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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISAIB= PLS2601 ( 466810) May/June 2010 CRITICAL REASONING Duration 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS + FIRST DR MES VAN DEN BER MR cD scoTT SECOND DR MCLOETE This question paper consists of 14 pages plus instructions for completion of a mark reading sheet. ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination room Please complete the attendance register on the back page, tear off and hand to the invigilator PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE ANSWERING THE QUESTION PAPER ‘This paper 1s a multiple-choice examination paper There are fifty questions in this paper Answer all questions For each question you must identify the one correct answer and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate answer sheet The value of each ‘question 1s 2 (two) marks — total 100 marks You are required to return your question paper together with your completed mark reading sheet. 1. Which of the following statements could NOT be considered as an important component of critical reasoning? Critical reasoning Is different from formal logic Cntical reasoning 1s informed reasoning Critical reasoning 1s critical self-reflection Critical reasoning 1s the structural analysis of argurnents kone [TURN OVER] Rone 2 PLS2601 May/June 2010 ‘Complete the following statement using one of the options provided below: “Critical reasoning can help you to better understand how societal values, beliefs, preconceived ideas and influence your perception of others and yourself, and ‘how these preconceived ideas and attitudes fashion your understanding of the world * Cultural attitudes Technical education Political views Linguistic skills BONS Rona 1 2 3 4 In your study guide, Stanley Milgram’s infamous experiment is discussed. This ‘experiment involves electrocution and participants’ readiness to increase the electric current discharged into other participants at the encouragement of those leading the experiment. Which block to critical thinking is illustrated here? Fear of authority Obedience to authonty Appeal to authonty Challenging authonty Critical reasoning is a complex aspect of philosophical thought. In light of this fact, identify which of the phrases listed below does NOT adequately complete the sentence. “Critical reasoning leads one to... examine your preconceed ideas * retain your assumptions * explore how societal norms influence one’s thinking" become aware of the power of beliefs and culture upon reasoning * In the context of critical reasoning, complete the following statement using one of the options provided below “When 2 person is classified into a group with simitar characteristics, whereby the group becomes more prominent than the individual, we term this process Grouping Labelling Discrimination Naming ITURN OVER] 3 PLS2604 May/June 2010 How best - in terms of critical reasoning - could the following sentence be characterised? “Isaac is a thief because he is a Jew, and all Jews are renowned for their love of money, which they will obtain by any means possible.” Racism Discrimination Hasty generalisation Labelling RON “if the municipality grants permission for the building of yet another religious structure within its boundaries, there will be no stopping the number of religious structures for which grants will have to be given after a precedent has been set. This will result in the secular character of our town changing.” What fallacy has been committed in the above-mentioned argument? Hasty generalisation Social conditioning Begging the question Slippery slope 1 2 3 4 8. — Which of the following is an example of a straw man argument? 1 “There will be no telling where the ethics of ife will end up rf euthanasia becomes legal practice ” 2 “Ifyou support the war in iraq, you must be a war-mongenng foo!” 3. “The present punishment for drunk drving is detainment for a period and/or community service However, drunk driving kills many people each year in our country, and thus the punishment should be the death penalty ” 4 "George W Bush was a temble president of the United States One can simply analyse his matapropisms to see that the man 1s a complete idiot " 9. Analyse the following conversation: Thandt “We should all vote for Nonhlanhla in the SRC elections!" Sizwe “Why should we?” Thandi “Because Nonhlanhla deserves our vote!” ITURN OVER]

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