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Research Report 2018

Chapter one: Introduction to Research

1.0 Introduction:

In this era of digitalization everything becomes digital including the communications system. The
communication between one person to another has become very easy due to the advancement of
digital technology. The digital technological items and tools has allowing us to communicate in a vast
and fast way. In the tewteenth centaury the revolutionary change occurred when the social media
sites starts to spread out in a huge form. Today in ten years the number of social media sites has
grown on a large basis. People are using the social media apps quite conveniently with the help of
internet. The world wide web allows the users to connect with the social media tools for
communication with their fellows, family members, colleagues from around the world. In social
media people can connect with people of their same interest and cvan chat with them ,text them,
make video conferencing with them in a shortest period of time. The obstacle of distant
communication has become easier to solve with the help of social media tools. But the imoat of
social media has both positive and negative sites. All the inventions of modern technology has both
the positive and negative impacts. But the negative sites can be ignorable as long as the positive
impacts are greater. It seems nowadays that the people are liking the social media apps for individual
communications. Situation becomes alarming when it is seen that the young people are getting
addicted to it. the addiction is huge that the young peoples are killing most of their times on the
social sites. This cause them to fall on psychological problems like they are becoming unsocial and
unaware of public and face to face communications. The young university students are spending
numerous hours in social media. Due to easy form of online communication people are ignoring the
face to face interaction. This reduces the personal interaction and the personal relationships agreeing
destroyed. Research and studies shows that young university students are the worst victim of this
problem. This research is undertaken for the purpose is to find out how the social media is
affecting the face to face interaction on the young university students in Dhaka. This research is a
descriptive study, the datas are collected by conducting interviews and surveys among the university
students in Dhaka to understand how they are influenced by the social media tools. The researcher
seek to find how the respondents are reacting with the new form of communication. for the purpose
of the research the researcher also analyze the previous studies and literature. The university students
Research Report 2018
of uttara area has taken as samples to identify the negative impact of social media on personal
communication. during the study the researcher saw the impact was very huge and caused the
university to become antisocial.

1.2 Background to the Problem:

Social media communication can interface outsiders over the world. As the development of
correspondence proceeds with, innovation advances and long range informal communication
develops. Informal organizations like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have developed to have
billions of clients. Indeed in the present society, it is vital or about anticipated that would utilize one
if not these innovative correspondence systems. The expanding utilization of long range informal
communication has had both a negative and constructive outcome on correspondence seeing
someone. The reason for this abstract investigation is to answer if informal organizations are useful
or unsafe to connections. As person to person communication advances, diverse parts of
correspondence endure. With the practical procedure of becoming acquainted with somebody,
connections can rise and fall considerably snappier. Beside speeding up connections, there is the
factor of becoming acquainted with somebody for who they truly are. In informal communities, "the
Cliff Notes of a man's life will never give you an exact portrayal of the truth. We make the picture
that we need to pass on through our movement via web-based networking media. It's considerably
simpler to pass on the "truth" that we need to depict on the Internet than to live it, in actuality." Once
a relationship strengthens past the starting and trial stages and a couple chooses to go Face book
official, social media can turn into a wellspring of social perplexity and misery. Ordinarily, ladies feel
that going social media suggests selectiveness and earnestness of the relationship. Men, then again,
will probably focus on being social media with a specific end goal to keep up the picture that his
female partner is taken while proceeding to seek after different connections at the same time since
men join less reality to the FBO status. Such inconsistencies can cause trouble and struggle that
prompts disappointment, and even break-up .All the data contained on social media can make a
feeling of envy, doubt, and vulnerability for coupled clients. Numerous associations on social media
are vague, as you may not know some of your accomplice's social media companions or the idea of
those connections. Now and again, this may stir doubt, particularly for individuals who have a
tendency to be desirous, are on edge their accomplice may abandon them, or by and large don't
believe their partner. social media makes an adverse criticism circle in which potential envy inciting
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data prompts more accomplice reconnaissance on social media, which, thusly, expands the shot of
encountering more social media -related jealousy.10 Though the accomplice might just keep on being
faithful, social media gives simple openness to accomplice observation, which may disturb a man's
feeling of independence and security and also the dependability of the relationship. It is essential to
take note of that social media does not need to prompt desire, but rather on the off chance that you are
an on edge or untrusting individual, social media can make the circumstance much worse. Not just
does proceeded with social media utilize increment envy, yet it can have other unfavorable
consequences for the relationship too. One investigation found that abnormal amounts of social
media utilization were related with negative relationship results like tricking and break-up. Such
negative results are for the most part the aftereffect of social media -related clashes like reaching an
ex-accomplice and steady accomplice checking. Truth be told, the individuals who hint at over the
top social media utilize, for example, interferences in their every day lives by considerations in
regards to social media, encounter significantly more noteworthy levels of envy and relationship
dissatisfaction. As with desire, social media may not straightforwardly cause issues in your
relationship, but rather it can add fuel to flame. posting excessively individual data about one's
relationship can establish an awful connection on others. One examination demonstrated that people
who post profoundly uncovering statuses about their connections are preferred less by others.14 This
might be hurtful over the long haul, particularly if the relationship disintegrates and the people
choose to search for other potential mates among their informal community. Social media can have
both constructive and adverse consequences for connections, yet everything relies upon what kind of
individual you are and how you utilize the interpersonal interaction site. On the off chance that you
have a tendency to be desirous and untrusting, or tend to abuse social media, at that point it could
exacerbate the situation for your connections. Then again, when beginning a relationship, social
media can be utilized as a positive apparatus, and once that relationship creates, social media can
enable you to keep up a sound relationship. People get so lost in online networking that you can't
work in case you're not associated with your electronic world. People offer play-by-plays of your life,
instead of simply living it. What's more, this can be a risky and tragic reliance.

People get so lost in your electronic connections that you don't have sufficient energy to interface
confront to-face– without Skype. Without a doubt, it's extraordinary to stay in contact with loved
ones who are on the opposite side of the nation or world, yet this can prompt People disregarding the

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individuals who are close by, for example, guardians, kin and companions. Online networking can be
addictive to the point that people readily squander peoples opportunity on the PC or telephone,
Tweeting or facebooking throughout the day. In case their not refreshing their profile or illuminating
individuals of everything they might do, they are determining the status of what companions and
even enemies are doing. The procedure turns out to be such an exercise in futility. Their God-given
life goes ahead around you, yet you may miss it. The greatest inconvenience of web-based social
networking is that it welcomes numerous perilous experiences. Sharing private data is an extremely
perilous part of online networking.

1.3 Problem Statement:

A descriptive study will be conducted and a detail interview and survey among twenty university
students of uttara are to find the negative impact of social media on face to face communication.

1.4 Rational of the Study:

Online networking has changed the way individuals connect. From various perspectives, online
networking has prompted constructive changes in the way individuals impart and share data; be that
as it may, it has a dull side, also. Informal communication can once in a while result in negative
results, some with long haul outcomes. As indicated by eMarketer, informal organization promotion
spending came to $23.68 billion of every 2015 and should reach $35.98 billion before the finish of
2017. In 2015, Facebook make $15.50 billion in promotion income alone. Most long range
interpersonal communication destinations like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and numerous others offer
their administrations to individuals for nothing, yet still net huge wage through promotion dollars.
The best social advertisement dealers in the United States showcase, likewise as per eMarketer, are
(all together) Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.Locales can offer administrations and records for
nothing due to the stunning entireties of cash spent on advertisements. As indicated by BBC News,
interpersonal interaction locales are particularly situated to profit by coordinating individuals to
items. Since you produce content on a long range interpersonal communication site that shows your
interests, social and work foundation, and a lot of other data about your own inclinations, the person
to person communication locales can target ads particularly to you, an administration for which
promoters will pay noteworthy measures of cash. For instance, a focused on promotion on Facebook

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can be limited to clients inside a specific postal division, with a particular employment title, and with
interests in a printed or advanced distribution. As per a 2010 Northeastern University and Max
Planck Institute for Software Systems contemplate, scientists made a calculation to find a person's
close to home properties by looking at the one thing that a great many people leave open
notwithstanding when all other security settings are put: their companion list. Utilizing the
calculation, analysts could gather numerous individual qualities only from companion records,
including training level, college went to, main residence and other private information. Numerous
person to person communication destinations routinely roll out improvements that expect you to
refresh your settings with a specific end goal to keep up your security, and as often as possible it is
hard to find how to empower settings for your suitable level of protection. Along these lines,
numerous clients don't understand how much private data they are permitting to end up open by not
re-assessing settings each time the system rolls out an improvement. Labeling can likewise fill in as
an intrusion of security. At the point when long range informal communication destinations have a
"labeling" alternative, unless you cripple it, companions or colleagues might have the capacity to
label you in posts or photos that uncover delicate information. Remember that each time you
registration some place, change your relationship status, tap on specific promotions, join particular
gatherings, and visit a site, your data is being recorded.

1.5 Aim and Objectives


The aim of this study is, to conduct a descriptive analysis and a detail survey on the negative impact of social
media to find out how it affects face to face communication among the university students in Dhaka.


Broad objective:

To understand the original impact of social media on personal communication and how the influence
social media hampers face to face communication.

Specific Objective:
 To know about the social media tools.
 To understand the influence of social media sites among the university students.

Research Report 2018
 To find out the negative aspects of social media on face to face interaction.
 To recommend how the negative impact can be avoided.

1.6 Scope of the study:

As this issue is a growing concern in this days so the scope for further research is very much
available. As the technology advances the uses of social media is growing . the young people as well
as older people are adopting this digital technology. This is quite clear that the social media has lot of
negative impacts in personal communication

1.7 Chapter Synopsis:

This research report comprises of primarily five chapters. An overview of these Chapters are as

Chapter One: Introduction of Research

This is the introductory chapter which provides an overview of the whole research Project. The aims
and objectives of this research including the scope and a statement of the research problem have been
examined. Additionally, rationale of the study and scope of the study have been well expressed in this
chapter. This chapter provides a clear view of the total research study.

Chapter Two: Literature Review

This chapter provides overviews of the existing literature on this topic. This chapter provides an
attempt to critically examine the preference of the viewers. This research report comprises of an
analysis of both the primary data and secondary data which have been collected in the report by
giving a clear understanding of the research.

Chapter Three: Research Methodology

This chapter provides a summary of different tools and techniques which have been used in the
collection and processing of data analysis and evaluation for getting the expected results. This
research report consists of qualitative evaluation of data comprising of face-to-face semi-structured
interviews and articles from journals and internet websites which has used as secondary data.
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Chapter Four: Data Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter provides a summary of the whole process conducting data analysis and evaluation after
getting the expected results. This research report consists of the qualitative evaluation of data
comprising of face-to-face semi structured interviews which has been used as a source of primary
data. Some more appropriate and reliable information from different websites and articles has used

Chapter Five: Findings and Conclusion

This chapter will provide all the findings of the total research report after conducting every research.
After successfully conducting the data analysis, the researcher has identified the findings and he has
discussed these findings and concluded in chapter five.

Research Report 2018
Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.0 Introduction:

It this chapter the brief history of literature has discussed. The researcher gathered data from other
related research to get a clear understanding about the impact of social media on face to face

2.1 Literature Review:

Individuals long for connection and bliss. changed examinations have coupled social help to positive
status. Additionally examines have referred to the negative enthusiastic effect of forlornness.
Examination has any found people with less social connections kick the bucket prior on the regular
than those with extra social connections. However with the expansion of online networking, there
unit issues numerous people appear to be work virtual, on-line associations for genuine living, social
connections. there is total certainty Infobahn is grant monstrously normal, helpful and in a split
second satisfying owing to interface with others. Web-based social networking locales like Face book
refer to almost one billion clients around the world. It to a great degree offers Bangladesh a rapid
gathering of people and a spotlight. It grants Bangladesh the lavish of essentially staying up with the
latest. it will encourage battle sentiments of forlornness. It grants America to remain substantial
markers of times and places, filed for America, and on the commercial center for all to take a gander
at. there is total certainty Infobahn has offered a few advantageous inferable from see, reconnect and
revive connections that generally may square quantify lost. however what precisely will discovering
individuals on destinations like Facebook give inside the style of passionate association a few inquiry
the triviality of such "fellowships," which frequently abandon one aggravated, desolate and pained to
connect on a more profound, extra indicating feeling significance level. furthermore, concern
individuals would perhaps predate their genuine collaborations hence on proceed on-line
correspondence. a considerable lot of these we've relate degree slant to "companion" on Facebook are
genuine companions. got to we've relate degree slant to pressure some of pattern toward creating on-
line arrange associations instead of sustaining vis-à-vis connections? however effective unit our on-
line "companions" ready to be in the event that we've relate degree slant to attempt and don't keep up

Research Report 2018
a genuine association with them? like one factor, adjust seems, by all accounts, to be the key.
Genuine connections unit unmatched for passionate and physical closeness. Studies and private skill
uncover people tend to put their best foot forward while associating via web-based networking media.
Showcases of enthusiastic shortcoming, instability, or clashes have a tendency to be stowed away or
contracted on informal communication destinations. it is generally arduous, if not tough, via web-
based networking media to uncover the characteristics that framework profound, imply connections.
while our web-based social networking companions give America an exceptional give, it isn't a
genuine substitute or even supplement for genuine cooperations with others. Social help territory unit
going to be a solid indicator of positive status. Passionate help has been appeared to shield America
from a legitimate exhibit of each pharmaceutical and physical afflictions. dislike on-line kinships,
genuine connections require significant investment and vitality. they help America build up with
respect to others and at last ourselves. on-line companionships, though to a great degree profitable in
some manners by which, do not have the malleability to supply America with open doors for
profound and enduring enthusiastic closeness. in this manner agree to and get your on-line
companions, revive lost associations and region unit possible back youth fellowships, as long as a
consequences of it's not to the detriment of supporting and developing your genuine connections.

This investigation looks to chase out responses to some examination questions like why individuals
square measure rehearse online networking to interface with each other, however they are contrarily
impacted by it, why individuals square measure overlooking up close and personal correspondence,
yet this thought process are changed and what could be the answers for those issue. The man of
science will lead this investigation with a peruse to chase out responses to those questions. this will
cause the last word finish of this investigation errand.

By online networking we tend to have a tendency to comprehend a social stage on the sites where
individuals can interface with ton of others World Health Organization have account on those social
destinations. For interfacing through online networking individuals utilize fluctuated web-based
social networking locales like facebook, viber, whatsapp, individual et al. Online networking
aggregately contains another things like news, occasions, meeting, gan page, troll page.

Research Report 2018
Individuals utilize online networking for cooperating and act with each other. Online networking are
utilized by the assistance of workstation and cell phones through net . There square measure
numerous known online networking like-facebook, viber, errand person, web journals, snap talk et al.
Online networking has turned out to be modish in these decade owing to the progression of
innovation. individuals fundamentally do talking, drawing in, making occasions, group dialogs via
web-based networking media. (Kietzmenn ,2011)

Innovation is unrealistically blessed by the gods responsible for the advancement of online
networking. savvy telephones, tabs, iphone licenses the clients to partake in web-based social
networking as these gadgets can associate with the online truly fastly. From truly root level to
abnormal state, individuals from all angles square measure by and by occupied with online
networking because of it turn out to be very low esteem and reasonable for the clients. owing to
current treatment strategy the online directly has turned out to be discernibly offered to all or any or
any kind of clients in spite of age, wage, sex in this way on. (Ahmed, Qazi 2011)

In this present decade innovation has enhanced tons. The temperament of individual correspondence
has all in all changed. popular innovations square measure demonstrating numerous manners by
which to interface with others and altogether among the tykes. however, there is another reality, that
is a few specialists contend that it's simply a substitution assortment of correspondence. they assume
web-based social networking devices square measure basically a specialized device and individuals
square measure rehearse it a little sum simply like the others. (Lee & Sun, 2009), however
questions square measure as yet emerging on the effect of these new advances on the up close and
personal correspondence framework. The contrary effect of on-line correspondence essentially
through online networking on individual connections among the college understudies is expanding.
Web-based social networking destinations, still as email, errand person , facebook, skype, blogging,
changes the which recommends of correspondence. individuals edge square measure like eye to eye
cooperation has less worth. be that as it may, the established truth is correspondence is substantially
less convoluted really than web-based social networking. In web-based social networking individuals
can't feel is unique or in transmission the outward appearances don't have all the earmarks of being
seen in this way by alone perusing the writings on screen continually one can't set up what a private
exceptionally needs to specify. inferable from propel innovation the more up to date types of

Research Report 2018
correspondence has made however it's on the whole obvious that extreme utilization of innovation
executes people groups social standards and practices.

Web-based social networking can be a modish assortment of correspondence almost no uncertainty.

yet, it's all things considered genuine that the innovation has each positive and negative impacts. the
point of building social was to have {interaction} stacks of individuals in relate degree amazingly
same stage to cooperate and convey, yet it's turned out to be one factor totally very surprising. one
factor that must be constrained to not be happened. individuals from everyplace the world can
interface through little screens of cell phones or PC with the assistance of the on the web and web-
based social networking locales, as facebook , errand person, skype, twitter. there is next to no
uncertainty that it is a decent give of correspondence, yet for the most part this Brobdingnagian
chances to interface with ton of individuals at a same time are propensity framing and to a great
degree blessed by the gods time serious. The over the top utilization of online networking and virtual
instruments is sensibly enough to make anybody crazy. ( Cohen. C 2011). Cohen on the whole
previously mentioned that it's absolutely insane to envision that a kind of innovation could be this
extensively like addicting. a little sum like medications. individuals puts ton of their significant
circumstances in checking the preeminent late news in consistently that may drain the life out of

The online networking is by and by an exceptionally evaluated medium of cooperation among the
tykes. unmistakably online networking can build the quantity of correspondence yet it's valid that it's
diminished the essential life association and up close and personal correspondence. inside the past
individuals expected to decide each other to talk yet by and by alone a content inside the screen will
do this. to keep with a present measurements, individuals pay more than ten billion minutes
everyplace the world in facebook on an everyday, that prohibits the portable clients. On the off
chance that versatile clients square measure tallied then the number would be even blessed by the
gods bigger. people pay uncounted hours in modish social that left them few times to supply in world
collaboration with individuals. This effect fundamentally ruins individual correspondence. ( Ralph
Waldo creator C, Walther G, 2008)

The online networking stages like facebook, twitter,skypee, viber, wechat, snapchat has change the
general population to talk and interface with ton of various people over the planet. individuals by and
Research Report 2018
large chase for individuals who incorporates a comparable intrigue they gangs. individuals turn out
companionship all through this approach in web-based social networking from totally very surprising
parts of the world. the connection made web-based social networking don't seem, by all accounts, to
be continually genuine and closed relationship rather by and large unfortunate folks can benefit of it.
a few people were hassled inferable from these obscure companionships. There square measure tests
of swindling by means of online networking that costs a few people extremely exceptionally. A few
people give huge amounts of need on the thuscial media relationship in this manner it hampers
individual collaboration as some place not far off they started to assume the connection they are
making on-line is true valid and viable. be that as it may, the established truth is virtual world isn't
genuine like planet. individuals don't see that the individual and world connection conveys well endo
here square measure tests of bamboozling through web-based social networking that costs a few
people extremely exceptionally. A few people give huge amounts of need on the thuscial media
relationship in this way it hampers individual cooperation as some place not far off they started to
assume the connection they are making on-line is accepted valid and successful. however, the
established truth is virtual world isn't genuine like planet. individuals don't see that the individual and
world communication conveys blessed by the gods weight and worth than on-line relationship.

Web-based social networking vehicles were liked with a peruse to assemble stacks of individuals on a
same stage in this way everybody can impart their insights, sees and interface with new individuals.
the point was shrewd surely. in any case, directly the approach individuals square measure hone it
hence it gave the arranging of they are loosing the enthusiasm to converse with each other vis-à-vis.
As specified before that individuals by and by even wish their costly ones via web-based networking
media not meeting eye to eye.

2.1.1 Innovation and Correspondence:

PC intervene correspondence grants people to have scholarly degree intuitive trade of correspondence
through innovative gadgets. PC intercede correspondence licenses could likewise be a technique all
through that individuals square measure creating connections on-line, for the most part though not the
visual and oral signs that up close and personal correspondence would convey. PC intercede
correspondence grants isn't the only one online networking or electronic correspondence. PC
intervene correspondence all things considered incorporates messaging, messaging, moment
Research Report 2018
transmission, video conferencing, and online networking stages to choice some of. by and by that
mobile phones have web get to, the decent telephone furnishes clients with the capacity to talk
through numerous assortments of media innovation at the tad of a catch, same that Computer
intervene correspondence licenses may truly be a vastly improved strong an enhanced recommends to
talk as a consequences of individuals square measure a ton of more likely than not to be their actual
self on-line. the inclination made by CMC may end up in bigger sentiments of affection and support,
regardless that individual isn't accepting up close and personal correspondence .

Bargh and McKenna found that over a billion instant messages were sent every day through cell
phones. upheld the aftereffects of the investigation, it region unit regularly guided that the advanced
age is using the accommodation of content transmission to talk in relate degree to a great degree non-
eye to eye setting. distinctive assortments of innovation are likewise acquiring acclimated talk
regularly in relate degree to a great degree non eye to eye setting, similar to informal communication
locales. Long range interpersonal communication locales square measure sites where individuals be a
district of and expand on-line groups to create connections on-line. Today, there square measure
shifted SNS, beside this examination, Facebook is that the primary core interest. when its foundation
in 2004, Facebook's quality isolated it from focused destinations. Facebook as an interpersonal
organization was the fourth most went by web webpage in 2010 drawing in more than 800 million
clients to the present.

Long range interpersonal communication website clients square measure associated inside the
proposes that they create connections through the on the web, however they'll not have an up close
and personal association with those associations disconnected.

Long range interpersonal communication turned into an area of numerous day by day schedules
Users see worth in informal communication destinations as a consequences of they are for the most
part posting concerning their own life and conclusions. These presents can give approval on people
once they get criticism from their on-line companions (Rau, Gao, & Ding, 2008. The
investigation building up the significance of social-enthusiastic input found that online networking
seriously affect a man's conduct in an extremely net setting. Online networking can likewise be
acclimated particular sentimental connections. The premier evident outline of sentimental
connections territory unit normally found through the profile. When all is said in done, this implies
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couples tend to call attention to their connections by depiction themselves and their accomplice in
their default profile picture, or picture that is shown on their principle profile page. Moreno,
Swanson, Royer, and Roberts (2011) communicated that individuals judged as of late familiar with
companions by their transferred and named photographs on-line. Labeling photographs could
likewise be a Facebook work where the program utilizes programmed confront acknowledgment in
light of the fact that the on account of detect the people inside the picture. Once a photo is named that
picture will demonstrate versed scholastic degree person's profile page .

2.1.2 Utilization of Online Networking:

Online networking is a bunch of web construct applications that depend upon the philosophical and
mechanical establishments of web, that adjust the creation and trade. In prior examinations, online
networking has been judged by its recurrence of utilization. Recurrence can depict however long the
client has been occupied with relate degree to a great degree online networking stage or yet ordinarily
they sign in an exceedingly utilize web-based social networking in a given day or week. Another
standard of live of online networking use is that the quantity of updates on one's informal
communication web webpage and moreover the quantity of connection between a non-open and
his/her web-based social networking contacts. Recurrence could be a vital variable to comprehend as
far as web-based social networking use as an aftereffects of it'll play work in scholastic degree
person's social connections. It by and large would perhaps play work in conclusive what zone unit
regularly made open as web-based social networking dependence in relate degree amazingly youthful
grown-up's life.

A current report utilized the Uses and Gratifications Theory to investigate understudies online
networking use . Sheldon planned to search out the reasons why understudies utilized facebook, and
what satisfactions they got thus. Sheldon demonstrated that checking facebook has turned into a
normal conduct for school youngsters on the online as an aftereffects of they are as of now on-line
(2008). to keep with Charney and bilingual (2001), there square measure eight delight factors for web
use: to stay privy, preoccupation and amusement, peer character, savvy emotions, correspondence,
sights and sounds, vocation, and coolness. Sheldon's examination demonstrated that relationship
upkeep, taking a break, amusement, and coolness thought processes were imperative indicators for
the methods by and large understudies signed into their Facebook account and what they anticipated
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that would ask out of their opportunity spent on-line (2008). the association support and defrayment
time thought processes all things considered completely expected the amount of hours spent on
Facebook (Sheldon, 2008).

2.1.3 Media and Relationship:

The achievement of fresher media shapes, similar to content transmission and online networking
sites, has adjusted the customary relationship show. Coyne, Stockdale, Busby, Iverson, and Grant
(2011) investigated however typically new innovation is utilized inside sentimental connections to
talk, and conjointly the relationship between's new innovation correspondence and relationship
fulfillment. Their investigation not only controlled social sentimental connections, but rather
connections between individuals from the family and companions, to boot (Coyne et al., 2011).

Online networking unit of estimation moderately more current sorts of media, enabling clients to be
huge amounts of intelligent with the substance, to boot as utilize advances (both portable partner
degreed electronic) to make Associate in Nursing intuitive stage where people and groups share, co-
make, and alter client created content (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011). all
through the previous decade, it's turned out to be much more intuitive. Some vital parts of online
networking unit of estimation nearness, sharing, discussions, gatherings, notoriety, connections, and
in particular, character (Kietzmenn ,2011). the amount of self-revelation that is uncovered through
online networking makes one's character on the net (Kietzmenn, 2011).

Various examinations square measure performed on the development of connections abuse media, to
boot as media's effect on these connections. in spite of the fact that innovation square measure
generally accommodating in starting connections, it might likewise be utilized as degree help in
consummation connections. because of the normal and virtual separation online networking makes, it
turns out to be obviously less demanding to achieve disagreeable social assignments (Brown, 2011).

This strategy of abuse innovation for indifferent communications misuse the techno dismissal,
demonstrates to one on the whole the negative impacts that web-based social networking can wear a
relationship. The person's quality isn't important inside the separation method any further as an
aftereffects of online networking can go about as delegate. This represents the part changes that
innovation keeps on receiving.
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The goal of the examination directed by Coyne in 2011 was to look out yet innovation and web-based
social networking were utilized as a part of sentimental connections. The large number of choices for
virtual correspondence incorporates mobile phones, content transmission, email, writes, and even
webcams. To any online networking investigation, expected to seek out the part every one of these
mediums plays inside the start, support, and at last, end. Rather than that focus on the real sentiments
that online networking impacts, the specialists world class to focus on the general picture thusly on
check if full utilization of these media influenced fulfillment seeing someone.

The consequences of this examination demonstrated that the mass couples utilize some decently
media to converse with each other, and positive media shapes had particular employments. Content
transmission was observed to be one everything considered the chief stylish sorts of media because of
its availability, and conjointly the most purpose behind misuse online networking with a noteworthy
different was to particular heart (Coyne et al., 2011). In this manner, content transmission was the
speediest due to send quick heart to a sentimental accomplice. These discoveries identify with sharing
and connections. Offering to an accomplice, as by means of content transmission, can manage and
keep up a relationship, or can cause a relationship's destruction. because of the globe of media keeps
on developing and progress toward becoming huge amounts of capable, it's a need to get a handle on
yet media may impact the creation and general nature of a relationship (Coyne 2011). in spite of the
fact that it'd be right on time to check the long effect of these correspondence advancements on
connections, it's as yet important to chase out however they have influenced connections up to this

Online networking never brings or make new vive in relationship. The relationship made via web-
based networking media are completely 100% just virtual. They don't exist, in actuality. The youthful
capable individuals who goes to college are living totally in fancy that the relationship they are
building, the data, the thoughts , the information they are trading over web-based social networking is
powerful. Well might be to some degree they are valuable and great uniquely in tems of removed
correspondence yet over the long haul it makes deception among individuals. A genuine trustable and
reliable connection must be done through eye to eye communication. In eye to eye cooperation
individuals can share parcel more instead of online networking. In online networking the preferred
standpoint is one can contact from separate. It is appropriate on account of removed correspondence
or here and now utilize. Extreme utilize isn't great in any way. Presently individuals are having
Research Report 2018
dream. A few people don't really know how to utilize web-based social networking yet they are
utilizing it which just shows that the showcasing and advancement of online networking destinations
are intense as they made a lot of individuals in every one of their way.

There has been an emotional increment inside the use of innovation inside the common yank home,
influencing specialists to trust that we have a twisted to unit of estimation in Associate in Nursing
passing new age (Kelly, 2011). This upset has caused numerous valuable devices and gadgets that
change individuals to get to about one thing they have inside maybe a couple of simple snaps. the
accommodation and openness of these new advancements makes it unpleasantly potential to wind up
subordinate, or even reliant on them. web reliance is that the degree to it an individual uses the net
and conjointly the degree to it a client can build up a needy relationship in accordance with "habitual
abuse of the net that causes bad tempered or testy conduct once discharge it" (Mitchell, 2000, p. 632).
because of data superhighway is flying into huge amounts of interlocking into standard of living, the
usage of the net and additionally web-based social networking turns into an obviously better need.
Youthful (1999) clarified that the "addictive utilization of the net is likewise a substitution
advancement that numerous experts unit of estimation uninformed of and later ill-equipped to treat"
(p. 19). With the developing idea of the net and media, the possibility of ward connections remains
being investigated.

In a current report, Mitchell and Beard (2010) meant to show that web reliance is quantifiable. They
looked for after to point the quantity of reliance among school understudies, particularly by showing
that school matured people and youthful grown-ups have a tendency to vigorously utilize the net,
however few are really dependant. As an establishment for the investigation, Mitchell and Beard
utilized CAGE scales initially created to investigate white torment (see Ewing, 1984). Enclosure is
degree signifier for cut, irritated, liable, and eye- - catchphrases of four primary inquiries.

In a current report, Mitchell and Beard (2010) expected to exhibit that web reliance is quantifiable.
They looked for after to point the quantity of reliance among school understudies, particularly by
exhibiting that school matured people and youthful grown-ups have a tendency to intensely utilize the
net, yet few are really dependant. As an establishment for the investigation, Mitchell and Beard

Research Report 2018
utilized CAGE scales initially created to investigate white torment (see Ewing, 1984). Confine is
degree signifier for cut, irritated, blameworthy, and eye- - catchphrases of four primary questions,
utilized inside the investigation (Ewing, 1984). Mitchell and Beard custom fitted the scales to take a
gander at what extent time members spent on {the web|the online|the web} and where they utilized
the net to check the level of potential net dependence (2010).

The consequences of this examination investigated and legitimate four factors close by essential
utilization, time spent, withdrawal, and drawback use of the net (Mitchell & Beard, 2010). By
investigating the four components (use, time, withdrawal, and drawback use), the outcomes
prevailing in steady past works, however huge amounts of impressively, if one scale that may be
custom-made for future media-related dependence thinks about. Their examination makes one scale
that is in accordance with past investigations of web fixation, yet set up together develops the holes in
past writing (Mitchell & Beard, 2010). Their discoveries upheld the speculation that school
understudies utilize the net regularly; be that as it may, the understudies are not in Associate in
Nursing passing condition of enslavement which may cause drawback utilization or withdrawal
(Mitchell & Beard, 2010).

In an examination intended to seek out further concerning web reliance, Sun, Rubin, and Haridakis
(2008) wished to look into connections among reliance, inspiration of utilization, and conjointly the
inclusion in exploitation the net. to illuminate the relationship between the three factors, the
examination was based around the Media System Dependency (MSD) Theory and conjointly the
Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT). MSD puts web reliance all through a power-reliance
relationship, where web and media hold the ability to remain clients subordinate (Sun et al., 2008).
while clients end up subordinate and conjointly the net is utilized to fulfill needs, the net has no
reliance upon particular clients (Sun et al., 2008). They coupled the three factors on by delineating
that individuals ar roused to utilize the net to fulfill necessities of association with others, however
the degree of reliance extends because of qualification in client inspiration and inclusion (Sun et al.,

There has been a sensational increment inside the use of innovation inside the normal yank home,
influencing analysts to trust that we have a tendency to keep an eye on ar all through a substitution
memorable sum (Kelly, 2011). This unrest has caused numerous helpful devices and gadgets that
Research Report 2018
change individuals to get to about one thing they require among maybe a couple of simple snaps. the
benefit and availability of these new advancements makes it awfully gettable to end up subordinate,
or even energetic about them. web reliance is that the degree to it a private uses the net and conjointly
the degree to it a client can build up a needy relationship in venture with "impulsive abuse of the net
that causes bad tempered or ill humored conduct once exhaust it" (Mitchell, 2000, p. 632). because of
the net is flying into additionally interlocking into standard of living, the work of the net or
potentially web-based social networking turns out to be back to back need. Youthful (1999) clarified
that the "addictive utilization of the net is additionally a substitution advancement that numerous
experts ar unconscious of and soon ill-equipped to treat" (p. 19). With the developing idea of the net
and media, the possibility of ward connections keeps on being investigated.

The consequences of this investigation investigated and legitimate four factors nearby vital use, time
spent, withdrawal, and drawback use of the net (Mitchell & Beard, 2010). By investigating the
four elements (utilization, time, withdrawal, and drawback use), the outcomes prevailing with regards
to affirming past works, yet advance extensively, if one scale that may be custom fitted for future
media-related dependence examines. Their examination makes one scale that is in venture with past
investigations of web fixation, however to boot develops the holes in past writing (Mitchell &
Beard, 2010). Their discoveries upheld the theory that school understudies utilize the net frequently;
in any case, the understudies don't have all the earmarks of being all through a condition of
compulsion that may end in drawback use or withdrawal (Mitchell & Beard, 2010). all through
an investigation intended to seek out further concerning web reliance, Sun, Rubin, and Haridakis
(2008) wished to inquire about connections among reliance, inspiration of utilization, and conjointly
the inclusion in exploitation the net. to clear up the relationship between the three factors, the
investigation was based around the Media System Dependency (MSD) Theory and conjointly the
Uses and Gratifications Theory (UGT). MSD puts web reliance all through a power-reliance
relationship, where web and media hold the ability to remain clients subordinate (Sun et al., 2008).
while clients wind up subordinate and conjointly the net is utilized to fulfill needs, the net has no
reliance upon particular clients (Sun et al., 2008). They coupled the three factors on by showing that
individuals ar roused to utilize the net to fulfill necessities of inclusion with others, yet the degree of
reliance runs because of qualification in client inspiration and association (Sun et al., 2008).

Research Report 2018
2.1.4 Relationship Fulfillment and Online Networking:

Correspondence fulfillment is unbelievably imperative to on-line connections as an aftereffects of

people in these connections don't be able to look at each other physically. the net correspondence
could be a base for the connection to develop, keep up, and fulfill each accomplice. dialect and
correspondence length ar tests of up close and personal correspondence factors that ar blessing in on-
line collaborations. Stages like Facebook, Twitter, and content transmission ar an area of the
connection life cycle for some associations, essentially men and ladies ages 18-24, as these ar the
people World Health Organization act in online networking generally much of the time. Fulfillment
decides the triumphant results and end of a relationship. This investigation intends to seek out
regardless of whether or not online networking is inconvenient or helpful as per the general
inclination of our objective members. Understanding the connection between's web-based social
networking use and relationship fulfillment is imperative as our reality turns out to be further and
additional capsulated in online networking stages. Our investigation will investigate these
connections and give relate examination of online networking use and its connection with
relationship fulfillment. in the meantime as we'll expand our comprehension of fulfillment all through
a relationship, we watch out for have a tendency to boot would like to look out yet the enhanced
utilization of web-based social networking influences these connections.

A False Sense of Affiliation:

As per Cornell University's Steven Strogatz, web-based social networking locales can construct it
more tough for North yank nation to illuminate separated between the which implies connections we
have a tendency to tend to encourage inside the globe, and conjointly the grouped easygoing
connections framed through web-based social networking. By centering a large portion of our chance
and need on these less which implies connections, our most indispensable associations, he fears, can

Digital Tormenting:

The quickness gave by online networking is available to predators to boot as companions. youths
fundamentally ar inclined to the take after of digital tormenting inside that the culprits, namelessly or
even development as individuals their casualties trust, threaten people before of their associates. The
Research Report 2018
annihilation of these on-line assaults can leave profound mental scars. In a few all around plugged
cases, casualties have even been headed to suicide. The lack of clarity managed on-line can bring out
dim motivations which can generally be smothered. Digital harassing has unfurl wide among youth,
with forty second scope that they have been casualties, per a 2010 CBS account.

Diminished Productivity:

While numerous organizations utilize long range informal communication destinations to chase out
and speak with buyers, the locales can likewise demonstrate a not too bad diversion to laborers World
Health Organization may indicate additionally enthusiasm for what their companions ar posting than
in their work errands. declare a couple of concentrates that incontestable harm to
efficiency caused by person to person communication: Nucleus investigation reportable that
Facebook shaves one.5% off topographical point profitability while Morse guaranteed that British
organizations lost 2.2 billion a year to the social advancement. New innovation stock ended up
accessible that change interpersonal organizations to be blocked, however their viability stays


Interpersonal interaction destinations urge individuals to be further open concerning their own lives.
as a consequences of cozy points of interest of our lives is report so only, clients ar vulnerable to
sidestep the channels they may for the most part utilize once talking concerning their own lives.
what's further, the things they post keep accessible uncertainly. while at one minute a photo of
companions doing shots at a festival may seem safe, the picture may seem less sharing inside the
setting of partner pioneer completing a historical verification. while most destinations change their
clients to control World Health Organization sees the things they've declare, such impediments ar
now and again overlooked, is hard to control or don't work to boot as advanced .

2.2 Chapter summary:

Based on the previous study the researcher found that the social media has adverse effect on face to
face interaction among the young folks all over the world. The findings of the literature suggest that
the online communication has already replaces face to face communication.
Research Report 2018
Chapter Three: Methodology

3.0 Introduction:

In all investigation, methodology must be plainly delineated for increased understanding of the
readers. Methodology is that the organized, theoretic study of the procedures applied to a ground of

3.1 Research Philosophy:

Research philosophy is that the enlargement of rational thinking that integrates existing concepts with
at one time typical systems of assumed complete structure segments. The positivism and post-
positivism area unit applicable to modern analysis philosophy, the previous grounded upon
procedures of neutral police work whereas the closing reexamines world sights through philosophical
understanding. the development of investigation viewpoint is encompassed of each inductive and
abstract thought, at an equivalent time variables involving encouragements of reason and
consequence. Readings could also be organized all over a diversity of policies extending from the
untried to the factorial, even so each kind should stock elementary proof to preserve legitimacy in its

The best of a close philosophy for a investigation is plugged by applied insinuations. There area unit
vital metaphysical variances among studies that stress on evidences associate degreed statistics like
associate degree scrutiny of the impression of extraneous straight speculation on the extent of value
growth and qualitative studies like an analysis of management smartness on member incentive in
company. The best among positivist and revelatory analysis philosophies or between quantitative and
qualitative study strategies has conventionally embodied a foremost argument of debate. even so, the
trendy expansions within the preparation of incidental studies has amplified the admiration of
pragmatism and realism philosophies additionally. to boot, as per it's exemplified in table below,
there area unit widespread knowledge assortment procedures connected with each analysis

Research Report 2018
This stage in analysis also can be classified as a progression that encompasses originating the analysis
queries and also the objectives. analysis philosophy is divided into 3 elements such as- realism,
positivism and informative.

3.2 Sources of Data:

The investigator used each primary and secondary knowledge for the aim of conduct this analysis.
The primary knowledge has been conducted through conducting associate degree full face to face
interview with the authorized personnel of University a survey additionally conducted among the
University students of Uttara. The secondary knowledge has been collected from news paper,
journals and connected analysis papers. each approaches of knowledge assortment are conversed late
of this section.

3.2.1 Secondary Data:

Secondary knowledge is that the records that is collected by different person for his or her own
interest. This knowledge is congregated once administration chronicles, files, periodicals, coast-to-
coast and worldwide foundations, etc. Subordinate knowledge investigation shrewdness to avoid
wasting stretch that may then be gone aggregation knowledge and, preponderantly within the
circumstance of quantitative knowledge, canister deliver superior and higher-quality catalogues that
may be unfeasible for any distinct research worker to assemble on their own. In totaling, forecasters
of community and financial modification excogitate subordinate knowledge indispensable, later it's
unendurable to demeanor a new survey which will sufficiently seizure ancient transformation and
expansions. even so, subordinate knowledge scrutiny is fewer appropriate in research, as knowledge
can be obsolete or mistaken. The stretch distinctions with primary knowledge, that is knowledge
poised unswervingly from its cradle. Secondary knowledge is castoff to upsurge the sampling size of
study associate degreed is additionally elect aimed toward the effectiveness and quickness that
originates with overwhelming an antecedently prevailing reserve. Secondary knowledge simplifies
large analysis comes, during which incalculable analysis assemblages occupied in cycle assemble
minor knowledge. The key research worker is then permissible to stress on crucial analysis or
specific zones of attention. This separation of employment assistances researchers learn additional in
fewer amount. Mutual fonts of remaining secondary knowledge comprise knowledge collected by

Research Report 2018
administration municipal facilities subdivisions, libraries, web explorations and reality finding, like
the u. s. Census. companies follow bazaar examination to attraction on existing material since
communal broadcasting as a supply of secondary knowledge. social group broadcasting is attractive
heavily most well-liked in marketing research, as opinions area unit at one time on the market once a
lot of operators on incalculable topics and product. Here area unit sure imperative stuffs that essential
to be done antecedently overwhelming secondary knowledge in associate degree examination. in the
meantime the research worker failed to accumulate the facts, it's vital supposed for him to develop
acquainted with through the information set. The system of gathering knowledge, the solution
groupings area unit for each enquiry. Benefits and downsides of Secondary Data:

Advantages of secondary data:

Time saving: The principal price of disbursement subordinate knowledge has ceaselessly been the
redeemable of your time. In preceding time it remained abundant more durable to pleat secondary
knowledge. individuals accustomed sit for incalculable hours and times for gathering the secondary
knowledge however currently it's become abundant easier , due to the planet wide net.

Ease of accessibility: Accessibility stayed oft narrowed to library or specific institutions. web has
solely been actual informal concern during this sense. Having a web conation is usually the primary
requirement to contact. A humble tick is each currently so over adequate acquire vast volume of

Money saving :Powerfully associated to the said benefits is that the equivalent of currency In
common, it's substantial more cost-effective than further strategies of aggregation knowledge.

Producing new understandings: manufacturing new understandings from preceding studies. Re-
analyzing knowledge will likewise cause unforeseen innovative sightings.

Practicability of each longitudinal and worldwide proportional lessons: Nonstop or consistent

assessments like licensed catalogues area unit notably upright for such study functions.

Research Report 2018
Augmented knowledge superiority: various subordinate knowledge sets area unit of high superiority,
solely in terms of form and sample style. Questionnaires might embrace uniform substances and
measures. in the meantime the dataset has probably been examined at one time, noticeable mistakes
and favoritisms got to are noted and repaired.

Higher sample size: large scale knowledge sets can routinely follow a much bigger sample than
people who is earned by endeavor primary data assortment. larger samples, usually illustration from a
general population, mean that pure mathematics additional potation develops plentiful extra frank.

The major good thing about victimization secondary knowledge is finances. someone has
antecedently composed the information, that the investigator doesn't need to provide money, time,
vigor and possessions to the current stage of investigation. often the secondary knowledge set
obligation be non heritable, even so the charge is nearly perpetually lesser than the expenditure of
accumulating a parallel knowledge set from graze, that routinely needs earnings, transportable and
conveyance, bureau area, apparatus, and different overhead prices.

Additional main good thing about victimization secondary knowledge is that the extensiveness of
knowledge procurable. The centralized administration conducts frequent studies on an enormous,
nationwide scale that separate researchers would have a problematic amount accumulating.
incalculable of those data also are longitudinal, that indicates that the precise knowledge has been
composed from the identical inhabitants over some totally different time phases. This consents
researchers to stare at designs and changes of phenomena over time.

Another good thing about exhausting secondary knowledge is that the information assortment
procedure usually preserves tier of proficiency and ability that may not be existing with distinct
analyser’s or trivial research comes. as an example, knowledge gathering for many centralized
knowledge sets is commonly achieved by work members United Nations agency concentrate in sure
responsibilities. They even have many years of involvement in this sure space and therewith precise
survey. Voluminous minor analysis schemes don't have that level of proficiency, as a great deal of
knowledge is poised by students waged part-time.

Research Report 2018
Disadvantage of secondary data:

Excellence of researcher: Research showed by primary procedures area unit principally organized by
the specialist which kind impediment construction finding of fact quick. even so administrations
depend upon on secondary knowledge as an essential consider their judgment building should get
sure additional advantage.

Not actual to investigator’s desires: Secondary knowledge is repeatedly not procurable in an

exceedingly procedure that exactly lights the researcher’s desires.

Imperfect proof: Numerous periods a research worker discoveries imperfect evidence on secondary
knowledge. That’s why sure time secondary knowledge appearance involved.

Not exclusive evidence: In most cases secondary knowledge isn't assumed unambiguously for one
corporation. In its place it's accomplished approachable to various whichever for unrestricted or for a
payment. later, here is occasionally associate degree material profit mature by persons United Nations
agency acquire the study.

A main defect of victimization secondary knowledge is that it'd not retort the analysiser’s precise
research queries or comprehend specific proof that the investigator would really like to own. It
likewise may not are composed within the geographic space or throughout the ages anticipated, or the
specific public that the investigator is absorbed in cramming. in the meantime the research worker
failed to amass the facts, he has no mechanism over what's controlled within the statistics set. oft
whiles this could boundary the examination or amendment the innovative queries the research worker
afraid to response. further noteworthy downside of victimization secondary knowledge is that the
research worker does not distinguish accurately in what approach the facts gathering procedure was
done and in what approach it absolutely was approved out. The research worker isn't
characteristically within the distinguish to indication regarding however extraordinarily the facts area
unit exaggerated by complications like very little response rate or suspect mistaking of precise review
queries. often this proof is volitionally procurable, as is that the circumstance with incalculable
centralized statistics sets. Though, numerous different secondary knowledge don't seem to be
convoyed by this kind of knowledge and also the predictor should absorb to recite among the
appearances and deliberate what difficulties may need painted the facts gathering procedure.
Research Report 2018

3.2.2 Primary Data:

Primary knowledge is exclusive investigation that's collected through direct investigation. Primary
knowledge embraces facts composed from conferences, tests, examinations, questionnaires, focus
teams and dimensions. the muse of the principal knowledge is that the population sample from that
the research worker assemble the information. The leading step within the progression is shaping
target population.

Once the research worker have tenacious the target population, then the research worker ought to
decide however they might be given within the study. Clearly, it's unviable to accumulate knowledge
from all and varied, that the research worker should need to regulate the sample size. The sample
ought be haphazard and a stratified random sample is often prudent. A stratified random sample
encompasses separating the inhabitants to be calculated into populations of distinct appearances so
illustration the random sample from every subpopulation.

In this study the research worker collected primary knowledge by conducting personal interview and
survey with some licensed personnel of clothes manufactory and workers. They were asked
{questions regarding questions on questions about} the inner and external factors of clothes trade to
understand what they feel about the impacts. their opinions area unit accustomed offer
recommendation later. Benefits and downsides of Primary Data:

Advantages of Primary Data:

 The investigator assembles knowledge in careful to the matter beneath the study.
 There isn't any doubt regarding the excellence of the information composed.
 If obligatory, it'd be probable to achieve supplementary knowledge throughout the analysis
 The flow of knowledge uninterrupted once the population.

Research Report 2018
 Primary knowledge can be measured to be additional dependable, in this they need grander
rationality than secondary knowledge. If they are composed by trial and error, through
cautious arrangement and sampling, pedals in situ and different structures of methodology
obeyed by, then they are expected to be methodically congregated for the itemized purpose of
the analysis.
 Consistent because the research worker will imitate the technique to crisscross the results, by
approach of they distinguish the strategy and the way the information was poised and
 Additional up-to-date- facts congregated from ages earlier is a smaller amount doubtless to
perpetually answer the queries that knowledge requests to handle.
 Principal facts is unswervingly engaged from the population in interrogation, one amongst the
best sorts of statistics to accumulate for analysis procedures sort of a survey for specimen.

Disadvantages of Primary Data:

 Huge bulk of knowledge.

 Gigantic capability of population.
 Straight and personal intrusion must be there.
 Assembling knowledge victimization primary supply could be a dear theme as investigator
must be elaborate through and must set up all.
 Investigator’s individual in categories of facts they're perception for, they'll be observant for
facts that matches in with the premise they're annoying to examination.
 Requires a good adequate sample to selection the sample reliable and be able to oversimplify,
quite dear and time overwhelming then aggregation secondary knowledge.
 Because of comprehensive flora of the elbow grease, the time requirement to try to to analysis
specifically is extremely long as equated to secondary knowledge, which may be composed in
substantial smaller time.
 More quantity of possessions is obligatory. apart from value and time , the human resource
isw additionally required to collect primary data.

Research Report 2018
3.3 Sampling:

Sample could be a tiny, specific or no appointive portion taken from population. The population is
giant in size therefore sample area unit taken as a way of representative of the population . currently
however this sample must be chossed primarily depends on the character of the study. The sampling
procedure varies consistent with the sort of analysis. Not one quite sampling technique is applied for
evry analysis study. Simple sampling is one the foremost chosen format of sample and during this
study the this procedure has followed. The sample size got to be an illustration of the full inhabitants.
The research worker ought to have a farm plan regarding choosing the sampling technique because
the entire outcome of the analysis depend upon it . With a read for obtaining a delegate sample, the
sample should be strained haphazardly and embody the whole population.. The approach that uses
random figures that communicate to points within the knowledge set is straightforward sampling.
This approach confirm that present there's no association between points that area unit elect for the
sample. further variation inside chance sampling embody easy, stratified and systematic sampling and
multi-stage cluster sampling. Once generated, a sample is used for analytical analytics. There area
unit a great deal of assorted methodology for illustration of samples from knowledge. The research
worker need to verify the proper sampling procedure by considering the information set and scenario.

In statistics the sample is denoted by ‘n’ and population is denoted by ‘N’.

3.3.1 Sample and Sample sizes of this Research:

The sample size of the study includes nearly twenty personnel from Hermes Otto International ltd.
Among them five higher authority persons and fifteen workers area unit elect. In total twenty
individuals provide their predictions as sample.

3.3.2 Sampling Strategies:

Sampling methods area unit separated into 2 major class.

• Probability

• Non-probability

Research Report 2018 Probability:

The topic of chance could be a stem of arithmetic dedicated to construction of models to explain
surroundings of indecision and on condition that equipment to construct call or illustrate conclusion
on the muse of such models. within the wide sense, a chance could be a gauge of the degree to that
associate degree incidence is convinced. chance is that the study of likelihood and could be a
extraordinarily elementary theme that the investigator’s pertain in on a daily, whereas statistics is
additional afraid with however the research worker grip facts victimization dissimilar study
techniques and compilation strategies.

Probability sampling is that the mode to assemble knowledge from of random choice. It should have
some course or method that assures that the dissimilar units in your population have identical
possibilities of being elect wherever the investigator has associate degree vast likelihood to most
well-liked knowledge from random places.

Simple Random Sampling:

A simple random sample could be a division of a pure mathematics inhabitants during which each
associate of the division has constant prospect of being no appointive. associate degree impartial
capricious assortment of oldsters is imperative , as a result that if a good figure of samples were
strained, the quality sample would dead symbolize the public. even so, this doesn't assurance that a
fastidious sample could be a rattling illustration of the population. easy sampling solely enable one as
an example externally applicable conclusion regarding the intact individuals base on the sample.

Theoretically, easy sampling is that the simplest of the probability sampling technique. It needs a
absolute sampling casing, which could not be procurable or affordable to make for large populations.
although a absolute define is accessible, additional well-organized approaches can be probable if
further valuable data is procurable regarding the units within the population.

The main compensation area unit that it's at no value of categorization error, and it needs slightest
proceed facts of the residents , supplementary than the sting. Its straightforwardness additionally
makes it moderately easy to interpret knowledge calm during this manner. For these reason, easy
sampling the bulk outstanding assortment position of relationships wherever not abundant in
Research Report 2018
succession is accessible regarding the population and knowledge assortment is professionally
conducted on indiscriminately detached stuff, or where the charge of sampling is no decent to form
sensible organization slighter than straightforwardness. If these circumstances don't grasp,
representative sampling or cluster sampling probably are going to be a increased different.

Systematic Sampling:

Systematic sampling could be a class of chance sampling technique during which sample members
from a superior inhabitants area unit no appointive consistent with a capricious preliminary summit
and a hard and fast intermittent intermission. This aloofness, decision the sampling interval, is taken
into account by dividing the population size by the specified sample size.

Stratified Sampling:

Stratified sampling refers to a class of sample manner wherever the research worker divides the
population into split teams. Then, a chance sample is pinched from each cluster. In numerical
surveys, once subpopulations within associate degree generally population diverge, it's useful to
sample each population on an individual basis. Stratification is that the progression of middle
members of the inhabitants into harmonically subgroups prior sampling. The strata be purported to
reciprocally restricted. all constituent within the inhabitants need to be assigned to solely solitary
layer. The layer should even be communally comprehensive. No inhabitants ingredient is
disqualified. Then systematic sampling is practical inside every layer. This repeatedly improves the
representativeness of the sample by plummeting sample mistake. It will fabricate a subjective denote
that encompasses a smaller quantity of unpredictability than the reckoning denote of a
straightforward random sample of the inhabitants.

Cluster sampling:

Cluster sampling refers to a sort of sampling methodology wherever the research worker divides the
public into split teams, known as clusters. Then, a straightforward random sample of clusters is non
appointive as of the inhabitants. Cluster sampling could be a sampling diagram worn by the facet of
equally uniform thus far within assorted grouping area unit obvious in an exceedingly numerical
inhabitants. it's over and once again employed in totally different study. during this case set up, the
Research Report 2018
complete quantity of inhabitants is alienated into these cluster teams then a straightforward random
sample of the teams is chosen. the basics in every cluster be then sampled. If each rudiments all told
sample cluster area unit sampled, at the moment this can be said as a one-stage cluster sampling
diagram. however a straightforward random subsample of fundamentals is most well-liked within
each of those teams, this can be said as a two-stage cluster sampling diagram. A frequent enthusiasm
for cluster sampling is to decrease the total figure of interview and expenditure united the well-liked
accurateness. just in case of associate degree unchanged sample dimension, the sure random fault {is
less|is a smaller quantity} vital once an oversized amount of the distinction within the population is
gift inside the teams. Non-probability:

In this methodology, samples area unit most well-liked supported the prejudiced call of the research
worker to an explicit extent that capricious choice where the research worker has fewer possibilities
to manage over the choice of opt for facts. Non-probability sampling could be a sampling system
wherever the samples area unit assembled in an exceedingly progression that doesn't supply all the
persons within the public identical chance of being no appointive. The difference stuck between non
chance and chance sampling is that non chance sampling doesn't engross haphazard assortment. tho'
it doesn't mean that no chance samples are not commissioner of the public. It additionally will signify
that non chance samples cannot believe within the lead the explanation of chance hypothesis. in an
exceedingly probabilistic sample, a research worker ought to be aware of the percentages that one
have portrayed the public well. The researchers area unit intelligent to guess assurance interval for
the worth. By victimization non chance samples, the research worker may or may not characterize the
inhabitants well, and it'll repeatedly be stiff for the readers to be aware of however well the research
worker did that. In common, researchers opt probabilistic or sampling methodology over non
probabilistic ones, and believe them to be further precise and meticulous. even so, in practical
community study there can be conditions somewhere it's not practicable or hypothetically rational to
try to to sampling. Here, the research worker considers a in depth style of non probabilistic choices.

Research Report 2018
Convenience Sampling:

Convenience sampling could be a specific type of non-probability sampling technique that depends
on knowledge assortment from inhabitants members United Nations agency area unit fitly accessible
to contribute in study. Face book polls or queries is mentioned as a popular instance for convenience
sampling. Convenience sampling could be a variety of sample somewhere the first procurable
primary knowledge resource are going to be used for the study exclusive of supplementary
requirements. In additional language, this sampling method involves receiving participants anyplace
the research worker will find them and characteristically where is appropriate. In advantage sampling
no enclosure criterion recognized preceding to the assortment of subjects. each subjects area unit
invited to contribute. In commerce studies this method is practical inside to expand preliminary
primary knowledge regarding specific issue.

Voluntary Sampling:

A voluntary sample could be a solitary of the foremost vital sorts of non-probability sampling
methodology. A voluntary sample is ready of public United Nations agency self-select into the
investigation. habitually, these people have a durable awareness within the major matter of the

Purposive Sampling:

A purposive sample could be a non-probability sample that's most well-liked supported individuality
of a population. the character of the study is additionally an element here. . A purposive sample could
be a sure kind of sample that's chosen consistent with character of a population and also the purpose
of the analysis. research worker understand this kind of sampling as substantially faultfinding in
nature. this kind of sampling follows primarily selective techniques. this kind of sampling is terribly
constructive in things once the research worker needs to achieve a targeted sample quickly. There
area unit seven sorts of purposive samples, every applicable to a distinct analysis objective. Here
during this kind of sampling the quotient isn't the main concern. this kind of sampling is popularly
recognized as critical, discerning and prejudiced sampling procedu

Research Report 2018

Event Sampling:

An occasion inspecting is a perception to help comprehend an issue or occasion. The guardian

observes nearly to watch and investigate the circumstance. You should record what happened just
previously and what happened instantly following the occasion. Occasion testing is utilized to test
conduct in observational research. It is the place a spectator records the circumstances a specific
conduct happens.

Time Sampling:

Time inspecting is an examining strategy that includes the obtaining of agent tests by watching
subjects at various time interims. These time interims can be picked haphazardly or methodicallly.
Time inspecting is a strategy for gathering information or data in which you watch investigate
members for a particular measure of time and record regardless of whether a specific conduct or
movement occurred

3.3.3 Sampling Method of Research:

Testing is the way toward choosing units (e.g., individuals, associations) from a populace of intrigue
so that by concentrate the example we may reasonably sum up our outcomes back to the populace
from which they were picked. How about we start by covering a portion of the key terms in
inspecting like "populace" and "examining outline." Then, since a few kinds of testing depend upon
quantitative models, we'll discuss a portion of the measurable terms utilized as a part of examining.
At last, we'll talk about the significant qualification amongst likelihood and Non likelihood testing
techniques and work through the real kinds in each.

The analyst has been utilized 'Basic Random Sampling strategy 'for examining of this examination.
Information has been haphazardly chosen from huge gathering of test that would contrarily influence
the legitimacy of the consequence of the examination.

Research Report 2018
3.4 Data Collection Methods:

In this, exploration, the researcher has utilized Qualitative procedure include information both for

3.4.1 Qualitative Methods of Data Collection:

This module included fundamental components of subjective approach of research which help
specialist to have a reasonable thought regarding the up and coming outcome. This module can be
utilized to build the nature of overview. The subjective strategy utilized as a part of assessment that
can be characterized in three categories:

• In‐depth meet:

A subjective information gathering strategy, inside and out meetings offer the chance to catch rich,
graphic information about individuals' practices, states of mind and discernments, and unfurling
complex procedures. They can be utilized as an independent research strategy or as a component of a
multi technique configuration, contingent upon the necessities of the examination. Profundity
interviews are typically done up close and personal so an affinity can be made with respondents.
Non-verbal communication is additionally used to include an abnormal state of comprehension to the
appropriate responses. Phones can likewise be utilized by a gifted scientist with little loss of
information and at a tenth of the cost. The style of the meeting relies upon the questioner. Fruitful top
to bottom questioners listen as opposed to talk. They have an unmistakable line of addressing and
utilize non-verbal communication to fabricate affinity. The meeting is even more a guided discussion
than a staccato inquiry and answer session.

• Observation strategies:

The perception strategy includes human or mechanical perception of what individuals really do or
what occasions happen amid a purchasing or utilization circumstance. "Data is gathered by watching
process at work. Observational Methods in mental research involve the perception and depiction of a
subject's conduct. Scientists using the observational strategy can apply fluctuating measures of
control over the earth in which the perception happens.

Research Report 2018
• Document audit:

Archive audit is a method for gathering information by investigating existing records. The archives
might be inner to a program or association or might be outer. Records might be printed version or
electronic and may incorporate reports, program logs, execution appraisals, subsidizing
recommendations, meeting minutes, bulletins, and showcasing materials. Purpose of Qualitative Research:

Subjective research primarily used to have an appropriate comprehension of the information

assembled from various source which empowers the specialist to have a reasonable perspective of the
exploration issue. Subjective research gathers information by looking at perceptions and meetings. It
is the best approach to direct research by exhibit marvels that is happening in our life. Another reason
for subjective research to have a few proposals or recommendations which will lead a further report.
Subjective research is intended to uncover the implying that advises the activity or results that are
regularly estimated by quantitative research. In this way, subjective analysts explore implications,
understandings, images, and the procedures and relations of social life. What this kind of research
produces is graphic information that the specialist should then translate utilizing thorough and
deliberate strategies for interpreting, coding, and examination of patterns and subjects. Since its
concentration is regular daily existence and individuals' encounters, subjective research loans itself
well to making new hypotheses utilizing the inductive technique, which would then be able to be
tried with additionally investigate.

3.5 Interviews:

Meeting is a procedure which related with individual discussion amongst individuals and a gathering
of individuals who have a base thought regarding particular theme. Through meeting an information
can be gathered finest. The subjective research talk with looks to portray and the implications of focal
topics in the life universe of the subjects. The fundamental undertaking in talking is to comprehend
the significance of what the interviewees say. Meetings are especially helpful for getting the story
behind a member's encounters. The questioner can seek after inside and out data around the subject.
Meetings might be helpful as follow-up to specific respondents to questionnaires,e.g., to additionally
explore their reactions.
Research Report 2018
3.5.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Interviews:

There are few preferences and inconveniences of the picked strategy for information gathering are
which are clarified in the accompanying table:

Favorable circumstances of Interviews:

 Time sparing
 Development of relationship
 Selection of appropriate applicant.
 Collection of essential data
 Increasing information
 Explore cause behind the issue
 Depth investigation
 Solving work issues
 Flexibility

Impediments of Interviews:

 Incomplete process
 Costly
 No record
 Lack of consideration
 Biases of questioner
 Inefficiency of the questioner
 Not reasonable for individual issues

3.5.2 Forms of meeting procedures

The two fundamental sorts of meetings directed in advertising research are organized and

Research Report 2018
 Structured Interviews: The inquiries are foreordained:

Improvement of an organized meeting aide or survey requires an unmistakable topical concentration

and all around created comprehension of the current point. An all around created comprehension of a
theme enables scientists to make an exceptionally organized meeting aide or poll that furnishes
respondents with applicable, important and proper reaction classes to browse for each inquiry.
Organized meetings are, accordingly, best utilized when the writing in a topical territory is
exceedingly created or following the utilization of observational and different less organized talking
approaches that give the scientist satisfactory comprehension of a subject to develop significant and
pertinent close-finished inquiries.

 Unstructured Interview: Do not utilize any structure for meet:

Unstructured talking is prescribed when the analyst has sufficiently grown of a comprehension of a
setting and his or her theme important to have a reasonable plan for the discourse with the source, yet
at the same time stays open to having his or her comprehension of the territory of request open to
amendment by respondents. Since these meetings are not very organized and on the grounds that the
analyst's understanding is as yet developing, it is useful to envision the need to talk with witnesses on
various events.

 Situational talk with: Ask question as per particular circumstance

3.6 Research Design Structure:

There are different plans which are utilized as a part of research, all with particular focal points and
weaknesses. Which one the researcher utilizes, relies upon the points of the examination and the idea
of the marvel:

Descriptive Designs:

Elucidating research is an examination intended to delineate the members in an exact way. The three
fundamental approaches to gather this data are: Observational, characterized as a technique for

Research Report 2018
survey and recording the members. Contextual analysis, characterized as a top to bottom
investigation of an individual or gathering of people.

Relationship ponders:

Connection contemplates are utilized to search for connections between factors. There are three
conceivable aftereffects of a connection consider: a positive relationship, a negative connection, and
no connection. The connection coefficient is a measure of relationship quality and can run from –
1.00 to +1.00.

• Case Control Study

• Observational Study

• Cohort Study

• Longitudinal Study

• Cross Sectional Study

Semi test plan:

A semi test configuration is one that looks somewhat like a test configuration yet does not have the
key fixing - irregular task. My coach, Don Campbell, regularly alluded to them as "squeamish" trials
since they give the test perfectionists a nauseous inclination.

3.7 Research Question Design:

Research questions are the type of request to have information for concerned issue which has been
examined at the principal organize if this paper. To discover the appropriate responses from people
and contrast and others ought to have same time traverse or over some undefined time frame. One
type of information gathering as a major aspect of the subjective technique for inquire about is the
direct or vis-à-vis talk with method.(According to Berg, 2007)

Research Report 2018
In this examination specialist utilized up close and personal meeting with a few people who have an
appropriate information about the exploration subject.

There are chiefly four kinds of inquiries as indicated by Berg, 2007. They are given in the
accompanying table

Kinds of Interview Questions :

Basic Questions Questions that are straightforwardly include with look into.
Additional Questions To check the legitimacy and unwavering quality
Discard Questions: Questions that are utilized as ice-breakers amid a meeting session.
Testing Questions Questions to have remove realities.

Table 3.1 : Research question

3.8 Primary Data Collection Process:

Picking essential information is constantly extremely difficult in light of the fact that this information
may not be gathered previously. Essential information has a few favorable circumstances that give
analyst to go as far his needs. Picked inquire about investigation is depends which strategy use to
gather the essential information.

There are for the most part three strategies for directing an essential review. They are:

• Survey strategy:

The Survey strategy is the method of social occasion information by making inquiries to individuals
who are thought to have wanted data. A formal rundown of survey is readied. By and large a non
camouflaged approach is utilized. The respondents are posed inquiries on their statistic intrigue
sentiment. When contrasted with different strategies (coordinate perception, experimentation) study
yield a more extensive scope of data. Reviews are successful to create data on financial attributes,
mentalities, suppositions, thought processes and so on and to assemble data for arranging item
includes, publicizing media, deals advancement, channels of dissemination and other advertising
Research Report 2018
• Interview technique:

The subjective research talk with tries to portray and the implications of focal topics in the life
universe of the subjects. The fundamental assignment in meeting is to comprehend the significance of
what the interviewees say. (Kvale,1996)

• Observation technique:

Observational research (or field look into) is a kind of connection (i.e., non-exploratory) inquire
about in which a specialist watches continuous conduct. There are an assortment of sorts of
observational research, every one of which has the two qualities and shortcomings. These sorts are
composed underneath by the degree to which an experimenter interrupts or controls the earth.

Observational research is especially pervasive in the sociologies and in showcasing. It is a social

research strategy that includes the immediate perception of marvels in their characteristic setting.
This separates it from trial examine in which a semi counterfeit condition is made to control for fake
components, and where no less than one of the factors is controlled as a feature of the trial. It is
commonly isolated into naturalistic (or "non participant") perception, and member perception.

3.9 Research Participants:

The researcher has taken survey of 48 people who are University students.

3.10 Presentation of Researcher Finding:

As a feature of the exploration contemplate, the specialist focuses to display all discoveries for better
portrayal. All information that have been gathered through various meeting and examination the
information from various writing will be centered around the diverse regions of the exploration and

3.11 Reliability, Validity and Ethical Consideration:

Unwavering quality, legitimacy and moral thought of research are critical for the analyst to see each
term from various angles.

Research Report 2018

Chapter 4: Data Analysis

4.0 Introduction:

In this chapter the details of survey and analysis has discussed. The survey has conducted among 48
respondents to understand the negative impact of social media on face to face communication.

4.1 summary of survey:

The detail summary of survey is discussed below-

1. Do you use social media sites for personal communication?

o Yes
o No

Comments: It is seemed that most of the respondents uses socia lmedia for personal communication.

2. How many hours you spent daily on social media??

o 1 to 4
o 4 to 8
o 8-12
o 12-16

Comments: young people averagely spend a quarter of 24 hour in a day on socialmedia on a

regular basis.

3. Do you think that using social media is now an addiction to the university students?

o Yes
o No

Comments: Social media has captured the attention of the majority of the young university
students. It has become an addiction to them.

4. Does social media is destroying social norms and values?

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

Comments: Excessive use of social media by the students and other people threatens the social
norms and values. People are getting unaware about social behavior.
Research Report 2018
5. Do you prefer to use social media sites to communicate with your friends and colleagues?

o Very much preferable

o preferable
o Somewhat preferable
o Not preferable at all

Comments: As the social media tools are very much available and easy to use so, people likes to
communicate with their friends and associates through social media.

6. How does online networking affect your social life?

o Does not have an effect on face to f ace communication

o Somewhat has an effect on face to face communication
o Replaces most face to face communication

Comments: Social media has affects on peoples life and the way they interact with each other.
Sometimes it replaces the real life interaction.

7. Do you agree that social media increases personal interaction more than face to face

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

Comments: due to the availability of social networking sites people find it more convenient to
communicate via social media rather than face to face.

8. Is it true that the online communication is responsible for lack of personal interaction?

o Yes
o No

Comments: This is quite obvious that the online interaction is responsible for the reduction of
personal communication.

9. Do you think that the university students are becoming introvert in public due to excessive use
of social media?

o Yes
o No

Research Report 2018
Comments: University students are the main users of social media. They are becoming introvert as they
spend most of the times on online.

10. Do you agree that students are becoming self obsessed due to social media?

o Strongly disagree
o Disagree
o Neutral
o Agree
o Strongly Agree

Comments: the3 students are very much influenced by the news, podcasts in social media. They are
becoming obsessed with it.

11. Does the students are becoming careless about direct interaction as they communicate more
on social media?

o Yes
o No

Comments: Students are finding it fast and esy to communicate via online so they are becoming
careless about real life interaction.

12. Do you think face to face communication is needed for improving personal relationship?

o Yes
o No

Comments: people can only discover each other when they see each other personally, so face to face
communication is obvious to improve personal relationship.

Research Report 2018
Chapter five: Findings, Recommendation, Conclusion
5.1 Introduction:

In this chapter the findings of the survey has discussed. based on the answers of the participants the
findings are classified. Based on the findings the recommendations are discussed.

5.2 Findings:

 According to the participants 95.8% uses social media for personal communication. Other
4.2% doesn’t use it for personal communication
 According to the participants 59.6% respondents spend 1 to 4 hours on social media. 27.7%
spend 4 to 8 hours. 12.8 %spend 4 to 12 hours and 1.5% spend 12 to 16 hours on social
 According to the participants 88.6 % respondents said yes social media has become addiction
for the young people 11.4 % said no it is not.
 According to the participants 29.2 % agreed that social media is killing social values. 35.4%
remained neutral. 20.8% strongly disagreed. And 10.4 % disagreed with this fact.
 According to the participants 58.3% said they prefer to communicate via social media. 27.1 %
said it is very much preferable and 12.5 % said it is somewhat preferable.
 According to the participants 50% said online networking has an effect on their personal life.
33.3% said it almost replace face to face communication and 16.7% said it has no effect.
 According to the participants 45.8% agreed that online commutation increases face to face
interaction. 20.8% remained neutral, 16.7% disagreed with this fact. 10.4% strongly disagreed
and a few strongly agreed.
 According to the participants 81.3 % think online communication is responsible for the lack
of personal communication though 18.8 % doesn’t think so.
 According to the participants 72.7% thinks the university students are becoming introvert due
to social media. On the contrary 27.3% doesn’t think so.
 According to the participants 43.2 % agreed that students are becoming self obsessed due to
social media. 36.4 % remained neutral this time. 15.9% strongly agreed with this fact. 7%
disagreed with this question.

Research Report 2018
 According to the participants 68.2% thinks students are becoming careless due to social
media. On the contrary 31.8% said no this time.
 According to the participants 81.3 % thinks social media is needed to improve personal
communication. other 18.8% don’t think so.

5.2 Recommendation:

 Most of the respondents use social media for personal communication. The social media using
for personal commutation must be reduced.
 It has been observed that students spend countless hours on social media, it kills time and it is
bad for personal communication. So, they should avoid being on social media for all day
 Using social media has now become an addiction to the people. This addiction is harmful for
social life , so this habit should be changed.
 Based on the research it is seemed that the norms and values of the people are decreasing due
to social media, so it should be taken care of.
 People like to communicate through social media rather than in real life. Real life interaction
should be increased.
 Online network affects social life very deeply, so students should be careful that the virtual
life has no reflection on reality.
 Social media connected people worldwide, but it never improves the connection between
people. So, it is an illusion of mind. People should understand this fact.
 Due to online communication people don’t like to communicate personally, so personal
communication occur on a regular basis.
 University students are becoming introvert in nature due to social media, so the use of social
media is needed to make them extrovert.
 Based on the survey and observation people are becoming obsessed due to social media.
Which should not exceed any further. So, the parents should take of their kids about it.
 It is seemed that students are becoming careless about direct due to social media. It is very
absurd, so this thing must be handled.

Research Report 2018
 Without face to face communication personal relation can not improve so, face to face
communication should be increased.

5.3 Conclusion:

The advancement of digital technology the communication between individuals has become very
much easy and available. People can talk with each other from vast distance regardless of place and
time. Due to social media and online interaction the communication between person to person has
now become very artificial. People do not like to meet each other in public as they get very much
dependent on online communication. due to this reason people are losing their valuable connection
and people are becoming anti social. The researcher wanted to analyze the negative effect in this
research and according to the observation the negative impact is huge. The parents, family and
educational institutions should increase moral value among the students and make them understand
about the necessity of face to face communication for building up long term relationship with friends,
family and others. At last this is the utmost pleasure of the researcher to conduct this research.


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