolatk6w m6wi 0 wykonywaniu prac domowych .
Dopasuj osoby do obrazk6w.

Courtney I'm a 12-year-old boy
My Mum always tells
and I am very tidy. I
me off because I don't
always make my bed
clean my bedroom. It's
in the mornings and I
true, my bedroom is a
keep my room clean
mess - but I like it like
and tidy.
that. I know where
That is why my
everything is. younger brother really annoys me. He
Sometimes Mum comes in with a black never puts anything back! For example,
rubbish bag , and she picks up everyth ing when he 'borrows' one of my CDs he
that is on the floor and puts it inside the always leaves it in the machine or on the
bag. She then puts it on my bed. table. He never puts it back in the box.
Mum says I'm lazy, but I do the washing-up I go shopping for my Mum and Dad, but
every night. I don't mind. I just don't want my brother doesn't have to help me,
to tidy my room . because he 's the you ngest. It isn't fair!

I'm 13 and I have one
brother. He's 16, and
he's really lazy. He
never does any
housework. I always
try to help my Mum
and Dad. Sometimes I

do the coo k·Ing and I do my own ironing.

My brother does nothing. .
The problem is my parents never ask him
to do anything. For example, I had to help
. Iast n'Ight · What did ,
with the washing-up
my brother do? He went up to his room to o
study'. I think he'll make a terrible
2 Odpowiedz na pytania. 4 Uzupelnij kwestionariusz.
Who ...
When I grow up, I will ...
1 is very untidy?
Yes No
2 is very tidy?
3 always tries to help her Mum and Dad? go to university 0 0
travel around the world 0 0
4 has problems with a brother?
get married 0 0
have a good job 0 0
5 does the shopping?
be rich 0 0
6 doesn't mind wash ing-up?
be famous 0 0
have a big car 0 0
7 likes her room the way it is? do work for charity 0 D
have a big family 0 0
8 does the cooking sometimes?
write a book 0 D
live in a big house 0 D
have lots of holidays D D
3 Odpowiedz na pytania do ciebie.
1 Do you keep you r bedroom tidy?
5 Napisz zdania 0 tym, co b~dziesz
i czego nie b~dziesz robie w przyszlosci.
2 What do you do to help in the house?

3 Do you have brothers or sisters? How

do they help in the house ?

4 Do you argue with you r parents about


5 Will you ask your children to help in

the house?

6 What wil l you ask them to do?

1 Twoja babcia rna zlamanq r~k~ 3 Uloz dialogi. Napisz propozycj~
i chcesz jej pomoc. Dopasuj i odpowiedz do kazdego obrazka.
propozycje do obrazkow.
Exa mple
1 Shall I write the list for you? D
2 I'll carry the bag for you. D
3 Shall I move the chair for you? n
4 I'll make you some tea. D
A S VtClLL we pW1j bClSK.etbClLL?

BYes, tVtClt's Cl goocl weCl. / S0l"'r'lt I wvc't.

M1j MuVl<. ~S wCl~t~""0 foy w..e.

1 A

2 A
2 Uloz propozycje pomocy, uzywajqC B
Shall I? lub I'll.

I I 1 :'2.~
S VtClLL I pVtovce fOY
Cl P~ZZCl?
3 A

Study skills
4 Napisz trzy wyrazenia z cwo3. i naucz
si~ ich na pami~c .
1 What do you say to make a suggestion?

2 What do you say to accept a suggestion?


3 What do you say to refu se a suggestion?

. I
ut re Zone
1 Przeczytaj artykul i uzupel nij tabelkt;! informacjami 0 Benie i 0 sobie.

l-l-year-old Ben Shaf'fron is an ordinary teenage boy. Ben gets lip at se\"en o'c1ock and has breakfast. At
He loves play ing football. watching TV and play ing eight o·clock. his ~vl um drives him and his sister Abi
computer games. He doesn"1 like eating vegetables or to school. Abi is 16. but sometimes Be n is in her class.
doi ng housework.
Ben fini shes school at lunchtime and goes home.
But in other ways. Ben is ve ry unusual. He already Then a special tutor comes to the house to teach him.
has seven GCSEs. (Most snldents do these exams The tutor leaves at four o"c1ock. Ben starts hi s
when they arc 16.) Ben is also a chess champion. homework at six 0" clock and usuall y works fo r two
or th rce ho urs.
"Most or the time. I don't feel different from other
boys" says Ben. "blu sometimes it 's difficul t I hate it So, what's it like having a genius in [he fa mily? '"I' m
when my friends pholle and ask me to go out, bm I proud of my brother" says Abi , '"but I hate it when
am doing revi sion or practising my chess." hc's in my class. It's emba rrass ing~ Sometimes I'm
jealous of Ben because he doesn"t go to school in the
afternoon. But he work s harder than me. I watch more
T V and see my friends more often."

Ben Me

In the morning, he gets up, has In the morning, I _ _ _ _ _ __

breakfast and goes to school.

At lunchtime ' _ _ __ At lunchtime _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

In the afternoon , ________ In the afternoon ________

proud dumny In the evening 3 In the even ing

jealous zazdrosny

2 Prze.czytaj zdania. Czy Sq prawdziwe 3 Czy twoje zycie jest takie sarno jak
(1') czy falszywe (X)? Bena? Znajdz podobienstwa i r6znice.
1 Ben likes playing football. D Examples
2 He doesn't like homework. D otbaLL. I L~K.e

3 He is a tennis champion . D l'Lat:l~ footbaLL.

4 His friends often phone him 'Boe"" ~s a eness ena""" ~o"". I ea",,'t Laa
and ask him to go out. D eness.
5 Ben goes to school with his sister. D
6 He doesn't see his sister at school. D
7 Ben doesn't work in the afternoon. D
8 Abi works harder than Ben. D
1 Rozwiqz krzyz6wk~ . 12

~ 5

U 8

2 Przeczylaj leksl i podpisz budyn ki.
The post office is opposite the police station.
The church is next to the post office.
3 Popalrz na labirynt. UI6z zdania
The petrol station isn't next to the police station. w prawidlowej kolejnosci.
The ca r pa rk is beh ind the hospital.
The school is opposite the church.
Th e petrol station is opposite the school.

Take the second left. 0

Turn right. 0
Go along the road . [IJ
Cross the road. 0
Go straight on. 0
Walk to the end of the road . 0
4 Przepisz podane zdania, uzywajqC 5 Znajdz siedem wyrazen .
zaimk6w dzierZawczych .
Th is DVD belongs to Anna.
It's io1er-s .

1 This T-shirt belongs to Harry.

2 This computer belongs to you and me.

3 Th is car belongs to your pa rents.

4 This pen belongs to you.

5 This book belongs to me.

6 Uzupelnij zdania , wstawiaj qc will lub won 't.

1 1w~ll be I3 go to

famous when I'm university.

older. I' study

I2 be a film English. I '
star. study History.

1 work
be a
hard. I 7
teacher or a doctor.
marry a rich man
I" be a
and I 8 live
football player.
in a big house.

7 Utw6rz jeszcze pili!C pytan. Nastli!pnie napisz odpowiedzi.

gO famous Example

Will you f get

lots of ch ildren
interesting people
in a big house
WLll l::J0 lo<. go to lo<."'~VeYSLtl::J? yes, I w~ll.

meet to university
1 Uzupefnij dialog, wstawiajqc wyrazy DAD I've got an idea. Let's stay at
z ramki. home. It's wa rmer than Norway
and cheaper than Africa . And it's
than catching
a plane!
SOPHI E Oh Dad !

2 Uzupelnij zdania i rozwi qz krzyz6wk~.

1 is a city in the north
more adventurous nearer hotter of Pol and .
more expensive FRere exsitiA§) easier
2 The Sahara is in
SOPHIE Where shall we go on holiday North Africa .
th is year? 3 The weather in the
MUM What about Scotland? of Eng land is wa rmer than in the north.
SOPHIE Oh no. We went to Scotland last 4 The countries of the United
yea r. are England ,
MUM Wha t's wrong with Scotland? Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
SOPHIE Nothing, but I'd like to go 5 The city of Budapest is on the
somewh ere ' ~oY"e e.x:c~t~""0 Danube.
Sally in my class is going on 6 We went to visit the Mazury
Safari in Africa . . They're lovely.
DAD Safari in Africa. That sounds a lot 7 The mountains are
than Scotland . in the south of Poland.
We haven't got enough money. 8 The in England is
MUM What about Spain? It's usually colder than in Austra lia.
th an Africa 9 Tokyo is a big
and it's an interesting country.
SOPHIE But everyone goes to Spain. 2
1 G
I l
I want to go somewhere 3 0
4 G

MUM What about Norway? We can go

5 I R
6 A
camping in the mountains. 7
I p I I
SOPHIE Norway's cold! I want to go 8 r H
somewhere ' 9 Y
3 Napisz nazwy kierunk6w geograficznych. 5 Napisz podobne zdania 0 tych
1 Brighton
8 2

7 ,.==-_3 2 Mount Snowdon

3 Glasgow
6 4

4 Plymouth

4 Popatrz na map~ i uzupel nij zdania .

Example 6 Odpowiedz na pytan ia zgodnie z prawdq.
Cambridge is in the east of England.
1 Where do you like to go on holiday?
1 Newcastle is in the "'-Ilrtlo1 - of
To the mountains or to the sea?
2 Loch Ness is in the of
2 What is you r favourite pa rt of Poland?
Is it in the north, south , east or west?
3 Edinburgh is in the of
3 What places in Poland do tourists
4 Cardiff is in the of Wa les.
visit? Where are they?
5 Manchester is in the "'-Ilrtlo1- of
1 Uzupe/nij tabe l k~. 3 Podpisz obrazki prawidlowymi imionami.

Adjective Comparative Examp le


more exciting

i late
, wetter

easy Emma is older than Julia.

, bigger

far "


1 2
Paul is shorter than Pawel.
2 Uzupeln ij zdan ia, wstawiajqc podane
przymiotn iki w stopniu wyzszym.
Siberia is coLcteY' than Gdansk.
1 London is (old) than
2 New York is
(exciting) than London.
3 4
3 I think cities are
Dizzy is bigger than Daisy.
(dangerous) than villages.
4 Edinburgh is (fa r) from
London than Liverpool.
5 English is (easy) to
learn tha n Chinese.
6 The weather is usually
(good) in Spain than in England.
7 Paris is (famous) than 5 6
Brighton. Jane is younger than Sadie.
4 Uzupelnij zdania, uzywajqc konstrukcji
as ... as i przymiotnikow z ramki. Warsaw i;f *
/ fast hot popular healthy
\. cold big cheap

1 Summer in Eng land isn't

summer in Poland.
2 Plane tickets aren't 2 Winter in Poland I cold I winter in England

bus tickets.
3 Autumn isn't winter.
4 The population of Russia isn't ,- ... "
t' •

the popu lation of Ch ina.

5 Sweets aren't fru it.
6 In England, basketball isn't
7 Riding a bike isn't
3 Popu lation of Oxford I small I
travelling by car.
population of Krakow

5 Popatrz na obrazki i porownaj Polsk~

i Wielkq Brytani~.
6 Uloz zdania porownujqce.
Exa mple
Two sports (dangerous)

Rug btJ LS ""-Dye clCl "'0eYDtA.S ~hCl V'"

1 Two parts of Poland (pretty)

River Wisla l iang I River Thames

2 Two subjects at school (difficult)
The Ri.vey WLSUl LS LD"'0ey thClV'"
the Ri.vey ThClvu.e5.
3 Two streets in your town (busy)

.'_. 00-....
.- .. ' ,',
~-~ .,,',
!..... "1 (~-., -',
4 Two rooms in your home (big)
:,-:::' r'
• ""t

London ;'Warsaw\
'. -, \ 5 Two towns or vil lages in Poland
" .--'
',- ,-.'
:.-: . -.:.1 \.: (interesting)
', '

1 London I big I Warsaw 6 Two buildings in your town (old)

1 Przeczytaj 0 Didcot. Nast~pnie napisz zdania por6wnujqce t~
miejscowosc kiedys i teraz, uzywaj qC przymiotnik6w z ramki.
I small 13911ldle8 ugly quiet safe busy
I interesting clean pretty friendl y
Didcot is a town near Oxford. For hundreds of years, it was a
quiet little village in the middle of the country. Everyone knew
their neighbours.
But in the 1960s, things started to change when Didcot became
home to a new power station . The power station provided lots of
new jobs, but many people didn't like it because it was ugly and
dirty. Other people were worried about pollution.
Lots of new companies came to Didcot and new people moved
to the town. Now 24,000 people live in Didcot and it has a new
town centre, with lots of shops and a big supermarket.

D,clcot Wll5 5""'-lIlley 50 l::je1lY5 IIgo.

D,clcot '5 "",-aye pollL-tteci "'-Ow.

3 Opisz swojq miejscowoSC. Wykorzystaj
1 ponizsze pytania jako pomoc.
2 Where do you live?

3 How big is the popu lation?

Do you like living there? Why?
What are the good th ings in your town?
What are the bad things?
6 Do you th ink you r town was better or
7 worse ten years ago?
How is it different now?
Do you want to stay in your town or do
you want to move away? Why?
2 Przeczytaj zdania . Czy Sq prawdziwe
(.f ) czy falszywe (X)?
1 Didcot is near Manchester. D
2 Didcot was once a village. D
3 In the past, people in Didcot
knew their neighbours. D
4 The power station was popula r
with everyone. n
5 New companies moved to Didcot. n
6 Didcot still has an old town centre. D
7 There aren't any su permarkets
in Didcot. D
4 Przeczytaj 0 tym, jak lubi q SPlildzac 5 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczqce
wakacje Molly, Sarah i Thomas. Ktare tekstaw w cwo 4.
ogloszenie najlepiej pasuje do kazdej
W ho ...
1 lives in Birmingham?
1 Molly 2 is going to Rome soon?
Sometimes we visit other countries on
holiday. We went to France last year and I 3 went to France last year?
enjoyed seeing Paris. but we usually go
to our holiday home in north Wales , and I
prefer that. It's in a village up in the 4 often stays in Wales?
mountains. It's near a lake where you can
go swimming. I love it there. 5 usually goes to a beach in the south
2 Sarah west of England?
We live in Birmingham. That's a long way
from the sea , so Mum and Dad usually 6 is interested in old cities?
take us to Plymouth in the south-west of
Eng land when we go on holiday. The
beaches are great. When it's hot and
sunny we play on the beach and swim in 6 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczqce
the sea and sometimes we go saili ng. I ogloszer'! w cwo 4.
love eating fish and chips in the cafes
there too. Which company (A, B or C) ...

3 Thomas 1 offers beach holidays for £399?

My Mum is an archaeologist. She and I
are rea lly interested in History, so we like
to go to old cities on holiday. Last year we 2 invites you to find out about Athen s?
went to Bath in the west of England and
this summer we're going to Rome. I'm
really excited. I want to learn all about the
3 has got a 24-hour phone number?
Coliseum. I love holidays in cities, but I
hate sitting on a beach. It's boring!

Visit Greece 7 Opisz swoje ulubione wakacje, Uzyj

Discover the secrets of Athens ponizszych pytar'! jako pomoc.
4 nights for only £ 199 Where do you like going on holiday? Why?
Tel: 020 8345 9673 FOR LOVERS OF LAKES Do you prefer mountains , beaches or
AND MOUNTAINS cities? Why?
Short holidays from only £399 Where did you go last year?
24-hour hotline: 01 737 762233
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Beach club bargains

7 nights from only £399
Book today!
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1 Dopasuj propozycje do obrazk6w. 3 A I've got a test tomorrow

1 Why don't you go to bed? D B Why don't / revise

2 How about playing ten nis this

afternoon? D 4 A I don't like football.

3 Why don't you switch it off? D B How about / play / basketball

4 How about phon ing for a pizza? D

5 A It's cold in here.
no B Why don't / close I wi ndow
0 0

6 A I don't know what to do tonight.
B How about / go / cinema

Study skills
3 Uzupelnij drzewka wyrazowe, wstawiajqc
odpowiednie przyimki. Nast~pnie naucz
si~ utworzonych wyrazeri.
in in at at on
\ on Ie from
'-~------ ---~/

2 Utw6rz propozycje, uzywajqc

go to
podanych wyraz6w i wyrazeri.
Eurod isney
Exa mples
A I can't find my book.
B Why don't / look in / you r bag
live '
WI.1!::J cto",,'t !::J0K LOOK ~"" !::JOKY bClg? come 2
a village
the north
A I'm bored.
B How about / phone / you r friend

t-tow ClboKt pl.1o""~""0 !::JOKY fy~e""ct? 3

the weekend
1 A I'm thirsty. 5

B Why don't / have / orange juice Monday

the morning

2 A There's nothing interesting on TV

B How about / play / computer game
21 st December six o'cl ock
u e o e
1 Uzupelnij poczt6wk~ Anny, wstawiaj'l.c 3 Popatrz na ponizsze informacje
podane przymiotniki w stopniu i por6wnaj r6zne atrakcje turystyczne.
wyzszym . Uzyj przym iot nik6w z ramki.

Dear Sophie.,
C~~: P~OP_U_I_ar__~IO~n_g___ta~lI~o~l~d____~)
He.1l0 from India ! "This i", 0.(\ amo.Z.if"\g holida':l!
Taj Mahal Eiffel Tower
lt1e. wea-t'he..( here i.:; a \at' -----
CC\Ot) iha(\ i(\ Ef"\gla nd. Ye.",1"e.rcla':l fj" wa'" ,B I

lhe. beac.he.", are. beacrtlful - mUCh


Ou-t we. clo(\ '1" i"",1" ",fj" 0(\ -the. beach all cla':l'
-me(e are mOC'n 3_ _ __ Building: 73 metres high
(in-tere.::.-ting) -thing.:; -to do . Todalj we.. a.ce 0.1" Gardens: 300 metres wide
300 metres long Size: 300 metres high
0C\e. of -the. =",1" f amcu", builclif"\g'" i(\ -the. wor\cl
Built: 1632- 1654 Built: 1889
- -the. Tal Maha!. 11" '", huge. I 11" '", a \at Visitors: 2 million a year Visitors : 6 million a year
_ _ (big) iha(\ bucl<..if"\gham Palace. .

I i"hi(\\<. fj" '", ' (beacrtlfu~ The Great Wall of China London Eye
iha(\ a palace., 1"00. 11" '", macle. of ma<b!e. and
prec.iOU'" ",1"0C\e."'. lhe. garcle."", are. full of

f\owers .
IQ(1'\Q(COW 1 '6 li\(e 1""0 do .sol"ne:t 'ning ellen

6 __ (a.d ve f"\i\J( OJs). I '6 li ~e

TO go on a.n ele.p'na(\T fide!

See. ':lOU ,;00(\,

7.5 metres high
2,400 kilometres long Size: 135 metres high
Built: over 2,000 years ago Built: 1999
Visitors: 2.5 million per year Vi sitors: 3.5 million a year
2 Odpowiedz na pytania dotycz'l.ce
wakacji Anny. Examples
1 Where is Anna on holiday? The Ei~ffel Towey ~s I'\<.oye POPlA.l.CIY tVlt<""
tVle Lo"'-Clo"" Eitje.
2 What is the weather like? The c;yet<t Wt< l l. ~ C.11~ """ ~s Lovcg ey
tl1t<"" tl1e -mj Mt< Vl t<l. gt<me""s.
3 What is she doing today?

4 What does the building look like?

5 What would Anna like to do tomorrow?

1 Przeczytaj dialog i uzupe!nij go zda niami z ram ki.

OW EN Yes. S
T t:ley're RSFrisle.
Can I try these on, please? . I love them .
Medium .
MUM Owen, look at the price - £100.
These ones are better.
They're just right. OW EN Oh dear.
MUM I th ink we'll try the ones I like.
MUM Why don't you try these
trousers, Owen?
OW EN Oh, Mum. They're the 2 Odpowiedz na pytania.

cheapest ones in the shop. 1 Where are Owen and his Mum?

'Thefj'ye vWITLbLe.

MUM OK. How abou t trying these? 2 Who likes the cheapest trousers in the

OW EN I don't like them. 2 shop?

ASSISTANT Can I help you? 3 Do Owen and his Mum like the same
OWEN Yes. 3 trousers?

ASSISTANT Certa inly. What size? 4 How do Owen's trousers fit?


ASSISTANT Here you are. 5 What's the problem with them?

MUM Do they fit?

3 Znajd:i: dziesi~c nazw sklepow. 5 Zrob list~ zakupow dla ka:i:dego
, z podanych sklepow.
N M U S I C S T 0 R I E I J gYDcey'S cne",",st's

E I E P ,P I E T S G 0 R pis
W R A 0 P A R IB K I A 0 ,

IS T N R E G E A 1S ' T R W
G N E S A R E E 0 E M 0
E u T i S V S iT R P S E S
N P C H E M I S T S N ' F
I T S H 'O E S H 0 P L T G I
~wsa g e""t's clotnes s nop
S A L P U S K A T E s U I

T C L 0 T H E S S H O ,P
G R E E N G R 0 C E R S

4 Popatrz na te przedmioty i napisz,

w jakim sklepie mo:i:na je kupic .
6 Dopasuj wyra:i:enia u:i:ywane w sklepie
(1-7) do ich znaczenia (a-g).
1 Can I help you? D
clothes 5hop 1
2 Certainly. D
3 It's fine. D
I] ~hpa5 Ee (~ 4 How much is it?
5 Ca n I try it on?
6 I'll take it.
2 3
7 Does it fit? D
... ..

U ~
a Can I put it on to see what it looks like?
b I thin k it's good.
4 5 e What is the price?
d Is the size righ t?

Where can you buy
all of these things? e Of course.
f Is there anythi ng you want?
6 7 9 I want to buy it.
1 Uzupelnij tabelk~. 3 U/6Z zdania , uzywajqC przymiotnik6w
~ w stopniu najwyzszym .
Adjective Comparative Supe rlative
young 2 Heathrow I be I busy I airport in Europe
t-teatVlYow LS title bL<.SLest aLrport LVv
5 6
1 Oxford University I be I old I university

I 7 8
in England

more "
• fash ionable 2 Rysy I be I high I mountain in Poland

11 12
3 The Italians I make I good I ice cream
2 Uzupelnij zdania , uzywajqC podanych in the world
czasownik6w w stopniu najwyzszym.
1 We live ten kilometres from the
4 I think Japanese I be I difficult
(near) department
language in the world
2 Mum bought the
(expensive) dress in the shop. 4 Uzupelnij zdania , uzywajqC podanych
3 Krak6w is one of the przymiotnik6w w stopniu wyzszym lub
najwyzszym .
(beautiful) cities in the wo rld.
1 Harrods is (famous)
4 My brother has got the
department store in London.
(big) feet in our
2 Harry's clothes are
(fashionable) than mine.
5 The (tall ) man in the
3 Who has (long) hair
world was 2.72 metres.
in your family?
6 Oxford Street is the
4 Some people think English food is
(busy) shopping street in London .
(bad) in the world .
7 I think jeans and a T-shirt are the
5 Clothes in England are usually
(comforta ble)
(expensive) than
clothes to wear.
clothes in the USA.
8 Big Ben is the
6 Some people think English is
(famous) clock in London.
(easy) European
language to learn.
5 Por6wnaj ponizsze urzqdzenia. Napisz Example
zdania, uzywajqC przymiotnik6w The ?C ~s tl-1e ells~est to L<.5e.
z ramki w stopniu najwyzszym.

r big small cheap expensive '\

\... easy good /
Laptop 5
Easy to use
**** Napisz odpowiedzi zgodne z prawd q.
1 Who is the noisiest person in your class?

2 Who is the funniest teacher in your


Pocket PC 3 Who is th e oldest person you know?

Easy to use
*** 4 Where is the most beau tiful place in
you r country?

5 Wh ich pop group makes the best CDs?

Camera 7 UI6z zdania z przymiotnikami z ramki

phone w stopniu najwyzszym.

Easy to use ( quiet boring interesting

high cheap

**** Example

The qt.<~etest 1I""~Vl.<.lIls lI ye [,s l-1.

PC 4
Easy to use 5

1 Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.

$ . . t§ g ~ :

The Finest Toys in the World

Some facts about Hamleys:
Welcome to You can
buy the best toys and gifts here. We The shop has got five floors.
will deliver to any address in the UK. There are over 50,000 toys in the shop.
In 1760 William Hamley opened a toy The biggest soft toy in the shop is a Paddington
shop in London . He wanted it to be Bear. It is one metre tall and it costs almost £250 .
big and he wanted it to be specia l.
He wanted every child in London to One of the cheapest toys is a plastic pig. It costs
know about it. Now, over 200 years only £3.99 and it moves head , legs and tail.
later, Hamleys is probably the oldest, One of the most expensive toys is a large castle.
the biggest and the most famous toy It costs more than £1,300.
shop in the world. Children from
The most popular toy at £14.99 is the "street
every cou ntry in the world know
gliders". You fix them to your shoes and you start
about Hamleys and about 500,000
skating. They light up as you go along!
people visi t the shop each year.

1 What is Ham leys? 4 How old is Hamleys?

2 Where is Hamleys? 5 How many floors are there in the shop?

3 When did Hamleys first open? 6 How many customers go to the shop
each year?

2 Przeczytaj tekst w cwo 1. jeszcze raz i uzupetnij tabelkfi! .

Toy Why is it special? Price I

Paddington Bear It LS tVle bLggest soft totJ LV\, H-&!""'-LetJs. 1

plastic pig I2 3

, 5

street gliders 7
3 Popatrz na informacj~ 0 Hamleys.
Odpowiedz na pytania.
1 What is the name of the street where
Hamleys is?

2 How can you contact Hamleys?

3 What time does Hamleys close in the


4 Which is the nearest tube

188-196 Regent Stree!
station? \ london
Phon e: 0870 333 2455
5 How do I get from Oxford Circus ~
station to Hamleys? Nearest tube stations
Piccadilly Circus
) Oxford Circus

4 Przeczytaj list Emily i uzupelnij go, 4th May

wstawiajqc przymiotniki z ramki
w stopniu najwyzszym. Dear , (Wpisz swoje imi~)

expensive big cheap

Thank you for your letter. I e,yoyed reading about your adventure'
fashionable young sma ll It's my brother's birthday next wUk, so on Saturday, I I,'ent to
Hamleys with my parents to lOOk for a present.
5 Odpow iedz na pytania. Hamleys is a fantastic shop. It has five floors. It's the
1 Where did Emily go last wee k? toy shop I know. It sells everything.
My brother is only four. (He's the ' in our family.)
2 Who did she go with? I wanted to buy him a teddy bear and there were hundreds to
choose from The ' was only three centimetres taW
3 Why did she go? It "'as also the ' - just £.2.. I had more money to
spend, so I bought a brown bear for £1. The '
4 What did she buy? bear in the shop was £.2.50. Too much money for me'
After I bought my brother's present I lOOked at the school bags.
5 Why didn't she buy the bag? The ' one was red and white. Unfortunately, I
didn't have enough money, so I'm having it for my birthday (next
6 Odpowiedz na pytania Emily.
Do you like shopping? Which is your favourite shop?
Love from
1 Popatrz na obrazki i u16:i: dialogi. ASSISTANT They're at the back of the

Example shop, near the cash desk.


YOU It's fine.

ASSISTANT It's £13.99.
A Cl'I'" ( tYJj t"~sjl.{V><l'ey o"'l'Lel'lse?
YOU I'll take it.
B cet!l'I~"'Llj. W"l'It s~ze l'Iye ljOI.{?

A ('v>< sv><l'ILL.
Study skills
3 Przeczytaj rozmow~. Nast~pnie
wybierz prawidlowq odpowiedi:
na ka:i:de pytanie.
1 A A Excuse me.
B B Yes. How can I help you?
A I boug ht this phone here, but it doesn't

work .
B Have you got a receipt?
A Yes. Can I have my money back?
B Yes, but first you need to go to the
customer service desk and fi ll in a form.

B 1 Where is the conversation?

A a In a shoe shop.
b In a phone shop.
e In a petrol station.
2 What's the problem?

3 A a The customer bought someth ing

that doesn't work.

b The customer bought something
in the wrong size.
2 Uzupelnij dialog pytaniami. e The customer doesn't know whe re
ASSISTANT ' Cl'I", ( l1eLl' ljOI.{?
the changing rooms are.
YOU I'd like to try this T-shirt on , 3 What must the customer do now?
please. Circle two answers.
ASSISTANT 2 ? a Go to the cash desk.
YOU I'm medium. b Go to the customer service desk.
e Write a letter.
? d Fill in a form.
It feZ
1 Przeczytaj . co m6wi Cameron i odpowiedz na pytania.

My name's Cameron and I live

in Toronto. This city is great for
shopping because we have
PATH - the biggest
underground shopping centre
in the world . PATH is
enormousl It has got 27kms
of walkway linking different
areas together, and 125
different entrances.

There are 1,200 shops and

services P'ATH , but shopping isn't the
only things to do here. There are cinemas and
restaurants, too. and you can use the PATH 2 Uzupetnij tabelk~.
network to get to two sports stadiums, where you
can watch basketball , football or hockey 27 kilometres of walkway
matches. PATH connects you also to six hotels
and to some large entertainment centres In town. people who work in PATH
5,000 people work in PATH. My Mum is one of
them. She works as a cashier in a big restaurant.

I think the best thing about Toronto is the CN 1,200

Tower. A tunnel connects the tower to the
shopping centre. The tower is 553 metres tall - sports stad iums
it's the tallest tower in the world. Last year, I
went to the restaurant at the top With my Mum
height of the CN Tower

and Dad.
3 Odpowiedz na pytania Camerona.

1 Do you live in a town or city?

1 Where does Cameron live?

2 W hat can you watch at the stadiums?

2 ( What shops and services are there? J,.

3 Where does Cameron's Mum work? 3 [ What ca n people do at weekends? )

4 What is Cameron's favourite th ing 4 What's the tallest building in your

about Toronto? town I city?

5 What did he do with his parents last 5 What's the best th ing about where
year? you live?
1 Podpisz obrazki.
Example L --.,......--,

o a , ut
n mns 2 An nie is Charles.


ter 3 Parachuting
2 3

4 5
4 Siberia

2 Uzupelnij zdania, wstawiajqc

przymiotniki z ramki w stopniu 3 Porozmawiaj z Owenem. UI6z zdania
f dangerous dry cold '\ OWEN Maths is boring.
~ tall old ) YOU Histol1J is more boring
Example than Maths.
1 OWEN Wayne Roo ney is ve ry famous.
YOU is more
famous th an Wayne Rooney.
2 OWEN Canada is cold in winter.

Jenny is t~LLeY than Ben . YOU is colder than

in winter.
3 OWEN The Lake District is beautiful.

4 OWEN Big Ben is tall.

1 The Sahara desert is YOU

than Wales.
4 Uzupetnij pytania. Nast~pnie napisz 6 Uzupelnij zestawienia, wstawiajqc
odpowiedzi. przymiotniki z ramki i ich formy
w stopniu wyzszym.
Is Geography CIS cl~fft.cIA.Lt CIS (difficu lt) ~ busy beautiful easy
Maths? bad new good expensive
yes, ~t ~s. / No, ~t ~s",it.
Short adjectives
1 Is silver (expensive)
2 Are you (old) you r
Ending in -y
best friend?
3 Is Britain (big)
Poland ?
4 Is autumn (cold )
5 Is cake (healthy)
5 Rozwiqz krzyz6wk~ . 7
, t: >
7 Uzupelnij pytania Anny, wstawiajqc
przymiotniki z ramki w stopniu
najwyzszym i napisz odpowiedzi.

( famous §eeEI high cold interesting )

1 Who is your best friend?

2 Who is the actor in

your country?

3 What is the
I 1- mountain in you r country?
- - ..-

H -
- I

4 What is the
at your school?

- I
H -

~ 5 Which is the month

~ ~
in your country?
I 1 I I I I I I

1 Rozw iqz krzyz6wk~. 2
- rs-
- t--
~ -
i- ".---
t-- - t-- t--

S I I I I I r
U s
- t-- t--
- t-- t--

2 Uzupelnij dialog, uzywajqc wyraz6w z cw. 1.

~ ..1f1==

HARRY Mum, it's my school trip HARRY I'll buy one when I get there.
tomorrow Can you help me pack MUM OK. Have you got any
my ' YUCKSClCK. ? 6
? You don't wa nt
MUM OK. The most important thing is sunburn.
your ' . You can't HARRY Yes , it's in the rucksack .
go to France without it. MUM Anything else?
HARRY I know Here it is. HARRY Just some 7 . We
MUM You have to speak French , so need some pocket money.
you need your 3 MUM Oh dear. How much do I have to
HARRY OK. I need my , give you?
too because I want to know about HARRY £15 a day.
the town and what I can do there. MUM What?! That's a lot of money.
MUM And you need a 5 HARRY Please, Mum. I have to buy a lot
of the area, so you can find of presents to bring home!
where things are. MUM OK. Here you are.
3 Przeczytaj zdania . Czy Sq prawdziwe 5 UI6z zdania 0 wycieczkach szkolnych
(.f) czy falszywe (X)? na podstawie obrazk6w.
1 Harry is going on a school trip Example
tomorrow. 0
2 He has to pack his rucksack. 0
3 He doesn't have to speak French
on the trip. 0 we'LL go to tVte VIoI.useuVlol. btl Co~CVt .
4 Harry wants to know about the
town he's visiting. 0
5 Mum has to give Harry some money. 0
6 Harry wants to buy a lot of clothes
in France. o 1

4 Uzupelnij dialogi.
1 A I'm going on holiday tomorrow.
B Have you got any

A Yes , I got some yesterday.
2 A I'm 2 holiday next
B Have 3 a 3

A Yes, I have, but I ' a

3 A Where are you going on 7 ?
6 Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczqce
B I'm ' to Australia. najblizszej wycieczki szkolnej.
Where will you go?
A Have you got you r
? How will you get there?
B Yes, I got it three weeks 10

A Have 11 your How long will the trip take?

? What will you take with you?

B No, I have to get a new one!
1 Uzupelnij wyrazenia prawidlow'!. form'!. 3 UI6z podane zdania w prawidlowej
have to. kolejnosci , tak by utworzyly pytania.
Nast~pnie napisz odpowiedzi zgodne
Forma twierdz'!.ca
z prawd'!..
I I you have to ...
He I she I it ' pa rents help to Do home you at have
We I you I they 2 your?

Forma przecz'!.ca A Do i:J01A. hClve to heL-p i:J0IA.~ -pCl~e",-ts

I I you don't have to ... CI tho I'I<-e?

He I she I it 3 B yes, , clo. / No, , clo",-'t .

We I you I they 1 school go to you Do have to Saturdays
Forma pytaj'!.ca on?
Do I I you have to ... ? A
he I she I it • ... ? B
we I you I they 8 ... ? 2 to do Do every tests week you have ?
2 Uzupelnij zdania , wstawiaj'!.c
prawidlow'!. form~ have to B
i czasownika z ramki.
3 you r 6 o'clock to pa rents get up have
visit EIe go pack Do at?
study make buy walk
Example B
I hlNe to clo the washi ng-up after
dinner. 4 your have go Does early friend to best

1 We ou r bags to bed?
2 My pa rents to
wo rk every day.
4 Sophie jedzie w tym tygodniu na
3 Ann a some new szkoln'!. wycieczk~. Napisz, co musi
clothes for the school trip. i czego nie musi zrobic.
4 my grandma
this weekend.
she hCls to -P ClCK
5 My brother the
her ~CK.5C1CK .
dinner tonight.
6 They usually to
7 We English every


3 MUM Get up Sophie. You 'll be late.

SOPHIE It's Saturday, Mum.
go to
school today.

5 Uzupe/nij dialogi , wstawiajqc

have to, don't have to lub mustn't
w odpowiedniej formie.

4 HARRY Owen isn't here. Shall I ring

Here he comes now.
1 HARRY It's half past eight.
OWEN We're late for school. 6 Popraw regu/y szkolne.

We hurry!
HARRY We have PE. th is morning.
School rules
1 You don't have to come to lessons on time.
OWEN Then we have to go to the
2 You have to write on the desks.

3 You mustn 't listen to the teacher.

4 You don't have to do your homework.

5 You have to use your mobile phone in class.

2 MR CLARK Who's talking?
OWEN Sorry, Mr Clark.
6 You have to talk during exams.
MR CLARK Owen, you
talk when I'm talking.
1 Przeezytaj tekst. Czy zdani a ponizej Sq praw dziwe (.t) ezy falszyw e (X)?

I love my school. We learn Maths,

An Inuit school languages and Science, like children in

other schools, but we also learn about our
own culture and trad itions. In ou r arts and
crafts lessons, we learn how to prepare
and sew seal skin. We do lots of special
projects, too. Last year, we made sweets
for Valentine's Day.
Everyone in the school speaks English,
but it isn't our first language. Our fi rst
language is Inuktitut. We have a special
teacher called George who teaches us to
read and write this language. It's not easy,
but the lessons are fun. There are lots of
posters in our classrooms to help us
remember the symbols.
At Kugaardjuk School, we don't have to
wear a uniform. Some days are very cold ,
but we always have to go to school. Older
children can walk or travel to school by
skidoo with their parents , but it isn't safe for
younger children to walk in the snow. They
My name's Carol. I'm 14 and I live in have to travel to school by bus.
Kugaaruk in Northern Canada. I go to
Kugaardjuk School. My town is very small, Winter in my town is cold and dark, but it's
so there is only one school. Kindergarten , exciting , too. After school , we go skiing in
primary and secondary students all study the hills, or play ice hockey outside or in
here. Nearly everyone at the school is Inuit. our sports arena.

sew szye
seal foka 2 Napisz 0 swojej szkole , uzyw ajqc have
skidoo skuter to lub don ' t have to i odpow iedn iego
czasow nika.
1 Carol lives in a big town. 0 1 We a school
2 There are lots of international uniform.
students at Carol's school. 0 2 We Maths,
3 Carol learns about Inuit cultu res Science and languages.
and traditions at school. 0 3 We to
4 She doesn't have to study Maths. 0 school when the weather is very cold.
S Carol's first language isn't English. 0 4 We to
6 Inuktitut is an easy language. 0 school by bus.
7 Carol likes to play outside in S We a lot of
the winter. 0 homework.
3 Uzupel nij zdan ia 0 szkole Caro l. 1 Emily is excited because she
1 At Kugaardjuk School, students have
to learn 2 She likes school trips because she
2 Students can wear their own clothes.
They don't have to
3 It isn't safe for the young children to 3 She has to be at school at 6.45 a.m.
walk to school. They have to because

4 She has to sleep

4 Przeczytaj list Emily i uzupelnij zdan ia.
5 She has to remember to take

, (Wpisz sw oj e im i ~)
6 Her teachers say she has to
!-tow Glye ~ot.<.? TIlGl",K.S foY ~ot.<.Y Letter:

NeI<t weeK. we'Ve got Ot.<.Y bLg scl100l tYL-P,

we'ye gOL""0 to ItGll~ fOY GI weeK.. we'ye 5 Napisz list do Emily. Odpowiedz na
LeGlVL""0 0'" MoVl.CilGl~ GlVI.CiI I'IM. ve~ el<cLteol. I pytania w jej liscie. Mozesz uzyc
ponizszych wyrazen.
love scnooL tYL-pS becGlL<.Se we see Lots of
My next school trip is .
L",teYestL""0 -pLGIces - GlVI.CiI we oIo",'t nGive to 010
We're going ...
GI"'~ nolM.!woyK.!
We have to take ...
I nGive to be Glt scnool Glt "'.-'/-5 GI.IM.. 0'"
MoVl.CilGl~ IM.Oyv\'L""0 becGlL<.Se tne cOGlcl1 Ls (Wpisz tu dat~)
LeGlVL""0 Glt 700 . we'ye tYGlveLlL""0 GILL 0IG1~ GlVI.CiI Dear tmily,
"'Lgl1t! we l1G1ve to sLee-p 0'" tl1e cOGlcl1. ThanKs for your fetter.
we'Ve got GI Lo""0 lLst of tI1L""0S tl1G1t we l1G1ve to
tGlK.t WLtl1 L<.S . we l1G1ve to tGlK.t Ot.<.Y CGlIM.!YGlS,
SOIM.! CGlsl1, Lots of cLotl1es - GlVI.CiI Ot.<.Y -pGlSS-PoYts,
of cOt.<.yse. I'Ve GlLso got GI -pI1YGlsebooK., becGlL<.Se
tl1e teGlcl1eys SGI!:::I tl1G1t we l1G1ve to t~ to s-peGlK.
ItGllLG!", wl1e", we get tl1eye.

i>leGise wYLte GlVI.CiI telL 1M.! Glbot.<.t ~ot.<.Y ~t

tYL-p. wl1eye Glye ~ot.<. gOL""0? !-tow Glye ~ot.<.
tYGlv ellL""0? wl1G1t 010 !:::lot.<. l1G1ve to tGlK.t WLtl1

L.ove fyOIM.,

6""'- Ll !:::l Love from,

1 Dopasuj zdania.
1 How are you? D a Sleep wel l.

2 Bye! D b Can I help you?

3 Have a good day! D c It was great.

4 Goodnight. D d You too.

5 Bless you. D e Thanks.

6 Good morning. D f Bye! See you tomorrow.
7 Excuse me. D 9 Fine thanks. And you?
8 How was the match? D h Good morning.

2 Uzupelnij dialogi odpowiednimi Study skills

wyra:i:eniami z cw. 1.

UI 3

Popatrz na obrazki. Powiedz, jak ty uczysz
0 siE1 jE1zyka angielskiego poza szkolq.
Vl--t'"""--!""(K .J.~IJ//;;;~.o=J Examples

1 SOPHIE . Do you
know where the bank is?
WOMAN Yes, it's opposite the post office.

2 ANNA Bye , Harry.


I L~5tejl\, to 6""0L~5V1 50""05 .

I ~Ojl\,'t ~O extyCl gyCl,,"-,,"-ClY Clct~v~t~.
3 OWEN I'm going to bed.
, Mum .

4 WOMAN How was 5 ? 4

Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz zdania prawdziwe (.f) i fal szywe (X).

The history of pizza

It's no surprise that the first people to make In 1889, a chef prepared a special meal when
pizza were the Italians. Before the nineteenth Queen Margherita visited Naples. It was a
century, pizzas were a peasant food. They pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and
weren't like the pizzas we eat today. People basil. The ingredients were the same colours
made bread and covered it with leftovers. It as the Italian flag. He cal led the pizza
was cheap, easy to make and easy to eat - 'Margherita' after the royal guest.
you didn't need a knife and fork. America got its first pizza restaurant in 1905. It
The people of Naples changed the pizza into was called Lombardi's Pizzeria Napoletana and
the meal that we know now. They started it was in New York.
adding tomatoes to their bread. In 1830, the
first pizza restaurant opened. The restaurant
heated its oven with the lava from the volcano
Mount Vesuvius!

peasant chlopski, wiejski

leftovers resztki
Pizzas became popular in Britain after the
Second World War. Soldiers who went to Italy
1 The first people to make pizzas
loved the food and some of them opened pizza
were the Italians. D restaurants when they returned home.
2 Before the nineteenth centu ry, Today you can find a great variety of pizza
pizzas were expensive to make. D toppings. The favourite pizza topping in the
3 The people of Venice were the fi rst USA is a spicy meat called pepperoni. In the UK
people have pieces of chicken on their_pizza, in
to add tomatoes to thei r pizzas. D France they prefer bacon and onion. Russians
4 The first pizza restau rant had an
eat pizza with a topping of tuna and Australians
electric oven. D put pineapple on their pizza.
5 The first person to eat a Margherita
pizza was a queen. D 3 Znaj di: jeszcze siedem skladnik6w pizzy.
6 Pizzas became popular in Britain
after the First World War. D S A' e 0 T E P 0 R
T i C H E E S E L IS
2 U16i: zdarzenia w ko lejnosci
0 N I 0 N R P I IT
chronolog icznej.
M E e T H I P A l u
The USA got its first pizza restaurant. D I
In Naples, people started adding A R K I EIO E E N
tomatoes to pizzas. D IT 0 E G H A R 0 A
A chef invented the Margherita pizza. D 0 I N'E T 'E 0 T P
The first pizza restaurant opened
IE.E B A e 0 N E 0
in Naples. D S S I IT A,S I R B
Pizzas were a peasant food . 0
Pizza restaura nts opened in Britain. D P I I
1 Popatrz na term inarz Anny i uzupetn ij ANNA I'm sorry. On Wednesday I'm
dialog. going to the '
Monday SOPHIE OK. We can go on Friday
S'WiMMil\~ ciLAb
MtbA.1I ...."tch ANNA We can't. Remember, on
Wednesday Friday we're going to
th~"tr~ with MIA.... Md D"d
bA.bY'itti~~ Milli~ SOPHIE How about Tuesday or
Friday Thursday night?
Owe.~, bA.r~clA~
ANNA Sorry. On Tuesday, I've got a
,hoppi~ i~ LoMO~ and on
Sunday Thursday I'm

SOPHI E And Saturday?

ANNA Mum and Dad are taking me
. What
about Sunday?
SOPHIE Sorry, Anna. I ca n't go on
Sunday. It's Mum's birthday.

2 Odpowiedz na pytania dotycz'lce

dialogu w cwo 1.
1 What does Sophie want to go and see?

2 What is the first day she suggests?

3 When is Anna babysitting Millie?

SOPHI E Great! The new Orlando 4 Who is having a barbecue?

Bloom film is out on Monday.
Do you want to go and see it? 5 Why can't Sophie go to the cinema on
ANNA I'd like to, but I ca n't go on Sunday?
Monday. I've got
,SW L"""""" L""f3 cL u b 6 Do Sophie and Anna arrange to go out?
SOPHIE What about Wednesday?
Z podanych liter utworz wyrazy
i dopasuj do odpowiedniego czasownika.

4 1

, ' , , , ,
, ' , , , '

have a

go to the 5 1

4 Popatrz na obrazki. Jak swi~tujq

urodziny te osoby?


6 1

I'VIoC f1C1V~vcg CI bCiybecue in the garden. 5 Dopasuj nazwy swiqt do dat.

-...-/ ""---" 1 Polish Independence Day D

2 St Valentine's Day D
3 American Independence Day D
4 Mother's Day D
1 I a 4th July
b 26th May
c 11 th November
d 14th Fe bruary

6 Napisz, kiedy Sq twoje imieniny i jak je

2 1

3 1
1 Uzupelnij tabelk~, uzywajqC czasownik6w w formie czasu Present continuous.

I (ma ke) breakfa st tomorrow.

(go) You to the theatre on Saturday.

(visit) Harry his grandma tonight.

(come) Mr Clark to Poland in July.

(arrive) The train at 2.30 this afternoon.

(drive) We to Fra nce next week.

(study) You
, I History tomorrow.
(play) I They tennis on Saturday.

2 UI6z wyrazy w odpowiedniej 3 Uzupelnij pytania w czasie Present

kolejnosci , tak aby utworzyly zdania . continuous, uzywajqc wyraz6w z ramki.
Nast~pnie napisz kr6tkie odpowiedzi
zgodne z prawd q .
this I'm football afternoon playi ng
( '1M. pLa tJ lvcg footb"ll tl1ls "ftenMloV\o. (~___h_av_e___§e

1 on Is Anna shopping Saturday going? Example

Are to the
ci nema tonight?
2 to not sc hoo l week I'm next going yes, ( "1M.. / No, ('1M. V\oOt.

1 you r friend at
your house tomorrow night?
3 are pa rents theatre going the My to
tonight 2 your parents
you a bike for your birthday?

4 the isn't Harry tomorrow watchi ng night 3 you a picnic

match on Saturday?

4 you r Dad a
5 weekend meeting I'm friends my this football match tonight?
4 Przeczytaj terminarz Harry'ego na
( thi s weekend
nast~pny tydzien i uzupetnij zdania.

Si\ld';) f or ' renc.h TeST
Vl.5rT grandma
Dinner aT Owe.n ·s house
Thursday Tuesda y )
PIa';) football
Compu;-er c.iub
Pic.n;c. Wiih Mum and Dad
i-lome.wo<'L I

On Monday, Harry is stlA.cll:1~~ for CI
FY"e"'-Cl-i test.

1 On Tuesday, he is

2 On Wed nesday

3 On Thursday

4 On Friday

5 On Saturday
6 On Sunday

6 Odpowiedz na pytania.

5 Popatrz na obrazki i u/6i: zdania 1 What are you doing this evening?
o przedstawionych osobach.
Example 2 Who are you meeting at the weekend?

3 Wh at are you studying at school

tomorrow morning?

4 Where are you going next week?

1 Przeczytaj plakat. Czy zdania obok S'l. prawdziwe (.I) czy fa/szywe (.x)?
1 The poster is

Young Archaeologists' Club
Young ArchaeOlogist of the Year Award!
o The Award is organized by the YAC
(Young Archaeologists' Club).
It is open to all children aged 8-16.
about a competition.
2 The You ng

o You just need to like history and archaeology! Club organizes

o Design a time capsule for the 20th century.
o Win £500 and a trip to Egypt to see the Pyramids the Award . D
or lots of fantastic archaeological prizes! 3 The winne r gets five

Rules: thousand pounds

• Decide on ten objects that were important in the
20th century.
and goes to Egypt. 0
• Write a paragraph about each object. Explain why it 4 The Young
was important to life in the 20th century.
Archaeologists '
• Decide where you want to bury your time capsule.
Club is in London. 0
Send your ideas to:
The Young Archaeologists' Club, St Mary's House, 66 Bootham, York Y030 7BZ

2 Izzy, Grace i Kieron rozmawiaj'l. 0 przystqpieniu do konkursu.

Dopasuj teksty do ob razk6w.

1 0 Kieron
I think the
2 o Grace
I think time
3 D izzy
I want my time
competition is capsu les are capsule to
exciting. I'm very interesting. contain things
putting a lot of things about I'm putting in things that that show the lives of
technology in my capsule - a made life comfortable in the schoolchildren . I'm putting in
picture of the first man on the twentieth century. For my school uniform, my
moon, a computer game, a example, I'm putting in a homework book, a can of
calculator, a CD of my favourite pair of jeans and a pair of Coke, a bar of chocolate, a
group and a DVD of l ord of the trainers, a bar of chocolate, football magazine, a pair of
Rings. I'm also putting in a letter. a magazine, a picture of a rollerblades and a picture of
I want to describe my house and car and a mobile telephone. my bedroom. I'm burying my
my family. I'm burying my I'm burying my capsule in capsule near the school
capsu le in our garden. the park. playground.

[£] e'· .. ~

~r~ "'.I
3 Przeczytaj teksty w cw. 2. jeszcze raz i odpow iedz na pytania.
1 Who wants to bury his/her capsule in a 4 Where does Izzy want to bu ry her
park? capsu le?
2 What does Grace think about time 5 Who wants to put a drink in his/her
capsules? capsu le?
3 Who wants to incl ude some music in 6 What does Kieron want to write in his
his/her capsule? letter?

4 Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz prawidlowq odpowiedz.

Tbe golden record - a time capsule in space!

In 1977, NASA launcbed the spacecraft Now Voyager I is a long way i_nto outer
Voyager I. It didn't have any astronauts on space. It left our solar system in 2004, but it
board, but it carried something very sti ll has a lot of travelling to do before it
interest ing - a golden record. The record reaches another planet. Scientists say that in
was a time capsule, balding all kinds of 40,000 years, it ,viII be 'close ' to a star in
infomlation about life on earth. There were the constellation of Ursa Minor. But in thi s
115 pichlfes of things from our planet and case, 'close: means 1.7 light years away!
recordings of nahlral sounds (like birds
The people who made the record say that it 's
singing and whales in tbe ocean). The record
unl ikely that anyone from another planet
also had greetings in 55 different languages.
will ever find it, hut it was fun to make!
The first greeting was in Akkadian - a
Other people think that the record wi II
language from 6,000 years ago. At the end
eventually renlrn to earth and then it can go
of the record, there was a selection of music
into a space museum.
from different countries. It was a mixture of
classical, traditional and pop songs.

1 Voyager 1 ca rried 5 The people who made the record

a astronauts. think that
b a golden record. a people from another planet wi ll fi nd it.
c astrona uts and a golden record. b people from another planet won't
fi nd it.
2 The record did not conta in c people from a space museu m wi ll
a recordings of sounds from earth. find it.
b pop songs.
c greetings in alien languages. 5 Przygotowujesz materialy 0 zyciu na
Ziemi. Napisz, jakich rzeczy uzyjesz.
3 Akkadian is
a a type of traditiona l music.
b a very old language.
c a unit to measure time.
4 Now Voyager 1 is
a back on earth.
b in outer space.
c close to a star in Ursa Minor.
1 Uzupelnij dialogi. Uzyj czasow nika 3 Przeczytaj zdania. UI6z dwa pytan ia:
lend. j edno z lend i jedno z borrow. Nast~pnie
zadaj je koledze lub kolezance.
You want to play tennis, but you didn't
bring a racket.
ca"" I borrow !jot.<.~ ~acKet, pLease?
ca"" !jot.<. Le""ct ""'-t !jot.<.~ ~acKet, pLease?
1 A Can you me your 1 You need to make a phone call. Your

, please? friend has a mobile phone.


2 You want to pay for your theatre ticket,

but you forgot to bring your money.

3 You're cold and you haven't got a

2 A
your ruler, please?
B Sure.

2 Uzupel nij dialogi. Uzyj czasowni ka

borrow. Study skills
4 Przeczytaj zdan ia. Zakresl prawidl owy
1 You 'll like my cousin . She 's very
nice I sympathetic.
2 When I'm older I'd like to buy a
1 A Can I that
pension I chalet in the mountains.
, please?
B Sorry. I'm wearing it tonight. 3 A Do you want anything from the
B Yes. Can you buy me a packet of
chips I crisps, please?
4 The expedient I sales assistant in the
clothes shop was very helpful.
2 A Can
B Yes, of cou rse you can.
1 Przeczytaj teksty i napisz nazwy swiqt.
4 Amber
Australia Day St Patrick's Day We celebrate this
Diwali Winterlude Thanksgiving festival in March
every year. It's our
country's special
1 Nagesh D~WCll~ day, but people all
This is our festiva l of over the world have
lights. In my country, parties and parades
two religions on this day. The
celebrate this day. biggest parade is in
Everyone puts America.
lamps outside their
houses. My brothers
and I wear our 5 Jack
favourite clothes and
my Mum always This is a winter
cooks a great meal. festival and it lasts for
three weekends' It's
not an old festival , but
thousands of people
celebrate it. I love this
2 Casey festival because Mum
This isn't a religious and Dad take us ice
celebration, it's a skating and we watch
historical one. This people making ice
was the day when sculptures.
the first European
settlers arrived in
our country. It's in 2 Napisz nazwy krajow, z ktorych
January, but the pochodzq te osoby.
weather's always 1 Nagesh
great! We often
celebrate on the 2 Casey
beach . 3 Lu ke
4 Amber
5 Jack
3 Luke
This is a special day
because it's the day
3 Pomysl 0 sWifi!cie obchodzonym
w innym kraju. Uzupetnij notatki.
when we thank God
for providing us with Name:
food. It's an
important day for the Date:
family and everyone Why it's special: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
is together. We eat
my favo urite meal , How people celebrate: _ _ _ _ _ __
tu rkey and pumpkin Specia l food:
pie - fantastic!

4 Opisz swifi!to obchodzone w innym kraju.

Skorzystaj ze swoich notatek w cw. 3.
1 Podpisz przedmioty na obrazku .
3 Dad

4 Owen

5 Mum, Dad and Owen

3 Uzupelnij zasady obowiqzujqce na

basenie, uzywaj qc have to , don 't have
to lub mustn ' t.

2 Napisz, co musi zrobic Owen i jego

rodzina zan im pojad q na wakacje . You
Uzyj odpowiedniej formy have to
i czasownik6w z ramki.

get get up buy

( ~_ re_
ad §8_
pack )
it' A
wear a swimming costume or
shorts in the pool area.

2 You

have a shower before you

Example enter the pool.

Mum VIas to go

3 You
to the hairdresser. dive in the pool.

1 Owen &4 ,_
bring a towel. We have towels
for you.

(§)5 You
toys into the pool.

2 Mum and Dad

6 The pool is free to hotel guests.
some cash.
They pay.
4 Znajdz osiem wyraz6w zwiqzanych 5 Jak b~dziesz obchodzic swoje najblizsze
z obchodzeniem urodzin . urodziny? Napisz cztery zdania.
L A D A P I I c'N ' I Ie E S
R E I S P F WI I I H sio L I
I'VI.<. goc""0 to tVle cc""eVl.<.cl.
I 'VI.<. "'-Dt Vl ~ vc ""0 Cl Vl.<.tClC c""
X G c L E IR B C A .P , L E
~ yestClL<.y~""t.
M SI D 0 S H B P , E T ,A 0 ,
E E R C I N E M I A y ' E V i
L 0 P R I E Q U I WA E G R
T H E A ' T ' R ' E G i l H ,A S

6 Popatrz na obrazki. Napisz, co Sophie b~dzie robic tego lata.

SVle's goc""0 0"" 3

VlOCC~~1:1 to Sl'~c"".

1 4

2 5

7 U!6z jeszcze szesc pytan. Nastlilpnie napisz odpowiedzi.

visiting your homework tonight Example
doing shopping tomorrow Aye 1:10L<. vcsctc""0 1:10L<.Y
having at home tomorrow night COL<.SC""S ""e.;<.t weeK?
Are you going for an exam on Saturday Yes, I ~VI.<.. I No, I'VI.<. "'-Dt.
watching a picnic on Sunday
staying your cousins ~ next weekend
revising a tennis match next week

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