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Designing a Coca-Cola Bottle Rocket

Year 5

Create a rocket using your 2 litre Coca-Cola bottle so that our experiment of combining Mentos and Coca-Cola looks like a real life
rocket in the sky! Design your rocket using recycled materials from the classroom – cardboard, cereal boxes, tissue boxes etc.
Materials can be joined together using masking tape and glue. The design of your rocket must be light enough for the rocket to leave
the ground during the experiment.

You will be working in pairs to create your rocket ship. Use the
examples provided by the teacher to design your rocket. You will first
draw the design of your rocket. Your design should include what
materials you will use for each element of your rocket. Prior to creating
the rockets you will need to create a drawing of the rocket and have
this checked by your classroom teacher. You will need to consider
materials that will make the overall look of your rocket appealing and
personalised. You will need to use paint or markers to decorate your
rocket to also make the rocket more appealing to your audience. Once
you have designed and created your rocket you will be using it during
our Mentos and Coca-Cola experiment. You will be observing what
happens to your rocket when Mentos is added to the Coca-Cola inside
your rocket.

Your group will have ONE (1) class period to design and create your rocket before presenting to the class.

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