Global Aviator SA 2018-11

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GLOBAL November 2018 • Vol 10 / No.



No turning back
Commercial Aircraft
to Replace Current

AAD 2018
32 minutes of Panic!
Sopwith Camel
20th anniversary and the weatherman got the memo to Harrier Jet

• The lack of means to service engines could take a toll on industry



• London Oxford Airport welcomes Children’s Air Ambulance

ry T

• Philippine Coast Guard becomes Philippines’ first H145 operator

for parapublic missions

• Wrenelle Stander to head Comair’s airlines division

al M

• Hi Fly’s “Turn the Tide on Plastic”Aircraft


circumnavigates the globe


Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 • • on-line:
The world’s first Super Versatile Jet takes off! True to our Swiss heritage, the PC-24 is
brilliant not only in performance and beauty – but also in practicality. From our unmatched
reputation for precision comes knowledge: the PC-24 embodies all of this experience and
represents the pinnacle of 80 years of careful aircraft manufacturing. Fly the Swiss way
with the PC-24 – contact us now!

Contact Pilatus Centre Southern Africa, your nearest Authorized Pilatus Centre, Hangars 41/42, Rand Airport, Germiston
Tel: 011 383 0800 | Fax: 011 824 0884 |
Raymond Steyn 082 652 3439 I Tim Webster 083 251 0318 I Gerry Wyss 082 318 5089 I Pascal Wyss 082 511 7312

PilatusCentreSouthAfrica_PC-24_214x300mm.indd 1 30.08.2018 11:28:02


PO Box 72416, Parkview, 2122 Johannesburg, South Africa
33 Bovoney Road, Barbeque Downs, Midrand 1684
Tel: +27 (11) 701 5058

in 2018 Publisher/Editor: Mike de Villiers - +27 (0) 82 466 7757
Web design: Cesaré de Villiers - +27 (0) 82 297 7444
Africa Aerospace has come and gone. Good weather, albeit hot Accounts: Tessa de Villiers - +27 (0) 82 824 7548
to scorching hot the first two days, made a pleasant change Travel Editor: Charmaine de Villiers- Cell: 082 551 4377
to the rain or extremely windy conditions the show has
experienced in the past. Sad to see only a few visiting military Contributors: Charmaine de Villiers (SA), Cesaré de Villiers (SA),
aircraft but the C130 fitted with snow skies was a welcome Mike Wright (SA), Dr Guy Gratton (UK), Richard
Browne (SA), Helen Krasner (UK), Peter Kerckhoffs),
addition to the USA’s display. For the first time we saw Mario Vergottini (SA), Jean van der Riet (SA).
an aerial display of microlights at AAD although there
Mark Harris Sales Executive
were a few mutterings of “at a military show?” +27 (0) 60 792 5633
Mike de VIlliers Sales Director
There were noticeably few media events giving us more +27 082 466 7757
time to actually go through each hangar instead of rushing from
Editorial Enquiries
one presentation to the other. The sheer number of weapons on
Subscriptions Tessa de Villiers
display was of interest to visitors but to my mind it also showed
just how ‘war hungry’ the world has become. With world leaders Published Monthly on the 25th of each month
seemingly determined to outdo each other in the weapons Distribution RNA (Republican News Agency), 253 000 on-line,
department. Earth has become a very insecure place to live. LinkedIn, Facebook,,
Speaking of a dangerous world, it appears that space is Banking: Global Aviator
First National Bank,
becoming increasingly attractive, especially of Richard Branson’s Parktown - 250455
plans for the Virgin Galactic flights are anything to go by. Account number 62108220584
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ
According to Branson the launch of commercial space travel
Disclaimer: The publisher and editor of Global Aviator give no warranties, guarantees, or
is imminent as the spacecraft will be launched within weeks assurances, and, make no representation regarding any goods or services
advertised in this issue.
not months and that he will be on a flight within “months not
Copyright: Global Aviator. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced
years”. Virgin Galactic pilots have been flight-testing VSS Unity, in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher of Global Aviator.
Global Aviator will not be held responsible for any unsolicited material contained
with the intention of carrying passengers up to 100 km above within this issue. Global Aviator reserves the right to refuse material offered for
the Earth. The cost of a ticket – a mere US$250 000 although publication if it is found to be discriminatory, offensive or defamatory.

Branson is hoping to reduce this down to about $50,000 per seat.

The Airlines Association of Southern Africa held its annual

assembly in Livingston, Zambia, during October where IATA's
Snr Vice President, Member & External Relations, Paul Steele,
pointed out some interesting facts regarding aviation in Africa.
With unemployment on the continent so high, air transport alone
supports 6.2 million jobs with aviation directly employing over
415 000 persons in Africa. $18.8 billion dollars’ worth of goods
carried as cargo every single day. The figures are staggering yet
Africa’s growth in the aviation industry can improve especially
in terms of affordable air travel for Africans themselves. It is a sad
fact that it is cheaper to fly from a Europe to a destination in Africa
than it is to fly from one country to another within the continent.
This is something that needs to change if this continent is to
reach its full potential in the competitive world of air transport.

Talking of air transport, with the Christmas holidays

just around the corner there is little time left to arrange for
those tickets if they have not already been booked. With
temperatures in South Africa rising by the day, I for one
would be very happy to spend the holidays in some northern
country where the snow lies thick on the ground. •

Charmaine de Villiers
Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 3

Fuels engineered for

safety, protection and
When it comes to aviation safety and engine protection and performance,
there’s no such thing as being too thorough.
Nobody knows that better than TOTAL South Africa which – like every good aviator – prioritises the small things,
the little details that ensure safe and successful flights. It’s hardly surprising, then, that for more than 50 years,
TOTAL South Africa has been the local aviation industry’s trusted fuel, lubricant and technical service supplier.
TOTAL South Africa’s fuels and lubricants are manufactured under the strictest quality controls and to the
highest international standards. They have been specially formulated to meet the needs of all aircraft,
from small prop-driven planes and high-performance helicopters to commercial jets.

Contact Katlego Rangaka on for more information on

TOTAL South Africa’s aviation products and services.

4 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 5
????????and about

system. Once the in-line six starts

LAA Sywell
up it really does sound beautiful.
Taxing is simple enough although
accomplished only from the left due to
the hand lever style brakes. This aircraft
is incredibly comfortable to be in, the
The beginning of trailing link gear make ground handling
September I found myself soft and spongy and, in the air, the
long wings offer a gentle ride indeed.
touring Ireland for a short I was interested to see how simple
break, the Guinness really a VFR flight from Breighton to Sywell
is better there, and I have would be. My reason is all the congested
airspace in the UK and the multitude
found a new love whilst of controlled zones that are placed
standing by a braai fire. everywhere. Lifting off from base we
swung south east towards Scunthorpe
My mate Nick who has featured to avoid Doncaster, which according
in a few stories of late rang me up to Nick wouldn’t be an issue to fly
to say there was the annual LAA through. He was avoiding ATC, and this
Rally in Sywell and would I like to became apparently very simple after we
go. They say this is the UK’s answer By Richard Browne turned south for destination, he tracked
to OshKosh and decided it would a straight line and only spoke to the
be great to head over there and see taken with its size at first, she’s a large temporary approach controller at the
how they did it on Mud Island. four-seater which adds to the stability rally when in range. I was astounded.
My Wife and I flew from Dublin in control and cross-wind handling. The arrival procedure was
to Leeds on Ryanair, met up with Nick I am not too clued up on the origins published by the organisers and was
and then drove to his home near York. I and pedigree of the type, but I did followed exactly by everyone, such
used to enjoy the idea of “Now anyone see a twin-engine version of Blossom a pleasure to fly in a “professional”

Buchon 109

Miles Messenger

Mew Gull

can fly” but then I did just that on which is equally as beautiful. experimental environment. Safety was
Europe’s premier low-cost and worked The engine preparation is akin to paramount and the pilots there seem
out rapidly that we don’t want “just a radial whereby the prop is turned to keep this culture in prime focus.
anyone” to roam freely. It was good to through a number of times to spread We turned over a water-works before
see Nick and Isobel once again however. the oil as the engine, a Gipsy Major, swinging back west to call on final for
Nick has a 1947 Miles Messenger is fitted upside down. There is also the grass field. Ground marshalling
named Blossom, it’s a real nostalgia a unique priming system under was excellent, and we parked on
machine and a delight to fly. I was the cowl involving a wobble type the hard-stand and shut down.

6 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

LAA Sywell

There were hundreds of aircraft origin. The production line there

already there, people who had made only ended in 1958. This particular
the trip for the weekend and were machine is owned by the Grace family
camping under their wings. The who also have a dual seat Spitfire.
registrations on the various aircraft An interesting aircraft was the
covered most of Europe, the bulk original Mew Gull that Alex Henshaw
being from the UK and then l would set the London-Cape Town record in. I
have said France coming in second. believe since broken by a South Africa.
There were mostly older styled Then there was the Cri-Cri,
aircraft on display which I found in something I’d seen only in pictures.
contrast to South Africa. For the most The pilot hand starts the two
part I find the type certified fleet at engines with a rope pull, no unlike a • New Lycoming IO-390 Engine, 210 Hp • Hartzell
home is old, yet the experimental lawnmower. He then climbs in and 2-blade Constant Speed Propeller • 2 X D1000
section is new and flourishing. flies away in the single-most tiny flying Dynon Sky View Touch 10” Display • EMS 220 Full
The Europeans love history and I contraption I’ve even witnessed.
think this shows through with the Lunch was taken in the airport
Engine Monitoring System with Fuel Flow • 2 X
choices of aircraft and investment. cafeteria, typical type fare of pies and Dual Back up Batteries with 1 hour endurance •
At one stage of my life I was keen chips or burgers. However, and I do Dual ADHRS installed Dynon Auto Pilot • Dynon
to build a Europa with a tail-wheel find, that on hotter days in Europe, GPS 250 and Dynon Mode S Transponder •
configuration. I am not too keen on the the buildings are all stifling as there Garmin GTR 200 VHF Radio • PMA8000BT Audio
single wheel variant as I prefer more is not consideration given to air- Panel • Cabin Light and LED NAV/STROBE Lights
conventional designs. There were rows condition but to heating in winter. • HID Landing and Taxi Light
of Europa’s on the grass and each one The flight back was exactly
of them finished off so differently. the route in reverse and joining the
A low growl that grew in volume patter on a left base leg Nick sat
from the north could be heard and on the aircraft down beautifully in a VISIT US AT HANGAR 49, WONDERBOOM
final approach to the tarmac strip the stiff cross breeze. We pushed her AIRPORT AND ENJOY A GOOD CUP OF
unmistakeable shape of an outward in the hangar and left for York. COFFEE WHILE WE PREPARE YOUR
positioned landing gear tail dragger It had been a lovely day out but QUOTATION OR FINISH YOUR AIRCRAFT!
became apparent. An Me109 floated purely for enthusiasts. I have done shows
onto the ground and pop-popped it’s on both sides of the pond now and the
way to the fuel bays where a plethora Americans are further ahead with the
of camera lenses was waiting for it. entertainment value of these things. In Contact: Lande Milne - General Manager
This was however not a German built the USA there is more for everyone to Tel: +27 (0) 12 543 3196 / 0106 | Cell: +27 (0) 66 472 7848
one, it is a Buchon 109 of Spanish do whereby I felt in the UK it wasn't’ a Fax: + 27 (0) 86 731 6397
Address: Adventure Air, Hangar 49, Wonderboom Airport
Next generation car/aircraft

Is it a The PAL-V Liberty in flight

is a gyrocopter, on the
the propeller folds itself automatically
into the driving position. A simple
helicopter? ground it is a three-wheeled push of a button is all that is needed to
lower the rotor mast into the horizontal
Is it a motorcycle thereby providing
owners with the best of two
position but the blades and tail need
to be stowed away by the driver.
motorcycle? worlds – transport in the sky
and on the ground without
the price tag for two. How it works:
On the ground, the machine handles
As a gyrocopter it has a foldable somewhere between a motorbike and
pusher propeller providing forward a racing car - its chassis is built to lean
thrust and a free-spinning rotor providing into turns, and the two-seater can
lift. Directional stability is ensured reach speeds of up to 180km/ph taking
by twin boom-mounted tailfins. The under 8 seconds to go from 0 to 60.
PAL-V (Personal Air and Land Vehicle) The fuel tank holds 102 litres giving
reaches speeds of up to 180km/ph at it a range of 350 flight range or 1 200km
an altitude of 1 220m. Converting to a on the road. It is made from carbon fiber,
Actually it is motorcycle takes a short 10 minutes
Technically it's not a car - it's a
titanium and aluminum and weighs
680kg. Maximum Takeoff Weight is 910kg.
neither but three-wheeled motorcyle that transforms
into a gyrocopter - but it is legal to drive,
The two-seater PAL-V is powered by a

230hp, four-cylinder petrol engine. In
and fly, and switches between modes in flight the rotors spin considerably slower
just 10 minutes. Once the engine stops, than a helicopter's blades and cannot

new class of VTOL aircraft, ´Copterplanes´;

efficient VTOL aircraft, that could be used
as air taxis for intra or inter cities routes
or as corporate or private high speed, safe
and efficient next-generation copters.
This new and more effective
propulsion system with automatic
leveling control, instead of manual
mechanical control, could allow
piloting VTOL aircraft easier and
simpler compared to helicopters, even
with an airplane pilot licence only.
JETcopter plans to build a conceptual
VTOL prototype within 24 months.
The company also developed a low
cost carbon fibre fuselage production
for the JETcopter and will use reliable,
powerful and inexpensive automotive
motors. The JETcopter is a unique and
feasible project, where all three main
JETcopter to test innovative propulsion VTOL aircraft components are ready
to install without big investments to
system and to build next generation copter initial engineering. With 2 motors, each
400 hp and 1 000 kg empty weight, the
JETcopter, a VTOL ducts to four end points, that could be JETcopter has a high power/weight
vectored in any direction. This layout will ratio, 6-8 seats, VTOL-capacities, it will
aviation startup, has enable the enclosed rotors housing area be powered by automotive motors
announced the launch to create a lifting force and unload rotors and very low operational costs.
of tests of a new type in horizontal flights like airplane wings. As a research and development
The compact enclosed rotors propulsion company, JETcopter invites interested
propulsion system system will be safer in urban areas than parties to take up contact for investing
for VTOL aircraft. helicopters, and the achieved bigger in the exciting next-gen VTOL JETcopter
airflow speed could improve performances project. JETcopter engineered their own
This consists of two centrifugal air of next-generation VTOL aircraft. air turbines, that can be much cheaper in
turbines in enclosed housings, each 200 JETcopter will start tests on a mobile production than helicopter rotor blades.
cm (6.6 feet) in diameter, that will rotate platform shortly to measure generated A full-scale mock-up of the JETcopter
in opposite directions at a high RPM to airflow parameters, like speed, volume plan to be presented at the AERO 2019
create thrust similar to 11 meters (36 feet) and sound at various RPM, and to test aviation exhibition, the largest general
diameter helicopters rotors. The airflow airflow vectoring possibilities. Aircraft aviation trade show in Europe, in
from the turbines will be diverted by air with this propulsion system could open a Friedrichshafen, Germany, in April 2019. •

8 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Crew: 1
Capacity: 2
Length: 4 m (13 ft 1 in)
with rotor folded
Width: 1.6 m (5 ft 3 in)
with rotor folded stall. If the engine fails, the lift generated of latest technology composite
Height: 1.6 m (5 ft 3 in) by its auto-rotating main rotor. Allows materials, to enable designers to design
with rotor folded the pilot to land safely. It takes off in less a machine light enough to fly yet
Empty weight: 680 kg (1,499 lb) than 165m and needs 30m to land. strong enough for road use. Stability
Gross weight: 910 kg (2,006 lb) To drive and fly the PAL-V One on the road is made possible by a
Propellers: 2-bladed owners must have a driving license mechanical-hydraulic articulated rear
Performance and a Sports Pilot Certificate suspension which enables the machne
Maximum speed: 180 km/h (112 mph; 97 kn) Manufactured by PAL-V Europe to lean into turns like a motorcycle.
Stall speed: 0 km/h; 0 mph (0 kn) NV, based in Raamsdonksveer in With the gyrocopter/motorcycle
Vne: 180 km/h; 112 mph (97 kn) the Netherlands, the PAL-V uses already available, the manufacturers
Range: 354–507 km; 191–274 an autogyro flight system, with the say they have already been approached
nmi (220–315 mi) in- engine spinning a rear-facing propeller by mine operators in India and
flight; 1,210 km; 650 and an auto-rotating, retractable Australia who are looking for a
nmi (750 mi) on land main rotor to generate lift. more cost-effective way to transport
It has the increased availability employees to and from mines. •
Heli Component Overhaul
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AMO’s in Africa
Bell Heli Components

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Sheet Metal Work

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R22 and R44 only

Weight / Balances
Turbine Engines

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• Aircraft braking systems repaid/overhaul

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• Flexible hose build-up
• Landing Gear Repair
O.R Tambo International Airport Meggitt) and overhaul
Telephone: 083 442 5884 • Aircraft main and nose wheel assemblies for • Engine fire bottles
above makes HPT, service, fill
E-mail: / Website: • Helicopter servo actuator repaid & overhaul and re-charge
AMO No: 1089

Aero Electrical Solutions We specialise in: • Overhaul/Repair DC/AC Electrical, Magneto/Ignition equipment
• Full battery workshop - NiCad and Lead acid batteries
Tel: (011) 701 3200 • Aircraft electrical modifications and installations
Tel: (021) 934 5373 Avionics: • Avionic Installation, incl TCAS and RVSM
Website: • Avionic Bency Repair x-Work
AMO No: 1011 We travel to any destination for MPI's and repairs AGENTS FOR ACK ELT'S

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 9

World airport news

London Oxford Airport welcomes

newest tenant - The Children’s Air Ambulance
London Oxford Airport has TCAA will from hereon in be stretcher system and clinical interior,
welcomed The Children’s launching missions from London incubator and extra seat for a parent
Oxford Airport, with its high-speed to be able to accompany their child.
Air Ambulance and its transfer service and will help to save Since its operational launch in 2012,
Leonardo AW169 intensive young lives by working with specialist the charity and its clinical partners have
care-equipped helicopter NHS transfer teams. The new London completed more than 300 missions.
as a new tenant. Citing Oxford base complements the charity’s It is anticipated that the new base at
new north of England location at London Oxford will enable the charity
its convenient location, Doncaster Sheffield Airport. to meet more needs and increase its
enabling the charity to Housed in one of London missions to around 600 per year.
work with its NHS partners Oxford’s newly refurbished hangars Andi Alexander, Managing Director
and complete with a new helicopter of London Oxford Airport commented:
across the south of the parking stand, TCAA is basing one “We have been talking to TCAA for two
country, London Oxford of its two new, dedicated paediatric years and are delighted to have reached
Airport was determined as intensive care-equipped AW169s at a point where we now have this fantastic
its ideal southern base. the airport. The bespoke equipment helicopter based here at the airport. We
on-board includes a specially designed wish them well and hope to help where

10 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

we can in raising awareness of the great the only flying intensive care units in
service they are providing for paediatric the country dedicated to transferring
and neonatal patients and the need for critically ill children and babies from
rapid and comfortable transportation local hospitals to specialist paediatric
for those who are critically ill.” and neonatal treatment centres.
TCAA Director of Operations The charity is funded entirely by
Richard Clayton added: “This is the donations and works closely with nine
culmination of a long and difficult NHS Clinical Partner Teams such as the
journey to provide this unique service Southampton Oxford Retrieval Team
and I am very proud to see it come (SORT), Southampton Oxford Neonatal
to fruition and of all those involved Transfer service (SONeT), South Thames
in making the dream in Oxfordshire Retrieval Service (STRS), Western
a reality. Our new London Oxford Acute Transfer for Children (WATCh)
location means we can work even more and Newborn Emergency Stabilisation
closely with our NHS Clinical Partners, and Transport Team (NEST).
enabling us to deliver the highest The Children’s Air Ambulance
level of paediatric neonatal care to the joins a growing number of airport
southern regions of the country.” tenants choosing London Oxford as
“We are very proud to launch a base. Among the newest arrivals
our service in Oxfordshire. We are are group purchasing organisation
looking forward to working with AVIAÂ, which has just moved into
supporters from across the region larger premises in Hangar 14, Bay
to ensure we’re able to keep our 4 and technology provider hullo
aircraft flying, keep hope alive and Air Crew, which connects business
importantly, keep families together.” aviation operators with aircrew for
TCAA’s AW169 helicopters represent freelance and contract flights. •

London Oxford Airport has welcomed

The Children's Air Ambulance and its Leonardo AW169

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 11

Pic: Mike de Villiers

Crystal Class

arrives in
South Africa
Pic: Mark Mansfield

by Mark Mansfield

12 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

The latest offering from Pilatus – the
Pilatus PC-24 SVJ (Super Versatile Jet)
arrived in South Africa recently and
is here to stay.
Sporting the new Crystal Class logo from Pilatus,
signifying its uniqueness and dubbed as a ‘Super Versatile
Jet”, the Pilatus PC-24 is currently one-of-a-kind in its
class. It is the only aircraft that combines the versatility of a
turboprop with the cabin size of a medium-light jet, and the
performance of a light jet. Two very unique features of the
PC-24 that make it very attractive to African customers is its
ability to utilise dirt strips as well as its large cargo door.
Africa is the perfect environment for the PC-24, with
its testing terrain and challenging runways, and we are
honoured to be the first business aviation operator to manage
the aircraft in the region. ExecuJet’s worldwide commitment
to service excellence makes us industry-leading in our field,
which is testament to all the hard work and dedication
exhibited by our staff and partners. We are looking forward
to welcoming the aircraft when it arrives at our Cape Town
facility.”, said Gavin Kiggen, Vice President Africa, ExecuJet.
The first PC-24 to arrive in SA was sold to a Cape Town
based client by the official Southern African Pilatus agents -
Pilatus PC-12 Centre Southern Africa based at Rand Airport,
Germiston - and will be operated on behalf of the new owner
by ExecuJet based in Cape Town. ExecuJet is the first business
aviation company to operate and manage a Pilatus PC-24 Super
Versatile Jet in Africa, and will also be responsible for the aircraft’s
day-to-day management and operations. All maintenance
will be carried out by Pilatus PC-12 Centre Southern Africa.
The PC-24 will be available for charter and offers clients
the latest in in-flight entertainment and connectivity. With
up to eight passengers, departing Cape Town, the aircraft
can reach Angola, Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique.
Flying from ExecuJet’s FBO at Lanseria International
Airport in Johannesburg, passengers can reach the DRC,
Tanzania, Kenya and Mauritius, according to Pilatus.
The aircraft was ferried all the way from Buochs
airfield, Switzerland, the home base of Pilatus aircraft
and its route took the PC-24 and its new owner on a
business trip through Africa. Excluding the business
stops along the way, total ferrying time was 15 hours.
Tel: +27 11 516 2300 / Tel: +27 82 330 7399 (24 hrs) /
To contact Pilatus South Africa please see their advert on outside back cover

The well appointed interior - Pic: Mark Mansfield The cargo hold is a trademark of Pilatus opening wide for easy loading - Pic: Mike de Villiers

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 13

Aircrtaft engineer shortages

the engines means a shift in the paradigm

of the value of engine maintenance. There

The lack of means to service

are currently 9,986 combined firm orders
for the A320NEO and 737MAX. With 72%

engines could take a toll on the

of the worldwide 2036 fleet expected to
be narrow-bodies, the engines that power
the aircraft will be making up a large

aviation industry percentage of the total commercial aviation

market cap, so it is imperative there be
enough maintenance capacity and that the
“Timely maintenance, costs of spare parts remain reasonable.
whether scheduled or
unscheduled, is essential Increasing maintenance costs
for the smooth operation As aircraft engines gain a higher ratio of
the value in aircraft, maintenance prices
of commercial airlines and are going up. While new engines may
ensures they can fly on a come with an initial discount, OEM’s
dependable schedule. recover the lost profit and cover the cost
of research and development through
the sale of used engines and spare parts.
The two components of maintenance According to an analysis by FlightGlobal,
are the aircraft itself and the engines. Not over a 17-year period, life-limited parts
all MRO facilities are equipped to also and engine overhaul costs have increased
perform engine maintenance as special by 250% and 150% respectively, greatly
facilities and certifications are required. exceeding the consumer price index.
Currently, engine shops As engines become more reliable,
worldwide are facing a lack of capacity the time between overhauls is increasing
and a large backlog of work. Gediminas Ziemelis so when aircraft do come in for engine
As new aircraft and new engines maintenance the costs are greater
are continually rolling off the assembly maintenance. The A319/320/321 family since the OEM needs to recover more
line, the bottleneck of engine maintenance has the option to run on the CFM56-5B or money. Gediminas Ziemelis continues
shops will only grow larger unless IAE V2500 engine platform. on to state, “For the industry, this
there is concerted effort placed on the From this family of aircraft, at the means, when an airline is considering
future development of engine shops,” moment, there are 192 not flying. modernising its fleet, placing an order
describes Gediminas Ziemelis, Chairman The examples given were only a small for new aircraft may represent the more
of the Board at Avia Solutions Group. selection of Airbus aircraft. If we expand economical option after considering
our criteria to say, the Boeing 737NG initial discounts and that the value of
equipped with the CFM56-7B engine, their engines will increase over time.”
Growing backlog that adds an additional 87 aircraft down
There are many certified engine for engine maintenance. “Even with new
maintenance shops worldwide engine shops opening up worldwide there Shifting maintenance models
with highly trained crews requiring will still be at least 100 aircraft remaining Within the industry, there is a need to be
special certifications to be able to non-operational,” states Ziemelis. able to develop a means of more affordable
work on the engines of aircraft.
parts acquisition. In the near future,
The high demand of engine
Engine values soaring there is a possibility that it will be more
maintenance leads to engine shops
economical to scrap aircraft as young as
having a backlog of work scheduled Mr. Ziemelis goes on to explain that it ten years old to part out the engine. This
out months in advance leading to some has been generally accepted that at the method is dangerous, since, after a short
aircraft staying grounded longer than beginning of its lifespan an aircraft’s period, the supply of aircraft would be
originally scheduled, culminating in engine accounts for 20% of the total cost low which could drive ticket prices up.
ballooned maintenance costs for the of an aircraft while near the end of the For example, according to the MRO-
airlines and delays in getting the aircraft aircraft’s lifespan the engine accounts for Network, of the 832 Trent 700 engines that
airborne. According to the MRO- 80% of the total value. But according to are in service today, it is expected the MRO
network, airlines have as much as 10% FlightGlobal, these statistics do not hold demand for maintenance on these engines
of their fleet grounded for maintenance up for the modern generation of airliners; will cost $46.6 billion over the next ten
and technical reasons every day. the A320neo and 737 MAX have engine years. Components will account for the
Non-operational aircraft are grounded value starting points that account for majority of the demand, costing as much
not only from large maintenance backlogs greater than 50% of the aircraft value. as $14.3 billion. New maintenance models
but also because of the complexities of A projection of a 10-year-old Leap gaining popularity are aimed at relieving
working with different engine types. The powered A320neo or 737 MAX places the steep maintenance costs such as pay per
A318, for example, can be fitted with engine as having 90% of the total value of hour programs which standardises the
either the CFM56-5B or PW6000 engines the aircraft. If the market continues on its maintenance schedules and provides
despite only having 64 of these aircraft current course engine maintenance will predictable pricing with guarantees of part
flying. Of the 64 aircraft still in service grow to occupy an even larger percentage replacements. Engines can only make a
three A318s are grounded for engine of the MRO market. A shift in the value of profit for operators when they are on-wing

14 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

which reduces downtime and provides backlog of engine maintenance work streamlining the supply flow.
stable maintenance environments, like is keeping aircraft on the ground, Engine maintenance is changing,
those provided by pay per hour programs, new engine maintenance facilities are moving towards a more data-
helps operators accurately forecast popping up in countries all around the driven analytical and diagnostic
maintenance time and reduce costs. world with competitive turnaround connectedness that is currently
times and international certifications. experiencing growing pains that will
As engine values soar, driving undoubtedly be solved in the near
The MRO of the future up the cost of engine maintenance, future. “With these changes comes
The competitive nature of the new maintenance models are the opportunity for MRO facilities to
commercial aviation industry means changing the way the industry thinks establish new cost-efficient systems
that any inefficiencies are quickly about engine maintenance and in that prepare them to make the most of
weeded out by the competition. As a the process stabilizing costs and the future,” concludes Mr. Ziemelis. •

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 15

???????? news

Wade-Smith OBE and Ms Thandi Phele,

the Acting Deputy Director General
ATNS appoints at the South African Department
of Trade and Industry responsible
interim CEO for industrial development.
The facility, based in the SAAT
Johannesburg, South Africa: 03 needed. Inclusive in the package site at Johannesburg’s Oliver Tambo
October 2018: Air Traffic and International Airport, the busiest airport
Navigation Services (ATNS) SOC in Africa, is capable of storing a full range
Limited’s Board of Directors, of Rolls-Royce engine types to meet the
under the Chairmanship of requirements of airline and business jet
Mr Simphiwe Thobela, has customers based or operating in Africa.
appointed Thomas Kgokolo, It can house every type of Trent engine,
as interim ATNS CEO. including the Trent 7000 which will soon
power the Airbus A330neo into service.
According to the Board Rolls-Royce is providing technical
Chairman, Kgokolo’s exceptional training to SAAT staff to enable them to
qualities made him a perfect choice conduct work on engines in storage. The
to lead ATNS. “The first is his shared vision is that SAAT mechanics
concern for safety and his vision will in time be capable of performing a
on how it may be addressed within that a company of ATNS’s stature range of inspection and on-wing services
the industry. He is quite frank brings to the industry is strong to Rolls-Royce customers in Africa.
about how performance-based and sustainable relations with its Kevin Evans, Rolls-Royce, Vice
targets can be achieved. Secondly, key stakeholders. These are its President Customers Africa, said: “The
he has shown extreme respect shareholder, staff, industry partners, opening of this facility marks the start
and compassion in what he does major suppliers, local communities, of a journey that will see SAAT play an
and expect to be done. Always research and institutions of expanding role in our development of
courteous and willing to learn, he higher learning, among others. availability services across Africa as it
is a man of great integrity” says Mr Kgokolo is a Chartered increases its capability. We have worked
Thobela. He concluded “Once Accountant and holds an closely with South African Airways for a
these specific traits are evident in MBA degree from the Gordon number of years, and we are delighted to
an individual, it means that a good Institute of Business Sciences, a be working with them on this initiative.”
and perfect choice has been made”. B Compt Honours and B Com Wellington Nyuswa, SAAT CEO
ATNS has and continues degree in Accounting Sciences, (Acting), said: “This agreement enables
to make an indelible footprint from UNISA and University us to demonstrate our capabilities to
within the global aviation of Pretoria respectively. Rolls-Royce, with whom we’ve had a
industry – through its product The past CEO’s contract ended long-standing relationship as well as
and service offerings and above in June 2018 and was extended for to other outside parties. It dovetails
all, its clear intent in becoming a a further three months, ending with our strategy to seek further
key component of a continental September 30. The recruitment revenue generating opportunities, and
collective that is striving for process of a new CEO is underway. will enable our vision to be Africa’s
safer African skies. As part of Prior to his appointment leading world-class Maintenance,
an accelerated journey into the as the acting CEO, Mr Kgokolo Repair and Overhaul company.”
digitized and artificial intelligence was an ATNS Board Member Thandi Phele, the Acting Deputy
space, an energized, innovative and served as a Member of the Director General of the South African
and compassionate workforce is Audit and Risk Committee. • Department of Trade and Industry (the
dti), said: "The dti, through its agreement
with Rolls-Royce in the National
Industrial Participation Programme
Rolls-Royce celebrates with (NIPP), has forged a partnership that
South African Airways Technical as its first will yield mutual benefits over the
lease engine storage facility opens in Africa next few years. The NIPP, as a lever of
government procurement is a policy
Rolls-Royce and South African aimed at leveraging opportunities to
Airways Technical celebrated the develop industrial capabilities that will
drive industrialisation towards the
opening of Rolls-Royce’s first fulfilment of job creation and economic
lease engine storage facility in growth. In terms of this project South
Africa, further developing its African Airways Technical (SAAT)
global service support network to will acquire critical technical training
deliver improved aircraft from Rolls-Royce that will enable them
availability. to support Rolls-Royce customers.
We believe that SAAT is perfectly
UK's Commissioner for Trade in Africa, Emma
The event was supported and Wade-Smith OBE with Kevin Evans, VP Customers positioned to be able to do that, and
attended by the United Kingdom’s Africa, Rolls-Royce (left) and Andrew Harper, VP we look forward to a long and lasting
Trade Commissioner for Africa, Emma Industrial Participation, Rolls-Royce (right). relationship with Rolls-Royce." •

16 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

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Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 17

Industry awards for excellence

aviation”, comments Skaiste Knyzaite,

Managing Partner of AeroTime Media

Norwegian named Low-Cost

Group, organizer of the awards. “We
wanted to acknowledge companies
investing most effort. Now we hope
Airline of the year at this was the first step leading to a long-
lasting annual tradition,” she says.

Annual Aviation Industry Awards 2018 Long-Haul category included 23

nominees with four finalists − Emirates,
Lufthansa, Qatar Airways and Turkish
Norwegian, the third largest Airlines. After summarizing all votes
in the final round, the award went to
low-cost carrier in Europe, Lufthansa. One of the biggest competition
has been named the Low- for “Aircraft manufacturer of the year”
Cost Carrier of the year at the award went to Airbus, awarded not
Annual Aviation Industry only for contribution to the industry,
Awards, VIP initiative of but for recent innovations as well.
The most progressive solutions
AIR Convention Aviation in airport infrastructure development
Forum, which took place were highlighted within the category
on September 26th, 2018 for most advanced airport, regarding
in Vilnius, Lithuania. both customer and employee experience.
“Airport of 2018” nomination was
a competition between the busiest
Aviation Industry Awards recognized Skaiste Knyzaite, Managing Partner of AeroTime aviation hubs, including Changi Airport,
the brightest commercial aviation players Media Group, organizer of the awards. Schiphol Amsterdam Airport, Dubai
and projects within two main sections: International, and Munich Airport.
“Business” and “Innovation”. Winners voting. The award honored Norwegian, As a result of independent voting,
were chosen by over 70 000 worldwide which got ahead of Wizz Air, EasyJet Changi Airport pulled off a win.
voters, who gave their votes in an intense and Blue Air by gaining a majority of The award for the best training
competition, and were announced during votes. Norwegian representative, Lars center went to OSM Aviation, the first
the ceremony, which was followed Sande, Senior Vice President of Sales company to offer Total Crew Management.
by exclusive GANG Afterparty. & Distribution, received the award. “Step forward in aviation training” was
With the total number of 16 airlines “Annual Aviation Industry Awards another category to unveil best players
nominated in the Low-Cost Carrier were established to honor the companies in aviation training, this time focusing
of the year category, only four were offering the most innovative and efficient on the most outstanding initiatives -
competing in the second round of solutions to the problems in commercial and Synapse Aviation got the award.
ETS Environmental Technologies
Solutions received the recognition in
the category “Eco-product of the year”
for the two presented products offering
better aircraft exterior and interior
cleaning. The project “Girls in aviation
day” was acknowledged as “Diversity
and Inclusion” category winner - this
project is an annual initiative, launched
in 2014 with the intention to educate
girls about their career opportunities
in aviation and aerospace industries.
The award for “Innovation and
technology: Breakthrough of the year”
was given to TESTIA, Airbus company
that provides aero structure testing and
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), and sets
its goals to ensure future and present
innovations. “Most captivating marketing
project of the year” became the SunExpress
Multichannel marketing campaign.
Aviation Industry Awards took place
at Energy and Technology Museum, in
the unique venue of Vilnius. The awards
were the VIP initiative of AIR Convention
Commercial Aviation Forum, one of the
biggest aviation networking events that
Above: Norwegian representative, Lars Sande, Senior Vice President of Sales & took place as the two-day’s conference and
Distribution, received the award. exhibition on September 26-27, 2018. •

18 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

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From the desk of....

Despite clear value, there are

still large parts of the world that

Commercial Aircraft
go without proper coverage. With
advancements in aircraft payload
capabilities and the rapidly growing

to Replace Current Satellites number of flights, commercial aircraft

should fulfill the growing need of
satellites within 20 years at nominal
costs while yielding excellent results.
A more connected world
makes the globe shrink. Aircraft gaining a
Increasingly people are new commercial function
gaining internet access at At any given time, there are
approximately 8000 airborne
an exponential rate, and aircraft providing a combined
it is changing the way coverage of more than 2 million
of life. Our devices are m² over all parts of the world.
The current global fleet of aircraft
becoming progressively is greater than 31 000 aircraft and
more connected through by 2037, the global fleet of aircraft is
the IoT (Internet of things). expected to be close to 63 000 with
more flights forecast to fly over
But this is not some advanced barren parts of the world – where a
technology that will affect only the first Gediminas Ziemelis: large portion of the population lacks
world. Internet access is becoming the a solid internet infrastructure.
standard rather than the exception, satellites to cover regions that would An aircraft equipped with special
but this has not always been the case. be of negligible commercial value. transmitting devices flying at an altitude
Around the world, there are still 4 There are also other considerations of 11 km (normal cruising altitude) will
billion people without internet access. as satellites provide additional valuable be able to function just the same as a
One of the challenges in bringing services such as aiding navigation traditional satellite at a fraction of the
internet connection to these people or monitoring the environment cost. Retrofitting current aircraft with
is the prohibitive costs of launching and meteorological conditions. necessary devices can cost very little
compared to the millions satellites cost
and due to the frequency of flights can
provide uninterrupted coverage. The use
of aircraft to provide internet services
will improve connections around the
globe as they also fly over places, which
are not connected today. Since there
are few overhead and maintenance
costs, the price for the end user will be
insignificant, and airlines will benefit
from an additional revenue source.
The technology needed for this feat
is not new, as installing 600 000 USD
worth of equipment in aircraft today
enables aircraft to send and receive
using the internet. The next step in the
natural evolution of connecting aircraft
will enable them to be transmitters
of services and not just receivers.

Astronomical cost of satellites

There are 1 980 active satellites currently
in orbit around the earth. With the
exception of GPS and Iridium satellites,
most are custom built. The process
to build a satellite is long, expensive,
and can take years from initial
conceptualization through to completion.
Even GPS satellites that have
many copies face a similar path and
timeline. Launch into space is not
without risks either as the only current

20 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

options to access space is through to transmit internet and television can offer their services but once
hazardous rocket launches. A rocket services will make a large portion that same technology is installed on
launch can cost over $400 million of current satellites irrelevant and aircraft, there will undoubtedly be a
and needs to take a geosynchronous will do it at orders of magnitude massive disruption to the industry
satellite up to an altitude of 36 000 cheaper than current options. and will result in a revolution similar
kilometers, well beyond the Karman The extreme cost of satellites to the way commercial aircraft
line which marks the boundary means only the wealthiest companies revolutionized global travel. •
between Earth and space at 100 km.
Even after a successful launch,
the satellite still needs to deploy and

FlightSafety and Global Simulation

become fully operational. A small defect
can be catastrophic, as satellites cannot
be retrieved. Additionally, satellites
have limited abilities to update so awarded a contract for 10 Mixed
the technology used on expensive
satellites can become obsolete during Reality Training Systems
the early part of its service life.
Even if everything goes according The new training systems for the T-38C Talon programme will be installed at
to plan, the question remains as to Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT), 80th Flying Training Wing,
whether or not satellites are overkill in Sheppard AFB, TX early in 2019 with training expected to commence in
some scenarios. While some specialized March. The 80th Flying Training Wing hosts the world’s only internationally
military missions can only be achieved manned and managed pilot training programme.
from space, the argument can be made
that satellites are overkill for many The systems will support ENJJPT and Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals
civil and commercial missions. (IFF) offering Air Education and Training Command (AETC) its first mixed reality
With the constant advancement flight training system.
of technology and the miniaturization “FlightSafety’s Mixed Reality Flight systems provide an immersive training
of electronics, more efficient methods experience that enhances and accelerates pilot and crewmember training in a
of connecting the globe and providing variety of learning environments,” said Ray Johns, Executive Vice President.
internet access are becoming available. The mixed reality experience is delivered through a headset that is integrated
with FlightSafety’s VITAL 1100 Visual System, offering the same high fidelity
virtual environment utilized in the Air Force’s existing T-38C Talon and T-6
Lowering the price Texan II as well as numerous other USAF flight training devices. This new
Despite the astronomical costs of advanced technology system enables the user to see and interact with a virtual
launching a satellite, the race is still on cockpit, checklists, and notes within a specific flight environment. It offers
for aircraft to replace satellites before customised flight controls for fixed-wing aircraft as well as rotary wing aircraft.
satellites become cheap enough to The system is comprised of commercial-off-the-shelf components and
compete with aircraft. The average cost utilises the latest advances in technology. It includes a high resolution pass-thru
to launch a satellite is 422 M USD, but camera that enables pilots to interact with a real world environment. The VITAL
SpaceX’s reusable rockets have gotten the 1100 image generator can present an extensive variety of existing visual databases
price down to only 65 M USD providing or those provided by the operator. The system is easily transportable and can be
savings of over 300 M USD. The trend operated without an internet connection. •
of making space more affordable is
opening up new possibilities. Another
example of this is the commercial
space company Rocket Lab, which
has proven its ability to launch small
satellites into orbit for 5 M USD. While
they have a considerably smaller
payload capacity, when compared to
SpaceX, Rocket Lab is fulfilling the
niche of launching small satellites
and CubeSats that have gone mostly
unserved by previous launch providers.

New frontier in
broadcasting services
Even with the trend of rapid cost
savings in the space launch industry,
it is questionable whether or not
companies like SpaceX and Rocket
Lab will even prove profitable when
current aircraft can replace the
majority of satellite capabilities.
Aircraft equipped with the ability

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 21


was Captain Masami Takahama (49) a

32 Minutes of Panic veteran pilot with a total of approximately

12 400 flight hours. He also served as
training instructor for First Officer Yutaka
Japan Airlines Flight 123 Sasaki (39) with a total of approximately
4 000 flight hours. He was in line for a
by Yolandie De Yager promotion to become a captain; Flight
123 was one of his training flights. Also
What began as a happy The flight was around the Obon in the cockpit was 49 year old veteran
holiday – a three day holiday period in flight engineer, Hiroshi Fukuda.
and festive time, quickly Japan, and all over the country people On Monday, 12 August 1985, with 509
turned into tragedy as 520 were travelling to their hometowns and passengers and 15 crew on board, Flight
people lost their lives when families gathered for the festive period. 123 took off at 18:12 local time for the fifth
The aircraft was a Boeing 747SR-46, a of its six planned flights for the day.
Flight 123 crashed into a short range airplane specifically designed At 18:24, 12 minutes after take-off
mountain and disintegrated. by Boeing for the internal Japanese market whilst climbing steadily over Sagami
and the frequent take-offs and landings Bay, something went seriously wrong. A
What could have happened to cause entailed. With registration number JA8119, sudden and unusual vibration occurred,
such a disaster, less than 15 minutes into it’s first flight on 28 January 1974. Powered although no sound of an explosion was
the flight? by four Pratt & Whitney JT9D-7A engines, heard. Somewhere in the rear of the
Japan Airlines flight 123 was a the aircraft had more than 25 000 frame fuselage a fracture had occurred, misting
scheduled domestic passenger flight on hours and more than 18 000 cycles (one the atmosphere in the cabin. The rapid
its way to Osaka International Airport take-off and landing equals one cycle). decompression of the aircraft caused the
from Tokyo’s Haneda Airport. Operating the aircraft on the day ceiling above the rear lavatory to come
down. As oxygen masks dropped from the
ceiling, panic ran through the passengers.
In the flight deck, the cabin
pressure warning began to beep.
Another light warned the flight
engineer of hydraulic pressure loss and
on top of it all, the crew also received
indications that there were problems
with the R5 door. The crew set the
transponder to send out a distress signal.
The crew was told to descend and
follow emergency landing vectors. It

Map indicating the route of Flight 123 from Tokyo

International to Osaka, as well as the point where
the accident occurred.

22 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

was also suggested that they divert rescue crews able to reach the site. Of plane included a portion of the vertical
to Nagoya Airport, but because they the 524 people on board Flight 123, only fin measuring 5m, together with the
had control problems the Captain 4 survived. According to medical staff, section of the tail cone which contained
declined and requested to turn back bodies were found with injuries that the auxiliary power unit, to be ripped off.
to Haneda Airport. As the First Officer suggested that they had indeed survived Now you are probably wondering,
tried to make a right turn (a prelude the crash, but later perished either from what caused the bulkhead to rupture?
to turning back), the controls and shock, the cold in the mountains or from It all started seven years earlier…
rudder pedals were unresponsive. injuries that would not have been fatal The aft pressure bulkhead burst
Whatever had happened in the if attended to earlier. The full horror of open due to a pre-existing defect. In
tail fractured all four hydraulic lines. what happened was also reflected in the June 1978, the airplane had a landing
hastily scribbled messages of farewell incident at Osaka Airport. During
by passengers, to their loved ones. this incident, the plane suffered a tail
Out of Control
A new wave of terror and panic was sent
through the passenger cabin when the
plane entered a “Dutch Roll” as well as
a Phugoid cycle. (Phugoid – when the
plane pitches up and climbs and then
pitches down and descend), these actions
caused the plane to be uncontrollable.
The pilots juggled delicately with the
engine thrust levers in an effort to gain
control of the direction the plane was
heading but direction wasn’t the only
problem that they had to deal with - speed
was another. In order to take some control
of the plane, they released the up-locks on
the landing gear electronically, allowing
gravity to pull the undercarriage down.
Flight 123 slowed a little and began
to descend.
At approximately 18:47, a new
Above: A Cenotaph (Monument) erected in
problem loomed visible through the Below is a transcript memory of the victims of Flight 123.
windscreen of the aircraft – a mountain. of flight 123’s final seconds
As the aircraft continued its steady decent
towards the mountain, the crew used the 18:55:55 CA: ”Power, power” scrape – the rear pressure bulkhead
auxiliary electrical system to lower the CA: “URV” had been damaged, but the repair after
flaps, coupled with a burst of engine power CA: “Flap”
FO: “I am retracting it”
the tail strike was a little faulty...
Flight 123 lifted clear of the mountain. CA: “URV” A double plate had been riveted to the
When the plane descended to 18:56:05 CA: “Raise nose” bulkhead in order to strengthen it, but what
13 500 feet, the pilots reported an CA: “Raise nose” they probably didn’t notice, was that a tiny
uncontrollable plane. CA: “Power” gap, no more than 0,9mm wide had been
At around 18:53 and approximately 18:56:14 GPWS: “Sink rate, pull left. The improper repair was also not in
13 000 feet the aircraft entered an up, pull up, pull up, pull up”.
18:56:19 CA: “URV”.
line with the approved repair methods. To
uncontrollable and rapid descent into GPWS: “Pull up, pull up”. reinforce/strengthen a damaged bulkhead,
the mountains. For three final minutes, 18:56:23 (sound of collision the correct method would be to use one
Captain Takahama and his crew wrestled with first peak) continuous splice plate, with three rows of
with flaps and power settings but at 18:56, GPWS: “Pull up, pull-up”. rivets (a permanent mechanical fastener).
Flight 123 disappeared from radar. 18:56: 26 (sound of impact However in this case they had to
on the second peak)
In those horrifying final moments, cut the plate into two pieces (parallel to
18:56:28 (tape ends)
the aircrafts wing clipped a mountain the crack it was intended to strengthen)
ridge during the rapid plunge, it then “to make it fit”. By cutting the plate
struck a second ridge, flipped and landed in this way you are reducing the parts
on its back, bursting into flames. Ruptured Bulkhead and Cracks resistance to fatigue cracking.
The main cause of the terrible accident During normal flights, the
was the fact that just after take-off, the bulkhead slowly and gradually started
The Rescue Mission aircraft's aft pressure bulkhead burst to crack near the row of rivets that was
Due to the remote and treacherous open, causing a rapid decompression of holding it together and when it finally
location of the crash site, rescue attempts the aircraft, damaging the unpressurised failed on 12 August 1985, all hell broke
were very difficult. Throughout the fuselage aft of the bulkhead, severing loose. (In a manner of speaking).
night, firemen who were set up at an all four sets of hydraulic lines and It remains the deadliest single aircraft
emergency base below, climbed up the unseating the vertical stabiliser. With accident in aviation history.
mountainside and in the morning they the hydraulic lines damaged and fluid It is also the second deadliest
were joined by paratroopers who were spilled from the lines this rendered involving a Boeing 747 and after the
winched down from helicopters. all the hydraulic systems useless. Tenerife accident in 1977, the second
Only 14 hours after the crash were The damage caused to the rear of the deadliest aviation accident. •

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 23

Industry news

Air France-KLM IATA Training to

appoints Air Canada Boost Efficiency in
Exec As CEO Aviation Sector
Air France-KLM has selected Air A significant partnership between
Canada executive Benjamin Blue Ocean Academy, the region’s
Smith as its new CEO, the first largest knowledge empowerment
time a non-French candidate has enterprise and the prestigious
been appointed to the position. International Air Transport
Association (IATA), has resulted in
Smith, who is currently Air Canada’s the launch of new IATA certified
chief operating officer, will start work at training courses that will reinforce
the airline group by the end of September. the skills of professionals from
Air France said Smith has played strengths to succeed in the global airline the aviation sector and reinforce
a major role at Air Canada over the market,” Smith said in the statement UAE’s position as a global aviation
past two decades and his priority will announcing his appointment. hub. On offer is a series of courses
be to “revitalise” the airline and to “I am approaching this new challenge ranging from safety awareness,
work on a new leadership approach. with my passion for the aviation sector
The airline said he has “defined
airline revenue management,
and with my deep willingness to listen
and implemented Air Canada’s ground operations management
to all stakeholders,” he added.
transformation strategy over the past Previous chief executive Jean-
and dangerous good regulations.
decade… and redefined Air Canada’s Marc Janaillac resigned in May after Blue Ocean is a respected name
hub strategy, creating three major hubs failing to persuade Air France staff in the training industry and has
to align with the airline’s key markets.” to accept a four year pay deal. tied-up with airports, airlines and
He was also the prime mover behind Air Canada congratulated Smith on travel agencies worldwide for
low-cost carrier Air Canada Rouge. his appointment and thanked him “for his placement assistance and internship
“I am well aware of the competitive significant contributions in many various opportunities for its students.
challenges the Air France-KLM Group roles at Air Canada over the past two
is currently facing and I am convinced decades.” Smith will officially leave the “The new IATA-training courses
that the airlines’ teams have all the Canadian airline at the end of the month. • are crucial to bridge the gap between

Emirates denies plans Wrenelle Stander

to take over Etihad to head Comair’s
airlines division
Aviation industry veteran,
Wrenelle Stander, has been
appointed Executive in
charge of Comair’s airlines
division, the company’s
CEO, Erik Venter announced
today (SUBS: Wednesday
26 September 2018).
Dubai's Emirates Airline Contacted by AFP, Emirates From the beginning of November
and Etihad denied the report, with
denied reports it is in talks spokespeople for both airlines saying
Stander will lead Comair’s two airline
to acquire struggling Abu brands, and British Airways
there was no truth to the "rumour". (which Comair operates regionally as
Dhabi carrier Etihad. Etihad Airlines, based in Abu Dhabi, part of a license agreement). Venter says,
has battled to break even. The company “We’re delighted that Wrenelle has joined
Bloomberg News reported state- announced losses of $1.87bn last year, us in this evolution of the business,
owned Emirates, the leading airline in the linked to its partial purchase of Alitalia. as she brings a wealth of aviation and
Middle East, was in "preliminary" talks Emirates in May reported its net leadership experience. Comair is moving
to take over Etihad - a move that would profits had more than doubled in 2017, its diversified businesses out from within
potentially create the world's largest linked mainly to a rise in cargo as well
airline in terms of passenger traffic. as the layoff of some 3 000 employees.

24 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

of the nation’s diversified economy in
2018. According to newspaper reports,
the UAE government is investing Dhs.
85 billion, in airport development and
expansion, that will see its airports
handle more than 300 million passengers
every year. Currently, UAE has 14
airports, airstrips, and airfields served
by 113 airlines with a total annual take
off and landings exceeding 540 000.
Close on the heels of the steady
growth in infrastructure, arises the need
for trained manpower and Blue Ocean
has stepped in to train professionals
to become experts in their field. “Blue
Ocean will run public batches and
corporate training programmes, that
will not only put professionals in touch
with the best practices in airports and
airlines throughout the world, but also
make them more tech-savvy, customer-
friendly and efficient. They will get
certified by the Knowledge and Human
Development Authority and stand to
earn an international diploma from the
International Air Transport Association,”
knowledge and infrastructure at a time Sathya Menon, Executive Director - explained G. Rajagopalan, Programme
when the UAE aviation industry is being Academics, Blue Ocean Academy. Director Aviation, Blue Ocean Academy.
fuelled by the development of the iconic This is a watershed agreement, one The IATA is a global trade association
Al Maktoum International Airports and that will be very beneficial for UAE’s consisting of 290 airlines which accounts
the Dubai World Central along with dynamic aviation sector and help the for major carriers, representing 117
the vibrant growth of the nation’s four nation to export skilled professionals countries. IATA’s member airlines carry
flagship carriers : Emirates, Etihad, Air worldwide. The UAE aviation industry has approximately 82 per cent of the total
Arabia and FlyDubai,” highlighted Dr already established itself as a key driver available seat miles air traffic worldwide.

the airline to allow each business unit to Company (ATNS), one of three women General at the Department of Transport.
compete more effectively in its respective worldwide to head an air navigation More recently Stander has held
industry, and the leadership structure services company. She was also Deputy a number of senior roles at Sasol,
needs to reflect and enable this.” Under CEO of the South African Civil Aviation amongst others serving as Managing
Comair’s new structure, the group also Authority (SACAA) and Director Director Sasol Gas, where she ensured
has executives heading its other business the completion of the Mozambique
units: hospitality and tourism, aviation pipeline expansion project and
training, and Nacelle IT solutions. spearheaded the process to transition
The company last week posted natural gas customers to a new pricing
record profits, resulting in 72 dispensation and more recently in her
years of uninterrupted profitable current role of Senior Vice President of
operations, thought to be globally Corporate Affairs, during which she was
unique to the industry. instrumental in a multi-year process of
Stander says, “I’m delighted engaging on air quality with multiple
to be joining Comair at an exciting stakeholders including government,
time for its aviation division, which the Minister of Environmental Affairs,
will enter the next phase of its fleet the Environment Portfolio Committee,
renewal programme in January, NGOs, communities and the media.
as well as launching numerous She also has extensive board
technological enablers to improve experience at Comair, having previously
the customer journey as well as served as an independent, non-executive
its commercial effectiveness.” director from 2008 to 2016. Currently she
Stander has more than 25 years’ serves as a director of the Sishen Iron Ore
experience in the aviation and energy Company Pty Ltd, as well as on the board
industries, 15 of them at executive of Christel House, an education NGO..
leadership level. Her previous posts She holds an MBA from Oxford
include that of Managing Director of Brookes University in the UK, and
the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Wrenelle Stander. a BA (Hons) degree from UCT. •

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 25

Industry news

aircraft, 20 of which will go to Flexjet,

a Cleveland company that offers
fractional jet ownership and leasing.
The business jet market shows
the most promise for supersonic jets
because large corporations and wealthy
individuals are more likely to pay top
dollar to save time, industry analysts said.
“Speed is not that high a priority
for a commercial airline,” said Ray
Jaworowski, senior aerospace analyst
at market research firm Forecast
International. “A supersonic business jet
would be the ultimate prestige aircraft.”
The entire aircraft will largely be
made of carbon-fiber composites and is
being designed to fly at Mach 1.2 without
Aerion Corp. is building planes generating a sonic boom. The company
has been working with Lockheed Martin
that don't go "Boom" Corp. on the air frame and aerodynamics
since December.
Manoeuvring around that rule Aerion says its jet will be able to start Aerion had previously worked with
will be crucial for the handful flying without any rule changes. Airbus Group on several design aspects,
“Part of our business case was we including structures and high-speed
of companies including Aerion wind tunnel tests. That partnership
don’t require any regulatory changes to
that want to establish a market fly our airplane,” said Tom Vice, chief ended in 2017.
for supersonic business jets. executive of Aerion, who previously “You’re paying a performance penalty
Spike Aerospace Inc. of Boston is served as president of Northrop for that, but it makes total sense,” he said.
developing a needle-nose plane Grumman Corp.’s aerospace systems The company has started to scale up
that would travel at Mach 1.6 and sector in Redondo Beach. “It’s hard to ahead of a first flight in 2023. Aerion has
ferry 12 to 18 private passengers. convince somebody to buy an airplane 43 employees but is planning to hire 20 to
Boom Technology Inc. of and say, "We’ll get the laws changed.” 30 new executives, senior engineers and
Englewood, Colo., plans to build "The company intends to sell its directors at a hiring event in Southern
a 55-seat supersonic airliner that planes for $120 million each, a price California this month, Vice said.
tag that would allow the company to “Whoever gets in there first with a
would have a per-seat ticket cost
pay back investors and invest in new credible design and robust marketing
on par with business-class travel. plan, gets those crucial initial orders
technologies", Vice said. That is nearly
The Federal Aviation Administration twice the price of a high-end business jet, and gets well on the road to entering
has been working with other aviation which can cost $60 million to $80 million. production and service, they may
organisations around the world to “Time is our most precious have a big leg up on their prospective
develop international noise and emissions resource,” Vice said. competition,” said Jaworowski of
standards for supersonic flight, but Aerion said it has already sold 23 Forecast International. •

ExecuJet enters double

figures for IS-BAH
accredited FBOs
ExecuJet is celebrating
its tenth FBO to receive
recognition from the
International Standard for
Business Aircraft Handling
(IS-BAH), after its Munich
facility was awarded IS-
Embraer and Helvetic Airways have signed a contract for a firm order of 12 E190-E2 jets. This BAH Stage I accreditation.
agreement was announced as a Letter of Intent (LoI) at the recent Farnborough Air Show, in July.
The firm order has a value of USD 730 million, based on current list prices, and will be included in
Embraer’s 2018 third-quarter backlog. The contract also includes purchase rights for a further 12 The FBO, which was fully
E190-E2, with conversion rights to the E195-E2, bringing the total potential order up to 24 E-Jets E2s. refurbished last year, is located at
With all the purchase rights being exercised, the deal has a list price of USD 1.5 billion. • Munich International Airport, just 20
minutes from the city centre. Guests can

26 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

With this initiative, Hi Fly is raising
Hi Fly’s “Turn the Tide on Plastic” Aircraft awareness for this unprecedented
campaign to eliminate marine litter
Circumnavigates the Globe and plastic in particular, supporting
the United Nations Environment’s
"Clean Seas" campaign. If no action
The Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18 Russia, and the middle eastern nations is taken, there will be more plastic
has come to an end but Hi Fly’s of Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Last but not than fish in the ocean by 2050.
Airbus A330, painted under least, one of the regions where the aircraft This is not a stand-alone initiative;
spent the most time in was the Australian since mid-2017 Hi Fly has been putting
the same livery as the “Turn continent, where it flew between Australia forward a number of actions, not only
the Tide on Plastic” boat, is and New Zealand operating for Air New to raise awareness but also to set the
still soaring around the globe Zealand – the country’s flagship carrier. example and be the first airline to be
and raising ocean awareness in Hi Fly joined the project in completely ‘Plastic Free’ by 2019. Hi Fly
all four corners of the world. cooperation with Mirpuri Foundation, is also committed to be ‘carbon neutral’
the founding partner of “Turn the Tide by the same year and has just painted the
Completing its 10th month carrying on Plastic” boat, and AkzoNobel, that company’s first A380 in a coral themed
the pertinent message proudly displayed provided the coating to personalise livery alerting the public to the critical
on its fuselage, the aircraft has already the aircraft. The Airbus A330-200 state of the world’s coral reefs. In this way,
been to all five continents flying for is painted on both sides, matching Hi Fly aims to involve and inspire the
different company clients, operating the “Turn the Tide on Plastic” boat industry to become more environmentally
more than 400 flights and landing in – one dark blue “polluted” side and conscious by protecting the health of our
close to 40 different destinations. another light blue “clean” one. oceans, as well as of the whole planet. •
The countries where the “Turn the
Tide on Plastic” aircraft has landed include
European destinations in the UK, Belgium,
Portugal, Spain, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria
and Turkey, African countries such as
Tunisia, Morocco, Nigeria, Guinee, the
Congo, Senegal and Mauritius, as well
as some of the world’s most paradisiac
destinations such as Reunion Island, the
Dominican Republic, French Polynesia,
Cuba and Jamaica. The largest nations on
the American continent: the USA, Canada
and Brazil, as well as other countries
in the Americas such as Panama and
Guyana have also already received Hi

Photo Credits: Duarte Gomes

Fly’s themed Airbus A330. In Asia, the
“Turn the Tide on Plastic” aircraft have
been to India, China, Thailand, Tajikistan,
Afghanistan, the world’s largest country,

take a virtual tour of the facility prior to and we are delighted this has been of our facilities - Berlin, Lanseria and
visiting, previewing the dedicated crew recognised by IBAC. Munich is our Zürich - have progressed to Stage II
restroom and VIP passenger lounge. tenth FBO to achieve this renowned accreditation, further demonstrating
According to Ronny Stechert, accreditation and of that number, three the strength of our global network.” •
Munich FBO Station Manager, ExecuJet,
the Munich FBO is increasingly
popular with travellers to Germany,
with movements escalating by 5%
year-on-year. “This is largely thanks
to the professional handling services
we provide during key events such as
Oktoberfest and the annual Munich
security conference in February. In
addition, for the past two years we
have acted as an overflow facility to
ease traffic from Zürich during the
World Economic Forum, which has
helped to grow our client base.”
Ettore Poggi, Group FBO Director,
Luxaviation Group, says: “We operate a
universal standard of safety and service
across all 27 ExecuJet FBOs worldwide,

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 27


28 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 29
Future business jets

Pegasus to
take wings as
South Africa's
first vertical
business jet
From cosmetic surgery to
creating South Africa’s first
vertical business jet is not
the massive leap one would
imagine, as this renowned
aesthetic medical practitioner
also has a great interest in
aeronautics, is the CEO and
founder of Pegasus Universal
Aerospace and holds an
MBA and a Master’s degree
in Finance from London
School of Business.
Dr Reza Mia – incidentally he
assisted his brother, Ridwaan Mia, in
the surgery done on three-year-old burn
victim Isabella “Pippie” Kruger, who
sustained third-degree burns during a fire
incident – has a passion for aeronautical
engineering that led him to design With its tilt rotors and expected that has a fuel burn of 309 litres per
the Pegasus Vertical Business Jet. high performance, the Pegasus Business hour. This influences the overall costs
He has described the aircraft as Jet should be well suited to operations of owning the aircraft. In comparison
“unique in that it has a vertical take-off such as Search and Rescue, both on land to a business jet with a similar range
and the cool-air fan technology allows and at sea. Target markets will include this equates to a 60% fuel saving.
for it to land on wooden decking and government operations, companies, Safety and reliability - Standards that
even grass without setting it alight”. VIP’s, medical evacuation, anti-poaching, will set a new benchmark in aeronautics.
Still in the design phase the concept offshore & resource development, Other specifications include potential
allows for the jet to remain airborne for as well as A-list business executives, low-level ballistic arrestor systems
up to six hours. A number of innovations politicians and celebrities. The VBJ will and automated control systems. This
will make the airplane safe and easy to be able to fly at four times the speed technology helps reduce pilot workload
fly, even for newly qualified PPL pilots, and range of a helicopter; this will and also makes the plane more accessible
once they have completed a type rating translate directly to more lives saved. to pilots with less experience.
on the Pegasus. These include non-flight Range – 4 400km from runway take-
critical peripheral structures, automated off (or 2 124km in VTOL); and at a cruise
handling and enhanced spherical vision Projected Performance speed of 796km per hour, it is capable
systems which will enable the aircraft Fuel Savings - The Pegasus VBJ1 is of up to six and a half hours flying time
to take off and land anywhere. designed as an efficient business jet from runway and approximately three

30 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

hours flying time from VTOL at 35 000 feet.
Reduced Noise- Pegasus VBJ1 reduces
the impact of noise for communities
surrounding airports and built up areas.
The business jet can achieve these affects as
it does not make use of rotor tip vortices.
Lower CO2 and NOX Emissions -
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is produced as
a result of fuel consumption. Reduced
fuel consumption on the Pegasus VBJ1
means less fuel consumption, and
subsequently less CO2 emissions.
Sustainable manufacturing - The
Pegasus VBJ1 is made primarily of carbon
fibre composite materials, each piece
of the business jet is crafted
to pin point accuracy
resulting in less material
Passenger comfort - When
compared to the efficiency
and purpose of a helicopter, Pegasus
supersedes this mode of transport by
having the benefit of no vibration in the cabin
as would be experienced in a helicopter.
VBJ1 allows for a lot more space inside and
more luxury. With much less noise than in a
helicopter, no headphones will be required.
With a smoother flight and greater range
Pegasus VBJ1 would be beneficial in the
“Golden Hour” in medical evacuations.
Although the aircraft has not yet
been built, Dr Mia and his team estimate

it will be available in three years.
“Then, we’ll have one flying in the
sky, when we’ll be doing the flight testing
and certification, confirming the testing
we’re doing on computer, which is the main
work these days in an aviation project”.
The Pegasus VBJ1 has already had
it’s South African Patents granted RSA
2017/01274, with Patents pending in the
USA 15/327,237 and EU15771708.3 •

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 31

Charter in Africa

The state of aviation in

and its aviation charter industry
Like most African countries,
Mozambique is gifted
with several world-class
coastal and inland resources
that have spurred its
gradually rising aviation
and charter industry.
By Martin Chemhere

Like most African countries, it is shaking off the tag of being Vilanculos and Xai Xai Airports.
Mozambique is gifted with under-developed to catch up with It is reported in the local
several world-class coastal others on the African continent media that as of 2015, of the above
and inland resources that have with quite some impressive number of airports, Mozambique’s
spurred its gradually rising projects happening throughout international airports were
aviation and charter industry. the various corners and centers Maputo International Airport
The islands of Bazaruto, of the 2000 km long country. in the southern region which
Benguera and Magaruque are is the main entry point into the
truly world class destinations country, followed by the Beira
that continue to see tourists fly Airports International Airport (central
in from around South Africa There are more than 40 region) and Nacala International
and other parts of the world. international, domestic and private Airport (northern region).
In recent years major foreign airports, many of which have Unveiled in 2014, Nacala
investments by conglomerates thrived for decades as popular International Airport is a highly
in industries such as oil and gas and extraordinary tourist havens. competitive hub for passenger
have added an impetus to the In alphabetical order the air distribution and to a certain
numerous sustainable economic country’s airports include Angoche, extent is said to compete with top
activities available in the country. Bazaruto Island, Beira, Benguera airports in South Africa, Ethiopia,
Mozambique’s aviation and Island, Chokwe Airport, Indigo Bay Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
charter industry have received Lodge, Inhambane, Magaruque, The major international
a boost, even as protracted civil Maputo International Airport, airport facilities are under the
wars have tended to threaten or Mocimboada Praia, Nacala, auspices of the Mozambique
slow down activities. No doubt Nampula Airport, Quelimane, Tete, Civil Aviation Authority.

32 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Martin Chemhere writes from Zimbabwe

For charter, general aviation or airline news

please contact him at

recent years has been the resumption was appointed on 24 July 2018.
Airlines of services in June 2017 by LAM LAM’s most profitable
LAM (Portuguese for Linhas Aéreas Mozambique Airlines’ to Europe. route at present is the Maputo-
de Moçambique) Mozambique According to online information, Johannesburg route serviced as a
Airlines is the country’s national flag flights had been stopped for a special arrangement with South
carrier established in 1936 by the then number of years due to safety African Airways. Codeshare
Portuguese East Africa government. concerns raised by the European agreements are held with airlines
The flag carrier started as a Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). such as Ethiopian Airlines, Fastjet,
charter service provider named LAM Mozambique Airlines is Kenya Airways, SAA, TAG Angolan
DETA (Direccao de Exploracao dos historically well-known for being Airlines and TAP Air Portugal.
Transportes Aereos) in 1936 before among some of the countries Current fleet includes a Boeing
being rebranded in 1980. Since world-wide to operate the Junker 737-500, a Boeing 737 – 700, two
November 2014 it operates scheduled Ju-52s, an aircraft that was used Bombardier Dash 8 Q400 (operated
services to destinations in and for scheduled services before the by Mozambique Express) and two
outside the country. The airline’s hub country’s independence in 1975. Embraer 190 AR. Mocambique
is at Maputo International Airport, As of August 2014 major shares Expresso (Mozambique Express) was
from where it runs scheduled (91%) of the airline were held by the established in 1995 as LAM’s special
services around the country as Mozambican government with the operations department and 100 percent
well as into the many parts of the remainder of 9% going to employees, owned subsidiary. Headed by Antonio
southern African region with South numbering almost 700 staff. Neves (CEO), it operates domestic
Africa as the major destination. The national airline is led by Joao and regional scheduled and charter
One of the exciting developments Carlos Po Jorge as General Director services from its headquarters in the
in the country’s aviation industry in of LAM Mozambique Airlines who major port city of Beira and another

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 33

Charter in Africa

base at Maputo International Airport. passengers (in all its African routes further strengthen Mozambique’s
It has a reported fleet of five aircraft in Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) flag carrier as a regional air-services
(two Embraer EMB 120RT Brazilia with an impressive aggregate 94% provider but contribute significantly
and three ERJ 145MP) all operated on-time performance, establishing to initiatives that promote tourism,
for LAM Mozambique Airlines. itself as a punctual, reliable, and economic development and trade.”
Fastjet Mozambique is a affordable low-cost carrier. “This is an exciting and
commercial scheduled airline In a media release of 20 March industry-leading public-private
founded in 2012 in Tanzania before 2018, Fastjet and LAM Mozambique partnership initiative,” added
exploring and establishing itself Airlines entered into a Memorandum Mr. Pinto. “It not only supports
with additional and growing brands of Understanding (MOU) whose Mozambique’s greater economic
into Zimbabwe (Fastjet Zimbabwe), objective is to see wide-ranging growth objectives in terms of the
Zambia (Fastjet Zambia) and areas of cooperation expected to efficient and affordable movement
Mozambique (Fastjet Mozambique). significantly enhance long-term of people and goods, but also the
Headed by Nico Bezuidenhout commercial aviation in the country. notion of a longer-term Whole of
(CEO), the low-cost airline operates The MOU encompassed code-share State Aviation strategy.” Mozambique
on major domestic routes, namely and interline agreements between is a signatory to the Yamoussoukro
Beira, Maputo, Nampula and Tete. the two carriers, optimised network Decision and one of the early
It entered the Mozambican market synergies as well as cooperation on nation-adopters on the Continent.
in November 2017 in a partnership other commercial systems, cargo, “The approach to commercial
with Solenta Aviation Mozambique engineering and maintenance. cooperation is the first of its kind on
(SAM), which previously operated LAM chief executive Mr. the African continent,” said Nico
charter flights to the oil and gas Antonio Pinto commented that the Bezuidenhout. “There is significant
industry within the country. “areas of cooperation will not only opportunity in stimulating not
Spokesperson Hein Kaiser said
that while the carrier has grown by
70% in Zimbabwe during the first
half of the year, in Mozambique it
was showing a positive performance
during its first year of operations,
though “the current high fuel
prices coupled with a weakened
exchange rate presents a challenge.”
Operating a fleet of three
Embraer E145 aircraft and two
Embraer E 190 aircraft, it is a
subsidiary of established South
African aviation player Solenta
Aviation. It was established
following licensing in September
2017 by the Civil Aviation Institute
of Mozambique (Instituto de
Aviação Civil de Moçambique) of
different aviation players for the
very first time to carry out domestic
air services in the country that
complement the services offered by
the national flag carrier. Fastjet has
so far received a multitude of awards
including Africa’s Leading Low-Cost
Airline at the World Travel Awards
held in Kigali, Rwanda in 2017. This
recognition followed another one it
received in the same year, Africa’s
Best Low-Cost Airline in Africa at Above: Unique Air utilises the Learjet 45 to connect Mozambique with destinations such as
the Skytrax World Travel Awards. Cape Town, Mahe in the Seychelles, Eastern Africa and beyond.
The airline has flown over 2.5 million Top: Maputo International Airport.

34 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

only commercial aviation but also maintained in South Africa, a country to expand the network in the future.
up and downstream economic whose aviation reputation is top In addition to charter flights, the
growth through key cooperative notch and globally recognised. company flies to the island of Inhaca
initiatives. Fastjet is committed Kaya Airlines was re-branded in Maputo and plans to extend to
to exploring and leveraging the from Transairways and Sabin Machangulo and Zongoene.
agreement to the best-benefit of Air. The airline was established It is the first company in
both companies and, ultimately in 1991, but ceased operations Mozambique to have real time /online
the people of Mozambique.” afterwards. It resumed operations satellite tracking system through the
The African Development Bank on 29 August, 2011, flying within Indigo Aircraft Tracking System which
recently reported on a high the country and has its head office provides the airline with the most
medium-term growth forecast for at Maputo International Airport. effective tool for managing all aspects
Mozambique. “This memorandum By August 2013 the Kaya Airlines of aircraft fleet, including operational
of understanding lays the foundation fleet included two Embraer EMB times, SMS communication and
for full economic leverage of a very 120ER Brasilia, two Let L-410 UVP-e, flight data analysis. Kaya Airlines
bright future and fulfillment of one Shrike Commander 500 and also has a business unit that offers
the Government of Mozambique’s one Piper Chieftain PA-31-325. clients a wide range of services
Whole of State aviation objectives.” It operates flights to a limited focusing on safety and regulatory
number of destinations but hopes compliance, particularly on

Charter Companies
With several charter industry
players registered outside the
country mainly in South Africa to
service the local charter sector, it
leaves only CR Aviation and Kaya
Airlines as probably the only truly
Mozambican charter airlines.
CR Aviation is Mozambique’s
low-cost and premier tourism
airline operator whose network of
inter-connecting scheduled services
provides outstanding and reliable
access to most of the game parks
or tourist islands of the country
in addition to flights into some of
South Africa’s leading destinations
like Kruger National Park.
It can also provide charter
flights to meet most requirements
such as a honeymoon or a group of
employees exceeding 100 persons.
Charter flights are carried out when
clients’ requirements as regards
destination or timing cannot be
met by the scheduled services.
From its base at Maputo
International Airport, CR Aviation
provides flights to Bazaruto,
Medjumbe, Ibo and Matemo on
the weekend’s flights to Ponta do
Ouro, Inhaca and Machangulo.
Founded in October 2012, its
professional pilots now operates 12
aircraft ranging from 4 to 19 seats,
which are chosen to meet the specific
requirements of operating into
bush airstrips within Mozambique.
A member of the Mozambique
Air Operators Association
(AMOPAR), CR Aviation also
provides daily scheduled services
to five destinations and during
peak seasons of the year carries
over 1, 000 passengers per month.
Of its total 30 staff, 15 are pilots.
The company’s aircraft are

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 35

Charter in Africa

ICAO and EASA regulations. from its website, it recommenced and ballistic threats when operating
In addition to process Mozambican operations in humanitarian missions in troubled
design and improvements, it February this year. By that time it regions and fleet upgrades to cater
offers comprehensive support announced that it had deployed for the developing energy sector in
in adopting ICAO and JAR-OPS a locally registered BK 117-C1. the markets they operate in. Through
requirements and modern QMS The company has heavily this level of commitment and
(Quality Management Systems), all invested in equipment, training foresight Everett says it is now able to
premised on safety being the overall and safety systems, as well as offer an unrivalled range of safe and
driver behind these initiatives. in twin-engine helicopters to solution oriented aviation services
Furthermore, the airline has specialist augment flight safety, modern to clients from the energy sector
expertise in reorganizing airline facilities, development of a Safety and other government, commercial
operations for aviation authorities Management System (SMS), ISO and VIP organisations with mission
and air traffic service providers. Certification for its management critical or specialist aviation needs.
The rest of Mozambique’s charter processes, helicopter on-board Fleet under its operations
flights are operated by companies monitoring systems such as HUMS include an Airbus H145, an Airbus
based outside the country. Some and UMS, Forward Looking AS365N2, an Airbus BK117- C1, an
of these companies are Everett Infra-Red (FLIR) for security Airbus AS355N and a Leornado
Aviation (Kenya), Coastal Aviation work and real-time internet AW139. Everett Aviation holds
(Tanzania) and Unique Air, Majestic based GPS tracking systems. AOCs in Mozambique in addition
Air and Federal Air (all from South In recent times the charter to those for several eastern and
Africa). Everett Aviation is one of company has put a lot of financing southern African countries.
the more forward-looking charter into the acquisition of equipment Unique Air (Luxury Safari
companies. From news gleaned to protect helicopters from missile Charters) is a privately owned
non-scheduled aviation company
operating flights throughout
Southern Africa and to Mozambican
ports of entry such as Maputo,
Inhambane, Vilanculos, Beira and
Pemba. Unique Air caters for groups
ranging from 2-400 passengers
and operates a variety of aircraft
such as the Boeing 737, Learjet 45,
Beechcraft 1900, King Air 200, Pilatus
PC-12, Cessna Caravan, Cessna
402 and Beechcraft Baron 58.
Although Gianpaolo Casati, Sales
Manager of Coastal Aviation which
has a footprint in Mozambique from
its Tanzanian head quarters seemed
too busy to say something in support
of this feature, his company’s website
states that it has a fleet of 30 aircraft.

Foreign owned airlines

flying into Mozambique:
In June 2018 some media
reported that Ethiopian Airlines
was among only two foreign
owned airlines flying into the
former Portuguese colony.
However, the website www., mentioned that
airlines flying into Mozambique
included Qatar Airways, TAP Air
Portugal, Ethiopian Airlines, Turkish
Airlines, SAA and Kenya Airways.•

Top: Unique Air Baron 58, perfect for groups of

4 or less from South Africa to Maputo and
Middel: Passengers of a large incentive group boarding
their Unique Air flight
Left: Unique Air King Air 200 waiting for
passengers at a remote dirt airstrip.

36 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Experience Africa

Federal Airlines (Pty) Ltd • <20 pax • Special events • Aircraft leasing
O.R Tambo International Airport • >20 pax • Safari shuttles • Lodge transfers
Hangar 14 Bonaero Drive, Bonaero Park
+27 11 395 9000 (Jhb office) +27 13 750 3141 (Nelspruit Office)
• Biz Jets • Safari charters • Hangarage • VIP • Contracts • Aircraft management

• < 20 Pax • Safari Charters • Aircraft Leasing

FLYJETSTREAM • V.I.P. • Contracts • Lodge Transfers
24 Hr Charter number 083 279 7853 • Freight • Aircraft Sales • Hangarage
• Helicopter • Surveys • Air Ambulance (Medevac) • Special Events • Aerial Photography • Aircraft Management

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 37

International Air Shows

AAD 2018
20th anniversary and By Charmaine de Villiers
Pics by Tessa de Villiers, Mark Mansfield and Tevor Cohen

the weatherman got the memo

Celebrating the 20th anniversary this

year, it seems that almost everything went
according to plan. Registration was a bit of
a nightmare on the two days prior to the
L-R: The Chief of the South African Air Force Lt. General F.Z. Msimang, Executive Director AMD, Simphiwe show, with security staff not being very
Hamilton – the lead partner for AAD2020, CEO CAASA Leon Dillman and CEO ARMSCOR, Kevin Wakeford.
sure of where the media had to register
resulting in a bit of queue hopping and
raised blood pressures, but once this
Over the past few years Africa Aerospace and Defence expo has was sorted everything went smoothly.
The official opening of the
experienced severe dust storms with exhibitors and visitors event was held near the movements
rushing indoors to escape rain, sweltering head and winter chill. terminal building at AFB Waterkloof,
where President Cyril Ramaphosa
This year a couple of very hot days followed by more addressed invited guests and media.
reasonable temperatures made for a pleasant show. He spoke about the many initiatives
to maximise the value of the defence

38 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

A Rooivalk from 16 Squadron
releases flares in a dramatic ending
to its display LEONARDO
The launch of Paramount Group's
Smart Weapons Integration on
Fast-Jet Trainers (SWIFT) Mission
Systems and the debut of Leonardo’s
M-345 Aircraft on the African
continent was one of only a handful
of significant announcements made
at Africa Aerospace and Defence. The
system is being targeted at air forces
around the world as a customised
and scalable solution, offering lower
acquisition and operating costs.
The two companies signed a collaboration
agreement for the development of a customised
SWIFT mission system targeting African air forces
for its new jet trainer, the M-345, which was on
display for the first time in Africa.
In addition to the launch of SWIFT, Paramount
has also expanded its FLASH (Flexible Light
Armaments System for Helicopters) weapons and
sensor suite to fixed wing aircraft. To date it has
been installed primarily in helicopters.
Ralph Mills, Paramount Advanced
Technologies CEO, said at AAD that both products
are focused on current threats and current customer
requirements as they have low acquisition and
operation costs, are suitable for non-conventional
or asymmetric warfare and address the customer's
growing need for multi-role configuration to adapt
to different mission roles without major
re-configuration and extended time delay.
Lucio Valerio Cioffi, Leonardo’s Aircraft
Division Managing Director, feels that collaboration
with a high-level partner such as Paramount is of
great importance in order to develop a new M-345
trainer operational configuration for the African
market. The M-345 is a basic/advanced trainer with
multi-role capabilities and costs comparable to a
turboprop aircraft.
FLASH has been incorporated onto the Fennec
helicopters and the FLASH system already has
a launch customer in the Middle East. The basic
FLASH weapons kit will comprise 70 mm rockets
and 12.7 mm cannon pods although this can be
expanded to 20 mm cannon pods and guided
weapons. The AS550 Fennec demonstrator is fitted
with a helmet-mounted display, electro-optical
turret, mission display, GPS receiver, air data,
attitude and heading reference system (ADAHRS),
mission computer, and weapons.
Various armament options are available such
as FN RMP gun pod; 12 tube rocket launchers; 20
mm cannon pods; Thales FZ unguided rockets;
Thales FZ guided rockets; 68 mm guided missiles
and Ingwe anti-tank missiles.
A helicopter equipped with FLASH would
be able to carry out a wide array of roles, such as
armed reconnaissance; fire support; observation
and surveillance; airborne command and control;
maritime patrol; counter insurgency; training;
border surveillance and anti-poaching.
Leonardo is Italy’s prime defence industry and
Three happy faces after completing their show. consists of seven divisions (Helicopters; Aircraft;
Aero-structures; Airborne & Space Systems; Land
& Naval Defense Electronics; Defense Systems;
Security & Information Systems). •
International Air Shows

A Puma going through its paces. A Lockheed Hercules C130BZ releases flares during its display. The C130 took part in a mini-war and the mass
parachute drop of 40 civilian and military parachutists.

industry, notably the Defence Industry as a funding mechanism for industry. Base, not just to view the impressive array of
Strategy developed by the National While the first trade day seemed exhibits but to make sure they got the best
Defence Industry Council, a Defence slower than in previous years, this had seat possible for the air displays. While the
Sector Charter developed to open space for improved on days two and three but few static displays were rather disappointing in
private participation by small and medium major announcements were made. Of terms of international aircraft other than a
black enterprise and a defence industry course the two public days once again trainer from the Zimbabwe Air Force and
fund that was launched in June this year saw crowds streaming to Waterkloof Air several military planes from the USA, there
were several new aircraft and helicopters to
be seen. The South African Defence Force
did not disappoint with aircraft, naval
vessels, vehicles and weaponry, including
a display of older type rifles such as a Lee-
Enfield which was modified as a sniper gun
during both World Wars. As can be expected
the majority of visitors to the display were
men but I found it fascinating and the videos
being shown of the conflict between South

Left: Century Avionics team celebrating its 40th

anniversary at AD2018 with Garmin. From left to
right – Morne Cilliers, Trevor Pegrum,Carin van
Zyl, Romain Spadiny and Marc Robinson.

40 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator


1 Three Augusta 109 LUH from the SAAF

officially opening AAD2018

2 South African designed and built

Rooivalk helicopter going through its
paces at AAD.
3 Lockheed's Hercules C130 touching
down after the mini-war.

4 Dassault Aviation showcased its

ultra-long range Falcon 8X. This was the
trijet's first appearance at the event.

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 41

International Air Show

Africa/South West Africa as it was at the provide them with food, water, fuel,
time, brought back memories of a very Rosonboronexport ammunition and other important
difficult time in our country’s history. requirements. The soft skin logistic
A regular exhibitor at AAD,
On Saturday the show started off vehicles can take supplies to the forward
Rosonboronexport views the show as one
with the Sound of Freedom - six Gripens logistic bases but cannot move freely
of its most important marketing events
from 2 Squadron and three Hawks in the combat zones due to the IEDs
with representatives from most Sub-
from 85 Combat Flying School in a and direct fire threats where a blast and
Saharan countries present. According to
formation flypast over the crowds. For ballistic protected vehicle is needed. The
Director General, Alexander Mikheev,
the first time a microlight display team ideal situation is when a high logistic and
the Russian company has signed more
known as the Misasa Aerial Display (or technical commonality exists between
than 20 contracts with these countries
MAD) team. The Hawks and Gripons tactical, logistic and support vehicles.
since the last AAD in 2016. This positive
are always extremely popular as is the The Mk 6C Logistic Support
trend is largely attributed to the threat
Rooivalk, this year in the white livery Truck is based on the M36 armoured
of international terrorism, Islamic
that was used during the helicopter’s personnel carrier but fitted with 6x6
radicalism and sea piracy. The large
stint with the UN peacekeeping force drive line. The front of the vehicle uses
display area housed 280 pieces of military
in Africa. Air Angels put up their two the standard armoured crew cab of the
equipment developed and manufactured
B-105 ER-24 helicopters painted pink M36, but there is a cargo area at the rear
by Russian defence enterprises.
in support of Cancer Awareness. of the vehicle able to carry containers.
Models of a number of Russian
Several times those wandering The truck, like all the M36 MPVs, was
manufactured aircraft were on display
through the halls stood still, casting developed by OTT Technologies who
and the company believes that the most
anxious glances around them as loud recognise the dire need for a mine
promising exports in the future will be
BOOMS rippled through the air as a protected logistic vehicle during their
the Su-30 family of multi-role fighters,
mini-war was waged above, first between technical support and interaction
MiG-29M/M2 multi-role tactical fighter
two Alouette III helicopters and later with peacekeeping forces in various
and Yak-130 combat trainer. Attracting
between Gripens, Hawks and an A109. regions including Mali and Somalia.
interest from foreign delegates were
It was a full programme with With the Puma M36 MPVs this is
the BTR-80A armoured personnel
displays ranging from Bathawk achieved using the drivelines of the
carrier and Tiger special-purpose police
microlights to fighter jets, parachute corresponding logistic trucks that form
vehicle. Small arms, equipment and
drops, Wagtail Autogyro, aerobatics the core of the MPV drive lines - Ashok
gear for special-purpose units and assets
and of course, the grand old ladies – DC Leyland Stallion for the M36 Mk 6A and
for protection of borders and critical
4 and the AN-2 “Little Annie”. Brian Mercedes Benz for the M36 Mk 6C. The
installations also proved popular.
Emminis and his team from Capital design philosophy of the Puma M36
Sounds once again proved that they are Mk 6 MPV's allows for the use of the
THE commentators for air shows.
All in all, AAD 2018 was well
OTT Technologies 6x6 variants of the core vehicles to be
used on heavier versions like Recovery
organised and well supported by exhibitors OTT Technologies debuted its M36 Vehicles and Logistic Support Trucks
with several new European and Asian Mk 6C 6x6 armoured Logistic Support with at least 80% logistic commonality
countries participating. It was unfortunate Truck at AAD 2018. The vehicle is between the 4x4 and 6x6 vehicles.
ready for production which will
that a few South African companies chose
not to exhibit this year but hopefully begin once orders are received. Lockheed Martin
they will be back in September 2020. • Troops need logistic support to The C-130 Hercules has over the years

The 850 MPB (military patrol boat) was brought to AAD by SA company, Twiga. The Turkish company Roketsan, provides system solutions to the military. Delegates
rugged vessel can be used on lakes, rivers and coastal waters. Four have already been from a number of African countries as well as the USA and Kuwait showed great
delivered to Uganda. interest in the wares displayed by Roketsan.

42 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator


A display of SAAB Gripen attack aircraft at sunrise Pic by Trevor Cohen

44 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 45
International Air Show

been a familiar sight at AAD – this year Building on experience from Saab 700 milliseconds to warn the vehicle
was no exception but it was the new-look and LFV, Saab Digital Air Traffic Solutions occupants of an attack from any direction.
‘Ski-bird’ or LC-130H that was welcomed has developed models and processes for The screen will obscure the attackers'
to the static display area. This version is establishing new digital tower solutions. line of sight and give the vehicle and
equipped with skies for landing on snow These have proved very successful and occupants a chance to get behind cover.
and ice during polar operations and the the company now has approved systems The LEDS system has applications
one on display sported a new modification, in operation in Sweden and Ireland. for local army requirements such as
having been fitted with new-generation Saab Digital Air Traffic Solutions infantry combat vehicles and ground
eight-bladed, UTC Aerospace Systems delivers digital tower solutions to all based air defence system. It has also been
NP2000 propellers. These improve kinds of airports. From regional airports designed for use on fast patrol boats used
low-speed thrust while drastically with AFIS, through small and medium for riverine patrol or special operations
reducing noise and vibration levels. airports that otherwise might be at risk and is light enough to fit into vehicles
The last operator of the ‘Ski-Bird’ is of being shut down, to large, complex used by non-governmental organisations
the 109th Airlift Wing of the New York airports, like London City Airport. It is engaged in medical and other
Air National Guard. During the USA also possible to have one tower control humanitarian relief within conflict areas.
summer the unit operates Arctic missions several small airports although each will
mainly to Canada and Greenland, while need a separate room for operation.
in winter up to seven of the aircraft are Paramount
deployed to Christchurch International
Paramount Group has established
Airport in New Zealand. From there they
fly transport missions to the ice runway
Avitronics a black-owned company designed
at Williams Field in Antarctica. Both New Jointly owned by Grintek and Saab to provide the future capability
Zealand and the USA have scientific Sweden, South African electronic requirements of South Africa’s defence,
research bases on the frozen continent. warfare systems company Avitronics, police, border and peacekeeping forces
launched its revolutionary new combat while simultaneously supporting the
vehicle self-protection system at AAD. growth and transformation within
When installed in full configuration, the South African defence industry.
SAAB the Land Electronic Defence System Under the chairmanship of Dr
Air Traffic Control requires intense 100 (LEDS-100) will offer main vehicle Mathews Phosa, businessman and
concentration and responsibility. The battle tanks comparable protection lawyer, Paramount South Africa aims
slightest mistake, miscalculation, against engagement by weapons like to bolster the capability of local end-
misunderstood command or request the RPG-7, anti-tank guns, missiles and users by delivering programmes for the
between ATC and pilot can have artillery shells. The system consists South African market across the Naval,
devastating consequences. SAAB spent of a warning sensor system, a central Aerospace, Land Systems, Cyber, Internal
years designing its Digital Air Traffic computer and a high-speed directed Security, Customs and Excise, Border
Solutions system. The level of innovation launcher. The control computer integrates Security and Anti-Poaching domains.
necessary to be able to design, build and to the vehicle intercom, command and
run a remote tower is extensive but the control system and obtains data from
benefits for the customer are immense. the vehicle wind sensor. It is also fitted
A centralised tower means increased with a global positioning system. A welcome visitor to AAD was Safomar
efficiency and increased productivity. The LEDS 100 takes less than Aviation’s latest helicopter, the Swiss

Russian company, KBP, displayed a number of high-precision A number of military attack and transport helicopter models
weapon systems including the anti-tank missile system seen on the were on display.
left of the photograph.

46 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

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International Air Shows

built Kopter SH09. It was designed for can be mixed-and-matched to create to lower its guard against this threat.
multiple missions, including military and bespoke solutions. Mabey has supplied Cyber warfare in the aerospace
law enforcement operations, medivac modular bridging solutions to over 140 industry occurs in order to steal
and rescue, passenger transport and countries worldwide, with Nigeria, intellectual property to advance
utility. The Kopter has a cruise speed of Kenya and South Africa having made domestic aerospace and defence
260km/h making it one of the fastest use of their services. To date Mabey has capabilities, develop countermeasures
helicopters in the 2.5 ton category, has constructed five bridges in South Africa. and to produce technologies for
excellent hot-and-high performance and sale on the global arms market.
low noise levels both inside and out. The
airframe has been constructed completely Fujitsu focuses
from composite materials. It can carry up
to seven or ten passengers depending on on cyber attacks CADG
configuration, for a distance of 800km. A 15 year old teenager hacked into the CADG presented its Helix ISR Platform
White House, yet another teenager hacked which consists of an aircraft and ground
into the CIA Director’s emails! These control station to deliver a complete ISR
solution. The platform utilises an ES-15
Mabey Bridge are not isolated cases and cyber attacks
are a very real threat – to individuals, single engine aircraft as the system’s
Specialists in providing bridge and businesses, the defence industry and aircraft, which is equipped with Hensoldt’s
engineering services around the world, other strategic infrastructures. Argos II camera along with 2 additional
Mabey has been exporting to Africa for Dr Moses Khanyile, a non-executive hard points for payload integration.
close on 50 years. Building emergency director at Armscor, a managing director The payload outputs are all
bridging to restore lifelines in disaster- at Masharps College, an external transmitted via data link to a Ground
stricken areas, linking communities in supervisor at Unisa’s Graduate School Control Station (GCS) where the data
isolated and rural areas, erecting military of Business Leadership and project is viewed in real time. The components
and main supply bridges are just some leader for the National Defence Industry of the GCS are ruggedised allowing
of the services provided by the company. Council’s Strategy Development team, high mobility and rapid deployment
These also include permanent long-span addressed the matter of cyber warfare for ISR missions. The platform is a
applications, main routes, semi-permanent at the Fujitsu seminar held at AAD. He flexible and customisable solution that
installations or bridging support for emphasised the danger that exists should is unrestricted with unlimited uses.
weakened or damaged structures. the defence industry in particular, not CADG developed the Helix ISR
The modular design and ensure that it is adequately protected Platform in close collaboration with
interchangeable components mean almost against hackers. Budget constraints and ECARYS (aircraft manufacturer) and
any length of bridge can be installed lack of manpower should not allow the S-Plane (systems supplier).
quickly and easily. Old and new stock government and department of defence While CADG owns Helix, all
aircraft and platform support are
provided by the entire team.

Milkor displayed three new UAVs for
the first time. The models cover a range
of sizes from the 12m wing span MA 380
to the smaller hand-launch MA 18. The
MA 380 has a take-off weight of 380kg
of which 80kg can be payload. It can
reach an altitude of 18 000ft, cruising at
14 000ft with an endurance of 20 hours.
The MA 80 can carry a 15kg payload
and remain airborne for 24 hours. The
small MA 18 can be operated by a single
person by using a tablet device.

ASTUS, the latest unmanned aerial system
(UAS) from Tellumat, was launched
at AAD. This is the South African
company’s first foray into full-scale
UAS systems provision although it has
developed, manufactured and supported

Weaponry ranged from handguns to sniper rifles,

missile launchers, anti-aircraft guns, rockets launchers
and everything inbetween, whether mounted on
vehicles, aircraft, ships or handheld.

48 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

UAS sub-systems for many years. The
ASTUS is a medium-size, medium
range tactical surveillance UAV system,
suitable for long missions requiring
real-time surveillance data collection and
delivery for operations such as border
and coastal security, environmental
protection and peacekeeping.

Diamond Aircraft
The company had two aircraft on static
display, the DA40 NG and the DA62 MPP
fitted with the Trakka System gimbal
and Maritime Radar. The DA 40 NG is a
composite, four-seater aircraft featuring
advanced avionics and is powered by an
Austro Engine 168hp AE300 jet engine.
This was the first time that the
DA62 MPP special mission aircraft has
been displayed in South Africa. It has
been designed as a surveillance aircraft
featuring tracking and sensor technologies.

United Aircraft
A model of the Ilyshin ll-112V light
tactical airlifter was on display at the UAC
stand, the first time it has been shown
outside Russia. A roll-out ceremony for
the first of two prototypes was planned
for 26 October at the Voronezh Aircraft
Production Association where the
aircraft will be built. The ll-112V is to be a
replacement for the An-26 and An 72/74.
Able to carry 50 soldiers, 42 paratroopers
or 25 persons in the air ambulance role,
the aircraft will have a maximum payload
of six tonnes and a range of 1 000km.

In 2005 a high-profile New Zealander
crashed his helicopter and could not
be found for two weeks. This set his
mind working on a tracking solution
for helicopters and light aircraft and
two years later the Spider series was
launched. Whilst not yet available for
large aircraft or airliners, the system is in
use in more than 100 countries including

Top to bottom
The MA380 is the largest of three UAVs shown for
the first time at AAD by Pretoria company, Milkor.
One of several engine types on display.
The Russian Navy displayed models of several
vessels including the latest Amur-950 class
submarine seen in the foreground.
Global Industrial and Defence Solutions was one
of four exhibitors from Pakistan.

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 49

International Air Shows

for National Defence, six Chinese

South Africa. The Spidertrack 2.0 gives boarding party of four. Twiga recently arms companies, including China
operators a direct line of communication delivered four of the vessels to the National Aero-Technology Import
from virtually anywhere. Spidertracks Uganda People’s Defence Force. & Export Corporation (CATIC)
not only shows the current location of
and China Shipbuilding Trading
an aircraft, but also where it has been.
Co Ltd (CSTC), were present.
The Chinese companies showcased
Saudi Arabia a huge collection of products,
Aerosud First time exhibitor, the Saudi Arabian including missiles, vessels, aircraft,
DB Schenker South Africa has been Military Industries Company (SAMI), unmanned aerial vehicles, weaponry,
chosen to support Aerosud’s current is aiming to enhance its presence in radar and ground force equipment
and future logistics requirements. the African continent and explore new that can fulfil the needs of ground
The company is the world’s second opportunities within this growing forces, navies and air forces.
largest logistics service provider while market. SAMI is showcasing its The unmanned aerial vehicle
Aerosud is the largest privately owned growing portfolio of military products designs covered a range of sizes and
aerospace manufacturing company in and services in four key areas – performance capabilities including
South Africa, supplying components to Aeronautics, Land Systems, Weapons the medium-altitude long-endurance
the major aircraft original equipment and Missiles and Defence Electronics. weapons-capable Wing Llong I. One
manufacturers such as Boeing and The company was launched in of the strangest designs came from the
Airbus. DB Schenker redesigned systems May 2017. SAMI is a state-owned Shenzhen Smart Drone Company who
to provide more effective support military industries company to increase claims that its V330 is the world’s first
for Aerosud’s corporate strategies as local content and build a sustainable fixed-wing, tilt-rotor UAV. Electrically
well as providing the South African and thriving military industries powered, the V330 has a traditional
company with a distinct transport sector in the Kingdom. Dr. Andreas fuselage and wing arrangement with
cost advantage over its competitors. Schwer, CEO of SAMI, said at AAD butterfly tail; however, it also has a
that SAMI’s attendance at the show pair of rotor blades on outriggers on
signified the Kingdom's intention either side of the wing. The front pair
Twiga to open cooperation and establish rotates through 90 degrees to provide
Generating a lot of interest was the partnerships on the African Continent. for vertical take-off and landings in
850 MPB military patrol boat shown During the exhibition, Dr. conjunction with the aft rotors, or
by the defence logistics and services Schwer met with Hon. Nosiviwe forward thrust in conventional mode.
company. The vessel was displayed Mapisa-Nqakula, South Africa’s The U8EA reconnaissance helicopter
alongside the Nyoka 4 x 4 protected Minister of Defence and Military and the Ziyan Blowfish I electric-
vehicle. The 850 MPB was designed to Veterans, to discuss bilateral relations powered machine capable of carrying
perform patrols on rivers, lakes and in between Saudi Arabia and South small weapons. Completing the display
coastal waters. Claimed to be virtually Africa in the fields of military of UAVs was a small 1/4 scale model
indestructible by Twiga, the hull is made and security manufacturing. of the A-Hawk II large quad-copter.
from high-density polyethylene and China The Chinese company, China
Shipbuilding and Offshore International
offers considerable ballistic protection
Led by the State Administration of Company (CSOC), unveiled a new
against small arms. The boat is operated
Science, Technology and Industry medium-size unmanned surface vessel
by a two man crew and can carry a

AeroSud Aviation and African NDT Centre have

committed to over 1 300 square metres of space in
the Centurion Aerspace Village. The announcement
was made by CEO of CAV, Lance Schultz, during
the signing ceremony at AAD. Chinese expertise in the field of unmanned aircraft included from left" the Blowfish l, U8EA, V330 and Wing Loong ll.

50 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Above: Jon-Marc Hill and Sophia Hill officially launching the Adventures of Little Annie book at AAD2018.

Proudly South African. ZU-XDM is the first prototype experimental aircraft produced by Paramount and one of two
AHRLAC's to perform an aerial display at AAD.

(USV) called 'JARI'. CSOC is the customers. A prototype began sea trials to African countries. •
export division of China Shipbuilding earlier in 2018 although no orders for
Industry Corporation (CSIC). The the vessel have as yet been received.
JARI is a multi-purpose USV for Along with Russia and other
combat designed for both the People's European countries, China is
Liberation Army Navy and export the traditional arms supplier

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 51

Industry news

small as one-fiftieth of a centigrade,

allowing for extremely sharp images.
The technology is already
proven on other military platforms
– such as the Royal Navy’s Queen
Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier and the
Royal Air Force’s Chinook fleet – but
has wider applications, including
being used by leading broadcasters
to capture some of the most difficult
shots possible for television.
In David Attenborough’s Planet
Earth II documentary, cameras
equipped with Leonardo’s technology
allowed the filmmakers to capture
the most detailed film ever seen of a
BAE Systems-led Team Challenger 2 leopard’s nocturnal hunt, down to the
offers world-leading thermal imaging movement of individual hairs on its
body. While in the fast-paced world
technology for tank upgrade of sport, the Hot Spot system used
in international cricket incorporates
World-leading thermal imaging will help British troops identify potential Leonardo’s thermal imaging technology,
technology is being offered to threats and move undetected in hostile helping umpires see whether a ball
the British Army as part of Team situations, while also shaving valuable has struck the batsman, pad or ball,
Challenger 2’s bid to upgrade the seconds off reaction times, which can by looking for a temperature change
Army’s Main Battle Tank. The make the difference between mission caused by the friction of impact.
technology, developed by Leonardo success and failure. From a military standpoint, the
Instead of sensing light like a thermal imaging system was previously
in the UK, forms part of the BAE standard digital camera, Leonardo’s used in Afghanistan to allow Chinook
Systems led bid to upgrade the tank infrared camera senses heat emitted by Helicopters to fly undetected through
and would for the first time bring all objects with temperatures greater mountain valleys, even in poor
independent night vision for both than absolute zero (-273°C). The weather conditions. It also brought
the gunner and the commander. hundreds-of-thousands of individual the ability to detect, recognise and
pixels in the camera, each one-twelfth identify coalition troops or vehicles
Also known as ‘electro-optic the thickness of a human hair, can at a safe standoff range prior to
technology’, the thermal imaging system detect temperature differences as entry into drop or landing zones.•

Visionary Electro-optics
BAE Systems has teamed up with Leonardo in the UK to integrate its world leading, thermal imaging technology
into Challenger 2, the British Army’s Main Battle Tank. Together with our other Team Challenger 2 partners,
we are bidding to extend the tank’s in-service life to 2035.

How It Works

Leonardo’s infrared Each of the Each pixel can

camera senses heat hundred-of-thousands pick up temperature
emitted by all objects of individual pixels in differences as small
with temperatures the camera are one- as one-fiftieth of a
greater than absolute twelfth the thickness centigrade, resulting in
zero (-273.15°C) of a human hair extremely sharp images

Thermal Imaging Advantages

The technology provides 24 hour The advanced system shaves valuable seconds
target identification at a greater range off reaction times, meaning the difference
and in poor visibility between mission success and failure

52 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

ROSTEC introduces new products
The next stage is the integration of the A software and hardware platform
Mobile phone for engine into the Be-200 aircraft and further that processes signals and filters out
marine vessels certification of the re-equipped version. interference was created especially for
The key advantages of the SaM146 the neural interface. Thanks to that,
Ruselectronics holding company, part of engine unit are its simple and reliable the device works not only in sterile
Russian State Corporation Rostec, has construction, competitive price and laboratory conditions, it functions
developed a multifunctional integrated life cycle cost. The engine meets high dependably in large crowds, in mass
communication complex called MIKS. standards of environmental friendliness transit, or when surrounded by a
It is designed for the digitalisation of and fuel economy. The SaM146 engine large number of transmitting devices.
communications on marine vessels, and unit has also passed international The accuracy of signal processing
contains a mobile segment – base stations, certification and complied with does not decrease in these cases.
mobile phones and sensors measuring prospective ICAO requirements. The Biotechmed forum was held
the physiological state of the crew. The The SaM146 is an integrated engine 9-11 September 2018 in Gelendzhik.
complex is entirely built on Russian unit, including a turbofan engine and It combines a scientific conference
hardware and software platform. a nacelle with a reversing device. The with exhibition space to stimulate
The complex is the first modular SaM146 is produced by UEC-Saturn in discussion and the exchange of
solution to provide wireless connectivity an equal partnership with Safran Aircraft information. The goal of Biotechmed
with seamless roaming for submarines Engines to equip Sukhoi Superjet 100 is to generate interest in a synergy to
and surface ships of various ranks. Earlier passenger planes. PowerJet (a joint ensure the transition to next generation
the ships used only stationary internal venture of Safran Aircraft Engines and medicine and to form a unified vision
communication, which reduced the speed UEC-Saturn) is supplying the SaM146 of the problems, challenges and
of exchanging important information. and providing after-sales servicing. UEC- opportunities of the field. More than 1
On board, the complex provides Saturn is responsible for the design and 500 representatives of the business and
internal hands-free voice communication, manufacture of the fan and low-pressure scientific community in Russia and other
ship telephony, video surveillance, compressor, low-pressure turbine, general countries took part in the conference.
and monitoring of the location and engine assembly and testing. Safran
physiological state of the crew, as well Aircraft Engines is responsible for the
as streaming of video content on screens high-pressure compressor, combustion T-500A aircraft
installed in the crew cabins. Outside
the ship, MIKS supports telegraph
chamber, high-pressure turbine, unit with flotation landing gear
box, ACS and engine unit integration.
and telephone communication, video The Be-200 can take off both from Russian State Corporation Rostec
conferencing, and data and file sharing. land or water. The main areas of its has presented T-500A aircraft with
MIKS consists of related functional application are firefighting, search and flotation landing gear for water
subsystems, scalable for different rescue operations, protection of water deployment at the Hydroaviasalon-2018
grades and classes of ships, both small surfaces, environmental missions, and exhibition. This modification can be
cruisers and large aircraft carriers. The passengers and cargo transportation. The used to carry out patrol and search
complex combines screens, cordless Be-200 has no equivalents in the world and rescue operations in coastal
phones with touchscreens, terminals for a number of technical characteristics. areas, as well as for cargo delivery.
for command broadcasting, and With the flotation landing gear,
sensors monitoring the physiological the T-500A has significantly increased
state of the crew in a single system. All Helmet for exchange of the area and geography of its use. No
equipment is designed to withstand information between brain runways are required in order to operate
rough seas, exposure to seawater and the new modification of the lightweight
a wide range of temperatures. and electronic devices all-composite aircraft which can be
Rostec has created a preproduction model based on water aerodromes, river and
of a device for information exchange sea ports. Thanks to the technologies
Be-200 amphibious between the brain and an external used when forming the glider, the
device (household appliances, computer, machine can be operated in any climate.
aircraft for foreign exoskeleton, artificial sensory organs, The T-500A is a modification
markets modernises wheelchair). The neural interface works of the T-500 specialised aircraft for
Rostec’s United Engine Corporation dependably in large crowds, on mass aerial chemical works. The project is
has presented the project to re-equip transport, and when surrounded by a implemented by ORPE Technologiya
the Be-200 amphibious aircraft with large number of transmitting devices. named after A.G. Romashin (part of RT-
the Russian-French SaM146 engine The Bruk Institute for Electronic Chemcomposite Holding Company of
unit. The presentation took place at the Control Computers (INEUM), part of Rostec State Corporation) together with
ongoing Hydroaviasalon-2018 exhibition State Corporation Rostec’s Automation MVEN Company (Republic of Tatarstan).
in the Russian city of Gelendzhik. The concern, is behind the technology. The ORPE Technologiya is
modernisation will make it possible to invention uses a device for adaptive manufacturing the T-500 aircraft as part
introduce the aircraft on the European digital processing of brain electrical of its strategy to increase the volume
and American markets, and also to activity and a noninvasive method of of civilian products. In 2017, the share
begin the validation of the aircraft in the data extraction with “dry” electrodes. of the company's revenue from sales of
transport and passenger configurations. This makes it possible to record 92-95% civilian products amounted to 19.7%. By
The re-equipment project provides of signals accurately without direct 2025, the company plans to increase this
for modernisation of SaM146 engine, contact with the brain, by integrating figure to 37.4% with the manufacture
including improvement of the software the interface into a special helmet, which of the T-500, as well as the introduction
for the digital automatic control system. can be easily put on and taken off. of new products to the market. •

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 53

Military news

The latest contract will also encompass

Philippine Coast Guard becomes Philippines’ first on-site technical support and
continuing airworthiness management

H145 operator for parapublic missions organisation services, fully supported

by Airbus’ team in the country.
“We are honoured by the
Philippine Coast Guard’s decision
to introduce the country’s first
parapublic H145 into its fleet, as the
perfect complement to the current
workhorse BO105 which has served
the agency well for the past 40 years.
We have full confidence in the H145’s
ability to support the agency’s work,
coupled with our dedicated in-
country customer centre which stays
committed to supporting its operations
in close proximity,” said Philippe
Monteux, Head of Southeast Asia
and Pacific of Airbus Helicopters.
The H145 is the market leader
for rescue missions, with over 1 400
helicopters of the H145 family in
service globally, and achieving close
to five million flight hours. Due
to its small footprint, agility and
designed-in mission capability and
flexibility, the H145 is particularly
ideal for a wide range of missions.
The Philippine Coast The new 4-tonne-class twin-engine It is equipped with Airbus’ state-of-
helicopter is specially equipped with the-art Helionix avionics suite and
Guard has placed an order high frequency radios, emergency 4-axis autopilot system, which helps to
for one H145 helicopter, flotation gear, fast roping, cargo sling, reduce pilot workload during missions.
making it the first H145 search light, and electro-optical systems In the Philippines alone, there are
to perform critical missions including currently four H145 helicopters
parapublic operator in search and rescue, medical evacuation, operating in the country, mainly
the Philippines. maritime patrol and law enforcement. for business aviation purposes. •

Airbus Helicopters Tiger to get a new set of claws

(Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d'Armement/Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) has commissioned Airbus Helicopters, on
behalf of the French, German and Spanish Armament agencies DGA, BAAINBw and DGAM, to perform de-risking studies aimed at providing the Tiger with
next generation battlefield capabilities. Their main objective is to prepare the development and retrofit phases of the new avionics, mission, and weapon systems
of the Tiger. Thales and MBDA will also take part in the studies. 178 Tigers have been delivered to France, Germany, Spain and Australia, and have accumulated
over 110,000 flight hours to date. First deployed by the French Army in Afghanistan in 2009, the Tiger continues to demonstrate its essential role on theatres of
operation as a highly versatile, stealthy, and manoeuvrable attack helicopter.

54 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

A model of the new Ilyushin Il-112 light transport aircraft at the UAC pavilion.
The type is scheduled to fly later this year.

The African market is one of the most important for Russian army suppliers.
An African delegation looking at a Mi-35M at the Russian Helicopter pavilion.

Text and pics by: Simone Marcato and Massimo Rossi

The fourth edition of the yearly International

Military-Technical Forum ARMY was
held from 21-26 August over three separate
areas — Patriot Congress and Exhibition
Centre (also known as Patriot Park), Alabino
Military Training Grounds and at the
airfield of Kubinka Air Base — around
the city of Kubinka, Moscow region,
70 km west of the Russia's capital.

56 Vol.
10 // No. 11-/ November 2018 Global Aviator
As the result of three years of space of 120 000 square meters. Tu-95MS Bear and Tu-160M Blackjack.
continuous growth — and thanks to All the ground demonstrations All three bombers are currently under
the support of the Ministry of Defence were held on the Alabino Military an upgrade programme with the aim
of the Russian Federation — organisers Training Grounds. About 40 kinds of to keep them in service until 2030.
claim the ARMY 2018 Forum has turned weapons and military equipment of the The Aviatsiya Voyenno-Morskogo
into the world's leading exhibition Land Force participated in the dynamic Flota (the Russian Naval Aviation)
of arms and military equipment. displays and live-firing exhibition: participated at the static display showing
This may well explain the size among others T-90s, T-72BZ and T-80U a single Kamov Ka-27M Helix, one of
and global importance of the Forum: tanks, along with artillery — with both, his upgraded Il-38N Novella maritime
during ARMY 2018 Rosoboronexport, self-propelled anti-tank and artillery patrol and anti-submarine warfare
— part of the Rostec State Corporation guns — demonstrating their moving (ASW) aircraft along a brand-new MiG-
signed 15 contracts with foreign and fire capabilities on a simulated 29K Fulcrum-D carrier-capable fighter.
customers for a total value of over battlefield. Military Air Defence Units Rotary-wing types in the static
20.3 billion roubles. It was visited by showed their skills and capabilities, display included the Ka-52, Mi-28N and
65 official military delegations, 20 of deploying the anti-aircraft missile system Mi-35M attack helicopters, the upgraded
which were headed by the Minister “Tugunska-M1”, the anti-aircraft self- Ka-27M Anti-Submarine Warfare
of Defence. Representatives of more propelled unit “Shilka-M4” anti-aircraft helicopter, an Mi-17Sh with an arctic
than 100 countries took part. A total of missile system, as well as the S300V4 air livery and the largest helicopter of all,
550 000 visitors attended at the expo, defence missile system and “Pantsir-S1” the Mi-26. Two Mi-26 were in the static
including 400 international journalists. air-defense missile-gun systems. display, including the new Mi-26T2V.
Kubinka Airfield, home base of Even though it was scheduled in
the two Vozdušno-Kosmiceskie Sily the flying programme, the Su-57 as well
Patriot Park, Alabino Rossijskoj Federacii (VKS-RF, or Russian as the MiG-31K did not participate. The
Military Training Grounds Aerospace Forces) main aerobatic teams only public appearance during the show
and Kubinka Air Base of Strizhy (Swifts) and Russkiye-Vityazi was on 21 August when a pair of Su-57
At Patriot Park, where the forum’s trade (Russian Knights) played an important performed a couple of fly-pasts during
exhibition and extensive conference role in the show, with 30 aircraft a visit of the Russian MoD, General
programme takes place, over 360 exhibited in static and dynamic shows.
military and special equipment were The static display included most
on static display. A Congress Centre, of the recent acquisition of VKS-RF
along with six big exhibition halls such as the Sukhoi Su-25SM3, Su-30SM,
and several pavilions were at the Su-34 Fullback, Su-35S, MiG-29SMT,
disposal to the 1200 exhibitors from MiG-31BM, Il-76, Beriev A-50 AWACS,
14 different countries that showcased An-148, Tu-214 Open Sky and all the
their products in an indoor space of Tupolev-made bombers currently in
40 000 square meters and an outdoor service with VKS-RF: Tu-22M3 Backfire,

Aviator November
November 2018
2018 // Vol.
10 // No. 11 57
Army 2018

Sergey Shoygu at Kubinka air base. 2018. At Patriot Park the company has at Kubinka. The helicopter differs
Object of this vision was the one of the largest pavilions, showing part from the basic Mi-26 model in its new
MiG-31K, the version of the famous of its helicopters currently in production. modern NPK90-2V integrated avionics,
interceptor optimized to carry the In particular delegations were that — together with the introduction
Kh-47M2 Kinzhal air-launched able to take a close look at the latest of a digital flight centre — significantly
hypersonic ballistic missile. versions of the bestseller Mi-8/17 simplifies the piloting of the helicopter.
The plane, armed with missiles family, the Kamov ANSAT-U and The cockpit has been upgraded
remained inside a hangar — not Ka-226 light utility helicopter, as extensively and has multifunction
accessible to the public and press well as of the gunships Mil Mi-35M, colour displays and all instrumentation
— and was towed out only the day Mi-28N and Ka-52 Alligator. is now adapted for use with night
after the closing of the forum. The last two types have performed vision goggles. Moreover, new
daily flying demonstration at Kubinka energy-absorbing seats for the crew
and Alabino, showing impressive have been fitted. There are also
Russian Helicopters, United qualities of manoeuvrability and improvements to the navigation
Aircraft Company (UAC) power. In addition, the two types systems and satellite communications.
and the Russian Aerospace joined the ground manoeuvres In addition to promoting its
Forces renewal. performing attacks to ground targets products on foreign markets, the United
Russian Helicopters Holding, the and covering the Mi-8AMTSh and Aircraft Company (UAC) is currently
only Russian helicopter design the Mi-26s during simulated assaults heavily involved in the renewal of the
and manufacturing company, has a and landings of special forces. Russian Air Force, supplying to the
significant role in the global helicopter Moreover, the company presented — Russian MoD dozens of new-built or
market. Also a significant role was for the first time — the latest Mi-26T2V, upgraded fighters, trainers, transport
obviously played also during the ARMY with the prototype on the static display aircraft and bombers, to replace the
old Soviet-era ones. The subsidiary
companies of the UAC are developing
and testing different types of aircraft
that will have to enter into service with
the VKS-RF in the coming years.
The Sukhoi Company, after being
the protagonist in the renewal of the
VKS-RF combat units, supplying
dozens of fourth generation Su-
30/35 Flankers multi-role fighters,
has also been awarded with a first
contract for its Su-57 stealth fighter.
After the controversial
announcement made at the beginning
of last July, where it was said that the
Su-57 would not see mass production, at
the forum UAC's President Yuri Slyusar
announced that Russia MoD placed
the first order for 15 Su-57s, with the
first couple scheduled to enter the in
service with Aerospace Forces in 2019.
Along with the Su-57 contract, the
Russian MoD has signed an agreement
for the delivery of the first six MiG-
35s — two single-seat MiG-35S and
four two-seat MiG-35UB — to the
Russian VKS-RF. These first fighter-
bombers will be handed over to the
Strizhni acrobatic team, where they
will replace the ageing MiG-29s.
Furthermore, regarding the future
of the MiG-35, a certain optimism
showed up at the UAC pavilion after
the VKS-RF expressed his interest to
acquire more MiG-35 in order to replace

Top: A short-range air defence system Pantsir-S1 in

action at Alabino range. Photo by: Tsungfang Tsai.
Left: T-80U Main Battle Tank manoeuvring at the
Alabino firing range. In the background is
the self-propelled howitzer 2S19 "Msta-S".
Photo by:Tsungfang Tsai.

58 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 59
A prototype of the Mi-26T2V wearing digital
camo and ROSTEC marks leaving Kubinka
airbase after ARMY-2018
Army 2018

the older MiG-29s version still in service first flight by 2023. We are hoping to which made its maiden flight last
because the more modern MiG-29SMT start series production by 2026”. January at the Aviastar-SP production
are in service only in limited number. The Il-276 originates from the facility. Developed from Il-76MD-90A
Another major effort that Russian Russian-Indian project MTA for a the new tanker shares the avionic
Defence has to do, is to renew a large twin-engined medium transport and structural improvements of the
part of tactical and strategic transport plane, which was “frozen” in 2016 upgraded transport aircraft, maintaining
aircraft in service replacing the fleet following the withdrawal of India. the same propulsion system based
of Ukrainian-made Antonov aircraft. The need to replace older planes on the Aviadvigatel PS-90A-76
Apart from the need to replace these in service — especially the An-12s — turbofan engines. Like the Il-76MD-
obsolete aircraft, the MoD wants to remained urgent and therefore Russia 90A the updated engines giving the
gain independence from any kind of was forced to continue alone in the aircraft a 60-ton payload (up from 40
military support from the Ukrainian development of the aircraft, assuming tonnes for the baseline Il-76/78) and
suppliers due to political tensions full responsibility for detailed design a 12% reduced fuel consumption.
between the two countries following and production of the aircraft. The MoD is expected to buy 34
the conflict that broke out in Donbass The size of this medium military of the new tankers to replace its
and the annexation of Crimea. transport aircraft will be positioned current Il-78s.
In order to meet this requirement, between the Il-112V and the strategic Yakovlev Design Bureau — part
Ilyushin is working simultaneously cargo aircraft Il-76MD-90A (also known of the Irkut Corporation — performed
on three different types of aircraft: as Il-476). every day at Kubinka with Yak-130
Il-112V, Il-76MD-90A and Il-276. About the last one — which is based an advanced jet trainer and light
The Il-112V twin-prop light military on the same airframe and fuselage of fighter as well as a prototype Yak-152
transport aircraft will replace the Il-76 airlifter — it is planned to put three turboprop primary trainer aircraft.
ageing An-24/26/72 in service. UAC aircraft into operational service by the 150 Yak-152 will be put in service
sources stated: “The first prototype is end of this year. Compared with the by VKS-RF to replace its current
ready, and we are doing tests on the old Il-76 the new airlifter has structural Yakovlev Yak-52 as primary trainer.
ground before its first flight scheduled improvements comprising a reinforced
for the upcoming 26 October, 2018”. landing gear and redesigned wing
While about Il-276 he said: “As section and a new power plant. Other African news
you know, we have terminated MTA, enhancements include a digital glass The demand from several African
however, using the experience and cockpit as well as modernised flight, countries for modern and sophisticated
the work done in that project we are navigation, and communication systems. weapons has increased in recent years
working on the new aircraft which Ilyushin is working on the new due to regional instability spread around
according to plans should make the Il-78M-90A aerial refuelling tanker the African continent — with some areas

ABove: A Russian Mi-35 is firing rockets at the Alabino range during a simulated assault display. Photo by: Tsungfang Tsai.

62 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator


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Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 63

Above: Su-35S taxiing back after its display over the Above: The prototype of Yakovlev Yak-152 basic trainer Above: In addition to their display with the Berkut team the
Alabino range. performed an acrobatic display every day Mi-28 performed a solo display showing its power
at Kubinka airbase. and agility.

involved in open conflicts — making Emmanuel Ntahomvukiye said. airbase for demonstration flights.
it one of the most important markets Other Sub-Saharian African Algeria is one of the largest buyers
for Russian arms manufacturers. countries including Burkina Faso, of Russian aviation equipment and over
This can explain why ARMY Chad, Niger, Rwanda, and Zimbabwe the last ten years, renewed its air force
2018 has been visited by about twenty signed and reviewed agreements, buying the Su-30MKAs, Yak-130s, and
military delegations from African showing interest in buying the helicopters Mi-26T2 and Mi-28NE.
Countries — 11 of which were headed different kinds of Russian arms. In addition to purchasing the Su-
by the Minister of Defence — resulting A few months ago Rosoboronexport 35s, it appears that Algeria is seeking
in several high-rank talks, cooperation leaked the news of the sale of Su-35s to acquire a squadron of MiG-29M/
agreements and deals. Among others to the 3rd International customer and M2 (similar to the aircraft recently put
the Central African Republic and it now seems there is confirmation in service by Egypt) to replace its older
Russia signed a military cooperation that the Algerian Air Force has placed MiG-29S — although upgraded to
deal, as well as Burundi's MoD, that, order for 18 of these fighters. SMT standard — currently in service.
in addition to the signed military The North African military power Furthermore, other sources
cooperation agreement with Moscow, is became interested in the Su-35 after from UAC confirmed the interest of
now considering purchasing Russian- its operational debut in Syria and has several countries for the last version
made ‘Pantsir-S1’ air-defence systems. evaluated the multi-role fighter at the of the Fulcrum—with negotiations
“It is very powerful. My country is beginning of 2016 when a VKS-RF's under way — although the other
interested in buying it” Burundi's MoD aircraft flew to the Tamanrasset Algerian potential customers are undisclosed.

64 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Tu-95MS taking off after the end of ARMY 2018.
These bombers have been upgraded to
the Tu-95MSM version

Above: The Su-30SM showed its super Above: A Mi-171Sh on static display at Kubinka airbase. Note Above: Chengdu J-10BS of the "The August 1st" aerobatic
manoeuvrability during its solo display. its external fuel tank and the special livery used for demonstration team after its display. This is the frontline
arctic operations. fighter of PLAAF together with Sukhoi's flankers.

Foreign and Russian missile giant Almaz-Antey to promote some of their products
Chinese presence — to the HTT-40 turbo-prop basic to potential customers worldwide,
Beside the massive Russian participation, trainer and Tejas lightweight fighter. showcasing combat and logistics
eight countries were invited and Without any doubt the most equipment, as well as information
joined the forum with their defence relevant foreign presence was Chinese. and communications equipment.
firms: Armenia, Belarus, India, Iran, Due to the changed global geopolitical Worthy of note was the Chinese
Kazakhstan, China, Pakistan, and Turkey. balance relations between Russia presence state-owned aerospace
Some are historical allies or partners and China have intensified greatly giants such AVIC (Aviation Industry
of Moscow (Armenia, Kazakhstan in recent times. The participation of Corporation of China), CASIC
and Belorussia), whilst others have Chinese military assets and troops at (China Aerospace Science and
approached Russia because of recent the exercises Aviadart 2018 and Vostok Industry Corporation), and CATIC
global geopolitical changes. This is 2018 and the first appearance of Chinese (China National Aero-Technology
the case of Pakistan and Turkey. military equipment manufacturers Import & Export Corporation)
Notable was the presence of at ARMY 2018 as part of the bilateral The Chinese aviation industry
India, where the DRDO State agency military exchange between the two in recent years have shown great
and HAL has the prominent role at countries, is further confirmation of this. progress in the design development
the Indian pavilion, showing a range An entire pavilion was and production of aeronautical projects
of products that ranged from the dedicated to a dozen Chinese showcasing models of the fourth-
supersonic Brahmos — developed with defence firms took the opportunity generation fighters such as the PAC/

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 65

Army 2018

Above: The Berkut display team with their four Mi-28s. They are based at Torzhok air base.

Chengdu JF-17 light fighter, the transport aircraft — an evolutionary Kubinka airfield was the Chinese,
indigenous Chengdu J-10 multirole design of the Y-8, itself based on the the August 1st — or Ba Yi Aerobatic
fighter and both the stealth fifth- Soviet-era An-12 — and Xian Y-20 large Team — the aerobatic demonstration
generation fighter Chengdu J-20 military strategic transport aircraft team of the PLAAF. Equipped
— recently entered in service with as well as UAVs and the jet trainer since 2009 with the J-10s fighters,
People's Liberation Army Air Force Hongdu JL-8, the supersonic LIFT and it was the team's second appearance
(PLAAF) — and Shenyang J-31. light attack aircraft Hongdu L-15 and in Russia after its first show
They also brought a model of Guizhou JL-9 (known also as FTC-2000). abroad which took place in
their Shaanxi Y-9 turboprop medium The only foreign presence at August 2013 at MAKS 2013.•

An Impressive take-off by the Tu-160

strategic heavy bomber with sunset golden light.
These bombers are called "White Swan"
by their crews.

66 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

The Russian Knights team during
their display. Since the beginning of
2017 the team has flown their display
with four Su-30SMs replacing the old
Su-27Ps single seater and Su-27UBs
double seaters.

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 67

???????? of the past

His first experience was at Brooklands in

the summer of 1910 where a French pilot
Gustav Blondeau was offering passenger
flights in a Maurice Farman. The cost
was £5, a considerable sum of money at

Camel to
the time but by all accounts Sopwith was
fairly well placed in financial terms.
Exhilarated by the Brooklands flight

Harrier Jet
Sopwith was determined to become a pilot
himself. This was achieved in the autumn
of 1910 when he purchased a Wright-
Manning biplane, which he assembled at
Above: Tom Sopwith. Brooklands and began a series of self-
Murray McLeod taught exercises in taxying and take-offs.
of Britain, the Hawker Hurricane. These resulted in a number of crashes,
T.O.M. Sopwith can rightly be Thomas Octave Murdoch Sopwith fortunately without serious injury and on
regarded as one of the luminaries of British was born on 18 January 1888, in London, 22 November 1910 Sopwith was awarded
aviation design and manufacture. In a the eighth child (hence Octave) and first Aviation Certificate No31. The prestigious,
lifetime that spanned a remarkable 101 son of Thomas Sopwith, civil engineer. almost mythical No.1 Certificate was held
years he outlived all his contemporaries When Sopwith was born, in those far-off by an associate of Sopwith, the pioneering
and was witness to an evolution in aviation days powered aeroplane flight was still J.T.C. Moore-Brabazon who made headline
from those hesitant Edwardian beginnings fifteen years away. As a young man, news when he took aloft a pig secured in
to the Harrier jump-jet of contemporary sailing was one of Sopwith’s abiding a wicker basket thus de-bunking the long-
times. He also led the companies which passions, an interest shared with motor held cynical suggestion that ‘pigs might
designed the highest-scoring British fighter cars, power boats and ballooning. In fact fly’. In December 1910 Sopwith made the
of World War 1, the Sopwith Camel and his interest in ballooning encouraged him decision to go for a prize of £4000 offered
the highest-scoring fighter of the Battle to become involved in powered flight. by the Baron de Forest for the longest

68 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

???????? of the past

flight from England to the Continent in

a British-built machine. Popular opinion
was that the most probable risk of engine
failure occurred during take-off and
climb, and well aware of the situation
Sopwith took the precaution of leaving
from Newchurch (half an hour inland)
rather than Dover. A cross-Channel flight
was largely a step into the unknown and
Sopwith later admitted to an intense
loneliness until the relative haven of the
French coast was reached. He eventually
landed at Beaumont, having flown 169
miles to claim the substantial prize.
Four days later a friend of Sopwith’s,
Cecil Grace attempted to better Sopwith’s
cross-Channel flight. Bad weather
at Calais turned him back and near
Above: Harry Hawker. Above: J.T.C. Moore-Brabazon.
Dover he encountered heavy fog and
was last heard heading out over the
North Sea, never to be seen again. at Brooklands with a flying school. fighting machine and with a total of
Such events were a saddening The company’s first product was over 1 200 victories it was the top-
feature of the period; in particular the known as the Sopwith-Weight Tractor, scoring British scout of World War 1.
death of Sopwith’s close friend S.C. which attracted Admiralty interest and Sopwith had produced 6 000 examples
Rolls at a Bournemouth meeting. was purchased for £900 for naval use. of the F1 and 2F1 Camel and by late
Charles Rolls was in partnership By the time the Kaiser’s war started 1918 would have been superseded
with the talented engineer Henry in August 1914 Sopwith had assembled a by the Snipe which continued in RAF
Royce. Their reputation for fine motor worthy team of designers, most notable service until 1924. At the time of the
cars was already established and with was Aussie Harry Hawker whom armistice Sopwith Aviation had grown
their ongoing range of prestigious aero Sopwith had taught to fly and went on into an impressive business, having
engines they forged a tradition that was to become the firm’s chief test pilot. produced 16 000 aircraft and employing
second to none during the 1930s and Throughout that period Sopwith 5 000 workers plus thousands more
throughout World War Two. Rolls Royce Aviation was involved in the design through subcontractors. But with the
jet engines earned a similar reputation, of at least 80 types although only a end of hostilities demand for military
going on to power the current leviathan percentage of these entered production. equipment vanished overnight making
of the air, the mighty Airbus 380. Those that did went on to establish it impossible to do anything but to
In 1911 Sopwith made a tour of The enviable reputations; the delightful cease operations and go into voluntary
United States where he conducted a series Pup and 2-seat 1½ Strutter were early liquidation. Sopwith kept his design
of exhibition flights. In the process he examples. These were followed into team together and with new capital he
won an amount of prize money, despite service by the iconic Camel which hired an area of the old Kingston works
the occasional crash landings that were gained notoriety as being unforgiving from the liquidators. The new firm
hazards to be endured by those pioneers. in the hands of a novice. Nevertheless would become the Hawker Company
Returning to England in 1912 he formed in capable hands it was a formidable with Sopwith as its chairman. In 1923
the Sopwith Aviation Company, starting the firm was joined by Sydney Camm
whose future designs; epitomised
by the Fury, Hurricane, Tempest and
Harrier established Hawker Aviation
as arguably the leader in British
fighter development. In 1978 Hawker
aerospace interests in Britain were
absorbed into British Aerospace. This
continued with the engineering group
Hawker Siddeley and in Hawker De
Havilland of Australia. Throughout
this period Sir Thomas Sopwith
(knighted in 1953) was three times
president of the SBAC, the supreme
body of Britain’s aerospace industry.
He was also president of the
Hawker Siddeley group until he retired
at the age of 90 in 1978, while still
maintaining an interest in aviation,
alert and discerning until his death in
1989 at the grand old age of 101. •

Left: Hon. S.C. Rolls

70 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Sydney Camm

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 71

???????? visited

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in Aviation Consumer’s real-world test range of low-frequency noise brings state
of the art technology to Sierra.
of budget ANR headsets, Sierra delivers
comfort, quiet, and advanced features Comfort and Durability
you’ve come to expect from Lightspeed. At 16 ounces with plush ear seals and solidly
Active noise reduction (ANR) designed ear cups, extended wearing is a breeze.
and Bluetooth connectivity bring top- Bluetooth Connectivity
of-the-line features to Sierra. Plush Allows wireless connection from Bluetooth phones.
ear seals and sturdy fibre reinforced Stereo streaming (A2DP) is not available with Sierra.
polymer construction add to Sierra’s
Music Connection
durability. Bluetooth for audio devices An integrated control box input allows
and ComPriority™ enrich your flying you to connect a music player.
experience. A reversible headband
design allows microphone placement Auto MusicMute
Receiving radio communications is a snap with
on the left or right. Sierra is everything MusicMute which automatically decreases a
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priced premium ANR headset. of missing important interactions. Power Source
ANR and Bluetooth connectivity for audio devices and Auto Music- and Connectors Two AA batteries, Dual GA.
bring top-of-the-line features to Sierra. Mute enrich your flying. A reversible Accessories
Plush ear seals and sturdy construction headband design allows microphone Carrying case, music patch cord,
add to Sierra’s durability. A wired input placement on the left or right. cord clip, foam windscreen.

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72 Vol.10 / No. 711-/ July 2018 Global

2018 Global
November Aviator
???????? Instruction

By Helen Krasner

Emergencies are an
important part of the
PPL(H) syllabus. Although
I don’t teach fixed-wing
flying, I’m sure that
they are emphasised to a
similar extent for those
who choose to fly aircraft
with non-rotating wings.
But in the helicopter
syllabus, at any rate,
there are four exercises
given over to them.

74 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 75
???????? Instruction

Exercise 7, taught very early on in the course, is ‘Basic from experience how easy or difficult it is to react to a
Autorotations’. The student is taught to enter autorotation by sudden engine failure quickly enough, and I don’t know
lowering the collective lever, to keep the helicopter under control anyone else who does either, I can hardly think of anyone who
and to recover at a safe height. Later on, there are ‘Engine Off has had their engine fail in an R22, or any other modern
Landings’, when you learn to actually flare the helicopter and helicopter for that matter but I do know of just one person,
land it – or at least to bring it to a five foot power-on hover an instructor who forgot to pull the carb heat before reducing
when practicing. the power … for a practice engine failure, as it happened.
But that’s not all. Exercise 17 is ‘Advanced Autorotations’, He landed the helicopter safely, switched on the
when the student practices flying in autorotation at different engine again, and his student was none the wiser. But I digress.
speeds and thereby covering varying amounts of ground. The point is that engine failure in modern helicopters is very,
Finally, when he or she has got the hang of all that, there are very rare. When it does happen, it is almost invariably
‘Forced Landings’, when you put it all into practice by trying caused by carb icing or running out of fuel.
to land in a field … or on any bit of flat ground that happens Now, does this matter? Shouldn’t we be teaching students
to be available, since helicopters don’t need much space. what to do anyway, in case the worst happens? Of course we
Now, I have no criticisms of any of this afterall you should, but the trouble is, while we’re covering four exercises
can’t really have too much practice for engine failure! This devoted to engine failures, we could well be ignoring all the
is perhaps particularly the case in the Robinson R22, on otherem emergency situations, which are possibly much more
which most people learn nowadays with its low inertia rotor likely to occur in real life. What about instrument failures,
head, after a real engine failure you don’t have all the engine or electrical fires, or tail rotor failure. What about jammed
time in the world to decide what to do. controls? And perhaps most importantly, what about weather-
They say ‘officially’ that you have two seconds in which related emergencies, which cause accidents and claim lives
to lower the collective lever and enter autorotation; after that almost every year, to a greater extent than almost anything else?
your rotor RPM will have decayed irrecoverably. In fact, you Naturally, these are covered during the PPL(H) course, at
have a little longer if you react appropriately. It has been shown least to a certain extent. There is a chapter in the R22 Pilots’
that if you flare the helicopter you have up to seven Operating Handbook – and I’m sure in those of all other
seconds, which would make quite a lot of difference … helicopters – relating to emergencies, and every student is asked
try counting slowly up to seven to see what I mean. to read and learn that section. During navigation exercises,
However, the details of engine failure are not really the instructor emphasises keeping an eye on the weather,
what I want to discuss here. You see, I don’t actually know staying well away from clouds, and if necessary diverting or
landing in a field – since helicopters can do this very easily.
Finally, in the Skills Test, there is a section on emergencies.
The student is asked, “What would you do if…,” with the gap
being filled with any hypothetical emergency which the
examiner fancies at the time.
This is all good stuff. However, often there isn’t time
during the course to actually practise all of these possible
emergencies, at least not to the same extent that you learn about
engine failures. And the trouble is that knowing what to do and
actually doing it for real are two very different things. In a real
emergency you are scared – adrenaline courses through you;
your brain freezes and your thinking processes turn to mush.
You react, but not necessarily as quickly or as sensibly as
you usually would. This is not a good situation in which to
be doing something for the first time. I found this out myself
when I lifted into the hover with a student one day, and we saw
smoke coming out of the instrument panel. Well, we landed
and shut down.
Nothing to it, is there? But I do know that although I
wasn’t panicking, it scared me enough that if I had had to
do anything more complicated, I am not sure that I would
have been functioning at my best. A friend who lifted into
the hover and then found that his pedals were stuck had
much the same reaction – he told me that he managed
to land, but it really shook him up. Thus in genuine
emergency you can’t rely on your usual common sense
and quick reactions – you need rules to follow, and most
importantly you need practice, and preferably lots of it.
Personally I had never practiced any emergency, other than
engine failure, when I got my PPL(H). Soon afterwards I went
on a Robinson Safety Course – a day workshop specifically
designed for R22 and R44 pilots – in which we went over some
other possible situations.
During this course I was shown how to fly after failure of
the rotor RPM governor, how to control yaw using the
throttle if I had stuck pedals, and how to respond to a number
of other nasty situations.

76 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

I realised how useful all of this was, and some time at what point should I decide? A low hours pilot flying in
afterwards I decided to do more flying with an instructor, marginal weather is under stress, and it is far easier to make
specifically to learn to respond to even more emergencies. those kind of decisions if you’re given guidelines in advance.
I remember the lesson well. We took off, and he said to Perhaps you should be told that if you have to fly below 500
me, “OK, your low fuel warning light has just come on; what ft, or at less than 60 knots, it’s time to find a landing site.
are you going to do?” “Land”, I said, quite correctly. However, This was suggested to me at some point in my flying
until the instructor pointed it out, I hadn’t realised that with training; I think it’s good advice, and I now try to pass
five minutes worth of fuel left – the amount you have in it on to all my students. Another good tip was given to
the R22 when the light comes on – if you’re flying at 2000 ft me by a friend who flew the whole length of Britain in a
and you put the helicopter into a normal descent at 500 ft/ helicopter. If the weather was less than perfect, he would
min, you will barely make it. And if you’re any higher, it is keep an eye open all the time for good landing sites.
definitely time for an autorotation with a power recovery. This meant that if it worsened, he knew where to head for
I’m not sure how many low hour helicopter pilots have done when he turned back. An excellent idea, since landing in the
the maths and are aware of this…and they should be. middle of nowhere in bad weather might be better than flying
When I did my FI course I was shown how to fly with a in it, but not that much!
stuck collective, and how to recover from a low ‘g’ situation; we However, if you do have to land far from roads and human
also discussed tail rotor failures. I had rarely even thought about contact, how many of us carry extra warm clothing, plus
these before. Admittedly, these are all rare situations, but surely food and drink? Surely we should, and we ought to tell our
they should at least be mentioned to students. After all, low students to do so too.
‘g’ can occur in turbulence; you don’t have to be mishandling Therefore I feel that there should be another exercise added
the helicopter for it to happen, as some people think, and tail to the PPL(H) syllabus – and maybe the PPL(A) too – simply
rotors are delicate and can be damaged or can malfunction. called ‘Dealing with Emergencies’. It wouldn’t have to be very
I was taught about low level flying, below cloud, while long; it could probably cover all of the above in an hour or two,
keeping a careful eye on possible landing sites, not when but if it was an actual structured exercise, all of these points
I was learning to fly helicopters, but when I was doing would be more likely to be taught than they are at present, when
some microlight training. During the PPL(H) course I was they are simply add-ons, as it were, or part of another exercise,
simply told that if the weather was too bad then I should or something the student is supposed to study by himself.
land in a field. Yes, but how bad is too bad to fly? Such an exercise would be an extremely useful addition
What sort of field should I land in? And most importantly, to the course. It might also save lives! •

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MB.Ch.B (stell) Senior Aviation Medical Examiner
with CAA (MS080) Senior Aviation Medical
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Hazyview Junction Mall C/o R40 & R536 Portia Shabangu Rd, Hazyview
Tel: 013 737 8779 Fax 013 737 8866 Cel: 082 550 8975

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 77

learned from this!

I am a PPL examiner, and was

asked to do a test for a student

who had just completed his
PPL(H) training in the Cabri
G2. We did the usual meet,

greet and talk about the test to
come, the weather, notams etc
and running through what we
would be going to do, the speeds

we would use and so forth. We
then went out to the helicopter
and did a walk round where he
explained various parts of the
machine to my satisfaction. On 6th June 2018, I
had a helicopter
After an uneventful departure we
did the navigation and instrument part accident that certainly
of the test, and the upper air work part changed the last four
of the general handling. We then started
our return to Goodwood aerodrome,
months of my life,
however, just as we were joining over and most probably
Tangmere there were a couple of rotations
on the RPM dial, presumably caused by
my life forever
the engine governor, but this then rectified by Georgina-Hunter Jones

close the throttle ensuring it goes through

the detent. He completed the EOH to
an acceptable standard, but he was a bit
behind with his application of the left
rudder pedal to counteract the yaw. He
then asked if he could do it again as he felt
he had not done it satisfactory enough,
so I said yes. (One of the many moments
in life where you wish you had said,
“No, lets go and have a cup of tea!”)
On the next EOH, before I got to the
executive word of ‘GO’ the helicopter
started to spin to the left so fast that it felt
like I was in a washing machine. I have
never known anything quite like it. As we
were spinning the student yelled “you
have control” to which I replied “I have
control” although I had my hands and
feet on the controls at this time and was
already applying full right pedal to try to
stop it spinning. I think I moved the cyclic
forward slightly as I felt the helicopter
slightly ‘buck up’ so the forward input was
to try to keep it level. Shortly afterwards,
the helicopter impacted the ground.
The helicopter landed at an angle,
right skid down. As the right skid was
The author flying a Gazelle over the Oxfordshire countryside. crushed the helicopter leant to the right.
The student had fallen slightly out of
itself. This had also happened on the The on-airfield exercises were all the door and was on the ground. I was
same machine two days before, when completed to a satisfactory standard. at the top of the apex (as it were) above
another instructor was flying it. He had These included autorotations, quick the student. We were both stunned and
spoken to the engineer, who said it was stops, sloping ground, visual circuits his first words were: What happened?
a sensor problem but could be fixed by and an engine off in the hover (EOH). This was followed by: “have I passed?”
moving the sensor. It was fixed and the The technique I use for simulated EOH The ground crew and fire service
other instructor had flown again without is that I get the student to get in a steady arrived very quickly and we turned off
further problems. We then commenced hover at about 7 feet. I then say “engine the electrics and fuel. There was no fire,
the remaining exercises on the airfield. failure, 3, 2, 1 and GO.” On the ‘GO’ I and looking at the way the helicopter

78 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

four ribs and my scapula (shoulder to flying ever. They would also have
blade). Ironically, the scapula, which to collapse part of a lung to do the
was the least important injury, was operation. “I would not myself,” said
the only one I had been aware of, the surgeon, “have that operation done,
assuming my arm was broken. This is although if you insist I am willing to
a non-treatment injury and it got better do it.” He gave me until the following
quickly, while I was being treated for morning to make the decision.
the major injury: the broken vertebrae. I told myself: eight weeks is
There are a variety of treatments for only a small moment in time and
this kind of spinal injury, and all are in space and better than spending the
order to prevent the bone injury impacting rest of your life with a fused back. I
the spinal cord and turning a temporary chose the bed rest option and spent
injury into a life-long disaster. I was the next eight-and-a-half weeks
told I was (relatively) lucky because the thinking about what had happened!
thorax is a place where the spinal canal During this time, I was trying to
is larger than other places on the spine, work out what may have caused the
and also that the ribs keep the vertebrae rapid left yaw. Could the governor
in better position. However, should the had gone ‘mad’, but I don’t think it
compression fracture move and impact would have had that effect? Could
on the spine that would most likely be the we have had a tail rotor failure?
end of my walking (let alone flying) life, What I am sure of is that I had
so this was an injury to take seriously. not closed the throttle before it started
spinning. As the student had been
a slow in applying the left pedal on
The helicopter landed at an the first EOH, had he anticipated the
requirement and applied it early and
angle, right skid down. perhaps initiated the spin? Was that
As the right skid was possible? As the G2 has a fenestron
remained upright, although leaning, with tail rotor it is slower to correct than a
my seat virtually uncrushed, it seemed the crushed the helicopter leant t standard tail rotor and, although I had
crush-worthy seats had done a good job. the right. The student had fallen full right pedal, perhaps there was not
The ambulance arrived shortly enough time to stop it yawing left in the
afterwards and the paramedics separated slightly out of the door and was time it took for it to impact the ground.
into two groups. One came to me, the other on the ground. I was at the Once the helicopter had started
to the student. They asked me my name spinning it was witnessed by people
and date of birth (presumably to see if I top of the apex (as it were) in the tower and on the airfield,
was still compos mentis) and if I was at all they said it started to climb, they
hurt. I said I could not move my right arm,
above the student. We were thought up to about 15 feet. This
but otherwise felt fine. I also said I needed both stunned and his first words climb might also account for why I
to call my husband, as I was worried he pushed forward on the cyclic, as I
would hear that there had been a crash
were: What happened? This was instinctively felt an upward movement.
at Goodwood (helicopter crashes are top followed by: “have I passed?” The governor on the G2 is
news in local newspapers!) and assume particularly tough, that is you have
the worst. I did this, telling him I was fine to fight against it to ensure the
and that I would be going to hospital. The three types of treatment throttle is closed, another reason
The paramedics asked if I could feel available were: back surgery, mobilising why I’m sure the throttle was not
my feet, if I had any pins and needles etc. with a brace, or 8 – 12 weeks bed closed when the helicopter started
To all of these I was able to reply I was rest. I most definitely did not want spinning. In the future, I feel it would
fine, no pains, no apparently neurological to do the last, I have always been a be appropriate if the governor was
damage. They then asked if I would very active person and the idea of turned OFF before practising EOH.
like help getting out of the machine. I 8-12 weeks doing completely and I am aware of more than one
said yes, because I could not use my utterly nothing, lying on a bed with other instructor who also experienced
right arm and assumed it was broken. the cubicle curtains as the edge of the a left spin in a G2 that took a long time
They helped me out and I walked to whole world, was hugely unnerving. to recover back to straight, even after
the ambulance where I was made to lie It quickly became apparent that full right pedal had been applied.
down. Little did I know that I would my T6 fracture was too unstable for There are also other similar accidents
not stand up again for two months! me to mobilise with a brace, which detailed on the internet and in
The ambulance took me to the local left only surgery or bed rest. accident reports.
hospital, where I had an examination The surgeon explained that because I am now no longer in hospital,
and was sent for X-rays. Once the T3 and T6 were both fractured, while but still have to wear a brace, which,
medical team had looked at the X-rays, I could have a rod and cage put in to ironically, prevents me rotating too much.
I was sent for a CT scan. Unfortunately stabilise the spine, it would need to The hospital say I will be back to full
for me, the scans showed that I had be from T2 to T8. In other words the strength in a year and should be able to
broken thoracic vertebrae T3 and T6, majority of my thorax would be one fly again, provided I can pass a medical
(T6 being a compression fracture with long stiff rod, with no movement, and, test. The student is also recovering and
broken transverse and spinal processes) by the by, very little chance of returning the helicopter is being examined. •

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 79

Light medivac aircraft

from carbon fiber reinforced polymer

and features a cabin internal width of

The Celier Zenon 4

130 cm (51 in). The two-bladed rotor
has a diameter of 8.8 m (28.9 ft) and
a chord of 20 cm (7.9 in). The aircraft
has a typical empty weight of 295 kg
For those who are entering The comfortable and ergonomically (650 lb) and a maximum gross weight
of 560 kg (1 235 lb), giving a useful
into the world of aviation shaped leather seats together with
load of 265 kg (584 lb). With full fuel
the high class internal finishing
and aspiring to a pilots ensures that your flight is pleasant of 85 litres (19 imp gal; 22 US gal)
licence, or even just all the way. And the doors have been the payload for the pilot, passengers
and baggage is 205 kg (452 lb).
wanting to enjoy flying, the changed in Form, Size and Fixation.
This ROTAX bigger block engine
Comfortable, ergonomic and heated
XENON 4 is an excellent seats made from top-grade materials (1.4 l instead of 1.2 l for the Rotax
introductory machine. combined with a great cabin finish ensure 912) can deliver much higher torque
and at lower RPM. This engine has
It is a Maltese autogyro the pleasure of traveling at any time of
excellent reputation for its reliability.
the flight. All Xenons are manufactured
designed by Raphael Celier in an industrial plant meeting strict The power is deliberately limited to
and produced by Celier ISO9001 standards. A fully industrialised a max MAP of 40” delivering 145 hp. On
the Xenon 4 it is limited to 39” delivering
Aviation of Safi, Malta. process guarantees quality, confidence
up to 135 hp, whilst max continuous
and highest precision of execution and
The aircraft is supplied repeatability. Thanks to the modern recommended output is 38” providing
complete and ready-to-fly. CAWA 2 system, Celier Aviation supports 125 hp. On the Xenon 4 XL the engine
customers from order through purchase is prepared to use the full 40” boost.
It is a combination of the highest to service, giving the customer access There are 2 types of propellers
standards of safety and ergonomics to the 3D Configurator, the Electronic suiting this engine configuration - the
design. The cabin is manufactured Parts Catalog, and the Service Desk. Kaspar 2/3 (ground adjustable) and the
from carbon into a one piece Kaspar 2/3 P-LT (variable pitch and
monocoque structure, similar to electronic constant speed). In standard
a Formula 1 racing car, providing Design and development configuration the manufacturers use
additional safety to the Crew. The Xenon 4 is a development of the the ground adjustable propeller that is
The newly designed Instrument Celier Xenon 2 and Celier Xenon 3, set at an optimised pitch for a good rate
panel has been created to correlate to with a newly designed fuselage and of climb and cruise. As an alternative
professional avionics and GPS systems. longer tailboom. It features a single a variable pitch model can be chosen.
The Cabin now offers an even more main rotor, a two-seats-in side-by-side The electro-hydraulic constant speed
comfortable and spacious environment configuration enclosed cockpit, with unit is actuated via a pilot-friendly
than ever before. In conjunction with its some models offering a third seat. It has system. This configuration improves
high cruising speed and the improved tricycle landing gear and a modified fuel efficiency and provides a quieter
aerodynamics the new Xenon 4 could four cylinder, liquid and air-cooled, four flight. Overall, it adds 7 kg and
also be used for long distance travelling stroke 135 hp (101 kW) turbocharged comes with an integrated spinner.
with ease, supporting you with a Rotax 912 engine in pusher configuration. Thanks to its lightweight, proven
respective luggage compartment. The fuselage is a monocoque made and reliable ROTAX ULS (100 hp)
engine it showcases excellent volatility
and low fuel consumption 98/98 oct.
For demanding customers we also
offer the Xenon 4 Sport with engine
CA ULST 135 PS. The cabin, like
the whole XENON family, is made
of carbon built in one monolithic
piece like what you find in Formula
One cars. This design offers excellent
protection for the user as it acts as a
robust safety cage. The newly designed
instrument panel is equipped with
professional analogue instruments with
the ability to connect the GPS system.
The new cabin offers more
space, comfort and a perfect working
environment for the pilot and a
great resting place for the passenger.
Combined with high performance and
improved aerodynamics, the XENON 4
Sport can be successfully used for long
distance travel, where it also helps with
tailored luggage space and tailor-made
bags adorned with the Xenon logo.

80 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

(Xenon 4 Executive)
Crew: one
Capacity: two passengers Technology less expensive to run than a helicopter
Empty weight: 295 kg (650 lb) The C-22 is a French design made of and does not need a long runway for
Gross weight: 560 kg (1,235 lb) carbon in monocoque cabin technology takeoff. For landing it requires only
Fuel capacity: 85 litres (19 imp gal; 22 US gal) and manufactured in the European 5 to 10m to come to a full stop.
Powerplant: 1 × Rotax 912ULS-T modified Union. It is structurally built in one
four cylinder, liquid and air- piece of material. All metal parts are
cooled, four stroke aircraft
made in an ISO 9001 facility using latest THE XENON IV GEO
engine, 101 kW (135 hp)
industrial machinary and protocols. Xenon 4 GEO is a dedicated ultralight
Main rotor diameter: 8.8 m (28 ft 10 in)
It is indeed the next generation and ultra-modern measuring
Main rotor area: 61 m2 (660 sq ft)
Propeller: 3-bladed composite
aircraft. It was created as a response system built on a MTOW 560 kg.
to modern days market needs. Celier Aerial Ultralight Measurement
Performance Aviation has made numerous market System is a high-precision measuring
Maximum speed: 195 km/h (121 mph; 105 kn) studies on how gyroplane could be platform that integrates an active laser
Cruise speed: 160 km/h (99 mph; 86 kn) used for multipurpose missions and sensor and a photogrammetric camera
Rate of climb: 5 m/s (980 ft/min) by listening to professionals, Celier with INS / GNSS system, aided ground
Disk loading: 9.1 kg/m2 (1.9 lb/sq ft) Aviation came up with a gyroplane segment, mobile reference station and
that can be easily transformed from mobile meteorological information
one configuration to the other in a system. The primary task of LUSP
very short space of time, taking under is to obtain a three-dimensional,
VARIANTS 20 minutes to render it ready to fly. dense cloud of points with known
CA-22 The CA-22 engine (Rotax 912 ULS-T X, Y and Z co-ordinates and high-
As helicopter age and become more 135 hp) uses normal car fuel found resolution colour photographs. The
expensive to maintain and fly, the in domestic fuel stations. It can fly in data obtained after processing is
CA-22 was designed to bridge this turbulence, high winds and extremities used primarily for the production
gap. It can perform 90% of a helicopter of cold and hot temperatures and is of Numeric Terrain Models and
mission at only 10% of the cost. easy to pilot, maintain and operate. It is Numerical Terrain Coverage Models.

Global Aviator November 2018 / Vol.10 / No. 11 81

???????? Technical

air when suddenly it experiences a adding a tailplane reduces the severity,

marked change in the movement of the and a canard worsens it – known as
air for a short period of time. That’s not tailplane gust alleviation, or canard gust
necessarily what really happens – but aggravation – plus gusts aren’t really sharp
it’s a very good way of assessing the edged – or always vertical, so there’s a
loads on an airframe, and how strong it need to modify things for the real shape
has to be to not be damaged by them. of a gust. Design offices trying to predict
For a vertical gust – that is an gust response accurately will actually be
aeroplane suddenly flying into a rising using quite complex computer models – but
or descending column of air, we have nonetheless, it gives a pretty good feel.)
a standard and very useful equation So on that trans-Atlantic flight where
to predict the change in normal the seatbelt light goes on and they stop
serving hot drinks – yes the Captain
By Prof Guy Gratton probably has reduced the
airspeed to make the ride a bit
better: but not as much as they

Turbulence could, as they still want to arrive

at the destination on time.
Things are a bit different with
We’ve all experienced it, whether light aeroplanes – they usually
as crew or passengers – turbulence, carry greater fuel reserves, in
or more accurately, the response to percentage terms – so can afford
turbulence. It may be in cloud, in to slow down more. But there’s
clear air, close to the surface, or a myth amongst many light
occasionally at great altitude – aircraft pilots that there’s
something starts throwing the Two aeroplanes I’ve had a lot to do with – the one in the front I use for advantage in flying an approach
aeroplane around for a few seconds going to meetings, but it’s the one at the back we use for research flights through turbulence at a high
in storms. Now you know why!
or a few minutes. It can be speed makes things better – it
unpleasant, on a few very rare occasions, doesn’t, it’ll increase the gust response –
it can be dangerous. So what is it?, acceleration, or “g”, and it looks like this the same equation applies! The exception
and what can we do about it? to that is highly swept wings (such as a
Well, the obvious starting point is to Rogallo Winged microlight) where slowing
understand where it comes from. There’s down increases angle of attack – which
not a single source of turbulence, but Picking that apart: nz is normal in turn increases roll response to a side
I’ll give you the most common ones. acceleration, is sea level air density, gust: but that’s a bit of a special case.
• Rotor – that is, turbulence caused VE is the Equivalent Airspeed (pretty If somebody does want to reduce
by the air passing over obstacles on close to Indicated, but not quite the their gust response – what you can do
the ground. It’s pretty unusual to same), is the slope of the lift curve with any aeroplane, is make it heavier –
see this very high – maybe as high on the whole airframe (change in CL, that W/S, or wing loading term on the
as twice the highest obstacles. or lift coefficient per change in angle bottom of the equation. So if you’ve ever
• Gravity Waves – that is large vertical of attack), uE is the speed of the gust, been to a microlight school – you’ll see
motion downwind of mountains. and W/S is the wing loading. So – that, especially on gusty or sunny (and
• Convective turbulence – that’s what does this mean to a pilot? therefore thermic) days they often put a
associated with the motion that Well, let’s assume that the pilot heavy ballast bag in the passenger seat
creates, or occurs within, cumulus doesn’t have the option of changing and fill the fuel tank up when flying solo.
and especially cumulonimbus cloud the characteristic of the atmosphere, or Similarly some classes of aeroplane will
• Clear Air Turbulence – this occurs of the wing – the critical numbers are simply give a smoother ride in turbulence,
normally quite high up: around 30- VE their airspeed, and W/S the wing just because of speed and wing loading.
50,000ft where air masses (particularly loading. The airspeed first of all is pretty Compare a typical light aeroplane with
where one of them is a jetstream) clearcut – if an aircraft is expected to a typical military jet – the jet is probably
rub up against each other. experience severe turbulence, the crew flying three times as fast, but with ten or
All of these amount to the same want to reduce speed so that the gust more times the wing loading, it feels like
thing – movement of air, “rubbing” response will be lower. Of course, this its running on rails compared to the light
against either other air or a physical needs balancing with the obvious need aeroplane. Similarly I’d much rather be
obstruction, that then causes regions of to actually reach the destination in a flying a PA28 (~100 knots cruise speed,
essentially random movement in that reasonable period of time. So the advice for ~65 kg/m2 wing loading) than a Cessna
air. Aerodynamicists have two ways of light aeroplane pilots is to stay just below 150 (~85 knots cruise speed, ~48 kg/m2
explaining it. One is the term “vorticity” VB – the manoeuvre speed, so that the stall wing loading) in gusty conditions. A quick
which measures how much energy is in protects the structure from overstress, sum says that gust response in the Cessna
the air – that term is mostly used in work whilst larger aeroplanes normally set a will be around 15% worse than the Piper,
like meteorology and the prediction of recommended turbulence penetration despite flying slower; a typical microlight
what the air will do as time develops. speed, VB which is set at a compromise at 70 knots and 35 kgm2, has about the
Structurally, a much more useful way is to point that provides reasonable speed same margin worse again. But, a Boeing
consider discrete “gusts” – this is a way of en-route, whilst preventing overstress. 737 (~300 knots cruise speed, 600 kg/m2) has
saying mathematically that an aeroplane is (Incidentally, the equation I’ve given perhaps a quarter the gust response of any
flying along in still or constantly moving here is very much the simple version – of these. So on a gusty day – fly an airliner! •

82 Vol.10 / No. 11- November 2018 Global Aviator

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