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Present Perfect Simple Vs

Present Perfect Progressive

Present Perfect Simple
 Actions or states which started in the past and are still I have known him for three years (I still know him)
happening (emphasis on the actions)

 For actions that happened in the past but the exact time is He has travelled all over India
not menctioned

 For recently completed actions I’ve just finished my work

 For past actions whose results are obvious in the present The baby has spilt the milk (the floor is dirty)

 To announce news, changes or events that affect the He has lost all his money

 With today, this morning/week etc., if these periods of He has written two letters this morning (It is still
time are not finished at the time of speaking. morning)

 With adjectives in the superlative degree or expressions This is the most expensive suit I’ve ever bought.
Present progressive
 For actions which started in the past and continue  They have been studying French for five years
up to the present (emphasis on the duration of the

 For actions which happened over a period of time  Why is the road so slippery?
in the past and may have finished, but the results It has been raining
are obvious in the prsent

 For actions which are temporary rather than  He has been working overtime this week as there
permanent is a lot of work to do at the office

 To show anger, annoyance, irritation or to demand  Who has been wearing my clothes?
an explanation for a very recent action  Why have you been crying?
Present perfect simple Present perfect progressive

 For permanent situations  For temporary situations

She has lived in London all her life He has been staying with friends for two months

 To emphasize the result of an action  To emphasize the duration of an action

I’ve called him three times this morning I’ve been calling him since ten o’clock

 For actions that already finished  For actions that may or may not be finished

Look at the car: Sam has washed it. Sam has been washing the car for an hour
The present perfect simple is used The past simple is used
 For past events which have a connection to the  For completed past events which are not
present. The exact time is not mentioned. connected to the present. The exact time is
I’ve found a new job. I found a new job three months ago.

 For events that began in the past but are still  For events that took place for certain period of
happening in the present. time in the past but are over at the time of

I have lived in Athens for ten years. Sam lived in Manchester for three years but now he
(I still live in Athens) lives in Liverpool.

 With today, this morning/week, etc if these  With today, this morning/week if these periods of
periods of time are not finished at the time of tme are finished.

Janet has called me twice this morning Janet called me twice this morning
(the morning is not over yet). (the morning is over)
Verbs used in the present perfect Simple or the Present
perfect Progressive with NO difference in meaning

 Feel
 Live
 Sleep
 Study
 Teach
 Wait
 work
For and since
For Since
For is uused when we want to indicate the length Since is used when we want to indicate the starting
of a period of time point of a period of time
For two hours Since 2 o’clock
For a week Since July
For six months Since 1973
For twelve years Since I was a child
 She has been talking on the phone for two hours  She has been talking on the phone since seven
 She has been talking on the phone since she came
back from work

 It has been a long time since we saw him.

Yet and already
Yet Already

Is used only in interrogative and negative sentences Is used in affirmative and interrogative sentences; ts is
and is placed at the end of the sentence. usually placed between the auxiliary and the main
verb, but can also appear at the end of the sentence
for emphasis.
 Have you finished yet?  I have already been to the Science Museum

 He hasn’t arrived yet.  Have you already read this book?

 You’ve finished your homework already!

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