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Organic Chemistry Laboratory – CH 200L (2012 – 2013) 2B-Ph Group 3 Experiment 7


Colleen C. Caragay, Rizzalaine P. Caringal*, Bett Shannen M. Carpio, Ancell Julienn C. Cruz, John Matthew
C. Cruz
Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Santo Tomas, Espana Street, Manila 1008

Date Submitted: Sept. 4, 2012


In the experiment, the organic compounds hexane, heptane, cyclohexane, cyclohexene, benzene and toluene
were subjected to physical tests to differentiate their intrinsic physical properties and chemical tests to determine their
chemical properties in terms of structure and behavior. The physical state was noted through the different color and odor
characteristics of each compound used. Miscibility was also tested by mixing a drop of each sample to 1 ml of
concentrated H2SO4. Flammability test was accomplished by placing 3-5 drops of each sample to a small evaporating dish
and lighting it with a match. Test for active unsaturation was completed by performing Baeyer’s and Bromine test. The test
for aromaticity of each compound was determined through Nitration. Lastly, the test for basic oxidation was performed
through the addition of 8 drops of 2% KMNO4 and 3 drops of 10% NaOH solution to 4 drops of each of the sample. All
the organic compounds are clear solutions with their own characteristic odor. Each compound was immiscible in
concentrated H2SO4 and flammable in the ignition test. All were not actively unsaturated except cyclohexene. Benzene
and toluene were found to be aromatic. All are not oxidized except cyclohexene.

Introduction Another means of classification is dependent

on the type of bonding that exists between
The number of known organic compounds carbons. Hydrocarbons that contain only
totals into the millions. Of these compounds carbon-to-carbon single bonds are called
are the simplest types called hydrocarbons. alkanes which are also referred to as saturated
Hydrocarbons are organic compounds molecules. Hydrocarbons containing at least
containing carbon and hydrogen atoms that are one carbon-to-carbon double bond are called
covalently bonded to each other. Because of alkenes, and compounds with at least one
the number and variety of hydrocarbons that carbon-to-carbon triple bond are called
can exist, some means of classification is alkynes. Both compounds are also referred to
necessary. as unsaturated molecules.

One means of classification depends on the

way in which carbon atoms are connected.
Aliphatic hydrocarbons are non-aromatic which
can be classified as acyclic and cyclic. Open- (Figure 1. Saturated Hydrocarbon of Alkane)
chained or acyclic hydrocarbons are
compounds consisting of carbons linked either
in a single or a branched chain. On the other
hand, closed –chained or cyclic hydrocarbons
are compounds that have carbon atoms linked
in a closed polygon or ring. (Figure 2. Unsaturated Hydrocarbon - Alkene)
Aromatic hydrocarbons are cyclic and planar. It
can be stabilized by resonance and it obeys
the Huckel’s rule (4n+2 = πe). Aromatic
hydrocarbons that contain alkyl side chains are
called arenes.

Six organic compounds was used in the

experiment, namely hexane, heptane,
(Figure 6. Cyclohexene)
cyclohexane, cyclohexene, benzene and
toluene. The first compound used was hexane.
Hexane is a hydrocarbon with the chemical
Benzene is an aromatic hydrocarbon
formula C6H14; that is, an alkane with
composed of 6 carbon atoms in a ring, with 1
six carbon atoms.
hydrogen atom attached to each carbon atom,
and with the molecular formula C6H6.

(Figure 3. Hexane) (Figure 7. Benzene)

On the other hand, n-Heptane is a straight-
chain alkane with the chemical formula Lastly, Toluene is also an aromatic
H3C(CH2)5CH3 or C7H16. The first two hydrocarbon which is a mono-
compounds are both aliphatic and unsaturated substituted benzene derivative, i.e., one in
hydrocarbons. which a single hydrogen atom from the
benzene molecule has been replaced by a
univalent group, in this case CH3.

(Figure 4. Heptane)

Cyclohexane is a cyclic hydrocarbon with

the molecular formula C6H12.
(Figure 8. Toluene)

Different tests were performed to be able to

differentiate hydrocarbons in terms of intrinsic
physical properties and chemical properties in
terms of structure and behavior. Various tests
were also accomplished to be able to analyze
(Figure 5. Cyclohexane)
a hydrocarbon and determine if it is saturated,
actively unsaturated, aromatic or an arene.
Cyclohexene is also a cyclic hydrocarbon with
the formula C6H10. It is unsaturated because of
The first test was done to determine the drugs
its double bond. Meanwhile, Cyclohexane is a
miscibility in Concentrated H2SO4. Miscibility is
saturated compound.
the property of liquids to to mix in all
proportions, therefore forming a homogenous METHODOLOGY
solution. By contrast, substances are
considered immiscible if in any proportion, they
do not form a solution. In organic compounds, There were six different compounds used in
The miscibility is determined by the weight the experiment, namely hexane, heptane,
percentage of the hydrocarbon chain. cyclohexane, cyclohexene, benzene and
toluene. Different tests were performed to
The second test performed was ignition test to determine the type of hydrocarbon used in
determine the flammability and the presence of each sample.
unsaturation or high carbon to hydrogen ratio of
each organic compound. Flammability is the A.) Physical State, Color and Odor
measure of the extent to which a material or a
The first step in the experiment was to
substance will support combustion. The degree
determine the physical characteristics of the
of luminosity can be assessed by the presence
samples. The physical state and color were
of yellow flame and soot.
noted and the odor was recorded by wafting
Aromatic compounds burn with sooty flame due to
each sample to determine its smell.
the incomplete combustion which causes the
formation of an unburned carbon. In terms of degree of The first test accomplished was the test for
luminosity, aromatic compound > unsaturated solubility or miscibility of the compound in
hydrocarbon > saturated hydrocarbon. concentrated H2SO4.

Baeyer’s test and Bromine test was performed to B.) Solubility in Concentrated H2SO4
determine which compound is actively unsaturated.
Baeyer’s test is a test for unsaturation or double bonds.
Baeyer’s test uses a solution called the CAUTION!
Baeyer’s reagent, which is a solution of CONCENTRATED H2SO4 IS
alkaline potassium permanganate. A positive CORROSIVE AND DEHYDRATING.
(It is exothermic with water and may
result or a compound which is actively
react with water violently.)
unsaturated leads to a result of decolorization
of a purple solution and formation of a brown
precipitate. Along with Baeyer’s test is the A dry and calibrated dropper was used
Bromine test which is also a test for double to add a drop of the sample cautiously added
bonds. The reagent used is 0.5% Br2 in CCl4. A to about 1 ml of conc. H2SO4. The color
positive result in the test will lead to change or any warming effect was noted
decolorization of an orange solution. The immediately.
compound which immediately decolorized
would be the most actively unsaturated C.) Ignition Test
For the ignition test, 3-5 drops of the
To determine for the Aromaticity of a sample was placed in a small evaporating
compound, Nitration test was accomplished. dish and lighted with a match. The
The samples were reacted with HNO3 and flammability, color of flame produced and
H2SO4. A positive result would produce a yellow formation of soot was observed during the
globule/ yellow oily layer.
D.)Test for Active Unsaturation
The last test performed was Basic Oxidation, a
test for alkylated aromatics or arenes. The
Two different tests were accomplished
reagents used were 2% KMnO4 and 10% to check for the Active Unsaturation of a
NaOH. A positive result in the test leads to a compound.
violet solution (MnO4) or brown precipitate
(MnO2). a.)Baeyer’s Test
In the Baeyer’s test, 2 drops of The last test was for alkylated aromatics or
2% KMnO4 was added to 5 drops of arenes which was the Basic Oxidation test. 8
the sample in a dry test tube. The drops of 2% KMnO4 solution and 3 drops of
tube was shaken vigorously and the 10% NaOH solution was added to 4 drops of
rate and extent at which the reagent the sample in a test tube. Each test tube was
is decolorized was observed. The warmed in a water bath for 2 minutes and
formation of a brown suspension was the color change and formation of a brown
also noted. Water as the negative precipitate was observed.
control was compared.


Besides the Baeyer’s test,

Bromine test was also performed. 10
drops of 0.5% Br2 in CCl4 was placed
with 5 drops of the sample in a dry
test tube. Similar to the Baeyer’s test,
the test tube was shaken vigorously
and the rate and extent by which the
reagent is decolorized was observed.
Water, as a negative control was also
compared. If the reaction failed to
decolorize within 1 minute, the
mixture was exposed to the sunlight.

E.) Test for Aromaticity: Nitration

The next test performed was the test

for Aromaticity through Nitration.

of conc. HNO3 HNO was3 IS
placed in an
Erlenmeyer flask. AND
CORROSIVE The flask was immersed in
an evaporating dish containing water and
was gradually added with 2 ml of conc.
H2SO4. The resulting mixture was cooled to
room temperature. The solution served as
the nitrating mixture. Then, 8 drops of the
nitrating mixture was added to 5 drops of
the sample in a dry test tube and was
shaken to ensure complete mixing. The
formation of a yellow oily layer or droplet
was noted. The mixture was then diluted
with 20 drops of water. The test tube was
placed in a water bath for 10 minutes if
there is no apparent reaction observed
within a minute.

F.) Basic Oxidation

Compound Studies

Hexane Heptane Cyclohexane Cyclohexene Benzene Toluene

Condensed Structural Formula

A. Physical state at RT Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid

Color Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorless Colorles

Strong Strong Strong odor Strong Strong odor Strong

odor odor odor odor
B. Solubility in concentrated Immiscible Immiscible Immiscible Miscible Immiscible Immisci
H2SO4 ble
Inference Not weak Not weak Not weak Weak base Weak base Not
base base base weak
C. Ignition Test Flammabl Flammabl Flammable Non Flammable Flamma
e e flammable ble
Inference Luminous Luminous Luminous Non Luminous Luminou
flame flame flame luminous flame s flame
D. Baeyer’s Test No No No Immediate No No
decoloriza decoloriza decolorizatio decolorizati decolorizatio decolori
tion tion n on n zation
Bromine Test Slow Slow No Slow Slow Immedia
decoloriza decoloriza decolorizatio decolorizati decolorizatio te
tion tion n on n decolori
Inference Saturated Saturated Not actively Not Not actively Not
saturated actively saturated actively
saturated saturate
E. Test for aromacity Immiscible Immiscible Immiscible, Immiscible, Immiscible, Immisci
nitration , oily layer , oily layer oily layer oily layer oily layer, ble, oily
slightly layer,
yellow slight
Inference Not Not Not aromatic Not Not aromatic Aromati
aromatic aromatic aromatic c
F. Basic Oxidation No No No No No Fast
decoloriza decoloriza decolorizatio decolorizati decolorizatio decolori
tion tion n on n zation
The physical characteristics of each sample determine the presence of double bond in each
were noted. All the organic compounds used organic compound.
are clear, colorless liquid. Each compound
has their own characteristic odor that makes In the Baeyer’s test, the reagent used was 2%
them distinguishable from the others. KMnO4 solution. The positive result that must be
obtained in the test is the decolorization of a purple
The solubility or miscibility of the compounds solution followed by formation of a brown
in H2SO4 indicates whether the sample is a precipitate. All but cyclohexene gave a negative
very weak base (can be protonated) or a result to the test. It indicates that cyclohexene is
neutral compound (cannot be protonated). positive for the active unsaturation test and that it
The dissolution of compounds in H2SO4 may contains double bond in its chemical structure. In
also produce large amounts of heat and/or a the reaction, Mn7+ is reduced to Mn4+ which means
change in the color of the solution, that alkene is oxidized to a diol in the process of
precipitation or any combination of these. redox reaction. Alkenes react with potassium
permanganate (KMnO4) to give a diol and MnO2.
*H2SO4 Aromatic compounds do not react in this test
-soluble (very weak base) because of their stability.
Esters, Ketones, Alkenes, Aldehydes Alcohols
Cyclohexene + KMnO4 1,2-cyclohexanediol + MnO2
*H2SO4 (purple) (colourless) (brown)
-insoluble (neutral compound) The reagent used in Bromine test was 0.5% Br2 in
Alkanes, Aryl halides, Alkyl halides, CCl4. A positive result is obtained by
most aromatic hydrocarbons decolorization of an orange solution. In this
case, cyclohexene decolorized immediately
The ignition test was performed to indicate the and became a clear solution while the other
presence of unsaturation or high carbon to compounds still needed exposure to UV light
hydrogen ratio. Generally, high carbon to hydrogen in order to decolorize. From there, the test
ratio equals high luminosity and the more the flame readily gave a positive result to cyclohexane
produces black smoke or soot. The degree of which makes it actively unsaturated in the
luminosity can be assessed by the presence of two different tests performed. The alkenes
yellow flame and soot. Aromatic compounds burn react with Br2 to form a trans-
with sooty flame due to the incomplete combustion dibromoalkane. The reaction involves
which causes the formation of an unburned carbon. electrophilic addition. Aromatic compounds
Aromatic compound is greater than unsaturated do not react because of their stability;
hydrocarbon, and unsaturated hydrocarbon is however, they will react slowly upon using
greater than saturated hydrocarbon in terms of FeBr3 or through the action of UV light.
degree of luminosity. Complete combustion is
indicated by a blue flame (non-luminous) and there The test for Aromaticity was performed
is more heat than light; hence the carbon is through Nitration. The reagents used were
completely oxidized. On the other hand, incomplete HNO3 and H2SO4. A positive result in the test
combustion is indicated by a yellow flame is obtained when a yellow oily layer is
(luminous) and there is much light than heat; formed. Benzene and toluene gave a positive
hence the carbon is not completely oxidized. result and therefore the two compounds are
considered aromatic. Other than that, the
Complete combustion two compounds are also cyclic and planar in
CxHy + O2 CO2 + H2O their chemical structure and they obey
Huckel’s rule that is why they are considered
Incomplete combustion aromatic compounds. The H2SO4 acts as a
CxHy + O2 CO2 + CO + C(soot) + H2O catalyst and facilitates the formation of
nitronium ion (NO2+), an electrophile.
The test for Active Unsaturation was accomplished Onehydrogen in the benzene ring is
in two ways: Baeyer’s test and Bromine test. Both substituted by the nitronium ion that is why
the reaction involves electrophilic
substitution. 1) Bettelheim, F. & Landesberg, J. (2007)
Introduction to General, Organic and
HNO3 + H2SO4 NO2+ + 2H2SO4- + H3O+ Biochemistry. USA: Brooks/ Cole
Benzene + NO2+ nitrobenzene
2) Carey, F. (2011). Organic Chemistry,
Eighth Edition. Singapore: McGraw-Hill
The last test performed was Basic Oxidation,
a test for alkylated aromatics or arenes. The
reagents used were 2% KMnO4 and 10% 3) Donato, A.K. (2007). Classification
NaOH. A positive result in the test will Tests for Hydrocarbons.
produce a violet solution (MnO4) or brown
precipitate (MnO2). NaOH provides a basic /Classification-Tests-for-Hydrocarbons
environment. The alkyl group of the aromatic
compound is oxidized to a carboxylic acid, 4) Garcia, C. (2005). Organic Chemistry
therefore involves a redox reaction. Mn7+ is Laboratory Manual
reduced to Mn6+/4+ depending on the extent
of the reaction.
5) No Author (2009). Classification Tests for
Methylbenzene + KMnO4 benzoic acid + MnO4 Hydrocarbons.

6) Smith, J. (2006). Organic Chemistry,

Third Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill

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